tv New Day CNN November 8, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PST
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and arizona. >> the good news, people are lining up. i know, you have to wait, it's inconvenient but, hey, this is about exerr chasing the franchise. it's worth a little inconvenience. live pictures from chappaqua, new york. you know who lives there? hillary clinton. she is expected to vote any minute. we cannot exaggerate how much is at stake. let's begin our coverage with cnn's phil mattingly live in pennsylvania. all eyes on that state for sure. >> reporter: no question about it. a true tossup. if you talk to the advisors in both campaigns, they say we don't really know how it's going to go. that's exactly why you saw donald trump here many times, that's exactly why you saw hillary clinton here last night. as you see right now on screen, hillary clinton actually voting right now. let's go ahead and take a look at that.
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>> inside of the polling station, a lot of well wishing. not allowed to poll particular on the inside. can't try to affect any people. >> you can hug people obviously. obviously as we try to read the tea leaves here. i'm looking at neutral leather she's chosen for outer wear. >> those are two words i have never put together and i don't understand. >> they don't often go together. >> this is a big day. it's more than just a moment in this election. this is the most important vote that hillary clinton has ever cast in her life. i'm sure who she's voting for is obvious, but this moment is a step in history that we are going to experience today. >> of course you can argue that no vote is that important in new york since it's pretty clear how that state generally goes, however, she is exercising her right to vote. and you saw her there with former president bill clinton
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and all the people who have gone in to vote and weren't necessarily expecting -- >> the new reality. everybody is a cameraman. you know what we have been hearing anecdotally, the lines in new york in and around new york city have been long this morning, and that is unusual. people know what this state needs or doesn't need. it does show the level of anticipation and enthusiasm we're seeing in the electorate. >> i think we've seen that everywhere. we've looked at virginia. we've looked at north carolina. every polling place that we have gone to, at least that our reporters are at this morning and showing us have had lines snaked out of the building and down the block and longer than anybody can remember. >> you know, chappaqua is in westchester. it's interesting. plenty of republicans up there. probably plenty of trump voters. tough seeing after walking into. >> look at this. i'm sure that if trump walked in he would get the same sort of response. it's a celebrity sighting. some people walk in and they're so excited to be a part of this historic moment where you're watching hillary clinton and
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bill clinton vote. nobody's leaving there right now to rush to work. >> mostly because they can't. they're all clogged up there. all right. so we're sitting here watching what's going on here for hillary clinton. a very big day for her. and her family. but you know what, an equally big day for the trump family. and guess who's with us right now on set? donald trump jr., the executive vice president of the trump organization. he's been working on his father's campaign. and i'll tell you what, made a good name for yourself in the process. >> thank you. it's been an amazing process. it's been an honor to be able to be a part of it. >> how are you feeling today? >> i don't know. i've been on campaign adrenaline for the last two months. >> i bet you have. >> at this point you're almost numb to the process. but, no, listen, it feels good. when i've gone places, yesterday i spent most of the day in michigan of all places. man, i can't believe the amount of warmth. people who have been so disaffected by the process and by politics in general for a
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long time. it's excited to see them, how excited they are for the potential for real change outside of the political sphere. >> not easy for you. the family has an emotional connection that is different than any other kind of surrogate. your family's blessed. you guys are smart. you know how to work in business and you've set yourselves well on the trail but not easily -- >> you know it well too. >> it's one thing if the media comes after somebody and you're the surrogate, that's part of the game. not when he's your father. what have you learned about your father in this process? >> i've known so much about him. i've seen his fortitude, to keep fighting, to never stop. you're watching him do six events a day, six different states. i always knew he had that. i always knew his work ethic was unparallel, but i think the process has changed him so much. also, when you see those people who have lost their jobs, whose american dream has been outsourced to china, when you see that emotion and they come up to him with that last look of hope, it's incredible. it's hard not to -- you wouldn't be human if it didn't change
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you. it's changed me. it's changed my siblings and it's certainly changed him. he's been seeing that for 18 months. it's amazing. >> people have said he's become the vessel for that anger, for the people, all the passion that you see out there. he personifies it or he certainly tapped into it. >> yes. >> so what -- i want to ask you the same question that we asked of hillary clinton's side. what happens tomorrow? what happens tomorrow whether -- let's say that your father wins. what does he do to reach out to democrats and hillary clinton supporters and hillary clinton herself to bring the country together after all of the divisiveness? >> i think he keeps doing a lot of what he's been doing. he's been going into places that no republican has been going into. he's been going into inner cities, he's been going to blue states and spent a lot of time there. he knows that you have to be president for all-americans. that's why he's doing this. he doesn't need this job. he knows what comes with it. he knew what this process was going to be. he did this for america, for the american dream, to preserve that
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for our kids and grandkids to make sure everyone has a chance to have a voice. honestly, i'm a conservative guy. this is a bipartisan problem. both sides in the political elite have failed us miserably. they've made us promise after promise. they keep telling us and doing the same thing. they get on the floor of the house and they fold. you know, i think people want to see some real accountability. from day one it has been an election of change. you saw that with the bernie sanders effect, why he was able to be so powerful. he was obviously cheated out of the system and pushed down by the system. >> that's how your side views it, he was cheated and the system was rigged against him. >> in all fairness, debate questions were given to hillary clinton before debates with him. you can't tell me that that's a fair and balanced system. that's what people are so upset about. that's what i see when i'm on the road every day. i mean, i know that was cnn so maybe it's a little more personal here, but you can't tell me that that's just part of the game. >> the person who was responsible was fired from cnn
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as a result. cnn doesn't ever allow that to happen. that was somebody who went rogue. >> that we know of. and that's the problem with the system. it shouldn't have happened to begin with but there are very clear lines. people have picked sides. media's not fair and balanced or objective anymore. both sides. i'm not arguing that the conservative media is either, but that's the problem. i think we want to get to a place where we can have fair conversation, where you can actually have true freedom of thought because these days, you know, if you have -- you can't -- you're put in a corner. >> you know what happens. you should have freedom of thought. you have it more in the united states than you do anywhere else in the world. take my word for it, i've been to the bad places. but you don't have freedom of fact. uncomfortable position for you because you're talking about your father, but saying cnn makes up poll numbers. you know that's not true. i understand why the campaign would say that. you are working on people's doubts about the system, and there are real doubts. that's working to the campaign's advantage, but when people come
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to you and say i'm worried about what your father says and about how he divides and about the meanness, what can you tell them about your father? >> well, listen. if we talk about poll sz, he can move polls around. i was pretty good at statistics. depending how you do your samples. there's a lot of leeway in these things. >> but you don't lie about polls. >> i wish people saw the employer. i wish people saw the father, the grandfather because, you snow, there is a point in time where you do have to speak loudly, you have to be aggressive. your voice is never going to get heard otherwise. if those guys saw the guy at the dinner table, if they saw the guy that's employed tens of thousands of people and had their livelihoods in his control because his success was so dependent on their success, those are the people. you see story after story of those people who have worked with him for 30 years that really know the real donald trump. that's different. that's i think the donald trump that america is starting to see, is starting to know. i think that's the donald trump that america really needs. i think we want someone from outside the system who's not
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part of the corrupt scheme. everyone in d.c. has done really well and everyone else hasn't seen an effective pay raise in 20 years. that's what our political class keeps promising us. it's affordable health care, not when you have a $9,000 deductible. you have to get hit by a bus to have your insurance kick in. it's false promises after false promises. that's what america's rallying against. >> so if hillary clinton wins today. tomorrow what does your father do with the movement that you all started? >> we'll see. ultimately we hopefully shed light on the process. hey, you know what, maybe i can go out there and speak my mind freely without being worried, again, about being put into a basket, about being boxed in a corner. >> what does that look like if he doesn't win? where does that energy go? >> i think the energy goes, you know, back to the people that we're trying to fight for. to those people who haven't had a voice in a long time.
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i think hopefully there's others who can take that movement up. i think my father will remain involved somewhat. in a fair election we're going to respect the outcome and move forward. >> is trump tv just talk? >> i know nothing about it but, again, i haven't been home in three months. >> nobody prepares to lose. i've watched your father win and lose big races. never this big. this is for president of the united states. but you don't prepare to lose, but this is a different race and your father is going to be relevant if he wins for sure, if he loses hugely he's going to be very relevant. do you think in his mind and in your collective mind he needs to help the process right away? >> of course you never prepare to lose. i think there is an element of that. obviously we want to see everything happen civilly. we want to be able to do this with words, conversation and if we can open up a dialogue and we can create that dialogue where it's acceptable to have that,
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where you're not saying, you're conservatives, nothing is right. it is a bipartisan problem. both sides in the political sphere has failed us miserably in the elite. hopefully we can create that movement where there is a discourse, where people can start talking about the difference. life's a negotiation. you can come up with a happy medium between the two, we're probably actually in a very good spot in the country. >> if he wins does he make room for hillary clinton in his administration? >> i -- you know what, i haven't gotten there. i don't know. i haven't thought about those things. >> how about you, any of the family -- >> we need a break. the last 18 months has been the longest ten years of my life. i think for the most part we'll be -- >> stay with the business? >> the business and that's what we'll do. >> it's hard though because if he becomes president of the united states, there's going to be so many responsibilities, so many priorities. i know the nepotism laws and all of that that you would have to deal with. do you think you'd be able to resist the desire to help your father? >> listen, that's always
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difficult. we've been doing that for a lot of times in our lives and career. he's a really good employer and he's good at finding talent. people who have real experience, whether it be within government or whether it be the numerous people that he's sort of inspired to say, hey, i may not ever run for an office but i want to get involved. i want to help you and your administration. i think it's a great opportunity to bring people from outside of the bureaucrat class into d.c. >> donald trump jr., great to see you. >> great to be with you guys. >> thanks so much for being here in this studio on the all important day. >> enjoy the moment. best to the families. let's check in with the reporters at the polls. long lines in virginia and everywhere. let's look at the critical battleground and home state for clinton's running mate tim kaine. brian scott is live in ashburn, carolina. >> the precinct chief told me it is crazier here than it was in 2008 when there was such a good voter turnout when president obama first got elected. we can't project turnout based
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on the numbers here this morning, but we know it's been very strong here. long lines here and it is just really busy. look, we're as excited as the voters are to be out here because of the commitment that they've shown this morning. take a look. this is where you check in at sanders corner county in loudoun county. you check in with a photo i.d. almost every voting station has been taken up. there are overflow tables. after you cast your ballot, you have to come over here to what they call the optical voting scanner right over there. this is a ballot. the sample ballot. the actual ones are laid out like this. long ballot. eight slots to lay out for president, local congress person, ballot initiatives here. then you have to put it through the scanner there. a lot to get through there but they're moving people through. check out the line over here guys real quick before we throw it back to you. it goes out here and out the
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door all morning long. >> brian, thank you. we have stopped watching you for a moment because hillary clinton is now approaching the crowd of people who have come out to see her in chappaqua, new york. >> there is a press avail as we call it in the business on the schedule. is she going to address the voters? is she going to address the nation? we'll just keep monitoring this situation and see whether or not she takes that. obviously words on election day cary a lot of weight. >> very big crowd as you can see there. hard to know if all of them were in line to vote or if they just caught wind by watching cnn that she was here and they came out to get this picture of this historic moment. but she is taking the time to hug supporters obviously there in the crowd and, i mean, what a moment. look, it's historic for every single person in this country. >> just talk to go donald jr. about what happens. for their family it's a big deal. for hillary's family it's a big deal. former president bill clinton,
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i've said a hundred times, he's never been as nervous, as behind, never been as concerned about the outcome as he is in this race so, because often you worry about your family as you do yourself in situations like this. what a race this has been. we have never seen anything like it. most of the things that have distinguished it have been negative. most importantly, how this country comes back together after it is so important as well. >> so interesting to talk to senator tim kaine this morning as well as don trump jr. because both of them when we asked, you know, what's the plan for the next day? what's the plan for if they win or if they lose? nobody's put a lot of thought, actually, into that because everybody has been putting so much energy into this moment right here that we're all a part of, the day two scenario -- >> right. >> -- has not -- they haven't spent a lot of energy on that. >> i'll tell you what. that is our job to ask but i'll
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give you insight. there are taboos in campaigning. >> superstitions? >> no, legitimate we don't do these. why? because they're inherently destructive and count ter productive to the process. the idea of losing the race cannot be anticipated. also on a human level, you are so amped up, so exhausted, so stressed and extended that you can't open yourself to the possibility it's not going to go your way. >> yes, but i was even asking them what if you win. i asked both sides what if you win and what would your cabinet look like and would they be bipartisan. they both said they haven't given much thought. >> it's too early. you have to win the moment, become president-elect and the elect part is that period from now until january, what, 20th when you have the inauguration is all about the transition, and that's when all those questions get answered. they have enough to deal with >> you know, i mean, i hear you, but it's just hard to stay in
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the present. maybe it's not hard to stay in the moment. we have been living it as well. it's been hard for us to conceive what november 9th looks like. after all of the sweat equity that has gone into the past 18 months. it's almost still as we sit here now inconceivable that we will wake up tomorrow and the world will have changed one way or another. >> look, i keep telling people, and it's the right message, that today is going to be historic no matter who wins. but i don't think that the window is as immediate as this election day. because of what you're talking about, there's an immediate need for healing, that's one thing. two, there is going to be a very likely equally negative and destructive intergovernmental process here. you may very well have if donald trump wins, you may have a mobilized democratic base in congress that wants to
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investigate trump university. if hillary clinton wins you may have a motivated republican base in congress that wants to flesh out all of these issues about the foundation and the e-mails to their own satisfaction. so the idea of it ending today, i don't know. >> you're right. it's the wrong finish line. it won't end today. >> how much responsibility goes with this and so many people are counting on the outcome of this election. what it means for our country and i'll do the very best i can if i am fortunate enough to win today. >> anything you're worrying about today? >> thank you. thank you. >> i've had 15 years of practice. >> that was a more subdued hillary clinton than we've seen on the stump in recent days. she sort of quietly said that she takes this great responsibility, you know, in all
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of its magnitude and she will do the best that she can if she were to win and then she moved on. >> let's discuss this moment that is heavy with potential. former mayor of philadelphia, michael nutter. he supports hillary clinton. cory lewandowski, former trump campaign manager, bob beckle and radio host john phillips. he supports donald trump. brother beckle, i haven't seen you in a while. >> i just got out of the hospital. this is my second back operation and it looks like it's going to be a success so i'll be back at it. >> happy to see you. >> good to see you well. >> thank you. >> so what does today mean to you? >> well, you know what, i've been through so many of these, you have to say about this, i've never seen anything like it. i live in a world of numbers. i look at numbers and see people who have moved their alliances around. it's a tough one to call in a whole lot of ways.
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i don't have any doubt about what's going to happen. >> you don't? >> no, not at all. >> what do you think is going to happen? >> on the scale of 1 to 100? >> yeah. i think trump has a 1% chance, 2% chance. >> why are your numbers so different? >> because i'm like a lot of people. i actually spend time -- i was in bed for four weeks with nothing to do so i called. north carolina is one of the big secrets for clinton, the best organization i've ever seen bar none and good organizations, too, for points in the presidential race. interestingly enough, i think trump had a better message for this year than she did certainly, the problem was he got distracted. sitting over there, didn't like that. >> straight to cory there. >> mayor here.
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>> every time he hit one, he went someplace else. >> john, is that how you see how we've arrived here? >> yeah, it's weird that today is the day. it's almost like a relative is going to die for today. we've been dealing with this election for so long. bob is right, trump had the message in the primary. i think so many people in our business never anticipated him going as far as he did. he struck a nerve. the immigration thing at the very beginning i think really was something that separated him from the pack and i think it was a message that could uniquely be delivered by an outsider. i don't think someone coming from the washington establishment, even a governor or big city mayor could have delivered. it took someone from outside that system and that was trump. >> so, mayor, i've seen you govern. i've seen it up close and when times are tough. politics is a different animal. you campaign in poetry, you
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govern in prose. pop would caution me to remind, he didn't create that line. he got it from somebody else. but this message that bob is talking about and phillip is talking about, it's true. cyclically the democrats are supposed to lose this race. you had two terms. it's very rare you get a third. if not for donald trump and what comes out of his mouth, do you think that the democrats would be in a very hard way on election day? >> well, i mean, certainly he's -- he touts himself as a very different candidate, no question about it. i go back to john's point. i'm not sure that donald trump thought that he would get this far when there was 17 of them standing on the stage. this is a very, very different year. we saw that on the republican side. we also saw it on the democrat side. give credit to senator sanders and his message, which was also a change message. there are people who are hurting. there's a lot of anger, fear, doubt. you saw the rise of both of
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those messages in different ways with different messengers in this particular election, but i think what actually happened at the end is someone said to me last night, this is a coalition of the insulted. donald trump created a number of coalitions to come together that ultimately helped him rise in the primary is what will ultimately take him down in the general. >> i want to ask you about that, cory. there is that feeling that as john said, immigration was the issue that distinguished donald trump and allowed him to emerge, you know, from the 17 -- the field of 17, but do you think that immigration and in terms of the latino vote, that this will be his undoing? >> i don't think so. if you look at florida, north carolina, states that are must-win, that coalition are together. if he wins all the states that mitt romney carried, adds florida, i think it's a foregone conclusion donald trump is going to win ohio and iowa. i think donald trump is going to win new hampshire.
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i happen to know the state very well. he's going to win there. and the second district in maine. he's six electoral votes from being the president of the united states. opportunity to win in pennsylvania. same-day voting. opportunity to win in michigan. if you look at the disaffected blue collar white males who have been devastated from bad trade deals which is a message donald trump has talked about from the entire campaign, be very careful of calling this race too early because if michigan rolls around tonight and that state goes donald trump, which the internal numbers say are much, much closer, you could wake up tomorrow morning and donald trump is the president of the united states. >> you could, cory. let me tell you. every four years you all get sucked into pennsylvania and michigan and the same thing happens. it's a bridge too far. >> it is a different year. >> it is a different year but the electorate isn't different. does he have a message that doesn't tee up the value? yes. sure. is it enough outside of philadelphia?
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when i used to do politics, 90% of bucks county was republican. it's going to be for hillary clinton this time around. leaving that aside, after this was over, what trump started and what sanders did, let's not forget there's the governing part of all of this. those people aren't going away. i don't know what donald trump is going to do if he loses, but he will certainly keep himself in the mix and we're going to have to deal with this. it may sound crazy, we may see this as an opportunity to get out of polarization. the republicans have to deal with immigration. >> didn't they say that in 2012? >> including trump. >> right. >> trump said it in 2012. >> they did and then donald trump took off with it. the rest followed -- >> just went too far. >> i mean, i think that at the end of this night, cory and i have different views on this, but hillary clinton hillary clinton will win pennsylvania probably by 5 to 7 points. i think she wins north carolina.
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we're going to take florida and i think we're going to surprise you in michigan. >> winning. winning in a way is the easy part. john, give us a last thought on that. whoever wins has really the hardest test in front of them, and i don't say that lightly. you have a country that's uniquely divided and there is no unique path to unity. >> i don't think there's going to be a honeymoon. whoever gets elected will be a hangover, it will be a hangover with well liquor. >> that's the cheap stuff. >> on that note, thank you. we know that you both are confident about all of those battleground states and we look forward to watching tonights. >> make sure everyone votes. >> by the way, i forgot to show you. >> very nice. >> suspender. >> handsome braces. handsome braces. >> thank you. >> it says -- >> democrat, vote twice. >> hillary clinton or donald trump -- >> not funny this year, bob. hillary clinton or donald trump will be forced to do something that really they don't even want to imagine right now, and i'm telling you from personal
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experience. the last thing a candidate wants to look at is a concession speech. but before we get to what's said, we have to get to what they're going to do. if someone loses tonight, will they come out and concede? >> someone will lose. i think we can all agree on that. someone will lose tonight. also, if you want a chance to be featured on cnn election coverage tag instagram #myvote. let us know who you voted for and where you voted. we'll show those throughout the day on cnn. >> i like that. millions of you are online right now,
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joe, we heard a very reserved hillary clinton seemingly heavy with the moment addressing after she voted. >> reporter: absolutely, chris. and quite a moment it was. douglas graphlin elementary school here in new york. showing up with her husband, the former president, absolutely mobbed by people there. she was greeted by congresswoman neat at that lowey who is her congresswoman from this district. she went on to vote about 8:00 this morning eastern time. we've been told she was going to show up around 6:30, which would have been quite a stretch given the fact that she landed here at white plains airport around 3:30 this morning and was greeted by supporters as well. hillary clinton speaking briefly to the cameras, to reporters. as you said, chris, very reserved. listen. >> it is the most humbling feeling, dan because, you know,
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i know how much responsibility goes with this and so many people are counting on the outcome of this election, what it means for our country and i'll do the very best i can if i am fortunate enough to win today. >> reporter: hillary clinton getting started so early today sends a couple of messages, i think. number one, they've been sending a message all across the country to their supporters encouraging them to get out there despite any odds to vote, to stand in line if they have to. there's a sense that there will be record turnout here across the country. so they very much want people to get out and she's getting out as you can see quite early after a long night that ended in north carolina last night, chris. >> all right, joe. i'll take it. thanks so much for showing us that. we want to go to arizona. voters there also casting their ballots now. could hillary clinton possibly turn that republican state blue? cnn's dan simon is live in phoenix with more.
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what are you seeing, dan? >> good morning, alisyn. a little bit of a line at this church in central phoenix. arizona is an early voting state, and more than 60% of the ballots have already been cast. we'll see how that manifests itself here at the polls today. arizona has been a reliably red state. a democrat has only carried arizona once. that was bill clinton back in 1996 but they think they have a good chance again with hillary clinton thanks in large part due to the hispanic vote. if large numbers of latinos get out and vote they think they can carry the state. following the national trend they did see a surge of latinos voting early, about double in terms of what they saw in 2012. donald trump, a lot of people think this is a must-win state for him. he's been to this state seven times but in the last week we have seen the hillary clinton campaign dump a ton of resources into the state. there is a reason why tim kaine was here last week speaking to a group of voters in spanish.
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this is a true battleground. chris and alisyn, we'll send it back to you. >> thank you very much. we'll be watching them all. this is a race that began a year and a half ago and it ends tonight, we hope. so what is our new president going to do to heal a divided nation? let's discuss with carl bernstein, the author of "a woman in charge." he is a cnn political commentator and of course an excellent journalist and david gregory, a cnn political analyst and also an excellent journal list. i knew you wouldn't forgive me if i didn't say that. paul, we may see record turnout. that's good. however, what is motivating that turnout may be bad. how do you assess? >> well, i think what's motivating the turnout is that people feel very strongly that they want change in this country, and that comes from sanders, it comes from trump's followers and it even comes from reluctant people who are voting
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for hillary clinton. and i think that's the most important thing to take away from this election, that there is anger at the political class. that if hillary clinton, as expected, wins tonight, she's going to have to address in a really serious and empathic way the desire for change, the dissatisfaction with elites in this country and a dissatisfaction, indeed, with democrats and republicans. >> well, i mean, if anger and change are the motivating factors, doesn't that suggest that donald trump would win? >> yes, if he were a different kind of candidate. if he didn't turn off so many people. you know, non-white voters, college-educated voters, he certainly had that opportunity. i think carl is right. i think there's another element. there's anger. a lot of it is betrayal. you look at the exit polls. republicans felt betrayed by their own leaders. a lot of progressives feel betrayed by the democratic establishment. there are people who feel like the economy is rigged against them, the political process is
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rigged against them. the media can't be believed. you can't trust big companies and institutions. there's a lot of energy. in a bizarre series of circumstances donald trump really captures that energy on the right. bernie sanders captures a lot of that energy on the left, and that is a big part of the challenge moving forward. we know we've been polarized as a country. we know we're in a country that is transforming demographically and how it interacts with government and how these political parties orient themselves towards those changes. >> but it's more than pol polarizati polarization. people of this country -- i think we're learning in this election how smart the people of the country are because they understood before the political class and before the media class that the institutions of this country are not working and are fundamentally broken. you get outside of tech and the entertainment business, you tell me what institutions in this country from medical care to education are working well in
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our culture. that's partly what this election is about. this election has a deeper meaning in terms of the antenna of the people of the country. that's what we're feeling. >> more institutions than you say but some is access. >> either way you look at it -- >> not public education from k to 12. >> either way you look at it, what you saw was an opportunity for a real battle of ideas. there are different ways to change the status quo in this country. you didn't get that. >> no. >> the reason that i would even suggest that turnout could be a bad thing is because it's motivated by negative factors. there is no one who can convince me that this is not a proposition for voters, who's less bad. i hear it all over the country. >> no question. >> it seems like whoever wins tonight is the one who is rejected less. what does that do for you in terms of mandate? >> still, a new president of the united states gets a certain amount of goodwill, even if it were donald trump, which i don't
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expect there would be a certain amount of goodwill extended him. but let's look at the opportunity. let's assume hillary clinton wins, and she is disdained as we know by tens of millions of people in this country. but if she uses words well, think of the inaugural address. think of what she says tonight and how important that is to convey to the people of the country that she hears a message in what this year and a half has been and what all of this negative feeling has been about. there's the question of practical politics. assuming she wins, i think we're going to see her try to embrace republicans in her cabinet. i think she's going to -- she's got to get a supreme court justice through very quickly. she has a record of working with republicans though not on big national issues, more on aide to new york, but she also is going to have to indicate that she
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hears the message that propelled bernie sanders and the underlying message, not the bigotry, not the negativism, we need an immigration bill, that she understands what propelled donald trump's followers. >> she's got to listen to the left. i think we will all be looking if she's president for the impact of progressives in the democratic party, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders impact on -- particularly when it comes to economic policy. she has to have a partner. republicans have to decide what kind of party they want to be. it was lindsey graham who said they were in a democratic death spiral. if they lose hispanic votes huge, it may be irrevocable for them. they have a lot of deciding what they want to be for a party. >> david, carl, thank you. great to talk to you both. we'll talk to you tomorrow. meanwhile, no matter who wins today, this country is forever changed. up next, we'll look back at this wild and unprecedented race. this is a retrospective you
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it's pretty likely that this presidential race will go down in history as one of the most wild, most negative, and probably most memorable. here is a look at some of the high and some of the low lights. >> i'm a dant. >> for president. >> i am proud to announce. >> i am running. >> for president. >> of the united states. >> united states. >> donald trump just announced he is running for president. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> we all might look back and say we remember where we were when it happened. >> we will build a wall. you know who's going to pay for the wall? mexico. they're going to pay for it. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete
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shutdown of muslims entering the united states. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? >> the justice department asked to open an investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails on her private server. >> i don't -- i have no idea. that's why we turn it over. >> you're the official target. >> what, like with a cloth or something. >> before there was something called obamacare there was something called hillary care. >> i take a back seat to no one in taking on income inequality. >> republicans kicked off their first presidential debate. >> you've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs. >> only rosie o'donnell. you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> you're never going to be president of the united states by insulting your way -- >> i'm at 42 and you're at 3.
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>> doesn't matter. >> so so far i'm doing better. >> have you seen him. you're like this. you know what they say about men with small hands? >> reserving to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you there's no problem. >> just for the record, are you a progressive or are you a moderate? >> i'm a progressive but i'm a progressive who likes to get things done. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails. >> thank you. thank you. me too. me too. he is becoming isis's best recruiter. i am not a natural politician in case you haven't noticed like my husband or president obama. >> dr. ben carson has risen to national front-runner status. >> a big night for donald trump and hillary clinton. >> senator ted cruz dealt a blow to donald trump. >> donald, you're a sniff developing coward and leave heidi alone. >> he's a war hero. he was captured. i like people who weren't
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captured. >> many people know the story when i was 14 and i stabbed someone. >> he went after a friend and he lunged but low and behold he hit the belt. >> if fighting for women's health care and family leave if that's playing the woman card, then deal me in. >> hillary clinton is the presumptive democratic nominee. >> we are going to make america great again, but we're going to do it the old-fashioned way. >> donald trump is the presumptive republican nominee. >> the next vice president of the united states. >> governor mike pence. >> the next vice president, my friend, senator tim kaine. >> a lot of excitement as the rnc kicks off. ♪ we are the champions >> what happened to there's no black america, there's no white america? >> hillary clinton must become the next president. >> have you even read the united
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states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> then your word is your bond that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say. >> who takes the fall for cribbing michelle obama's speech in 2008? >> to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. >> our motto is when they go low, we go high. >> she is still the best darn change maker i have ever known. >> there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not bill, nobody more qualified than hillary clinton. >> when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down. >> i am with you. >> i will be a president for
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democrats, republicans. >> i will fight for you and i will win for you. >> for all-americans together! donald trump simply does not have the temperament. >> if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. >> you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> she calls the patriotic americans deplorable and irredeemable. >> hillary clinton, we've just learned in the last hour, diagnosed with pneumonia. it appears that the candidate fainted. >> you think hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? >> why all the furtiveness? why all the concealment? >> i don't think there was a big reason to make a fuss about it. >> trump's surprise trip to mexico. >> we did discuss the wall. we didn't discuss the payment of the wall. that will be for a later date. >> clinton and trump one on one. people are saying this could be
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the most consequential debate in modern political history. >> i have much better judgment than she does. there's no question about that. i also have a much better temperament than she has. >> i think donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate and, yes, i did. he called this woman miss piggy, then he called her miss housekeeping because she was latina. >> where did you find that? >> her name is alesha machado. >> one down, two to go. >> what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. what the hell do you have to lose? >> donald trump's closing argument is, what do you have to lose? the answer is, everything. >> donald trump caught on tape in his own words, vulgar words. >> when you're a star they let you do it. you can do whatever. >> do whatever you want. >> grab them by the pussy. >> i'm very embarrassed by it, i hate it. it's locker room talk. >> he has said the video doesn't represent who he is.
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i think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. >> a ninth woman now has stepped forward accusing trump of sexual assault. >> these vicious claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> the press has create the a rigged system and poisoned the minds of the voters. >> donald trump's already talking about how the game's rigged. that means he's losing. >> are you saying you're not prepared now to go back to that principle. >> i'll tell you at the time. i'll keep you in suspense. >> every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. >> news from the fbi, new information pertinent to the hillary clinton server investigation.
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>> i am sure they will reach the same conclusion. there is no case here. >> the fbi director james comey weighing in yet again saying in so many words the investigation is over. >> you can't review 650,000 new e-mails in eight days. >> declare with one voice, we are always stronger together. >> this patriot, our next president of the united states of america. >> today is our independence day. >> you can vote for a hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted america. >> today the american working class is going to strike back. >> let's make history together. >> my gosh. i feel like i've just woken from a long fevered dream. wow. i can't tell if this feels longer than 18 months or shorter than 18 months. or if it really happened.
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>> childbirth had nothing on it. safe a snujs. >> actually. >> i'll tell you what, i think one thing we learned is we know what the problems are now. would have been nice if this election had been about the solutions to those problems. sometimes you have to tear down to build back up. that's the hope, that there will be some silver lining coming out of this. let's get perspective from somebody who knows politics, knows journalism and knows this country. our friend and former boss, long-time abc news great ted copal who anchored "night line" for 18 years. he's the author of a prescient piece of literature, "lights out" about cyber attacks. >> ted, how are you? >> i'm all right. i feel the way you do. it's like we've been sucking on an aching tooth for 18 months and it's timely time to yank it. >> that is a good metaphor. ted, what do you think of this whole surreal campaign and where
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we find ourselves today? is there any way to kind of sum it up? >> what troubles me most about it, alisyn, is it's not over. the election is over today but the nastiness that pervaded that election i think is going to be with us for many, many months if not years to come. what we've learned is not just that these are two of the least liked candidates in recent history but the fact of the matter is, none of us is liked. none of the various parts of the establishment are liked or believed, which i think is an even more important point. the media is hated. politicians are hated. the candidates were hated. the establishment as a whole is hated and mistrusted. and what donald trump learned is that he no longer needs the establishment media to become what he has become which is the leader of one of the parties,
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albeit the party that doesn't seem to want him as its leader. and he's done it by using social media. i think he will continue using social media. and much of the pain that has been inflicted on this country over the past 18 months i fear is going to continue. >> ever seen anything like it? and what is your best guess as to what makes anything better coming out of it? >> well, parts of it i've seen before, chris. in other words, you know, the first election i ever covered was barry goldwater and lyndon johnson in 1964 and i was on the goldwater campaign. one of the things i keep remembering as mr. trump talks about these great crowds that come out to support him is how huge and enthusiastic the crowds were for barry goldwater. and he, too, was racing all around the country during the final days of the campaign and
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then got defeated in one of the most overwhelming landslides in history. i can't say that that's going to happen today, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did. everything that's been happening over these past few months has been filtered through social media. it's not a step in the right direction. we've lost a lot in terms of the american public's confidence in and faith in real journalism. and i don't see how a democracy survives if people cannot trust the objectivity of their journalists. >> absolutely, ted. as long as we're time traveling, let's do that a little bit more and go back to 1993. your friend, tom brokaw, was interviewing bill clinton and hillary clinton in the first hundred days. it was right after he had won and they talked about the possibility of the first female president.
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listen to this. >> what i'm hoping is i'm able to make my contribution and then any spouse after me, women and men, will feel as free as they can to do what is right for them, that includes as little or as much of a role as is appropriate. >> how long do you think, mr. president, until there's a first husband? >> not long. not long. i think there will be -- a woman will be elected president probably in my lifetime. i certainly hope that one will have a chance to run. >> self-fulfilling prophecy, ted. >> i don't think for a moment that when bill clinton said that he wasn't thinking of the woman standing by his side. and, you know, it's -- it's an extraordinary moment in american history if, indeed, she is elected. >> if he had had his good foresight about what the future would bring, he may have saved himself a lot of trouble. so something that we just saw here, ted, with wikileaks and where they source their information from, the u.s.
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government believes there were hacks by russian hackers, perhaps orchestrated by russian government. you wrote a book about this called "lights out." came out prescient at the minimum. what do you see what we're seeing with wikileaks? >> let me put it quickly. donald trump was talking during the campaign about keeping all muslims out. much has been made of the building of the wall. we live in an age in which walls and keeping people out physically doesn't mean anything anymore. cyber attacks go right past walls. cyber attacks, they can be enabled no matter where in the world you are. >> i mean, ted, it's chilling. the book, everyone should read it, it's "lights out." it paints the picture, as you say, it's not how it's going to happen, it is when it is going to happen. and it is not pretty. but, ted, it's so great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> for being on "new day."
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it's wonderful to see you after all these years. >> thank you very much. >> all right. we've got a lot of coverage for you here on cnn. the polls are opening all over the country. millions are getting ready to exercise the franchise and decide our course forward. time now for "newsroom" with carol costello. carol? >> such an exciting day. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. and good morning and thank you for joining me from our nation's capitol on this beautiful election day in washington, d.c. i'm carol costello. it has been one of the most bitter and polarizing elections in modern history and the nation is now just hours from electing a brand-new president. hillary clinton cast her vote in suburban, new york. >> we're doing very
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