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tv   New Day  CNN  November 7, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PST

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believe me. >> it is a choice between strong, steady leadership or a loose canon who could put everything at risk. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyon camerota. up first this 11-hour break for hillary clinton. the fbi deciding not to charge her with a crime after reviewing thousands of newly discovered e-mails. trying to get past the cloud of suspicion and reuniting the country. >> this is proof that the system is rigged and he does not believe that the fbi could go through the e-mails they say they went through. he is asking for the american people to deliver justice at the polls. now, the candidates are staging a battleground blitz. you will not believe how many places they're going in one day. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with cnn justice correspondent pamela brown live in washington with the latest on
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this latest fbi bombshell. pamela? >> yeah, really a curveball, chris. a surprise letter from fbi director comey to congress sunday was a culmination of the newly surfaced e-mail. as one official told me, agents worked around the clock and key to this effort was software that was refined from its previous use for the clinton initial private server investigation. as it turns out, most of the e-mails were personal or duplicate e-mails that had already been reviewed by the fbi. director comey was briefed on the findings yesterday and made the decision he would not change his july recommendation of no charges against hillary clinton. so, the probe is considered over for now when it comes to clinton, though with not all the deleted e-mails recovered and not all the devices in the fbi's possession and always possible something else could turn up that would require more review. now for the others part of this probe including huma abedin the fbi is working on some remaining aspects, including determining how the e-mails ended up on her
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estranged husband's laptop. she doesn't know why they were there because this wasn't a computer she used. so, though this probe may be over, chris and alisyn, when it comes to clinton, questions continue to surround director comey and his actions starting with july with that unprecedented press conference he held. pamela, back to you. >> both campaigns are reacting to the latest bombshell. the clinton campaign hoping to put this controversy behind him. did this come too little, too late. phil mattingly joins us with more. >> the good news you're not going to hear hillary clinton talking about in the last 48 hours of this campaign. why? the clinton campaign knows this. their numbers go up when this race is about donald trump. not about the fbi, not about the private e-mail server and that's exactly what you're going to hear hillary clinton talking about as this race comes to a close. with mere hours left on the campaign clock -- >> this election is a moment of
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reckoning. it is a choice between division or unity. >> reporter: hillary clinton hitting the ground in ohio and new hampshire. making no mention the fbi director's conclusion that she should not be charged in the latest e-mail probe. instead, clinton focusing on uniting a divided nation. >> i'm asking for the support, not just of democrats, but also republicans and independents in this election. >> reporter: the clinton aides tell cnn questions still linger about whether the damage has already been done. >> we are glad to see that he was found as we were confident he would, that he has confirmed the conclusions that he really reached in july and we're glad this matter is resolved. >> reporter: clinton trying to rally voters, deploying yet another big name to get out the vote. cleveland cavaliers star, lebron james. >> president hillary clinton -- >> reporter: and in new
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hampshire, khan, the gold star father who gave a rousing speech at the democratic national convention. >> thankfully, mr. trump, this isn't your america. >> reporter: clinton also pinning an op-ed in "usa today" listing her top four priorities for her first 100 days in office. saying to voters, we have to decide who we are. and, chris, if you want to get a sense on where the clinton campaign is looking to close out this election, just look at hillary clinton's travel. making a stop in michigan. a reliable blue state. also a midnight rally in raleigh, north carolina. a true toss-up that the clinton campaign can turn blue they would be in good shape. where all the focus is going to be. stop in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and then philadelphia. primetime tonight with president obama. first lady, michelle obama and cast of characters that looks like camerota dinner party.
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bruce springsteen and jon bon jovi. >> good one, phil mattingly. i like itp. this is the last chance that voters will get to see clinton and trump in action. trump is all over the fbi director. he used to be doing that with praise after nine days ago, now all negative. this is proof of a rigged system and he's asking you, the voter, to deliver justice to clinton at the battle box. >> donald trump is keeping up his messaging that he thinks hillary clinton is guilty hear. that is in defiance with what the fbi director says this is in essence a closed matter and trump is casting some doubt on the broader conclusion of the fbi as part of the closing message to voters telling voters it's up to them to bring justice. >> she's being protected by a rigged system. >> reporter: donald trump trying to undermine the fbi's
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announcement that they have cleared hillary clinton, again. >> you can't review 650,000 e-mails in eight days. you can't do it, folks. hillary clinton is guilty. she knows it. the fbi knows it. now, it's up to the american people to deliver justice at the ballot. >> reporter: law enforcement officials tell cnn they worked around the clock and that the e-mails were mostly personal and duplicates of what had already been reviewed. trump's reaction, a complete 180 from the praise he once expressed for the fbi director. >> there's little doubt that fbi director comey and the great special agents within the fbi will be able to collect more than enough evidence to garner indictments against hillary clinton. >> reporter: now facing the final day of campaigning, sprinting to the finish. trump traveling across a whopping six states on sunday alone. keeping up his attack on clinton, culminating his push in
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blue states with a midnight rally in virginia. >> hillary right now is fast asleep. >> reporter: trump publishing his closing aurms in a new op-ed in "usa today" offering his contract with the american voter outlining what he calls a 100-day action plan to clean up corruption and bring change to washington. and trump has another marathon day today campaigning in the must-win states of florida and north carolina and it's on to pennsylvania, new hampshire and michigan. his last rally tonight in michigan a late in the game added new focus by the trump campaign. this is a state that has not gone republican, alisyn, since 1988. >> fascinating to see how all of this is playing out. joining us now is hillary clinton's campaign manager robby mook. nice to see you. >> nice to see you, thanks. >> robby, let's talk about this whip lash from director comey. how much damage to you think was done in those nine days between the time he first sent the letter to congress saying we have possibly some new relevant
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material on anthony weiner's laptop to yesterday when he said, oops, nuthing to see here. >> you know, i don't think damage was done. first of all, this matter has been in the news for some time now. i think voters had already factored it into their decision. but what we're seeing in the numbers is record early turnout across the board. we think we're establishing critical leads in the early vote in states that will make it impossible for donald trump to overcome tomorrow. we're issuing a call to all of our supporters to keep turning out. make sure all your friends do the same and secretary clinton, i'm proud to announce, is going to be airing a two-minute spot this evening where she'll make her closing argument directly to the american people. >> robby, can you just tell us what secretary clinton said on the plane yesterday when the news broke that, in fact, the fbi did have time to look through all of those tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of e-mails and found that there was nothing relevant?
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>> well, obviously, we're all puzzled. it's strange that director comey would have put out this letter previously saying he had some information. i dent know why he couldn't have knott e gotten the warrant and looked at it and that's behind us now. we have a final day left. the american people deserve to hear from these candidates. a positive vision for what they're going to do to make a difference in people's lives. donald trump is distressed. he's lost his closing message here, which was fundamentally negative. we're just going to stay focused on celebrating the record turnout that we're seeing and getting our positive message out there. >> robby, one last question about the e-mails. because why on the stump yesterday didn't secretary clinton make more hay of this? why didn't she say, good news, i've been entirely vindicated. why didn't she want to talk to the crowds about that? >> because i think the american people have heard enough about this e-mail matter. again, we're focused on turning out our supporters. that ground game that we worked so hard to build is really
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bearing fruit. a third of the hispanic and asian voters that we turned out in florida didn't participate in the 2012 or 2014 elections. half or rather the turnout among asian and hispanic voters in north carolina and florida has doubled now. we're really proud of what we're seeing out there. proud that our supporters are turning out in such huge numbers and we're focused on them and making our case directly to the voters. >> robby, we have a couple of interesting polls here. i want to bounce off of you. the first one is the cnn/onc poll of nevada and it might conflict with some of your confidence there. trump has 49% and hillary clinton has 43%. do you -- what do you see in those numbers? >> well, the key to look at is the early voting and what we're seeing there is the democrats are turning out at a record number. there's record turn out overall.
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but, based on our estimates with our analytics, we built a strong lead that donald trump just won't have the ability to overcome on election day. >> we do have that. i will pop that up. the democrats right now are at 42% of the vote there in early voting and republicans are at 36%. you're saying that they can't close that gap? >> well, and also independent voters there skew democratic. a lot of younger latino voters are not affiliated with either party. and in our surveys, we've seen them supporting us overwhelmingly. >> couple other polls to bounce off of. "boston globe" poll that shows it exactly tied 42-42 but then in the cnn poll of polls which crunches all of the numbers from new hampshire together, clinton is leading 44 to 41. what do you think is going to happen in new hampshire? >> well, i am glad you asked this question because new hampshire is a state where almost the entire electorate
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votes on election day. this really comes down to the wire. that's where our ground game is going to make a huge difference. you know, when it comes to the polls, we're not focused on them at this point. we're just focused on turning our supporters out and watching those early voting returns, as i said. i think we're going to win new hampshire, but that's up to the voters on election day and, so, we're just focused on turning them out. >> hey, robby, why is secretary clinton going to michigan today? isn't that sort of considered, you know, one of the pillars of the infamous blue wall? why spend time there rather than, you know, one of the places that's more of a swing? >> well, our strategy these last few days is to focus on the states where voting overwhelmingly happens on election day. so, secretary clinton was in new hampshire yesterday. she's going to be in pennsylvania and michigan today. ohio two-thirds of the voters vote on election day. she was there yesterday. previously, as you've seen, we've been focused on states like florida, nevada, north
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carolina, where the majority of the voting happens early. so, this is really a reflection of the voting calendar. donald trump has been kind of running to each and every state it seems. so they have their strategy. but we have ours. >> robby mook, thank you for taking the time today. we know how busy you are. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. let's get the other side. we have jason miller, senior communication adviser for the trump campaign. good to see you. >> good morning. >> good luck tomorrow. the e-mail scandal is bad for hillary clinton full stop. that's why they'r playing down even this good news for them. or they would say affirmation of what they already believe. also bad for your campaign. and here's why. in the last nine days, donald trump specifically has been leading the american people to believe that hillary clinton is getting indicted, that comey saying this nine days ago is the proof. it's going to happen. she's a criminal. comey is a good man.
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he did the right thing. now, he's saying it's rigged. comey is a bad man and she's still a criminal. does donald trump accept that the fbi has found no crime? >> well, chris, if you look back at what mr. trump said in july when this announcement was made. he said the fbi came to the wrong conclusion. it doesn't pass the smell test that all these things could happen. we could have five different people taking the fifth into this investigation. this illegal outside server where we found the top psychoerapsychsecret information was through and not come to some kind of charges being recommended mr. trump said clearly something should have been recommended at that point when mr. comey came back and reopened the question about 650,000 e-mails that were on anthony weiner's laptop. if you had sensitive information on a laptop outside of the scope of work, they would run you out of work so quick and be
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prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. mr. trump said they should have gotten it back in july. >> look, i get the message, i get the spin. you do it well. but you're not running for president of the united states and he is and usually a higher level of responsibility. we don't know what these e-mails were. a lot of dupes and we do know that they were able to go through it. your candidate is saying they couldn't do it. he's calling comey a liar. that's what donald trump is doing. they don't know what's in those e-mails. you can't know. donald trump can't know. you can't know whether or not the fbi knows how to go through these things. you're not an expert and neathser trump. but he's lying about the process to undermine confidence with the american voter and you accept it. >> no, let me tell you exactly what mr. trump has said. it doesn't pass the smell test. they should have gotten this thing right at the beginning. >> that's his right to feel that way. >> he's been very consistent all along and a terrible job -- >> he says you can't go through 650,000 e-mails in eight days.
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you can't do it, folks. he's calling them out. >> look how long it took them to go through the 50,000 e-mails previously and what about all the deleted e-mails from hillary clinton. >> i'll give you your say but you can't say the 55,000 thing and that means 650,000 should take that much times more. right. because it's a bigger number. not true. they were looking for different things in the 55,000. they were developing the software during the first part of the investigation. >> chris, come on. this isn't a victory lab for fbi software. >> you said they can't do it. it took them six months to do 50,000 and therefore it should take five or six times to do 650,000. that's not true. they were able to do it relatively easy because of the software and the teams involved. >> chris, you had a former secretary of state, a former u.s. senator, a former first lady under criminal investigation. >> not good. >> for setting up an outside server with confidential and classified information.
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they find 650,000 e-mails on this laptop of anthony weiner. first of all, i can't imagine the person who had to go through all that and it's a subordinant who had sensitive information and we know that secretary clinton was extremely careless and reckless going back to director comey's description back in july. here's the thing that you didn't mention. the clinton foundation is still under investigation. >> talking about the e-mails. obviously, they're under investigation. there are two different criminal probes going on. comey is talking about this one and he says all of the e-mails that they found on weiner's laptop and huma abedin is going to have to explain how they got on the laptop. it's still going on. that they had seen them, they had seen them before. they had seen them before and all is no new information. you don't accept it. you're shaking your head no. >> don't accept it. release all the e-mails and let us have a look before election day. >> you love transparency when it's not you guys. you don't see any irony in that.
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why don't you release trump's tax physical transparency -- >> as soon as his audit is completed. >> do you think anybody believes the audit thing? >> absolutely. >> do you have any proof of an audit? >> yes, of course. >> have you seen an audit letter? >> chris, let's not get away from the fact -- >> that is the fact. transparency only works one way in this election. >> chris, i appreciate the effort -- >> i'm just saying what it is. i'll show you an audit letter i got. >> well, some day when i get to make as much money as you do. >> i don't know what you're making. i hope you get paid a lot for this. >> the foundation is still under criminal investigation. >> that's bad. >> but why lie about what's going on with an investigation? why undermine the fbi? they say -- >> the cloud is hanging over the clintons. >> no question. that's why she doesn't want to talk about it. >> this is the worst good news. >> you can argue it's not good news at all because this has been bad for her. what i'm saying why lie about it
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and exaggerate to your own benefit and why undermine confidence in the fbi especially when you were just praising the fbi a few days ago. >> he was consistent when he said they bungled the investigation to start off and bungled it all the way through. >> do you believe an indictment of hillary clinton on the e-mails? >> i want justs to be served. i want them to go through and finish the investigation. >> do you believe an indictment of hillary clinton with respect to the e-mails? >> the nfbi just said, no, you won't anticipate thccept that. put them out and let us see what is in there. again, there is still a criminal investigation into the clinton foundation. >> true. >> and going into election day, that's a very bad place to be. >> no question. >> jason miller -- >> chris, on behalf of trump campaign, i want to say thank you very much for being a class act in this process and tomorrow, get out and vote. mr. trump wants to be the president for all americans and he's running strong and wants to change washington. he would appreciate your vote.
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and everyone else's vote, as well. >> jason miller, thank you for being here. good luck on election day. you're always welcome here on "new day." meanwhile, the head of the fbi clearing clinton, again, on the latest e-mail review. what impact has james comey had on this election? corey lewandowski and christine quinn have some thoughts, next. our mission is to produce programs and online content
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the fbi director, once again, clearing hillary clinton in the latest e-mail probe with just hours left until election day, what does this mean and what does it change in the minds of vote snrz let's bring in christine quinn who is a clinton supporter and vice chair of the new york state democratic party and corey lewandowski donald trump's former campaign manager. you are going to miss these mornings with me. >> waking up together. >> so, today, we're going to try, once again, to avoid a massive food fight between you guys and you, corey, can just talk about donald trump and you can just talk about hillary clinton.
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corey, what does this mean? the fact that director comey sent this letter. nothing to see here. we didn't find any relevant e-mails on anthony weiner's laptop. what does this mean for the trump campaign? >> this doesn't mean anything. director comey has continue to say the clinton foundation is still under investigation but as it relates to donald trump specifically, it doesn't mean anything. what he said from day one. let's make sure that justice is served. >> i don't believe the director confirmed an investigation into the clinton foundation but we heard the sources and paul manafort's connection to russia. there are probes continuing on both sides. >> multiple media outlets are reporting that the clinton foundation is under fbi investigation. there is no media outlet that is saying the fbi is investigating the clinton found agation. >> there are media outlets that are reporting that the fbi is investigating ties, russian ties between the trump campaign and russia. >> we saw the media yesterday
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which said that the clinton foundation paid for chelsea clinton's wedding. >> you can't do it, corey. >> that's what the media is reporting. >> so, in other words, you don't think this means anything -- >> this is really important. "the new york post" wrote a story about the media bias. the former head of npr. hardly a right-wing conservative. and what he said in "vanity fair's" overall the media is so bias against donald trump that it is a slippery slope moving forward. what we have to look at in the totality is making statements that the media is making with no factual basis whatsoever. it happens all the time. >> yes, corey, i agree fact-free statements made during this campaign. christine, has the damage been done? by the time director comey came out to say nothing relevant on these. we stick with our original assessment. has the damage been done? 40 million people have already voted. >> i want to note that i think it's telling that in your request to corey that he could
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make a closing statement for his candidate about his candidate, he wasn't able to do it. he wasn't able to talk in a positive way. that is very different for my candidate, secretary clinton. early voting has happened and a week with this confusion. >> how much does that worry you? >> it doesn't really worry me because enormous turnout in early voting. there's been turnout where we want there to be turnout and i think, you know, this final announcement is really deja vu all over again. you know, to quote a great new yorker. it's all, everyone knew there was nothing there. we were told that in july. and it continued and it was reaffirmed after a very confusing week made by the director. in less than a day people are going to be voting and they'll have a chance to vote for hillary clinton. someone who has dedicated her life to helping women and children. someone out there fighting for folks who were 9/11 rescuers and
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to fight for the latino community. someone who i have seen stand up for people in need and she's going to be a president who brings the country together. who makes taxes work for middle class people. who make sure those who haven't been brought up fully in this country are no longer left behind. >> you segued to your closing argument for her. well done. i didn't have to ask you about that. >> didn't ask her about the fbi investigation. you asked me specifically what impact the fbi investigation -- >> i did. i said what happened with her candidate -- >> right before the good deja vu quote i gave. >> the closing argument for donald trump is very simple. you can elect a person that can change washington, d.c. that isn't part of the washington d.c. which has failed the american people for the last 30 years. or you can elect somebody who is same old, same old that has the opportunity to go back and put the same people in office who had -- >> that's your closing argument for your guy.
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a positive. >> donald trump is going to be a fundamental change agent. if you are happy and you look at the track polls. is the country moving in the right direction or the wrong direction? wrong direction is 50% more than the right direction. let's go and have a person who knows how to create jobs and put our economy back to work and bring trade deals and not beholding to special interests. amazing to have a president that isn't bought and paid for by special interest. >> this is your last chance to make a prediction. will you make a prediction on what i think you know your candidate will win by how much tomorrow? >> i will not do that. i can't do that. we'll keep fighting until it's closing moment at every poll and we're going to win because hillary is somebody who has the experience, the temperament and the heart to be president of the united states at this time and continue barack obama's legacy. and be the first woman president of the united states. >> corey, what is your prediction for tomorrow? >> my prediction that donald trump is going to win the states of florida and north carolina
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and new hampshire and turn one of the big blue states that everybody has been talking about and the reason those people lost their jobs to bad trade deals and if that happens, donald trump will become the president of the united states on tuesday. >> guys, we will see you tomorrow. thank you very much for being here with your final thoughts on this intermable election. complete election day coverage we have every race and every result covered for you. chris? so many controversies in this campaign. just to name one, about russia's influence on the election. is moscow casting a larger shadow than we even know. we'll tell you why many analysts say yes. seeing is believing, and that's why
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security correspondent david sanger. david, let me start with you. what do you believe the plus/minus is on this election by the latest intrusion by jim comey? >> well, in the end, i actually think that we are going to need more for jim comey than we will for hillary clinton or donald trump. what you're going to see here is that many people who supported secretary clinton, i think in the end, didn't put a whole lot of credence in a last-minute announcement and now that has been confirmed. and those who believe that secretary clinton is guilty of something here probably aren't going to have their opinion changed very much by whatever announcement he's made. but i think mr. comey didn't come out of it looking so good with these two, you know, just before election seemingly contradictory announcements. >> carl, i just went at it with
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jason miller about two things. one is how the reopening of the case meant and refusing to acknowledge the fbi's decision now. but what is your take? >> my take is that hillary clinton exercised terrible judgment and that the fbi has shown that this is not a matter, thus far, and it seems to have done its conclusion to close the case for now that it's not a criminal matter. what she has done is indefensible in terms of setting up the server. at the same time to continue to debate this in terms of criminality in this case pam in, the decision has been made for now. it's time to move on and the other terrible judgment throughout has been comey. he has inserted the fbi into this process in a way that is irresponsible, that has
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tarnished the fbi and left our confidence in its role really hurting. so, we've got a really bad situation in which we have terrible judgment all around and especially trump's judgment in terms of trying to turn this into something that it simply is not. this is not watergate or anything like it in which a criminal president had to leave office and 48 people pleaded guilty. >> all right, let's pivot. russia. their intrusion. we know about what the government believes their responsibility is for the hacks that led to the wikileaks dumps on hillary clinton, but what about election day. what are you hearing, alex, what should be a concern and what should not be? >> what the campaigns are really concerned about and it is the clinton campaign that is concerned about this because they see russia as intervening specifically against her. what they're concerned about is that you would have some kind of hack of election systems and more that you would have just some kind of effort to disrupt the normal functioning of our
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society on election day. that you would have an attack on the internet, right, so that it would be harder for people to find out their polling locations. people want to guard against that and they can go and look up where they're supposed to vote today. for after the election, i think is where a lot of the bigger questions about russia's role in this campaign come in. david, i think, can probably speak to it better than me. >> you work in the same place. david, a lot of what i know about the potential here. i know from your reporting, how do you see it? >> well, i think alex had it just right that -- >> we've all been reading what you're putting out, david. >> the servic attack. >> a denial of service attack that would, in many ways, i think blanket those parts of the country that where secretary clinton or donald trump were trying to get out the vote. just make it hard to figure out how you get to the voting polls and so forth.
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the second big vulnerability is the registration roles. these do face the internet and we've seen that they were scanned by the russians. we have not seen any effort so far to go change, you know, your address, if you went up, chris, and you were trying to register and you were trying to vote and they said, sorry, we had you under a different address and it's something to look for tomorrow. and the last thing to worry about is the reporting of the informal results to the networks, to "the times" and other news organizations because at some point that data has to come together. if anyone gets in that channel and can manipulate the data, you could have a variance between the informal early reports and what the real vote was. >> that's why we are all so paranoid about how we put out predictions. the protocols here at cnn are daunting, to say the least. carl, what an odd dynamic that
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you have a candidate as a change agent in donald trump. that's what he says he is who is saying that everything is rigged. that he can, except when it comes to russia and their role in the hacking of the wikileaks. what do you make of that unusual relationship? >> well, first of all, what i make is that donald trump is by his very nature and to his core an untruthful man with no interest in the truth whatsoever. and what the truth here is and demonstrable is that russia is engaged in an attempt to destabilize our electoral process. whether they're trying to favor trump over hillary clinton. that's not determinative at this point. but there is no question that putin is interested in fighting the united states in the same terms as the old soviet union fought the united states. through destabilization and through undercover operations, through this kind of activity and the new battlefield is
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cyber. so, we've got something that we've got to look at after this election and really guard against and that the battlefield has shifted here and it, of all things, we used to do, the united states, this kind of thing during the cold war to other countries. we don't do it any more. and especially we don't do it trying to destabilize elections in russia. and we've got to be onguard against this because we are vulnerable and hopefully we're going to make it through tomorrow without this kind of horror happening that david has written about so well. >> fingers crossed. alex, david, carl, thank you very much. appreciate it. chris, the 2016 presidential race has been full of bombshells and unexpected twists and turns. so, we're going to take a look back at the last year and a half. a race like none other.
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we ain't never seen nothing like this. that's just the truth. the 2016 race is going to go down as one for the history
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books. the wildest, the most memorable, anything you want to call it and a lot of it negative. here's a look back at the highs and lows of this race that certainly like no other. >> i'm a candidate -- >> for president. >> i'm running for president. >> a candidate for president -- >> of the united states. >> donald trump just announced he is running for president. >> they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> we might look back and say we remember when it happened. >> we will build a wall. you know who's going to pay for the wall? mexico. they're going to pay for it. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of muslims entering the united states. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay. >> the justice department asked to open an investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails on her private server. >> i'm -- you know, i have no idea that is why we turned it over.
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>> did you wipe the server? >> like with a cloth or something? >> before there was something called obama care, there was hillary care. i take a back seat to no one on taking on income and equality. >> you called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs. >> only rosie o'donnell. >> you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her -- >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful women. >> you are never going to be president of the united states by insulting. >> i'm at 42 and you're at 3. so far i'm doing better. >> they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. >> he referred to my hands if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem. >> the scene of the first democratic presidential debate. >> just for the record, are you
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a progressive or moderate? >> i'm a progressive, but i'm a progressive who likes to get things done. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your e-mails. >> thank you. me, too. >> he is becoming isis' best recruiter. >> i am not a natural politician like my husband or president obama. >> dr. ben carson has risen to national frontrunner status. >> a big night for donald trump and hillary clinton. >> senator ted cruz dealt a blow to donald trump. >> donald, leave heidi the hell alo alone. >> i like people who weren't captured. >> people know the story when i was 14 and i tried to stab someone. >> he lunged, but low and behold, it hit the belt. >> in fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal play and playing the woman card, then deal me in! >> hillary clinton is the
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presumptive democratic nominee. >> we're going to make america great, again, but we're going to do it the old-fashioned way. >> the next vice president of the united states, governor mike pence. >> the next vice president, my friend, senator tim kaine. >> a lot of excitement as the rnc kicks off. ♪ we are the champions >> what happened is there is no black america, there's no white america. >> hillary clinton must become the next president. >> have you even read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond. that you do what you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond
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and you do what you say. >> who takes the fall for michelle obama's speech in 2008? >> to think she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. >> our motto is when they go low, we go high. >> she is still the best darn woman, not me, not bill, nobody more qualified than hillary clinton. >> when you have my father in your corner you will never again have to worry about being let down. >> i am with you. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans. >> i will fight for you. and i will win for you. >> for all americans together. >> donald trump simply does not have the temperament. >> if she gets to pick her
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judges nothing you can do, folks. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> she calls patriotic americans deplorable. >> hillary clinton we just learned diagnosed with pneumonia. >> it appears that the candidate fainted. >> you think hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour? >> why the concealment? >> i thought there wasn't any reason to make a fuss about it. >> trump's surprise trip to mexico. >> we did discuss the wall. we didn't discuss payment of the wall. >> clinton and trump one-on-one. people are saying this could be the most consequential debate in modern political history. >> i have much better judgment than she does. i have a much better temperament. >> i think donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate and yes i did. he called this woman miss piggy
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and then called her miss house keeping because she was latino. >> one down, two to go. >> what do you have to lose? you are living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. what the hell do you have to lose. >> donald trump's closing argument is what do you have to lose. the answer is everything. >> donald trump caught on tape in his own words, vulgar words. >> when you are a star they let you do it. >> i am very embarrassed by it. i hate it. but it is locker room talk. >> he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is. i think it is clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. >> a ninth woman has stepped forward accusing trump of sexual assault. >> these vicious words about me
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of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you would be in jail. >> the press has created a rigged system and poisoned the minds of the voters. >> donald trump's talking about how the game is rigged. >> are you saying you are not -- >> what i'm saying is that i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in response. >> every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is rigged against him. >> new information pertinent to the hillary clinton server investigation. >> i am sure they will reach the same conclusion. there is no-case here. >> you can't review 650,000 new e-mails in eight days. we will make america great
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again. thank you very much everybody. >> i really believe america's best days are still ahead of us. >> how did we fit all of that into just a year and a half? there are moments that i have forgotten. bobby jindal's announcement. some of the carly fiorina. it is amazing what has happened with all of that. >> i am overwhelmed by the negativity. these moments just bad thing after bad thing. the country is basically like this election has been a sledgehammer this bashing at the foundations of it. i want to thank elizabeth stewart, one of our best here on "new day" for putting away. you could have more of us in there. that's just me. constructive criticism. great job and there is no question that it will go down in
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the books of history. why and how it is seen i think is going to be up for debate. >> i have an answer for you right now. we want to bring in the princeton university historian and professor and author of fierce urgency of now. what jumps out at you when you watch that mash up? >> it is difficult to watch. it is all the polarization in american politics, dislike of one side towards the other comes right out in that short slip. some of it is also the superfishiality. we have had emotional elections like 1968 where people are fighting over issues like vietnam. you watch these clips it is about the back and forth. >> why does it seem intense? is it just the recency effect? >> it comes out of the electorate.
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i think there are parts of the republican electorate who like donald trump and reflect his views and some of the anger that you see on the campaign at the top of the ticket come from changes that have happened within the republican party. i don't think this goes away with donald trump. i don't think it was invented with donald trump. these changes have been going on that are now front and center. >> we debate this all the time. do you think that this race is the most polarized ever? >> i don't. i think we certainly had polarized campaigns before. in 1968 people were fighting on the streets in chicago over issues like vietnam. in 2004 people don't remember some of the animosity over george w. bush and the war in iraq. campaigns are emotional. it is more about the content of this campaign and some of the particulars of how certainly the republican ticket has conducted the campaign. >> here is a good one. what does history suggest about
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what it will take to heal, to have something positive come out of this? >> there is a lot of evidence we won't heal. because the polarization comes out of the electorate rather than just from donald trump for example it will continue. in 1964 when barry gold loses in a landslide election that conservatism doesn't go away in the republican party. it is remade through ronald reagan about a decade later. i'm not sure we will heal these divisions. i think they are real and deep rooted. >> a lot of people do think that the republican party comes out of the election looking different, having a different sort of composition. do you agree with that? >> i think clearly what he has been able to do is build a blue collar coalition that is different than the business, financial kind of temperament of the gop before.
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whether the policies change we don't know. his appeal to different groups he has brought into the mainstream associations with arguments that before we are on the fringes about immigration, about the islamic world and community and i think that will also have an effect on the republican party as they try to broaden their reach. >> so when studying some 1r5 years for advanced degrees, what do you think they will be -- >> the number one thing might be obvious, the first female president of the united states might be on the cusp of being elected. if that happens i think even with all of this heat and anger which won't go away that will be the first story that we talk about just as we did in 2008. that is very significant and it is a major development in the middle of what has been a chaotic and ugly campaign. >> if trump wins what do you think this will be most
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remembered for? >> it will be about the change of the republican party. we will look and say what happened to the party of ronald reagan and how did it become the party of donald trump? how did the arguments move front and center and how diz older republicans, business republicans, national security republicans lose the hold. we are following a lot of news this morning so let's get right to it. >> it's a rigged system and she is protected. >> hillary clinton cleared by the fbi once again. >> it's up to the american people to deliver justice at the ballot box. >> there is a lot of anger in this election. anger is not a plan. >> just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of a trump administration. >> it all comes down to you, my friends. our progress is on the line.
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>> this is "new day" with chris cuo cuomo. we looked at the e-mails, there is nothing there, there will be no indictment of hillary clinton with respect to e-mails. what does clinton say? surprisingly almost nothing. she wants to move past this with the big decision just tomorrow. >> donald trump still says the system is rigged and is asking the american people to, quote, deliver justice at the polls. both candidates launching battleground blitzes in the final day of campaigning. one more day until election day. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with pamela brown live in washington. >> we have learned fbi agents worked around the clock to review the thousands of newly surfaced e-mails and key to the effort was technology refined from previous use for the


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