tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 1, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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and good evening thanks for joining us. tonight breaking news perhaps more appropriate to halloween if not half. a dead man's ghost torments and --. mark rich, the late mark rich surfacing in an fbi document dump in connection with a 15-year-old investigation that turned up no wrong doing. a 15-year-old investigation that was closed 11 years ago about a guy who's been ked for yours. if you are wondering why now? let's say you are not the only one. pamela brown joining us now with
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the latest. why now? >> you know, anderson the fbi is supposed to be in a political agency but it has found itself in the middle of this political fire storm with today's unexpected document dump. and the timing is only igniting tensions and sending off democrats already fired up over comey's letter to congress last friday. tonight the fbi in increasing scrutiny after releasing heavily redacted documents from the 2001 investigation into the pardon of mark rich. the timing seven days before the election and the on the heels of the fbi directors controversial letter to congress invited more criticism of the bureau. brian fallon tweeting absent a foia litigation deadline this is odd. will fbi be posting docs on trump's housing discrimination in the seventies? a case settled years ago.
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and fbi officials insists today's release was not political. freedom of information act requests are automatically posted when they have ethey are ready for the public to view. the fbi also this weekend posted documents related to donald trump's father. today director comey appeared at a memorial service in washington. alongside attorney general loretta lynch. you know, learned tw t two talked monday for the first time since comey went against the department's recommendation not inform congress of e-mails found on anthony weiner's laptop. comey is a republican who has donated in the past to gop candidates like mitt romney and john mccain but has not made contributions since appointed by president obama. but tonight democrats say there is a double standard. speaking publicly about the clinton server investigation before there is clarity but not about investigations connected to the trump campaign.
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those around them and connections to russia. sources tell cnn multiple fbi investigations into allegations of connections between russia and the trump campaign have yielded little so far. including into his former campaign manager's alleged ties to pro putin forces in ukraine and roger stone's possible role into the hacked e-mails released by wikileaks. this is what stone recently told nbc. >> i have a back channel communications with wikileaks. but they certainly don't clear or tell me in advance what they are going to do. >> the clinton campaign is crying foul. amid reports comey argued against publicly tying russia to the hacks of the clinton campaign because it was so close to the election. >> and they don't say a thing when it comes to donald trump and investigations against him. yet when it comes to hillary clinton for some reason they are more than happy to talk. >> comey's decision not want to be name russia has had nothing
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to with the election. >> what more is the fbi saying about the timing of this? >> so hours after the document dump the fbi released a statement saying by law foia materials that have been requested three or more times or posted electronically to the fbi's public reading room shortly after they are processed per the standard procedure these materials became available for release and were posted automatically. and electronically to the fbi's public reading room. in accordance with the law and established procedures. so essentially the fbi is saying, look, the documents were ready. we had all of these foia requests. they are ready so we're going to post them. we're not going to hold off on posting them for political reasons. but what just made matters worse for the fbi is it was automatically tweeted and when you went to the twitter account you saw there weren't any tweets for an entire year and suddenly they started on sunday with a tweet about donald trump's father. we're told there was just an issue with the account. they fixed it on sunday but all of this is just horrible timing
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anderson. >> fascinating. thank you hillary clinton for her party is not focusing on this. she's going back to one of the things polls show worked best for her. cranking up the spotlight on donald trump's character and temperament, and counting on the likability of her surrogates, president obama included, to help her carry the day. joe johns has that. >> reporter: hillary clinton in battleground florida today. >> he had shown us who he is, let us on tuesday show him who we are. looking to shift the focus from the fbi e-mail investigation to a familiar line of attack. donald trump and women. >> it is not okay to insult people. it is not okay. and look at what he does. he calls women ugly. disgusting. nasty. all the time. >> clinton joined in that effort by former miss universe alicia machado, who accused trump of calling her miss piggy after she gained weight. >> he does not respect women.
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he just judges us on our looks. he thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. >> it is a message that the clinton campaign is driving home in a new television ad. >> you treat women with respect is this. >> i can't say that either. >> highlighting trump's past offensive remarks about women. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. and when you are a star they let you do it. you can do anything. >> reporter: cnn has learned the clinton campaign is going on the air in colorado, michigan, wisconsin, virginia and new mexico looking to block any efforts by trump to make inroads in its democratic firewall. tim kaine campaigning today in wisconsin which hasn't backed a republican for president since 1984. >> can't take anything for granted by polls can be wrong. you can't take anything for granted because it's been a season of surprises. >> reporter: that as clinton zeros in on trump's fitness to be president.
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>> one week from today, we will be choosing our next president and commander in chief of the united states. i don't think the choice could be any clearer. >> reporter: a new gallup poll shows clinton with the clear edge in the personality and leadership qualities a president should have. and while clinton is selling her leadership skills across florida today she has a high profile team of surrogates blanketing key battleground states on behalf. president obama in ohio. >> who you are, what you are, does not change once you occupy the oval office. if you disrespected women before you were elected, you will disrespect women once your president. >> and joe johns is in sanford florida tonight, just outside orlando. hillary clinton wrapping up a
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speech there. did she even mention the e-mail situation? >> that was yesterday in cincinnati anderson. but today here in sanford florida, earlier today, dade city florida, she didn't mention them at all. and i think after these two vents it is pretty clear what the campaign is trying to do. they are simply trying to shift the focus away from the e-mail controversy and back on to donald trump. though if you talk them, what they will say they are trying to reframe the choice for voters in the final days before they actually go to the polls next tuesday. this was also very much a get out the vote rally for hillary clinton. she started out talking a little bit how she had a unified positive vision for the country. and then she went into her greatest hits, some of the biggest attack lines that got the most applause against donald trump. so hillary clinton tonight staying away from the issue of e-mail controversy and trying to get back to get out the vote.
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anderson. >> all right. joe johns, thanks very much. mrs. clinton on her way to fort lauderdale for another event. and as they stay focused on battlegrounds. the trump campaign going to flips. heading to wisconsin. here is jim acosta. >> reporter: pulling into a pennsylvania gas station, one week before election day, donald trump's campaign is hardly running on empty. with the race tightening trump is eager to flip the state that's become a democratic firewall. appearing with mike pence for a tag team assault on an issue that rallies republicans. the healthcare law, gop congressional leaders tried dozens of times to kill. >> when we win on november 8th -- [ cheers and applause ] -- and elect a republican congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace obamacare. have to do it.
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i will ask congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace. >> but trump would need to call a special session as congress would already be in washington following inauguration. still he's gaining steam at a critical time, cutting hillary clinton's lead in cnn's poll of polls in half in just one week. a momentum that started before the former secretary of state's new e-mail mess and as she is questioning the fbi's handling of the matter trump is so far staying on message. >> to accomplish our goals we must cut our ties with the small bitter petty politics of the past. >> and expanding his ad campaign into states like pennsylvania that seem safely in clinton's column. >> -- better, stronger more produce produce for everyone. >> but trump is still struggling to close the deal even in his
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own party. house speaker paul ryan told fox he voted for trump while appearing to avoid uttering the gop's name. >> i am supporting the entire republican ticket. i have been all along. what may my focus, which has not changed at all. my focus right now is saving our house majority. >> reporter: saying it's time for republicans to get back on board. >> time to come back home and elect donald trump as the next president of the united states. time to come home and reelect republican majorities in the united states house of representatives and the senate. >> and jim acosta joins us from euclaire wisconsin. did trump go after clinton's e-mail controversy tonight? >> e did. saying she had no one to blame but herself for all the problems and at one point talked about the wikileaks scandals and some of these e-mails from her campaign manager john podesta.
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but anderson, we must point out, piggy backing off joe johns, donald trump is not taking the bait at least not now from hillary clinton. he did not comment on alicia machado at either debate today. he was more on message than we've seen in some time. and i this i the theory inside the campaign is do no harm with everything happening with the clinton campaign. and another interesting thing to note anderson, on stage here tonight in wisconsin, a state that traditionally votes democratic in presidential cycles donald trump had on stage with him the wisconsin governor scott walker. reince priebus, the rnc chair and ron johnson who's in a tight reelection battle is here campaigning. there was one wisconsinite not in atendency and that is house speaker paul ryan. earlier today in an interview on
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another network barely mentioned trump's name. so he's not completely united but pretty close and that is a sign that the republican party is starting to come home to donald trump. >> jim, thanks very much. seven days to go. six of which are going to be devoted to introducing our panel. jeff, first of all on this whole mark rich document dump from the fbi is it just a coincide that it happened now? >> well perhaps. it is certainly bizarre. as someone who has made foia requests to the fbi, they are notoriously terrible about responding to them. they take years. they don't release documents in any sort of orderly or consistent way.
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it is conceivable that this was just a coincide. but coming on top of the director comey's, you know, very unusual and controversial release last week, it just makes the fbi look like a wing of the republican party. >> would that be something that comey would weigh in, saying okay yeah put out the documents now or is that much lower level. >> zblz it is much lower level. but certainly some supervisor had to say, you know, maybe we shouldn't do this. the clinton campaign is saying, you know, why don't they d disclose the voegs investigation of the trump people. i think that is a terrible idea. the investigations should not be disclosed until they are completed. put up or shut up. what made director comey's statement so controversial was not just that it was just on the eve of the election. but that it was incomplete and
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it was just not -- raised more questions than answered. and if they did what the clinton people suggested, it would just make the situation even worse. >> it is interesting daddy. wou -- david. would there have been a clambering saying well they held back this mark rich information for eight days. not saying they would but. >> so clear when releasing sit violation of their other procedural rule. which is don't throw anything in the middle of a political campaign. and that is what they did. it raises questions. who the he can is in charge at the justice department? where is the attorney general. why isn't e she ordered a stop to these -- >> -- there are no clean hands in this mess. >> circus. and last 4 hours the director is not going say anything more about the e-mails and we've also
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been told the justice department is rushing the investigations so they can see if something can be resolved before election. which is it? >> it is like the gang that couldn't shoot straight. >> absolutely. >> and the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and the bosses seem out of the picture totally. >> what's not stopping are the leaks. lots of leaks from the fbi -- >> personally i'm not opposed to leaks. >> that is the problem. we're compromised here. >> yeah, exactly. >> we always are seeking out leaks. >> sure. >> we want to get this information. but the problem is when you have this partial disclosures only coming out. >> people leak for certain reasons. >> right. so you have information continuing to come out of the fbi and that is yet another reason why i think it was improper -- >> there is just no question there is a lot of dissatisfaction and grumbling and the lot of animus edwartowa the clintons with the fbi. back to mark rich. i was standing right there
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waiting when president clinton pardoned mark rich on inauguration day. it was a huge deal. and i remember calling into the white house for people because it was such shocker at the last minute and even then law enforcement agencies were not happy. they thought bill clinton made a political pardon at the last minute. so this bad blood goes back years in the investigative community and we know there's been some frustration that the fbi director jim comey in july said case closed. >> anderson may i point something out quickly. i think pamela mentioned something as she was finishing her report. but the twitter account. from this twitter account it hadn't tweeted anything since october 2015. the first tweet was on sunday after the fbi director made his comment and sent his letter on friday. so we can say that it is not nefarious. and we can say that, you know, that this was all just happenstance. i might have been born it night but i wasn't born last night
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anderson. >> -- why are we even talking about this? we're talk about this because hillary clinton -- >> by the way the tweet was about trump's father -- >> we're still here because of one person. and when that hillary clinton decided to use her own private serve ner violation of state department procedures. >> also here because of mr. comey. >> that's right. >> -- his job. >> no let's remember -- >> she decided to use a private server. and then she decided not to cooperate, not to turn over the e-mails and to destroy -- >>[chatter]. >> let's talk about the next six days here. clearly the clinton campaign is attempting to fight on two prongs. one go after the fbi. raise questions about the fbi, raise questions about comey which something donald trump was doing previously a and the clinton [indiscernible]
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. is that going to be enough? there is nothing there -- >> well actually i think what has been one of the the most interesting things that's happened in the last day and i think this shows how much oxygen the hillary clinton e-mail stuff has taken, but this has been a bad news cycle, 24 hour news cycle for donald trump. if you see all of the stories that have come out about him. you have the story about the legally dubious maneuver to not pay any taxes. there is a story in the washington post about his charitable donations or lack tlo thereof. a story how he and the trump organization erased hundreds of thousands of e-mails and information during depositions of court dates. and, you know, that's a reason why a lot of these court dates haven't happened. and so you have a lot of these news focuses for donald trump that could certainly be made an issue.
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and what hillary clinton is going to do is she's going to package all of that and focus on the unfitness of donald trump to be commander in chief. >> okay. . but if those stories were so powerful, i mean she's bringing out alicia machado again. >> that is the most powerful one obviously but i'm saying that these -- >> the very fact that she is attacking the fbi, this is like ken starring of james -- >> but wait a minute. and donald trump has been attacking the fbi for -- >> but donald trump doesn't have a record in office of going after a special prosecutor. which the clintons did. let's remember that special prosecutors once upon a time. >> he does have familiarity with the justice department. >> once upon -- >> and by the way. >> wait wait. once a upon a time special prosecutors were sacred. and one of the interesting things, david you were there in the administration. richard nixon demanded of the
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elliot richardson -- >> no wait a minute. he's been going after the fbi saying the whole thing is rigged, they are rigged. they are in on it. >> anderson he's not a sitting president. he's not sittic member of the registration. >> what's different? >> what's different is you have fbi agents who are akry as he can because they believe the administration is quenching an investigation that the clinton foundation, hillary clinton. >> okay. bakari and then we got go. >> i have the repeat there. i said it once before. ken starr is flow a clinton supporter. second the reason she's bringing out alicia machado and all these other things is because they have switched into at gear. they have identified voters and now they are get out the vote -- and the best way to get democrats out is donald trump. >> why the race appears to be tightening as election day gets closer and later donald trump says he knows more about isis than the generals.
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real milk has eight times more protein than almond milk. real milk has naturally occurring calcium, but almond milk doesn't. oh, and now real milk's got as many almonds as almond milk. almond milk has only 2% almonds. what's in the other 98%? we've been watching polling. tonight we're getting enough to have at least a sense of the impact with little time left in the nearly 25 million early ballots already cast. the latest news tracking poll
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shows a one point trump lead a statistical tie. in the meantime a poll of polls has hillary clinton up four. and that's far from the only read on what appears to be a tightening race and what that means for the path to 270. john king is back with a quick run down by the numbers. still not a lot of new state polling this week john but there are a couple of signs about the impact of the fbi announcement. >> that washington post national poll does tell you you have a tightening race. it is the first time he's been ahead in months. so that is one piece of evidence. other places. virginia is a state hillary clinton has led consistently. new data in virginia still shows her ahead but by six points. republicans say that is some evidence of tightening. they don't link it to the fbi. they link it more to obamacare and more late in the but a chance possibly to put clinton campaign back in play. another place is a must-win for donald trump in north carolina. new university poll shows still a statistical tie there.
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so north carolina still in play for trump. a huge priority this is the big blocking state for hillary clinton. and we talked about this last night. i'm going to show again because of the date of this poll in new hampshire. this captures some voters through the 30th and hillary clinton with a big lead there. if you talk to the campaigns, it is not so much the public polling but look at the candidates. hillary clinton going back on tv in colorado. increasing ad buys in wisconsin. and back up in michigan as well. so the clinton campaign advertising spending tells you they are concerned. i wouldn't say they are panicked yet by any means. >> trump and pence in pennsylvania and wisconsin after michigan yesterday. any evidence the republicans are in position to turn these states? >> not yet. when you look at donald trump in pennsylvania, look how big of a lead that was. that's five points for then president obama four years ago. michigan was even a bigger race for president obama. next door to wisconsin. it wasn't very close. these are states where clinton
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has consistently had anywhere from a five to sometimes up to a 10 or is 11 point lead. in those states though especially in wisconsin, of them you do hear from both strategists in both parties some tightening. there is nobody yet. even the republican races involved in that states. they see a little movement. what they are hoping in the trump campaign is that there is something boiling just underneath the surface and after a couple more days of that story sinking in it will blow up. they need to wlook at it though because they need to turn some of these big blues. if they are going to get to 270 they have to turn one or two of the big blew blues. >> hillary clinton is going to be in arizona tomorrow. is that a risky play now? >> yes and no. yes you don't want to put your candidate way out west when most other targets are back the other way. she has the president, the first lady. bill clinton, the vice president. she has the surrogates.
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plus they are ahead at the moment in the public polling in arizona. they think the biggest drive out there, yes donald trump but also sheriff of maricopa county is getting latinos the register and. if hillary clinton can take arizona. if she can keep that one blue, puts her up to 280. say donald trump takes nevada. i know maria is going to argue but i'll give donald trump nevada. and leave utah alone. a lot of people think the third party candidate could take utah. if donald trump is perfect, gets florida. gets north carolina. and gets ohio. completely within reach. all of those states. the clinton app campaign is fighting more in flor florida in pennsylvania than ohio. possibility trump wins them all. how does he get to 270? that is why these are so important. he has to turn a big blue and that is why you see him testing the waters there. maybe he'll do better out there and get nevada and utah. but even if he does that he needs one of the big blues.
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it is his only choice. >> rest of the panel joining us. jeffrey where do you see his best bet? >> i think they are trying pennsylvania. the internal poll is telling them. there is only one reason to go back there and that is because the polling is telling you this. and that is the suburban counties around philadelphia. western pennsylvania i checked with a source today is really very strong pushing for donald trump as is central pennsylvania. you need that so help carry you through the east. and if he can turn any one of those counties he may be able to scary the state. >> maria duke pennsylvania is likely. >> i think that is what they are look at for donald trump. but i think that also tells you
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why hillary clinton is focusing on alicia machado. that is why. because a all of these suburban women, the issue of donald trump treats women is incredibly powerfully. incredibly impactful. and you saw from john how difficult it really is even know. even as the polls are tightening. which by the way we all expected him do that. the hillary clinton campaign certainly expected to that and what she has is the ground game, the volunteers, the focus on pulling everybody out, every single one of her voters out to vote. this is the infrastructure she's been built for the last year and a half and i think it is going to pay off. >> one thing pennsylvania doesn't have is early voting. it is one of the states that does not have early voting and one reason trump is smart to focus there. can he get it? incredibly hard. it looks winnable but it is 20. that is why you look at it. it's 20. if you are donald trump you need a big blue.
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there is 20 -- >> the trump campaign also points to michigan as a state where hillary clinton didn't do well during the primary. >> and they point the michigan as a place where think think that there is a classic trump voter in that there are a lot of people who are, you know, have lost their jobs to trade wars and other things. and there are people who just feel like they can't catch a break. even if they do have jobs. they are not well-paying and so on and so forth. i remember back during the primaries talking to senior democrats in michigan, very, very worried about right now. about the general election that donald trump is going to pull a lot of those old time classic reagan democrats over. but it -- there is no evidence that he's going get enough of those voters to actually make that -- >> is it possible though that the whole impact of the obamacare issue, the premiums going up but also the fbi, that it takes longer than this to actually register and -- >> it does. i was talking to some people who were doing republican senate races today and they were saying
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we have to kind of wait to the end of the week for all of this to kind of click in. they believe they are seeing a tightening but they are not sure yet if it is a natural tightening or if it is a tightening as a result of all these things. trump today on the campaign trail was telling people who have voted in early states to change your ballot. donald trump is saying if you have voted earlier in the case of pennsylvania i guess if you voted absentee, there is a way for you to change your mind. i believe in pennsylvania you might just have to show up and change your mind and -- >> -- [indiscernible]. >> right. >> early and often. >>[chatter]. >> i think the impact of the fbi and a obamacare spike is not just in the polls. it is the way the campaigns are being refashioned and hillary clinton two or three weeks ago
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was trying to expand beyond yore base. she's now trying to consolidate within the base. it looks like the senate race is more difficult to win. and very important from governing, her ultimate victory is she is victor rows may be a smaller -- >> and now the part of it is not only is the fbi story something that concerns voters but it is a big infusion of money for our team. >> right -- >> coming in with other donors getting off the sideline and focusing on the swing counties in those swing states. now you know where you have to go and you design your ad just for those areas. >> more from the panel ahead. up next how clinton supporters and trump supporters feel gt about the candidate's character with one week to go until the election. we'll hear from voters in wisconsin and florida next. when you have a cold, you just want powerful relief.
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in the home stretch of this election there are o in voices vying to be heard but in the end all that matters is what the voters themselves think. randy asked some supporters for trump about the issue the clinton campaign clearly wants back on the front burner. donald trump's character. take a look. >> they have no real issues that they can win on. so all they can do is try to pick on trump and his character. and try to make that be the issue. >> reporter: donald trump supporters defending their candidate and his character despite a new ad from the clinton campaign. >> what do you think of donald trump's character? >> awesome. beautiful. donald trump really has the character of god. a loving compassionate father. >> reporter: are you concerned a
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at all about your candidate's character? >> absolutely not. no. i think we've all fallen short of what god expects of all of us. we've all missed the mark. so he missed the mark a few types. >> reporter: this voter originally supported ben carson but now is backing trump. >> he's not perfect. i'm looking for someone to save this country. >> many here admit trump has flaws but given the options they say they can look beyond them. they are even willing to forgive him for bragging about groping women. >> does it bother you to hear him talk that way? >> yes. but is it a deal breaker no. >> some of the media has made it worse than what it it is. it doesn't bother me the. >> the tape is the tape. he said those things on the tape. >> it doesn't bother me. >> what about the women accusing him of sexual assaulting them? not even that makes women voters here question trump's character. >> i think those women need to
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grow a set personally. you know, it's been a lot of years. get over it. >> reporter: despite this ugly clash between supporters and protester, those in trump's corner went on to suggest it was a joke that hillary clinton would even attempt to hit trump on the issue of character. >> he may have said thirks but hillary has done the things. her character is so flawed and got so many problems. who is she to point the finger? >> where do you see problems? >> well obviously with her e-mails and benghazi and all of the other troubles that she's caused in the world. >> can i do a hillary pivot and just say it is not that he's unfit. it is that she's unfit. she has done everything that's been illegal and has done everything she possibly can to sell this country out. >> reporter: and about those clinton e-mails. >> if her mouth is moving she's not telling the truth. >> i just can't trust her as a candidate. she's not reliable. she's not honest. >> reporter: the last thing this
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country needs trump supporters say is another career politician, even if their man isn't perfect. >> i think he's better suited to run the country. because it is more of a bhiz that this country needs rather than the corruption hillary represents. >> it sounds like you are willing to look past his character flaws to have the president that you want. >> yes. absolutely. >> and randy joins me now from wisconsin. it does seem like the gentlemen you just talked to there at the end even if they see some character flaws they are willing to look past it and say see far more in hillary clinton. >> oh, absolutely anderson. and they don't see any major flaws in donald trump. that is the thing. one guy told me well he talks too fast without thinking. nobody talked about the major issues we hear so much about. the comments donald trump has made about women. that just doesn't renchs register with his supporters. in fact his apology after the "access hollywood" tape came out really played well his supporters. and those who i spoke with
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today, every one of them told me they think donald trump is flawed. not just one or two. we all know they thought hillary clinton is flawed. they are now saying donald trump is flawed. it doesn't matter to them. he's the guy to mauve the country forward and this new ad attacking his character from the clinton campaign means nothing to them anderson. >> randy, thanks very much. hillary clinton spending the day in florida. the last of of her events is expected to start any moment now. >> reporter: the november sun is still broiling in florida. but the heat doesn't seem to be wilting the spirit of these hillary clinton supporters awaiting her arrival. >> i am wildly enthusiastic about hillary clinton. >> the people in place at this rally at pascal county florida are a part of the campaign's home stretch. >> you think in this last week as she makes her closing argument about why she should
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she be president should she be talk about donald trump a little bit. >> she should be talk about donald trump and continue to challenge him. >> i don't like him. >> he's awful. >> and during this rally clinton spent considerable time challenging trump. >> when i think about what we now know about donald trump and what he's been doing for 30 years, he sure has spent a lot of time demeaning, degrading, insulting and assaulting women. >> reporter: but most of the people here feel hillary clinton should focus on hillary clinton in order build up enthusiasm. >> donald trump can speak for himself and get himself in trouble without hillary's help. and so i believe she should continue to talk about herself, her vision for this country for the next four years and hopefully the next eight. >> i think america knows where -- stands. i it's been very clear. the news has covered it
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extremely well. >> polling indicates hillary clinton has a enthusiasm gap. >> how many of you are enthusiastic about hillary clinton? >> not among the devoted supporters that go hillary clinton rallies but among other who is don't like trump and might not be motivated to vote for clinton. however even among the faithful here you notice something. do you like hillary clinton? [ cheers and applause ] are you enthusiastic about it? are you more enthusiastic about her than you were barack obama. >> no. >> you like barack obama more. >> yes we love barack obama. >> and similar sentiments from the older than the millennials. >> how many of you are more --. in the back there. little bit. little bit. so who's more thooenthusiastic t hillary clinton than barack obama.
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>> we're all just excited to see a woman breakthrough and move forward and set history as barack obama did the same thing. >> she may not have the enthusiasm levels but that is why clinton, her staff and her supports are are pleased the president is on her side. >> republicans created trump, the monster. now they have to deal with him. we are going to win. we are going to win by a landslide. >> and gary joins me now. it is such an interesting comparison to trump supporters what they are talking about. do the clinton supporters address the e-mail thing? do they bring it up? do they talk about any flaws they may see in hillary clinton? >> reporter: yeah they say they hear the trump supporters talking about the e-mails. but they point out that hillary clinton has said now repeatedly that she made a mistake. she has no excuses and that is enough for them. they say they agree.
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hillary clinton has made mistakes but it pales compared to what they believe donald trump has done much of his career and certainly the last 15 months out on the campaign trail. anderson. >> gary, thanks very much. ahead the battle to retake mosul. and donald trump's criticism of the battle plan. i'll talk to the former dean of the army war college that trump says could learn a few things from him. his response ahead.
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well, the final week of the presidential race is overlapping with one of the biggest battles yet against isis. tonight, iraqi forces are within striking distance of mosul. they've captured an isis-held village on the city's outskirts, opening a pathway into mosul. cnn's arwa damon has the latest. >> the iraqi counterforces moved and over the course of the last few days attempted to sweep from multiple directions, coming across what are now fairly common isis tactics, the suicide bombers, suicide car bombers, roads inlain with ieds. but what we also saw is something else isis has been doing fairly frequently, and that is leaving behind small groups of fighters, two, three, four people who lay in wait and then launch counterattacks at iraqi forces, more fixed positions. >> the fighting in the days
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ahead expected to be fierce. isis has controlled mow u.s. is for more than two years. the iraqi military wanted to give civilians time to free and warn them. donald trump, who obviously does not have military experience, has criticized the lack of secrecy surrounding the offensive. here's what he said in the last debate. >> let me tell you. mosul is so sad. we had mosul but when she left, when she took everybody out, she lost mosul. now we're fighting again to get mosul. the problem with mosul and what they wanted to do was they wanted to get the leaders of isis, who they felt were in mosul. whatever happened to the element of surprise? okay. we announce we're going after mosul. i've been reading we've been going after mosul for how long is it now, three months? these people have all left. they've all left. the element of surprise. douglas mcarthur, george patton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country. >> trump's remarks didn't sit
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well with some actual military experts, including retired colonel jeffrey mccausland, former dean of the army war college, told "the new york times," quote, what this shows is the trump doesn't know a damned thing about military strategy. the colonel's opinion didn't seem to phase trump, who doubled down when he was asked about it in an abc news interview. >> the resistance is much greater now, because they knew about the attack. why can't they win first and talk later? why do they have to say three months before the attack, we're going in? so you can tell your military expert that i'll sit down and i'll teach him a couple of things. >> well, colonel mccausland joins us tonight. first of all, when you heard donald trump say that he could teach you a couple of things, after your decades of experience, what did you think? >> i thought i would be delighted to have the opportunity to sit down with donald trump and have him teach me something about military strategy. and i would be happy to compare my experience across 45 years working in national security affairs with his anytime he would like to do that. >> so this notion that donald trump has often repeated about, you know, patton would be
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rolling in his grave, mcarthur, because secrecy, there's no longer secrecy, they're telegraphing, oh, we're going to go into mosul. how do you respond to that? >> strategic surprise is what he's talking about. and there's a political, and practical, and humanitarian reason why that's either impossible or not advisable. in the political standpoint, we have to understand this is an iraqi imperative politically to announce in advance. as you said at the top, isis has controlled this city for two years and ever since it was captured by isis, the prime minister has said repeatedly, we will liberate mosul. there's an old saying that says, war is politics by other means. >> so the political imperative is basically to give hope to iraqis that this is not going to be permanent. we are going to retake this. >> absolutely. he has a political imperative. >> just like mcarthur said, i'll be back, i will return. >> i will return, exactly right. we'll be back -- we'll go back to normandy. and to go to the historical metaphor he uses, the germans
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knew we were going to invade france in 1944 and in the spring of 1945, the japanese knew we were coming to iwo jima and okinawa and they fortified those islands, not unlike isis is doing in mosul. so there's a practical part of this, as well. and that is, how do you disguise 45 to 50,000 troops out in the desert? you've got to secure certain areas outside the city, which we've already done for logistical support and air bases. and last but not least, for humanitarian reasons. we dropped millions of lethalists in the city, why? >> to warn civilians? >> exactly. there's over a million civilians. think about it for a moment in this particular city. and we want to, a, reassure them that we are, in fact, coming. the iraqi government in particular. and give them guidance, how they can best protect themselves and their families during this particular very, very difficult offensive. >> the other thing that donald trump has repeatedly said and he said it starting early on is we should have taken the oil from iraq. that he has quoted the old
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saying, to the victor go the spoils, which is not really something that most modern militaries actually use as a slogan anymore. it seems more something like the -- >> medieval. >> yeah, medieval times. but the notion, that i've never understood of this, and i've tried to ask him about it a lot, iraq is a sovereign nation, they're actually our allies. of the people who don't already hate us in iraq, wouldn't taking their oil, which is their future, alienate just about everybody who doesn't think badly of the u.s.? >> absolutely. think about it. how many troops would it take to control all those oil fields. and does anybody really believe that 26 million iraqis will sit idly by while we loot their country of the major resource they've got? how many additional casualties will we take doing that? and if you even secure that, how many additional troops will it take to secure the pipelines from all of those oil fields to get it to a port so you can export it expeditiously, and how many casualties for that? we had enough trouble trying to do that in support of the iraqi government because we wanted their economy to recover. and when i was in iraq, a lot of
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iraqis believe we were behind the insurgency, because it gave us an excuse to stay in the country, because the rumor we had, we were looting the country of the oil back then. >> colonel mccausland, it's a pleasure to talk to you, pan honor. we are just seven days from election day. when that day comes, we'll actually have nonstop coverage right here on cnn. be sure to join us for that. much more ahead tonight in the second hour of "360," more than 25 million votes have already been cast. how is the early voting going to shake out? john king will break it down for us by the numbers. what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model.
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instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55.
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and thanks for joining us for this hour of "360." we are busy tonight. so are the presidential candidates. both holding late rallies. donald trump targeting states where he's running behind, trying to plant the seeds of an upset in those places. hillary clinton focusing squarely on the battlegrounds, hitting central florida earlier this morning, speaking in ft. lauderdale any minute. our jim acosta is traveling with the trump campaign. jeff zeleny is at the clinton rally. let's start the hour with jim acosta. trump pounding the pavement in the last days leading up to the election. what did he have to say about his opponent tonight? >> reporter: yeah, anderson, we saw a side of donald trump we don't normally see out on the campaign trail. message discipline. he stayed on the attack, on hillary clinton's e-mail saga and even went of her campaign manager, john podesta, whose e-mails were hacked and released by the website, wikileaks. trump using one of his catchphrases from his days as a celebrity on "the apprentice." here's what he had to
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