tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 28, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. investigation. the messages were sent to and from top aid on at least one device she shared with her now estranged husband anthony weiner. so this set off a tabloid frenzy in new york. the headline in tomorrow's new york post, not suitable for family viewers, but is remarkable all the same in addition to tabloid fever. you will see it tomorrow and you will know what i'm talking about. the story and how director comey invailed it today is also stoking a political wild fire. a lot to come. we begin with jim sciutto. >> reporter: 11 days to the election, the fbi director informing lawmakers he is revealing new e maims related to the clinton e-mail investigation. law enforcement officials tell
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cnn the new e-mails were not from clinton, but were sent and received by her aid. they were found on a device shared by her and her estranged husband anthony weiner, who was the target into a separate investigation with alleged sexting with a minor. three months after the fbi wanted to close the probe. the fbi has learned of the existence of e-mails that appear pertinent to the investigation. director comey continued that the fbi will, quote, review these e-mails to determine whether they determine classified information, as well as to assess to importance to our investigation. i cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work. he wrote. all this after he declared clinton had acted carelessly but not criminally. >> in looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we
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cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. >> reporter: in iowa, hillary clinton at first did not comment on the case until this evening her campaign arranged a surprise press conference where if democratic nominee turned the tables on the fbi. >> the director himself said he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. i'm confident whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. therefore, it's imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. >> they have discovered new e-mails. >> reporter: donald trump, however, pounced at a rally in another battleground, new hampshire. >> hillary clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. we must not let her take her
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criminal scheme into the oval office. >> reporter: trump's campaign manager tweeted a great day in our campaign just got even better. house speaker paul ryan locked in a dispute of his party's nominee accused clinton of mishandling's most important information. >> and jim sciutto joins us now. what is the next step with the fbi revisiting this investigation? >> a long step, multiple steps, anderson. the director saying he is not certain yet if these e-mails are significant. our reporting is there is thousands of e-mails. they now have to go through those and look for classified information and make a judgment, is that information classified. to do that, they have got to consult with multiple intelligence agencies. it's not an exact science.
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we have seen in the last attempt at doing this that there are often disagreements as well. all those steps that process, certainly going to take more than 11 days, so it takes you passed this election, possible into a new administration. >> more on the investigation. i want to bring in our justice correspondent evan perez. what can you tell us about the timing of comey's statement. >> this puts the fbi into a bind, anderson. the fbi did not want to be playing a role in this election and that's why they wrapped up this investigation in july. however, when the investigators into the anthony weiner sexting investigation said we found thousands of e-mails and they might relate to the clinton e-mail investigation, they stopped work and brought in the team that had done the server investigation and the fbi director decided there was no way, having been so public with his description of what they had found, there was no way they could not tell members of
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congress. he's testified for hours before members of congress telling them what he had found, so there was no way he could keep this from them. >> even though it's 11 days before the election. does this answer any of those criticized comey back in july. a lot of people criticized him for going as far as he did back in july. does this answer those critics? >> it quiets a little bit. you can see from donald trump's reaction today that now he says maybe now the fbi is going to do this fairly. obviously, he says that the fbi -- he has been calling the fbi and jim comey lackeys and corrupt. and now we have members saying these are appalling. and also, by the way, we also have a letter from ron johnson who sent a letter to jim comey saying you oh us more information, as much information as possible about this investigation. >> what i do not understand and
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sort of am still trying to wrap my mind around is, a, how did the fbi not know about whatever device or devices that she sad with anthony had with weiner and now did they not see these e-mails and why didn't she turn over these devices and/or these e-mails during the original investigation? because it was her responsibility and anyone around clinton's responsibility to come forward with any information. >> you heard tonight from clinton she wants answers from the fbi. her campaign owes us some answers as well. what was the order of events here because the fbi certainly did not have possession of this. they didn't have possession until they obtained a number of devices as part of the weiner investigation. again, none of this happens without hillary clinton setting up a private e-mail server.
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>> right. and hillary clinton was asked at the very brief press conference she gave, i think she took two or three questions, the final was have you heard from her? >> she was on the plane with her today. so if she wanted answers, she could have gotten those today. that's the thing we have not yet heard from the campaign, is whether or not what is huma's explanation of this. why were these not in possession of the fbi until now? so thousands of e-mails are going to have to go through with the various intelligence agencies to determine whether or not they're relevant and whether or not they change. >> do you think comey will come forward and say more? >> not before the election. i don't think there is much he can say. they believe they have said as much as they can. >> thanks so much. two views now on the story. joining us now phillip mugg and jeffrey tuban.
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phil, you say this investigation will take weeks at the very wooes, so there is no way it could be completed in the next 11 days. you are convinced of that. >> no way. we are talking about a simple question here that is not the right question. was there classified information in these e-mails? there is serious additional questions that the fbi has to answer. for example, once you review these e-mails, you have to interview the people potentially who might have sent them or received them. you want to compare those interviews today in october to what people might have said during the earlier invest in mid-summer and determined whether there is discrepancies. if there are, if somebody said something in june, for example, that's different than what they say today, you might want to conduct reinterviews. now you're into december, so i don't think there is any chance that will be completed before december or, b, the fbi director will have enough information to talk to the press about where the investigation is headed.
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>> can i add one point here? there is a preliminary question that has to be answered is how many of these e-mails are duplicates of e-mails that have been turned over? they just happen to be on a different computer. i don't know, but that's certainly a possibly. and if many or all of them have been turned over previously, have been reviewed by the fbi, well, that certainly takes care of them. if i could just add another point about this business about talking to huma abadeen, the worst thing hillary clinton could do tonight is talk to her about this e-mail situation. she would be accused properly, i think, of trying to interfere, inject memories, lining up her stories. people do not -- any lawyer would tell hillary clinton, talk to her about anything except this e-mail situation because the fbi is certainly going to want to talk to her again and they don't want hillary clinton,
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even the possibly that she interfered and tried to get her to say one thing or another. >> interesting. phil, does it make sense -- and there is so much we don't know that it is difficult asking some basic questions, but does it make sense to you that the fbi in their original investigation would not have found these devices if they, in fact, did not find these devices or at least know about these e-mails that were apparently on them? or does it make sense to you that abadeen would not have turned over whatever these e-mails were? >> look, anderson, that's a legal question. you ought to be asking jeffrey. it makes sense to me depending on what immunity they would be giving to individuals in this case. how much of this information is new, how much we knew before. it's going to take -- if you've got thousands of e-mails, it is going to take a while to determine that. it is also going to take a while, as jim sciutto said, to
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determine if this information is classified. so it's not clear to me why they didn't uncover this information before. it is clear to me why the fbi close to reopen this investigation. he didn't have an option. somebody walks in his office and says we have additional information. the alternative says we choose not to reopen. i don't think he could have done that. >> i think that's right. he had no option except to pursue this investigation. i would like to correct something about immunity. the only time that comes up is when someone takes the fifth and refuses to cooperate. there is no suggest that she did that. >> phil, you are seeing comey had no choice but to do what he did. do you see a scenario in which he would then come forward, you know, tomorrow or the next day because so many people are saying, look, you got to give more information. we're 11 days before this
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election? >> boy, i really doubt that for two reasons. first, we have an american citizen in this case being investigated. the fbi decided she would not be charged criminally before. why are we revealing private information about an american citizen before the fbi determines she should be charged? there is a second reason, anderson, and that is as we go forward with this information, there is going to be information day by day. maybe future interviews with individuals. the story might change day by day, week by week. if he gets out there on monday and starts talking about the investigation, what is he supposed to do, change the story on wednesday? that is not the way the fbi does business. >> do you agree with that? >> i do. i don't think there is any way he could come out and give piece male updates on this investigation. this is already a very weird and unusual statement in that the fbi has a policy, not a law, but
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a policy that they are not supposed to make any big announcements within 60 days of elections, even in state situations or local elections. >> where does that come from? i have never heard that before. >> that's a long standing rule. and i certainly was aware of it when i was a prosecutor. is that, if possible, you are not supposed to, as a federal prosecutor, make announcements on the eve of elections. it is just generally not done because they could have such enormous impact. here, i think one of the things that people will be talking about, not for months but for years, is whether comey was right to make this announcement now instead of waiting. i can certainly understand his perspective. but i think he would certainly compound the problem by making piecemeal announcements when there is no way you could have a
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final decision about any criminal conduct in such a short period of time. >> thanks very much. more to talk about ahead. we are going to hear from both campaigns and later how this is being seen in swing states like iowa, where donald trump is. we're waiting for trump. we will be right back. ffet sat n a tuffet eating her curds and whey. along came a burglar who broke into her home and ransacked the place making off with several valuable tuffets. fortunately geico had recently helped her with homeowners insurance. she got full replacement on her tuffets. the burglar was later captured when he was spotted with whey on his face. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. whthat i would never grow up. made a deal with myself we met when we were very young... i was 17, he was 18. we made the movie the book of life. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can actually draw on the screen. so crisp. i love it. it's almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet
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had the perfect baby. (laughing) it's a typewriter for writing scripts... it's a sketchbook for sketches...'s a canvas for painting... you can't do that on a mac. i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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. >> welcome back. if you're the clinton campaign, it is tough to call the day a good one. this evening the campaign tried to redeem it with going on the defensive with fbi director james comey. >> i have now seen director comey's letter to congress. we are 11 days out from perhaps the most important national election of our lifetimes. voting is already underway. so the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. >> of course, hillary clinton earlier this evening. we have two campaign reports.
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dana bash and jeff. what does secretary clinton have to say at this brief press conference? >> anderson, she called on the fbi director to release all the information, whatever it is, immediately. she acknowledged there were 11 days left in this campaign and she said there simply can't be these questions hanging over it. she did not go beyond that, but then she made a turn to signal that this is really more of the same on e-mails and that's how the campaign hopes to handle this, at least in the short term. to rally democrats and say this is the same old, same old here. she made it clear and pointed out the fbi sent his letter only to republicans in congress. that is the signal, to rise up on this and simply cast this as more of the same. but anderson, that is overlooking some questions tonight that her campaign privately is acknowledging. >> yeah. i mean, what -- i know you've probably been talking to sources within the campaign.
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what worries them the most at this point? >> anderson, talking to a lot of democrats close to the campaign, the thing that worries them the most is that this campaign is ending being about her. the idea from the beginning was that if it ends being about trump, if questions are about donald trump, not her, then that is a winner for her. but if questions are about her, that is an issue. the reason is, anderson, she has very limited credibility on this issue. this has been a very long campaign and e-mails have been the sound track of this campaign going way back to the un back in march of 2015 when she first explained this private e-mail server and has gone through so many iterations. and now we're seeing more behind the scenes information because of those wikileaks. what her advisors are worried about the independents and moderates who are not quite sure, but most of all because the questions are about her they believe she is not going to get
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the benefit of the doubt here from any voters. >> at that press conference, clinton was asked about whether she talked to huma abedin. she basically avoided that, avoided answering. >> she avoided it. she did. and she -- look, the reality she was next to huma abedin all day long. she said, look, we don't know if -- she wouldn't acknowledge that it's about huma abedin's e-mails at all. she said we've heard the rumors and seen these rumors. she called on the fbi to release and say what they are looking for. but the reality is most democrats believe that is not enough. they can't control what the fbi does, but they can control huma and all the e-mails that she has seen. so they believe they will have to say something more on that. she's her closest confidant and adviser here, so it is unclear if those three questions she took today will solve all this. >> just from a legal standpoint,
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it would not be wise for hillary clinton to be talking to huma abedin about this. thanks. donald trump is speaking shortly in cedar rapids, iowa. we want to bring it to you as soon as he does. dana bash is there. trump clearly hitting her hard on this issue today. it would be remisof him not to. what points do you think the trump campaign is looking to emphasize? >> well, look, with any campaign, when something bad happens or something comes out in your opponents campaign that feeds into a narrative that is already a winning one, you think, you seize on it. and from the perspective of the trump campaign, there is nothing that is more of a winning argument than any headline that has to do with the fbi e-mails and hillary clinton. and, so, that is why the trump campaign and donald trump himself already has been hitting
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this hard and we certainly expect him to do so here. bu but i want to give the flip side of what jeff just said what i have been hearing from the trump campaign, which is he was saying that hillary clinton's people are nervous because the focus is on her and not him. what i heard from trump officials, in fact one senior adviser over the past few weeks talking about the fact they didn't think it was that likely they were going to win, the one break they were hoping to get is if something bad happened to her. there was a bombshell with regard to hillary clinton and her actions. whether or not this would be it, that's still to be determined, but they're certainly hoping to seize on it, anderson, any way theyky. >> the crowds there tonight are all aware of what's been in the news cycle today. it's got to add a lot of excitement. >> yes. lock her up is a chant you hear
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at every one of these raldies no matter what. there seems to be a renewed enthusiasm for that tonight as they have certainly heard. i was just talking to the crowd earlier, certain they heard the news about this. and hillary clinton earlier when she was talking about this, he mentioned early voting has started in many states. iowa is one of them. they have been voting here since september 29th. this isn't just about whether things can be resolved in the next 11 days. this is about the here and the now, which went for barack obama twice and already it was going to go potentially for donald trump. the trump campaign hopes this gives them a leg up. >> just a few hours ago, hillary clinton was campaigning at cedar rapids. she held two rallies today. ahead tonight, how the new twist in the e-mails controversy should shift the race.
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complete facts about the review of e-mails related to her personal server. her remarks after fbi director james comey said they would be re-investigating. they were sent by huma abedin and shared with disgraced congressman anthony weiner. all of this, how will it shift the election, will it shift the election. polls have been tightening. john keen joins us now. do we know that? >> reporter: we don't. we should be careful about this. he's just now beginning to recover from that. we woke up this morning looking at a map like. this we already have secretary clinton if you look at the solid democrat and lead democrat states. the gold states are the toss updates. so if you are donald trump, your task is win november november,
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ohio, florida. in many of these dates hillary clinton is ahead or tied with you. and she has much more money than you in the bank. so donald trump's task this morning was almost impossible because even if he won all of these gold states, anderson, even if he won them all, even if donald trump won them all on the board, absolutely no guarantee of this, in fact incredibly hard, it wouldn't be enough, even if he won them all. so what did he need? he need add shift in the national dynamic. it was too much to ask in 10 or 11 days to change 8 or 9 states. this is the national dynamic. he needs to get this down to one or two. if he's down one or two on election day, it's still conceivable he could win at the state level. the first poll might show a big swing, don't believe it. wait until the second. does it trickle back.
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in the case of the access hollywood tape, we were talking about the race was over. he has slowly crept back. this is where we are now. can donald trump swing it back? and if it starts to swing back, can hillary clinton adapt? >> with only 11 days to do. >> the access hollywood thing happened a wile ago, so he still hasn't fully recovered. the question is if there is a big backlash, what happens. we don't know what this is going to do. you hear republicans thinking this a game changer. let me go back to the other map. so number one, one state to watch, watch georgia. right now it is a dead heat. this is a state that should be in the donald trump bank a long time ago. watch the red states where he is still struggling. he cannot be worrying about reliably republican states. if it goes locked in back to
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republican, he's okay. also watch utah. you thought clinton was going to win in a blow out. you wanted to send donald trump a message, but you also wanted to send the republican party a message. now, if this map starts to change, if trump gets momentum, these voters are going to have to think, do we want to deny utah six electoral votes because if doing so you might make hillary clinton president. so they will have to reconsider. but then i want to come back to this point to finish with this. if you go back to where we were, this is an incredibly hard left, almost impossible. can he get enough of a swing to pull off everything on this map? if he could win them all, it gets close. watch knew hampshire or pennsylvania because even physical donald trump runs all the toss ups right now, he has to turn bsomething blue.
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can he swing those that fast? that's the challenge. >> all right, john. thanks. coming back to the panel, i want to talk about some other stuff and talk to our panelists. i heard people earlier talking about water gate and some republicans saying, look, this is bigger than watergate. >> it's not watergate. watergate was about a criminal president of the united states who presided over a criminal administration from the day he took office until the day he left. this is nonetheless about a hugely serious event in which a secretary of state was clearly reckless, endangered the
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national security by her handling of e-mails. and one of the things that i think we're looking for that is suggested, perhaps and they don't want to speculate too much, is that some of these e-mails may be from huma abedin to hillary clinton and perhaps, is it possible that the so-called missing e-mails from hillary clinton's server, those that she said were personal, is it possible that some of these e-mails were work related. that might be suggested in this, but you don't want to be too speculative. >> right. we don't know the content of these e-mails. we don't know if all the e-mails they found were duplicates of what they have already seen. >> exactly. we don't know if it's on huma's computer, whether she took some stuff from work and sent it home. >> which she should have told the fbi investigators she had done that because she had a problem printing stuff in her office. >> so we don't know. and what we do know is that the
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n br fbi hasn't reviewed all of these e-mails yet. there is a significant number. we're not sure how many. they haven't reviewed them yet, which is why comey said they can't assess whether or not this material may be significant. what comey didn't tell us was that it wasn't hillary clinton's e-mails. it was somebody else's e-mails. and i think that's what the clinton campaign right now is fuming about. >> david, our political director, can you assess the political impact of this? >> i don't think we can assess yet. except we can assess this. this is not how the clinton campaign wanted to close ut. and it is something that gives them a real life force to the trump troops. this is -- trump campaign has been -- >> not only trump, but all republicans. >> without a doubt. i think it may be more beneficial impact down ballot but for donald trump himself and his whole operation, just think
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about they just got this huge ability to have something to go out every day and rail against that is fresh in the headlines they can dominate and keep the conversation on. this is precisely how they want to close out. >> every time he has had that opportunity in the past, something has come up. so let's see this is the campaign that denies all rules, all logic, all history. it's just a remarkable one. but to david's point, hillary clinton has run -- she is not the best candidate. she has many flaws. she is not a great political performer if you will. she also has many skills, but they have made this campaign about donald trump, which is masterful because this campaign should be about do you leave the democrats in power. that's what it normally would be about. the clinton campaign has made it about donald trump. >> we're going to take a break, but very quickly i learned something from you in the last hour and i want to have our viewers learn this.
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just in terms of who the clinton campaign with all their access to data, who they try to get ut first in early voting and why maybe this might not have as big an impact. >> big data has fundamentally changed how this works. you don't knock on doors anymore. the first people you try to turn out is people who used to support donald trump, who pulled away from him for whatever reason. maybe for the access hollywood tape. you have a database, you know she used to be a trump voter. she's now for clinton. on the first day of early voting you grab her by the ear and get her to vote. >> so somebody who is a die hard hillary clinton supporter, they're not as concerned. >> they want you to vote early, but they're the last person you worry about. >> so the test of their data operation, how many of these people did you turn out already. and now it is a best of the trump organization because those records are all public.
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>> interesting. >> can you imagine if there were another republican candidate that hillary clinton was running against, right? >> i think a lot of people have imagined that. we're going to take a quick break. we have been waiting to hear from donald trump who is now said to be minutes away. we will continue our conversation after break. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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>> again, we are waiting to hear from donald trump, expected very shortly in cedar rapids, iowa. that's michael flynn there on stage, a big trump supporter. i want to turn to our trump supporters, also our clinton supporters. kayla, you are smiling. this is a big day for you. >> it is because hillary clinton's mo was typically this is a vs. right-wing son spirsy. that's what she did with the benghazi hearings. this is straight from the fbi, no republican involvement and that makes it significant. for those wants to blame jim comey or the fbi, back up for a moment and ask yourself, we wouldn't be here today if
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hillary clinton had abided by the rules. we would not be here today if she didn't delete 30,000 e-mails. we wouldn't be here if she handled government with integrity. we wouldn't be here today if not for hillary clinton's actions. >> john is making the point they are not re-opening the case, which i know all the clinton supporters were urging to get in there. also, we might not be here today if hillary clinton and son-in-law of the people around her had cooperated right away in a timely manner, as opposed to some of the difficulties they had in actually going to -- donald trump is actually now taking the stage. it looks like he is going to be greeting the crowd. we will bring it to you as soon as he starts to talk. but, bill, that's the point someone in the fbi was making, was, look, this got pushed back because there was not a lot of cooperation early on.
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>> we wouldn't be here if james comey had done his job. it is irresponsible on the part of james comey. it was told huma abedin told him there were other e-mails on other sur verervers. what did the fbi do? let that go? >> let's listen in to donald trump. >> and kathy, his beautiful wife. they're here someplace for their support. greatest wrestler maybe ever. he loves iowa, and so do i. so thank you, dan. you are out here somewhere. where is dan? thank you, dan. thank you, kathy. so nice. thank you. i love you, too. i love you, too. i love you, too. as you have heard earlier today,
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the fbi, after discovering new e-mail, is re-opening their investigation into hillary clinton. [ applause ] >> the investigation is the biggest political scandal since watergate, and it's everybody's hope that justice at last can be delivered. in a very brief remark tonight, hillary clinton tried to politicize this investigation by attacking and falsely accusing the fbi director of only sending
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the letter to republicans, another clinton lie. as it turned out, the letter was sent to both republican and democratic leaders in long. the fbi would never have re-opened this case at this time unless it were a most egregious criminal offense. as you know, i have had plenty of words about the fbi lately, but i give them great credit for having the courage to right this horrible wrong. justice will prevail. prior to today's events, i was going to start off this speech
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by talking about how great we've been doing in the polls. we've been running an issue-based campaign focused on change, accountability and, of course, repealing and replacing obamacare. we're campaigning all over the country with a plan to bring back our jobs and provide safety for our families. in recent days, polls showed us surging four points ahead in ohio, going three points ahead in north carolina. we're up, according to bloomb g bloomberg, at least two points in florida. and, by the way, the people
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standing on lines in florida and so many other places are unbelievable. early voting states. and a lot of them have red hats. they have white hats. they have pins. they have shirts that happen to say make america great again. and for the most part, these are people that are voting for trump, right? for the most part. when they have the whole deal and plenty of buttons, we've got their vote. but the lines have been incredible all over the country. we pulled -- thank you. we pulled ahead nationally in numerous polls and this was all before this recent disaster for her, but justice for the country . >> we have gaps, but we are really moving, and i just wanted
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to say that because i don't know what's going to happen now, and by the way, speaking of iowa, and speaking of polls, the des moines register -- not my favorite paper -- has us up four points in iowa. 11 days we are going to win the state of iowa and we are going to win back the white house. >> it looks like donald trump has moved off the topic on hillary clinton, which is really what we were looking to hear. do you think -- were you surprised he didn't kind of make more of it tonight? he earlier did and certainly has -- there's a lot of enthusiasm in that crowd about it. >> no, because i don't think he wants to over reach. that's something the clinton campaign has had a problem. they overreach and their arguments sound quite silly. he made the point, twice today, you're going to hear this
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repeatedly succinct and he's going to let that play out the fbi for itself. >> there is a danger too much and he becomes president and that impacts the investigation. >> both candidates tonight have said things they should not have said. >> how so? >> hillary clinton said they only sent this letter to republicans. that's simply not true. they sent the letter to the chairman of the committee, republicans, because republicans controlled the house and the september, and cc 'ed the republicans and they all get it. >> yes, they all got the e-mail. it is just simply not true and it's an attempt to play to the partisan ship. it is not true. donald trump could be the president elected in a few days. he should not be telling the fbi how to finish its investigation. he's going to benefit any way, but justice is going to be served, it used to be rigged now it's fine, he's saying i'm going to be president and this -- that
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is kind of nixonian cards at the table. he should be more careful. he's going to get political benefit any way. if he's going to be president of the united states, you can't be prejudging investigations. >> i do agree with something donald trump said tonight and that is justice will prevail and i think justice will prevail and to quote hillary clinton there, there's not going to be any their there, and repeating that i think in terms of what the facts are. this is not a reopening of the case number one, and number two, none of the e-mails came from clinton's e-mail server, none of this -- we don't even know if any of this contains classified material. we don't know if any of this is significant and if they have seen these, they have actually had to look at some of this and if they don't know if it contains classified material, isn't it supposed to have the big heading that says "classified?"
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that is just an indication -- >> it could be -- >> we don't have the information. >> it would be some in criminating e-mails, not just classified material, in which somebody is discussing something which is incriminating. >> we don't know. >> before i was rudely interrupted by donald trump, the point i was trying to make is now having dropped the stink bomb, i think james comey has to -- i disagree with jeffrey tooben. how dare he say this is not significant. we're talking about president of the united states. you cannot have this cloud hanging over the election for 11 days. if i could just say put it out there and let the voters decide. >> he told congressional committees when he testified that if there were any changes in his investigation, he would notify them and that is exactly -- we were talking about it earlier. that is exactly what happened today. however, i agree with you in the sense that he didn't say that --
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he said we don't know if this is going to be significant or not, but he didn't say why. he didn't say this was huma abedin's computer and he didn't say these are not hillary clinton e-mails. he didn't -- he didn't put enough meat on the bones and therefore the speculation of course runs rampant 11 days before the election. >> because, carl, it does feed into -- i hate the word "narrative." it's overused, and you used that in your biography. >> i was going to say just that. if this goes to the picture of the clintons and hillary clinton and a circus anthony weiner sexting, her e-mails, all in this one sorted pot, we're back in the swamp and that's what donald trump can playoff of here on top of which it seems to me that it would -- >> it also reminds people -- >> yes. >> -- this is what it's going to be for four years if she gets into the white house. >> that's exactly the point, oh, the circus again.
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we had this before and here we go again, and we're not even in the white house. and this is something that can go to those voters who might go for the gary johnson possible. they might say, i don't want to vote for hillary clinton with this. >> most of -- most of the people who think what you just said were never going to vote for hillary any way. so i believe -- >> i'm not sure. >> -- this has been -- for the majority of the american people, this has been baked in. >> i do think for millennial voters, wait a minute, this is a reminder. >> millennial are looking, okay, she was secretary of state, we had benghazi, the deleted e-mails, taking a hammer to the devices. fine look at her campaign. what did she do with the campaign? it looks like -- if you want to use the term "corruption," hiding, not being trustworthy. this is the experience with hillary clinton. that's all you see and you want
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that person to go to the white house. that's what's over her head. >> no. >> this is huma -- >> go ahead. >> this is huma abedin's machine, okay, or her device. it is not hill -- wait a minute i listened to you. >> it is not hillary clinton. >> that's right. >> a.p. reported she sent none of these e-mails. you're just jumping to conclusions. >> we've got to take a break. i want to thank everybody on the panel. be right back.
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that's all the time we have. "cnn tonight" with don lemon starts now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. and boy do we have breaking news for you. clinton campaign turmoil with just 11 days to go until election day. this is "cnn tonight," i'm don lemon. anthony weiner sexting scandal comes back to haunt hillary clinton. the fbi reviewing e-mails center or received by top clinton aide huma abedin, wiener's estranged wife, the e-mail surfacing as part of the investigation as wiener sexting, from at least one device shared by abedin and wiener, according to a law enforcement official, and message member in the thousands, hillary clinton telling reporters this. >> we don't know the facts, which is why we are calling on the fbi to
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