tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 16, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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>> thank you for joining us tonight. donald trump denying his transition is in turmoil. his spokesman calling very calm, very structured. not the chaotic knife fight we've been hearing about. and not a vendetta. by trump's son-in-law. we'll also hear about new names mentioned for cabinet positions. and the jared kushner back story, how chris christie sent his dad to prison. and megyn kelly on what set the tone for the entire campaign -- debate question that did. we begin outside trump tower with the latest. what do you know jim in is >> reporter: after days of reports of infighting and score settling inside the trump transition team you saw an image reset from donald trump and his top advisors earlier today. you know the president elect put out the tweets saying this is nothing to the reports of problems. everything is going smoothly and you also saw high profile
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advisors getting chatty coming out in front of cameras. jason miller, the senior communications officer saying no there is no knife fight inside the trump transition team. and even newt gingrich saying no no no we're not going to be filling these positions right away. we have time. we're not going to do it on the media's timetable. one interesting question has not been resolved yet. and that is this issue of whether or not jared kushner, donald trump's son-in-law, the husband of ivanka trump will be receiving the security clearance necessary to receive the presidential daily briefing. kellyanne conway, was asked this earlier today. she said she didn't know the answer. but when she was asked whether that is appropriate she said yes it is. because if you are going to get the presidential daily briefing you need that kind of access. that kind of talk has prompted the top democrat on the house oversight committee to fire off a letter to mike pence saying that is not appropriate, sons-in-law do not get that kind of security clearance.
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that is a question unresolved at this hour. >> also from the "new york times" and wall street journal both correspondents here tonight. we'll talk with them in a moment. the president elect also met with new york's mayor de blasio a little over an hour today. do we know what they talked about? obviously they could not be any more different. >> no that's right. they are probably on opposite ends of the spectrum, but what he came here to talk about is -- not too hard to figure out why, immigrant issues. so many of donald trump's policies could potentially adversely effect latino immigrants in this country. muslim immigrants in this country and bill de blasio, the mayor of new york city said he told the president elect very directly that people in this city, the largest city in america, a city that symbolizes american freedom and openness to immigrants that people are afraid. afraid of donald trump's policies and what it means for
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latino immigrants and muslim immigrants. there was no answer from de blassio as to whether or not donald trump would change his policies. but one big policy that donald trump talked about on the campaign trail anderson is ending sanctuary cities and new york city is one of them where law enforcement officers are not required to pass on the criminal status of someone they pick up in an arrest off the street. that is a critical question because what donald trump has said he wants to do right away once he's inaugurated is start deporting undocumented criminals. and that is potentially going to -- and bill de blasio said this to trump earlier today, create a lot of headaches for law enforcement in the cities. again more unresolved issues for the president elect and bill de blasio said he was very upfront about it today. >> thanks for latest. you mentioned mayor de blasio, a few dozen blocks down from trump tourist. students, joined by students nationwide protesting,
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pressuring officials to make their schools what they called sanctuary campuses when it comes to unauthorized immigrants. limiting cooperation with the authorities. just one of many things to talk about with the panel. democratic strategist and clinton campaign advisor. maria cardone that. and anna navarro. and maggie haberman and more. "wall street journal" senior editor. and andre bower. monica you posted a story minutes ago on the wall street journal about a possible role for jared kushner in the white house. what are you learning? >> he's mulling going into the white house officially rather than informal role as special visor. both reince priebus and -- want him there. as you probably know, jared kushner served ads an intermediary during the campaign. >> he had a huge role during the campaign which maybe a lot of people didn't really realize.
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>> he is and was during the campaign and is now donald trump's closest advisor and confidant. and between those two very different people, reince priebus is total republican establishment. steve bannon is the opposite. the one that's tracking the controversy. the firing, you know, populist, nationalist figure. so they both would like jared kushner to continue to be the intermediary and moderator between the two of those factions. >> essentially it is the makeup of the trump campaign now in the white house. >> exactly. correct. and they believe they worked together super well as a team and want to continue it in the white house. now jared kushner is considering it. he has his lawyers looking at how -- he's a billionaire real estate investor himself. he's married to ivanka trump. and has his lawyer look at structures how he would put his real estate business into a blind trust or some other structure so he would have no access to its income or distribution.
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there are a lot of people raising questions about whether it violates antinepotism laws put in place after jfk for making robert kennedy his attorney general. hearing that it wouldn't apply to white house staff person because it is not a cabinet secretary. but to eliminate that jared kushner has said he would not even take a penny from the job. he would take no salary. i think that is still to be determined. he's gotten so much blowback in the last couple of days about his role our not within the transition that he's weighing whether he really wants to go into the white house or just make this an informal advisory role. >> maggie? >> reported exactly that over the weekend. he has his lawyer look at what role he could play. they were looking at something along the lines of volunteer. because there are strict rules even applying to staffer if it's
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family member about what you can do. there were conversations about if kushner has an office or if he uses a phone that could end up becoming a problem. they were trying to explore whether they could do it. whether he's in the white house or not in the white house he is always going to be incredibly important in running this government in some way or another. and we reported over the weekend how regardless of who had the chief of staff title, jared kushner was still in a lot of ways going to be the last stop. he's who trump knows best and closest in the triad. >> i talked to a former chief of staff under george w. bush yesterday. josh fulton who was saying you have to have clear delineations in a staff like that in the white house. it seems like this is being set up as the sort of troika. have we seen that? >> we have seen it in the campaign and trump corporate offices but not in the white house to this extent. i'd say that there is some analogy. it is not perfect. which if you look at the obama white house everybody would
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always say the chief of staff would be the balance of elroy jarrett obama's senior advisor and that would limit her role and 17 chiefs of staff later or whatever valorie jarrett was still there. so i think you saw some change there. but no, chief of staff manages the staff, does the hiring. it's very specific is it is not what we've seen in the trump world. i i've had a couple of people say to me what you know about titles throw it out. those don't mean anything to us. i think you are going to find some structures are far more permanent than they realize. >> kellyanne conway during the campaign, i guess was campaign director -- manager as official title. but in a way she was sort of chief spokes person she was on camera far more than any campaign manager. >> right. she was not out with the candidate really at all. except a time or two. and david bossie was the one inside actually putting together a lot of the strategy about how to run it. but kellyanne conway did what donald trump wanted her to do.
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that was to be on camera. >> title didn't matter. >> exactly. >> jeffrey? you worked in the white house. what do you think -- >> i think it is a great idea. what this reminds me of exactly is ronald reagan's troik ka. jim bakker as chief of staff, ed meese in counselor role and mike -- son to the reagans in the kushner role. every president has a jared kushner. sometimes in reagan's case if someone is like a son to them. it is an old friend. all the way back to wilson and fdr all the way through the kennedy administration and on to today with valorie jarrett. it is always something like that and always good for the president because he has ultimate trust in that person's loyalty and judgment. and it is a good thing. i happen too know him and think would be great in the job. >> back in the bush administration you had karl rove
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and -- but also chiefs of staff. not necessarily troika. people with president's ear. >> protocol is thrown out the window now. you have a businessman in the white house who's not going to conform and worry about what the press is saying. and i think the american people asked for that. so it's refreshing. he's going make it fun to watch politics again for all of us covering it. [laughter ] >> emma looks thrilled. >> are we having fun yet? >> all the talk, donald trump pushing back on "new york times" reporting saying look, things are going incredibly smoothly. everything is great with the transition. mike rogers who left yesterday who i talked to yesterday said look there are clearly some issues. he believes it is going to get worked out. he wouldn't go as far as to say knife fight or anything. but he said there are clearly some issues. >> there are clearly some issues. i had heard wednesday morning there is going to be a massive change in the transition. i couldn't nail it down but this is within 12 hours of them knowing donald trump was going to be the president.
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they had done very minimal transition work. christie had done the role that he was allowed to perform but basically donald trump did not treat transition particularly seriously. it wasn't because he wasn't focused on the job. he's supersticious. he doesn't look at this the same way. once it became clear that there was going to be a change in terms of he was going to be the president, they modulated their approach. i've heard from lot of of people. jared kushner and the chris christie have a notoriously horrible relationship based on christie jailing his father. from several sources. i don't think it was just one thing. many reasons why it happened. i think they were concerns for some people about the bridgegate verdicts. i think there were concerns about certain pieces of work been done and the presence of lobbyists on the transition team. a lot of that but it is more chaotic than in recent transitions.
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>> also the whole idea of loyalty to donald trump, time and time again, it comes back it seems to loyalty. >> that is so key to him. and i do think though with chris christie the bridgegate thing put him over the edge. i don't think it was motivated as much for jared kushner. he had already gotten past that. i think a lot past the thing with his father, the prosecution of his father. when he came for the first rival to come out for donald trump. look they have a complicated history no doubt, jared kushner and chris christie. but once bridgegate happened that was just a bridge too far, excuse the pun. and i do think once that happened chris christie had too much baggage. named vice chairman simply as a face saving measure. he will not have a role. in the new administration. >> all the lanes are closed off. >> exactly. >> bridge over troubled water. >> there's one other piece they missed and i heard this now the
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last couple days. trump himself was very frustrated with the christie after the "access hollywood" tape. >> he certainly -- >> christie made clear privately he thought he needed trump to deal with this differently. as did almost every person trump talked to when basically every person canceled sunday show appearances that sunday, rudy giuliani was the only person who went on tv and defended him and that is something that stayed with trump. >> we got to take a break. more to talk about in the next two hours. who knows maybe the next president will actually tweet something. you never know. barring that we'll go global and look at what's shaping up to be a very different four years. we have new reporting on the state of the transition as far as the rest of the world is concerned. and later my conversation with megyn kelly about her galvanizing moment during the first debate and how trump tried to make nice with her before he got not so nice on stage. "is that credit karma again?"
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and i'm a co-founder at she leads africa. i definitely could not do my job without technology. this windows 10 device, the touchscreen allows you to kind of pinpoint what you're talking about. which makes communication much easier and faster than the old mac that i used to use. you can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i don't know, it feels really cool. i feel like i'm in the future. but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. hillary clinton is expected to speak any minute. her first remarks since her
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concession speech. we'll bring them to you when she does. in the meantime donald trump takes pride in embracing a whole string of adjectives about himself. unpredictable. unprecedented. reveling in creating uncertainty. no doubt those characteristics served him well on the campaign trail but on the global stage as the most powerful person in the world he's got some unsettled because donald trump has wasted no time in breaking with convention. cnn's jim sciutto joins us. trump has broken with traditional protocol in the way he's contacting foreign leaders. what have you learned? >> no question. and some of this substantial protocol. i spoke with a diplomat from a close u.s. ally today who said in the wake of trump's victory some say they have have to reach out to multiple contacts before figure out who to speak to to arrange a call with a head of state. finally did more than a day after victory later in the queue than some other not so close allies and a little bit of diplomatic pique
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there maybe but a lot of genuine confusion about who they need to speak with in the trump administration. in addition the trump team has still not contacted the state department for help in these contacts and that is not just to just get the two leaders on the phone, say. but for the option of having briefings with the state department with the president elect before you have these phone calls to know what the key issues are before you begin those first key conversations. >> and does this have u.s. allies genuinely nervous? >> it is early i would say for them to be genuinely nervous. there is certainly confusion about who to contact in the campaign. but also just based on the candidate's statements during the campaign there is genuine substantive confusion about what a trump foreign policy looks like. you have the first meetings with the japanese prime minister tomorrow, japan is going to have the question did you mean it when you said you want to nuclearize asia?
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that you consider japan and south korea having nuclear weapons, breaking with decades of u.s. policy. and nato allies are going to want to know hoump donald trump wants to stand up to russia. and also did he mean it when he said the nato alliance is obsolete because these are countries depending on the nato alliance for their security. against what sthee as real and immediate russian threat. so those are hard questions that these questions and their close allies are going to want to have answered. >> we're going to take to freed zachary about this litter on. maggie your reporting about the difficulty some have had in trying to get in contact with trump. donald trump pushed back today saying he's talked to plenty of foreign leaders. not really responding to the idea they're hard to reach. >> this is a technique donald trump used throughout the campaign and will clearly use throughout the transition and i assume his presidency saying -- -- something that the story
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didn't actually say. and then get people to argue over that instead of what was actually said. what we said wasn't didn't talk to people but unconventional time reaching him. dialing up trump tower cold. reuters confirmed this on their own. there was some report on someone i think in australia about getting trump's cell phone from a golfer who knew trump. this is not normal protocol. and it's not that this is protocol for protocol sake. it is these are not secure lines. conversations taking place on what phones? the clinton campaign spent a lot of time to figure this out. how to handle calls from world leaders, not only campaign done that. again this is not just a campaign that wasn't expecting to win but they are still kind of stumbling into how to do this going forward. >> maria, that what it is? obviously you're a democrat not a trump supporter, is that what it is? the unexpected position they now find themselves in instead of
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playing catch up? >> i think that is part of it. and i think to be completely realistic, given that nobody there, at least trump himself has never been in government, i think we should give him a little bit of time to figure this out. i can't believe i'm saying this. but -- >> do you want to go over to this table? >> hang on. but i think the concern is that what we are seeing now isn't just sort of disarray because you need some time to figure things out. i think the bigger problem here is that because he likes to be unconventional, that really does foment uncertainty in the world stage. and with these world leaders. if he's unconventional about how to get even in touch with him, what is it going to mean for the relationships that he's going to need to continue to move forward on the global stage? and i think furthermore just quickly about the issue we were talking about earlier. unconventional is one thing. but bringing in your son-in-law
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and the whole lot of conflict of interests that trump himself has, i think that is the biggest concern for the american people and people that are looking at this as like "and you guys were worried about hillary clinton and the conflict of interest," are you kidding me? look at what's before you. we don't know what's in his taxes. we don't know what relationship he has with all of these foreign governments that he now perhaps owes tons of money too and he's going in the position to benefit them. and going to be in the position to implement laws >> and i can imagine some trump supporters sitting here and saying, you know, maybe a little fear on the part of folks over seas, allies overseas or uncertainty. maybe that is okay to kind of keep them on their toes. >> well i think the operative word there is allies. these are supposedly our friends. hopefully they shouldn't feel uncertainty or fear. i wish he would spend more time kbagt putin, isis, kim
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jong-un than he does combatting the "new york times." this is a guy in office now president-elect seven days and he's been tweeted repeatedly about the "new york times." stop being obsessed about a newspaper in the united states. they're not your enemy. there are people hacking into our electoral system that are our enemy. and you need to focus on that. i actually welcome the idea of a son-in-law coming into the white house. i prefer him to a white supremacist, antisemiite. >> but you are getting both. >> i think you need a trump whisperer, a manager. jared kushner, everybody know him tells me he's a very smart guy. very grounded, discrete, focused and serious. i think he's got his father-in-law's ear. if he can advise trump and discipline trump and contain trump without trump realizing
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he's being constrained and disciplined, that's a very good thing for america. >> also reporting is that is part of the role that steve bannon played in the campaign to try to get donald trump to not tweet some things and successfully do that. ault obviously brings with him a lot of other things. anna raises an interesting point about donald trump's obsession with media coverage and watching television and watching cable news. obviously reading "new york times" and reading all the reporting. most presidents, at least that i can remember in modern times have not done that. president obama talked about not really watching on a daily basis cable news. i think george w. bush didn't either. at a certain point does donald trump stop doing that? can he stop doing that? >> sure i think he can. >> really? really? >> when or without needing medication? >> wow >> the one thing i would say is presidents do -- president obama was whether he watched it or not was obsessed with fox news. he was obsessed with talk radio.
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bill clinton was obsessed -- >> they are critical of it. but not listening to it constantly. >> they are not responding to it. >> to have the president elect tweeting about the "new york times," tweeting about -- >> right. but i think that this is part of his appeal to be perfectly candid. i think that -- >> you don't see it as a slight character flaw for a president? a potential danger that your focus -- i mean -- >> no no seriously. >> i know a lot of famous people. i don't know of anybody who watches as much news about themselves and follows, probably has every magazine they are ever been on the cover of. >> i think it helped him to do that and structure his campaign and what he was going to talk about and etc. >> plus he was trapped on a plane a lot of the time honestly, when he was going to all these states. he really was trapped on a plane and watching it. >> plenty of candidates are and they are reading. >> this is true. i think he's going to become so busy he will have to stop watching quite as much television but it is very
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important to him -- >> -- to be in touch. i get it. >> he's got 4,000 appointments to fill. a chaotic transition is going on. how the hell can he not be that busy now? >> i think monica's point is really interesting. and maggie follow-up on it and jeffrey i think you mentioned this yesterday. twitter is a way for him to feel in touch with people. the large rallies, according to the "new york times," he wants to continue those. -- let me finish. it is a way for him to feel in touch with people and i guess watching the shows is as well. >> it is a way for him to feel that people are hearing from him directly. it isn't even just being in touch with people. people felt he was talking to them in this campaign. that's what twitter did, and what the rallies did. he communicated, regardless of what people think about the message, he communicated very specifically to people. >> let mer finish. >> i'm coughing so much.
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i'm barely getting through the sentence. but it was also a way for him to get around the mainstream media. what i think he's not figured out, i was thinking about this last week and again when monica was talking, i don't think he realizes yet what his days are going to be like. the days of the president are very different than those of a candidate. being on a plane, going from rally to rally. it was a lot at end, not always like that they are trying to impress that your life is about to change dramatically. so what he's doing right now doesn't necessarily reflect what we will see later. i just think the reality of the job will catch up to him at some point. >> we're about to hear from hillary clinton, her first remarks -- don't know exactly what she's going to say. we'll bring them to you and monitor them. do you expect her -- what role do you see her taking on? >> that is a great question, anderson. i think she's going to continue to be involved in all of the issues that she has cared deeply about her whole life. issues having to do with women. having to do with kids.
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perhaps some kind of global work. i'm sure she will be continuing to work with the clinton foundation. her voice will continue to be heard on a lot of things. >> -- foundation continues the pace as it has been. >> absolutely. that is my thought. >> especially now with no conflict of her -- >> right. and the tremendous work the clinton foundation has been doing from day one in terms of saving lives i think is something that should be something that continues from a global perspective. >> for those who oppose donald trump, you were never a trumper, what is the role you see for those people whether democrats or republicans, is there a time where they are waiting to give donald trump a chance and see what happens? or does the resistance continue throughout? >> both. look, i think on the one hand he's now the president of all of us. and if he fails we all fail. and the cost of failure is really scary. if he feels on national
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security, if he fails on detecting a terrorist attack, american lives could be in danger. it is a scary, scary thought. so we should all be hoping he succeeds that he has a good administration. that he can create jobs. that he can stabilize the economy and do good for the country. that said, if he doesn't. if he continues doing things like appointing perceived white supremacists and continues to not speak out on the racial attacks going on in the streets of america all over the country then hell yes we've got remain vigilant. i want him to be a good president but if he's not a good president i have every right like an american, every one of us does, to protest, to hold him accountable, to make sure that he is the type of president we as an american people deserve. >> two things. i've talked to people at the transition today and they are considering having him make a speech soon that does address the fears, the protests and that kind of thing. because he does need to come out
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and say i am going to be a president for all people. i understand there are a lot of fears. >> but he did say the night he won. but you are saying more substantive. >> yeah. i think the pressure is building to come out and say something. and i do know, in particular with jared kushner, that he is -- because he was one of the ones that helped draft a lot of his speeches during the campaign, that he's actually working on something that will -- he will discuss with his father-in-law that addresses that. a second thing in addition to what you said about the economy, not just national security but on the economy and wanting to bring jobs, yesterday you had ibm ceo, a female ceo of an iconic company, send him a letter to say i am willing to help you make this country stronger. and so i think it is going to be interesting now to see if he then touches back with the ceos in the business community that are willing to give him a chance. and i had lunch with a bunch of ceos yesterday.
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and they said to me, jared kushner was one of the people that gave them hope because they think he is a very calming influence on donald trump. and he is a bright guy. >> if he does do that. if he does do the speech which is something i mentioned he should do from the get go because even though his speech the night of the election was very magnanimous and gracious, five minutes of nice words doesn't make up for 15 months of insults which is a what a lot of these communities of color and women in general have felt his campaign was all about. and bringing in someone like bannon rubs salt in up a the wounds. if he is able to do that and does it in an incredible way, i think it is a good first step but it is just that, a first step. he has to back up the words with be the president of everybody, notice just those who brought him to the white house, with actions >> will he speak about steve bannon and the alt right and i
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got the feeling, no -- >> that won't happen -- >> what i think he should do and greatest contribution he can make here, stop this division of people into communities of color and all that. we're all americans here. and i think we have been divided repeatedly in different groups. >> those are pretty words and i appreciate you say them and i actually think you say them genuinely because i know you. here is a problem. he unleashed this. he was a dividing factor. he inserted it into the rhetoric. he has been talk about the division and dividing us into the mexicans and non mexicans and immigrants and muslims for the last 18 months it is now his responsibility to put it back together. >> hillary clinton is making first public comments since conceding the election. she's at the children's defense fund event in washington tonight. she's just taken the stage. let's listen in and see what her remarks are on. we don't have any guidance on what she's going to be talking.
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a let's just listen in. >> oh thank you. thank you, thank you. oh, it is so wonderful to be here with all of you on behalf of the children's defense fund. i was listening backstage as marion went through the 45 years that we have known each other and even reminded me of some things that i have not recalled. namely that this event was the very first event that my husband and i went to after he was elected president. and so it is especially poignant and meaningful to me to be here again with all of you. and i want to start by congratulating the terrific young people that we are celebrating tonight. [ applause ] you will hear more about each of
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them because each has faced painful challenges, violence and poverty, abandonment. but they never gave up. they never stopped reaching, never stopped dreaming and yes they have beaten the odds. they call troy the little poet who could. he's an artist on the basketball court and a flourishing writer in the classroom. and he dreams of becoming a film maker. bethany lived in one foster home after another. but with the help of a wonderful teacher and her own determination, she is thriving and hopes to become a doctor so she can care for others. carlos left a difficult childhood in guatemala, made to it america all by himself. then he took a second journey making it all the way to college
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where he is studying to become an engineer. janet's secret weapon is her beautiful voice and her musical talent. music had helped her overcome every obstacle that life has thrown in her path. and ujavelle, persevered through domestic violence at home and bullying at school and found her voice producing a student television show at school and now she has set her sights on becoming a journalist. >> we're going take a quick break and bring you any news from secretary clinton. up next megyn kelly and her new memoir. fox news anchor opens up about her controversy with donald trump during the campaign and a lot more. ugh. heartburn.
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keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. throughout their presidential election journalists were obviously a frequent target of donald trump. fox news anchor megyn kelly came under fire after the first republican debate, when asked trump about history of calling
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women a variety of names. the next day trump hit back hard in an interview with don lemon. >> you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever. >> for the better part of nine months trump and supporters slammed megyn kelly on twitter. shes with a called bimbo, donald trump retweeted that and worse. had to hire security. and she became part of the story in a way no journalist ever wants to. new book sharing this and more. i spoke with megyn this afternoon. >> start talking about the debates. first question you asked in the first debate, you had worked on it and your team had worked on it obviously for a long time. did you know what it was going to set off? did you know what would follow? >> no. i don't think i could have ever imagined what would come after that question. i knew he probably wouldn't like it, right? because trump had already shown himself to be a little sensitive to tough questions. >> he had already called you up.
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>> we had had a tough exchange on the monday before that thursday debate. he was angry about a segment i had done the prior week involving his divorce from ivana trump. >> allegations she had made during that divorce. >> she was claiming back in the divorce he had raped her. and she recanted and then the daily beast did a story reviving it and i put on the daily beast reporter to give him a hard time. 30 years old. she recanted. what are you doing? trump didn't like it getting any air time and he insisted i call him the monday before the thursday debate and when i did it did not go well. >> you said in the book he threatened you. >> he did. he was very angry i aired that segment. and i said look, i did you a favor. nobody was even telling the other side of this, they were just accepting this as the relevant story. and he didn't see that way.
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ultimately i said mr. trump, you don't control the story in the kelly file. he said that's it. you're a disgrace. you ought to be ashamed of yourself. and he said oh i almost unleashed my beautiful twitter account against you and i still may. and that was four days before the presidential debate at which i knew i was going to open with a tough question about women, not about ivana trump but about women. so going in i had some nerves because i had feeling he wouldn't like it. but i had to do my job. >> i want to play that moment just for -- not that every viewer in the world hasn't seen it already but let's just play it. >> you called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobz and disgusting animals, your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no it wasn't. your twitter account -- [ crowd noise ]
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>> thank you. >> for the record this was well beyond rosie o'donnell. >> you once told a contestant on "celebrity apprentice" could be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. >> honestly megyn, if you don't like it i'm sorry. i've been very nice to you. although i could be probably not based on the way you have treated me but i wouldn't do that. >> looking at it now? what do you think? >> what i thought in the moment that was a veiled threat and i understand why he was suggesting i hadn't been nice to him. i figured at time maybe come after me a bit on twitter and okay with that. this is in part of the nature of our jobs. sometimes politicians are unhappy about our job and we have to take it. so that's what i thought was going to happen. he's beating up on me pretty good in the days after the debate and then it started to take on a different tone and it started to have just different words and by, you know, the
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following night he was on with don lemon and made those blood comments. and that just changed everything in -- in the debate. you know, it was, i went to the beach to be with my husband and kids later that night. i saw don that night. normally i'm not watching him. i love don. we pre taped the kelly file and trump insisted he go on at 9:00 on cnn across from me. you let him on commercial free for 30 minutes and we still beat you. not you. it was don. that's when he made those comments. i got in the car to go to the beach after that, and i was looking through my phone and the internet lost its mind over these comments and i see politicians tweeting out "i stand with megyn." i'm like what the? presidential candidates and -- things would never be the same again. >> you had to get security. even to go to disney world with your family.
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>> we had security the whole year. the threat level got to high that it was impossible not to take that seriously. and i'm not walking around necessarily believing someone is going to try something but it was high enough. >> you write about it in the book that a fox executive actually said something to the trump campaign it would not be good for you if megyn kelly is killed. >> michael cohen, trump's top lawyer and executive vice president with the trump organization had retweeted let's gut her," about me. at a time when the threat level was very high. which he knew. and bill shine, executive vice president at fox called him up to say you got to stop this. we understand you are angry but she's got three kids and walking around new york. and he didn't much care. and what bill shine said to michael cohen, put in terms you understand. if megyn kelly get z killed it is not going help your candidate.
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>> the fact that an executive at your company, if that is an actual thought that's out there, a real concern is incredibly telling. >> there is no question that some of the tactics engaged in by those supporting team trump were questionable. michael cohen, did that. corey lewandowski specifically threatened me if i showed up at the second debate. hosted by fox news. which our executive vice president set said back to him, knock it off. you don't threaten our reporter, she will be there. and that was the one that trump skipped. and it went on from there. even right before donald trump won his online social media guy issued another threat saying wait till you see what happens to her after this election. >> you took that is a personal threat or a professional threat. >> i don't take it that seriously. it's trump's golf caddie who now runs his online services. trying to get my attention i guess. the point is these are not your normal tactics we see in
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presidential race unleashed against a journalist who asked a tough question. >> i don't think it would have made any difference but some in reading the book have criticized you for not revealing all of this conversation with trump before where he talked about unleashing his beautiful twitter on you, kind of holding on to that until the book came out. do you think it would have made any difference? >> no. i mean, do you think if the "access hollywood" tape didn't make a difference and the 12 female accusers didn't make a difference and the khan family and judge curiel, none of that mattered, that my -- he mentioned his beautiful twitter account was going to be a game-changer? my approach was i wanted to be honest in that i had received death threats and i had a guard and the level was getting a little dangerous but i didn't want to make it any more about me. trump kept trying to make it about me and the story was about him and hillary clinton but in the early days him and the other republicans.
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i write in the book that i felt like a human being who had been dropped into a shark tank and there were passers by looking in and slightly horrified at what was going on. and all i wanted to do last year was get myself out of the shark tank. and it was not going to help to chum up the waters more with -- and he did this and he did this and here is my reaction to that." i didn't want to be the story. even when the the blood comments other things, we didn't even cover it on the kelly file. just didn't even want to touch it. >> journalistically, on one hand these are facts that might persuade a viewer or inform a viewer. the flip side as journalist you don't want to be the story. >> exactly. and i think journalistically it wasn't a hard call for me. this isn't like someone came to me and said i want to tell you something that happened between me and donald trump. this is me. we're under no obligation to report our own personal experiences just because we also happen to be journalists.
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in that regard we're sort of half private citizen where it is up to us whether we want to reveal our personal stories. >> more of my conversation with megyn kelly ahead tonight. including this. >> i lost my dad when i was ten. your dad died as the sophomore in high school, and i hadn't realized that until i read the book. i'm wondering with that loss, did it shape the person you are now. did it change the person you were? healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. "w"i think we can finally get a bigger place."
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they say you shouldn't but your grand kids? how about front row seats to the best show in town. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. who says i shouldn't havmy doctor.very day? my dentist. definitely my wife. hey wait. we have better bubbles. make sparkling water at home and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water.
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it has been quite a year for megyn kelly. she's been a good part of the presidential campaign locked in a feud with donald trump after asking about his history making comments about women. there was word that roger ailes was forced to resign over allegations of sexual harassment. now her new memoir talks about it. the advancement that's she endured early in her career at trump was attack kelly on twitter relentlessly. here's part two of our conversation. donald trump was talking about how he can be presidential, however he wants.
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do you think he will change significantly? he's still tweeting. today against "the new york times." do you feel like you know what president trump will govern like? what he'll be like? >> no. i don't know. i'm fascinated to find out. a great story to cover. but you know, look. he is 70 years old. i don't know a lot of 70-year-old men who change from the way they used to be and i think generally past his prologue. so i think he will be very much the same although he might try rein himself in a little bit. hopefully with respect to some of his dicier rhetoric, he will be lifted up by the office. and i'm hoping that the power of it, and just the majesty of it, will appeal to his better angels. >> just briefly, we're almost out of time. the entire roger ailes harassment, not only toward you
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but to so many women there. it is hard looking from the outside in. to imagine that that could have gone on so long from the top down. i feel like, if that was happening here in this company, it is just a different set-up. i don't know that the top has that much power that it did under roger ailes. i saw something bill o'reilly said, i guess he is promoting a book saying, you could have gone to hr. it seemed like roger ailes controlled hr. and that's the situation many women face. it is not so easy to say, i'll just to go a superior and tell them. >> thank you for recognizing that. that's exactly right. and i lay it out in the book because i think this is a real problem of many companies and i want people to be on notice. i'm hoping ceos will hear this message and say maybe this problem in my own company and i have to provide a safe off ramp for women who are not feeling safe to report it. you have to have somebody
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outside of the company who doesn't depend on the ceo to his or her paycheck, the women and it can happen to men, too, to report. at fox news it is very true that roger ailes was very much a king of sorts. and this is all laid out in the book. he founded the koirnlg co-founded the company and he had loyalists placed throughout the company. and he demanded loyalty. o'reilly speaks of loyalty. that's the culture that roger demanded, that that should be placed above all other things and i would submit that is part of what created the problem we had for some time there. and i am very happy that now that has been addressed, and the actual owners of the company, the murdocks have come in. as soon as this was brought to their attention, they got rid of him and have created a new situation there where they've made very clear, they want
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people to be safe and feel safe. for what it's worth, they were ones who said you should include this chapter in your book. it is important. >> you and i share something in common. i lost my dad when i was 10. your dad died when you were a sophomore in high school. i hadn't realized that until i read the book. and there is a quote my mother says, a fatherless girl thinks all things are possible, nothing is safe. my mom grew up without a father. you had a father through much of your childhood. i'm wondering, that loss, did it shape the person you are now? did it change the person you were? >> well, i know you know the answer is yes, right? when you lose a parent at a young age, it just creates a void that can never be filled. you can go all over the world covering very dangerous wars. and it is still there. you can stand on top of the news business and it is still there. and i would love to say it has given me great perspective on the world and made me a better
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person and i guess to some extent that's true. but i would trade it all back to have one more day with him. i feel lucky that i had my dad until i was 15 and his imprint on me was made and is secure. i think about that with my own kids who are 7, 5 and 3. i worry about mortality, right? as do you if you have great loss at a young age. >> how old was your daughter when he died? >> he was 45. my age right now. >> my dad was 50 i always thought i would die by 50. >> that's how i feel. i'm 45 now. i turn 46 on friday. so i have a few more days. >> i think you'll be all right. >> i've been looking forward to my 46th birthday for that reason. but i think about mortality a lot. i think about mortality a lot. and the thing that i take away from it, anderson, is that no, really, could you die any day. and you can't waste one second of your time here. it is too short to be mired in controversy and acrimony, and
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sadness and i change my life to settle for more and try to do better for myself. and that's a gut check moment that i continue to do and i want others to do, to improve their own lives. because who knows? >> also, that you had had an argument with your dad and that was the last, you had this lasting image with him after the argument laying on the couch alone looking at the christmas tree and it was later that night that he died. that to me, i had to stop reading for a while there. >> it was very hard to write. it was one chapter of the book that i can't go back and read. it is upsetting. but yeah. we had an argument the night he died. and we almost never argued. he never had a harsh word for me. i was being a bratty teenage who wanted a nice class ring. i wanted a nicer one than we could afford. he told me we couldn't.
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i kept complaining. he turned and walked out of the kitchen. and it was the last exchange i ever had with my dad. i stormed up to my room and there he was sitting on the couch, staring at the christmas tree. i didn't say anything to him. i went into my bedroom. the next thing was my sister burst into my room and said wake up. daddy had a heart attack. he never revived. within three hours we were at the hospital next to his bed side and he was gone. >> megyn, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. i'm a fan. >> me, too. the book is settled for more. if you're joining us at the top of the hour. hillary clinton has just finished talking for the first time since her concession speech. she spoke in front of old and dear friends talking in front of the children's defense fund in washington. joe, what did she talk about? >> well, going back to her roots, really, anderson. the children's defense fund and hillary clinton go all the way back to 1973. this happens to be the
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