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tv   Election Night in America  CNN  November 8, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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percentage of the population. if you're in the clinton war room, you're hoping against math. with donald trump at 247, hillary clinton has to block him. she's leading in new hampshire right now, but if donald trump gets two of the three, it's over. >> let's go to jim acosta at trump head quarters. what are you seeing over there? what are you hearing? >> reporter: i just walked to a senior trump advisor a few moments ago who said if donald trump is declared the winner, and they believe that is going to happen very, very soon, that he will deliver a speech that calls on the country to come together. he will, obviously, talk about this as being a very big upset win. he's going to praise the movement that brought him to the white house. that is, of course, if everything goes the way it seems to be going right now. but, wolf, as for this issue of bringing the country together, you can hear the chants behind me. the crowd here at trump campaign
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headquarters is chanting "lock her up". it's going to be difficult for donald trump to bring the country together using that rhetoric, the rhetoric he used talking about mexican immigrants and muslims immigrating to the united states and talking about women, the kind of language that infuriated female voters, but, wolf, i'm also told that the work of building a trump administration has been actually happening as part of this transition team led by chris christie. jeff sessions is expected to be an instrument taal of a potentiy upcoming trump administration. they are very excited her and breaking out into chants of all sorts of things we've heard on the campaign trail. there are lots of red hats in this room. i suspect we're going to be seeing a lot of those red hat in the days and weeks to come. >> i suspect we'll be hearing
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more about making america great again. anderson, back to you. >> thank you. in terms of -- we heard that chant "lock her up". is that something you think donald trump pursues as president of the united states? or, again, for the idea of reaching out of sort of being presidential? >> i'm sure you can do both here. i mean, number one, you can make the gracious acceptance speech and reach in and out, but number two she has serious problems here. i seem to recall al franken jellijel telling jake the other day he wants an investigation of the fbi. >> sorry. here's john podesta. let's listen in at the hillary clinton event. >> thank you. well, folks, i know you've been here a long time. and it's been a long night. and it's been a long campaign.
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but i can say we can wait a little longer, can't we? they're still counting votes, every vote should count. several states are too close to call. so we're not going to have anything more to say tonight. so, listen, listen to me. everybody should head home. you should get tom slesome slee. we'll have more to say tomorrow. i want you to know -- i want every person in this hall to know, and i want every person across the country who supported hillary to know that your voices and your enthusiasm means so much to her and to tim and to all of us. we are so proud of you. and we are so proud of her.
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she's done an amazing job, and she is not done yet. so thank you for being with her. she has always been with you. i have to say this tonight. good night. we will be back. we'll have more to say. let's get those votes counted and let's bring this home. thank you so much for all you've done. we are -- you are in all of our hearts. thank you. >> john podesta speaking to a group of hillary clinton supporters in what was the opinion of the many of the people, supposed to be a victory party for hillary clinton. does it surprise that you we're not going to be hearing from hillary clinton tonight? >> yeah. i'm not sure. i can see wanting to wait and see what happens. i don't know what her state of mind is right now. and they don't know how long it will be before -- >> do you think donald trump
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still comes out if it starts to get called by networks? >> i suspect if the media organizations call it, that he may speak tonight. i would ask the secretary of state and the attorney general. >> if you didn't see the interview, thank you very much. >> first and foremost, hillary clinton is going to lose tonight and should call donald trump and say you've run a great race. she owes it to the american people to make a speech. if this was donald trump sending out the chairman of his campaign saying we're not addressing it because the votes aren't counted. it's 2:00 in the morning on the east coast. we have 99.9% of the ballots counted. we're waiting for a small fraction in pennsylvania. a small fraction in wisconsin. it will not materially change the outcome of this election. i think this is exactly to van's point, not bringing the country together. this is saying you will hear something moving forward. john podesta could have e-mailed everyone yesterday, and we could
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have gotten it from wikileaks. this is absurd. >> you are making his point. >> this is so egregious. if this was donald trump, the hypocrisy -- someone on this panel would have called him the jorge kastanza of this. >> you won. >> where's that message. >> it has to start with you. >> it has to start with hillary clinton. i didn't run for president. >> this is the fear. here it is. you see it. you won. >> say it again. i didn't hear you. >> you won. >> and hillary clinton should say it and say support donald trump. >> this is it. this is it. >> let me finish. i'm not done. look, it's 2:00 in the morning. she'll talk in the morning. >> will she? >> let him finish. >> cory, you're being a horrible person right now. >> if this was donald trump, the
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hypocrisy would be so outrageous right now. >> i want every parent at home -- >> at 2:00 in the morning. >> i want every parent at home who is up right now who is trying to figure out how are we going to get through this, all right? where is the grace going to come from? where is the understanding? where is the empathy? it's going to have to come from ordinary people. tomorrow at work when we go and look at people who we don't agree with, this can't be the interactions. it's going to have to be ordinary people reaching out. i'm going to say one more thing before i let a smarter person talk about smarter things. when they were beating up on melania trump this past week, i stuck up for her. because i thought it was inhuman and disgusting for somebody who never signed up to be a political wife to go out there and do her best and actually ask for the bullying to stop and be bullied herself. because you have to treat people like human beings. tonight hillary clinton is a human being.
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i'm going to give her a break and let her come out tomorrow and do a good job, and if we can't begin to treat each other in a more human way, this will go from bad to horrible. >> hold on. >> to bring up melania trump who i know and respect. i heard so many people on this network -- >> not me. >> not you, you're right. so many people criticized her for saying her priority was anti-bullying because of what her husband said on twitter. kr criticized her. multiple people, all the time, and tonight to say that one of two people who is going to be elected president of the united states is not going to come out and say we should unite behind the person -- excuse me. you had your chance. it's my turn. >> you've said the same thing four times in a row. >> van is saying get the respect of people at home to come out and support donald trump. they put their faith in hillary clinton and she received tens of millions of votes and won a series of states and she is the
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leader of the democratic party, and for her not to walk -- >> is it too late? >> is it too late? >> yeah. >> i think as we've just seen, this is an election that is deeply divided the country. the polling -- we look at -- we'll probably get the polling over night, but the polling going in was 90% of the hillary clinton voters were strongly unfive favorable to trump. it's possible hillary clinton will win the popular vote and donald trump will win the presidency. but the divisions in the country, he won working class white voters by more than ronald reagan. but the fap was the biggest ever. there are a lot of divides that are left after this election. and it is going -- i agree. i think hillary clinton if she is -- and it looks like a thin
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road. if she is the loser, she has to make a gesture to reach out. and i think what donald trump does, you have to recognize, we're in a unique situation where essentially half the country is not only disappointed. they are frightened by the outcome either way. and just under half the country. that is a big development going forward. >> do you know how many times we heard will donald trump concede this race in will he call into question? what we're seeing tonight is hillary clinton refusing to conce concede. she has lost the election whether it has been called or not. the race is over, and we heard for weeks that donald trump will call into question the legitimacy of the election. he will not concede. what will his people do? will there be an outrage? where is the outrage that hillary clinton refuses to call and concede the election. the race is over? >> this is a basic thing to do, and van, to your point, and you certainly don't remember this. i do.
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in one of nixon's losing races, he did exactly some version of this and waited until the next day and wouldn't do it. and you know what they said? he's got no class. i remember this vividly. and here we are and hillary clinton does this and everybody says oh, well, maybe she's tired. i don't think so. >> guys, the race hasn't even been called yet. >> then stay up and wait for it to be called. >> you're running for leader of the free world. >> one at a time. >> this is not that extraordinary. but i think the advice that van was trying to give you is good advice. you can either use this as an occasion to sort of strut and payback, or you rise to the occasion and say, we have now won. we've got to bring the country together, and since you are the leader, if your guy is going to be the leader of the county and
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the free world, there's an owness on him to do that. and the fact that his opponent is waiting for the votes to be counted shouldn't be the occasion for you to replay everything that bothers you about what's been said over the source of the campaign. you've won, so act like you've won. >> i think donald trump will go on. i think he's waiting for hillary clinton to call him and he'll make a gracious speech that says i want to be the president of the entire united states. >> i don't think anybody here tonight has argued that he should not come out and he should not deliver that kind of speech. >> we don't have the election results. why should he come out? >> i would say he waits until somebody calls it and then come out so he can have the -- whether she calls him or not, and then maybe it makes her look worse, but he gets his tonight which is well deserved given the
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incredible victory. >> it's not like the process is about to end. the process is continuing as we speak, and when the race is declared, i think it's appropriate -- >> but i think to cory's point, cory raised an interesting point. there was a lot of criticism of donald trump, what would he do on election night. if the roles were reversed and donald trump wasn't conceding tonight -- >> the was if he would accept the result of the election and he wouldn't say. there's no indication here that she's not going to accept the result of the election. the result of the election hasn't been officially declared yet. >> "roles were reversed and you might not know the answer to this, would donald trump want to wait for every vote to be counted? probably. >> all i'm saying is this goes -- one of the things that drove this entire election is this belief, this passionate belief that there is a double standard. one standard for elites and the
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other standard for the regular folks, donald trump being the representative of the regular folks. if there were reversed you can only imagine the criticism for donald trump if he sent kellyanne conway out there to say go home and we'll come out tomorrow. >> you're right, but the difference isn't just that your guy is the billionaire and hillary clinton is the blue coll collar elite. your guy said he didn't know if he would accept it. she didn't go down the road your guy went down. >> the fact is even if donald trump hadn't come out as gloria was pointing out, hillary clinton would have come out. he can still come out and say i've won once that verdict is kind of reached by the networks. >> why is it so much about the timing? i understand it. but it's also about what they say, and that's i think was your point. and i think hillary clinton
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needs to be gracious about the stunning victory that donald trump has had, number one. he won. and he reset the map. he blew it up. his supporters came out where he didn't think they were, polling was wrong, we were wrong. everything was wrong. i mean, his own analytics people had him winning in wisconsin but didn't believe their own analytics. that's how stunning this was. >> i think about the second debate and the last question asked which was say something nice about the other person. hillary clinton said donald trump's kids. i thought his answer was -- i thought it was a great answer, but i also thought it really showed kind of the charm of donald trump that his supporters see and like and that people who know him well say they see one on one which was him saying something -- he attacked her in campaign commercials for it, but
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said she doesn't give up. she has grit. i was like wow, that's a side of donald trump that is something that everybody can kind of like. i'm guessing we'll see a lot of that donald trump in whatever speech he makes tonight. >> that might be what you're seeing tonight with her. she's not giving up until the last vote is counted. >> unless we want to beat this around a while longer, but i don't want to invite it, but let me say this. you said earlier, and i think you were right. part of the frustration that people were expressing tonight -- >> this is donald trump arriving at the campaign headquarters where we believe he'll be speaking. let's listen in. some of the votes of the people outside on the street cheering him there. that's a hat in a box. i'm guessing he's going to take it out of the box. i don't know. but that is donald trump arriving. we assume he will be speaking
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tonight. i'm sorry, but continue, david. >> i was going to say as cory said earlier, and he's right. bill clinton ran for president saying he wanted to run for the forgotten middle class, and every president has said we're going to address big economic problems that our economy and other economies have faced that have particularly been visited upon working class manufacturing sector, workers and so on. donald trump -- you said donald trump ran for office making -- speaking the truth. he's going to have to now carry through on those things. that's going to be difficult. and if he doesn't, he's going to have the same reaction visited on him and other politicians. >> we saw chris christie and rudy giuliani. donald trump's etourage, his supporters and family. i haven't gotten a glimpse of the candidate himself. there's a lot of folks waiting.
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it was interesting when you think back to 5:00 this morning, 6:00, kellyanne conway earlier in the day on another network gave an interview saying that they hadn't gotten as much support as the rnc, from the republican establishment as they liked. a lot of people online interpreted that as they're trying to set the stage for a disappointing night. that is certainly not -- whatever the mood night have been essentiinternally early on >> it's beyond that. there was a story that broke many moons yesterday, the afternoon yesterday that said that john kasich scheduled a speech thursday afternoon in washington. and that the purpose was to reclaim the direction of the republican party. i assume he won't be delivering at least that speech on thursday. >> he didn't need the rnc or kasich or any of those folks who abandoned him in some ways. the bush family. you saw paul ryan flip-flop on him seeming to back him and then
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saying he wouldn't, but then ultimately endorsing him. you wonder what happens to paul ryan and the whole class of folks who thought they were going to be the future of the republican party. >> that's the thing. this was an incredible uprising by in particular one segment of the population. hillary clinton's vote among noncollege whites compared to obama, down 13 in michigan. 10 in wisconsin. 12 in new hampshire. six in florida. five in ohio. nationally only 22 %. bigger margin among noncollege whites than reagan did against mondale. backing away from trade. restrictive on immigration. no cuts in entitlements. an infrastructure program twice as big as hillary clinton's. i asked paul ryan, he said it's not in the better way program. and there's -- there's a whole
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other half and maybe the more important half in terms of building the coalition that won that really collides with a lot of the existing interest in the party and how it shakes out. i asked a republican senator how many republican senators would go along with donald trump if he wants to withdraw from nafta. he said less than five. how does that play out. >> i think that's going to change. a lot of these guys, they owe their reelection to donald trump. when you think about it, he got one newspaper endorse. . he had a terrible video that came out. he divided the republican party. and there was this up rising, a revolution of the people. no matter, all of these things were, because there were people who feel disenfranchised, and
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they want a change election. he gave them change. if he has control of both houses, the message is going to be to incumbents that the voters wanted change. >> that's right. >> it's not just the republicans. i will ensure you donald trump won in democratic house districts across this country tonight. and what that means for those incumbents is we'd better listen if we have a president who set an agenda and won in a district where they weren't supposed to win. when donald trump talks about his agenda, you won't just see republicans as part of it, he'll build a broad coalition. and he'll talk to democrats and say this is what happened in michigan. this is what happened in pennsylvania. this is what happened in ohio. if you want to get reelected and you don't want me campaigning against you in the districts where i won, let's get your agenda done. >> the left wing of our party, if he wants to do something on trade, the left wing of
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democratic party is closer to him than on trade. i want to talk after you. >> all i'm trying to say here is i think that the period after reagan left office until tonight the republican establishment came back into their own, and they took control of this party, and from my perspective, as nice as so many of these people are on a personal level, they steered the party off the tracks. they could not understand for the life of them why they couldn't get mitt romney elected. they assured everybody, he's the guy. this is what's going to happen. he'll win. ditto john mccain. this was their mentality. they have finally been stopped in their tracks by donald trump who is going to rewrite this whole script. >> so what happens to those people you named? how is he going to deal with john mccain and these others? >> the same way ronald reagan did. you mount the political troops to get their support or you go around them. or you go around them.
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>> jeffrey, will it matter in terms of his leverage if he loses the national popular vote? >> the president of the united states is the president of the united states. >> in terms of claiming the mandate and influencing people who may not want to vote for him? >> georg e w. bush lost the popular vote. >> people are saying what happened with the latino vote. you start talking to people. there was not actually a big investment. a lot of the la ttino organizations, they felt like there wasn't a big enough investment in them. they said we have people who want to sign up and be registered to vote. some of those efforts ran out of money before they ran out of voters because there was an assumption that the latino community would self-organize. you're going to go back and see
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there were certain parts of this coalition that are going to have a lot to say about feeling taken for granted, not invested in properly,ette, and i think that those are the kinds of things we'll have to talk about. >> did you think it was a failure of organization or a failure of the candidate? >> i think -- listen, i think this latino surge that materialized but only barely could have been much bigger if people -- if there was money from the beginning saying we're going to have to invest and build capacity. you'll talk to people on the ground in nevada and colorado and florida. and the great online organizers. ask them how much money they got. they'll tell you very little. >> you also wonder what joe biden is thinking tonight as he looks at this and looks at the results. >> and also a next generation of democrats. what are they thinking tonight? maybe you can talk about that, van. >> is there a next generation of
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democrats? >> party identification and affiliation is at an all time low in the modern era. i think so many individuals voted today without any regard for their identification by party. instead, it was a vote that they were making along class lines, income lines. >> there's one star that hasn't been talked about tonight who will be talked about a lot. her name is caramel la harris. she just became the senator -- or i would imagine. she will be declared the senator. i don't know. i'm sorry. but i'll bet she'll get declared the senator from california. she is sharp as a whip. she is smart as a tack. she is an amazing force on her own. and she's going to wind up being a big deal. >> the question for you is do you think that this is, given as d disruptive a force as donald trump has been, is there an
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opportunity for realignment in is there an independent or third party candidate? >> trump accelerated -- the nightmare scenario for clinton was trump batters down her senses in the rust belt before they replace the losses in the sun belt. they were caught inbetween. they didn't get far enough. there wasn't like a counter mobilization enough among minority voters. in particular, yes, she did better than president obama did among college whites but not nearly as well as the polling suggested. she was up three relative to president obama among college whites. it was clear trump was going to run better in ohio, iowa, pennsylvania and wisconsin than republicans normally do. it wasn't clear he was going to win them all. she took nevada and virginia. there were enough of the blue collar and nonurban whites in
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florida and north carolina to hold it. arizona, georgia didn't get off the launch pad with an overwhelming white vote. the democratic party, this was the nightmare scenario. he forced them to move the base from the rust belt to the sun belt. they weren't strong enough in the sun bet and he knocked down the door. >> cory, on a personal level as somebody there from the get go and went through a lot with this man, this candidate what you're still obviously close to, what is it like to see this? what is it actually like to see those flags there, to see that crowd with their hats and you knowing the candidate is about to come out? it has to be an extraordinary feeling. >> it's amazing to have been a small part of american history, and there's very, very people who have had the privilege of serving the president of the united states. it's a high privilege. >> but to have so many people doubt early on. >> but, look, i don't know
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robbie who ran the clinton campaign. i guarantee he put in 20 hours a day. his family suffered and his relatives and the abuse he took online. i respect it. they put the uniform on. i did, i was fired halfway through the season like baseball, but it's so amazing. the small team we had. i take nothing away from those guys who dedicate their lives, and this is truly a life calling. two years. and then robbie wakes up today thinking he's going to win and they lose, i've lost those races and it's devastating. you don't recognize it tonight. you will tomorrow. i'm fortunate that tonight i'm on this side. but i give those guys a lot of credit. they play to win. >> i want to talk about the small team. we have a projection. >> we have a major projection right now. take a look at this. we project donald trump will
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carry the state of wisconsin. he will win wisconsin with 10 electoral votes. he broke the blue wall hillary clinton tried to create. donald trump the winner in wisconsin. let's take a look at the electoral college map right now with that win in wisconsin. look at how close he is. right now he has 257 electoral votes. he needs 13 more, 270 to be elected president of the united states. hillary clinton remains at 215. let's go over to jake and dana. he is getting incredibly close. >> and the wall comes tumbling down. this is the blue wall that hillary clinton talked about. this is a state that hillary clinton hasn't even visited since the democratic convention over the summer. and it's stunning. the last time it was close, i believe was in 2000. but since then democrats have
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won this state. this is a state that voted for mike dukakis. this is a reliably democratic state. it is amazing to me, and this is not an original observation, but the idea that the clinton campaign couldn't see white working class voters going to trump in places like iowa and ohio and not see that wisconsin was also potentially in jeopardy. that's remarkable. and this is truly the beginning of the end for clinton clinton's campaign. >> the hillary clinton campaign took wisconsin for granted. >> no question. and let's look at where we are with projecting wisconsin for donald trump. two more states that we're going to be watching to see when we can project. michigan and pennsylvania. donald trump only needs one to clear the 270 mark to formally be the president elect of the united states of america. two states. you mentioned 1984 for wisconsin.
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michigan and pennsylvania haven't gone republican since 1988. these are more bricks in that blue wall. >> can i say one other point? >> yeah. both of those things, trump is ahead in both of those. in pennsylvania up by 75,000 votes and in michigan he's ahead by 59,000 votes. >> we are one call away from the presidency being determined, and donald trump is leading in both of those states. corey lewandowski is right. there was a lot of talk over the last month, and a question at a presidential debate just for donald trump, not for hillary clinton, about whether or not he would accept the results of this election, and the idea that we are being told by one of the campaigns they're not going to have a comment when really we are just one state projection away from there being a president elect declared by the media is remarkable, and i agree with those who are saying if the tables were turned, if it were
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reversed, there would be a lot of outcry by people in the media and others about donald trump's behavior. i recognize these are difficult moments for individual. i don't mean to make light of that, but this is also a moment for the entire nation, for the entire united states. if donald trump ends up winning, which certainly could happen -- the idea that the other candidate is not going to concede before -- i mean, after that happens, while we're all still awake, it's only 2:30 in the morning, that's remarkable, and i have to say, there is a nation going on here. it's not just one candidate and her supporters. there is an entire united states of america. >> you're looking closely at the remaining numbers out there. >> yeah. it's just -- when you look across the board of why this blue wall seems to be teetering on a complete collapse, you can see it in the trade issue and at the anger and dissatisfaction
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with government. you can see it on the white working class. this all came together in that region of the country where his message resonated and his voter profile showed up. this notion that america was on this fast path demographically away from where it was did not materialize. >> and this notion of the first woman president, david, of the united states, so many people thought that was almost certain but the polls indicated it probably was, didn't happen. >> no. it didn't happen, and there will be a lot of going back and looking at the polls in this race and polling in general. there's no doubt about that. but to jake's point about how the clinton campaign saw these states, i can't stress enough, wisconsin and michigan, they were never considered battle grounds by the clinton campaign, ever. throughout this entire process until the final couple days in michigan they considered that. that was on a different list for
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them. so this is clearly coming as a big surprise to them as well. >> a major blunder on the part of the clinton campaign, dana. >> no question. and to be fair, the republicans didn't even realize how big of a wave they had on their hands. one that it seems and we'll talk about this later, that donald trump seems to have coat tails in the u.s. senate, and in the house of representatives. republicans are just winning across the board and doing quite well. but i just want to concur with with what you said, jake, about the whole question of john podesta coming out and saying never mind, go home, we'll talk to you in the morning. that's just not -- i get she's human just like you said. i completely understand. but i agree that if the tables were turned and donald trump were waiting for one more state and he said never mind i'm not going to come out or suggested that the phone call wouldn't be
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made to say congratulations mad m president elect if the tables were turned, the democrats would be screaming from the rooftops. >> in 2004 it came down to ohio and he didn't come out. but they were all hanging on one state. but enough here. it's surprising to me they're not waiting it out. it's not like the entire election is hanging on one state that doesn't look like it will get projected. >> outstanding we have new hampshire, maine, wisconsin, michigan, arizona. i mean, he needs one of them, right? not including new hampshire this has only four electoral votes. he needs one of the bigger states. >> and he's leading in several of them. >> this thing is almost down. >> i want to go to sara murray. i take it the trump and his
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etourage are there. in and donald trump will speaking soon? >> that's right. we're expecting donald trump to speak fairly soon. for aides in this room, this race has been over for a while. they have been here celebrating. they have restocked the bar for donald trump supporters who are not going anywhere, by the way. they just continue to cheer, continue to wait for donald trump and mike pence to show up. and we know his plan going into this was to deliver a victory speech, to be gracious and talk about bringing the country together. it will be interesting to see if the tone changes at all in the wake of the fact that hillary clinton is not conceding and speaking to some of donald trump's aides and seeing what they're putting out on social media, they do seem surprised we're not going to be hearing from his democratic rival tonight. but there are a number of donald trump supporters that are right by a curtain to my left. we have heard them cheering over and over again, and they're just waiting to make their entrance.
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should be any moment now. >> i'm sure donald trump will be speaking fairly soon, sara murray over at trump he headquarters at the hilton hotel. this is a moment donald trump predicted would happen. a lot of strategy used in defeating the republican candidates worked. crooked hillary. he used to call his oh poepponen the republican primary by a nape as well. that seemed to have resonated with a lot of folks. >> it worked. and i don't know how much of donald trump's success is because of that behavior or despite that behavior. i'm sure there will be studies an research and data about this. there are -- without question, there are people who found that appealing. his most ardent die hard
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surpri supporters. >> i think there are a number of people who look past the message he's delivering. there are a lot of hillary clinton supporters and supporters of gary johnson who couldn't look past it and found things he said incredibly offensive, and the news we're getting tonight is bothering them and hurting them. and i guess we'll see whether donald trump, as president as opposed to a candidate, how he's going to behave and whether or not he's still going to use that kind of language. >> let's go to john king at the magic wall, john, it's almost over, i think, it's fair to say. >> and to the point everyone was making about the 2004 comparison. that was one state, ohio. it was 11:00 the next morning when the election was called. if you're looking at this right now -- there are a lot of democrats asking the questions. private e-mail saying how dare she essentially leave with so
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much in play. but if you look at this again, pennsylvania 97%. >> i want to go back to dana. dana, what are you learning? >> wolf, i have a little bit of information, but i want to be sure i have it right before i report it. >> as you go through these, go through the outstanding states. wisconsin, looking to find the democratic votes. and the math is not there. and again if it was one state, you'd say they're extra careful about one last state. michigan, it's hard with the math. it's not inconceivable donald trump catches up in minnesota. the math is hard still. >> stand by. >> this is a sweep. >> dana, you wanted to be precise so go ahead. >> that's right. cnn can report that hillary clinton has called donald trump to concede the race. she has called donald trump to say that she will not be
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president and i'm not sure the exact words, but probably to congratulate president elect donald trump. that has happened in the last few moments. >> president elect donald trump. if hillary clinton has conceded, that is dramatic. that is a dramatic development, dana. and to hear the words president elect, we haven't yet projected that, be you're saying clinton clinton made a formal call to donald trump to concede? >> that's correct. i'm talking to a source who was there for it and telling me that that conversation did happen. hillary clinton has made it very clear to her opponent that she believes that he will be the next president of the united states and not her. >> and you're also hearing she is still not going to speak tonight. donald trump momentarily, we assume he will be addressing
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that very enthusiastic crowd there, but she won't. >> we don't have any word that the plans will change. it's pretty clear that that phone call gave a green light to donald trump to make his speech. >> so if her aides, jake, are telling her it's over and she makes that phone call to donald trump congratulating him on winning the presidency, they obviously have given up at this point and hillary clinton has done what she thinks is the right thing. >> well, they can look at the map and see the facts and the math. the fact is if you look at pennsylvania, there are not the votes for hillary clinton. it's impossible to think she's going to win the state. if donald trump donald truwins , that's it. >> it's a moment we want to make another major projection right now. >> and cnn projects that donald
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trump will win the state of arizona with its 11 electoral votes. 8 68% of the vote is in. let's take a look at the electoral map right now. you see donald trump has 268 electoral votes. he needs two more to be president elect of the united states. she has 215. 268 electoral votes for donald trump. jim acosta, you're over there at donald trump head quarters. they're pretty excited right now. >> reporter: wolf, it certainly feels like a victory party now. they are just jubilant here at trump campaign head quarters. i talked to a trump campaign official a few moments ago and asked whether or not donald trump will address what john podesta said earlier this evening. and this official said no.
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donald trump will address the american people. so we are waiting for that to happen. any moment now we understand he's in the building and from talking to a number of campaign trump fisheofficials, they are responding to the same reaction. they're just as shocked as everybody else. you'll talk to some people in the inner circle who say we knew it all along, but i've talked to a number of senior trump campaign officials down to the advanced staffers on the campaign trail on an everyday basis. they are shocked. they, themselves, cannot believe the upset we're not witnessing which is one of the most stunning political upsets in recent american history. now, as for what donald trump is going to say during this speech, wolf, we do expect donald trump as the 45th president elect of the united states to try to bring the country together, to try to say something to the american people that will begin
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this process oh of healing. they're going up in cheers one more time, woclf, because the word is spreading, it's on the screens that donald trump is about to become the next president elect of the united states. but in addition to trying to bring the country together, he's going to be thanking the people who made this movement happen. there are a lot of doubters from all over, democrats and republicans who didn't think this moment would happen, but it's happening, wolf. >> 268 electoral votes. he needed 270. look -- you see mike pence, the vice presidential running mate and his wife there walking in. i'm sure donald trump's family will be walking in and then, of course, donald trump himself will be walking in. in he's going to be addressing this very enthusiastic crowd at the new york hilton hotel in manhattan. hillary clinton announced through john podesta she will not be speaking tonight, although we have now learned hillary clinton did phone donald trump and congratulated him on
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which he said would be his victory. there's mike pence with his family. very, very excited. very enthusiastic. >> reporter: here comes mike pence. >> let's get sara murray. you're over there as well. this crowd clearly excited. hold on a second. it look like mike pence is going to speak first. presumably will introduce donald trump. let's listen to mike pence, the governor of indiana, the vice presidential running mate. >> this is a historic night. the america people have spoken, and the american people have elected their new champion.
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america has elected a new president, and it's almost hard for me to express the honor that i and my family feel, that he will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. [ crowd chanting "usa" ] >> i come to this moment deeply humbled. grateful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my family, my wonderful wife, karen. our son, michael and his fiance, sara. our daughter audrey far away and
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our daughter, charlotte. i could not be here without them. and i'm deeply grateful to the american people for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve. and i'm mostly grateful to our president elect whose leadership and vision will make america great again. to let me say it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president elect of the united states of america, donald trump. >> right now a historic moment. we can now project the winner of the presidential race. cnn projects donald trump wins
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the presidency. the business tycoon and tv personality capping his journey with a victory. donald trump will become the 45 th president of the united states, defeating hillary clinton in a campaign unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime. donald trump wins the presidency of the united states. he is now going to be called president elect donald trump. he's walking up right now. you see him right there. he's going to be speaking momentarily. he's got his wife there. history has been made. jake, this is a moment a lot of people are going to remember. >> well, the first time in the history of this country that somebody who has never held any job in government or the military being elected to the presidency. he's going to be moving from fifth avenue to pennsylvania avenue. i think it's a moment that a lot of people in his inner circle did not even think would ever happen, but it was a decisive
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win. there are still outstanding states that we haven't even called yet, but because his win was so overwhelming, we're calling it right now. >> he's with his wife, melania and his son. he's going to the microphones and will be having a victory speech. i'm assuming he'll mention the call from hillary clinton where she congratulated him on becoming president elect of the united states. this is a moment few anticipated. >> except if your name is donald j. trump who said brexit plus plus. we'll analyze the results, but that's what this looks like. so many things to look at and think about in what the new trump-led world in washington is going to be like. a donald trump governing. a donald trump taking over the institutions that he called rigged so many times. >> and here he
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[crowd chanting "usa"]. >> thank you. thank you very much, everybody. sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business, complicated. thank you very much. i've just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. it is about us. on our victory, and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. i mean she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and
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very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now it is time for america to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it is time. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all of americans, and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which
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there were a few people, i'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. as i've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. it is a movement comprised of americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.
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working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. i've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i've gotten to know our country so well. tremendous potential. it is going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. we are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports,
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schools, hospitals. we're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. we will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and i've gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey. the time i've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. our veterans are incredible people. we will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. i will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. it is going to happen.
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we have a great economic plan. we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us. we will be. we will have great relationships. we expect to have great, great relationships. no dream is too big, no challenge is too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. we must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. we have to do that. we're going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and successful things once again. i want to tell the world community that while we will
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always put america's interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone. all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict. and now i would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight very, very historic victory. first i want to thank my parents, who i know are looking down on me right now. great people. i've learned so much from them. they were wonderful in every regard. i are truly great parents. i also want to thank my sisters, marianne and elizabeth who are here with us tonight. where are they? they're here someplace. they're very shy actually.
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and my brother robert, my great friend. where is robert? where is robert? my brother robert, and they should be on this stage but that's okay. they're great. and also my late brother fred, great guy. fantastic guy. fantastic family. i was very lucky. great brothers, sisters, great, unbelievable parents. to melania and don and ivanka and eric and tiffany and barron, i love you and i thank you, and especially for putting up with all of those hours. this was tough.
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this was tough. this political stuff is nasty and it is tough. so i want to thank my family very much. really fantastic. thank you all. thank you all. lara, unbelievable job. unbelievable. vanessa, thank you. thank you very much. what a great group. you've all given me such incredible support, and i will tell you that we have a large group of people. you know, they kept saying we have a small staff. not so small. look at all of the people that we have. look at all of these people. and kellyanne and chris and rudy and steve and david. we have got tremendously talented people up here, and i want to tell you it's been very, very special. i want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, rudy
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giuliani. he's unbelievable. unbelievable. he traveled with us and he went through meetings, and rudy never changes. where is rudy. where is he? [chanting "rudy"]. >> governor chris christie, folks, was unbelievable. thank you, chris. the first man, first senator, first major, major politician -- let me tell you, he is highly respected in washington because he is as smart as you get, senator jeff sessions. where is jeff? a great man. another great man, very tough competitor. he was not easy. he was not easy.
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who is that? is that the mayor that showed up? is that rudy? oh, rudy got up here. another great man who has been really a friend to me, but i'll tell you, i got to know him as a competitor, dr. ben carson. where is ben? where is ben? by the way, mike huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic. mike and his family, sarah, thank you very much. general mike flynn. where is mike? and general kellogg. we have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign, and they're special people and it is


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