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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  November 13, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST

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schoosing his team. donald trump on the verge of picking his chief of staff. the decision could be imminent. it has been one year since the deadly terror attacks in paris. now the concert hall is open once again. we'll take you there live. plus, colombia, reaches another deal with the rebels begging the question, will this one hold? live from cnn headquarters in atlanta. welcome to our viewers in the united states. i'm george howell. i'm natalie allen. "cnn newsroom" starts now. 4:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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donald trump is putting together a transition team as he prepares to take over the oval office in january. a decision on white house dheef of staff is imminent. priebus seen here on the right and a close adviser, steve bannon on the left. both are being considered as top choices. trump is also busy mending fences with his former rivals within the republican party. cnn has learned that he spoke recently with former florida governor jeb bush. former republican candidate mitt romney and ohio governor john kasich. all had been extremely critical of trump during the campaign, yet those phone calls were described as cordial. >> we'll have more on the transition efforts in a moment. before that, more on the protests against donald trump. they continue to cross cities in the united states. four consecutive days now. demonstrators have taken to the streets in los angeles. they made a trump pinata. they took turns, as you see,
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hitting it. >> we're also keeping an eye on portland, oregon. of all the protests nationally, portland has been a flash point with dozens of arrests. police in riot gear have been out in full force and report as least 19 arrests on saturday night. >> protests continued in new york. thousands of people marched down fifth avenue to trump tower saturday chanting anti-trump slogans. our brynn begin grass was there. >> reporter: thousands of people shut down fifth avenue in new york city with a clear message for president-elect donald trump. they marched from union square up fifth avenue about two miles to trump tower saying they are against what the president-elect campaign on several issues, to defy the hate he fosters throughout the campaign. listen to what the reason they say is the reason they came out.
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>> it's big. i don't know what we can actually do to change things, but we just have to keep coming out and making sure that his hatred and his fear and the anger that he is stirring up or using to get elected doesn't manifest itself in our country. >> reporter: what do you think the collective message is? >> i think we're getting together to support each other as a community because this is a huge loss. this election has set us back and has definitely shown the world that we are not as advanced as we claim we are. >> reporter: this protest lasted several hours. for the most part it was pretty peaceful. nypd officers actually walked alongside them that two-mile stretch. we know from the secret service, authorities who are inside trump tower at one point, because the protest was so large, visitors, tourists usually able to get into trump tower were not
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allowed and pieople were not allowed to leave for their own safety. from this protest, they were pretty peaceful and minimal arrests. back to you. >> brynn reporting for us. >> donald trump is now the president-elect of the united states and natalie pointing out, there have been a rash of incidents of graffiti, confrontations since donald trump was elected and this is the concern that many people have about those things continuing. >> donald trump heads to the white house with a major lawsuit hanging over him. remember that. it alleges fraud at his former real estate school trump university. attorneys for trump filed a motion saturday night to push the trial date from november 28th until after the inauguration. >> the motion reaffirms the rights of the plaintiffs to sue but says the task of preparing for presidency is an unprecedented circumstance deserving a modest continuation.
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on thursday, the judge in the case strongly suggested that trump settle the dispute before trial. the president-elect has an entirely new cabinet to fill and he may be rewarding loyalty above all as he named his team. our jim sciutto looks at who is under consideration. >> trump adviser and former new york city mayor rudy giuliani now helping to lead trump's transition team. >> donald has been my friend for 28 years. my work on behalf of him has been out of great loyalty and friendship to him. i can see already how he is going to be a great president. i'm glad i could play a small role. >> the gop national security officials and experts declared in two separate letters they would never work for a trump administration. sources tell cnn that many of those never trummers are coming back offering mea culpas.
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many will be led by advisers who gave him early and unwavering support. >> the next president of the united states, donald trump. >> giuliani, possible for secretary of state. chief of staff and telling cnn on thursday, attorney general. >> i certainly have the energy and there's probably nobody that knows the justice department better than me. >> senator jeff sessions. >> donald, welcome to my hometown. mobile, alabama. >> a transition team leader and one of the first gop senators to back trump is also likely to land a plum job, including possibly secretary of defense. >> donald j. trump could be the next president of the united states. >> retired general flynn offered -- tweeted one week before the election, quote you decide. nypd blows whistle on new hillary e-mails. money laundering, sex crimes with children, et cetera.
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must read. allegations that remain unsubstantiated. he's a possibly for senior post, including national security adviser. his new national security postings will send the world revealing signals about his new foreign policy. earlier this year, trump said he wasn't looking for people with the usual backgrounds. >> i also look and have to look for talented experts with approaches and practical ideas rather than surrounding myself with those who have perfect resumes. >> campaign aides like kellyanne conway and steve bannon could earn major roles in a trump administration. joining us now to talk more about the new presidency, leslie -- from the university of london and associate fellow at london house. donald trump ran an
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unconventional campaign and he's looking for somewhat unconventional team. that makes sense, doesn't? >> he has certainly run an unconventional campaign. i think the world is now watching and especially americans to see what signals he's sending through the people that he picks. of course, this is -- especially with somebody like donald trump. this couldn't be more important. somebody who hasn't been committed to detail. changes his mind a fair amount and has been impulsive and instinctive. the people who surrounds himself, giving us someone who will help us understand what we're likely to see. some of the choice rs quite different. his chief of staff will probably be the biggest signal he sends. is this going to be somebody who will work closely with congress, who is going to tame the rhetoric and be more moderate or is this going to be somebody from his campaign team that, like steve bannon who was very, very different from that? >> right. that will be interesting to see
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which way he goes there. that chief of staff, too, quite a bit has to have donald trump's back when it comes to being able to manage when it comes to tweeting and such. >> absolutely. >> that would be part of the job description for them. moving on. once he gets his people in place and he's had traditional people. rudy giuliani has been around for some time. how is the world seeing this a few days on, the donald trump thing? imt. >> i think it's an extraordinary thing for leaders to watch. deeply concerning. this has been an america they're not used to observing, especially here in europe where i sit. it's been, of course, considerable concern. nato secretary general has written today saying there is no more worrying time in this generation for european security and for the transatlantic partnership and that america's commitment to nato is absolutely
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vital and of course, donald trump during his campaign suggested that this wasn't absolutely vital in his view. that he would be pressing the europeans to step up a lot more, that he wouldn't take it for granted that america would have their back. angela merkel made it very clear to donald trump that europe is absolutely committed to human rights, the democracy to liberal values, and so i think there's tremendous concern. the chinese, as you know, have put forward an alternative regional trade agreement that has them at the center of it. the trans pacific partnership seems unlikely to go forward. i think world leaders are looking, watching and they're very concerned. they'll wait to see who these appointments are and see whether donald trump changes his rhetoric, whether the debates which in their view and many will see as a good thing. it's creating tremendous uncertainty and there's also, i think, a move within europe,
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within the european union to talk about moving forward on issues of cooperation and security and defense because europe is feeling like it might be very much on its own at a time which is already problematic internally within europe because of the decision to exit the european union. >> wooebl watching to see what they say and what comes out of it. thank you for joining us, leslie. >> thank you. frum is giving credit to social media for his -- he said it gave him a way to fight back against negative news coverage. >> trump says he has about 28 million followers between facebook, twitter and instagram. now that the election is over, he's going to take a step back. >> i'm going to be very restrained if i use it at all. i'm going to be very restrained. i find it tremendous. it's a modern form of communication. there should be nothing you should be ashamed of.
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it's where it's at. i do believe this. i really believe that the fact that i have such power in terms of numbers with facebook, twitter, instagram, et cetera, it helped me win all of these races where they're spending much more money than i spent. and i won. i think social media has more power than the money they spent and to a certain extent i proved that. >> donald trump certainly was well-known for having a volatile love/hate relationship with the news media throughout his long campaign. now that the election is over, that rocky relationship may be due for a reset. here's cnn's brian todd. >> in a new interview, president-elect trump selected that the acid laced rhetoric used during the campaign which many believe helped get him elected will be toned down. things are different now, striking considering the
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relentless attacks he made on the media during the past year and a half. after months of opening sparring with the media during the campaign. >> phony lowlives. they're disgraceful. bad people. bad people. >> his supporters joined that fight. now, new questions about how donald trump will treat the media as president. questions fueled by trump's teams ditching a pool of reporters assigned to cover him when he came to washington to meet with president obama. the head of the white house correspondent's association complained. >> to be there in case news happens, in case something happens to him. it is important for us to fulfill our responsibilities as journalists and to tell the story of what's going on and to inform the public. >> on 9/11, if reporters weren't traveling with president bush, the public may not have known certain details of where the president was. >> there could have been worrisome information gabs on
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the day president reagan was shot. he black listed journalists who had been critical of them. he threatened to sue "the new york times" for reporting on his taxes. threatened to sue nbc for the "access hollywood" tape release but didn't follow through. still, the 3450ed i can't is not blameless in the relationship. >> there were a lot of mistakes by the media. the media failed to treat donald trump seriously as they covered him intensely and gave him an extraordinary amount of air time during the primaries. >> trump's public disdain for reporters may have helped him at the poelgs. now he's showing signs of flexibility. he told the "wall street journal" he'll change his overall tone. "it's different now." the dynamics of a campaign are inherently different. >> governing is leading, giving people a leadership role that makes people say to congress, do
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what the president said. >> media watchers say it's an open question whether donald trump will be more receptive to the media and allow them for access. a spokesperson says they expect to operate a fra digs al pool for reporters and -- >> cnn's brian todd reporting for us. we're hearing from hillary clinton speaking out after her defeat. the democrats spoke to some of her donors on a conference call saturday and said that the letter from the fbi director james comey, it was too much to overcome in the final days of the campaign. >> comey, announced a renewed investigation into clinton's private e-mail server a week before the election and then abruptly announced there were no wrongdoings a few days later. clinton urged her supporters to move forward and keep fighting for their beliefs. sunday marks one year since the paris terror attack and now france is paying tribute to the victims. we have a live report from the
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french capital coming up. also ahead, a landmark deal between the u.s. and australia. what it means for refugees at australia's offshore detention centers. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans,
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they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide.
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france is marking one year since the deadly paris terror attacks. it was late in the evening november 13th when gunmen armed with assault rifles and explosives targeted six locations across the city. 130 people were killed, hundreds more wounded that evening. most of the victims were found at the concert hall. >> isis claimed responsibility for that attack. the deadliest attack in europe in more than ten years. eight of the ten known suspects died that night or in police raids in the following days including the suspected ringleader. two others were captured and remain in custody. cnn is following this story, remembering the victims of this terrible tragedy in france. melissa bell is at -- and jim is at the site.
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we understand that sting opened there. after a moment of silence, he told the audience that they will remember the victims and they'll never be forgotten. >> reporter: that's right, george. in fact, the ceremony here at the bataclan is about to begin. we've seen three ceremonies this morning basically at three of the six locations that were attacked. at each location the same thing happened. unveil a plaque. the names of the victims read out with the president and mayor of paris and governor and minister as well. at this particular location, though, one of the things that we have that's significant, we've got a number of the victims, the victims' families that are here, as well as some of the first responders who have a direct connection to the bataclan, which is a place where there were 90, 89 people killed on that night a year ago at the bataclan. one of the people we talked to beforehand is the minister in charge of victims here. we asked her if the city is
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making any kind of preparations, the government is making any preparations for further attacks, if they feel better prepared than they were on november 13th. >> in case of new attack, there is a need for -- right at the moment of the attack we are able to have some security and medicine and doctors who are -- >> reporter: minister also told us that there are still 20 people still in the hospital from those attacks a year ago. 600 people are still being treated for traumatic and psychological injuries. george, natalie? >> jim, thank you. >> that's quite remarkable. people are still in the hospital one year on. let's go back to melissa bell. she's going to tell us what's
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happening to commemorate there. >> reporter: good morning. you've been hearing a number of the plaques have been unveiled and later today the people will gather here at the republic where they gathered in the aftermath on the 13th of november with all the flowers and tributes that have been laid by the fountain behind me. they've been cleared. but it is here that a moment will be held later today. not clear what the crowds will be like. there's, of course, a light drizzle over paris this morning. last night at the bataclan, many of the seats reserved for the families of the victims or for the survivors remains empty. we've been hearing from groups of survivors or families of victims that many of those who were closest to those who lost their lives have left paris or not wanted to be involved in the commemorations. so difficult is it for them one year on to look back at what happened. there is a sense among some with all the sadness they still feel
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about the events of a year ago, there is a growing anger over the course of the last year especially after the 14th of july attacks. they feel the police haven't done enough and the political classes have been quick to claim the grief at their own. you will see some people stay away from the commemoration. the end of the day will be at the cathedral where a mass will be held in memory of the 130 people, natalie, who lost their lives. >> wanted to ask jim a question. you talked about the anger from some people. can you feel a difference, though, with the security, the police that are on the streets of paris in today's world? >> reporter: well, certainly, natalie. in fact, after the attacks of july 14th, the security was increased. france is still under a state of national emergency. a number of people have said
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they expect that state of national emergency to be continued through the elections coming up in the spring of 2017. i think people, it depends a little bit on the political identification. if you ask people on the left who support the government if they feel safe, secure, there are probably 60 or 70% would say they do. on the right, they feel security steps have not been adequate to handle another attack and worried about another attack. there have been polls out in the last couple of days that indicate people are really still quite nervous about the possibility of another attack here. >> people nervous and, as melissa pointed out, people concerned about simply returning to the site where these terrible attacks happened. jim bittermann, melissa bell, we appreciate your reports. thank you. australia reached a landmark deal with the u.s. for hundreds of refugees held offshore in detention centers. >> the centers have been
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criticized by rights groups for numerous alleged abuses. these images from amnesty international purport to show one of the centers on the small pacific nation of noru. they've been moved there to an island off new guinea. here's how it was described, the new settlement deal. >> i can now confirm that the government has reached a further third country reset willment arrangement for refugees presently in the regional processing centers. the agreement is with the united states. it is an agreement that will not be re -- >> malcolm turn bull speaking about a deal to settle refugees in the u.s. it is unclear how the deal may be affected by u.s. president-elect donald trump. foreign leaders around the
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world are still reacting to the surprise victory of donald trump now president-elect of the united states and at least one major power has immediate business with the u.s. president-elect. >> we'll tell you who that is coming up. the colombian government and farc rebels have signed an agreement. it still faces opposition. live at home and broadcasting around the world at this hour. this is "cnn newsroom."
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i'm natalie allen. >> george howell with the headlines. donald trump is looking
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close to home as he decides on his cabinet. he will decide on rudy giuliani, jeff sessions and others. isis claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide blast on a shrine on pakistan that hit saturday. it targeted religious ceremony. officials say the remoteness of the shrine made it difficult to rescue hundreds of people. paris is marking one year since the attacks across the city. it left 130 people dead, hundreds more wounded. france is commemorating with plaques. the white house chief of staff is imminent. >> adviser steve bannon and republican national committee chair reince priebus. it's a powerful position.
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>> anti-trump demonstrators have been out in full force for four days. portland has seen dozens of arrests. in the past nights, including 19 on saturday night. trump's foreign policy intentions are not immediately clear. one world leader believes a departure from the diplomacy from the current president, barack obama, would be a welcome change. our will ripley looks at the reaction in turkey to the u.s. presidential election. first the coup, then the purge. four months after soldiers tried and failed to take over the turkish government, a staggering roundup. tens of thousands of soldiers, professors, lawmakers, even journalists. many accused of ties to one man. muslim cleric.
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turkey wants the u.s. to extradite gu lan, accusing him of masterminding the coup. so far the u.s. has allowed him to remain in pennsylvania, his home for years. that could change under president-elect donald trump. one of his top military advisers, lieutenant general michael flynn wrote an op-ed last week preparing the man to osama bin laden calling for his extradition. >> he must be captured and arrested and put into court. >> he says the extradition who infuriate the cleric's followers but greatly improve ties between turkey and the u.s. >> this is going to be a really good message for turkey because it's going to show that the united states is ready to work with turkey against any kind of terrorism. >> this man who is pro government will try to convince
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trump to stop supporting kurdish militi militias. turkey considers them terrorists. in this primarily muslim nation, many say trump as islamaphobic. they even called for a name change of trump towers istanbul. still, it seems erdogan is willing to put is t. aside. he was one of the first to call and congratulate trump. they did not talk about growing human rights concerns over erdogan's post coup purge of political opponents. trump has said the u.s. should focus on its own problems and not criticize other countries. on the streets of turkey, like everywhere else, a sense of uncertainty surrounding the new leader of the free world. >> i'm afraid for muslim people. >> you're afraid for muslims why? >> because i don't feel good. i'm afraid for my family. i don't like his way when he
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speak: but we'll see what he will do in the world. >> right now, nobody really knows what that world will look like. will ripley, cnn, istanbul. >> muslims around the world, as you just heard are uncertain about what will come with a trump presidency. and some say they're afraid. here's the report from abu dhabi. >> it's bedtime at the rothman family's house. but this isn't like any other night. tonight there's a new reality, a new president in america. >> what was your initial reaction when you heard the news? >> you know, the thing is that with the elections, of course, there is no when you heard the news. it's this long killing me softly process. >> he is rah is an american living and working in abu dhabi. we first met her at an election viewing party we live streamed on facebook. i want to play this clip. >> i'm hesitant, i'm worried. i don't know what to expect. >> and this is what she thinks
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today. >> i don't know. like it's unpredictable as the tweets that come out. you don't know what's going to come. >> that uncertainty is casting its shadow over muslims around the world. during his campaign donald trump proposed a temporary ban on muslims from entering the united states. he wasn't exactly clear about how or if he would try to improve relations with the muslim world. many are stunned that trump was elected. in my opinion, this is the worst decision that america has made, this teacher in baghdad says. he will get america into a lot of trouble. trump's policy about muslims, about immigrants, it's really bad this temp worker in indonesia says. even here in this remote syrian refugee camp where people struggle just to survive and views and disappointment spread fast. >> we were surprised by the victory of a racist and sectarian president against the syrian revolution.
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we had a little hope to go back home. we don't anymore. hope is what esra benny rothman is clinging to. she's a woman, muslim and african-american. she wonders if people like her still have a place in president-elect donald trump's america. >> are you worried about going back now? >> i am. most obviously the feeling of a displaced refugee. >> is that how you'll feel? >> i absolutely feel like a displaced refugee. >> in your own country? >> absolutely. >> as she puts her 1-year-old son to bed, her hope is that donald trump, the president, will be different from donald trump the candidate. mohammed lela, cnn, abu dhabi. one of the leading brexit campaigners in the uk sits down with the u.s. president. nigel farage posted this photo saturday after the two had what
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he called a very productive meeting. >> farage is the head of the uk independent party. as a long time trump supporter, he's confident that donald trump will make a good president. still ahead on newsroom, a deadly suicide blast strikes a religious event in pakistan. what authorities say slowed rescue efforts. still ahead.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." the colombian president is urging his country to give peace a second chance. the government signed a revised peace deal on saturday with farc rebels to end over 50 years of brutal fighting. >> colombians rejected the initial peace agreement last month that shocked a lot of people. critics said it was too lenient toward the rebels. rafael romo has more about it. >> the first peace agreement
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between the colombian government and the guerilla group took five years to reach. it was put together in six weeks. the beginning of the agreement was held in havana. it happened saturday afternoon. representatives of the farc guerilla group and the government -- in bogota, manuel santos said the new deal will build a broader deeper peace. among the new stipulations are reparations for victims which will come from farc's assets and money, santos said. farc must still form a political party under the agreement but will not be given seats in the colombian congress automatically as the previous deal stated. >> translator: i am by all colombians including those who promoted the yes and the no vote to give -- with this new agreement. that's what the colombian people are asking from us and that's also what the international
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community is asking for. >> the new agreement, even with the changes, faces opposition. former colombian president, the main promoter of the no vote, warned president santos not to call the new agreement definitive or final before consulting with the colombian people. meanwhile, u.s. secretary of state john kerry issued a statement saying i want to congratulate the government and people on achieving a revised peace agreement. rafael romo, cnn atlanta. now to southwest pakistan where a suicide bombing has killed at least 52 people saturday. isis claiming responsibility for that attack which targeted a shrine. about 500 people were assembled for a reling us certificate moan when it happened. >> it killed -- more than 100 injured. they've only recently
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acknowledged that isis is present in the country. it tacked a police academy there back in october. switching to weather and derek van dam, our meteorologist. days basically, we know because of a new stud that i coastal erosion is happening in parts of britain. >> this is actually relevant to all populations that live close to the coast. 40% of the world's population actually lives 100 kilometers from a coastal area. listen up. we're going to focus in on southeastern britain. let me show you this. because what you're looking at now is the chalk cliffs. you may have seen these images in movies. the dover cliffs east of the sussex county region in southeast britain. beautiful part of the world. they're retreating very quickly. in fact, what scientists have seen is what they were doing before, retreating that roughly 3 to 6 centimeters per year.
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now they're seeing an acceleration, 22 to 32 centimeters per year. that's ten times its average receding rate. this is significant because something is going on here. what is it exactly? we're starting to see larger waves from stronger storm systems and that means coastal erosion continues to batter these areas. we're focusing in again on southern britain. the areas there are evident and we can actually see that with the latest study. what is coastal erosion? again, we get the water, large waves impacting that region and really just batters the area. think about the livelihoods impacted by this as well as a shrinking land mass encroaches on people's dwellings, their homes, their livelihoods. no major storm systems coming through now, but the extended winter outlook for the united kingdom calls for the potential of more flooding and heavy rains possible. take it back a year, december
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2015, the deadly flooding that took place here. all too familiar in the residents' minds there. it was a scary few weeks for that region. we certainly don't want to see that. they're investing in their infrastructure to prevent and battle future flooding events like that. coastal erosion and sea level rise is certainly a concern. we have pretty mild temperatures going forward. we have snowfall, though, moving towards eastern europe and western parts of russia. i'll leave you with a beautiful image coming out of the red square in moscow. snow, looking beautiful as the backdrop. >> that is just an incredible image. they have gotten pummeled with over 50 centimeters of snow this past week. >> pretty. >> it is beautiful. not bad. >> thanks, derek. before the u.s. election, one polling expert promised to eat a bug if donald trump won more than 240 electoral votes.
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well, trump got 50 more than that. we'll tell you if he ate that bug in a minute. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp.
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more famous now around the world since the election for its parodies that the political candidates this past year. they really went after them. >> this time for the first show after donald trump's victory and u.s. presidential election, it took a different approach with kate mckin none paying respect to leonard cohen who died this past week. >> i did my best ♪ ♪ it wasn't much ♪ i couldn't feel ♪ so i tried to touch ♪ i told the truth ♪ i didn't come to fool you ♪ and even it all went wrong ♪ i'll stand before ♪ the lord of song ♪ with nothing on my tongue ♪ but hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah
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♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah >> i'm not giving up and neither should you. live from new york, it's saturday night. >> clinton did indicate it was a difficult, painful defeat and many democrats in the united states were upset she did win the popular vote but the electoral college is what put president-elect trump in this position. >> hopefully she has a lot of songs she could listen to in her iphone. >> fair to say the electoral defeat of hillary clinton, it was difficult for many,
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especially true for one polling expert who said that donald trump would never get more than 240 electoral votes. in fact, sam wong promised that he would eat a bug if it happened. >> i have a feeling we're going to see this. takes 270 electoral votes to win. trump got 290. michael smerconish reminded wong about this. here's what happened before and after the election. >> what i said was that trump was unlikely to break 240 electoral votes and i think that's pretty much the same. honestly, this race is the most stable statistically speaking since eisenhower beat stevenson. mike, you want me to do this? >> i kind of would. let's put it to bed once and for all. >> sure. okay. mike, john the baptist in the wilderness, he ate locusts and honey. i regard myself as being in the
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wilderness a little bit. because i was wrong. a lot of people were wrong. nobody else made the promise i did. i'm hoping that we can get back to data and thinking thoughtfully about policy and issues. having said that and saying good morning to everyone out there on both sides, see this. here it goes. okay. >> you're a man of your word, dr. wong. how was it by the way? >> kind of mostly honeyish. a little nutty. if it's good enough for a snake. >> tastes like chicken. >> i don't know. >>. >> crunchy. >> melania trump has big shoes to fill in the first lady of michelle obama. >> melania was a professional model. it is michelle on the cover of this week's vogue magazine. it reads the first lady that the world fell in love with. >> will melania trump be a model first lady? here's jeanne moos with that.
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>> she's been a model, she's done commercials. >> aflac. >> she may seem like an odd duck for a first lady but melania trump is just like us. at least on first glance at her facebook where she posts videos of beautiful beaches. >> dream on ♪ ♪ >> that great aerosmith concert she attended as well as the fun night with my two boys, donald j. trump and their son barron. >> the donald is driving. son riding shotgun. like her husband, melania is not addicted to twitter. some of her older tweeted photos is fun. bat woman for halloween wearing a cat suit teasing her husband, honey, see you soon. this oldie but goodie, the clintons at the trump's wedding. maybe she's not just like us. >> hi friends. it's melania trump.
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>> hi fans. i'm going to -- >> not everyone goes to galas in designer gowns. >> thank you kristin. beautiful job. fantastic job. >> can't say melania hasn't had plenty of training for all those state dinners she and president trump will be hosting. almost instantly after the election melania updated her instagram at real melania trump became at first lady melania trump. she chronicled her trip to the white house. little did she know this would become her home back when she tweeted this photo captioned at home with my husband. don't worry, melania, there is a piano in the white house should you feel the urge to recline. jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> one posh life to another posh life. >> little bit different though in that bubble.
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>> different world in the white house for sure. >> thanks for watching this hour. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. we'll have another hour of news from around the world after the break. stay with us.
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the president-elect's campaign manager says her boss will soon name his chief of staff. and remembering the victims. live pictures from paris france, as the city marks one year since the deadly terror attacks. the farc


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