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tv   Americas Choice 2016  CNN  November 7, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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the near term. >> in the near term, yes. i think the odds of mr. trump being elected is extremely slim. i don't think we have to worry about that. i believe mrs. clinton believes in free trade in her heart and she is going to continue with free trade. it is a better policy for growth while making sure we take care of people who lose their jobs, retrain them, give them compensation. but free trade is demonstratebly a better idea than restricted trade, there is no comparison. >> guys go to the leave it there. thank you ben stein, and lonnie chen. appreciate it. top of the hour. i'm poppy harlow in new york. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is 2:00 a.m. here on the east coast. and none of us need sleep. do you? so glad you are with us. 11 p.m. out west n. mere hours voters will make their choice for the future of make. this hour, the battle ground,
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the campaigns, and the kmooed comedians. a little bit of late night for you. happy voting day, america. this is cnn's special election day coverage. hillary clinton and donald trump just wrapped up their closing arguments to voters at duelling late night rallies. both clinton and trump emphasizing a common theme, you have got to get out and vote. clinton made her final pitch in raleigh, north carolina. trump's last event took place in the traditionally blue state of michigan. trump told his supporters today is their independence day. clinton ended with this line "love trumps hate". let's go out to the clinton campaign in raleigh, north carolina. she came out with with a lot of star power. bruce springsteen, the obamas in alabama. but then she went to north carolina. she knew how important it was because she wasn't doing as well with african-american young
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votesers there and because the early polling numbers there weren't where her campaign wanted them to be. how did she make the pitch tonight? >> she brought star power. lady gaga, john bon jovi. samman that ranson firing up the crowd as well. you nailed the point. there is the very near question of where north carolina is going to go. they kneel good about nevada and pennsylvania. they were states on the map they feel good about. north carolina is not one of those states. that's exactly why she closed it here. midnight rally, late rally, willing to do it because shele rlg realizes this state puts them over the top. president obama is not at the top of the tickets so lower african-american voters isn't unexpected but it was lower than the campaign expected up to the end. also lacking millennials.
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what do you do when that's a problem? you bring lady gaga to the university and spin everybody up. that's what the clinton campaign did today. if you ask advisories how they feel about it. 6,000 capacity venue. large crowd outside. they feel like this is what hillary clinton needed to get momentum. >> she is on her plane. she will be landing in white plains new york and she will be graeted by her super super supporters. a few hours of sleep and then i assume to the voting booth. phil mattingly, thank you. >> jim acosta was there for donald trump's rally in michigan. >> reporter: this final rally of the 2016 campaign for the dwop nominee at this, a big rally here in gran rapids, michigan, a blue state they would like to turn red.
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trump described today as independence day for voters across the kuchbl here's what he had to say. >> today is our independence day. today, the american working class is going to strike back. >> reporter: in addition to delivering his closing argument, trump was also taken off skribt at one point where he started to complain about some of the pop stars appearing with hillary clinton. trump said he doesn't need jay z, beyonce, and dund need lady gaga who appeared at that last with hillary clinton. >> jim, thank you very much. let's bring in other people who love politics enough to stay up into the middle of the night. simone sanders, a cnn politic commentator who now supports hillary clinton. cnn political commentator alice stewart, she is voting for
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trump. and brian stelter is with us, host of "reliable sources qus, also lonnie chen, a republican who is not voting for trump. thank you guys informing about here. alice, let me begin with you. five states. trump clearly showing his stamina. hillary clinton as well. three states. what do you make of trump's strategy any mean, you were running the ship for ted cruz. he has been in these final days making this push into michigan, into minnesota which hasn't gone red since '72. do you see this as okay, there is internal polling that shows he can crack the blue wall or it is a hail mary. >> from my understanding, their internal polling is showing there is room to make headway in some of the states. unfortunately they ran out of
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da daylight so they had to stop. but there are polling is showing they could make up headway there. that's what happens, you go by the polling and how does it -- where can you see you can pick thing up. clearly, what all indications are based on early voting is the latino vote. if i had a white board, ill it would say latino, latino, latino on it. that's clearly going to make a difference in this race. >> which is tough for him? >> it is, large low because of his stance on immigration. coming right out of the gate his critical comments about immigration. >> the republicans knew this, the public autopsy after the 2012 election, they knew it. >> exactly. you are not telling me something i didn't know. and that's something that needed to be a primary focus for the republicans. unfortunately, we're still
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seeing some trouble in those key areas. >> yeah, well it's not over until it's over. we don't know which way this is going to go. >> absolutely. >> simone, let's listen to michele obama taking the stage tonight -- last night i guess, supporting hillary clinton in philadelphia. >> i'm also emotional because in many ways speaking here tonight is perhaps the last and most important thing i can do for my country as first lady. >> she has been wildly popular, especially right now it seems in the final push. her husband's approval rating, the president a 56%, more than we have seen in four years. how much do you think they will be able to move the needle for clinton, especially among black voters? >> i think wildly successful. especially the first lady, michele obama. because she has cultivated the persona the ever woman. she is not necessarily political.
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that's why her likable, her ratings are so high. she has been able to go out there and she is had the rallying cry for democrats in this election. we when go low, we go high. i think the voters looic to see michele obama, that is going to help make a difference. will it swing largely, no. president obama and the first lady are not going to get it done themselves with the black vote for secretary clinton. folks need to see her. that's why you saw her with beyonce and jay z, and with bernie sanders and ferrell williams. host thing matters. she has been hopping on the millennial phone calls, reaching out. it's about snap and grab, tap them on the shoulder and ask them have they gone to the polls. >> i like to listen to what they say when they shake hands come out on the stage.
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michele is saying excellent, doing so well. and she knows that hillary clinton is a continuation of her husband's legacy. that's important. >> when president obama was finishing, it became clear that the podium was too high for her. he adjusted it forrer had, and told her when you are president it will be permanent. and she stepped up and it was the right height. i think they saw that as and thatting over of power. >> she doesn't have the obama coalition. it's not coming out for her as it did for president obama. the response is, this is the clinton coalition, women, college educated voters, a swell of latino support. my question to you, do you believe that is enough to counter what -- if you believe
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what trump says is this secret support or this hidden trump vote -- we know his path to 270 is more narrow, which is more enthusiastic? >> you know, i think, look, i do think that the new clinton coalition, if there is such a thing, i think that the benefit to her and to the democratic party is not just for this election but for the long run. i do think that the latino element of her new coalition does have the potential to be more animated in this election particularly because of donald trump and the unique challenge that he presents to latino communities. so i think for this election in particular that energy is going to be there. the question is really going to be, has she built a new coalition going forward? if she has, it's problematic for republicans because latino is one of the fastest growing populations in the united states. also asian african-american voters apparently have beenet voing in record numbers in this election as well.
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fastest agreeing minority population. if they are indeed in the clinton camp going forward that could be a significant issue for republicans in future elections. >> brian, trump speaks for trump, right? we saw that play out tonight. who was on the stage with him? it was him. for clinton, it was the obamas, the boss, bruce springsteen, bon jovi, over the past days, ferrell, lebron james, you name it. is that an acknowledgment by the campaign do you like this person or this western or this person or this person -- or lady gaga, they are all speaking for our candidate. but for trump it's trump stereo that's part of his, part of his appeal, that it's him versus the world. that's how part this campaign felt and that's how it ended tonight. as you came on the air at 1:00 a.m. eastern time, the split screen, clinton on the left, trump on the right, that was an incredible visual to enelection
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eve. you talking about a secret trump support, i'm wondering if there is a hidden hillary support. we have heard for a year people don't like these candidates, high unfavorable ratings. which is true, but today is a historic day, we are choosing between the first woman president and a first maverick billionaire president who nobody is said to like. i have a feeling people are fired up. >> something felt different tonight. >> i thought so, too. >> didn't it. i don't know what it was, but something felt different. >> more optimistic, more positive. a lot of people are going to be disappointed in 18 hours. but i think the positive energy about the historic choice we face is something that maybe will come out, whether a hidden hillary vote, a hidden trump
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vote, a mixture of both. >> i think in their closing message we had hillary talking about look you have a choice between inclusion or someone who wants to divide people, someone who has a steady hand versus someone who is a loose cannon. donald trump continued his message of drain the washington swamp, get away from the corruption of politics, hillary clinton is unfit to be present. while one as you indicate may be more positive, trump is more harsh he has tapped into an electorate who wants that. >> who feels like they haven't been heard for decades. simone, i wonder, regardless of who wins, if it is clinton who wins what she will face in congress, unless the democrats flip and house and the senate, i don't know, but you are probably going to have an embouldenned freedom caucus, you wonder how much the next president can get done, whether it is the first woman, or whether it's donald
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trump, what downing we see frankly in terms of productivity for us? >> i think the house and the senate matter. if the democrats want to take the chous, they need 30 seats. that's unlikely. they can close in on the margin but they need 30 seats. i think the american people want to see some type of progress whether it's criminal justice reform, whether it's immigration remorm, whether it is addressing economic inequality, this electorate that has popped you, whether donald trump supporters, whether folks who joined the political revolution with bernie sanders, they want to see change. >> american people deserve progress, right. >> just a little bit let's not have the government almost come to a shutdown twice a year. >> a day that we can be proud of our choices. >> thank you guys very much. we appreciate it. simone, alice, brian, and lonnie. it has all been leading up
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to this. it is, folks, election day in america. we have every race, every result. if you are already up, why go to sleep at this point. stay with cnn until the last vote is cast. it's just past 2:00 in the morning here in new york. our reporters are live across the country in the states that matter the most this election day. let's bring in nick valencia in florida. nick. >> reporter: it is perhaps the most crucial swing state of them all. i'm nick valencia in florida where there has been a record turnout for latino voters. we'll tell you what that means for the candidates after the break. i'm suzanne maldo in ohio. this is where the early voting has wrapped up. the polls showing that trump and clinton are neck and neck. and election officials assuring us that the polls when they reopen in four hours that the system is sound and it is not rigged. i'm sara sidner in pennsylvania, where hillary clinton is pulling out all the
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stops. but donald trump showed up here, too. 20 electorals votes up for grabs here. we'll have more on all of that coming up in just a bit. >> friends, delegates, and fellow americans, i humblebly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> and so, my friends, it is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your nomination for president of the united states. un until the day it became something much more. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars.
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teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. man: in cities big and small, newspapers all over say it's time. woman: time to legalize and regulate marijuana in california. man: time to "vote yes on prop 64." woman: it's "better for public health, for law and order and for society." man: "it makes sense to regulate and tax" marijuana.
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woman: "prop 64 would bring discipline and oversight." man: "prop 64 is the first step toward a rational drug policy." woman: "it's time for a new approach." man: vote yes on 64. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51. prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. >> and i could you know feel how hot and humid it was. i felt overheated. i decided that i did need to leave. and as soon as i got into the air conditioned van, i cooled off, i got some water, and very quickly i felt better. >> i don't know, folks. do you think hillary would be
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able to stand up here for an hour and do this? i don't know. i don't think so. i don't think so. >> remember that moment? all right. let's move on to this moment, early voting closing in florida. the numbers are astonishing. half of florida's registered voters took advantage of early voting. half. not only is that a record, but the number of hispanic early voters more than doubled since eight years ago. nick valencia is in tallahassee. it is the case that more people have voted early in florida this year than the entirety of people who voted in the state in the 2000 election. >> reporter: a being reason because of that is the large turnout in the latino community. hispanics have really come out and droves. an 89% increase since 2008 with more than 900,000 latinos in the state of florida already casting their ballots in early voting.
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on the west coast, traditionally speaking latinos vote more democratic. here in florida you have older more established cubans mixes with the newly arrived port reekons in the i-5 corridor who could vote four hillary clinton as well. both candidates think they can win this state. you talk about the early voter turnout. the candidates -- the fact how crucial this state is is not lost on them. they spent time and money here. donald trump here yesterday in sarasota. joe biden here for health caill clinton. according to the secretary of state's office there have been no indications or reports of voter irregularities or voter fraud. that's a good tine. you remember the drama that happened here in 20 # 0.
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>> i do. when the entire election was decided by a 37 votes. nick valencia in tallahassee, thank you. let's go to ohio. since brez president lyndon johnson, no candidate has won the prezi without taking ohio. what can you tell us? any upside surprises for any of the candidates? >> reporter: the good news is, no voter irregularities. nothing out of the usual here. secretary of state of state of ohio updated us and said 1.8 million people voted early. this is about 11,000 more people than 2012, which make about a third of the voters who are registered. it means there are a lot more
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voters that need to come out and vote. the way he describes it, they are taking extra measures to make sure it is a secure system. the voting booths will open in about four hours or so, 6:30, close at 7:30 in the evening. he says if you are in the line you will be able to stay in the line and cast a ballot as long as you are there by 7:30. then you look at the voting machines themselves. he says all the machines have had test ballots that have run through them. they are not connected to the internet so they can be hacked unless somebody was physically at the polling center ryegrass to mess with the machine. they done think that's going to happen. and they say 70% of those who vote vote by paper and others have a paper trail. these are the kinds of things they have been working on to make sure that it is a secure system, people are confident this is going to work. >> susan, thank you. let's go to philadelphia. both hillary clinton and donald trump spending a lot of time in
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pennsylvania, especially on the each eve of the election, really in get out the vote mode. donald trump in a packed auditorium, and vice president hometown of scranton. hillary clinton brought political and musical star power. president obama, michele obama, former president bill clinton joined her on stage along with rockers jon bon joviy and bruce springsteen also performing ♪ ♪ thunder roet rode oh, thunder road thunder road ♪ ♪ lying out there like a killing in the sun ♪ ♪ i know it's late but we can make it if we run ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sara sidner joins me from philadelphia. it's interesting because there was this moment on stage with michele obama speaking about the first lady, getting very
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personal, and almost, alluding to passing -- passing the torch. >> reporter: twau it was emotional a. there were a couple of those moments, particularly from michele obama. and of course the crowd ate it up. she talked first to the crowd about thanking them for letting her and her husband be in the white house and work on the issues of the day. and then she talked about someone else besides her husband, the first african-american to take the presidency, who could also make history. >> this is truly an emotional moment for me for so many reasons. first, we are one day away from once again making history. tomorrow we have the chance to elect someone who is singularly qualified to be our president, our friend, hillary clinton.
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>> reporter: trump also came -- as you mentioned he came to scranton, he spoke very passionately as he does to the large crowd gathered there. i do want to mention -- you might not know where i'm standing. it's dark and late but i'm standing right in front of the rocky steps. >> i knew that. >> i'm doing that for a reason. this is a ballots. this couldn't be a bigger battle between those two candidates. we thought it was apropos to stand here and show folks how much they have been through over the last couple of years. i do want to mention, this has been a dark blue state for a long time. now it's sort of light blue, full, and donald trump has a real chance. i mean if you look at the margin of error, he has a chance in this state. he is pushing hard, spending melania trump here. he has been here several times in the last 28 48 hours.
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s that tossup, if you will, hillary clinton knows that. she doesn't need to win piladelphia, the city itself generally speakingw will go blue, but the counties outside of here, there is a chance trump could take those and take the 20 electoral votes along with it. >> some have said the road to the white house cut straight through the suburbs of philadelphia. they are key. president obama made his 17th appearance on the campaign trail tonight. 17. that's unprecedented for a sitting president. his final mission, trying to help hillary clinton close the deal. as we said, unprecedented for a president to campaign so hard for the person he hopes will follow him. president obama's final pitch for clinton happened at a mega rally in philadelphia monday night. here's part of it. >> i'm betting that men across this country will have no problem voting for the more qualified candidate, who happens to be a woman. i'm betting that americans will
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vote in big numbers because this journey we've been on was never about the color of a president, but the content of his or her character. i'm betting that america will reject a politics of resentment and a politics of blame and choose a politics that says we are stronger together. >> reporter: also this moment on stage in philadelphia sitting president and a former president, a sitting first lady, and a former first lady all sharing the same stage with the same goal. can they pull it off? you decide. your vote. it is election day in america, folks. let's bring back our panel. juan zellinger to you. the obama factor. just how unprecedented is it that a sitting president would get out 17 times to stump for the person he hopes is the next president? >> it's very unusual. usually the sitting president is
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quiet on campaign trail. either the incumbent like al gore in 20 # 0 doesn't want the president to run, even if they are popular because of scandal and baggage or they are unpopular like in 2008 where everyone wants a hands off. i think in this case the incumbent president wants to be out there. i think he feels this is personal, this is a campaign about his legacy. >> he said as much, she is my legacy. >> it's policy, and the kind of politics that he wants to promo promote. he believes that trump is anti-athletic candidatecal to that. that's part of the reason for the vigor he is bringing to the campaign trail. >> hillary clinton has hugged the president, literally and physically, but there are policy differences between the two, especially when she was secretary of state, when it comes to foreign policy, et cetera. she has had to walk a line in
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this election because she had to acknowledge all those americans who feel unheard by this administration who are out of work and have been looking for a job too long. how do you think she has done in doing that? >> i think she has walked a tight and fine line. but she has done a good job. there are some places where you have to distance yourself from the sitting president so you can run your own campaign. no one wants to go out and say this is the third obama term even though there are lots of folks that would like another go with president obama. so in terms of trade when she originally tame out and said tpp was a gold standard and said after she took a look at it -- after she knew what the tpp was about she could no longer support it. >> she also had your candidate, bernie sanders pushing her hand on this. >> sure, and it helps that the progressive wing of the democratic party is alive and well, might have been emboldened throughout the general process.
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>> the passing of the torch from one president to the next, whether it is on election night when you hopefully know who the winner is or whether it is after inauguration when literally the passing goes from in and out of the white house is fundamental the our democrat raet. hillary clinton did a radio interview on monday. she was asked will the two of them speak, donald trump and hillary clinton on election night tonight. let's listen to what she said. >> i will certainly expect to speak with him. and i hope that he will, if i am successful, play a constructive role in doing just what i said, coming together, bringing people who supported him to the table. >> so you, being the rm forecommunications lead for ted cruz, have had experience with
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weather or not your candidate would speak to donald trump depending on who won the primary in which state. do you believe he will accept the phone call if clinton calls him if he doesn't win or that he will call her if he does win? >> well, we all hope and pray for a peaceful transition of power. typically the way it works, whether you are talking about a caucus or a primary night, the one who does not win generally calls the winner and congrats lates them and they have a nice conversation. on rare occasions the person that wins will call the other. the experiences that i had, the calls didn't get answered or didn't get returned. >> your calls didn't get answered. >> if you wanted to congratulations the one who won, it did not happen. it is a courtesy. because you have an opportunity
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to congratulate the person that won. it is a camaraderie, it is a small club, tight knit group of people that share unique experience but those conversations didn't take place. hopefully in this case they will. >> i don't think, though, even if they do, that the conferring will have as much of an effect as some hoped. this campaign has unleashed a fury within parts of the electorate that won't easily go away. and the polarization and the division that has come out of this isn't just about donald trump. and this part of the electorate wants to be part of the party party. >> as the history professor at the table here is it worse division than ever in american history or is it exacerbated by table news and social media? >> we've had civil war. we've had brutal battles in the '60s over civil rights and vietnam. we wundt have a nostalgia about the fast. but this candidate in the
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republican party has certainly pushed the boundaries of rhetoric -- political rhetoric, he has made connections to extremist groups in the policy in a way we haven't seen. >> what groups are you talking about? >> there has been many in the all the white for example, connected to white nationalism. >> which donald trump for his part in his campaign would refute any support from. >> yeah, and hesitantly, at many times when he pushed back on these kinds of endorsements. and finally, he made the entire closing argument in his campaign about a rigged little system, which will obviously fuel distrust in the electorate. so there is lots of polarization and lots of division. we are in a difficult place in american politics. >> guys, i have to leave it there. thank you, simone, alice, julian.
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thank you, i appreciate it. those poor late night tv talk show guys, so many months of preelection jokes are over. >> that's right. it's finally election day, which means cnn's countdown clock starts all over again. >> i wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened. we will talk about the late night shows and the exact they have had frankly on this election. wow, i mean, "snl." can we just -- wow. and because it is 2:30 in the morning here in new york we will look back at the can't-miss moments from late night shows that ended hours ago, including a surprise return. but first, remember this moment? >> donald trump, a candidate whose hair gets more attention than mine. >> boy oh, boy, she has become like a marshmallow. she has become -- everything he does, it's wonderful, whatever he wants to do. it's wonderful. the president -- man. i tell you -- her life cannot be so easy.
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i'll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ], i'm automatically attract. i just start kissing them. like a magnet. you just kiss. when you are a star, they let you do it. you can do i go in. grab by the [ bleep ], you can do anything. >> i have no idea. that's why we. >> did you wipe -- what like with a cloth or something? >> remember those moments? one pressing political issue that did not get much attention is this -- what on earth will the late night hosts have to talk about after tuesday now that the long grueling election season is almost over? they got their election day jokes in on the eve, on monday night. >> of course the election is
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finally here. and tomorrow people who cast their vote will receive one of those "eye voted" stickers. actually with a crazy election, they are going with a different sticker this year "so that happened". >> if you haven't registered to vote, wait, it's too late. tomorrow we'll vote for bif from back to the future or one of the robots from west world. >> his twitter was the life line to the world. especially when it was revealed that donald trump doesn't use a computer. no computer at all. he even files his taxes the old-fashioned way. not. as far as we know. we don't know. >> back with me, clinton supporter, simone sanders, trump supporter, allan stewart. and our own brine stelter. it was the year laid night
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picked a side. >> exactly. andrew sullivan said months ago trump is an extinction level event. we cannot overstate the fear and horror that a lot of democrats and liberals feel about this election. and a lot of folks in hollywood are liberal a. lot of the late night comedians do not hide their political leaning. we've saw them getting serious. >> samantha bee. john oliver on his last show said i'm sorry for egging on donald trump to run. >> encouraging had imto run. >> i'll take a little exception with the premise that this is the first time that late night shows have really picked sides. >> you don't think they were call opportunity barbers. >> i think hollywood has always been liberal. >> letterman for example, always leaned to the left. >> i think they have always been liberal and tend to criticize a republican more.
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that's standard operating procedure. i will say throughout the election cycle many shows have had donald trump on because he is good for ratings. and jimmy fallon messing up his hair. i was impressed with chelsea handler she put her foot down, saying i'm not going to have him on. >> fascinating to hear from her, i've done the silly thing, been fun, now i'm taking a stand, whether you agree with her or not. both of you simone and alice were communication directors for bernie sanders, for ted cruz. when you would watch larry david play your candidate or watch late night spoofs what was it like watching with your candidate? was it uncomfortable? >> no. >> did they ever change because of how they saw their themselves portrayed. >> i was a press secretary.
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there was a communications director and i don't want to take his job. >> i'll give you the accolades. >> the first time larry played bernie sanders we were watching at the campaign house in vermont. and we were like oh, my god, are they in on our meet sngs who told them? >> it was that accurate. >> it was so accurate. so much so that bernie sanders went to events and said hello i'm larry david. >> one of my producer team sent around a guy who looks larry david or bernie sanders. and his shirt said it. when you were working with ted cruz, did he ever watch the impersonations of himself and cringe or did he change a little bit. >> the mon after we would pull it up on the bus or plane or automobile, whatever the mode of transportation. someone would pull up ipads and
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he would look at it. it's always awkward but he was impressed how they got the clothing down perfect, and get the ring that he wore, the attention to detail that "saturday night live" has is impressive. of course they all think they are overexatage rating but we had fun. >> we fund raised off the penny's remark. that was something that we stretched for a long time. it was life imitating art in that instance. >> brian, is alec baldwin out of a job if donald trump doesn't win. >> they will have to cast someone else to play donald trump. whether donald trump wins or loses i think we will still see a trump imitator on "snl." if he loses, he is going to remain in public life in a way that mitt romney or john mccain
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even though he went back to the senate didn't. "snl" is going to need a new imitator even if he doesn't win. more in a minute. the 2016 presidential campaign unlike any other. that's for sure. we have been showing you memorable moments throughout the program tonight and last night. as this all comes to an end now that we are hours away from the first national polls opening we thought we'd share with you a few more moments from that wild race. ♪ >> oh. okay. >> i have said, i made a mistake using my personal e-mail. i regret that. >> i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. >> why aren't you bringing up the e-mails? >> i'd like to know.
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>> okay we'll talk about it. >> i'm not a super predator. >> no, no, no. >> what, like with a cloth or something? >> no. >> texas senator ted cruz. >> please clap. >> trying to put her pneumonia diagnosis in perspective. >> she's' supposed to fight all of these different things, and she can't make it 15 feet to her car. >> somebody sniffing here. i think it's her sniffs. >> you know what they say about men with small hands. >> i guarantee you there is no problem. i guarantee. >> you have called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> blood coming out her wherever. >> and i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. >> i don't really blame you because you are doing your
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thing. >> donald, you are a shifling coward, leave heidi the hell alone. >> lien ted cruz. lien ted. >> vote your conscious, vote your candidates up and down the ticket. >> we are talking triz ted cruz is a friend of mine and a good guy. >> cruz announcing he will vote for the republican nominee on election day. >> with all due respect that's the argument of a 5-year-old. >> i didn't start night i wish we were in high school i could take you behind a gym. >> what's the best way to reach you, e-mail? >> you guys are down and it makes sense -- >> says who. >> polls. >> says who. >> most of them, all of them. >> if you are both screaming at one another, the viewers won't be able to hear either one of you. >> would you want the president of the united states up at 4:00 a.m. . yeah, it is worth looking for, anderson. >> it is awfully good someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail.
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>> a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out their guy. >> sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. >> when they go low, we go high. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured, i hate to tell you. >> come on, man. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your e-mails. >> i don't know if it is the right number. let's try it. 202. >> and what is aleppo? >> i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. >> you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> what i call the basket of deplorables. >> such a dirty woman. >> when you're a star, they let you do anything. >> federal judge, former ms. universe. >> scott bay owe. >> fbi director joems and attorney general loretta lynch. ♪ our colors don't run, no siree ♪ >> i think she believed me i love having a baby crying while i'm speaking.
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>> mama mia. >> i have decided in 2020 to run for president. on a more serious note, for 18 months journalists around the world have been covering this wild election, bringing you all sides of the debate. but in an election this close with emotions running this high, it is inevitable at points people will disagree about how the media is covering the campaigns and the election. people can disagree and they can debate ad nauseam, but then there is this. take a look. this was from a rally in minnesota on sunday. the shirt reads "rope, tree journalists, some assembly required." sadly, this wasn't the only time that reporters faced this kind of hate on the campaign trail. [chanting] u.s.a., u.s.a.,
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u.s.a. >> that was at a lally in phoenix on october 29, the man chanting ju s.a. staring down reporters. it is important to note these are not the majority, not even close. but these attacks on journalists are unacceptable and they've been happening throughout this election. brian stelter is our cnn senior media correspondent, host of reliable sources. how did we get to this point? why did it happen this year? donald trump was tapping into something that existed, distrust of the media, particularly on the right but among many americans who distrust the media, partly because they're told to by conservative talk radio hosts like sean hannity and rush limbaugh, but trump exploited it and deep ened it, even until tonight at his final rally of the campaign criticizing the press wrongly, saying they never turn the press around to show the crowd. trump tapped into the anger
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toward the media and made it much, much worse. think he shares partial responsibility for the hostility we've seen at these rallies. >> what do you think the lasting impacts of it are, brian? >> for one i think we have to do a better job explaining why we do what we do. i have been interviewing trump reporters who going to his rallies, interviewed 15 of them for a story on ""cnn money"." >> about half of them said that, didn't they? >> that's right. i don't think our viewers or readers want that. you have to ask yourself is america better off with journalism or without it? even if you hate some of what you see on cnn, you have to agree we're better off. they're doing a service by being there. >> it is interesting, they're parts of the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech, the first amendment, like the people that yelled that, to say those things? >> absolutely. to be fair and complete about this, we did not see violence directed at journalists. there were a couple of incidents
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of people getting shoved at rallies and nothing like that. nothing severe. some of our worst fears did not come to be realized with regards to the cam pay. nonetheless, it was a disturbing situation between the public and the press. as embodied by this manueling at the press corps a couple of weeks ago. we have to figure out after the election hon how to bring the temperature down and how to regain the trust of the audience. >> and while people yelling horrific things like that are a minority, there is a lack of trust. let's lo at what gallup found. it is a gallup poll from september, and it shows a steady erosion in america's trust in the media edging down every year, brian, since 1997, but a huge drop of eight points in the last year. less than a third of americans have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. how do we as journalists and the public restore that trust? >> think partly by advocating
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more for ourselves and by talking about why we do what we do every day. when donald trump complains and falsely criticizes the coverage or other candidates do, there will be more like trump in the future, we have to explain ourselves. some of the behavior is simply beyond the pale. we saw curt shiling share that tee shirt about a rope, tree and journalists. he shared and said, this is so awesome, so much awesome here. a former baseball player, a brightbart commentator, must have no shame. >> let me ask you this. we have one minute left. whoever the next president is, will it be a struggle for journalists in terms of access? >> it probably will be harder than with the obama administration. there was a new low bar set by the obama administration. they say whether trump or clinton it will be tougher. that means as journalists we
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have to advocate what we do and explain what we do. i think these conversations are helpful to have. viewers might distrust some of what we do but i think we can win them back every day. >> on a personal note, you have been exceptional on the last 16 months holding everyone accountable. equal opportunity fact checker brian selter. >> let's go vote. >> i'm poppy harlow in new york. i will see you back here late night on thursday after we know who the next president is. stay right here. "early start" with john berman is next. go vote. geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so...
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wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more.
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♪ let's make history together. thank you and god bless you. >> at the finish line after an election like no other. will hillary clinton make history today? and we will make america great again. thank you very much, everybody. god bless you. >> oh, but donald trump looks for an upset victory when the votes are counted tonight. >> and the first results, they are already in, and one candidate jumped out to a very


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