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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  November 2, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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reporting from the pentagon. that is it for me. thanks very much for watching, i'm wolf blitzer. in the situation room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. next the breaking news closing the gap. new polls show donald trump and hillary clinton neck and neck in the crucial swing states with just six days till election day it is anyone's race. but buyers remorse. donald trump telling early clinton voters they can change their votes. can they? we're going to check the facts state by state. and george w. bush voting for hillary clinton. let's go "outfront." i'mish erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, trump on the rise. donald trump about to speak live at rally in pensacola florida. as a slew of new polls show trump ahead in some key states
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just six days till election day. in poll of fours stay state, trump leading in nevada by six. major turnaround from two weeks ago. florida within the margin of error. and pennsylvania, trump central trails by four. but that is down from the 12 point lead by clinton from a month ago in nbc news poll. right now live pictures of las vegas, hillary clinton rallying supporters trying to win the state of nevada. sunland surfati at the trump rally in pensacola. tonight back to florida where we show him down but within the margin of error. >> he's shifting attention back to battleground states and key battleground states like here in florida a critical must-win state for him where he's looking at the polls and you can say that his schedule really reflects the urgency of the moment for him right here in
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florida. he has been barn storming the state holding four events in 24 hours. >> -- in six days we are going to win the great state of florida. and we are going to win back the white house. >> reporter: donald trump is barn storming florida today. >> give us two more days i think we're going to be winning everywhere. >> the biggest battleground prize on the map with 29 electoral votes and a state critical to trump's path to the white house. >> has anyone seen crooked hillary clinton today? that's going to be a great term for president. right? boy oh boy what a mess. >> reporter: as he makes his closing argument trump is trying to show some late-in-the-game message discipline. >> he's been there for 30 years and she's accomplished nothing. she's just made things worse. look at her record. she is the candidate of yesterday -- >> reporter: sticking to the
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script, keeping his attack squarely focused on hillary clinton. >> if you watched her last few speeches over the last few days, she's become totally unhinged. unbelievable. >> reporter: the trump campaign is sensing opportunity in the wake of some tough headlines for clinton, including the new fbi investigation into e-mails potentially related to her use of a private server and the increase of obamacare premiums next year. in the final stretch trump and his team now eyeing some turf usually friendly to democrat, dispatching family members and surrogates as part of its offensive to pan out the next three days across michigan and colorado to virginia and pennsylvania. trump is also hunting for votes among people who have already voted for hillary clinton, trying to persuade them to change their minds. >> this is a message for any democratic voter who have already cast their ballots for
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hillary clinton and who are having a bad case of buyer's remorse. in other words, you want to change your vote. >> reporter: but trump's campaign is saying it does not want the support of at least one group. after the official newspaper of the kkk, the crusader, gave the gop nominee a flashy front page endorsement. trump's campaign quickly rejected it. calling the publication repulsive, adding their views do not represent the tens of millions of americans who are uniting behind our campaign. and donald trump will be speaking here in a little over an hour in pensacola florida. and as this campaign goes into the final stretch, the trump campaign appears to be lining up an all out flurry of campaign events. and sunday alone. on saturday - and melania trump is making her return to the campaign trail giving one or potentially a few
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big speeches in the suburbs of philadelphia. >> thank you sunland. jeff zeleny is at the clinton rally in las vegas, now under way. the clinton campaign announcing plans to go back to blue states to shore up their firewall. >> reporter: indeed, the plan is to spend more munn, a lot more money. clinton campaign decided today to invest some $18 million more in television advertising in the final week of the campaign, more than doubling what they were already planning to spend. let's look at some of the states where they are actually doing it in. it tells you where they are a, worried and b, fighting. florida more than three times as much starting tomorrow. nevada, twice as much. arizona going from 200,000 to 1.2 million. that is one key red state they are trying to win over and look at michigan going from zero to more than a half million dollars in that blue state of michigan. aids call it an insurance policy, trying to shore up some
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states to try to ensure a win next tuesday. one, they have the money. she raised personally more than 300 million dollars other the course of her campaign. look at where the democrats are traveling today. hillary clinton in nevada going to arizona later trying to turn that red state blue. but across the country democrats are indeed fanning out. chelsea clinton in blue colorado. bill clinton and tim kaine in iowa. bernie sanders, wisconsin and michigan. both blue states. the president in north carolina, the vice president in florida. that gives you a sense of how much democrats are worried about some of these states and b are, really trying to blanket the entire country here. but we are watching michigan tonight. that is where hillary clinton is going back on friday to a campaign rally in detroit, erin it is not a sign of confidence i can tell you that. the as state where democrats have won more than two decades here. they are potentially worried about donald trump's incursion
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there. her aides say they are simply trying to get out the vote but i can tell you if they weren't entirely confident they wouldn't be going there. >> pretty stubbing when you couple that with the advertising zero to 633,000 you just mentioned. thank you jeff. david chalian "outfront" in washington. the clinton poll, part of what the clinton campaign is reacting to. key states outlet today in terms of the polling bhasmt impact does all this have on the race to 270. >> a slew of new key numbers tonight and as jeff was just talking, the clinton campaign is focused on this blue wall here through these states. and they got some pretty decent news tonight in terms of polling. take a look at wisconsin. hillary clinton 46%. donald trump 40%. six point lead in a state she had to hold. how about pennsylvania? we got a four point lead. 48% to 44. among likely voters in pennsylvania. our brand new orc poll.
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a narrow margin but again the blue wall is not crumbling. but look back at this map, erin. these yellow states are the remaining toss ups. and donald trump is getting some pretty good news out there. take a look at ohio. he's got a five point lead. 46-41% in a new quinnipiac poll tonight. out west to nevada. 49%, 43%. six point lead in our orc poll. arizona, a five point lead for donald trump. to the southeast, florida, dead heat in the poll of polls. 45 p to 45%. this is the closest state in 2012. and looks like it may repeat that performance. our brand new cnn poll had hillary clinton up two there. and in north carolina, this may be the trickiest news for donald trump. poll of polls, 46% clinton, 42% trump. that four point lead marts and here is why. back to the map. you saw me run through the battleground states.
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say donald trump has the best night possible and he wins all of those battleground states. that gets him to 265. and that is giving him north carolina where you just saw hillary clinton has the lead. where does he go next? what's the blue state? we just saw wisconsin and pennsylvania holding for hillary. so look at new hampshire. if he can flip new hampshire, he gets to 269 electoral votes, one shy. he needs one more. the state of maine, it splits its electoral votes by congressional district. this northern district has been a battleground. if donald trump can win that district, he's at 270 electoral vot vot votes. >> thanks david. let's go now to something else. our panel of awesome people.
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maggie, the polls are tightening and you saw this in usual states, north carolina obviously a tough one for trump but the rest some pretty good news and obviously michigan is concern there for the clinton campaign. when you look at michigan going to detroit. from zero dollars to $633 thousand in the few days. >> you see people spend money and it has go somewhere. look at where the candidates are going. michigan is clearly something they are worried about. the clinton campaign has had a rough couple of days. there are a lot of democrat whose believe things have stabilized in the last 48 hours but we're not really going to know for another few days. they have been thrown for a huge loop since friday and they have been on defense. there's a divide among democrats as ho how hard she should have gone at james comey and the fbi director. they went pretty aggressively.
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on a scale of 1-10 it was basically 11. so they now are facing the challenge of moving past that and keeping the focus on trump and clearly i would say she is trying to bait trump to react in some way. so far he has not. he's stayed very much on message. but those numbers still show she is winning. if it holds like that, she likely wins. it depends -- >> -- still in her favor. let's talk about this van. enthusiasm. that's what maggie talks about but enthusiasm matters a lot. who gets people to the polls? greater enthusiasm for trump voters in every state except for pennsylvania writ's 51-50. >> if you believe those numbers then what you have is the momentum versus the machine. the clintons have built an incredible machine. it is operating and frankly it's been energized by the fear. a bunch of apathy. and peep are sitting around and
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already measuring the drapes. now people are working hard so the machine is getting fueled. but that machine is now climbing a big hill of bad news cycle after bad news cycle when the fbi i think has quite unfortunately tlun a big monkey wrench. and the trump campaign. it is a mess. your third grader has a better campaign for class president but it is tumbling downhill. >> and it took out 16 over people. it's discussed thus far r far. jeff what do you say? machine versus momentum. >> on my way here. i received a call from the reporter for harris burg patriot news that told me the just today the trump campaign has added a stop in hershey pennsylvania in an arena that sits 10,000 people as opposed to leaving the state. >> -- actually showing that at
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this point. >> they had to have pennsylvania, otherwise they can't win it. >> you are not going to go there if you are donald trump unless your polls are telling you have got a shot at this. and by the same token, hillary clinton is supposed to come back at some point. and i frankly don't know where in the state but she's coming back. what that says is they both realize that these polls are starting to reflect a shift towards donald trump, as you can see with the four point lead which is down significantly. or up significantly. >> -- when you look at the poll, the polls that we have is voters aren't firm in their schois. people watching are going how in the hell is that not possible. but that is what the poll shows. in the swing states there are more voters willing to change minds than points between if two candidates a. so as people change their minds in every case it could flip. that is significant and does it give the advantage to trump? because clinton is ahead in most of the polls out there? >> i mean, look, that is kind of surprising because usually at this time majority of voters have pretty much decided which
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way they are going to go especially as your early voting. i just want to touch for a second on the pennsylvania. look in 2012, mitt romney had polls that showed him that he would co-well in pennsylvania. and he had a large events in pennsylvania and look where that got him. and, you know, like that blue whale that republicans continue to go after and they can't seem to get. but look, also on the enthusiasm component of it, the 72 hours post comey letter hillary clinton raised $11.3 million. so there is that, the complacency that was there is now gone. it is all about the ground game for the clinton campaign. and they are well-tested and they are -- >> and it also is about -- and i'm going to get to the poll numbers -- honest, trustworthy and temperament. the biggest issue for hillary clinton right now is e-mails. obviously this plays to the heart of the issue of honest and
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trustworthiness. huma abedin is at the center of this. off the trail now for days. not by hillary clinton's side. and she was actually very surprising in terms of what she said about this. let me play a little bit of your conversation. >> do you think hillary clinton used bad judgment in having huma abedin as such a close aide in all of this? >> the relationship's that have are something that i'm not going to comment on no. huma's a lovely person. she has the confidence of hillary clinton. they are friends. i think huma used bad judgment in marrying anthony weiner. >> surprised by that? >> i was surprised by it. because nancy pelosi, she weighs her words. so i was surprised by that. i just want to go back though to enthusiasm and raising all of this money. and we all know the song money can't buy you love.
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and what i heard from nancy pelosi today is oh we're not worried about the polls, but. they were going after comey today. it was no accident. she came out non stop double standard. the president came out and went after them. they are still worried. as maggie said, you have -- we'll see in the next couple days. they have been complacent. they haven't been enthusiastic about hillary clinton. so they are going to be playing up comey in the hopes that it will get out the vote. >> and maggie on this point trump leads by double digits in all four swing states. on being honest and trustworthy versus hillary clinton. she leads on temperament by double digit, to be fair. at the end of the day which is going to win? honest and trustworthy really matter. temperament matters but when you look at the e-mails. the drum beat of the comey. honest and trustworthy right now is the topic people are talk
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about the most. >> i think we're seeing all sorts of new standards and paradigms set in the race that might not be applicable in another time but you are seeing two historically unpopular nominees so i think the normal metrics are not going to apply. at the end of the day a couple of things i would say. absolutely agree with everything you said about what we're seeing in terms of complacency. we're also seeing a race that is extremely partisan. we've seen republicans looking for reasons to vote for donald trump on their ballot line. even if they don't agree with him, hibbert started making it more of a partisan race when she started looking more down ballot. that added a natural contour and prior to comey. i think you are seeing a dynamic shift that was in place anyway. and there are a lot of changes since and we continue to quite know where it is going to go. >> the machine, there are a lot of kinks in the wheel. this machine was going trump but now it is slowing down. the momentum is not there. the kinks are set.
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arizona, i'm from arizona. -- as relates to the fbi investigation. you talk about the fact that honest and trustworthiness and if that's what people are thinking about and looking aggregate right now in the final stretch going into the ballot box that is going to make the difference. they are going to do look at secretary clinton and say once again she's showing me that i just can't trust her. she's not showing herself to be trustworthy and honest. and we want somebody honest. and that is not going to play well for her. >> all staying with me next, could hillary clinton lose ohio because of democrats? our special report from on the ground. and donald trump urging early voters who supported hillary clinton that they could change their vote. it is legal. could it really happen though? could it mean chaos? a special report on that for you. and president obama breaking silence on the fbi investigation and taking a major hit at jim comey. >> we don't x-rated on incomplete information. the pursuit of healthier.
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president obama criticizing comey for the first time. the president minced no words. >> i do think that there is a norm that, you know, when there are investigations, we don't
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operate on innuendo, we don't operate on incomplete information. we don't operate on leaks. we operate based on concrete decisions that are made. >> incredibly harsh. if you think about i9d it is the director of the fbi and his administration. joe johns is out front. the president also on the trail pleading with supporters to go out and vote for hillary clinton. >> reporter: that's right. president obama in north carolina today. suggesting very strongly today in the college town of chapel hill that the election rests on the voters there in that state. increasingly intense appeal in the final days to get out the vote especially among younger voters and minorities. >> you have a chance to shape history. what an amazing thing that is. if hillary wins north carolina. she wins. and that means that when i say
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the fate of the republic rests on you, i wasn't joking. >> reporter: the president on the tom joiner morning show also saying he's concerned about the african american vote. as cnn poll of polls shows hillary clinton edging donald trump by four points in north carolina. president obama won the state in 2008 but lost it to mitt romney in 2012, now trying to turn it true blue for hillary clinton. he's expected to be back in the tar he'll state later this week with rallies in fayetteville and charlotte. >> joe johns, thank you. and poart of the reason presidet obama sounding the alarm is the number of black voters casting ballots early is actually down. and in ohio, a crucial state, there are signs of a heavy drop of you in democratic leaning counties. will the voters come out on election day. >> reporter: if republican billionaire donald trump wins ohio, it could be thanks to working class democrats.
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>> we are going to build the wall 100% and mexico is going to pay for the wall. >> his tough talk on illegal immigration, isis and political correctness resonate in the suburbs. >> so we believe very strongly that trump is going to be -- going to win lake county. >> but trump's greatest buckeye success has been winning over a group of once solidly democrat voters. in part by hammering clinton on the subject of foreign trade. >> america's running a nearly 8$800 billion annual trade deficit. in other words our great negotiators, we're losing in a trade deficit. >> in 199 o ohio had over a million manufacturing jobs. today according to the bureau of labor statistics that number is down to 680,000. callers vent their frustration on local talk radio. >> we're sending a message to washington that we're not going to continue with this crap. >> reporter: a recent orc ohio
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poll found trump leading clinton in economy and foreign trade. among olders voters and white men the numbers are almost crushing. but the clinton campaign is firing back. >> she has a plan right now to create ten million jobs. >> reporter: sending supportis like the head of the a if, lcio into union halls spreading the word, trump is no union man. >> he's the most anti-union, anti-worker candidate that the republican party has put up since before world war ii. >> but union aren't as powerful as they were once. all of which makes the turnout of another democratic dinamo even more crucial -- african american voters. especially in cleveland and cuyahoga county. clinton has to win the county big to off set republicans. but early voting numbers have some democrats worried. >> we're not that far off of
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2012 and i just believe by election day we'll be right where we need to be. >> african american voters i talked to all support clinton. >> in this election i'm going to go with someone that i feel is competent. and someone who has a battlegroubackground in government. >> all say they have or will vote for her. >> i've heard that numbers are down as well. but i think we've got a strong team here in cleveland in particular that will work in the next week to get people out to vote. >> reporter: democratic organizers to that end, erin, are going to be working overtime the next few days trying to get african american and minority voters to vote early. in fact again this weekend they are going to do something called souls to the polls. and this is something aft traditional church services they will use the church buss to carry people to early voting sites to cast their ballots. if you are not a person of faith, rapper jay-z is coming to
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cleveland friday. it will be a concert that is free. but jay-z is very much a supporter of hillary clinton and along with the music is bound to be a message. erin? >> thank you very much. and i want to bring back my panel. also joining me jeffrey toobin author of "two close to call: the battle to decide the upcoming election." we'll see if he has another best seller out of this one. >> hope not. >>. [ laughter ] >> hillary clinton speaking and weighing in on this issue saying donald trump does not understand the african american community and here is how she put it. >> if you are african american, you know what life would be like. you would have a president who thinks the lives of black people are all crime and poverty and despair. he has no idea of the strength of the black church or the vibrancy of black-owned businesses. or the excellence of
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historically black colleges and universities. and the success of black americans at every leader -- leaders in every profession and every walk of life. >> you don't have to take my word for it that she's wrong. you can just take the word for governor wilder, first african american governor who said and i quote for her to go out and say to the african american community, talk about secretary clinton, i want you to elect me so we can continue the legacy of barack obama. what exactly z you want to continue? you cannot win this election without the african american vote. hillary has the necessary qualification bus tell me bhou what you have done relates to the black community and what we need. so that is a prime example of people out there saying, what is this legacy you want to continue and why do you think you know what you are doing? i am proud of the rnc releasing a series of ads targeting black voters. i'm proud that the rnc put out an ad that's our choice airing on black media stations.
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i'm also proud of the fact donald trump put out his new deal for african american voters and talked about funding hbcus and talked about crime and education. and for her to say that everything is just rosie for the african american community that is incorrect. poverty, joblessness and the fact is home ownership. more black americans owning homes in the great depression than today. so there are pockets of the community suffering and crump has the answers and responses to that. >> here is the thing. if you just look at the words that donald trump has said about the black community. and it starlets from 2011 with birtherism. which is inherently racist. and he still hasn't apologized for it. he tried to delegislatize our first black president. it doesn't jive at all and then goes in front of all white audiences and basically gives
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character assassinations of black community and now because he's giving policy at the 11th hour oh yeah this is our guy? that's he's talking to the black community? he doesn't have a history of --he does. >> no he does not. central park five. why don't we go there. he put out an ad. >> -- super predators. let's go in. let's go there for the crime bill. >> she apologized more that. he didn't apologize for anything. >> --. >> oh i said things i didn't mean. it wasn't even specific. it was so broad. it was incredibly broad. central park five, housing discrimination against minorities back in the 70s, it goes on and on and on. so this is not someone who is going to be the president for our people of color for anybody. >> in order for hillary clinton to win, okay, accurate she needs to win the black vote. she's going win the black vote but it is going to be about turnout. by what margin.
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in ohio, you heard martin savidge. the turnout numbers that we have thus far in early voting are low, van. and the president has said i will consider it a personal insult, an insult into my legacy if this community lets down its guard. he's going out personally and appealing. >> and he has to. couple of things are going on. first the complacency that all democrats had when donald trump was slipping on every banana peel, stepping on every rake. people did relax because it looked like there was no way he could win. i think what you saw over the past weekend, more people have voted in columbus on one day than ever voted on a single one day over the weekend. i think what you saw friday, sundayly people go holy toledo and now you are seeing the response. to people are moving. and the other thirng i want to point out is it is important to know that hillary clinton has the two biggest weapons in black culture. the black church and hip hop. they have been very very smart.
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no, listen. >> -- odds at each -- [indiscernible]. [ laughter ] >> -- even odder. look, you have the tickets. where do you get a ticket for the jay-z concert in two days? every ticket site is next to a place you can vote early. they have got this thing down to a science. so don't think the black community is going to stay seated. they are standing up with the rest of the democratic party. >> and obviously donald trump has stayed on message with the fbi message has rocked this race and donald trump is banking on some of the people who voted early having buyers remorse. he's urging people who voted early for hillary clinton to change their votes and support him in instead. can you do it? donald trump has made his plea with a late night tweet goes out at 3:00 a.m. and at a rally. >> this is a message for any democratic voter who have already cast their ballots for hillary clinton and who are
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having a bad case of buyer's remorse. in other words you want to change your vote. wisconsin is would have been several states where you can change your early ballot if you think you have made a mistake. >> mark preston is "outfront" at the cnn decision desk. you heard trump. how many people out there who have already voted? i guess to give a senses of the possible scope. >> six days before election day but so far 24.4 million people have already cast ballots early whether by absentee or early voting. who's leading right now? well we have data on 24 states where we have a party breakdown. and we can figure that out about where that is. and if we go a little deeper into that, it shows us that democrats are doing better across those 24 states when it comes to early voting. but let's just go a a little deeper than that erin when we look at can you change your vote necessarily? these are seven states right now
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that we're looking at. these are some of the states that you can actually change your vote, e are rinne. but let's go a little deeper. as we said donald trump mentioned wisconsin. but he also mentioned michigan and minnesota. but let's take a look at wisconsin specifically. wisconsin so far, about 458,000 people in wisconsin have already cast their votes. get thin this? that skate you can change your vote up to three times. you have to do it by friday. that is the deadline. in michigan, you have about 65,000 people who have -- 665,000 people who already their vote. but in michigan you can only get early ballot where you are over 60 or extenuating circumstances where you cannot be at the polls on election day. having said that if you put a ballot in and you want to change your mind.
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write a letter to the local city clerk and tell them and ask for a new ballot. and look at the state of minnesota right here. 283,000 people have already cast their ballots in minnesota. and guess what, you could have changed your vote up until yesterday. that is the deadline and the curtain has closed on that state so you can't do it. now erin, law changes state by state and it is very confusing, so if you have any questions you need to call your secretary state's office or your election board and ask them about the voting process that's specific to your state. >> mark thank you very much. panel back with me. jeffrey toobin. here we go. this is where the best-seller comes in. wisconsin, not once, not guys but three times you can change your vote from a legal perspective how complicated. theoretically a lot of people might be interested in this. >> yes, that's true. in the big picture it is worth keeping in mind how badly run our elections are. we don't have one presidential election. and we don't even have fifty. we have different presidential
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elections within different counties. different machines used. different people in charge and the people who are in charge in the polling places, the poll workers in many states average over 70 years old. and so they are people who are not necessarily up to date with the technology. most of the time this doesn't matter. because the elections are not so close that we have to look at how each ballot was counted. but as we all learned in 2000, once you look under the hood and see how our elections are run, we see that, you know, we don't know exactly who voted for each side and if that were to happy in a state like wisconsin where there is some vote-changing that might go on, it would be even more complex. >> and you are also talking about as we pointed out in our poll of swing at a time, more votes right now at this moment are willing to change their minds than there are points in the polls. so if it's 43-41. people willing to change their minds. in other words, it can flip
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anyway a lot of states. when you look at this from a hundred,000 feet it is not an insignificant question. >> i'm still having whiplash from the fact you can change it three times. >> talk about ab indecisive person. >> and i'm in the state of florida. my family voted absentee because we're all on the road, you know, doing this now. but here is the thing. donald trump is taking advantage of this. he is going all out. this weekend he is friday doing five rallies. saturday doing five rallies. he's going take advantage of every day, every whiplash between now and then. will it get him there? i don't know. >> this is a hedge thing. listen, nobody is going around -- listen. if you have come tost to the place now jeffrey where you believe that you are going to be saved by millions of people rushing out. you have not heard a single secretary of state, a single
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voter registrar saying there are people that are doing this. this is all a head fake because the democrats one hope, the only thing we can sleep at night with sir is we've got a good early vote. you are trying to take that away from us. but we're not falling for it. >> if the commonwealth of pennsylvania i believe you can vote by absentee and then if you change your mind you can show up in person. >> -- [ laughter ] >> i will visit you when your on bail. >>[chatter]. >> people are doing this because of the fbi investigation and donald trump is going the keep that all the way to november 8th because it is a serious issue and people will change their minds. >> -- >> i would like to see one voter who is said they have changed their mind and changed their vote. >> we'll find that voter. >> one. >> -- election day in america. i guess it's been days since 25 million of you have already voted. every race, every result on november th.
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teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51.
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teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51. prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51.
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tonight a bush family feud. george w. bush may be voting clinton. could it be there is only one member of the bush clan voting trump? jessica snyder is out front. >> in an election season where the bush family has largely stayed silent. >> the strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room. >> reporter: just one bush is rallying for republican unity. >> -- get back up and you help the man -- and make sure you stop hillary clinton. >> jeb's son george p. bush called for all republicans to unite back in august but tuesday night at a rally in texas george p. publicly implied he may be the only member of the powerful political family actually voting for donald trump according to the dallas news. even speculating to the associated press that his grandfather george h.w. and his uncle george w. could vote for
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hillary clinton. -- and posted this on facebook. quote, the president told he he's voting for hillary. cnn's jamie gangill has confirmed george h.w. has said in private conversations he will vote for clinton. the unlikely alliance between two of politics biggest rivals began after the primaries. >> this is a tough business to run for president. >> i know. you are a tough guy jeb. >> i know. >> and we need a leader -- >> you are real tough. >> you are never going to be president of the united states by insulting your way to the presidency. >> reporter: repeated name calling. >> ever time you watch him you fall ie sleep. >> reporter: and even bring bringing the september 11th trade attacks. >> the world trade center came down during the -- >> reporter: former first lady
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barbara bush has no qualms about stating her disdain for trump. >> i don't know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about megyn kelly. terribly. >> reporter: george w.'s daughter barbara a bit more discrete posing right next to huma abedin, clinton top aide. and jeb bush is responding to cnn with just two words "secret ballot." . unless we forget it was jeb and george w.'s cousin billy who will forever be linked to the blow inadvertently dealt to donald trump one month before the election when this "access hollywood" tape leaked. and interestingly donald trump has admitted he was rough on jeb bush going as far to say if i was jeb i wouldn't vote for me either. but jeb bush staying mum on his
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secret ballot not conforming who he will or will not vote for. >> jamie, you have spoken with the bush family again and again. you know the ins and outs of this. what are they telling you? >> i think it is fair to say that george p. bush may be the only member of the bush family who is going to vote for donald trump, as i reported a couple of weeks ago, his grandfather, former president george h.w. bush, 41, has privately told a number of people that he is going to vote for hillary clinton. now, george w. bush, 43, as has said i'm sitting this out. i'm not going to comment. i spoke to his office today. they are sticking by that. >> at all is this. >> he's not going to say who he's voting for. but i want to show you pictures. this picture is from nancy reaganen's funeral. and sometimes a picture does say a thousand words.
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and they do get along. i'm not saying he's going vote for her. but that gives you a sense. >> it also says being an insider is perhaps more important than anything. once you have been in the office the families have been friends for a very long time. >> it is a unique experience about being in the white house that i think former presidents and wives of former presidents understand and i think that is what that experience is about. george w. bush, his spokesman, i have the same experience has been pretty consistent he's not voting for either of them. but he did start fundraising to try to help embattled senators five months back. and that was very clearly about the checks and balances messages on the assumption of a president clinton. ao i think you see even if he doesn't cast a ballot in that direction, where he believes this is likely to head and should head. >> i think a couple of things.
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i think the bush family really represents the republican party and it always really has. >> the establishment republican party. >> thank you. >> really the party itself. think about daddy bush versus w. when there was a conflict over the neo cons. listen daddy you didn't do it right i'm going to do it right in the iraq. that was the split in the republican party. now the younger george p. bush is for trump. the olders are not. >> he's got an elective future. that perhaps has something to do with it. i would also say. i love the bushes and i worked in the bush 41 administration and personally they are wonderful folks. but there is this ruling class gig going on here in this country which is roughly bipartisan in a lot of cases with a lot of elites. that picture says it all. >> george w. bush is an elite. mr. texas is nonnow an elite? >> says it all. and one story here quickly.
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mikael gorbachev is supposed to have said when he e met with then vice president bush, vice president bush said reagan is a conservative, extreme conservative. and all the block heads and dummies are with him. being one of the dummies and block heads i would suggest that is the attitude here. >> are you now throwing george w. bush under the bus? mr. texas twang is this. >> i do need to say one thung. keep in mind the number of other people from both bush administrations who have come out for hillary clinton. you have had the gang of --. discern. there is not just. >>[chatter]. -- are people who are concerned about the judgment -- with all due. >> hold on one second. >> she continued by the way to say she wouldn't let her daughter alone in the room by the way, with bill clinton or with donald trump. she said she's going to write in mike pence. these are sitting senators coming out against donald trump. >> she has to say and do what
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she needs to win her election. but ask someone who worked for president bush in the white house there is a lots contingency of us who are supporting and endorse donald trump for president. >> the bush family understands what happens when you are not loyal to the nominee. remember ross perot. george w. bush still does not speak that man's name. he believes he would have won had republicans and others not voted for ross perot. >> -- >> 240 0 members of the reagan alumni cancel endorsed donald trump and i was one of them. >> "outfront" next the from food alone. let's do more.
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add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
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what happens when a guy gets his under ware in a bunch over a trump sign? here is jeanne moos. >> they aren't just being stolen. . this went up in flames. the sign's owners were burned up. especially when they recognized mr. underwear. >> i think that is our neighbor, our tenant. >> now extenant. so many trump signs are being swiped that yard sign defense techniques are being deployed. like using bike chain lubricant to make them slippery or messy or worst yet.
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trying to poop. or replace your signs with something they can't steal. >> i'm going keep cutting it like this until trump is elected. >> reporter: this man used fishing wire and string to fasten down the sign. >> she loses her footing and lost her grip and went flying. >> when one sign stealer gave up the owner followed him. another owner electrified a fine to zap a would be thief. you hear less about hillary signs being swiped. though this florida woman has to bring her signs in at night. and this woman had someone come up to her door. >> why are you voting for that? and she pointed to my sign. and i was totally appalled. >> reporter: talk about the game of cat and mouse. imagine using a mouse trap to prokaryote your trump sign. new hampshire state representative gary hopper calls sign stealers. >> liberal commy scum. >> and demonstrates with a disclaimer. >> i want to tell you something you shouldn't do.
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>> reporter: don't hook a 6 volt battery up to a mouse trap and then the fire cracker so when someone moves the sign -- [ bang bang ] >> even worse than signs. who would abscond a cardboard cut kwout of the donald? cut it out. this is jeanne moos cnn new york. >> trump is in pensacola as you can see ♪
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3, 2, 1 [whispered 'rocket'] [burke] hot dog. seen it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive.
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it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. it's time to vote yes - i was diagnosed with parin early 2013.lly it took awhile to sink in. we had to think a little more seriously about saving money for the future and for the kids. - the income of airbnb really helped to mitigate the stress. - but we have that flexibility of knowing that if you know things get worse, we have this to help keep us afloat. - so that's very, very important for us.
5:00 pm
you can watch "outfront" any time any where on cnn go. ac 360 starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us. six days away from filling the job opening down there behind us. the race tightenings. candidates maneuvering both holding late events in key states. hillary clinton in arizona, donald trump now in florida. the clinton campaign no longer running out the clock throwing money, resources and big name surrogates back into states they once considered safe. bill clinton, vice president biden. president obama. and key trump surrogates out as well, including most of his family. and donald trump appears to be leaning in, staying on message saying moments ago to the crowd and himself, quote, stay on point donald, on point. each campaign now calculating, recalculate, and goes without saying, crunching