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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  November 12, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST

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>> and i love you, too. >> vote for any of your favorite top ten heroes now at "cnn heroes." that's it for tonight. thanks for watching. burning flags, chanting through the streets. just the scene here of some of the protests across the united states. people up all night angry with president-elect donald trump. >> trump, meantime, is planning for the future. we're learning more about his potential cabinet members. >> and the big question, what about that wall. we hear from experts whether donald trump can fulfill that key campaign promise. live from cnn headquarters, welcome to our viewers here and around the world. i'm george howell. >> and i'm natalie allen. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. thanks again for joining us.
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three days since donald trump won the presidential election, large anti-trump rallies continue to sweep through dozens of u.s. cities. >> you hear some of the chaos there playing out on the streets of portland, oregon. things heated up as protesters faced off with police that were in riot gear. police ordering the protesters to disperse after some began throwing objects at the officers that were on the ground. demonstrators also rocked some mass transit lines. >> they don't appeal to be dampening the zeal of the trump team. mike pence was put in charge of the transition team that will take over the government. >> fair to say there have been several developments that played
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out friday, among them hints of a compromise on obamacare. cnn's jim acosta explains for us. >> reporter: just days after the election, a shakeup inside the trump transition team. vice president-elect pence has taken over trump's transition efforts bumping chris christie down. mike flynn, newt gingrich, and dr. ben carson. sources say the move comes after in fighting inside the transition over whether the team should hire previously anti-trump republicans, the so-called never trumpers, not to mention the still unfolding bridgegate scandal in new jersey. another surprise for the new administration comes one day after donald trump met with president obama. following his conversation with the president, trump is now open to keeping some portions of obamacare, something he vowed to repeal during the campaign. trump told "the wall street journal", either obamacare will
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be amended or repealed and replaced. but the incoming administration is facing a more pressing concern, continued protests against the president-elect flaring up across the country. >> everyone needs to take a deep breath. >> reince priebus urged calm after the president-elect himself ratcheted up the tension returning to twitter to complain. >> just had a very open and successful presidential election. now professional protesters incited by the media are protesting. very unfair. love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. we will all come together and be proud. but senate minority leader harry reid said trump must do more than tweet. if this is a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility of healing where it belongs, at the feet of donald trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry
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and hate. >> the head of the republican national committee has done such a great job. priebus and bannon are up for the top position. signs are pointing to priebus. >> joining us now to talk about this is dr. brian class, a fellow at the london school of economics. he is in london with us on more of what a trump presidency could mean globally. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> due to his rhetoric there is fear that his presidency could make the world a more dangerous place vis-a-vis nuclear weapons, torture he talked about in war. how much power does a u.s. president have? >> the u.s. president doesn't have as much power as you'd think on the domestic front but they have an enormous power on the foreign front. george bush called it
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euphemistically enhanced interrogation. donald trump will have a fairly long leash when it comes to changing foreign policy. that's reason to worry. >> how are people watching that? it was interesting how different countries are reacting to trump at this point, and we really don't know how much he's going to follow through on that he talked about in his campaign. >> well, most of the polling around the world about whether the country -- the people in various countries prefer a trump or clinton presidency, russia and north korea will be outliers. there are a lot of countries that are worried about trump backing out of nato and starting a trade war with china. there are a lot of people going to be disappointed by donald trump's presidency i think. we're seeing signs of that just three days, four days after the election where the transition is showcasing that this rhetoric about draining the swamp was just rhetoric. there are four people from donald trump's family in his
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transition team. corporate lobbyists are being put in charge of the corporate portfolios. this is not exactly the populus rhetoric that was on the campaign trail. >> that would be correct. what about immigration and nafta, the iran deal. there are a lot of issues on the table here. >> yeah, there are. that's one of the reasons why there's a huge amount of risk. this isn't just around the edges changes he's talking about. things like nato, backing out of article five which says the united states will come to the defense of any nato ally. that's a transformation of the global order and baltic states and states like ukraine and georgia are worried that russian globallism will be there. >> what about our system of checks and balances? >> well, you know, we have basically a system now where the
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republicans are in charge of everything and it's going to soon also be the supreme court. if we're going to be basing our checks and balance system on whether republican people stand up to trump and have a spine, that will be a very empty hope because people like paul ryan did very little to stand up to trump when it actually counted in the last few days of the presidency -- the last few days of the presidential election. >> definitely a fractured washington, d.c., right now. we'll talk with you again as we push forward. hear more about mr. trump's team. thank you. >> thank you for having me. once he gets moot white house the big question is who will donald trump consider to be part of his team? we are learning about some of the well-known names that you may have already heard that includes the former house speaker newt gingrich, reince priebus and rudy giuliani. >> jared kushner could become a
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deputy chief of staff. he married trump's daughter in 2009. he's about to become just the observer. he was a trusted advisor to trump and built a social media campaign. >> senator jeff sessions could become secretary of state. the 69-year-old has been a close advisor to trump on national security and immigration. sessions is a member of the senate armed services committee and served in the united states army reserve. >> michael flynn is being considered for national security advisor or secretary of defense. the retired three star army general is a registered democrat. he served in iraq and afghanistan. 57-year-old led the defense intelligence agency under president obama but he was forced out in 2014 and became a harsh critic of the administration. >> also we mentioned reince priebus earlier but also this person, steve bannon, is being
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considered for trump's chief of staff. he became trump's campaign ceo back in august. he was also the executive chairman of the conservative breitbart news. the 62-year-old bannon previously worked for goldman sachs as an investment banker. he's also a conservative filmmaker and a former u.s. naval officer. well, we began by talking about the protests. at least 25 american cities have seen large groups of anti-trump protests since tuesday's election. >> even here in atlanta where our gary tuckman went out on the streets to find out why people are so upset. >> reporter: a combination of anger and disbelief on the streets of atlanta, georgia. hundreds of people marching through the city expressing their opposition to donald trump being president. these people have been marching for about two miles now. they're angry because he became president and also they can't believe he became president. most people acknowledged when they went to bed tuesday night or stayed up into wednesday morning that hillary clinton would be president.
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some people didn't vote at all but there are a lot of angry hillary clinton supporters here feeling the system betrayed them. when we asked them how do you feel the system betrayed you? the one thing they cite is that it appears hillary clinton won the popular vote. if she does, that's the second time in 16 years, al gore in 2000, won the popular vote. this is gary tuckman, cnn, in atlanta. coming up, vladimir putin's top aide said relations between russia and the united states are lousy. will that change? >> plus, from a successful model to the next u.s. first lady. we'll examine melania trump's path to the white house. stay with us. who says i shouldn't have a soda everyday?
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my doctor. my dentist. definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. "w"i think we can finally get a bigger place." "hey!" "hey!" "ahhhh." "charades?" "yeah, let me check my score too." "try credit karma. it's free." "check out credit karma today." "credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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and welcome back to "cnn newsroom." russian president vladimir putin was the first world leader to congratulate donald trump on his victory. >> top aides called relations between the kremlin and the obama administration, quote, lousy, but he says mr. putin and trump are ready to improve that.
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cnn's senior international correspondent matthew chance is live. matthew, both president putin and president-elect trump have indicated they want to improve those lousy bilateral relations. from the situation in syria to nato to questions about russian adventurism to crimea, how difficult might it be for these two leaders to find common ground? >> reporter: well, george, i think it's going to be very difficult, indeed. the reason the relations -- one of the reasons relations have become so damaged between united states and russia isn't just because of the personal frostiness between president obama and president putin, it's because there really are clashes of national interest in diplomatic issues around the world. we'll take syria. trump has indicated he was willing to join forces with russia to eliminate islamic states and other jihadists. that runs the risk of alienating
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traditional allies like turkey and the gulf states but also aligning the united states under trump with bashar al assad and with iran which is also fighting on behalf of bashar al assad. and ukraine also has problems when it comes to the trump promise to look again at recognizing the russian annexation of crimea in 2014. that would upset ukrainians, of course, but would also upset the larger european union who are very concerned about russian militarism and expansion into eastern europe. in theory this is a pivotal moment. it could be that the trump presidency is able to draw a line under the problems of the past several years and look at these problems with a fresh eye, but the problems are not going to go away overnight. so it's going to be really interesting to see how the trump presidency and the putin administration here in russia work with each other to resolve any of these big issues. >> before this election, before the results of the election there was certainly heated
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rhetoric on, you know, both sides of the pond. certainly in russia there was the comment that, you know, an election of hillary clinton could lead to a world war 3. now that donald trump is the president-elect, what is the response from just everyday russians about this american election? >> well, i think there's a degree of relief because of what the state media has been putting out, because of the general tone of the rhetoric in russia about the possibility of a clinton presidency. there was real concern, i think, that the relationship between russia and the united states was deteriorating to a very dangerous level. remember, they are nuclear super powers. there was talk in the hillary camp of imposing, for instance, no fly zones in syria, which would -- to protect civilian areas. that would have brought according to u.s. military officials into direct military confrontation not just with the syrian government but with the
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air force carrying out airstrikes so there was that potential for catastrophic confrontation between the nuclear super powers. that was something quite acutely felt by the kremlin and felt by the people of russia. to answer your question, look, i think people are very relieved in russia in general, but hillary did not get elected as president of the united states because they saw her as dangerous and antirussian. but the jury is still out. even though they support trump, the jury is still out on what he's going to do. he's such an unknown quantity and unpredictable, the relationship is out on what the relationship is going to be like between trump and putin. >> trump always saying being unpredictable is part of his advantage. as you say, we will see how it all plays out in the months ahead. matthew chance live in moscow. matthew, thank you for your reporting today. during his campaign trump promised to move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, but that would be an extremely controversial move. we learned why from cnn's oren
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lieberman. >> reporter: this has been the spot for 50 years. this is the most beautiful city in the world, our city. for me, these old stairs are better than all of the stairs in the world. he sells fresh juice on the most contested area, perhaps even in the world. here the light rail line at this point very nearly follows the green line. for decades this has been a line between largely palestinian east jerusalem and largely israeli west jerusalem. if president-elect donald trump follows through on his campaign promise follows through to recognize an undivided line, this may be more than a light rail line. after the world recognized the state of israel in 1948, it left the final status of jerusalem open to future debates.
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palestinians see east jerusalem as their capitol of a future state. they say trump's election means once and for all jerusalem will be their country. >> it has to be under the sovereignty of the jewish people. it has to play an inclusive role. it can never function as a divided city. >> reporter: there are already two consulates, one west and one east. trump has said he would move the embassy. there's even a plot of land picked out. israel has leased this open field to the united states for $1 a year ever since 1989. this lease runs 99 years waiting for an american embassy to be built here, but every president for more than 20 years has refused to move it. to do so would break decades of u.s. and u.n. policy.
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palestinian political analyst says the field will stay empty? >> it's only rhetoric. only slogan. very much symbolic to tell us you palestinians will not have a capitol in jerusalem. we are deep rooted here. >> reporter: the morning after the elections u.s. ambassador dan shapiro was asked about moving the embassy. it was a question he didn't want to touch. >> i serve on the policy of my government. every u.s. administration that has looked at the question has determined that the embassy is where it should be and i can't speculate beyond that. >> reporter: after president-elect donald trump takes office, shapiro may be out as ambassador. an uncertain future in more ways than one. oren lieberman, cnn, jerusalem. >> the gentleman in that report said it's just rhetoric, but interesting to know that that land is leased for $1, you know,
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whether the president-elect fills that campaign promise, we'll have to see in the coming months. >> rhetoric versus policy. >> yeah, indeed. >> we'll all find out pretty soon. donald trump and his wife melania are preparing for a new life. on thursday they visited the white house. >> melania chatted with first lady michelle obama and cnn randi kaye has more on her path to the u.s. first lady. >> it will be my honor and privilege to serve this country. i will be an advocate for women and for children. >> reporter: melania trump just days before learning she would be the next first lady of the united states at this speech in berwyn, pennsylvania, she spoke about her love of this country as a little girl growing up under communist rule in slovenia. >> we always knew about an incredible place called america.
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america was the word for freedom and opportunity. america meant if you could dream it, you could become it. >> reporter: throughout the race melania was somewhat of a reluctant campaigner often staying home with the couple's young son baron. the trumps reportedly have a cook but no nanny. early on in the campaign she was more often seen than heard. in fact, it wasn't until the wisconsin primary in april that melania officially stumped for her husband. >> i'm very proud of him. he's hard worker, he's kind, he has a great heart, he's tough, he's smart. >> reporter: in march during an interview with anderson cooper, melania shared how she feels about jackie kennedy. >> they compare me to jackie kennedy. it's an honor, but of course this is 21st century and i will be different. she had great style and she did a lot of good stuff, but this is different time now. >> reporter: as a slovenian
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immigrant, melania will be only the second foreign born first lady and the first in modern times. president john quincy adams wife louisa adams was born outside of the united states in london. maine lawn yeah knaus as she was formerly known became a naturalized citizen in 2011. at 5'11" she was a successful model. she told "people" magazine she thought he had, quote, sparkle and later became his third wife. melania once graced the covers of "glamour" magazines and sold her own line of jewelry on qvc. she also appeared in this affleck commercial. >> as first lady, melania who is 46, plans to focus on women and children. she hopes to end cyber bullying and teach children to treat others with compassion. >> we have to find a better way to talk to each other, to
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disagree with each other, to respect each other. >> reporter: from fifth avenue to pennsylvania avenue, melania trump will soon be first lady. randi kaye, cnn, orlando, florida. >> i wonder if she's really grasped that or if she's saying, what a ride i've had in the united states. >> yeah, a big title. a new life for the trumps. >> absolutely. still here on "newsroom," how realistic is that border wall between the united states and mexico, the one donald trump promised. he said the border will be a top priority in his first days in office. in fact, day one. reaction still ahead. plus, what some anti-trump protestors are doing instead of taking to the streets.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world, you're watching "cnn newsroom" live from atlanta. i'm natalie allen. >> and i'm george howell. demonstrations across the united states continue against donald trump in u.s. cities for a third straight day. tensions were high in portland, oregon. just listen there. protesters there facing off against police in riot gear. police say that some objects were thrown at officers. mass transit lines were also disrupted by the demonstrations. trump has put vice president-elect mike pence in charge of the transition team. one of the biggest things on the agenda is choosing trump's chief of staff. the taliban is creating the largest attack on u.s. base in
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afghanistan. bagram air force base, four are dead and 14 wounded after that explosion. a local afghan official said the people killed were foreign citizens but their nationalities are not yet known. iraqi military officials say troops have pushed into two neighborhoods in eastern mosul. residents tell cnn there's fierce fighting in the area and it's limited their options to escape. as the battle continues there, the u.n. reports isis is executing civilians it accuses of working with iraqi forces. back to the u.s. election. a core part of donald trump's campaign was his promise to build a border wall between u.s. and mexico and he isn't backing down on that. >> in fact, he says the security of that border will be a top priority during his first days in office. in fact, by day one. ed lavandera has more now on the reaction from mexico. >> we're going to build a great wall. the wall just got ten feet higher. maybe some day they're going to
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call it the trump wall. >> reporter: the border between the united states and mexico stretches nearly 200 miles. nearly 700 miles is already covered with some form of border wall or steel fencing, but donald trump wants more. >> on day one we will begin working on an impenetrable physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. >> of course it can be done. >> reporter: professional michael dear is an expert in city and regional planning and the author of the book "why walls don't work." >> a large concrete structure which might be 25 feet high which will be very intense in resources and money. >> reporter: cnn has surveyed a number of architects and academics. it would most likely be made of precast panels, 20 feet high, 8 inches thick requiring 339 million cubic feet of concrete. the panels would be held
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together by 5 billion pounds of reinforced steel with an estimated cost of at least $10.5 billion and possibly much more. trump supporters say they can't wait to see the beginning of the border wall construction. >> that wall will get built and mexico's going to pay for that wall. >> i think he'll try to build a wall and i think he'll try to secure our borders. >> if people want to come into the country, they should do it legally. >> but in mexico the idea of a wall is often shrugged off as a bump in the road north. jose torres fernandez says he's illegally crossed into the united states dozens of times finding work. the wall may find it harder but immigrants will find a way to find work to feed their families and mr. gutierrez says he's crossed the border 29 times starting when he was 16. he says keeping people like him out of the country will only
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hurt the u.s. he said if you try to remove all the mexicans in the united states, donald trump will realize what a mistake that is and how much the u.s. relies on mexican immigrants. >> ed lavandera, mexican city. from the mexican issue we turn to the muslim issues. among american muslims, we hear what they have to say. >> some say president-elect trump says he will do great for the american dream. >> reporter: in michigan where muslims make up a large portion of the population, there is widespread anger about the trump presidency. are you angry? >> definitely. you have to be kind to people. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the
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united states. >> reporter: trump made that promise last december but dialed it back by the time his party's convention convened in cleveland. >> we must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place. >> the muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into an extreme vetting. >> reporter: but tonight his statement calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states is still on his official website. for some muslims and many others, the rhetoric crossing the line. >> i don't know how he got like that, i'll be honest. >> reporter: her parents immigrated to dearborn, michigan, from lebanon. she works on issues and she said his rhetoric has made muslims' lives more difficult.
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>> i'm definitely angry. i don't want to say i'm fearful because i still have faith in the democratic process. >> it's inexcusable the the things he said. very shocking. very scary. >> reporter: tanya runs this middle eastern bakery. she is still hopeful. >> we scant stand against him. we have to support him and wish for the best so hopefully he will instill that unity he's been saying in his speeches ever since he won. >> reporter: nadel tamir has a different view. >> mr. trump should be held as a trophy. >> reporter: tamir voted for trump and convinced his family to vote for him too. >> he believes he speaks from strength. he wants his fellow muslims to see it the same way. >> reporter: what do you say to them when they have this shock or anger. >> i say to them, the country is going to be great. >> that was cnn's jessica snyder reporting for us in michigan.
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since the election we have been getting reports of racist graffiti and hate crimes targeting several groups from jews to african-americans and muslims. some people are using safety pins to show solidarity for muslims. a similar movement happened in the u.k. after the brexit vote. "cnn newsroom" presses on. the battle for mosul continues in iraq and the u.n. says isis is once again targeting civilians. details coming up. whatcha' doin? just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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sorry about that.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." the battle for mosul continues in iraq, and we're now getting reports that isis has executed more civilians. the u.n. says the terror group killed at least 60 civilians this week. some of the victims' bodies were hung at intersections with notes alleging they collaborated with
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iraqi forces. witnesses tell cnn some were killed just for having cell phones. >> the news of these killings as iraqi government forces continue to push into two neighborhoods in eastern mosul. the images that you see here of the iraqi defense ministry appear to show civilians cheering iraqi forces as they advance on. people in mosul say that isis commanders have started to flee that city but they've left teenage combat tapts to fight in their place. for more of what's happening on the ground, let's go to cnn's phil black who is live in erbil, iraq, following developments. phil, good to have you with us. let's talk more about what we're hearing about 60 civilians who were killed in mosul. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, joe, this is being reported by the u.n. it's being backed up by people we've spoken to in mosul as well. they all talk about what appears to be a campaign of terror against people who are suspected of collaborating with the
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operation to take back the city. by all accounts, dozens of people have been executed in mosul over the last week or so. in some cases the u.n. says children have been used as the executionist, as the people who pulled the triggers. some of the bodies of those killed have been strung up at electrical polls across the city at major intersections, dressed in orange, branded with words like traitor. it is a brutal, terrifying message to the population of mosul. george? >> also, as these iraqi troops continue to push into mosul, we're hearing these reports of isis commanders fleeing and leaving teenage combatants to fight in their place. explain that situation and how difficult it is for these iraqi forces to make their advances. >> yeah. so what we're seeing for most of the last three weeks or so has
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been an advance in operation not to retake mosul but the territory around it. fairly rapid progress is being made. as iraqi forces enter to the east and build up the outskirts of the city the fight has become so much more difficult. on top of that you have a network of tunnels, boobey traps, sniper positions. they're trying to move into the city themselves. it is a slow, difficult, brutal example of urban warfare. that's what we're being told. on top of it you have the added
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complexity of the civilians who are there. many people, families huddled in their homes as the fighting wages around them and in the words of an iraqi officer told me yesterday, retaking the city will not be considered a success if it comes at the cost of many civilian lives. so the iraqi forces say that they are determined to try and minimize that as much as they possibly can. >> phil, we're talking about the situation as it relates to the troops going into mosul. what about the families that have been able to flee, families who are looking for places to stay, to live until this operation reaches its conclusion. what is the humanitarian situation? and are people able to get the medicine, the food that they need? >> reporter: the latest figure from the international organization for migration puts the number of people displaced as a result of the latest fighting in mosul somewhere around 50,000 now, which is clearly a very significant number. they're moving into camps which are filling up and where those
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resources, as you say, food, medicine, shelter, they are all being tested. so far what we've seen is not as great as the warnings had been from humanitarian organizations at the outset. some of the predictions were in the order of 800,000 to 1 million displaced as a result of the fighting. i guess what that shows is that this operation is still very much in its early stages. for all the progress there is still so much work to do. those iraqi forces are now only in the eastern sliver of the city. they're talking about moving in to the center and west of the city where the bulk of the population is believed to be living and obviously the humanitarian impact there will be far more significant. george. >> it is a desperate situation for the many families that are fleeing and certainly a bloody ordeal. this operation that continues to press into mosul. international reporter phil black live for us in erbil, iraq. thank you for the reporting. we wish you and your teams there continued safety.
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we'll be in touch with you. at least four people are dead at an iraqi air force base. >> they say an explosive device was detonated at bagram air force base. the people killed were foreign citizens but their nationalities are not yet known. also, now to south korea, thousands of protestors are demanding again that the president of that nation resign. this is one of the largest anti-government protests there. just about -- in about three decades. you see these images of the protests. president park un hey has apologized for sharing documents with a long-time friend. >> that confidante has been arrested. two aides have also been accused in the influence peddling scandal. park has reshuffled her cabinet but her approval rating remains at an all-time low. we'll have a live report from seoul in our next hour.
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let's switch over to weather. la nina has finally arrived and its effects are being felt right here and everywhere. >> it's here. >> what does that mean? >> you guys, remember the buzz word about a year ago was el nino, el nino, el nino. now we're going to talk about the antithesis. it will have huge implications. i'll do my best to explain it to you and everyone watching. we'll start with el nino. what we were really just harping on back in 2015. scientists saw that warming trend in the pacific waters. specifically across the central and eastern pacific just off the coast of south america. temperatures were warmer than normal. that, friends, is an el nino cycle. but now what we're starting to notice is the exact opposite, that is the cooling trend of the pacific waters across the central and eastern pacific, and scientists and meteorologists
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alike have gone from a watch, meaning the potential of ayla ninete -- a la nina cycle, they have observed the cooling of the waters. it's started in october. persistent into the first weeks of november so it has officially arrived. what does that mean for you at home? let me try to explain that to you. here we have a global map. we're looking forward from december into february looking at previous la nina years and what it means for the different continents. if you're watching us from indonesia, eastern australia, you know how devastating the brush fires can be across the area, especially when you factor in the dry and warm temperatures. that is expected to continue with la nina season dry and warm across central america. warm temperatures across peru and brazil. then as we go forward in time from june into august, let's say la nina continues, it can continue over eastern australia.
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chilly and wet weather patterns starting to settle into the southeastern sections of asia. it also impacts the amount of hurricanes across the atlantic. with an el nino season we would see the jet stream shifting south ward but with la nina it shifts north. it decreases the wind sheer. more land falling hurricanes are possible. the reason when we step outside, george, natalie, when we start coughing in atlanta, georgia, where the headquarters are for cnn, it's because of the wildfires. la nina can cause that to get worse. >> dry as a bone? >> dry as a bone. it is difficult. you can see the satellite image, smoke drifting into metro atlanta. >> derek van dam, thank you so much. >> again. so, sports. can either divide or unite especially if it's a match between the united states and mexico. we'll show you what the fans of
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each group have to say about the u.s. president-elect donald trump. stay with us. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide.
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the united states, donald trump,
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will lead a divided nation, but sports have always had the potential to bring people together. >> hope so. right now. our martin savidge has more from a soccer match, football, between the u.s. and mexico in columbus, ohio. >> reporter: this is the fifth time that these two teams have faced off here in columbus, ohio, dating back to 2001, and they are known to have a very spirited rivalry here at times, and the concern was that given the political events of the past week, that maybe the election might cast some kind of cloud over this international gathering. that's the farthest thing from the truth. what we found out from the parking lot it was one big tailgate party, music of all kinds, fans of all kinds. you found when you talked to those fans politics wasn't about to interfere. >> u.s.a. u.s.a. u. u.s.a.
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u.s.a. u.s.a. >> mexico, mexico, mexico, mexico, mexico. >> we have a lot of heart for our mexican team in soccer or football. it's very, very you know in our hearts and nothing matters right now. as you see -- as you see, people are just so happy. tomorrow they will worry about paying the rent, about buying groceries. >> reporter: you haven't in any way had anybody treat you badly? >> you know, yes. yes, we have, but i don't think it's new. people do profile and, you know, so we're going to hear especially somebody has alcohol in their systems so they're
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going to say things that are inappropriate, but in a way we're used to it. all we can do is just ignore it and keep walking. >> does politics in any way change this game? >> well, i think the mexican team actually has spoke on tv and told us, hey, we're going to try to get you guys to be happy today, so we're going to win today. >> reporter: you think this has actually inspired the mexican team? >> big time. big time. >> reporter: have you been to this particular match-up before? >> i have. i have. i came here three years ago, september 10th, for u.s.a. versus mexico. >> reporter: what's it like? >> the atmosphere is amazing. football, soccer, whatever you want to call t it's a sport that we all love. that's why we're all here. i don't think politics should play a part in this game. that's not what it's about. it's just about the rivalry, the passion of the sport. >> well, we're all here to support the u.s.a. it's soccer. it's bring the country together. that's what we're here to do.
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>> we want to treat them well so when we go to mexico city they'll do the same for us. >> reporter: there are a couple of ways that you very evidently saw how sport can unify people. as the fans all went into the stadium, you saw that it was the american fans that were giving high fives and welcoming mexican fans and vice versa. both were wishing each other good luck. at one point an american fan smacked the hand of a mexican man and said, sorry about that trump thing. it's tradition before every game. they take the team photos. usually the teams are by themselves. in this case they took one large mass team photo, a clear message of unity. it was a good game that came at a very good time. martin savidge, cnn, columbus, ohio. >> i wonder who won? but who cares. how utterly refreshing.
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>> it is, indeed. >> the attitudes of those sport fans. more of that. >> given there have been a lot of racist graffiti, things that have played out. it's nice to see something heartening happening. >> on the soccer field. thanks for watching this hour. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. we'll have more news after this break. this is cnn, the world's news leader. stay with us. and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts, no matter how you work out... whether you're going for reps... or laps... or distance. you gotta try it... period. protein shots from 5-hour energy. great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein.
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donald trump's transition, days after his big win. the president-elect shakes things up with his transition team and questions about that team. thousands are still taking to the streets to protest. trump's historic win. plus, another grim report from mosul. isis continuing to execute the innocent.


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