tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 5, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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husband on the campaign today. is she going to help him? and tim kaine says that the fbi is actively working to help trump. is he right? let's go "outfront." and good evening. i'm erin burnett. welcome back to a special election edition of "outfront," the final push. right now, hillary clinton going to be speaking at a rally in philadelphia moments away. katy perry going to be giving a concert there. second night in a row of a big concert performance supporting hillary clinton. it was jay-z and beyonce last night. katy perry will be there any moment. we'll take you there live just as soon as that begins. we're also this hour standing by for donald trump about to rally supporters in the battleground state of nevada. two new polls out show that race extremely close, just three days until election day. obviously a lot of early voting there. one of them showing clinton leading trump by one point.
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44 to 43. in our cnn poll of polls, it's an average of our five most recent polls. her lead cut in half. she was five points ahead last night at this time and now it's at three. trump called his argument for nevada, a two-minute long ad to run during football and nascar events in crucial battleground states. >> i'm doing this for the people and for the movement and we will take back this country for you and we will make america great again. and our reporters are across the country. we begin with kyung lah in reno. it's a crucial state that he needs to win. >> reporter: we are anticipating
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donald trump will be delivering his closing message here to what is certainly a very enthusiastic crowd, a closing message that will include repealing obamacare, focusing on the clinton e-mail scandal as well as trying to tell this crowd that what is crucial here, what will make a difference in this western battleground state is turnout. now, he is coming here after spending much of the day out east. he's been in tampa, florida, where there he again delivered that closing message, talking briefly off the cuff mentioning the jay z concert with hillary clinton, saying he was frankly unimpressed and than he went to north carolina, another battleground state. and there we saw a rare appearance by melania trump. she introduced her husband, putting out a charm ee foffensiy the trump camp. he will end his day in colorado, another battleground state. we understand he's running a few minutes behind schedule so a
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number of speakers trying to keep this enthusiastic crowd energetic because they are here to see donald trump. >> rudy giuliani is doing the introduction. when donald trump speaks, lee be going there live. brianna keilar is live at the katy perry concert in philadelphia. the message is to young voters, the under 30s that she needs turnout from. >> reporter: that's right. people who she struggled with in the primary and she needs to attract and looking around this auditorium, women brought their daughters who are certainly too young to vote and also young women who are of voting age that are moms. suburban women are key in the philadelphia area and philadelphia is key to pennsylvania and philadelphia is key to her path in the white house as she tries to put up a blue wall against donald trump. we are waiting for katy perry
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who is going to be performing after hillary clinton speaks. last night, hillary clinton had help from jay z and beyonce. she'll have help tomorrow from lebron james. trump said he doesn't need this star power to get a crowd. there are workers here, volunteers getting voter information. even yesterday in ohio across the street from one of the ticket distribution sites was the board of elections office. so this is all very careful orchestrated. erin, we're also getting details about what her final day will look like. she'll be back here in philadelphia for a big rally with her husband, her daughter, president obama and first lady michelle obama, the first rally where they have all been together. she will be heading to three other cities, including raleigh, north carolina, she'll be heading to michigan and one other place that we're not sure what it is yet but certainly
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we'll signal what she's prioritizing here ahead of election day. >> all right. thank you very much, brianna. mark preston is "outfront" in washington. states like nevada, north carolina, florida, some important changes in the early vote race tonight? >> erin, no doubt about that. so far nearly 37 million people have already cast ballots in 39 states across the country. as you said, we're going to look first at florida where we're seeing now more than 5.7 million people have already cast their votes before election day. but who's in the lead? right now, democrats have a 7,000 ballot return advantage over republicans. just two days ago, republicans had 16,000 ballot advantage returned over democrats. so good news for democrats except when you look at what happened in 2008, in 2008, they had 146,000 advantage ballots returned at this same point in the campaign. so certainly off pace from 2008 to where we are in 2016. let's look at the demographics of florida right now, who's
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participating. african-americans at 12.8% and hispanics at 14.4%. we compare that to 2008 and look at the dropoff amongst african-american participation as part of the overall electorate. democrats don't like to see this drop-off. what they are happy about, though, is this number right here where you have hispanics now increasing their influence in the process by about 336,000 votes right now in 2016 over where they were in 2008. let us now go up to north carolina. up in north carolina, right now, 2.5 million people have already cast an early vote and who is leading there? democrats are, erin, size blee by 266,000 more ballots returned as we speak. and we compare that to what happened in 2012. about 14,000 more ballots returned in '16 than 2012 even
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though we see the overall participation rate drop off there. let's see what the racial demographics are in north carolina. african-americans, 22.4% participation early vote. hispanics at 1.9%. this is where it gets troubling for democrats. compare the middle column, 2016 to 2012 and look at that drop-off just in the raw vote alone. that's 31,000 less votes from african-americans in the early vote process from 2012 to 2016. the hispanic votes have increased, erin, by 22,000, or .7%. that's why we're seeing the likes of barack obama spending a lot of time in nothirth carolin. if hillary clinton can stop donald trump in one of these states, it's going to be an entirely different night than what we've been discussing. >> thank you very much, mark. let's go to our panel. jamie gangel, john avalon,
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jackie kucinich, clinton supporter van jones, patty nell hughes. just to be clear, there are some states you can vote in early and some you can't. you look at north carolina and florida, how do you interpret the numbers we heard from mark? >> i think it's pretty clear if hillary clinton is going to win on tuesday, it's going to be different than the obama coalition. she's very much counting on those hispanic numbers to hold and grow, that that is a real sort of opportunity for her, college-educated whites, particularly, college-educated women and younger voters, the bernie sanders and elizabeth warren can move out. but those numbers are not great. that sort of enthusiasm that bernie sanders supporters were showing during the primary
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season and hillary clinton supporters weren't quite capturing, i think you're sort of seeing the same thing here in terms of hillary clinton's early vote and barack obama's early vote. he got a lot of -- i would say there are hispanic numbers in states like nevada that we didn't get in to. it's a big deal. >> big growth for hispanics. >> big growth for hispanics in the las vegas area. it looks like she's building up an advantage there and that's a state that donald trump is in reno tonight that he's hoping to take away. >> there was this claim by donald trump that there is a silent working-class majority out there, a sleeping giant that he was going to get to stand up. and he did. but it's latino. there's a latino working-class sleeping giant that he has awakened and what you're seeing is a silent surge on the latino majority. it was the black vote for obama.
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it's the latino vote against donald trump. >> here's the thing. up until last night, even polling right now where donald trump is leading in nevada, last night there was a huge get-out-to-vote surge. >> 2 1/2, 3-hour line. >> exactly. they realized that they were losing. i don't know if hillary clinton is going to be able to pull that but to be part of this campaign and watch it from the very beginning, there's one thing that we can say. he turned out record numbers in the primaries, he turned out record numbers in early voting. there's a good chance we're going to have record numbers on election day. so to sit there and say he's 50% or 60%, we don't exactly know how many are going to turn out on election day because we've broken all records. >> to what van was saying in terms of people voting against donald trump, this has to be a concern for hillary clinton in states like new hampshire and pennsylvania. there isn't a large hispanic population and you can't necessarily count on voting against the other guy to energize turnout on election
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day. >> yeah. we talk each year about so concerned that american voting numbers aren't what they should be. look, we're going to have a record turnout. it could very well be. the problem is, it's going to be a negative wave. so many people coming out are voting to stop the other person rather than simply support their own candidate on their own policies. that's a different kind of problem that we've faced. >> when it comes to turnout, one thing that really matters, african-american community, hispanic community, is young people. they were fired up about bernie sanders. they do support in every poll hillary clinton but that doesn't mean that they care enough to go vote for her. that's part of the reason she was with jay z last night and katy perry tonight. let me go through the other names. lebron james, jennifer lopez, miley cyrus. >> she's got james taylor in new
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hampshire. so that -- >> you know, this is the hip list. she has president obama at the university of michigan which has a crappy football team. but -- i'm a ohio state fan. >> the majority of college students, my niece said, are voting absentee. people are just assuming, like north carolina, that within the triangle that those students are voting north carolina. a lot of them are absentee ballots that will not be counted until the very end if there's a need for them to be involved. >> hillary clinton had to with millennials overcome two problems. one is the heartburn from the sanders race. we could talk about that but there's another problem, which is that obama himself was just so cool. and so there's a coolness factor to voting for him. hillary clinton is not cool. she's a good -- there's no cool factor to that.
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>> except for her pants suits. >> what she's been able to do i think over the past several days and past week, when you have funny or die coming out with great stuff, great memes going on, it's becoming a little bit cool now to be for hillary clinton now. >> to that front, let's play her ad. donald trump put out this two-minute clip making his case in the final hours. i want to play what hillary clinton has airing in 11 crucial battleground states and this is katy perry. ♪ i've got the eye of the tiger, dancing through the fire ♪ ♪ i'm a champion and you're going to hear me roar ♪ >> effective, jamie? >> we were dancing before the cameras came back on and you forgot to mention that she has cher in florida and john bon
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jovi in north carolina. i think it's interesting in michigan where you're seeing the polls tighten. let's remember, bernie sanders won michigan in the primary. there are states with problems but i want to go back again to the state of florida. she's doing a little bit better than expected in florida because of that hispanic vote, because of puerto ricans, which have become -- they are about to be more puerto ricans than cuban-americans in florida. they vote. they vote democratic. >> demographic matters enormously. in 2012 -- the republican's problem in hispanics was prominent in 2012. it's part of a larger problem that donald trump has really just sort of tapped. that ad by hillary clinton to your earlier point i think is enormously effective for three reasons. one, it's actually inspirational. two, it draws on a pop culture reference which gives a sort of
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halo effect. >> coolness factor. >> and third, it shows in the clips of different points of her career, it makes a point of public service over a long period of time. those three things make it most effective for her. >> and the campaign has done a very good job -- i would disagree. i would say the most effective ad cycle was the daughter's ad. what i was going to say, that ad really targeted women. a lot of the shots were of women and her with women and they've done a very good job of targeting that part of the vote that hillary clinton really has maintained. >> and she's targeting women and obviously effectively so. donald trump is trying here in the final few days we have melania trump give a speech, she was on the campaign trail with her husband today trying to humanize him, make him seem softer in the crucial battleground state of north carolina. here's what she said. >> donald is a wonderful husband, father and grandfather.
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he's strong. he's determined, bold and decisive. he's also compassionate, thoughtful, giving and loving. donald cares -- [ cheers ] >> effective? >> yeah. i thought that was a nice move that he went over there, that there seemed to be some chemistry. >> affection. >> some sort of affection. that's the word i'm struggling for. affection and it was nice. it just felt -- this is a side -- you know, donald trump has gotten in his own way so much during this campaign. the side of him that has a sense of humor that can feel like a real person instead of robotic. >> sweet. >> it was sweet. he did something spontaneously so it was doubly wonderful. >> he has a soft spot for
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melania. >> he does. >> well, it is -- you know, you have to ask the question, unfortunately, melania trump came out of the republican con venco convention very singed and everyone has to earn their sea legs. if she had been out there more, she would have been a powerful surrogate for him, especially in early october when the women were coming forward with their accusations. >> but anybody running against hillary clinton was going to be termed to be sexist. two years ago i recognized this. in 2012, mitt romney, john mccain, and now especially a female as the democratic leader, you know the sexism was going to be the charge. >> had she been out there -- >> and the "access hollywood"
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tape. >> but this year we had obamacare come out and premium notices countered what the commercial said. >> pause to all for a moment. "outfront" next, hillary clinton. she's going to be speaking. we'll take you there live at the katy perry concert in philadelphia. you'll hear that here. and donald trump in battleground nevada. we'll go there live and also we'll go to north carolina. it's a state that could turn this entire election. and then tim kaine, he says some in the fbi are actively working against trump. he is right. and our van johns in battleground pennsylvania, talking to trump supporters, had conversations with people including one mother who defended her support. >> how dare you put me out there to be this evil individual. it broke my heart. >> this is a special edition of "outfront." i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here.
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that just tastes better. with more vitamins. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. hillary clinton has just taken the stage in pennsylvania, about to have a katy perry concert. let's listen in. >> up here on the stage with me. i hope that you will be voting for them as well and i really hope you're going to send katy mcginty to the united states senate. you know, i'm very excited, there are just three days left in this most consequential
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election. are you ready? are you ready to vote on november the 8th? you know, i've spent a lot of time in states where they are already voting and i was just talking to my dear friend, cory booker, because he's been crisscrossing the country, going to a lot of those same states. and here in pennsylvania, you vote on tuesday. i want you to know this. more than 37.5 million people in our country have already voted. now, why are they out there voting? because i believe they are standing up for a hopeful, inclusive vision of america. and i'm asking you to stand up for that same vision when you
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come out and vote on november the 8th. it's your turn, philadelphia. my long-time friend, congressman bob brady, knows that all of the campaigning in the world doesn't mean anything if people don't vote. so i hope you will go to to make sure you have everything you need to know where to vote to make your voice heard. because tonight i want to hear you roar! and this monday, this monday i'll be back in philadelphia.
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and so, if you're all still geared up and ready to go, come join us at independence hall monday night with president obama and michelle obama! we are all working our hearts out in the final sprint to this election and we need your help so take out your phones, text join, j-o-i-n to 47246 and help us to get out to vote. we're still recruiting volunteers. there are still people who need to be called, whose door needs to be knocked on, who maybe
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needs a ride to the polls. so if you have some time and you want to really be involved in winning this election, sign up to help because when your kids and grandkids ask you what you did in 2016 when it was all on the line, i want you to be able to say i voted for a better, fairer, stronger america where everybody has a chance at the american dream. [cheers and applause ] i am so excited about this election because i really think we're going to send a message from coast to coast, east to west, north to south about who we are as a country. and if we do what we should, then on november the 9th, this coming wednesday, we can all wake up and say, i'm going to do
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my part to make sure that america lives up to its promise to every one of our people, especially every one of our children who deserve the chance to live up to their god given potential. so tonight, tonight it is a celebration for everything that you've already done to help us and all that we will do together, and i am thrilled to be able to introduce a performer whose music has a wonderful message i was thrilled when our incredible guest tonight came out and started campaigning for me way back in iowa before the caucuses because i love the message. when you get knocked down, which
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everybody does, what matters is, get back up. stand up for what you believe. know the power of your own voice. it can change the world. and let's once and for all, as we welcome her to the stage, let's prove that love trumps hate! katy perry! ♪ give me a beat >> all right. here with your panel as you're watching this, van says hillary is dancing. >> i'm for it.
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i'm for it. >> that was at this -- katy perry is a very crucial millennial surrogate. she's been active for hillary clinton. >> and she's a feminist icon for the millennial generation. we sometimes forget this is history. we do have a woman who could become president of the united states. that's a big deal. but for the younger millennials, they tend to take it for granted but she's a millennial, mem anymore icon. there it is, the hood. >> the transer only goes so far. you know, she had katy perry and lena dunham working trying to stop the sanders momentum and it barely worked. it gets a little bit of buzz but -- >> how many people are there just for the concert? last time we saw jay z and beyonce together, secretary clinton came out and people were starting to leave.
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a lot of people are here to see this great concert. >> and i will say to you, a lot of people go to the donald trump events because of that excitement, because of the energy. >> but they don't leave. hillary clinton rally, that gets out there. people in airports, bar, they are watching that. >> you guys had chachi. that's your problem. >> they try to organize and get the momentum and get them literature and that's something useful. it just doesn't convert. >> guess what, large rallies don't necessarily translate into
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voters. >> brianna keilar is at this concert and she said there's a lot of suburb man mothers there, some with daughters too young to vote. of course some of that is katy perry but some of it is the suburban voters that hillary clinton needs to vote. >> absolutely. and i want to remark to what katy perry walked out to, which was janet jackson's song. they reclaimed the nasty woman remark that donald trump made and they have done -- they did a really incredible job at it, taking that and owning it and making it part of the campaign and using it as a term of empowerment rather than the dig that it was made to. >> donald trump is now actually on the stage in reno, nevada. let's listen to him for a few moments. >> you know, the fbi has opened their criminal investigation into hillary clinton. following the discovery of
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another 650,000 e-mails, probably including the 330,000 e-mails that hillary destroyed after receiving a congressional subpoena. they are also -- [ crowd chanting ]. >> folks, folks, folks, she shouldn't be allowed to run. okay? and i'm not talking about what happened last friday. i'm talking about right now. she shouldn't be allowed to run.
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when you look at general cartwright, four-star general for doing almost nothing by comparison could serve five years in jail. that happened two weeks ago. general petraeus, destroyed their lives for doing nothing by comparison. how about the young man who took pictures of a submarine. he wanted to have some pictures. the submarine -- it's not like it's a brand-new submarine. it's many years old. they put him in jail for a year and she does all of these different things. they are also conducting a second criminal investigation into hillary's illegal pay-for-play corruption at the state department. there's virtually no doubt that fbi director comey and the
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great, great special agents of the fbi will be able to collect more than enough evidence to garner indictments against hillary clinton and her inner circle despite her efforts to disparage them and to discredit them. if she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. in that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. it would grind government to a halt. of course, that's what we have right now under obama anyway. we need a government that can work and work well from day one
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for the american people. that will be impossible with hillary clinton. the prime suspect in a massive, far-reaching criminal investigation. her current scandals and controversies will continue throughout her presence and will make it virtually impossible for her to govern or lead our country. now, i don't think it's going to matter because she's not going to win, but let's go through the scenario. [ crowd chanting "trump" ]. >> by the way, does anybody speak better about this subject than our legendary rudy
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giuliani? huh? he's the greatest. come here. [cheers and applause ] special guy. new york was crime infested, filthy dirty, problems all over the place. rudy came in and straightened it out. straightened it out. thank you, rudy, for everything. if she ever got into the oval office, hillary and her special interests would rob our country blind. you see where it's going. at the art of this election is
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one question. will the country will be governed by the people or by the corrupt political class. if we win, the special interests will lose. if they win, the american people will lose. it's just that simple. the political elites in this country have used their power to enrich themselves at your expense. they've run the government for their benefit and they've profited from your pay. you see what's happening. and by the way, folks, you're highly sophisticated. i have to say, i have the smartest people. the smartest. the smartest. and i have the most loyal people by far. and that's born out in every poll they take.
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in fact, they are very worried. with all of the polls that are happening, we are winning all over the place. we're winning in iowa. just came out, we're seven points out. we're winning in ohio. we're winning in new hampshire. we're winning in north carolina. i think we're going to win the great state of pennsylvania. based on turnout, i think we're going to win florida. >> this is donald trump speaking in reno. hillary clinton, as you saw, in pennsylvania right now at a katy perry concert. they are using every second that they can just to -- we came in to hear donald trump. he's talking about the fbi investigation which of course he's trying to make hay on. it's been effective. it's cut her lead in the polls. last night at five and down to
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three tonight. going on and on about states that he says he can win. does this get the turnout up? >> i mean, i meal like the damage from the comey's e-mails are done. but it seems like that's done. right now, donald trump is just trying to get his people out and that's a message that has rallied his people and they don't like hillary clinton. they don't think she should be in office. when they hear donald trump say that, it makes them want to get to the polls. >> john, it's not just his base that has an issue with the e-mails. it's the republican establishment. to the extent that they are trying to reach them and the fbi that -- they hear that. >> this resuscitates all of the old issues with the clintons. fights with law enforcement, honesty, trustworthiness.
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the things that have been a drag on her approval ratings over the course of this campaign, the e-mail scandal is a proxy for resuscitating all of those concerns about the allegations of corruption in those culture war fights even within law enforcement during the clinton administration. you heard there donald trump bringing back up the specter of an indictment, constitutional crisis. what's significant about that is that not only does the crowd like it and "lock her up" has been a rallying cry over the course of this campaign, even trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway said earlier today, that's inaccurate. there's no evidence or actual reporting of any indictment. but she said that it doesn't matter because the damage has been done. now, that's a deeply cynical, if honest, assessment of what why this gets brought up over and over again. but it's going to be one of those wedges that's very difficult to heal. >> okay. all staying with me and, of course, our coverage of election day, tuesday, just three days away. we're here with you all night
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tonight. next, north carolina, a state that could turn the entire election. you heard trump reference it. and tim kaine said the fbi, in his words, are actively working to help donald trump. e it with . with directv and at&t, watch all your live channels, on your devices, data-free. switch to directv and lock in your price for 2 years. offers starting at $50/month.
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donald trump speaking in reno. you just heard him speaking for a few moments at a rally. it's been a busy day for him. he's already been to florida and north carolina and going to colorado later tonight. think about that for one moment. a pretty exhausting schedule. gary tuchman is "outfront" in charlotte. a crucial battleground state, north carolina. what are you hearing? >> reporter: erin, presidential candidates are playing very close attention to the voters of north carolina and almost all of them are paying close attention to the candidates. we've come to a bowling alley to talk to average nor north carolineans.
you're a voter. have you ever voted? >> no. >> are you going to vote? >> yes. >> what do you think of the whole process? >> well, i'm undecided. >> are you sick of the process, though? >> yeah. i think that politics are politics but i think that america can do better than both of these kacandidates. >> reporter: i only see six points up there. >> i got a spare. i'm working on it. >> reporter: these ladies are bringing near beer, right? >> yes. >> reporter: have you early voted? >> we have. we voted together. >> reporter: how long did you wait to vote? >> about an hour? >> reporter: some people waited 5 1/2 hours today. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: are you tired of the process? >> we're ready for it to be done but we were glad to be able to get out to vote early because of the lines on tuesday. >> reporter: they sure know about the process, erin. >> back to you. and you found an undecided
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extraordinarily hard. yesterday, hillary clinton was here in pittsburgh. today, joe biden was in south allegheny county. tomorrow, donald trump will be here. clearly, they are looking for votes in this vote-rich area of the state. president obama in 2002, he only won 12 counties in pennsylvania but he still bested mitt romney. he only won a few. hillary clinton has been -- she has 56 offices across the state. donald trump only has 12. she is trying to compete in those states or in those counties where romney barely beat obama in 2012. so they are trying to be as competitive as possible. they have a massive get-out-to-vote campaign on the hillary clinton campaign and the trump campaign new tonight, not long ago,
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today, tim kaine was taking on the fbi. in fact, he said some of the agents are actively working to help donald trump win. it's supposed to be an apolitical body, and here's what he said. >> i don't think guiliani's walkback is credible. he knew the fbi was not only a leaky siv, but there were agents actively working to try and help the trump campaign. this is absolutely staggering and it's a massive blow to the integrity of that body. >> those comments from kaine followed the letter to congress which revealed the bureau was looking at e-mails. it is fair criticism? >> i think it's absolutely fair,
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at least that is the impression that we are getting. the timing of the comey letter, you know, he has been criticized from the left and right of people who know how the fbi functions and how the doj is supposed to function and he has been aeviscerated. i think it does mirror a lot of the concerns that democrats have. you have congressman cummings who go sent a letter asking for an investigation into the leaks, because the leaks are also offering donald trump what he has used in his rallies, which are complete lies. the talk about the supposed indictments -- >> there have been a lot of leaks, and we found out a lot of information that did not come from fbi comey's letter.
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>> yeah, and those are circumstantial as to if the fbi is working. i think what you are talking about is process and what comey did, and what tim kaine said today was the fbi was actively working on behalf, some people in the fbi were acting on behalf of mr. trump, and that's a problematic statement -- >> yes, it's the impression that the fbi themselves are giving. >> they do not want their vice presidential nominee saying this without evidence, because it plays into what people have blown the whistle on mr. trump for, which is donald trump has said things and not had things to back it up. >> that's why they are calling for an investigation. >> this was an interview, but for tim kaine, it may not change a lot of votes. >> if loretta lynch did not get into such a position where she had to meet bill clinton on the
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tarmac, and then not recuse herself, and then she lost all her credibility because they sat on the tarmac for 30 minutes and had a conversation about grandchildren and golf and none of this came up except what we found out afterwards is, if hillary clinton is elected maybe you would want to continue in this capacity. >> we don't know for sure what was said on the accusations -- >> let me just play this, and patrick is complete he has no proof, but rudy guiliani, he came out yesterday on fox news and said he knew the fbi was going to be coming out with this, so presumably was sold it by the fbi. here's what -- >> tim kaine mentioned that. >> this is what he said yesterday on fox. >> i expected this -- to tell you the truth, i thought it
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would come out weeks ago, and i can't deny i heard about it and i can't repeat the language i heard. >> wolf blitzer asked guiliani about it, and he said it had been a long time since he talked to anybody that directly worked for the fbi. it became clear that it was possibly somebody that used to work for the fbi, which would be circumstantial for guiliani. >> well, what did he know and when did he know that? why did he know it before the comey letter came out? i agree the clinton campaign does not want to be talking about that, and i think it also goes to another issue that is good for the democrats, what president obama has been talking about and hillary clinton herself has been talking about, which is donald trump himself s
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actions -- do americans want to wake up and see their president fly off the handle. >> and they can choose between the candidate they don't think is honest and trustworthy or somebody that will change washington, d.c. if the vice presidential nominee wants to remind everybody, the nominee for the president is under investigation by the fbi, and that's a serious decision, if hillary clinton is elected will we have a constitutional crisis right now because the fbi
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has to continue to investigate criminal matters. >> there are a lot of people who want a president who will speak his mind and the problem is do you want somebody who is making statements that reflect how they really believe, or like a guiliani-style statement that is like real conspiracy theories, and he did it with mrs. clinton's health and has no evidence, and you like the fact somebody says what they think, but you kind of get into a gray area. stay with us another hour of "out front." our special election coverage continues this saturday night. ♪ and the rocks on the sand... ♪ it's so peaceful up here. yeah. [ eagle screech ] introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack
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