tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 4, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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you saw how quickly isis was able to spread. so there are going a lot of challenges and hard choices if are the next president, wolf. >> our global affairs correspondent, elise, thanks for that report. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next the breaking news. donald trump about to rally supporters in pennsylvania as our electoral map shows some statsds moving in trump's direction, tonight does he have the momentum with only four days to election day? and hillary clinton making a last pitch in michigan. can trump turn it? and speaking live this hour, lots more. let's go "outfront." i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight the breaking news. down to the wire. four days to go. donald trump, hillary clinton
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cros cros cr crisscrossing battleground states. trump in pennsylvania. hillary clinton moments from the start of a free get out the vote concert in ohio. she's with rapper jay-z this hour. trump today touting a shift in momentum. >> new polls just out have us with a very substantial lead in ohio. nationwide, many of the states. we're looking great in florida. we're looking great in north carolina. we are looking great in the state of pennsylvania. we just left new hampshire. we have a lead in new hampshire. >> now that comes as our new electoral map shows there is a shift. hillary clinton's electoral vote total dropping below the magic number of 270. ohio, utah and new hampshire along with what could be the second congressional district in
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maine moving in donald trump's direction. in the latest poll out moments ago. clinton leading trump by two points. that is of course within the margin of error. and all in our poll of polls shows her leading by five. trump's gains have been unsettling the clinton campaign. a last minute stop in michigan tonight for her, which is a state that was solidly blue. not even under consideration for lu consideration for trump. >> imagine having a president who demeans women and mocks the disabled. who insults african americans and latinos and muslims. who personally engages in busting unions and preventing people from having the right to bargain collectively. >> clinton was handling the latest jobs report which showed unemployment going below 5%. markets though reacting to the rates. the s&p 500 down from nine days in a row. the longest losing streak in 36
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years. a lot of news to get to tonight. reporters in the battleground states around the nation. sarah murray at the trump rally in hershey pennsylvania. you have been talking to your sources tonight. trump trying to close the deal. what do you expect moments from now when when he takes the stage? >> reporter: erin i think his biggest goal is not commit unforced errors. to try to stick to the the script and paint hirllary clintn as a crooked politician and most importantly to try to move the states like pennsylvania that just a couple of weeks ago appeared completely out of his reach but where we are now seeing polls begin the tighten. it's interesting erin because i've talked to probably republicans across different battleground states and they are still convinced despite the polls tightening that donald trump is not going to be successful on november 8th. even though has momentum and we're seeing polls close in places like pennsylvania and get a little closer.
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but, but even as they say, they say look this is a candidate who has defied all of our expectations to this point. and everyone is kind of holding their breath to see if he can pull out a surprise win on november 8th. >> sara, thank you very much and now to brianna keilar "outfront" in cleveland. where the clinton rally is going to get under way. and this is a very big night for her. >> reporter: this is a very big night for her. she's going to have the star power of jay-z here in cleveland tonight with a crowd that is starting to fill in here. specifically she's trying to attract young african american voters. they have been slow to come around and to support her. a number of them look at some of the language that she used in the nineties when she backed her husband's crime bill that led to the era of mass incarceration that she now rales against. even though she does have a proposal for criminal justice reform now and she talks about ways she'd want to change the development through the ninths. it just has been difficult for
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her with this voting bloc. so she's getting a little help. lot of rumors beyonce may be showing up although we are told by the campaign it isn't true. and hillary clinton earlier in pennsylvania today courting women, tailoring her economic message to them. she's doing in north carolina and better in michigan which is her second event of the day than in ohio. the latest poll here has her down five points here. her campaign knows this is going to be a tough state to win but overall erin, talking to aides they are cautiously oppositics. i think would very happy to have the atmosphere they had eight days ago before the news of the fbi looking back into the e-mail matter but they at this point feel the math is on their i'd overall will. now to david cal chalian in washington. you are the keeper of the controller of the map and there are big changes tonight. >> they are big changes and they are all in crump's direction. this is the old map. this is where they were
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yesterday. and here is the new map. what's changed? new hampshire from battleground to leaning republican. and maine from battleground to lean republican. so does that mean? take look there. 268 for clinton. she falls below 270. 204 for donald trump. >> that's incredibly when you look at the basic leans. but when getting to 270 she has two points to go and he has many more. what do the changes mean for the race to 270? >> let's look at his path first. you are right. he has a steeper cline. may have gotten a little less steep but still steep. he has to run the table on the yellow states. give him every one of those, nevada, arizona, florida, north carolina, new hampshire all five remaining states, he only gets to 269. there is analect electoral vote
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in nebraska. if he gets that he gets to 270. but hillary clinton is at 268, remember. what does she need? just would have been these remake blattleground states. the smallest new hampshire, she only needs one of these battleground states. donald trump still need to run the table erin. >> thank you david. and "outfront" now patrick healey "new york times" political correspondent who's covering the campaign. jamie gangel our special correspondent. john avalon and more great people. this is significant for donald trump. this puts just on the basic assumption for the cnn map if she goes below 270. now we're talking about the congressional district in
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nebraska. >> nebraska. nebraska. who thought it would come down toney? it's four days out. the clinton campaign has had a good polling operation going for months saying there is no way trump has a path in nevada. they see nevada as pretty much all but safe. fighting very hard in safe. definitely potential in florida. but certainly over the next four days you will see a great deal of focus on pennsylvania. because for all of donald trump's scenarios, he doesn't really win -- certainly in any way sort of smoothly without pennsylvania. he can win florida, ohio, new hampshire, iowa, north carolina. and the traditional republican states and he still loses without pennsylvania. >> he needs these sort of magic little waves. one is the second congressional district in maine. and i remember a couple of
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months ago we were getting our maps fixed and there was this issue over maine cd two. what the heck is that? that's what it is. it is working now everybody. could be crucial now. it's changed now to lean republican. your sources tell you what? >> my sources tell me it is going for trump. obviously it is not election day yet but i spoke to someone who follows maine very very closely who is looking at all of the internal stuff there. and is convinced that will go, like nebraska. it is one vote. but if he's going to thread the needle. >> for trump these single votes here and there really matter. not so much for here. and all of this has effected her rhetoric. you have been out on the campaign trail. thank you for coming home for a few human resource. but you have been out with her and have notice ads change in her rhetoric. >> and she has tried so hard over the last 12 months to say she wants to end this campaign on a positive note, talk about
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the work she's done to help children, to help women. but if you listen to the core of her message the last couple of days, it is really about donald trump and going very hard against him. yesterday we heard her talking about the central park five case which is a very dark case. we heard her talking about the ku klux klan and the paper endorsing donald trump. how she was endorsed by a woman --. alleges donald trump refused to rent her a apartment because she was african american. >> much more negative. >> very negative. and just sort of a dark rhetoric i think she's ending on when she desperately wants to be talking about herself and her vision and the work she's done in public life. >> all in when you look at these polls and there is no question when you tack about momentum in individual places you see it for donald trump. but when you look at the overall poll of polls because she's moved up in some and so has he. we are exactly where we were a week ago before the fbi news even broke. that would be mean.
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that's an unchanged in a week. >> i do think there is change here and i do think there is momentum on his part. this is beginning -- this is friday. but it is beginning to remind me a little of the reagan/carter race. and i i don't say that because i worked for reagan but because that race was like this one. carter was either seen as ahead or reagan was closing. and at the last minute there was this huge surge that turned this from a close election into a landslide. you know, i'd be nuts if i said here and said that, you know, that that is exactly what's happening. but i can see it. my other alternative to being with you tonight was to be right there, which is 20 miles from my house. and i just heard from somebody who was there. and these people are going crazy there. there are signs all over the place. there was a lot of momentum there. >> van. >> if you are a trump voter you smell that blood in the water and you are getting pumped and you are getting excited. and every democratic i know
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right now is checking the validity of their passports. they are like van, i can't do it. i can't -- [ laughter ] >> so yeah, so you have got, you know, some damp bed covers with the democrats. it is true. but i don't think at the end of the day that the math is there for him. but you can't deny this momentum. >> joe biden is coming to harrisburg on sunday, i believe. and the president of course will be in philadelphia on monday. the only reason they are sending these people there is because they are very concerned they are about to lose pennsylvania. >> now, john, you just mentioned joe biden so the top surrogates are out and they are going to be u all weekend. so are we. i want to play something bill clinton said about melania trump and her speech today. >> yesterday i never felt so bad for anybody in my life. as i did for his wife going out,
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giving a speech, saying oh cyber bullying was a terrible thing. i thought, yeah especially if it is done at 3:00 in the morning against a former miss universe by a guy running for president. >> smart move to go after melania trump? >> you know, it is never a smart move to go after a candidate's wife. i do think think that the way bill clinton framed that right was empathy. [ laughter ] it was he felt her pain. and clearly working his comedic timing. what i'm generally interested is why all the issues melania trump could have picked she would have picked this one. unless it was so obviously going to draw the attention that it was an attempt to basically troll the entire news
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organization. because you know you were going take that in. could have picked anything in the world. but bill clinton is out on the stump. and he's always as much o a risk as reward. but he's tireless and everyone is in the field today. i'm not sure there would be a blow back on that. if it was more mean spirited, maybe. >> i think i was struck by how this is a reminder that -- [indiscernible]. . bill clinton has relatively few up forced errors compared to 2008 covering the clinton campaign and they were so concerned. >> -- recent, obamacare being the worst thing ever or whatever it was. the crazy thing. you mentioned mean-spirited though. and it was something mean spirited today. it was john sununu and here is a quick clip. >> do you think bill was referring to hillary when he said "i did not have sex with
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that woman"? ha ha ha ha ha. >> that man is like an elementary school on saturday morning, no class. that is just a classless comment. and it used to be that you would have that kind of stuff with the schoolyard, the kids and the corner, they say that kind of stuff and then the adults could get them in trouble. this is a not safe for work election. and the adults now say stuff that the kids are embarrassed by. >> first i want to give van a shout out for necessitating a fat albert joke. but look, i think he said it right. this man is a major figure in new hampshire. chief of staff of president george h.w. bush. and is it mean-spirit. and in this case there is no interpretation that is not mean spirited and dismissive to hillary clinton. >> bad taste.
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clearly. >>[chatter]. >> -- but in the sum total of what's happening out there, people's concerns about their jobs, the economy, isis, etc. this is will vanish in a second. >> jamie, hillary clinton is going appear with jay-z. okay? on the issue here. you just heard her say demeaning to women. i also find that sentence somewhat jarring. he was singing violent offensive lyrics that demeaned women years after. is she pushing a double standard when she calls donald trump demeaning and women and then appears on stage tonight with jay-z? >> she's trying to win and i was talking to someone at the campaign today and they said are we happy that the polls are getting close? no. do we think she's still going to win? yes. but we need do everything possible in all of these states. you saw barack obama in north carolina. they are trying to take that one off for trump.
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they are going all in pennsylvania, ohio. >> the key here is p cuyahoga county, bringing out jay-z. a major motivator. the wung thing with jay-z, you have to be careful when dealing with artists. no presidential candidate or political figure appeared with johnny cash because he shot a man in reno once to watch him die. you have to hold them to a higher standard than ours. >> hold on. let me go to jeff. i would imagine you don't agree with that. >> well i just think -- >> do you know who jay-z is? >>. [ laughter ] -- >> no but i research his lyrics which is why i would suggest that this is not the best place for her to be. >> let many i say something. >> don't you think they would probably ask for beyonce first? >> exactly. let's be clear.
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>> -- they are trying to energize young black men to turn out at the polls. she was in detroit today. that gives you a little play in toledo and cleveland not far away. you know, but it is very much sort of this is going to target -- i think john's right. every candidate had to defend the artists who run with them, these people would never be out there. >> i also point out this is one of donald trump's favorite topics. [indiscernible] it is true that hillary clinton does not draw the kind of crowd trump can draw. >> but jay-z. >> when i went the other night there was thoufs people there. and they know they need these kind of celebrity, big surrogates like obama and michelle obama to really bring out the people and get them to be enthusiastic. >> -- not in the oval office. >> they will visit. but look. obviously even the african american community some of those lyrics have been criticized and rightfully so. but jay-z has been remarkable
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over the past several years leading a charge with alicia keys and others to be more engaged. i think it is a good thing. >> and he's apologized for some of them. next donald trump about to speak live in hershey pennsylvania. and could trump turn michigan red? plus did rudy giuliani know that the fbi was reviewing new e-mails before the public? before you. and more >> if you vote, we'll win north carolina. and if we win north carolina hillary clinton will be president.
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and now...i'm in bristol, inia. tennessee. on this side of the road is virginia... and on this side it's tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... i'm in tennessee... virginia... tennessee... and now i'm in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm...
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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seconds from president obama speaking in charlotte. in prime time to get the maximum attention here. to try the win this state. "outfront" in charlotte, he's saying if he can win north carolina for her she wins the white house. that is crucial speech tonight. >> reporter: that's right. a big component of election night is arithmetic. and if donald trump does not win here in north carolina the electoral math is not kind. it is hard to conceive a scenario without him winning here to win the presidency.
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and hillary clinton is sending president obama to campaign for her. barack he's expected to arrive here earlier today at fort bragg. and two days ago in chapel hill. his message, his legacy is at stake. he's telling everyone who likes him to make sure they don't get complacent. >> you need to vote. you have because i know this. that if you vote we'll win north carolina. [ cheers and applause ] and if we win north carolina, hillary clinton will be president. i need you to vote. don't choose fear. cheese hope. >> reporter: barack obama has
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not been bashful aggregabout ba donald trump. he's been serious at times. he's also had fun, joking and laughing about some of the things donald trump has said. barack obama will take the day off tomorrow from campaigning for hillary clinton but he resumes on sunday in kissimmee just outside of orlando. >> gary, thank you. and president obama is going to be taking the podium any moment. we're going there live and listening for a bit. but meantime there is a fierce battle under way in another state that the trump campaign sees as the battleground. that's michigan. hillary clinton just wrapping up a rally in this traditionally blue state. she didn't expect to have to go back there. mike pence was there today. a new poll shows the state tightening. jessica schneider is out front. >> thank you. we're going great in michigan. we're going to win michigan. >> a state that's voted solidly democrat in the last six presidential elections but the trump campaign is convinced it is still in play.
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trump's family hitting the ground hard in the final stretch. ivanka speaking at the women's forum this week. donald jr. holding court on college campuses and eric thanking volunteers. he stopped by this grassroots office outside detroit. >> we're going to win michigan. the amount of signs is incredible. >> reporter: the team says campaign signs though don't equate to votes. what do you say to that? >> we'll see on tuesday. >> this office opened back in august. together with several other women they have spent tens of thousands of their own money to support trump. >> why? >> we need this to happen. we understand this is a grassroots movement. >> we see democrats coming in. we see independents. we see people coming in who have never voted before and they are going i'm voting this time. >> these two volunteers say they have made nearly 4,000 phone calls combined in the past week.
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can donald trump really win this state? >> absolutely. especially over the past week there's been a significant shift in the feedback from the voters. it's i'm voting for trump. my neighbors are voting for trump. >> in the final week of the campaign donald trump and the rnc spending about $900,000 on ads in michigan. hillary clinton and the super pacs behind her pouring in 2.3 million. the unexpected race in michigan has the clinton campaign on the move. bill clinton made a surprise stop in detroit this week. bernie sanders stopped in two spots around the state. and clinton surrogates continue to talk her up to supporters. >> we've got people all around the block here, thousands of people standing in line. >> the trump campaign saying the hillary camp is panicking. are they? >> no. absolutely not. wishful thinking on their part. >> reporter: hundreds waiting for clinton on friday in detroit. the head of a local charter school saying he's doing what he can to get out the vote.
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>> we're making sure we get the kids out here to make sure their parents know they have to get out and vote for hillary. go hillary. >> reporter: and both campaigns have a slew of surrogates they will be dispatching throughout the state this weekend. the clinton campaign will dispatch the mayor of d.c. right here in detroit. as for the trump team they will be dispatching sarah palin and mike pence. the latest poll shows hillary clinton up four point. it also shows the number of undecided voters at 13% erin. >> incredibly high. thank you jessica. "outfront" now jason miller. senior advisor for the trump campaign. you are making a big play in michigan. she's ahead but you still have 13% undecided. the margin is four in terms of her ahead. what is your plan to make up that difference? close that gap? >> we feel very good about michigan heading into the final days of the campaign. mr. trump will be there on sunday. may even be back there again before the election. we're seeing already the combined absentee and early vote
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totals out of mccomb we're leading. and also statewide that is very good spot to be in. we're on offense. a number of states. pennsylvania, michigan, nm. states that president obama has carried the last two cycles and we think mr. trump can win the next week. >> north carolina? >> we feel good. look at republican absentee early voting, is way ahead of the pace four years ago. this is another state we think heading into the election day we can can deliver. >> in terms of the surrogates on the trail you talk about trump maybe going back to michigan himself. chris christie has been out on the trail a lot. two former aides for the governor were convicted on charges related to the bridgegate. he's scheduled to be there on donald trump's behalf. is he going to do that. >> governor christie will not be out on the trail for us this weekend. but we have plenty of other surrogates out there. and governor pence, i believe he
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has three or four states and mr. trump has four states tomorrow. five on sunday, four on monday. a much different close than secretary clinton heading into the final day squ. >> chris christie significant. he was the first to endorse donald trump and loyal all the way through. is he still going to be the co-chair of the transition team in the next few days? >> i'll leave that up to the governor christie. that is up to him as far as if he'll be out there on the campaign trail. and last i checked he's not the one whose under fbi investigation both personally and into the foundation. that's more of secretary clinton. >> clinton campaign doubling in hispanic votes. republican pollster says he thinks trump needs to win north of port 40% among hispanics to mitt romney --. can you get to 40%?
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is that even in your radar? >> i know what we can get to and that's 270 electoral votes. key battleground swing states. florida, north carolina many, ohio. we're in really good shape. the state of iowa, we're confident mr. trump will win. new polling out shows mr. trump is ahead by three points there. and we feel good about nevada early on and other southwest state, talk about colorado and new mexico. our polling show us leading in new mexico. that would be blue to red. and michigan and pennsylvania. two state where is mr. trump and his message renegotiating these terrible trade deals and cutting taxes has put the states in play and really energized a lot of people. >> mark cuban out on the trail today surrogate for hillary clinton. unafraid to hit donald trump. he said here is why he doesn't trust donald trump. >> there is going to come a time that donald trump god help us is
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president, where a putin or an assad would say to him, donald, if you do this, i'll give you $20 billion. if donald trump, who rips off people for thousands gets offered by some dictator somewhere, some desolate somewhere $20 billion, do you think he's going to do what's right for the country? or do you think he's going to take the money. >> that is an accusation of bribes. >> what do i find funny is in the final days of this campaign the secretary clinton's surrogates overshadowing her own efforts in in campaign trail. if she's not out there with a mark cuban or jay-z or somebody else, there is no pizzazz. there is no energy, no excitement. mr. trump is the one with the excitement, the crowds coming down the home stretch. i think we're going to see that. and i think it is a really reflection of there is just nothing energetic behind
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secretary clinton at all. >> before we go i know you said chris christie is not going to be on the campaign trail tomorrow. is he going to be on the campaign trail sunday or monday. >> i'll leave that to governor christie. >> thank you very much jason miller. i appreciate it. back to my panel. let me just start with you john on that. you know, donald trump doesn't have as many surrogates out on the trail as hillary clinton does. losing christie christie who's perhaps his most vocal. incredibly effective in new hampshire where he did so many town halls so effectively. that is blow. >> as the loss but i think it reflects reality which is the bridgegate convictions and bridges in ab alternate reality. i think there is no way for him to campaign on this final weekend without being a major distraction but it is a loss because he's a very powerful passionate surrogate for donald trump and has been very loil at great personal and political costs, frankly. so it is a bit of a blow to the gain and the governor.
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>> obviously that is a significant development interest but also in terms of policy. you heard jason's point. what do you make of that undecided in michigan? 4% gap right now. clinton on top. 13% undecided. who is undecided? by the way u.s.a. today has 20% of hispanics in this country undecided. just to make a point. lot of people don't know who they are voting for. >> the clinton campaign saying they are still confident about michigan. they think they are just fine. that said, not only -- she's up 4%. but that poll's margin of error is plus or minus 4%. >> right. >> so we're talking about something very tight. 13% is huge for undecided this late in the game. and it may just mean exactly what we've seen throughout the campaign, which is people don't like hillary clinton. they don't like donald trump. maybe those people may simply
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not vote. but if they do -- >> -- one way or the other. john you were the speech writer or rudy giuliani. know him very well. rudy giuliani. yet another crucial surrogate for donald trump that he can't afford to lose in the final few days. this morning on fox news rudy giuliani said he knew the fbi was going to be reviewing more e-mails and he knew it before the public knew it. so in other words that would be illegal. here is what he said. >> i had expected this for the last -- honestly to tell you the truth i thought it was going to be about three or four weeks ago. i did nothing to get it out. i had no role in it. kid i hear about it? you're darn right i heard about it. and i i can't even repeat the language that i heard. >> you know him. the daily beast which of course you are the editor has an article about this tonight. how serious is it? >> the article we have tonight is late today ranking democrats on the house oversight and reform committee wroert wrote a letter to the inspector general
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asking them to investigate whether there was a leak to rudy about this. he said on air he knew about it in advance. but he said he knew about it through former fbi agents, not current. there is a great line between gossip and leaks. e what we do know is this environment, a lot of reporting about the leaks in the fbi. it is serious to say that you knew ahead of time. and he certainly seemed to tease it earlier in a previous interview. >> later on he said what he heard none of that was from current fbi agents. he said he hasn't spoken to a current fbi agent in 10 to 15 months. though the current told the former and that's illegal. >> giuliani a federal prosecutor in these circles and knows former fbi agents i'm hur she knows current ones. it may have been sort of mumbled words. the thing that you have a problem with though is that in
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the last four days you never want surrogates to become a story. mr. trump has a really strong trade message in states like michigan. i think that is part of that undecided vote and part of his momentum there. bernie sanders won michigan in the primary other hillary clinton because of that trade message. >> polls said he wouldn't. >> so do you want someone like mike pence or bernie sanders going to michigan making that case. rudy giuliani when he sort of the creates a cloud. chris christie with bridgegate it becomes more complicated. >> we're days away so everything matters more. the one thing is i don't think a rudy would knowingly talk to an active agent. wouldn't want to create that risk. >> important insight from an individual who knows him. don't miss a minute on tuesday. and "outfront" next we're waiting for president obama to speak live in north carolina. and law enforcement is on alert for preparing for anything on
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election day. and the fight in nevada down to every last vote. >> i think when they get in the box that the republican vote will -- will take off. if you work for a living, you want a van that does the same. mercedes-benz vans. from the full-size sprinter to the mid-size metris... ...these are vans for professionals. strictly professionals. we're good. mercedes-benz vans.
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clinton with a rally with jay-z in ohio. we're also awaiting president obama to take the stage in north carolina. we're taking him live in a moment, donald trump liver in a moment. as soon as they begin. mean wooil in nevada clinton and trump are in a high stakes battle over early voter turnout. today is the last day of early voting. welcome to nevada's ground war. >> two more days to vote in this election. today and tuesday. >> reporter: today the last day of early voting. the democratic foot soldier, mission emblazened on their shirts. >> hillary you got this baby. >> reporter: an army of more than 300 spanning out. this isn't get out the vote anymore. this is drive them vote with
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their cars or by bus. casino workers bussed on their lunch break directly to this early voting location by the union. >> hillary clinton. >> reporter: martin gonzalez workout works at the casino. about a fifth of the workers are latino. i vote forward clinton to make sure our rights are protected to. make sure our voice is heard in this country. early totals as of today registered democrats are outpacing republican bis 5.5 percentage points but in 2012 with less than a week to go democrats had an even bigger lead outpacing republicans by 8% and this week the republicans have been closing the gap day by day. >> fist time voter. >> who did you vote for? >> trump. >> early voting locations so busy they waited more than an
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hour to vote for trump. >> i think we're going to be the last-minute attackers in the republican party. i just feel it. >> feeling the energy. >> i do. i do feel the energy. and i like i say. i think they may say one thing to their friends and i think when they get in the box the republican vote will take off. >> reporter: and we've been watching the line grow throughout the day. take a look. they are actually zigzagging going back and forth before they can actually get to the entrance where they will vote. we're hearing here they were expecting to have about 2,000 people all day. they have already blown that number. they are seeing a lot of people out here and the end of the line here is taking two and a half hours erin before they can finally early vote. >> that's incredible. my panel back with me. you were saying the clinton campaign feels confident about nevada, patrick. but when you see two and a half hour lines what's left for election day?
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>> well similar thing to trump rallies. you get the die hards out there who are going to be committed. you get the same for secretary clinton. i think the question is that on election day in terms of who is genuinely motivated, the clintons feel they have made a really good case to hispanic voters in nevada and to low income voters in nevada. and in their view to an early point we were talk about, as long as they keep a focus on trump. as long as they keep going negative and make this a referendum and remind people on tuesday when you wake up, the next day you could have donald trump as president elect. that that is what will energize people out there. >> that is the story of the election. both campaigns because they are unpopular is best when the other guy or gal is the issue. as the negative wave. two and a half hour wait for early voting in nevada. that is a scandal. this is the united states of america. we need election reform. this is pathetic that people are trying to be proactive about
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doing their democratic duty and they are waiting two and a half hours. >> first of all get ready for tuesday. >> yeah. >> tuesday you are going to see the same sad debacle of vladimiafrican americans voting in long lines. do you think the african american vote is going as strong? i said no. if you are african american voting in a black communities that a four to five hour commitment. just be clear. that is true in all the swing states. why don't these people vote? because it is very, very difficult. >> jamie, you have been talking to republicans about the concern on what happens the day after. latest poll, cbs "new york times" 27% of trump supporters say they won't accept the election results if clinton wins. >> this is changed over time. after the "access hollywood" billy bush tape came out most of the republicans talking to they thought it was over. they said he's not going win and they were less concerned about that. now that the polls are
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tightening, i was speaking to people all day today who said they are very concerned that if the race gets tight, hillary clinton wins, you are going to hear more about it's the rigged election. and he'll get people riled up. >> the attorney general of pennsylvania has sent in the state police to conduct two different raids. and this is according to philadelphia inquirer, two different raids. one in philadelphia, one in delaware county for voter fraud. because they are concerned that these groups are deliberately setting up a fraud situation. the governor of panennsylvania d the attorney general, they are democrats i should point out here. >> but we're not seeing it at this point. and to be honest the level of scrutiny that is going on from a lawyers on both sides, state party officials and the news media, regardless of what people think of us. it just -- there is certainly possible incidents of fraud.
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but -- >> -- very good thing though to be sure. >> yeah. >> and i would rather have the professionals do it than to have what your candidate wants random people going to -- >> called american citizens. >> going to communities they don't know intimidating people. and i'm going to tell you right now, wait until tuesday, if you start seeing large numbers of -- let's just put it out there -- white trump supporters going into black communities with dogs and guns, which is what's all over the internet. >> no. >> yeah. it is all over the internet. >> it may be all over the internet but that doesn't make it gospel. there is no dogs and guns committee in the trunkive trump campaign. >> they are print off badges off the internet that saying they are basically going to be these posses going around. none of that is appropriate. let the officials do their job. >> -- >>[chatter]. >> -- is the steady drum beat
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we've had other the past more than a decade that dually elected president is illegitimate. we saw it with the bill clinton. after george w. bush one some say he didn't win the popular vote. god knows what's happened to this president -- >> -- split count by when one person gets a 100%. >> this is governing and some people feed this beast to polarize and profit off it and it's disgusting. >> talking to clinton supporters over the weekend and there is a very, very real concern among people who are supporting clinton about just what the country is going to look like on november 9th. i think they hear the man at the top of the ticket continually talking about a rigged election and high supporters should really be careful and be on the lookout and to hear there is almost like a effect. they are excited about the possibility of a first woman
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president seeing this woman they supported for a long time potentially becoming the president but i think all of that has been muted by this idea and this concern that that is not going to be accepted the day after election day. >> and van as we await the president and he's going to be speaking in a couple moments. so is the donald trump. and we're going to be listening. the final arguments from everybody which is part of the reason why we think it is important to hear from them. can president obama deliver north carolina? because the you look at almost any map that we have, okay, any map, donald trump needs it. barack obama has won and lost it. >> i know. this for obama is the whole thing. listen, don't forget, you know, how important north carolina has been to the entire obama kind of run. race doesn't matter. remember that chant? race doesn't matter. all that stuff. so it was a heartbreak are for him in 2012. and you see this guy is putting it all on the line. if he doesn't get there, you
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know, he's going take it very very badly. but listen, if anybody can do it. it is obama. do not underestimate the energizing effect of this man. >> the clinton folks also said to me today, they don't need north carolina to win, trump does. but they would like to take it away from him. >> they don't need it but they want it. >> and also could be part of what the democrats believe is sort of a decade shift in terms of states in the interior midwest and upper south they feel are going slowly shifting to the democratic side. in new mexico and virginia, nevada. now they are hoping for arizona, north carolina. eventually georgia and like a reck acclamation project. and the hope is for president obama he chose charlotte, north carolina for his convention in 2012. it was a tough loss.
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michelle obama giving a great speech there last week. president obama tonight. but i still say pennsylvania is the one at least for donald trump's hopes that is so essential. >> i agree. which is why i'm voting four times. [ laughter ] >> voter fraud! voter fraud! >> the idea that the clinton campaign doesn't need it, they want. this is huge. they don't want to win by just a couple of electoral votes. they want to devastate, humility donald trump. they want to see voters frankly get donald trump get crushed and reject this idea that this kind of candidate is not acceptable. >> it's interesting in the context of all of in this a few months ago there were a lot of mainstream people say if donald trump is elected you were going tro is a market armageddon. that's changed. mark cuban came on and said it
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was going to be 20 points. 20%. imagine that. anybody think about the great recession that we had that this would dwar that. today citi bank said if trump is elected the market will go down 3 or 4%. that is nothing. it would be okay from the market perspective. >> we have normalized. the election has normalized donald trump in terms of his policies that people were reacted to. that is extraordinary we are on this market slide at a time when donald trump -- >> and nine days in by the way. longest -- >> -- coincide that that has coincided with donald trump's rise in the polls. i think it is about not only what we normalize in the perceptions that drive markets but also really taking into account the impact of policies and what are the impact of, you know, 11 million deportation, temporary muslim ban if nato is degrade. what are the real-world implications? or do you believe that donald trump isn't serious about
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policy. he's ultimately a deal maker. >> which is what they are betting. jamie when you talk to establishment republicans is it something they are getting back on board now he said those things but he doesn't mean them like the markets? >> actually to go back to what -- said about democrats they really want hillary clinton to beat him by big numbers. there are a lot raof republican who would like him to lose. the never trumps. the establishment republicans. they want -- they are already talking about how they are rebuilding the party after trump -- >> >>[chatter]. >> -- in hershey, pennsylvania tonight. they are there because they think the establishment has become corrupted and donald trump is their answer. >> -- got to him. the biggest hat trick in american politics is every single person who does not like donald trump is in the establishment. i don't care who you are. where you are from. >> you finally made it, van.
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>> no, but listen, according to use guy, the most amazing thing is. we had a guy out hear a couple of days ago who worked for the bush administration or whatever. but because he is for trump he's not a part of the establishment. if the same guy had said he was against trump he is the establishment. the only thing that defines. >> you are getting it now. >> oh my -- you are proud of this? this is complete horse pucky. >> to wax serious here. the whole fbi clinton episode really shows to a lot of people the situation bipartisanly is corrupt. and they want to make it ebert and donald trump is that vessel. >> but this does, i think president obama is going to be
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walking out any second. but i think what this all does, the undecided numbers, a lot of people going how in the world could those be so high. 13% in michigan. 20% of hispanics undecided. shows deep dissatisfaction with the process. >> and if democrats do lose an election day pretty regularly. but that is that early vote. and when you see the long lines at early vote and increasing it now in north carolina as well for the african americans. all those latinos in nevada. that should be scaring the trump voters. but a we do get beat on election day. but it doesn't matter we always got our votes barnged already. >> and in a crucial state, north carolina, of emotional significance to him and huge practical significance to the clinton campaign, let's listen to the president.
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>> fired up. everybody please give him a big round of applause. i feel a little bit like the guest pastor coming into church. he got me fired up backstage. there are people i want to thank. alma adams is here. your next state treasurer dan bloom the third is here. your next governor, rory cooper is in the house. outstanding mayor jennifer roberts of charlotte is here. and all of you are here. this is a pretty good crowd
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right here. four days, north carolina. four days to decide the future of this country that we love. the good news is you don't have to wait four days because here in north carolina, you can vote early. if you are now registered to vote, you have until tomorrow to register and vote. and at any of the one-stop locations in your county. there are two within a few miles from here. unc charlotte. at the -- center. these guys right here they will show you where to go if you need
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to. or university city reactional library. if those don't work for you. go do "i will" and they will show you where to vote. when i see something that says "carolina votes" up there. i just want to make sure that whoever put up that sign isn't telling a lie. i need you to vote. the country needs you to vote. because i don't know about you but i like to finish what i start. i like finishing what i start. and we need to finish what we started eight years ago. [ amen ]
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now, i realize i'm kind of gray now. i still look good though, right? >> enjoying every second of it, he clearly is. thank you so much for joining us. ac 360 begins right now. good evening. thanks for joique us. big new developments into the final election day including a court ruling, one of three today that could effect who votes. for the candidate thers holding duelling events in battleground states and battlefield is shifting beneath their feet. donald trump in pennsylvania, hillary clinton in ohio. new hampshire is another, now a toss up and it could be crucial. plenty to cover in the two hours ahead starting with cnn sara murray covering the trump campaign in hershey, pennsylvania. the more subdued trump in the last few da
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