tv New Day CNN November 9, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST
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our election coverage is going to continue non-stop right now. chris cuomo and alison cam rote owe will be joining us on new day. remember, this has been a truly historic >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. this is a you day indeed. president-elect donald j. trump. a stunning comeback, wins in places and by margins that made this victory deep and decisive. we still have states to call. but whether it's the moment or simple exhaustion, donald trump already different in his first remarks to the country. humble, conciliatory, and promising to make us all proud. >> i've just received a call from secretary clinton.
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she congratulated us, it's about us. on our victory, and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. i mean, she fought very hard. >> donald trump rival, hillary clinton conceding the race last night. she will speak later this morning, we're told, at this hour. there are still several states that are too close to call. republicans, though, will maintain control of the u.s. senate and house of representatives. markets around the world are in turmoil at this hour over trump's astonishing victory. we have this incredible and historic moment covered only the way cnn can. let's go to john berman, john. >> good morning, a little after 4:00 a.m. in the east coast, donald trump will be the 45th
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president of the united states. as of right now, he's already won 289 electoral votes. we have three states still remaining to call, michigan, minnesota also, new hampshire. maine, also, we did just call maine. but one interesting detail about the state of maine. donald trump will one one electoral vote in the state of maine. the first republican to win an electoral vote in new england since 2000, that is because it's based on congressional districts. some other information we want to give you right now, hillary clinton is at 218 electoral votes. 289 for trump. no republican has won pennsylvania since 1988. no republican has won wisconsin since ronald reagan couldn't even go there after the convention. but hillary clinton did win some states including california and virginia, bringing her total to 19. dramatically fewer than expected. one of the big surprises alisyn
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brought up say little bit ago, donald trump they had coattails, republicans, they will keep control of the senate. they don't even need mike pence to break a tie. as for the house of representatives, as of right now, this is where the balance of power stands, republicans easily maintaining control with at least 35 seats. the key here to remember, guys, was that donald trump was able to bring republicans into power, even republicans who didn't necessarily support him. some of these numbers will change throughout the morning. we will keep you posted, guys. >> that about one hour ago, donald trump gave a victory speech, he reached out to hillary clinton and her supporters, here's a little of what he had to say. >> i just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us, it's about
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us. on our victory, and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean, she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time. and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now, it's time for america to bind the wounds of division. we have to get together. to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it's time.
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i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans. and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help, so that we can work together and unify our great country. as i've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather, an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. it's a movement comprised of
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americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people. and serve the people it will. working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. i've spent my entire life in business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i've got to know our country so well. tremendous potential. it's going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential.
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the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. we have a great economic plan. we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us. we'll have great relationships. we expect to have great, great relationships. no dream is too big. no challenge is too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. i want to tell the world community, that while we will always put america's interest first, we will deal fairly with everyone. >> vice president-elect pence on one side, baron trump on the
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other side. we haven't seen much of him. what will a history. victory astonishing, cnn's sumlin serfaty is at trump tower. the word from there? >> reporter: certainly, there is jubilation from team trump this morning feel like they did hit the goal of making trump come off as gracious in that victory speech earlier tonight. i can't tell you outside at trump tower it's still like a party-like atmosphere. there are many supporters of donald trump, many supporters of hillary clinton coming out. passion, of course, running high in the streets in front of trump tower. we do believe that president-elect trump came back, presumably to get a little sleep. the work does start in a new way today. that's something that his vice president said immediately, they're going to start to work immediately getting to work on the transition. we don't know much about their
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schedule going forth. we do know that a white house visit is on the calendar. we know that president obama cleared his schedule on thursday to meet with the president-elect, donald trump washington bound on thursday. chris, alisyn. >> and a poignant reminder of what was at take last night, behind sumlin was trump tower. you saw the dump trucks in front. they were filled with sand, there was a precautionary measure if god forbid there was a problem. we have not seen that. we've seen that hillary clinton conceded on the phone. we're told she will not speak until later this morning. phil mattingly joins us with the latest. that's something that people were talking about if trump had lost would he come out, would he accept, it was surprising as the race seemed to end, hillary
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clinton nowhere in sight. >> that's right. according to a senior official, hillary clinton made that call even before cnn had actually called the race. the perception that perhaps she was going to hold out and that decision that she wasn't going to speak on election night. that call happened shortly before 2:30, i'm told, it was cordial but very small. obviously, a call that hillary clinton never expected to make. they say devastation is the only way how the campaign feels right now. they simply didn't expect to be at this point. they went into tuesday morning fully expecting to win. with a number of different pathways to reach the electoral votes. i asked were the models wrong was there some major flaw in how you received data. they wouldn't concede that but they made it clear that the electorate didn't match up with the reality they thought they were going into with the day. hillary clinton will speak this morning. we don't know when or exactly
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where. actually something that we started to hear at the end of the campaign, that the country needs to heal. it's been an extraordinary divisive 16 or 18 months even know it's clearly not the result that she or her team expected. it's the result that's the reality, and now she's going to have to talk about moving on to the next step. >> okay, guys, let's try to figure out how we got here. let's break down everything that has happened overnight with our panel. david gregory, matt lewis, john berman, and in washington, we have maeve reston. it's great to have all of you here as we retrace our steps and try to figure out what happened last night. david, what do you think happened last night? >> a political earthquake happened. all across this country. something that was stunning. donald trump knew and understood something that voters in america that we in the media didn't understand. that the political class
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political republicans and democrats didn't understand and that the establishment at large didn't understand. he understood and harnessed the energy and movement that was tired of the political establishment and really wanted a new day. wanted something completely different. and we have the juxtaposition of someone who never served in office against the ultimate insider in hillary clinton. and the american people on crosslines, primarily, rendered a resounding judgment. a desire for radical change, despite a lack of confidence in his temperament or his qualifications. change is the order of the day. >> hey, maeve, let's hop over to you for a second. i was just reading the piece that you put up the column that said how trump won.
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interesting, people are looking at the prognosticators, how did they get it wrong? they got it wrong because the facts were different. donald trump victory margin and who put him in office changed the map. tell us how. >> well, that blue law that we've been talking about for all of these weeks is what was supposed to protect clinton and protect her victory, he changed the map. he did all of these things that he told us that he was going to do. he made that argument over and over again that there was this secret army of trump voters out there that was not being reflected in the polls. and all of that came true last night. it's just really amazing, you know, for many weeks before this election, he was out there talking about how this was going to be brexit plus, plus, plus, brexit times ten. he was going to shock the nation. and he did by moving into those rust belt states, and turning states like wisconsin and michigan that, until this weekend, were not even really on
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the clinton campaign's radar as battleground states. it's really just a stunning -- a stunning development. >> matt, to your psychic credit, yesterday, you were on our air, and you had your own sort of idea of how it was going to go and polls and numbers that you had crunched. and you gave donald trump north carolina and florida. two things that other pundits were not doing. >> you as had clinton winning. >> you had clinton winning. >> okay. >> before his breast swells too much with pride. >> okay. >> but those were the pivotal states. those were, at that time, last night, hours ago, those were the moments when clinton's camp started gasping. let's look at those numbers. what the polls said, the polls of polls, all of the polls crunched together. let's start here with florida, the poll of polls, well, they saw it even, but he won. >> right.
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so, i had hillary winning a very narrow victory. i think i gave her 274 electoral votes. sigh thought trump would win florida and north carolina. i did not think trump would go win wisconsin or pennsylvania. you know, i'm sort of cursed. i have this encumbrance of actually having followed politics, i've seen republicans time after time go into pennsylvania and it's fool's gold. they always end up losing it. i think donald trump in a way, it's a blessing, he saw things from a perspective that he wasn't sort of burdened by following politics as closely. that sometimes gives you a fresh perspective. clearly, we are in the beginning stages of reordering. i think the republican party is going to be the party of working class whites in the rust belt in places like pennsylvania and ohio and wisconsin. in the short term, i think that's a good thing if you care about winning elections. i still am concerned about the
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long-term ramifications. >> president-elect trump made an interesting point, he said for this to be truly historic as a win, we have to do a great job. there is a burden of the mandate of change which is you actually have to do something. and when we look at why he won. you have two angles as a surv surveyor, as a pollster. width and depth. here, they saw where he got his support. but they did not get how deep it would be, and these are people, john, that you were tracking all over the country who want to see something real from their government. >> people say what happened? this was a political realignment. donald trump won white voters that voted for barack obahussei oba obama. >> that's a great point. >> it wasn't just white colors missing in the past. >> michigan and wisconsin just so we can get a sense of this,
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this was seen as fairy dust, when we used to touch these buttons on the wall. then you see michigan very title right now. >> we haven't called michigan right now. it is very tight. we have called wisconsin, a 26,000 margin. pennsylvania. i will say one thing about florida and also north carolina. even had hillary clinton won florida and north carolina, she still would have lost the race. >> stunning. stunning. >> because he ran the table there. >> listen to what president-elect trump said in his acceptance speech. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. who else could say that? >> elizabeth warren could say that. >> bernie sanders could say that. >> this is not pure ideology to the point made about these voters. but it is class, it is rust belt voters. you have a gender gap here. but what is bigger that working
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president-elect donald trump. the next president of the united states. this will be where you will find donald j. trump for at least the next four years. how did he get there? let's talk about it. breaking down the exit polls. the new dirty word in politics -- exit polls. >> what are the issues that drove him to the white house. voters think he can fix three things. terrorism, immigration and trade. let's start with immigration. trump won here with 57%. and immigration is the most important issue, 64% for trump. 32% for clinton. he won florida, right? but look at this, we asked voters there what should happen to illegal immigrants working in the u.s.
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70% of floridians say they should be offered legal status. 70% offered legal deportation. trump support was huge among voters who believe in his message. even if some voters believe in clinton's position the votes were not there for her. large share of voters in key rust belt states, important for clinton's path they agree that trade agreements hurt workers. half in michigan said international trade kills jobs. 59% for trump, 36% for clinton. it was those promises to bring fa factory jobs back. >> thank you for that, christine. >> david gregory, john berman in washington, mark preston and maeve reston. great to have all of you.
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david, obviously, those are the issues that this hinged on. those are the defining issues. immigration, the promise of manufacturing again. i mean, has manufacturing completely dried up in the u.s.? in other words, is this one of these brexit moments where the people feel as though we need lots more manufacturing jobs, but it might not be possible for that to actually happen? >> well, but again, i think that this entire election cycle, going back to the primaries, was a lot more about idealism, it was not about pragmatism. when donald trump says let's make america great again. there are a lot of people who said, yeah, right on. i want to find my way back into the economy. all of these talk about republican can't win the white house on immigration reform, apparently, that's not true. some of his excess talk, just like politics promise nice
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things, people say i don't believe those politicians. i think there are a lot of people say i don't think this stuff is extreme. i think he's going to shake things up and that's a good thing. >> something that we should be saying all morning long, there's a lot of shock, a lot of fear, but it's negative energy because you have a very divided country. to that point, what you just heard out of donald trump in his victory speech, you should get used to that. those who know him and understand his ways would not be surprised that he sounded like that in his victory speech. and he's going to sound like that going forward. you're not going to hear about the wall. about how muslims are bad. how immigrants have to go. he's in a different position. he's delivered a mandate. the trick would be he's got a huge group in this country who want to see things change and in a big way and tomorrow. >> big change after january 20th what he does taking office, to a
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large part of the office. >> caller: you can figure they'll be in a boat on obamacare, you can figure that the iran deal will be in jeopardy. you can figure that there will be some meaningful immigration action that will not be welcomed by a large part of the population. this will all happen. not to mention military intervention. he will be president on january 22nd. what he says between now and then matters a lot. but what he does immediately after will be fascinating to see. >> so, maeve, given that we all now have learned that change was the order of the day, could any democrat have won in this climate? or was there something that went wrong with hillary clinton's campaign? >> well, i think she's clearly a very flawed candidate, particularly up against trump who is sort of the embodiment of change. running as the ultimate outsider who had no experience in government. or the military. and, you know, she was going for
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this historic milestone in many ways, being the first woman president. but she was sort of the embodiment of the establishment to so many voters who just felt that she had been in politics for three decades. and she never was quite able to articulate that message of how she would bring change to washington. and, of course, it's a very hard thing to do to have a third consecutive term of one party. so, she was facing tough odds. but, you know, you have to think about what joe biden was thinking about last night or bernie sanders or any of them. this could have been a very different thing. >> let's remember, the rebellion in the democratic party in the game of bernie sanders. a populist rebellion in the party that she put down. because in the primaries she had enough of vote to be able to put down, but not the energy. not that the primary and the system in the democratic party
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was rigged against democrats and went on to face a much bigger force in donald trump. again, you think about the debate. they wins the debate. >> three for three. >> three for three. what's that line that donald trump said, you've been there 30 years, what have you done? there's a lot of people who don't like bill clinton and her. get them out. >> you needed a candidate who was going to battle donald trump for the working class vote. or you needed a candidate who was going to electrify latino voters, african-americans. she was neither in the end, it turned out. >> president-elect trump said it right. he said it wasn't about me, it wasn't a campaign, it's a movement. mark preston, it's interesting, he's changed tone, he has to, his followers are angry, they're vindictive, they're fired up, these going to have to strike a
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different term. a passion that he understood more than anyone else. over 60% said they decided this race before september. so, what do you see inside these numbers and why trump is where he is this morning? >> well, we talk about is how he tapped into an electorate that was very angry and successful in getting them out to the polls. i do think it's worth noting that hillary clinton, as maeve said was a very flawed candidate, she underperformed on key constituencies, we talk about this blue wall that was built. but you know what, there are bricks that build the wall. for instance, she underperformed by six points by barack obama. but we wouldn't expect her to underperform hispanics by six points and asians by eight points. let me give you two stacks that i thought was mind blowing. in two key states, in pennsylvania, donald trump outperformed mitt romney among
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white noncollege voters by 18 points. that's a huge number. and when you get to north carolina, which i understand is not part of the blue ball, barack obama barely lost north carolina and won it in 2008 and it's a state that's turning blue, at least that's what we thought for, clinton underperformed barack obama by 17 points among hispanics in the state of north carolina. while donald trump clearly tapped into something, i've got to tell you, i'm sure we were all surprised about this, those voters who were angry, who showed up at those big rallies actually showed up to vote. they cast their vote at the same time, the hillary clinton operation, while we thought it was really good and what have you, it was the candidate that was unable to inspire those that she needed to go to the polls. >> that was the big question. edge said well, rallies, don't equate to votes. just because people come out to a rally to see this rock star performance, they were wrong.
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>> barry goldwater had huge crowds as well. and they didn't show up at the polls. this is about the man matching the moment. that was a very powerful combination. all right. so, what's the reaction? well, if you're for trump, you love it. if you weren't, you hate it. the marks just don't know what it's going to mean. you know what volatility means on wall street. bad things. we're going to give you the reaction from wall street to talk about what it means and how long it might last -- next.
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all right. let's talk about the effect on the markets of this momentous morning. world markets slid overnight as it became clear that donald trump was headed towards a probable win. christine romans joins us with more. what are you seeing, christine? >> "economist" magazine said it's fight night for investors. let me show you where u.s. futures are now. they're down a few hundred points. 317 points for the dow jones industrial average. if that holds you'll see opening
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losses had been down a lost worse. when i show you the clip, you'll see exactly how things played out overnight. the dow, look at this. late in the evening when it looked like donald trump was going to secure that path to victory, you saw the stock markets around the world fall sharply. look at tokyo down more than 5%. in some of these countries you have emergency meetings of this financial authorities right now trying to figure out what a trump america looks like for investors sand financial markets. asian markets closing down sharply. we now have europe open. it's been open for an hour now and they're coming off the worst losses of the night. and now what they're trying to figure out will donald trump stick to his trade policies. those are seen as slow in u.s. growth. the concern around the world, america first donald trump usa will actually end up hurting america, too. and the global economy. the markets open up in four
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hours. look, very volatile out there right now as people try to come to grips with what this means. global investors had expected and wanted a hillary clinton presidency. they didn't get it. now you're going to see volatility, guys. >> christine, thanks so much for that. that's going to play out over weeks, the question now that goes much longer in its analysis is what will this victory mean around the world in different parts of this country. now, let's start talking about different parts of the world like russia. they certainly had a hand in what is going on here. for the latest, let's bring in cnn's clarissa ward live from moscow. what is the word from moscow? >> reporter: well, chris, good morning, we already heard that russian president vladimir putin has reached out to donald trump sending a message saying that he hopes his election win will usher in a new era of
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u.s.-russian relations which he described as being, quote, critical stage. on the surface, officially i think what you're hearing is officially a restrained polite tone. privately, chris, there's no secret there's a shot going on here that russian officials really disliked hillary clinton. i spoke to one that said today is my birthday but this is the best gift ever. this is less than about donald trump than a very thank you ennath ma of what it is with a warmonger and interesting to see how the relationship develops from here, chris. >> let's bring in the panel, shall we. >> we have our comment tarts, hilary rosla hilary rosen and john phillips. hillary, i know this is not how you expected last night to go.
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how are you getting your mind around it this morning? >> you know, i hear the exit polls about this being sort of diseffected economic protests and i get that. i think what i'm feeling and what i hear from, you know, friends across the country is that we're worried we're going to be collateral damage in this. that, you know, i'm gay. and i have kids of color, donald trump is committed to appointing justices to the supreme court to repeal same-sex marriage. to repeal my rights. to take away rights from women. our reproductive freedoms. it may be that this is just really about economic protest and trade. but what happens is, that you put power in the hands of people who can do this kind of damage. it's scary. i'm scared. >> so, this is an interesting
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question. the obsession is how did this happen? how did it happen? we're going to talk about it all morning. i do think it's worth taking a pause to look at everything forward. donald trump said to what i would say some of his most effective things in his victory speech. it was a very different trump. we haven't seen that trump at all in the campaign. there are. >> and bad reasons about that. he came out and said it's not about me. it's about a movement. i have to be here for everybody. it's time to heal. how do you lead in a country where you were just delivered a mandate on the basis of outrage and hate and what does he do now? >> well, americans were never given a choice prior to the election on issues like trade and both parties had a consensus. >> i'm talking about these types of issues now. to the extent he has to unify. i hear you on that.
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but that's the mechanics of governing. you know, what can he get done on immigration, what can he get done on trade. but i'm afraid i'm out now. he doesn't like me because i'm gay. because i'm muslim. look at social media saying, now, we're coming after you. donald trump said something in his first moment as president-elect but how does he get everybody? >> he has to let the country know that he's going to be the president of all the people-i suspect when he takes office, he's not only going to battle with democrats on issues, he's going to battle with republicans. what you're going to see is coalitions built around issues. you're going to have democrats on one side of the trade issue. and you'll have republicans on the other side. he's going to have to cobble together majorities to get this through. you can't do that by some aspect of bipartisanship. >> scotty, what do you say to the people i heard on the radio
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as i drove in, a woman who was crying at hillary clinton's rally she was crying and saying i feel like i have to leave the country. >> that's not good. we don't want people scared because someone was elected president. i understand that, i've been there, too. i understand that feeling. i agree, donald trump is going to have to -- he's going to have to look at his actions. here's what i tell you concerning the gay rights issue. donald trump took a risk this summer. and he got raked over the coals by his own party who said, no, i want my friend who happens to also be an openly gay man to speak at the rnc. he took on the republican party. he said, no, he is a businessman, i want that to be on the stage. he got pushback on it. guess what. the man spoke, and he was given a standing ovation. >> but that's not really the issue. but this isn't a game. >> it's not a game. >> and when he goes out and
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empowers people and talks about supreme court justices, when he talks about, you know, deportation forces, people take that seriously. and so, now, what chris is saying, you know, people who really know donald trump know that was just talk. he's not really going to be like that. now what are we supposed to think? >> it is not -- not that we don't have fight for which candidate, i want people to take a step back and tear apart what we have on deportation, it's called i.c.e. >> that's not what you said during the campaign. and what hilary is saying who can we trust. >> we did. they didn't want to hear it. what they wanted to hear was hate and negative parts of donald trump. >> burden of his success is how he achieved the success. it was based on anger and hostility and feeling disaffected. and it worked. now he has to figure out how to
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govern. in some ways, this is so much harder than anything he's done before. because you often get it both ways in office. the result is volatility. he said one thing during the campaign. we got one. he just struck a different tone. it confuses people, but what is really confuses is the markets. that will pass. christine, volatility. >> the world wants to figure out what will donald trump believe, does he really believe it will be america first which means trade barriers and tariffs and that will hurt the global economy which in turn almost every economist says will hurt the u.s. economy in the end. what i see here, look. the dirty little secret of washington, both parties for years have believed that they would be loser to globalization and global trade deals. and they also accepted that collateral damage. they were wrong. the democrats and republicans were wrong. that collateral damage just came back to bite them. and the outsider who is against
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everything they stood for, two parties for 30 years just won. it's almost a reset. >> let's keep the conversation going. we have to take a quick break. you know, look, the best answer to your question is the hardest answer which is you've got to give him a chance. we're going to talk about it. >> let's falk about that blue wall that many think was nonexistent. last night, it kept hillary clinton from cracking the ultimate glass ceiling. what went wrong for hillary clinton, next on "new day." i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. history by any measure is what we saw in this presidential election. a little bit of perspective. george washington, since him, there have only been four presidents who never healthy elected office, and all of them had at least some kind of government service. to discuss what this all means, douglas brinkley, cnn presidential historian, and julian zellinger. a historic at princeton university. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> first blush, history being
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written as we speak, what is being written right now? >> i think it's the biggest upset election since harry truman upset dewy back in 1948. it's a shocker then, this is a shocker now. i think we're all having to wonder and scratch our heads how could polls have it so deadly wrong. it's a reminder that reagan democrats are live and well, particularly in the midwest. and they came to donald trump. and that ross perot, back in 1992, won 19% of the vote, going totally against nafta about the great sucking sound of jobs leaving the nation. that 19% moved into donald trump's camp meaning that nafta, anti-nafta i think is a surprise issue of the issue. >> professor, what do you see as the most historic? >> well, the 1948 comparison is good in terms of pollsters is getting it flat out wrong. the 1980 election comes to mind.
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the feeling that many republicans had in 1980 have today. this is a realignment that people missed. and this is a new era in politics. and at the same time, many opponents feel a sense of deflation like how did this happen. that's how democrats feel about this. the third part of this is anger or venom that came out of the republican campaign. i think many people are wondering how does that fit once president-elect trump is in the white house. >> so who are we now? dewy and truman, we all know it for the headline. they printed early. for various reasons, they got it wrong. but that wasn't a definitional premise within the country. this is definitional. who is the united states today? >> both of us are great studies of arthur schlesinger jr.
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he used to always talk about the pendulum of history. it swings back and forth. we had eight years of barack obama. donald trump ran a campaign that was more inspiring. he had momentum at the end. obamacare got beat up with rising rates at the end. fbi and comey letter did damage to hillary clinton at the end. i didn't see it quite as 1980 because reagan won a landslide in '80. hillary clinton may well end up winning the popular vote here. they're saying perhaps they're saying tonight she may have won it by a little bit. it's very, very tight. it's more like bush versus gore. it's still that divided america. but trump's made claims for states like wisconsin. hillary clinton didn't even go to wisconsin. he went to minnesota. we can't call minnesota. it's been impressive what donald trump has done. >> it's also what makes it
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important, this c change or shift in the landscape. what do democrats stand for? what do the stands stand for now. do you feel a state of topsy-turviness right now? >> absolutely. this doesn't come out of nowhere. we saw some of this with the tea party. in some ways, this is a culmination of that. certainly, if working class americans are the heart of trump coalition, in a party whose policies have not really matched working class america's needs, it signals, the democrats have a lot of scrambling to do. but the republicans have got to think what their message is about. >> what does history teach us about what this country does when there's this acceptance of anger? i don't care what anybody says this morning, donald trump ran and won by stoking people's sanger sang -- anger in this country. we haven't seen a lot of that.
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>> that's the thing, reagan ran in 1980 agency the sunny optimist. >> right. >> donald trump is the anger of george wallace and segregationist. he's very barry goldwater, kind of strange and hawkish foreign policy talk. he's this strange combination. but usually, we see them not winning the presidency. they're usually a third party person. here, donald trump's won it. i think this is one of the big election in american history. as you guys were pointing it could be three new supreme court justices that trump might be able to put in. >> gentlemen, on that note, we have to leave it here. we have so much breaking news throughout the morning. thank you for giving us an historical perspective. to john. >> you guys were talking about it, donald did donald trump win red states but he flipped blue states as well. including at least wisconsin and pennsylvania. how did he do it. i want to bring in cnn political
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analyst john brownstein. working class whites. noncollege whites. donald trump won them by a bigger margin than any candidate than reagan in 1980. they should be called trump democrats, not reagan democrats. >> not only did he win noncollege white men by about 50 points. and the single discussion with the most discussion in the days ahead, he won white women without a college education by 28 points. the gap between white men with a college education and white women with college education the gap of the way those two groups voted was bigger than the men and women gender gap. the danger for clinton, as we talked about, was it today, was it yesterday on your show, was that she was going to have to win sunbelt state where is the democrats had not fully developed their coalition, faster than the party was really ready to make this transition
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because trump was going to bang down the doors. and break down the doors in the rust belt. that's what happened. >> let's talk about in michigan, and pennsylvania where the polls were. obviously they ended up in the trump column. if we can, michigan a choice for president. hillary clinton was up by three. right now, that race is especially a few thousand votes. donald trump leads by 21,000 votes. so it is within the margin of error. but the issue, ron, in every state, it's within the margin of error, and that error tilted towards donald trump. >> there's going to be disputes because the exit poll is only data. at least in the exit polls there is not a surge in the number of blue collar white voters but there was utter collapse of democratic support among them. it's the margins and not the proportions, right? so what you saw was hillary
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clinton's vote decline significantly almost everywhere among white voters without a college education, eight, ten, 12 points relative to barack obama. and she could not, john, counter, it on the other side. she did overall on white voters than president obama did, but not vastly better. in many key states she only essentially matched him. same thing with minority voters. it was mobilization on one side. and kind of status quo on the other. >> there were not more noncollege whites she just did worse among them. there were more nonwhite voters. but there, too, she did not perform to barack obama levels. not even close. >> she fell a little short. if you look at it geographically, the story of this election is death by cuts. if you look at for example, at philadelphia, and the forcing of urban counties outside of philadelphia, she did fine, she did what she needed to do.
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she lost ground everywhere else. she lost all of these states became a sea of red which is a couple of blueberries. north carolina same thing. wake county, mecklenburg and rally and charlotte, she did fine. she actually expanded on president obama's margins. this is a complete rejection by democrats in nonmetro america. >> john brownstein, great to have you with us. there is a 45th president-elect now of the united states. our complete coverage begins again right now. let's get to it. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day." president-elect donald trump. that is the reality in america, after perhaps the biggest shocker in u.s. presidential election history. president obama has called trump to congratulate him.
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the two were told they're going to meet on thursday. trump defeating hillary clinton soundly. the billionaire now facing the daunting task of uniting a country that he helped to divide. >> i just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. it's about us. on our victory. and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean, she fought very hard. >> hillary clinton has not spoken yet. but she is expected to, today at some point. trump has 289 delegates and there are some states yet to be called. republicans will maintain control of the u.s. senate and the house of representatives. markets around the world are in turmoil at this hour over trump's astonishing victory.
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we have the best political team in the police covering all of this breaking news for you. let's begin with john berm ton break down all of the numbers, john, lay it out for us. >> this is where things stand just after 5:00 a.m. on the east coast. as you said, donald trump will be the 45th president of the united states. he has 289 electoral votes avenue of right now, hillary clinton at 218. there are still three states waiting to be called, michigan, minnesota and new hampshire. donald trump with a slight edge there. let's look at new hampshire this has been close all night long. in the state of new hampshire, donald trump ahead by 300 votes. just 300 votes. but the bottom line is, he doesn't need them, he's got enough already, when it's all said and done, he may end up with 300 electoral votes. that is a sizable victory. as of now, hillary clinton at 218. the key overnight, the blue wall crumbling. it's a cliche now but it's very important to
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