tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 16, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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kitchen. and it was the last exchange i ever had with my dad. i stormed up to my room and there he was sitting on the couch, staring at the christmas tree. i didn't say anything to him. i went into my bedroom. the next thing was my sister burst into my room and said wake up. daddy had a heart attack. he never revived. within three hours we were at the hospital next to his bed side and he was gone. >> megyn, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. i'm a fan. >> me, too. the book is settled for more. if you're joining us at the top of the hour. hillary clinton has just finished talking for the first time since her concession speech. she spoke in front of old and dear friends talking in front of the children's defense fund in washington. joe, what did she talk about? >> well, going back to her roots, really, anderson. the children's defense fund and hillary clinton go all the way back to 1973. this happens to be the same
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place that bill clinton gave his first speech after he was elected. so her remarks intended to be encouraging, never once actually uttered the name of donald trump. among the things she said, that she could admit, this was not the easiest thing. she wanted to curl up and not come out. then she said this. listen. >> i know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election. i am, too. more than i can ever express. but as i said last week, our campaign was never about one person or even one election. it was about the country we love and about building an america that is hopeful, inclusive and big hearted. i ask you to stay engaged. stay engaged on every level. america needs you. your energy, your ambition, your talent. that's how we get through this.
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that's how we help to make our contributions to bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice. i know this isn't easy. i know that over the past week, a lot of people have asked themselves whether america is the country we thought it was. the divisions laid bare by this election run deep. but please, listen to me when i say this. america is worth it. our children are worth it. believe in our country, fight for our values, and never, ever give up. >> hillary clinton agreed to give this appearance before the children's defense fund here at the newseum in washington, d.c. even before the election and still though, anderson, this is her first public remarks since the painful concession speech at the new yorker hotel the day after the election. >> so this was something she had
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already planned. even if she had become president, she would have still appeared at this event. and she pointed out tonight, i think this was the first one she and her husband bill clinton went to after he was elected. >> right. so if she had won the election, it would have certainly been an echo of something that happened all the way back in the early '90s right after bill clinton was elected. but wasn't meant to be. instead, this is more or less a swan song. an attempt on encourage her supporters in spite of that election where i think she told you there that many people she has spoken to are pretty much crest fallen. >> thank you very much. donald trump's transition is going so smoothly, just ask him. whether from his twitter fingers or his spokesman's mouth. that's the message all day. from outside trump tower, what
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do we know about the transition? >> reporter: we do have a little breaking news to pass on. in the last few moments we were able to confirm with a transition official that nikki haley, the governor of south carolina, will be meeting with donald trump tomorrow here at trump tower, along with other officials here. but i can tell you that governor haley is under consideration for the position of secretary of state, as well as other important positions. that's something we are learning in the last few moments. donald trump met with a number of critical potential cabinet appointees earlier today. he met with in addition to that general mike flynn, the retired general who was a part of donald trump's campaign. he is under consideration for national security adviser. that is also something that was discussed.
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what we're hearing from the trump transition, they held a conference call earlier this evening and they said during that call the transition is starting to deploy what they call landing teams at various agencies and departments around the federal government. critically tomorrow. they're arriving at national security agencies and departments of the federal government. so that is something that's starting to move forward as part of the trump transition. one thing we did hear earlier today. we saw those tweets. he said this process is going along smoothly. there were some bumps. one report we did hear is jared kushner, donald trump's son-in-law, was working behind the scenes, inside of the trump transition trying to root out people loyal top new jersey governor chris christie who was head of the transition. now it is mike pence.
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he was motivated as some sort of revenge mission. but i'm told by a transition source. they're pushing back very strongly saying that he was not doing that. so you can see that they're starting to put the puzzle pieces into place. they got into a late start. they weren't expecting to win the election a week ago tonight. they feel they are starting to move things forward. he is meeting with the form he secretary of state henry kissinger. other top officials tomorrow. >> we appreciate the update. sources say much of the transition turmoil involving kushner, he has reportedly over seeing chris christie's ouster. the trump campaign is pushing back on that including former house intelligence committee chairman mike rogers there have been a variety of policy reasons floated if they are. and another motivation and it
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might be down right shakespearean. chris christie once sent jared kushner's father to prison. >> in 2004, he game focus of a federal investigation. charged in a business sash attempt to silence a federal witness. it all stemmed from an accusation that kushner had been making campaign contributions using names of his employees so he could skirt the federal contribution limits. what makes this so interesting is that the man prosecuting kushner was then u.s. attorney for new jersey, chris christie. >> investigation has surrounded potential charges of federal criminal tax violations and violations of the federal campaign contribution laws. >> but there is a different and almost shakespearean dynamic. with chris christie and the kushner family now. charles kushner's son is jared,
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ivanka's husband. charles kushner, a democrat, often donated to democratic candidates. in 2002, his brother and his accountant filed lawsuits against kushner alleging financial irregularities. accusing kushner of evading federal limits on campaign contributions. kushner struck a deal agreeing to pay more than $500,000 in fines to the federal election commission. he admitted using the name of employees for contributions. he said he defrauded the irs by claiming charitable contributions as business expenses. in the course of that investigation, chris christie's team discovered something else. that charles kushner had attempted to blackmail a federal witness. using a prostitute as bait. >> when people under investigation decide to take the law into their own hands. to obstruct justice, to attempt to impede the rule of law, it's our obligation to act swiftly
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and surely to end the obstruction. >> reporter: christie charged kushner with the investigation. kushner had the sexual encounter videotaped and sent to to his wife, kushner's sister. >> under took this activity to gain leverage over the cooperating witnesses kushner pleaded guilty and sentenced to two years in prison. he served one year behind bars before sent to a halfway house. he was released in 2006. years ago, his son, jared, told "new york magazine" about his dad, his siblings stole every piece of paper from his office and took it to the government. all he did is put the tape together and send it. today jared kushner hasn't forgotten the man who put his father behind bars was chris
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christie and now he is exacting his revenge. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> fascinating back story. back with the panel now. how much of that past do you think has been resolved between them? obviously they were christie and kushner were working together through the campaign. >> they were. i've been told they clearly have a complicated relationship. that they put it behind them for the good of donald trump's campaign. kushner appreciated that christie came out first for donald trump as the rival, and, you know, a lot of people joked about christie coming out and kind of doing so publicly. >> there has been clearly purchasing christie from the administration. >> this is true. i've gotten in to the reporting of it to find out how involved as jared kushner been? my sources say it is less kushner and more people wanting
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christie out after bridgegate. that it was much more a fact that some of christie's staff was convicted of some of the staff members were convicted of, you know, causing the big tie up of the bridge. so, you know, i do think there's been this very interesting past between them over his father, but i don't think it is motivated -- now one thing i did confirm is jared kushner has been involved in the transition team in following his father in law's order, which is no more d.c. hacks. and christie had put in there a lot of lobbyists. he doesn't want lobbyists in there. i don't know if -- i don't think it was motivated for christie people as much as it was for stout. >> you have a story about kushner mulling over a role in the white house. you have been reporting on this. we now know nikki hailey coming tomorrow to trump tower, unclear
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what role she would play. >> i think the nikki haley thing is interesting to me. there was a tweet about floating nikki haley as the secretary of state possibly. this is after rudy giuliani was described by the front runner and lead. that's what i was told by sources in the transition and people close to rudy giuliani. rudy giuliani has been telling people he all but has this based on my reporting. i had to wonder when i saw this about nikki haley who did not support trump, critical of him during the primary, supported marco rubio, i wonder if he got frustrated seeing giuliani floated so strongly. trump has said he is keeping his own list of transition names and people shouldn't believe everything they are reading. he said he will collect from his children. but he has his own list. i think trump likes to feel in control of these things. even though in a transition you are assigning people to do this for you, i think trump likes to
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create his own process. >> trump has been your reporting about conflict within the transition team. >> you could have stopped the sentence pushing back on the "new york times" because i that's been a constant. i have been struck by the conference call they held earlier during our show that transition held a call saying they will do a lobbyist ban where anyone that comes to the transition will not be able to for five years. >> which is a big deal. >> it ties your hands in certain respects in terms of getting rid of lobbyists and in terms of the transition team. i have been struck by how on their heels for the last eight or nine days this transition has been. they have not had a clear sense of what message they want to drive, what they want to say their priorities are.
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i understand that trump is trying to get control of that but we have three days of stories about steve bannon and stories about transition chaos and they don't do a lot to grab hold of this and tell the country what they want to do. that's really what this is supposed to be about. >> it seems like in past transitions, and correct me if i am wrong, there are more daily updates and public face to the transition. >> sometimes that's true. i do think this is trump. things are going to be done differently. to say the at least. what you have a is august washington establishment of both parties that does things in what i can attest is a conventional, set fashion. he is, you know, in the drain the swamp mood going to be very different. this will come out in all kinds of ways from policy to process. >> if they really do ban people from joining lobbying firms for five years after, that's a major shift.
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>> that's fantastic for the american taxpayer. i call it the donald trump out of the beltway swagger. this guy is not going to conform or worry about what the media says. they are more focused on getting people to go in and make substantive change. >> the trump team announced they are going to have daily briefings, every day at 10:30 a.m. and will take questions from reporters. what do you make of this no lobbyists after five years? >> it's interesting. we pretend we have never seen it before. obama had the same policy when he came in. no lobbyists were allowed to be considered for positions. that changed somewhat. they had some exemptions here and there and then were criticized for it. that's nothing new. i think what you will see now is hopefully -- i think what people are worried about is it does look like chaos. jeffrey, you talk about how trump loves doing things
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unconventionally. there's a reason there's a procedure in terms of transition. he has to appoint 4,000 people. these are processes and procedures that are not convention for convention sake but legalities involved. there was an issue -- i think you reported this -- that part of what the holdup was they couldn't get their act together to sign the memorandums you needed to sign so obama's team could talk to the transition people on trump's team. that worries people. >> then does it put in to stark relief like rudy giuliani who has extensive business ties overseas who started as soon as he left office and continued up until recently? >> i'm biased about rudy giuliani. i happen to like him a lot. know him very well. i think careful what you wish for because you may get it.
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even if he is rudy and so many republican senators like him and he campaigned for them he will have to go through the scrutiny that anyone lobbying for a position would. he has a lot of foreign government and it will be an issue for democrats. and even some republicans like rand paul. >> we will focus on that later this hour. and talk to fareed zakaria how the rest of the world sees donald trump. and later, a fourth day of stories about steve bannon. look at his relationship with donald trump and how bannon has managed to get so close to the president elect. when coughing keeps your family awake. breathe easier with vicks vaporub. soothing cough relief that starts working instantly.
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countries acquiring nuclear weapons, joining hands with russia and syria. here to talk about it is fareed zakaria. it is interesting, as jim acosta was reporting on and the "new york times," as well, this idea that some are having a hard time figuring out who to talk to to get to donald trump. there was talk of a cell phone somebody had on the golf course. it's an odd situation. >> it's unconventional, like everything he's done. i don't think that one should make too much of the process issue. clearly, if somebody dunn have a background in government and doesn't know how the process works. >> and may not have expected to be. >> and may not have expected to win and therefore does not have a clear structure in place, that will work itself out. i think what is more worrying to
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the people i have been talking to abroad is what would he stand for? you have this odd situation where the president of the free world, the leading -- the world's leading democracy has been elected and the people who seem ecstatic are al-assad in syria who says trump will be a ally. the hungarian president, who is very liberal, populous nationalist, the government in poland, which has been trying to shut down or close media and independence of the judiciary in various ways. another made a statement saying maybe we will be able to restore our relations with the united states. >> and the people concerned have been germany, france. it's been very interesting to watch how the united states's closest allies have real
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concerns and con stern nation and some of the unsavory elements on the national scene are celebrating. i think trump can fix this but it is a worrying first sign. >> it is interesting how trump sees -- the way he talked about a lot of the relationships is transactional, opposed to necessarily from a national security standpoint or a historic standpoint. it's about a deal. it's about they are not paying enough. it's not an unfair situation. >> you put your finger on it. the people in europe i talked to, particularly eastern europe say exactly that. they say it seems the president of the united states views the western alliance as a series of transactions. the way we view it is an alliance based on shared values and policies.
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someone told me poland lost its independence twice and were wiped off the map. for us our security is guaranteed by the words of the american president. that deters russia. they could cross the border easily. what deters them in the sense the west will be united an the sense of unity and steadfastness has traditionally come from the president of the united states. it's interesting to see how merkel responded, the chancellor of germany to the election. she said, you know, this is great, as long as it is about shared democratic, you know, liberal democratic values. she was saying if you are going to be the leader of a free democratic world, we are delighted to be partners but that's the criteria. >> there has to be consternation, there is brexit and donald trump. and for merkel she's admitted as many as a million migrants in to
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the country in a lot of realms in germany that is not popular. you are seeing the rise of the right in france, as well. the notion the quest for change is not something that has stopped after brexit and donald trump. >> and this reaction to migration, which is at the heart of it, could unravel the entire western project. after world war ii, the united states helped to build this stable order in the western world that produced peace and prosperity. people forget france and germany went to war three times in the preceding 75 years before 1945. that has been put to an end was the united states imposed a order. i think they are worried if trump is a signal, and if you then have la pen, the nationalist far right party in france winning and these parties
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are nationalists and say we don't want to be part of europe and the western alliance. you will have an unraveling of the order built after 1945 an the europeans, particularly, look at it as one of their most cherished creations. this is something that has preserved peace and prosperity and allow people not to worry about the kind of wars that went on all the time. all of these things trump needs to worry about. the personnel and who he talks to on the phone first and second, that's much less important. >> thank you very much. much more breaking news. bernie sanders blasting steve bannon calling president-elect trump to revoke his is choice for chief strategist and now bannon may have flattered his way in to donald trump's inner circle and shaped his policy. "credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?"
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made of mr. bannon. a president of the united states should not have a racist at his side. unacceptable. >> the man sparked the backlash was chief of trump's campaign, head of breitbart news. bannon called it a platform for the alt-right. tonight how the relationship was forged. the "washington post" analyzed nine interviews trump did on the radio show before trump joined the campaign about an early supporter when trump seemed like a long shot. this clip from last november. >> we were telling people at the time, this guy, people are leaning forward in these audiences when he was talking. of course we were mocked, ridiculed. what are you guying doing? this is a joke. the sunday show, how they were laughing at me when i was saying this guy trump, this is going to be serious. it's good to see you are in the
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heat of combat now. >> i remember that well. often times with you, especially because i'd always mess up my hair when i put those big microphones around. i'd mess up my hair, which is fine but i remember you looked and said, boy those are big crowds you are getting. you have more than anybody else by far. >> the "washington post" david -- is joining me now. you see a breakdown of how trump operates behind closed doors and how he responds to some compliments, even basic things about the size of his crowds or poll numbers. >> yes, that's right. bannon often begins interviews by complimenting, you said his poll numbers or negotiating skills. he said i know you are a great opportunity of military history or strong, tough guy, you deal with the toughest people. that's something we have seen stern do and a good way to get
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trump talking and ingratiate wours. it works better with him than most people. >> i remember in the early days when i interviewed trump, he would -- if they didn't start off by asking or pointing out the poll numbers or crowds he would be annoyed and he would bring up the poll numbers. i remember once i started about asking about the latest poll number that wasn't as good as a poll number that had come out earlier that day and he pointed out i was focusing on the newer opposed to the better number. >> that's right. you see in these conversations what we have seen from trump for a long time. he values affirmation and constant affirmation. i think we see -- these were radio interviews done over the air. you can see the way that bannon influences trump behind the scenes. he begins with the affirmation of trump's success, his personal qualitities and strengths and knows what trump values in his self image and plays those up to
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open the conversation. >> one thing i have said -- i enjoy interviewing donald trump and like the give and take with him and that he sits down interviews and answers questions, least did early on, unlike some politicians that answer the question you wish. you can ask a hypothetical and he will go for it. sometimes he shouldn't but i credit him for that. but i want to play a piece of sound in which bannon asked on his statements about closing down mosques after the paris attacks in 2015. >> you got blowback from saying you may have to shut down mosques. were you saying you need an nypd television unit. >> at a minimum. we have to start that up again in new york and elsewhere. >> i guess you are not prepared to allow an enemy within try to tear down this country. >> that's right. that's not going to happen. if i'm president it is not going to happen. >> as you point out, it seems as
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if bannon is giving him the answer in asking the question. coaching him on policy and in realtime -- which we have seen other interviewers do, as well. >> that's right. you can see in several instances bannon recognizes trump has said something that is in politic, going to get him in trouble and he steers trump to the more palatable outcome. trump had said the night before you have to shut down some mosques. so bannon's question is did you mean you have to shout down mosques mosques? and bannon is like did you mean you have a conflict of interest, can you reassure you don't have a conflict of interest? he is telling what what would be better to say. >> i think about chris matthews interview. talking about abortion.
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he said you don't think abortion should be legal or up to the states. do you think that women should be punished who have abortions. or should doctors be punished was bu because he didn't raise that as a possibility he just latched on in the one thing that matthews gave him which is punish women. i wonder if in a bannon interview -- he tosses him a lifeline in asking the question. fascinating to break it down as you have. >> that's right. some cases in which he frames an issue, sort of an odd arbitrary way. one he says do you think we should fight climate change or isis. >> either or. >> i don't think anyone thinks it is a binary choice, one or the other. it is an interesting insight in to the way bannon or anyone else can frame questions for trump that doesn't come with a lot of knowledge or pre-existing
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opinion. >> thank you so much. ahead given the nikki haley news, the red flags that may keep rudy giuliani from getting the job offer. osec otc 7 years , 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed
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breaking news tonight south carolina governor nikki haley under consideration for secretary of state and is so is rudy giuliani. will his success in business world keep him out of the cabinet? drew griffin tonight has more. >> reporter: rudy giuliani wants to be secretary of state and rudy giuliani thinks he's better than the other choices. yes, someone asked. >> anyone better? >> maybe me. i don't know. >> he is direct, an unabashed supporter of donald trump and not afraid to repeat and double down on the rhetoric that left no doubt where the president elect stands on the issues. >> islamic extremistis terroris, you know who you are and we're coming to get you. >> his temperament is coming in to question. so are his business ties across the globe. not a direct comparison because
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rudy giuliani was a private citizen, but the same kind of ties that rudy giuliani found problematic when he labelled clinton foundation and secretary of state clinton as engaging in a play pay to play scheme. >> it is a racketeering enterprise. >> turning the state department for a play for pay operation. >> reporter: he rose to national prominence on september 11th, 2001 and became known as america's mayor but the fame failed to catapult him to a higher political office, despite running for president in 2008. what it did do is make rudy giuliani rich. he traveled the globe,ing making big dollar speeches, gaining security consulting contracts with foreign governments and foreign entities including some countries that aren't always on the best of terms with the u.s. a list of clients and countries.
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his law firm represented the subsidiary of the oil company. and it adds up to a tremendous amount of making money overseas but his political experience is limited to an american mayor. >> he was a good mayor of new york city but has no foreign policy experience. further more, his experience has mayor and what he has done since has raised serious questions. >> like his support and acceptance from an kpield iranian group considered a terrorist organization once. the nek as it is known as gotten support from both democrats and republicans over the years and secretary of state hillary clinton removed the request group from the state department's list of terrorist organizations but rudy giuliani took money from the group, and that could be raised as a conflict of interest. >> using the u.s. to overthrow the iranian regime.
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if he is continuing to take them seriously, whether because he was paid by them or because he thinks they have good ideas, that's extremely dangerous for american policy. >> reporter: the bigger issue critics worry about is rudy giuliani's temperament. on the campaign trail, giuliani would say anything, on voter fraud he said -- >> dead people generally vote for democrats. >> reporter: on trump's economy? >> don't you think this man who has economic jean sougenius is than a woman. all she will produce is fbi checking out her e-mails. >> a good campaign surrogate but is it the temperament needed as a secretary of state. >> one of the reasons rudy giuliani is popular is he's direct, like donald trump. one of the reasons i think donald trump likes the idea of rudy giuliani as secretary of state is you will get a foreign policy that looks like donald trump. it will be loud. it will be direct.
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it will be in your face, but it will also be, like donald trump, inexperienced, compromised by prior business ties and comes with a lot of prejudices. something different, a story about donald trump and real estate. he won the battle for the white house but three luxury apartment buildings in new york have lost his names after a move by residents. >> reporter: residents in three manhattan apartment buildings voting against trump and winning, thanks in part to a petition signed by hundreds of supporters the luxurious new york city high-rises are dumping the trump name from the building e exteriors. >> construction workers were seen replacing the letters and carrying them in to the building. in one address, plywood covers where the letters used to be and at another a power washer scrubs
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away the dirt left behind. >> i saw the doorman changing their wardrobes to new yumunifo that don't have the trump symbol on it. >> she said she would have signed the petition had she known about it. >> i would have because i feel it goes hand in hand with my vote. >> reporter: the petition states residents are "embarrassed to be living in buildings with the name trump place emblazoned in front." . one of the petition's authors. >> he is racist, anti-feminist, anti-immigrant, he's anti-everything except one person and that is donald trump. that's why it is was important to his his name removed. >> reporter: as the street turned construction site attracted tourists taking pictures can some new yorkers scowled at the site like this man who didn't want to give us his name. >> the election is over.
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we elected the next president of the united states. we should be patriotic. we should stand behind him. >> reporter: workers are replacing the trump name with the street address. when we reached out to the management company equity residential to ask about the name change they didn't get political at all. they said the contract between the firm and the trump organization simply ran out. in a statement a company spokesman said assuming a more neutral identity will appeal to all current and future residents. >> they are trying to separate the political side from the business side. >> reporter: the residents who signed the petition don't care about the reason, as long as those golden letters are gone. >> we are joined from trump tower here in new york. you have been in other trump branded properties. what are they telling you? >> there's a building neighboring those high-rises. it still has the trump name and those letters aren't coming down because the trump organization still manages that building.
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that particular property has homeowners, they own those apartments, and i talked to one of them today and she said being identified with trump lowers her property values. she thinks it is bad for her pocketbook and plans to take it up with the building soon. it is possible we may see more letters in the near future. >> up next, why donald trump won bigger in one texas county than any other nationwide. when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time to help those that need it. the ability to collaborate changes how we work. what we do together changes how we live. [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows.
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on election night, donald trump continued a transition in texas. in 1980, it started with ronald regan .an's victory. gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: here in the texas panhandle, in roberts county, donald trump is very popular. >> he stand for the working americans. and that's middle class. and that's a lot of us. >> reporter: very, very popular. >> i think he's just a true, a true honest man. >> reporter: matter of fact, this could be considered the most pro trump county in america. 95.3% of voters here cast their ballots for donald trump, the highest percentage of any county this the nation. >> reporter: only 20 people this this tiny county voted for hillary clinton. this is the county see. it's pronounced miami. we meet a customer and trump
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voter jenna anderson and ask about protests a turned country. >> i respect their right to protest if they keep it peaceful. >> reporter: but others don't appreciate it. >> it breaks my heart to think there is others who have to do this to get attention. >> ridiculous. >> reporter: the loyalty is deep here in miami. many willing to cut trump a break if campaign promises don't happen, such as a border wall. >> i think he thinks he wants to get mexico to pay for a wall. >>er does that bother you about the candidate that you chose when you never thought it could happen in the first place. >> no, because to him -- he is still saying he is going to do it. >> when trump says i'm going to bomb the hell oust isis, do you expect him to keep that promise.
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>> i expect him to tighten the situation. don't matter to me as long as they are not on our soil. >> reporter: and as for investigating hillary clinton. >> i would be disappointed if he didn't. >> reporter: he promised to repeal obama care. is that important to you? >> yes. >> reporter: the other day he said he would be keeping parts of it, would that bother you if he goes back. >> yes, that would be disturbing if he goes back on it. >> reporter: the me who you voted for on election day? >> hillary. >> you voted for hillary? >> yes, that's the first time we voted democrat in a jillion years. >> shirley williamson is one of the 20. she said she liked that clinton has political experience. >> reporter: how hard is it to vote for hillary clinton in
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roberts county, texas. >> it's hard. >> reporter: has anybody given you a hard time about it? >> nobody knows. now they will. >> gary when was the last time roberts county went blue in a general election. >> years. in 1976 gerald ford won in text but lost in robertsdown. it wasn't until way back, 1948, the last time that roberts county wanted a democrat. that was democrat harry truman over republican thomas dewey. that was the election with the erroneous headline in the tribune, dewey his truman. >> we'll be right back.
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quick reminder. special programming tomorrow night and friday night. it is a look inside both campaigns through the eyes of the correspondents who covered them. >> the name calling, you know, it is a one of those things that we all looked at each other and just thought what the hell is going on? why is this presidential candidate giving nick names to his rivals. little marco, lying ted and so forth. what happens when you get out on the campaign trail and talked to people at these rallies they
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hillary, lying ted, little marco. and you know, it is sort of a genius way of branding. instead of branding himself he was branding his rivals. >> unprecedented inside the trump campaign. that's tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern. then inside the clinton campaign on friday night at 9:00. that does it for us. cnn tonight with don lemon starts now. this is cnn breaking news. >> here is the breaking news right now. hillary clinton making her first public speech since losing the election to trump. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. clinton speaking at an event in washington just a short time ago saying this to her supporters. >> our campaign was never about one person or even wu one election. it was about the country we love and about building an america that is hopeful, inclusive, and big hearted. >> and tonight we are waiting the first announcement of
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