tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 1, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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>> is that u.s. taxpayer money? >> indeed. most is not reimbursed by the iraqis. we heard today that the food, ammunition and resupply that the u.s. is giving the iraqis is not being reimbursed at this point, wolf. >> barbara starr. thanks very much. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next the breaking news. the clinton campaign slamming james comey asking why the fbi released information about a 2001 bill clinton pardon with only seven days till the election. and trump continues to climb in the polls and new details how trump gains the system using other people's money to avoid paying his own taxes. let's go "outfront." i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight the breaking news. clinton crying foul with just one week until election day. the fbi releasing heavily
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redacted files from a is a-year-old investigation of one of president bill clinton's most controversial pardons. the fbi went on twitter tweeting out the twitter of the man pardoned on blibt's last day in offense. the clinton campaign spokesman called the release odd. asking will fbi be posting docs on trump's housing discrimination in the 1970s? in the meantime hillary clinton trying to change the subject and trying to focus on trump and his abuse of women. clinton attacking trump for his comments about machado and others. >> he calls women ugly, disgusting, nasty all the time. he calls women pigs. rates bodies on a scale from 1-10. we just heard from alicia.
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she was miss universe. why does he do these things? who acts like this? i'll tell you who. a bully. >> and as the busy night on the campaign trail. duelling rallying right now. donald trump and hillary clinton both going to be speaking live on those podiums. reince priebus at one in wisconsin right now. donald trump will be taking the podium there. and hillary clinton in florida. we'll go to both in a moment but the polls right now are neck and neck in crucial states. we want to turbine with our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto in washington. today the campaign going on offense trying to slam the fbi and in particular jim comey. >> friday's announcement of these e-mails, probably related to the clinton e-mail investigation and now this oddly timed says the clinton campaign announcement or release of foia documents back 15 years to the
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bill clinton presidency and at the same time saying why not similar disclosure for fbi investigations of trump team ties to russia. >> just days after disagreeing to go public with new clinton related e-mails fbi director comey and attorney general lornt lynch met behind closed doors on monday. the first time they have been face to face. and don't expect anything from comey until the investigation is complete. a review of thousands of e-mails for classified information or other evidence of wrongdoing. an investigation that likely won't be finished until after election day. clinton's advisors continue to level fire at the fbi. campaign manager mook telling comey's letter to congress represents a blatant double standard.
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>> shocking that every time asks questions about investigations for donald trump, they are tight lipped and sticking with protocol. when it comes to hillary clinton, they don't. >> the clinton campaign is also calling foul after the fbi released documents tuesday related to the 2001 investigation. hillary clinton's spokesman took to twitter saying absent a foia litigation deadline, this is odd. will fbi be posting docs on trump's housing discrimination in the '70s? calling to release any information on donald trump and alleged ties to russia. >> we're asking him to make this right and treat everybody the same. >> reporter: the fbi has been conducting multiple
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investigations. the probes include a yearlong investigation of paul manefort, former trump campaign manager and his firm and alleged ties to pro putin figures in ukraine. and the fbi also looked into the meetings between others. and it continues to examine allegations against roger stone, a trump supporter about possibly connections to wikileaks. stone acknowledged communicating with wikileaks but denied any illegal behavior. >> i have a back channel communications with wikileaks but they certainly don't clear or tell me in advance what they are going to do. >> cnn pressed the fbi multiple times today to explain why this foia release relating to mark rich today just a few days to the election day and a short time ago we did get a statement saying that by law foia materials that have been requested three or murphy times are posted electrically to the
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fbi's public reading room it. goes on that these are automatically. impli implying it just popped up. there is no command decision to put this out there now. part of the regular process. that is the explanation. >> and a crucial part of the conversation now. i want to go both rallies right now. jeff zeleny is in this fralawed dale florida.ort lauderdale florida. >> reporter: she's trying to revisit donald trump's past. and at her side in florida was the former miss universe alicia machado. she had very strong words for donald trump. let's listen. >> i'm standing here on behalf of women and latinos across the country. americans who have been
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horrified with his dangerous ideas and vision of america. and together who are going say loudly and clearly no trump. he's not getting away with it. >> he doesn't see us as full human beings with our own dreams, our own purposes, our own capables and he's shown that clearly throughout this campaign. well, he is very wrong. he has shown us who he is. let us on tuesday show him who we are. >> erin, this is all about character. hillary clinton trying to make the argument that he's not fit for office and he's not temperamentally fit and doesn't have the character. she tonight at a rally is going to go after his taxes as well. erin, so different from her posture a week ago when she was trying to close this a campaign on a high positive note. now the clinton campaign is fortifying their effort in blue states across the country on the
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air once again in colorado, wisconsin, michigan, virginia. the states they thought they had in their bag. i'm told it is a safety measure, as they are slightly uncertain here and not as confident as they were a week ago. now one week out before election day. >> and you mentioned wisconsin. well that is where donald trump is right now. in wisconsin a state he wants to win. you have been talking to the campaign. what is trump going to be speaking about there? ? >> reporter: and just to piggy back off what jeff was saying a few moments ago, as the trump campaign sees a tightening race they believe these individual battleground states are going to become a lot closer and even those traditionally blue states that have been voting democratic for decades now, including here in wisconsin. but yes a top campaign official said a few moments ago that donald trump when he gets out
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here in o claire wisconsin will be talking about the clinton saga. and wikileaks. and he's also going to go after obamacare. and something talking about earlier in pennsylvania. and it's been striking all day erin, there is a candidate who can veer off course. veer off message at any moment. but yet in the last 24 to 48 hours, ever since the clinton e-mail story broke last friday he's been much more on message. definitely much more on message today when he was going after obamacare. and one other final thing to point out erin, and that is he has almost a united wisconsin front at this event here in wisconsin. the governor of the state scott walker is on stage. reince priebus also was on stage here. ron johnson running for reelection in the senate is em brags donald trump. even echoing the catch phrase "drain the swamp."
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one person not here, house speak speak speaker paul ryan. >> very significant, you have scott walker there. the surrogate support that donald trump has wanted. thank you jim. "outfront" now our panel. corey, robbie mook, the fbi sticking to protocol when it comes to donald trump, refusing to comment but not so with hillary clinton, coming out with this letter and dumping these documents via twitter today related to the mark rich part. >> i said this very clearly on july 95 when director comey came out and had a press conference saying we're going clear hillary. i think he should have gathered the evidence and given to it a
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prosecutor to determine if they were going to move forward. he chose not do that. we didn't hear any complaints or any chaos from the clinton side. they said he's a great, reputable individual and sunday tim kaine saying the exact same thing. and what we're not talking about to be clear the package --. he was the campaign chairman. two separate roles and all of a sudden today we find he's under fbi investigation. i find it very interesting that all of a sudden the clintons aren't talk about that. >> to many that would be a distinction without a difference. for you it was personal -- >> -- >> and robbie mook. two very different roles. paul was a position he was not being paid for. honorary. >> he's working for the chai campaign. if he was doing something with the russians inappropriately. >>like john podesta's e-mails. two different things. >> i -- >> what is the point?
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john podesta's e-mails have been a subject that trump's people have been attacking him about for the past two weeks. but the idea you can't attack paul manefort because he's not associated with the campaign. he's the carhairman of the campaign. >> -- from the clinton campaign the fbi is investigating paul manefort. is that actually taking place and. >> the fbi leaked the story last night apparently to the "new york times" that there was no evidence connecting the russian ties to donald trump. where did that come from? why is the fbi even leaking information? of course there is a the double standard. comey should never have had a press conference back in the summer but after that he continues to be pressured and bullied by the republican party and republicans in congress to release information that doesn't have to be released. it is time for him to shut up and just do his job. >> this is a democrat administration and that democrat justice department. >> and a republican fbi
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director. >> patrick, when you look at this, the totality of it. do you see a double standard? >> i think it's very clear that comey has followed a different standard with the clinton campaign sort of all along. what we saw in the summer in terms of him going out publicly, giving the press conference that he the did and then going before congress, making different statements. it basically played into a really kind of, you know, volatile explosive situation. and usually you have the fbi stepping back. and i certainly defer to others but stepping back and making judicious statements and putting out information only at the end of a report when they are bringing charges when they recommend them to the justice department. and in this case now, i think you are having basically a clinton campaign that is -- that is sort of waiting to see what kind of drip, drip, drip comes. this is not what they want for the last seven days. and they are really just hoping that there is going to be
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silence. >> when you hear this criticism jim, what do you say? if he hadn't come out and exonerated her the way he did in july he might not have had to come out now and say i'm still looking it a. >> the fbi has been around for a long time. they have been the investigative arm for the federal government since 1908. i think the fbi from its inception was created to be an apolitical organization. follow the evidence. we go where the evidence takes us. this director in particular. i served under four of them. two that were appointed by democratic presidents and two by republican presidents. this director has a moral compass and a level of transparency i've not seen before. i think he was dealt a difficult hand. he didn't go seeking it out. he didn't go looking for it. he followed the evidence. and when he made the decision i think it was one he felt was right to make. >> and the obama administration
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came out and said i still have trust in director comey. i'm not going to defend it or not but i have trust. i do believe he's independent. and for hillary clinton to try to blame this on comey. first on powell, and then her aides and the fbi notes and as stoddard wrote. hillary clinton owns this all. but for a legal serve they are jeopardized top secret information we'd not be having this conversation now. we're having it because the irresponsibility of your candidate. bottom line. end of story. >> -- >> saying he made a mistake and there is a double standard is not the same as challenging his integrity. i don't ca i don't think anyone is saying he's not a person of integrity. but when you are willing to release information about hillary clinton but not willing to release information about donald trump a few weeks before the -- >> isn't that calling -- >> -- it's a double standard. i don't know what the
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motivations were but he should have known there would be perceived as the double standard and the idea he had to go down this route in the first place by releasing -- >> let me ask you james about this other information about the mark rich thing. you heard the fbi statement that jim sciutto just had. that that say well it automatically happened. there had been multiple requests you should the freedom of information act. so it was available. so it automatically dumped. the timing does seem stranger. the most controversial pardon of bill clinton. and dogged him ever sense and magically hit twitter today. >> i understand that. you have to understand how freedom of information cases are handled. this is a kparmt for that at fbi. the separate department. the folks who do that they come in first serve -- you know, when they reach the freedom of information act folks. they work it. sometimes a ton of redactions that can be made. you have to go through and make sure nothing sensitive that should not be released. sometimes there are reams and
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reams and reams of documents. it takes a ton of time. >> so you do not see any sort of collusion conspiracy -- >> i do not. the folks working on that releasing those. as they come in -- >> i have to chime in here. >> go ahead. >> this is from an account that was not used since october 2015 before sunday. on sunday they released the ig report about hillary clinton's e-mails. on sunday they released surveillance requests about the baltimore protests having to do with freddie agregray. the only thing on the trump side was an ininvestigation about donald trump and his father donating to city council members at the time. hasn't been used since october and it just so happens that the friday of director comey makes this -- sends this letter out to republican chairman on the house and senate side. all of a sudden this account needs to be used --
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>> -- >> questioning the integrity of the federal bureau of investigation is not going to win you single voter -- >> -- >> -- election is rigged is an okay thing to do. you are the kings and queens of the experience theories. >> i think the notion that the entire federal bureau of investigation is on a witch hunt to go after hillary clinton is absurd. we're now questioning the integrity of not just the director but the people on the freedom of information act division who releases information and anybody who's ever worked there in a period of time when these requests -- >> -- >> should not be questions any way shape or form. >> this is america. every department is subject to criticism in questioning.
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including the -- >> >>[chatter]. >> i think this is playi right now to mr. trump and his interests. the degree to which there are -- the conspiracy theory element, the idea that the government is doing this, pulling this string and that string, it goes to a core concern that a lot of voters have and the states he's going to and michigan and new mexico and other states that something is afoul. that powers behind the scenes are pulling strings. and there is a degree to which they can plant doubt, that the trump campaign can plant doubts, reinforce them or even let them sit. and you are seeing hillary clinton trying now do this pivot that jeff zeleny. at least with a lot of -- >> we are going to talk about
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what she had to say about women and donald trump coming up but next we're watching the duelling trump and clinton rallies and could it all come down to new hampshire and its four electoral votes? plus president obama on the trail every day this a week. can he deliver a win for clinton? . >> a man you can bait with a tweet is not somebody you want to trust with nuclear weapons. >> and you see them there. meet donald trump and hillary clinton. yes that is who you are looking at. is he voting for him? is she voting for her? we'll be back.
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donald trump in wisconsin, hillary clinton in florida. the clinton campaign has surrogates across the country tonight. bernie sanders and president obama on that list. >> this is not somebody you want your kids saying is the president of the united states. because our kids will learn from it. the good news is ohio, all of you are uniquely qualified to make sure he doesn't get that chance. all you have to do is vote. and these are not equal candidates. >> i don't want to make all of you nervous here in new hampshire. you are a battleground state. >> the future of this company may rest on your four electoral votes for president.
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>> he's right about that. david chalian is "outfront." bernie sanders saying the future of the country could rest on new hampshire and it could. >> without a doubt erin. first look at the state of play in new hampshire. the latest poll out of there shes a significant hillary clinton lead, 46 to 39% that. 7 point lead is why you see donald trump looking elsewhere. wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania for a blue state. because right now new hampshire he's not there. but let's go into the electoral map and look at exactly what bernie sanders is talk, about and why he can make a difference. let's flip new hampshire from blue to red right now for donald trump. and then let's give donald trump the rest of these yellow battleground state, nevada, utah, arizona, this is best case scenario for him. florida, north carolina and ohio. boom. 269 to 269. that -- then you would hunt for that one congressional district electoral vote in maine to put him over the top but it is new
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hampshire that makes this a tied race in this scenario and gets it thrown into the house of represe representatives. >> that is incredible. people say wait a minute that would be an incredible thing indeed. thank you david chalian. and as david said, that is why so much is riding on new hampshire. imagine that. >> 269 to 269. trump tonight hammering clinton on the e-mail issue but the question is will it make that difference in the crucial state of new hampshire? miguel marquez is out front. >> -- state republicans hammering away at clinton's e-mail issues. >> there is a culture of corruption she's brought to the democratic party from top to bottom. >> reporter: democrats say the fbi bomb shell has only hardened support, turning out more volunteers for clinton over the weekend. >> the voters you are hearing from the people you are talk to. >> they are not asking about it either. >> a tightening race. a fierce fight.
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clinton still up by several points but just a couple of weeks ago she was up by 15. today clinton bringing in her biggest help. bernie sanders taking off his nationwide tour for her with two stops in new hampshire. >> the differences between secretary clinton and mr. trump are day and night. >> reporter: and last week it was senator elizabeth warren, a favorite among liberals firing up women. >> i got news for you donald trump. >> since clinching the nomination trump has visited new hampshire nine times. pence four. hoping the e-mail revelations could put the state in play. but. >> we still have less than 80% of republicans saying they are going to vote for trump. he needs to have 90% plus. >> with more female than male voters here clinton running ahead of trump among women.
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her campaign now targeting men as well. >> what i've often heard men say is i have two daughters and i want them to be able to grow up and have every advantage. >> reporter: both campaigns running full bore. 1.4 million door knocks and a hundred thousand calls for republicans. democrats counter nearly 600,000 individual doors knocked and more than 2 million calls in this tiny state. >> the craziest i've ever seen. >> reporter: this election, anything possible. >> the electoral college math has been a mess. you have hillary going to red states. you have trump going to blue states. >> reporter: john is a snu calling it like it is. what we're still not seeing is the tightening happening here in new hampshire. whether it is the normal tightening or due to the e-mail. we probably won't know for that couple of days. democrats haunted by the ghost of 2000 when george w. bush want
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the four electoral votes here. that say if that had not happened florida would not have mattered and history much different. >> my panel is back. let's start with you. new hampshire? >> -- >> can kro this a trump state. >> it is a state where you have to remember there is no early voting in new hampshire. there is no primitive absentee file. 98% of the people actually show up on election day. very important. what we do know is new hampshire the state motto is live free or die. independent state. they want smaller government traditionally. and they take policy very very seriously. look at the clinton record in new hampshire. bill clinton did not win there. hillary clinton did not one when she ran there. bernie sanders won. donald trump had a decisive victory in the primary against
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16 people who maybe thought she shouldn't have won that race. he won by 18 points. >> latest abc poll. 86% of republicans back donald trump. it was up from 0. he's been getting people to what shay say come home. marco rubio, and paul ryan voting for trump. unenthusiastically but is that enough? >> no i don't think. and the reason why and this is donald trump's biggest disadvantage is surrogates or the lack thereof. you can't go into a state like new hampshire and just count a victory when he doesn't have people like john kasich who came in second in the new hampshire primary that assistaisn't even supporting trump in ohio let alone rallying republicans for donald trump in new hampshire. he doesn't have paul ryan. he doesn't have chris christie
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who did pretty well new jersey. the other problem is hillary clinton has this very large bench of high profile surrogates who can drive the news. while mr. trump is in wisconsin doing his business there. he's not able because he doesn't have the same kind of bench. corey lewandowski should maybe go to new hampshire -- >> interesting point, i know corey will make the point. the trump children are out on the campaign trail. eric, and donald trump jr. both on the campaign trail. but hillary clinton does have the big name surrogates whether it is bernie sanders or barack obama or elizabeth warren and michelle obama. donald trump is doing a lot more rallies in a day because he doesn't have anybody else to do them for him. will that matter? >> well it is not just a matter of surrogates. look, if hillary clinton wins the obama coalition she wins. the republican party, this is a reason there was the big rethink
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of 2012 realized that it had a demographic problem of the national level. one of the arguments that trump has made is that he's expanding. he's actually getting some democrats to come home to him. but if he can't get republicans out to vote for him he has no chance. because the obama coalition is strong enough. with president obama was the best surrogate. by way. we haven't mentioned him. you have a man who can go out there and say the equivalent of one last one for the giper. do it for me. what he's doing is pushing for turnout. look at the places he goes to. they are places that she is -- she's popular but she's not wildly popular. >> but it is not working. what is the point? despite obama being out there and michelle obama and all these great speeches we've heard democrats praise over the last few days she has 6% fewer
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democrats supporting her than republicans supporting donald trump. donald trump does have the surrogates but he doesn't need the elites to stand beside him because's prosecute a case where he's saying it is about you the american people. it is not the politician. i'm here to be your voice. and that is working. >> -- certain states come through with a greater -- >> -- not. >> -- and republican voters in certain states. that being that and the tightening with democrats coming -- >> -- early voting. florida and all these states he's losing in everyone is key state -- >> look, a new poll out of missouri angela. trump up 52-38 and this is a state that by the way he has to win. so him not making that point. i'm simply saying in august and mid october he was only up by five. so he's jumping there. that is something that has the democrats concerned including barack obama who's trying to go
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after the women issue in particular with donald trump. here he was today on the stump. >> by the way this is not just one tape where he's bragging about how being famous allows him to get away with actions that qualify as sexual assault. this is a lifetime of calling women pigs and dogs and slobs and grading women on a ten point scale. if you disrespected women before you were elected, you will disrespect once you are president. >> can he make a dins for her on the issue? the women issue? >> i think he has to. one thing that i think is abundantly clear is sexism whether it is implicit or explicit in this election is ie lye and well. and the president has always been a very effective surrogate. i think we saw him come out the dnc speech --. he's got carry this message for
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her and i think he's a mor more effective surrogate than many of the women in her chaampaign. >> he's out doing rallies and interviews. and here is more. >> when hillary is president, what do you think will be the female equivalent of you weren't born in in country? >> that is an interesting question. >> thank you. i have a lot of those. >> i think the equivalent will be she's tired, she's moody, she's being emotional. >> something about her. >> there is something about her. when men are ambitious. it is taken for granted. when women are ambitious, why? that theme i think will continue throughout her presidency and it's contributed to this notion that somehow she is hiding something. >> what a nasty woman.
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>> she has a point. he has a point. he keeps saying how hillary clinton is sleeping and doesn't have the stamina. >> i don't think so. i think hillary clinton does a remarkable job at playing victim which does a disservice to feminism and disservice to young women like me who are making more than male counterparts and higher degrees. and -- the infamous pitcher that lost for de blasio or bernie sanders sometimes --. she uses gender to her advantage. plays the victim card. addis service to the feminist community. >> you are flanked by some faces that are being made. tim. >> she didn't get pneumonia because she wanted to play victim. when you assume something about someone without knowing the content of their character or having ever talked to them it is
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an ism. whether it's race. or sexism. it is an ism. >> have you ever heard of low energy bush --. >> here's the point here. barack obama is great on --. he's got to be one of the most interesting people when he doesn't have to run for election. and he's put his finger on something that we can predict. which is the ways in which a powerful woman among a certain community will be attacked. and come on kayleigh, you know that this is what's happened. the earlier generation. not your -- my mother's generation of women. strong women. face this kind of thing. whenever they were strong people turned to them and called them a word amount not going to use on air. >> and there is a reason women are the majority of the population and we've never had a
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woman president. rampant sexism exists. and sexism and racism are having a huge impact on the outcome of this election and they are influencing people to support donald trump and she's got to fight against those barriers. i think she can do it. >> don't miss our coverage of cnn election day in america. every race, every result. all day coverage next tuesday and "outfront" next did donald trump avoid paying income taxes --. and why are some trump supporters so afraid of a former undercover cia agent evan mcmullin? >> i make this call against evan mcmullin and in support of donald trump. evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn't even have a girlfriend. i believe sullivan a closet home sexual. >> and you will meet the donald trump and hillary clinton who are not running for president. anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything!
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[kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ imy moderate to severeng crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,
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teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51. prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology
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and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. tonight trump's taxes. "new york times" reported donald trump avoided paying income taxes. moments ago president obama hitting trump for saying not paying taxes makes his smart. >> actually what it means is after this country has given everything to you, you are not going to give a single dime back, to our troops or our veterans. or building roads. or building bridges. or to our universities so that young people can get an education. come on. >> drew griffin is out front. >> reporter: if you ever needed
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more proof donald trump will bend tax laws, push the envelope with the irs, develop strategies to pay as little or no federal taxes possible, here it is. a 25-year-old letter sent to donald trump by his own tax attorneys, warning him the strategy he's about to embark on could come back to haunt him in an audit. there can be no assurance the attorneys write that the irs will not challenge such a position or that a court would not sustain such a challenge. the letter involved an analysis of an aggressive bending of the tax code. basically writing off trump's finance year's losses as his own. in layman's term, he double dipped on someone else's losing money. claimed he lost the same money and as a result avoided paying taxes on other money he allegedly made. was it illegal?
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"new york times" describe it legally dubious. >> yes it was aggressive. there was no law on the subject at the time. >> trump's tax strategies have been familiar fodder from democrats on the campaign trail. but as cnn has reported back in the 1990s when donald trump was going through bankruptcy, developer booms or busts and vaguely written federal tax laws the idea of developers not paying federal taxes was pretty routine. >> back in the day did other people do it? oh yeah. >> and richard lipton says it continues to this day. >> most real estate investors pay very little if any tax provided that they are active real estate investors. >> trump has embraced his tax prowess, making it part of his campaign. when portions of his '95 state tax returns were leaked to thes press showing a $916 million write off that could have helped him avoid paying taxes more than
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a dozen years. he was it was all legal. they don't understand how to write tax codes. he also understands how to fight local taxes and property taxes too. cnn analyzed 26 properties across the country owned by trump. in all but one trump had his attorneys fight to lower the assessed tax value so he could pay less in property taxes. the trump campaign didn't respond when he asked for comment. >> the trump campaign did respond to his article in the "new york times" saying the times and tax experts are engaged in pure speculation. and according to the statement either don't understand the law or are misreading. the statement says trump is not unlikely many taxpayers who take the time, spend the money to try to comply with a dizzying complex and ambiguous tax laws without paying more than they owe. erin. >> thank you very much drew
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griffin. "outfront" the communication strategist and director for the red zone sean spicer. we're a week away. we don't have donald trump's tax returns. every nominee from every major presidential party in the past forty years has put them out there. we would know his tax rate and charitable donations and we'd have answers to all of these questions. you frustrated he's not come forth net y yet? >> -- six months now. this isn't a new revelation. we keep dredging up the same story over and over. he's asked the question. and answered it. >> 73% of voters -- >> if they have a problem with it, then they can factor that into their decision. i don't think for a majority of them he's 2350ifiled over a hun pages of the financial disclosure which states everything he owns all of his debts and all of his assets which is a much more detailed form than a simple tax form.
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he shows every asset he owns, all the debts he maintains. i think it is much more comprehensive but all of this has been asked and answered. >> he did put out a long form. not something audited. wouldn't have your income tax rate, charitable giving, things like that. which are questions. but there is a heated battle under way for the state of utah. i don't know if you saw herbalier. we laid it out. that you could end one 269-269 race -- >> right -- >> right. if he wins utah. it would be a stunning thing. evan mcmullin has been surging in the polls. that led to a robo call -- >> i think we'll make main two which is the second congressional district of maine. so this won't be an issue to begin with. >> utah -- >> utah -- this has become a media fascination. we're doing very well in utah. we'll win it hands down.
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>> there evan mcmullin has been climbing in the polls. a robo call came out. he supports donald trump. and trump campaign came out and said they don't support what he said. he happens to be white nationalist. here is what the call said. his mother is a lesbian married to at woman. he's okay with. that indeed he supports the supreme court ruling legalizing ga gay marriage: i believe he's a closet homosexual. >> and -- >> this is exactly the narrative and the approach of the donald trump campaign has had. so it didn't even surprise me when i heard news of the robo call. i thought well of course this is mor of the same. >> is he right? >> no he's not right. the call is disgusting. it's reprehensible and it was appropriately denounced by the campaign. but for him to then turn it back
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on them is equal -- is almost reprehensible. we live in a country over 300 plus million people. not everyone who supports donald trump and every everyone who hillary clinton are -- >> not the first white supremacist. >> but at the end of the day he's denounced it over and over again and to continue to give this legs when they have made it clear this is not the kind of campaign they want to be associated with. to give it breath is to kind of -- to in fact help someone like this get their message out there which is not a good thing. so for evan to turn it back on the trump campaign that came back very forcefully and denounszed this is not in good keeping. >> so john kasich, republican governor of ohio has said he wrote in john mccain. obviously paul ryan, marco rubio are going to vote for trump. but he wrote in john mccain. rick santorum was asked today
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and i wanted to say john kasich you signed a pledge. you signed a pledge. is governor kasich being disloyal to your party. >> he's been a very good governor to ohio. we'd tlou have his support. i think it would send a good message. we're going win ohio regardless. and it is a shame was a i think we could have won it more and greater with john kasich support. but i think we're going to look back on this and it is not going to look good for the kasich legacy. he did sign a pledge. he's been a really good governor. he's brought more people into this party. it would have been good to bring everybody home. you are seeing it. we brought it up at the panel. more and more republicans get home. a vote for anything but donald trump is a de facto vote for hillary clinton. the as de facto vote for liberal judges. de facto vote for more corruption, more scandal. and i think to make light of this is really misunderstanding the two trajectories that this country can go in. >> sean spicer, thank you very
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i heard that tape, that was the last straw. i don't want my granddaughter thinking it's okay to be... treated that way, and my grandson growing up thinking... that's how you should treat women. that scares me, that scares me a lot. so hillary's got my vote. we don't see eye to eye on everything, but she's strong, and i respect her. and she's someone that my grandkids can respect too. im hillary clinton and i approve this message. sharing a ten by ten room,ng threestruggling.nding, i rent this place and then i started home sharing. my roommates help out all the time. they are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. i was able to take three months off to take car of my family
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clinton. >> i'm running for president. >> and i'm not running for president. >> reporter: will the real donald trump please rise. >> i'm donald trump. >> i am officially running. >> -- and i'm not running for president. >> reporter: but they can't run from their names. 27-year-old hillary clinton organizes music festivals. dr. donald trump heads a cancer institute in virginia. >> can i duet your name again? >> donald trump. >> both say there are few perks and some drawbacks to sharing a the presidential candidates name. >> facebook won't let me have my name. so i'm hill clinton on facebook. facebook if you are listening, i want my name back. >> she also says most comments people make when she says her name aren't funny. dr. donald trump has actually met the donald and tried to get him to go bald for bucks to raise money for cancer research but donald refused to sacrifice his hair but he did make a
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generous donation. and in a rare moment of something. these words escaped the lips of trump. >> i'd say donald trump l. trump which is you is probably more important than donald j. trump which is me. >> what happens when donald trump calls the hotel. >> my name is donald trump, i'd lake to make a reservation for saturday night please. >> three seconds of silence. they were willing to make the reservation after this donald asked a most trump like question. >> what is your most economical deal. >> trump said he's left of center voting for hillary while there hillary will volt for the other one. not -- >> can the other hirnt do the? >> we think not. accept maybe not on snl. >> and we'll be right back. they prey on our children, spending billions.
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addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56.
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and good evening thanks for joining us. tonight breaking news perhaps more appropriate to halloween if not half. a dead man's ghost torments and --. mark rich, the late mark rich surfacing in an fbi document dump in connection with a 15-year-old investigation that turned up no wrong doing. a 15-year-old investigation that was closed 11 years ago about a guy who's been ked for yours. if you are wondering why now? let's say you are not the only one. pamela
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