tv Election Night in America CNN November 8, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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york hilton where donald trump's headquarters are tonight. let's take a look at the electoral college map. donald trump is ahead. he has 232 electoral votes compared to hillary clinton's 209 votes. you need 270 to win the white house. there are yellow states that are outstanding right now. we'll see what happens in those state states. you saw the mood at those respective campaign headquarters, jake. it's a very different mood. >> yeah, her path is narrowing on the board. let's take another look at what's going on with dow futures. the market is now down with dow futures. it's down 4.32%. we should point out after brexit, which is an event that donald trump likes to invoke talking about the unexpected
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nature of that vote and what was going to happen with his election, after brexit, the dow went down 3.4%. if this holds, this will be the biggest loss since the day after -- since the day trading resumed after 9/11. this is a day that the markets are not particularly enjoying. unsure about the future of the u.s., unsure about the trade deals and the economy of the u.s. >> when people voted to leave the european union, it was a stunning surprise to so many pollsters and others. dana, it's still not over with out. you need 270. neither of these candidates has it. we're watching wisconsin, michigan, and a couple of other states very closely. >> i'm getting texts from democrats who have been working months or over a year for hillary clinton. more and more pessimistic as they're seeing the results come
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in. no matter how this works out in the end, the fact that it is so tight right now, a lot of finger pointing back at the fbi director for the october surprise saying that the investigation was sort of kind reopened into the e-mail situation and then closing it back up. however, it's hard to imagine that this kind of almost wave was because of the fbi director. there's something way more deep and clear going on in this country and probably the whole idea that hillary clinton was potentially in trouble played into that and it helped that, but i think it's a lot more than what democrats are saying. >> there's no doubt that there's a deep anger. our early exit polls showed it. there's a deep anger in this country right now at the political establishment. when donald trump keeps saying drain the swamp, he was really reaching out to a whole bunch of
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people, including a lot of people who hadn't voted before. >> a lot of anger at washington, d.c. a lot of anger at institutions. that was a big part of donald trump's campaign. i think it's also worth pointing out that white working class voters are the single biggest demographic in the united states. and while many policymakers in washington, d.c., have turned a blind eye to these individuals, especially when it comes to their economic issues, it makes sense that somebody who goes right after white working class voters in a way that i haven't seen a presidential nominee do in a long, long time would have some success. it's one of the reasons why a lot of democrats argued bernie sanders would have been a better nominee because he did appeal to many people in that demographic and was the same kind of outsider that donald trump was on that issue of trade and on
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the issue of washington being broken. >> now look what's going on right now. john king, let's take a closer look and see what's going on. we're following these two battleground states. wisconsin and michigan that would potentially determine the next president. >> that sanders war in primary may start tomorrow. wisconsin, again this is not the way this was mapped out. 85,000 votes. you're up to 77% of the vote counted. >> now it is 89,000 votes. >> can she make it up? i'm going to start down here in milwaukee county. it is now 12:04 here in the east. we're told at the bottom of the hour we'll have the rest of the results in the milwaukee counties. 60,000 absentees. is there potentially a large
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swath of democratic votes? we're told them to expect them around the bottom of the hour. yes. you hold out the math. you're going to be hyper cautious here for a good reason. okay, maybe. this is what the clinton campaign is telling us. we're going to get a lot more out of here. they have reason to say they're going to get a lot more out of here. 25% of the vote to go. if they're correct and they're about to get a very large substantial amount of votes out of milwaukee, that's why you wait and you see. however, that's fine. we'll see what that math comes in, but you start going through some of these other places. that's 100. that's 90. 94 over here. come down here, 71. there are still a lot of counties that donald trump is running up the score pretty impressively that have votes out. even if she picks up 10,000, 20,000 more than that out of milwaukee, there's still some counting to do for donald trump as well. you have to say advantage trump as we go to the wire here.
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the clinton campaign is telling us they believe in milwaukee county, dane county, other places they can make up these votes. other democrats who have experience in these states who are helping the clinton campaign who are not on the payroll for the clinton campain are voicing a lot more skepticism. i want to show you this. this is brown county. this is where green bay is. mitt romney won it last time, but look at the margin. this is what is going to be studied after this election. >> half the vote is in. >> 59-36. 50-49. this is a swing battleground, rock'em, sock'em robots fight it out -- >> i want to quickly go to pennsylvania because donald trump has just moved ahead in the state of pennsylvania right now. let's take a look at the actual vote. you see it right there. donald trump has 2,582,735 to
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clinton's 2,574,977. >> in all this great swath of red, it comes in late sometimes. we're at 100 here now. we're at 100 here now. let's go around. as these smaller counties report, the trump number has gone up. yet again we're asking the same question in another state that has been blue for most of our adult lifetimes. can she get it back? well, this is a plus sign for hillary clinton, if you will. if you're in the democratic war room, you only have 25% of the vote counted in allegheny county. that one i think is roughly consistent. 57 for president obama. if you're the clinton campaign, you're alarmed donald trump is leading you in michigan and
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wsconsin. that is a recipe for a wipe out. >> we have another major projection coming in right now. cnn projects donald trump will win the state of iowa with its six electoral votes. donald trump will carry iowa. he's ahead by 136,000 votes right now. iowa goes to donald trump. let's take a look at the electoral college map. donald trump expands his lead over hillary clinton. he has 238 electoral votes to her 209 electoral votes approxima. you need 270 to win the white house. iowa, that was not all that unexpected. it's wisconsin and michigan that are very unexpected. >> are we rewriting america's
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electoral college map tonight? we want know the answer for sometime, but significant as president obama is moving out of the white house, the state that launched his political career just voted for donald trump. now the republican nominee for president and on the verge of being the president-elect of the united states if trend line continues. as we write the history books about the campaign, the fact that iowa switched, there will be criticism of hillary clinton. this is one of the things we'll go through. let's go back to where we were just a moment ago because pennsylvania has joined wisconsin and michigan. >> 11,000 votes. >> as you go through all this, it is stunning when you see what is happening largely in these white working class areas. you're in the vice president's hometown here. it is 50% for hillary clinton. this was blowout territory. then you go next door here.
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lucer li 59% for donald trump. we find them in virginia, a state she narrowly won. we're finding this more and more. this is four years ago. it's a lot more red, right? i'm going to move it over a little bit. look right in here. there's some blue here. you've got red tonight. it is not just the red. when you look at this here, 53-42, 50-49. trump is overperforming romney. clinton underperforming president obama. we're not done here. there's still a chance for clinton to come back here. pennsylvan pennsylvania, one of the solid states in that blue wall, 242
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electoral votes. this is one of them. donald trump leads at the moment. this is one of them. donald trump leads at the moment. this is one of them. donald trump leads at the moment. the democrats are having a conversation. the democrats have been celebrating for years all during the obama presidency their ability to change states like nevada and colorado and virginia. they've been celebrating that for eight years. they're having headaches tonight. >> on the national vote, donald trump is ahead nationally by more than a million votes. he's getting more votes nationally right now than hillary clinton is. >> i want to check and see what the count is out here. the big california, we're at 27% of the vote there. we'll have to watch as that plays out. donald trump is running it up. you can look at the national vote. you can look at these key democratic states. i'm going to go back to new hampshire.
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77%. hillary clinton has narrowed the gap here. the question is can she get it back. nashua is in at 100%. yes, she won it. 53-41, but again you go to a democratic area where this is by new hampshire standards a major population center -- >> trump is ahead by about 5,000 votes. >> so you're looking at what's left. not much. we don't have any votes at all in some of these counties. potentially there are a lot of smaller towns. you don't call them counties in new hampshire. this one out here is republican at 33%. it's a slower count. if we come back to the full map, you can see it. we have a ways to go, but remarkably competitive. you see a lot of the gray. we're waiting for a lot of the
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votes in these places. we have nothing at all in some of these places. just want to go back and take a look again. we are waiting for a lot of votes down here. if you're in the clinton campaign war room, you think there are a lot of democratic areas yet to come in. yet it seems she's underperforming the president. that's going to be the story of the night. you could see donald trump is overperforming governor romney or republicans in these states. i just keep waiting to see if we get any updates here. 70%. we've been stuck at 70% in michigan for quite sometime. this is a very close race. >> 19,000 votes trump is ahead of hillary clinton over michigan. john, stand by. it's a cliff hanger in michigan, a cliff hanger in wisconsin. we're watching all of this very closely. we'll be right back. dn't get he. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options.
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key race alert right now. let's start off in michigan. michigan 70% of the vote is in. donald trump maintains his lead. he has a lead of 23,000-plus votes over hillary clinton. 16 electoral votes at stake in michigan. in wisconsin, 78% of the vote is in. he has a better lead there. 92,000 vote lead over hillary clinton. ten electoral votes in state of wisconsin. in arizona, trump has the lead.
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63% of the vote is in. he's gone over 59,000 vote lead over hillary clinton in the state of arizona. there are 11 electoral votes in arizona. in new hampshire, 77% of the vote is now in and donald trump maintains his lead of more than 5,000 votes over hillary clinton. it's close, but he's still got the lead. four electoral votes in new hampshire. they could be critically important. let's take a look at some of the other states right now. in utah, trump is ahead. he's ahead by more than 100,000 votes over hillary clinton and evan mcmullin. trump, he's looking pretty good with 1/3 of the vote in the state of utah. in pennsylvania, 92% of the vote is in. 48.2% to 48.2%. donald trump is ahead by 2800 votes. he is ahead by 2857 votes.
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in nevada right now, hillary clinton is ahead with 71% of the vote. hillary clinton has 36,000-plus votes over donald trump. six electoral votes at stake in nevada. in minnesota, hillary clinton has an impressive lead. 72% of the vote is in. she is ahead. ten electoral votes there. in maine, right now 71% of the vote is in. hillary clinton has a 15,000 vote lead over donald trump. that remains one of two states where they divide their electoral votes according to congressional districts. let's take a look at the electoral count where it stands right now. donald trump is ahead. he has 238 electoral votes to hillary clinton's 209 electoral votes. you need 270 to win the white house. all those yellow states out there, too early to call, those states. those are the states we are not yet able to make projections.
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we're watching all of those states very, very closely. he has a lead in the popular vote and the electoral college vote right now. >> he's doing it exactly the way donald trump and his team said they were going to, which is by -- well, actually, i should add a caveat to that. he's winning all these states that traditionally republicans would go for. mitt romney, john mccain, such as florida, north carolina, iowa, and ohio, even though john mccain and mitt romney were not able to win all those states. but he is giving a run for her money in the rustbelt states which was originally what donald trump said he was going to win the presidency. he's redrawing the map. he's taking the state that is republicans traditionally pursue and giving her a run for her money in pennsylvania and on top of that going after the rustbelt states where there are all these voters who are convinced that
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trade has been horrible for their communities. whether they liked the offensive things donald trump said or they didn't care about the things donald trump said, they are with him when it comes to draining the swamp and getting washington, d.c. to focus more on these communities and their jobs. >> he's clearly doing now, dana, what he did during the republican primary, surprising a lot of folks. >> that's absolutely right. look, we started out this evening oh so many hours ago talking about what to expect. i talked about whether the trump candidacy would awake a sleeping giant in the latino community. the sleeping giant that seems to be waking up are white working class americans. >> let me interrupt. pennsylvania. donald trump has just gone ahead by 2409 votes over hillary clinton with 92% of the vote in. they both have 48.2%, but he is now ahead by 2400-plus votes
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over hillary clinton in your state or the commonwealth, as we should call it. >> the commonwealth of pennsylvania. i don't know how many people remember this. but when i went to some of my old haunts in south philadelphia during the democratic convention, which was in philadelphia, that's how important they thought pennsylvania was, how important they thought philadelphia was, i asked the guy who owns an italian pastry shop who are people voting for here. he said we have a lot of leaners. i said leaners? they lean into you and say, yeah, i think i might vote for trump. if hillary clinton only wins 80%, that sounds like a lot, but it's not. those leaners actually voted that way. >> kellyanne conway has been talking about the hidden trump
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vote, that it's out there, that people don't feel comfortable telling pollsters, never mind their friends and family, that they're going to vote for donald trump. well, just based on the data we saw going into tonight, both the polling and some of the modelling, particularly the democrats modelling, she was right. >> whether people weren't telling pollsters or pollsters weren't anticipating the turnout we're seeing. there are obviously millions of americans who voted for barack obama in 2012 and voted for donald trump today, which is a fascinating thing given donald trump is running as the anti-obama in almost every possible way. >> he's ahead in the popular vote nationwide. >> that's true. that would be a fascinating book to write on the obama-trump voter, but there is one common thread and that is change. obama was hope and change. donald trump's change message is a little bit different than
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that. >> drain the swamp. >> but still they are so sick of this place where we are, washington, d.c. it doesn't work. they're not wrong. it doesn't work for them. they're especially not wrong. you know what? donald trump, with all of his flaws, every candidate has flaws, he's not one of them. he can do things differently. now as we talk about this, we're talking about just the states where he's won and has surprised people. never mind the states where he is giving hillary clinton a run for her money that she didn't expect, especially a place like wisconsin which has seen job loss and a place that has not come back as rapidly as other states. >> and michigan too. >> michigan too. >> not only democrats in the clinton campaign, not only pollsters and the mainstream media, but republicans did not anticipate that this night was going to be this way. very, very few people who were
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actually running these races anticipated that this night was going to be so strong for donald trump. >> we've been hearing from the republican national committee, dana, that they really went out and did a lot of stuff to get the vote out for donald trump that wasn't highly publicized, but clearly they must have done something right. >> that's right. i think the key is and we talked about this a little bit before was to get the vote out for donald trump, but it was to get the ground game up and running in a way that would benefit any nominee no matter who it was. going into tonight, we thought maybe it wouldn't potentially be enough, but it was and then some. if you combine frankly the rnc ground game with the trump energy, which we know is huge, that made for the difference clearly in a lot of these states. >> what also made the difference at least in making it so close,
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in the last few weeks donald trump was disciplined. he read his speeches from a teleprompter. he was barely tweeting except go visit my rally of wherever it is going to be. he did what his advisers wanted him to and that clearly paid off. >> his final core message is enough people agreed with it, which is change is needed. washington is broken. things are not working the way it needed to be. while a lot of people in the media and a lot of democrats and a lot of voters didn't like a lot of other things he said, clearly many millions of voters did and they agreed with the fundamental message. they want their borders protected. they want to be protected from terrorists. they want their trade deals to help them and not help wall street and corporate america, and they want washington fixed. >> it's an amazing story right now. whatever happens, it is, dana, a
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truly amazing story. >> just when we think we've covered the latest unbelievable thing that happens in the 2016 race, this is the latest. >> in new hampshire right now, look at this. hillary clinton has taken the lead in new hampshire with 79% of the vote in by 18 votes in new hampshire. 18 votes. let's go over to john king and talk a little bit about this. john, still 21% of the votes at the precincts outstanding right now, but she is ahead by 18 votes. >> another seesaw state. again, this is going to depend mostly on pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin, but if those states change some, then these four could come into play in the whole 255, 268, 269, who can get to 270 at the moment. we're not done yet. we're all dancing on this cliff together. she's ahead very narrowly.
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the reason she pulled ahead is we're waiting for votes out on the seacoast to come in. >> she's now ahead by 200 votes. >> the race started to swing when those votes came in. 80% of the vote is in, but we have a lot of small towns still to report to us. watch how the map changes when i do this. what's missing is a lot of blue, if the state performs as it did in 2012. we're not seeing that tonight in a lot of places. this is a state the clinton campaign knows very well. she has a history here. we'll see if in this state she can keep this very tiny lead that she has right now. these four could become absolutely critical. the conversation a couple weeks ago was could she win new hampshire and add that to a convincing victory. >> let's go to nevada right now and see where it stands in nevada. another important battleground state. >> nevada, 74% in. the map is filling in as you would expect in the sense --
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>> she's ahead. >> she's ahead. 47, underperforming the president. another thing, we have a president of the united states, wolf, who has a 59%, 56%, 57% approval rating whose popularity doesn't seem to be transferable. hillary clinton is the candidate on the ballot. he worked so hard and michelle obama worked so hard in north carolina, in florida, in these other swing states. at the moment, it doesn't look like that was effective either. that will be part of the obama legacy if, a, this holds up. in new hampshire, she's down 99 votes. 99 votes ahead of donald trump. >> 80% of the vote to go. >> 80% is counted. 20% to go. >> 80% is counted.
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all the democratic votes are in concord. now we're going through -- these are small towns throughout new hampshire. we'll see how this vote comes in. donald trump is more than holding his own across the state of new hampshire. this one is going to be a seesaw. could take a long time to count them. >> he spends a lot of time in new hampshire. >> and you remember that was his first big primary win. corey lewandowski is from new hampshire. donald trump was there on the lst night of the campaign and twice, i believe, in the last weekend. donald trump has a history with new hampshire. that'll be one of the stories of this campaign. this one very, very close. it was closer a few minutes ago. trump has stretched that lead a little bit, but he just did it again. it is a full one-point lead at 8
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78%. this is the last hope of the clinton campaign when the rest of detroit comes in. she now has to pull that off, come back from that, and then come back here as well. you see this lead is starting to stretch a little bit. we're up to 81%. we were told this would come at the bottom of the hour at 12:30 in the east. 60,000 absentee ballots in milwaukee county. when these votes come, when we go up from 87% here, we'll see if the clinton campaign's math is -- they've been telling us what's been missing is a huge swath of democratic votes. we'll see when those votes come in. the main thing you can do right now is sit back and watch those three. >> let's go to pennsylvania right now. >> they stay red.
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forget about it. >> trump is back on top in pennsylvania. at least right now. 92% of the vote is in. look at how slight that lead is in pennsylvania out of more than 5 million that have been cast. >> 48.2 to 48.2. it also tells you something in these very close states somebody is going to wake up tomorrow with a giant governing challenge. again, this is just a fundamental rewriting of the map, wolf. in our lifetime, pennsylvania has been a democratic state. george h.w. bush, 1988, the last republican to win that state. that also happens to be the last time a party that had a two-term presidency held office. >> new hampshire went red again. donald trump has now taken the lead. he's up by, what, 15 votes. >> we're laughing about this. the presidency could hinge on
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this. you're going through a lot of these small towns where there's a small, tiny amount of votes. we still have nothing here. it's 150-99. we're going to count the rest of this one. this is just stunning. it is stunning. a lot of people laughed at the trump campaign when they said our path to the presidency was the rustbelt thinking that 1988, 1988 even longer than that. they made a run in minnesota. minnesota is going to hold for the democrats. but a lot of people laughed at them. the governor of ohio not on your side, 52% of the vote. >> he won ohio. >> 52% of the vote and he won ohio. we're going to wait on these ones. we're in exactly the opposition that we thought a couple weeks ago we were going to be in. we thought at trump campaign headquarters they were be sitting there trying to draw to
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an inside straight. we're talking about powerball odds. well, look at that. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. we're not done yet, but the fact that -- let's just check it. 92%. 48.2 to 48.2. 62% of the vote here. hillary clinton with a big lead. potentially some democratic votes here. centre city, philadelphia is mostly in. 98% of the vote is in here. there's not much to get. this is the biggest area. mathematically, that is about the number they thought they needed. >> 450,000 plus. >> and she's actually -- the story of pennsylvania is almost always turnout in philadelphia and then the collar counties. hillary clinton is not doing percentage-wise doing that poorly, but she is getting swamped out here. swamped out here in these rural counties where you have not only
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donald trump winning these counties, but some of them won by obama, some of them he's overperformed romney. >> we have another major projection right now. cnn now projects that hillary clinton will carry the state of nevada with its six electoral votes. hillary clinton wins in nevada. she's got a 32,000-plus vote lead. she carries nevada. trump has 238 votes. hillary clinton has 215. you need 270. we're still waiting on the rustbelt to come in. we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back.
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still waiting to make projections in nine states, but let's take a look at this key race alert right now, where it stands. michigan with its 16 electoral votes. donald trump continuing to maintain his lead with 75% of the vote in. trump still ahead in michigan. wisconsin, he has a better lead there. 86,000 votes over hillary clinton. ten electoral votes at stake in wisconsin. in arizona, trump is ahead by nearly 60,000 votes with 64% of the vote in. 11 electoral votes at state. in arizona, donald trump doing well in that state. in new hampshire, it's a cliff hanger. look at this. trump is ahead by 864 votes.
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let me repeat that. 864 votes. he's got 47.5%. she has 47.4%. 81% of the vote is in. those four electoral votes could be critical in new hampshire. let's take a look at some more states right now. in utah, 29% of the vote is in. trump maintains a pretty healthy lead over hillary clinton and evan mcmullin. in pennsylvania, 93% of the vote is in. 20 electoral votes at stake in pennsylvania. in minnesota, 77% of the vote is in. hillary clinton 48.1% to 44.1%. in maine, 75% of the vote is in. hillary clinton has a lead of more than 17,000 over donald trump. let's take a look at the
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all-important electoral college map, where it stands right now. donald trump is ahead. he has 238 electoral votes to 215 for hillary clinton. you need 270 to win the white house. those yellow states are those states that we have not yet made projections. they're too close to call. >> all along, jeffrey, from the beginning we have talked about how donald trump from the beginning has rewritten the rules of politics. there's a lot of question of whether hillary clinton with all her big data and alleged ground game would swamp trump with his huge rallies, but apparently a lack of a ground game. >> she was the jeb bush of the democratic party. she was the face of the establishment. as i said last night when we saw those folks on that stage in front of independence hall in philadelphia and everybody's remarking about how his history and her history and all this sort of thing, i said look if
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you're sitting there in cumberland county, pennsylvania, you're looking at this people and seeing there's a bunch of insiders there. they're all scratching one another's backs. they're making millions of dollars in the case of the clintons or so alleged. they're sick of the whole thing. one other thing i have in front of me here a "new york times" article from 1976. >> i knew you were going to go back in history tonight. i wanted you to. >> i keep trying to say it is important. ronald reagan said after the defeat of gerald ford he was going to rebuild the republican party by courting conservatives who now call themselves democrats and independents. that is exactly what donald trump was about in this. that's why that rustbelt strategy, which is exactly what worked for ronald reagan -- >> kaley, in the face of all these polls, which the pollsters seemed to be just wrong, certainly in the electoral college path, you were saying there were hidden trump voters
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out there. there was this hidden enthusiasm for trump beyond what we were seeing, the visible enthusiasm we were seeing. democrats said there was going to be this upsurge of latino vote, but a lot of people voted for donald trump. >> it is looking increasingly that we have a brexit. anderson, i think the american people right now are sending a loud, clear, unmistakable message they want their government back. this is supposed to be a government of, by, and for the people. this is the people rising up to say it is time to listen to us. it is about public service. that is what we're seeing. donald trump ran against republicans, democrats, the elite, the government, the media, but he was an unmistakable voice for the people. >> you should start a sign company because that was your
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poll. there's been so much focus on probably among a lot of democrats about what went wrong on the democratic side, but you shouldn't take away from what donald trump has accomplished from the moment he entered this race. again, just redefining the way somebody runs. >> one of the things i thought was the sort of arrogance of a lot of the elites were the terribly off base descriptions of donald trump, that he's a racist and a xenophobe. he is a guy from the get-go is a highly successful, highly accomplished businessman who knew how to relate to average people, working class americans. they believed their own message and they were totally wrong. >> there are still a lot of people out there tonight who still have that belief about donald trump. >> we're not there yet. you're further than anybody said
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you would be. i have enough class and i was raised well enough to say when you outdo expectations, good for you. but there's another side to this. people have talked about a miracle. i'm hearing about a nightmare. it's hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. you tell your kids. don't be a bully. you tell your kids don't be a bigot. you tell your kids do your homework and be prepared. then you have this outcome and you have people putting children to bed tonight. they're afraid of breakfast. they're afraid of how do i explain this to my children. i have muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying should i leave the country. i have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight. this was many things. this was a rebellion against the elites, true.
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it was a complete reinvention of politics and polls. it's true. but it was also something else. we have talked about everything but race tonight. we have talked about income, class, region. we haven't talked about race. this was a white lash. this was a white lash against a changing country. it was a white lash against a black president in part, and that's the part where the pain comes. and donald trump has a responsibility tonight to come out and reassure people that he is going to be the president of all the people who he insulted and offended and brushed aside. yeah, when you say you want to take your country back, you've got a lot of people who feel that we're not represented well either. but we don't want to feel that someone has been elected by throwing away some of us to appeal more deeply to others. this is a deeply painful moment
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tonight. i know it's not just about race. there's more going on than that, but race is here too and we have to talk about it. >> whoever wins tonight, there is such polarization in this country whoever wins they're going to have a hard time to convince the president can be their president as well. >> let me say, echoing van, kaley and jeffrey saw that right. it's really in the balance. but irrespective, the pain -- and van just gave beautiful poetic voice to the pain on our side. but donald trump has given voice to some really spectacular pain his side. that's i think what's causing this. when jeb bush, who you mentioned, got trounced by trump, he said i don't do anger
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very well. well, this is a time of anger. of course that anger comes from pain. trump saw that. he gave voice to it. >> donald also reached across lines that republican candidates haven't reached across before. he made a direct appeal to the african-american community. he made a direct appeal to a whole group of voters. those in the inner cities that have been left behind. he took his message to them and said i feel your pain and i'm going to be there. >> listen, we're going to have to hold hands now. this is going to be tough. we'll have to look and see if those people heard it the way you heard it and if they voted for him. the problem that we have is that there is real pain in the country. look, hillary clinton had to put down a rebellion in her own party. there was a rebellion in her own party along these lines, the bernie sanders rebellion. she was able to put that rebellion down, but there was still heart burn and rug burn there. there's healing that has to happen in the democratic party. there has to be a real
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conversation about what happened in that primary. there's pain, economic pain, in your party, but you do yourself a disservice -- and i don't want either of you to be naive. there are people in your party for whom this was also a vote against political correctness, which for some of them means a vote against these others. if i can't acknowledge some of the elitism in my party and you can't acknowledge some of the racism in your party -- >> he said it, but believe it on him. >> we have to work together on this one. >> let's bring in the other side as well. >> i want to talk about some of the things we watched tonight. we saw lower african-american turnout, van. you were seeing that. we also saw that 65% of latinos voted for hillary clinton, but 29% voted for donald trump.
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that is more than mitt romney got. you have to think about that. you have to think about that. young voters. we have known hillary clinton has had a problem with young voters. she got a majority of young voters, but 37% of them voted for donald trump. when i've been talking to some democratic strategists who were pro-clinton this evening, they blamed what's going on this evening -- and again we don't know the result, but they blame the closeness of the race on two things. on the comey interference a couple weeks ago and on the third-party candidates. and i've been communicating with them saying that's not enough. >> is it easy to just blame comey -- >> as a clinton person, let me say this. it is far too tactical.
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there's an earthquake going on. no, it's a washing machine. no, it's plate tectonic. >> you combine it with rural americans who came out and voted the sort of brexit, hidden voters, you combine it with class issues, which were so important here -- >> the reason this is going on all over the world. the fact is there are convulsive sort of revolutionary changes going on in our economy that are driven largely by technology and globalization that have benefitted and have grown economies and benefitted some people and displaced others and not just for a few years, but for several decades politicians have been acknowledging this and saying we're going to do something about it. people don't feel as if that's happening. meanwhile all these forces churn at a faster pace, so you see the same kinds of forces in britain, in germany, in france. >> it's so interesting. david was on the program the other night talking about how,
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well, the polling here is better than in england where they didn't know what the brexit result was going. if clearly this path continues that donald trump is on and the polling missed it. >> i've immersed myself in all of that data. i want to stay in my lane because it's not over yet. the usc/l.a. times dornsite survey which had the same sample group. they had 3,000 people and instead of going to a new sample group each and every week they went back to the same 3,000. let me say to one other point to what van has said. whether it's tonight or whether it's tomorrow whenever this wraps up we're about to listen to the most consequential acceptance and speech of someone
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who lost an election, whoever may wear those crowns. and wow, is there a real need for leadership from those folks now to extend olive branches, whoever wins -- >> donald trump early on during the primaries would say a lot in interviews that he can be presidential, he can change his tone, he in palm beach is a different person than he was elsewhere. and i think we're going to see as a country what -- if in fact he takes the oval office what that actually means. >> what that looks like. and we've seen some of that, right? in these last couple of weeks or so he was teleprompter trump. he was different. he was able to stay on schedule and stay on message, sometimes coax himself out loud to do that. >> the question is obamacare, the supreme court. >> this is a very consequential event. all of those things now i think are in question. i believe on -- you know, i don't want to start a debate on this now. 20 million people have health
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care and there are guarantees in our health law such as prohibition against banning people with pre-existing conditions that are important to americans. it's going to be more complicated to unwind that than some believe. but there's no doubt the supreme court. this is a very consequential election. but i just want to say one thing about this. just having served in the white house. and i know paul, you've done that. van, you spent some time there. the things that get you elected are not the things -- there's a different requirement now. there's a huge responsibility. every single day, every single hour you're dealing with consequential questions that impact on people's lives, and you have to make those decisions in the best interests of the entire country. it's not about reading from a teleprompter. it's not about, you know, handing this question or that question in a way to gets you the best political advantage. these are life and death grave questions for people in this country and around the world. this is a big responsibility.
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>> and if there is a republican senate and a republican house and a republican president, the question is how will they work together? because some of these senators will have ridden in on donald trump's coattails, which they never expected to do. >> we've got a quick update on wisconsin. i want to go to wolf and john for that. >> thanks very much. john, we're take a very close look at wisconsin right now. 85% of the vote is in and donald trump continues to maintain his lead of about 90,000 votes over hillary clinton. 15% of the vote outstanding. >> 90,000 votes. we've been saying and the clinton campaign is telling us they expect a big basket of those votes to come from here in milwaukee. now, this is what we have right now. 87%. we've been stuck there for some time. we're waiting for the feed to come in here. but on the secretary of state's website they have updated the numbers in wisconsin. forgive me for coming across. i'm left-handed. one of the perils of being left-handed on a night like this. you see clinton at 214 right there. the new numbers are 235.
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247. and donald trump is at 117,450. and this is 99.58% of the vote. she made up a very tiny -- if you look at the map here, this is now 117,000 vote difference in milwaukee. if you look at it there. she didn't make up that many votes. we were looking for a huge basket of votes out here for her to make it up. you come back out and add that into the state total, it is nowhere near what she needed. and that's at 99.5%. it's not even close. it will make up some of that gap but nowhere near. so the question then is are the democratic votes out there somewhere? i have to turn the telestrator off to bring this out. dane county is the last big one. we're at 82%. but it doesn't strike me as a big enough population center. we're still going to wait to count these as you look. but we'll wait to get the official update to feed into the wall. we're still at 87%. but this is 99.58% in milwaukee.
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and you simply do not -- the question was could she have this giant leap in the math out of milwaukee county? in the spread out of milwaukee county to make a big difference. and these numbers simply aren't enough to do that. >> basically the same ratio as before. not much difference. >> not much difference at all. they are ratio goes down a little bit to 62.5%. the main point is the math here. and it's just not enough. she makes up -- in the vote count she gains a little bit. but when you bring it out and you try to add it into that it's -- >> we'll see what happens in madison. that's a liberal democratic stronghold. in wisconsin. let's take a look at michigan. >> move over to michigan. still at 77% here. and it's a close race. and we're in the same calculation we've been in before. again, when you talk to the clinton war room they tell us just relax, we're going to see some votes come out of here. we're still at 85%. so there's still more votes to come out of detroit. wayne county in detroit. and she does have a huge lead there obviously. so if it's a big chunk of votes it will affect the math. we've been waiting a long time.
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not unusual that it comes in late. and this one is closer than the race in wisconsin -- >> about 57,000 votes. >> closer than -- so you look over here. is it doable? okay. but let's see them. and you're starting to see ingeham county. she'll get some votes. but these leads for donald trump they're relatively small but they have been persistent and they have held. the wisconsin news, that milwaukee news to me is -- we'll watch and see if the rest of this comes in. i'm just going to look. 84%. but it's nowhere near the population center of milwaukee. you see these democratic areas where you still have some votes. but can they swing it enough to change that? that's almost a four-point race or a three-point race. i don't see it at the moment. we'll see when the rest of these votes come in. but you don't see the math there in the state of wisconsin as you go through -- >> we've done michigan. we've done wisconsin. what about pennsylvania? >> sorry. i was just going to touch new hampshire which has been rocketing back and forth. 47.5 to 47.4. one thing i was just in touch with some republicans up here. i just want to show you.
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derry, new hampshire it's out. we have no votes there. this was a very big area for mitt romney four years ago. the trump people are telling me they expect to get a big run-up of the vote here. you move down here, salem, new hampshire. these are the two big population centers left. relatively small towns in new hampshire but 2 1/2% of the state population there was a big romney area. 2% of the state population here also a big romney area. the trump people are very confident they're going to do very well in those two counties in new hampshire. and so their expectation is that they can hold on. she's in the slight lead now. the trump expectation is they can come back. we'll see if that turns out to be true. again another seesaw -- >> got a lead of about 25 votes. >> this is what we're going through in new hampshire right now. here we are again back here and you start looking at this right now. and another incredibly close state. >> she's losing by about 50,000 votes. with 96% of the vote. >> 96%. you look at a giant state like pennsylvania, that's a pretty small lead, but you start looking, what's left. and we're at 100% here in a place she's winning.
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we're at 100% here in a place she's winning. but by nowhere near the margin she needed to win, which has been a consistent story throughout the night. let's come out here. we're at 100% here in a place she's winning. but again, by a very narrow margin. so you keep asking, are there democratic votes out there? allegheny county was not this high the last time we checked. yes, she's winning by a healthy margin there but there's nothing left or not much left to count. you're looking at this map and you're saying are there any here in the population centers? 93% lehigh county. she's winning but not by a lot. there's some math there. enough to make up that lead. we'll watch bucks county here in the suburbs. this is more populous. there are some votes here. but look how close it is. as the rest of the results come in if the margins stay the same, 99% in montgomery county, 95% in dhefter county. let's move closer in toward the city. delaware county up to 95%. the steve philadelphia up to 98%. if you're looking at this map and you're thinking where can i squeeze some more democratic votes to make that up? my answer is i don't know.
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i don't see it. >> anderson, it's really a remarkable, remarkable development. a historic development, what's unfolding right now. it's not over yet. we're watching every state, every electoral vote. >> without a doubt probably one of the most momentous nights in american political history, certainly modern american political history. first of all, corey lewandowski is joining us. congratulations on what has been just an extraordinary night. whatever the end result is. to you has anything surprised you tonight? because all along you were saying there's a hidden vote that the polls aren't showing, that the whole notion of big data, hillary clinton's huge, highly expensive operation a la jeb bush getting out the vote, that that's the old model, donald trump is the new model, and it certainly seemed to work, tonight. >> well, what we're not talking about is how many offices donald trump has in the state of florida. i guess it's not relevant anymore. what we are talking about is why did the electorate do what it
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did tonight. donald trump represents a fundamental change to washington, d.c. and for 30 years elected officials, both republicans and democrats, have made promises they haven't kept. they have brought us into a greater deficit. we've got 21 trillion -- almost $21 trillion in debt. we're leaving our country in a worst shape than our parents left it for us in the first time in the history of our country. and what people have said was we don't want that anymore, we don't want people who make promises that have the most extensive credentials ever to serve as the president of the united states. people don't want that. they want someone who's going to tell them the truth, that's going to go and do what they say they're going to do, to bring fundamental change, and let the people decide how the country's run. that's what we're seeing tonight, is the people have listened to what the media said. they've listened to the narrative of how great the other side was, how everybody is going to join and how the hispanics are going to come out in records proportion, how donald trump is a misonly nift and a bigot and all the things we've heard the mainstream media talk about and they've stepped back and said you
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