tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 18, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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remain safe. parts of fifth avenue, several lanes are close. but mr. de blasio also said they will be talking wbt the federal government to see if they can get partial reimbursement for some of the over time out here because it is a huge undertaking. >> and this christmas season just getting ready. that's it for me. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next. breaking news. trump settles the trump university fraud case for $25 million. the man who said he never sets finally backing down. and testimony hardliners, the national security team. sun says islam a cancer. are they the right men for the job? and ivanka sitting in on a meeting with trump and the prime minister. why didn't team trump want you do see it? let's go "outfront."
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i'm erin burnett. "outfront" on this friday, the breaking news. donald trump sets. the president elect agreeing to pay $25 million to settle three lawsuits against trump university. the now defunct for profit business school trump created in 2005. students say they were fooled by the program. former teaches weren't hand picked as advertised. and those students going to get half their money back. pretty stunning. this comes as trump announces three key members of his national security team tonight. retired lieutenant general mike flynn for national security advisor. alabama senator jeff session for attorney general and kansas congressman mike pompeo for director of the cia. seen as the signal that trump intends to follow through on more hot button campaign issues specifically regarding the war on terror and immigration. the selection of the three facing major criticism as trump's motorcade arriving at his golf resort in bed minster
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new jersey. this is moments ago. a 55 mile drive from trump tower. trump expected to spend the weekend there with some crucial meetings. phil mattingly is outside. and the breaking news on trump university. he denied. and he died. and now people what went to trump university are going to get a lot of money. >> specifically many march he said he wouldn't settle this lawsuit. well he has. he settled a handful of lawsuits. the campaign itself not talking about this. but the trump organization did put out a statement. and as you noted they have made repeatedly clear donald trump did not admit any wrong doing. what he did do is agree to pay $25 million. the trump organization is pointing to the fact they thought they could still win the case but needed to clear the decks for the president elect. and that is an important moment. a crucial thing to co-and we saw why today. donald trump shifting the focus away from anything going on before his presidency and now
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looking to his future administration. today the focus on national security. >> lock her up. lock her up. >> reporter: loyalists, hard liners, now the core of president elect trump's national security team. the choices reveals the next administration's security posture. one defined not by a pragmatic move to the middle but instead by a move deeply into the conservative orthodoxy. >> i'm told donald trump this is a campaign. this is a movement. >> reporter: jeff sessions a crucial voice inside the team and his first senate endorsement now in line to be the next attorney general. >> we need to bring back big time leadership and that is donald trump. >> michael flynn's, trump's closest campaign military advisor and former head of the defense intelligence agency is national security aed vierz. and congressman mike pompeo, member of the house intelligence committee and harsh critic of hillary clinton now in line to
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be cia director. the picks provoking a chorus of cheers from top capitol hill republicans. >> jeff sessions will bring back integrity to the united states department of justice. >> reporter: and near universal caution or outright concern from democrats. >> it is really getting more and more disturbing. and clearly that donald trump is not trying to bring the country together with the moves he's making right out of the gate. >> reporter: for trump an unquestionable ramp up of the pace of his transition. so called landing team of advisors and transition team staff arriving at the justice of defense and state departments today. and the quickened pace expected to continue in the days ahead while trump heads out of new york city to his golf course in bed minster new jersey, the meetings with top candidates will follow. 2012 nominee and harsh trump critic mitt romney, potential education secretary michele rey and james maddis all scheduled for saturday sit downs with the
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president elect. some question whether trump's sit downs are simply head fakes to soothe critics who say he's not reaching out. trump's team says this is the new reality. >> the president elect wants the best and the brightest. he's going meet with people who supported him. who debate support him. republican, democrat, independents. but most of all these conversations start off as just that. a conversation to discuss people's ideas and thoughts and get their opinions. >> and erin, ab interesting element here. i was e-mailing back and forth with republicaned a viers trying to get a sense what they thought about the picks today and one made a good point. if you are surprised by any of these three picks you weren't paying attention the last 18 months. this is exactly the type of security team donald trump campaigned on. however he left trump couple hours ago to bed minster. we've been playing attention to this big meeting with mitt romney. and michelle ree, james madison
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and the also betsy deboss. could be in the mix for defense secretary or --. >> phil, thank you very much. and donald trump in a tweet tonight talking about men and women in his cabinet. responding to criticism that it's been men so far. but you saw his meeting with some women this weekend. jim sciutto is "outfront" and democrats are coming out strongly against the picks we got today. particularly michael flynn who actually worked for president obama. >> director of the defense intelligence agency. he said he was pushed out because he spoke truth to power, islam, terrorism. but i've spoken to officials, lawmakers who were involved at the time when he was forced out. they tell a very different story. they say his management style antagonized officials, people from both parties and that is why he was forced out. not to tell you, i have spoken to officials, and lawmakers. they uniformly prison him as the
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military commander. credit him with turning around the fight with al qaeda and iraq and afghanistan but it is since then as the manager as a official as well as the opinions he's expressed since leaving the military that concern them. >> and the opinions are crucial here. one of the key controversies surrounding him is his comments on muslims as you indicated. including a tweet in earlier this year. he feeted fear of muslims is rational. please forward this to others. the truth fears no questions. it included a link to a video that was extremely controversial accusing islam of enslaving people. does he stand by this? >> he does. he's doubled and tripled down. and tweeted other offensive things and made speeches. he's declared islam is not a faith. it is a implement ideology. he's dismissed the entire religion, which is beyond controversial. it is offensive. and i don't hear that, certainly not just from muslims. i hear it from democrats and republicans. i hear it from military commanders who spent much time
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in the middle east and worked alongside. keep in mind many of our allies are muslims. sitting member of congress who was just on our air. many of our police officers. so this is a truly offensive position. and it is something that he's not backed down from. >> jim sciutto thank you. and "outfront" tonight the former secretary of homeland security under president george w. bush, thank you so much for your time tonight. you are a long time republican. a contentious history with hillary clinton but you came to terms with that. you voted for her. you said you were worried about trump's temperament and at one point actually called him hysterical. he's now going to be president of the united states. has your opinion of him changed at all? >> first off i have to say i have to take my hat off to him. he demonstrated ability to read the mood of the american public that confounded the data crunchers and you have to give him some credit for that. i also have to say obviously i
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reacted to donald trump on the campaign trail. but since the election, i think he's demonstrated a more measured and more inclusive approach. it is still early and obviously he hasn't even started in office yet. but at least i'm encouraged that what we're hearing seems to be sober, disciplined and appropriate. >> and that is significant. you will see you say. but that is what you have seen so far. obviously one of the only ways we have to judge him right now are the choices, the picks he's makings for these crucial position ms we just had this report on general flynn who has come under fire for things he said, particularly about muslims. i just quantity to read again one tweet. he said fear of muslims is, in all caps, rational. please ford this to other. the truth fears no questions. and then included a link to a video claiming --.
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does that give you any pause? >> obviously any statement someone makes you have to consider. but i'm very reluctant to regard tweet as the real measure of what a person thinks. i don't think a 140 characters is how you express a complicated set of thoughts. i think in this case, look. the vast majority of muslims are innocent people. they only want to do the right thing. there is an ideology of radical islamism however which has generated terrorism and we have to be honest and confront that and that was the approach we took when i was in office with the bush administration. so the key will be as things actually -- as the rubber actually hits the road, will there be a considered good judgment approach to this issue? or are we going to get a lot of rhetoric. and something americans are rightly concerned about but we have to wait and see how it plays out. >> and you point to the crucial
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distinction between radical islam, which is a problem. the president of france talks about how he's at war with radical islam. and the religion of hundreds of millions of more than a billion people. flynn didn't just tweet about it. he also talked about it in his speech this summer and i wanted to play just a little clip of that for you to get your thoublgts. here is he. >> islam is a political ideology, a political ideology. it definitely hides behind this notion of it being a religion. it is like cancer. i've gone through cancer in my own life. so it is like cancer. and it is like a malignant cancer in this case. it has metastasized. >> that speech was from august of this year secretary. given that he said these things, does he, does donald trump have a responsibility to the muslim community to say we're going to govern differently? or we actually believe those
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things? >> i do think as president donald trump is going to have to address the muslim community. and a major part of what we need to do to fight back in the ideology of terror is to enlist the community in helping. and we've seen over time most muslims want to be helpful. they are losing their own sons and daughters to these terrorists. i was in iraq and afghanistan. i swore in residents who came from the region who were fighting for the united states. i hope the president will make it clear early on that the vast majority of muslims are loyal to america and we ought to root out together those others. >> and i want to statistic you about one other person here. jeff sessions. picked for attorney general. you have known him a long time. he's being criticized by a lot of people, including chuck schumer for comments he made in the past using the "n" word. joking about the kkk.
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you know him. what is your view on who he is now? >> there are all kind of allegations about comments 30 years ago which i have no knowledge about. i can tell you, dealing with him, particularly when he was a senator, i didn't always agree with him but i found senator sessions to be knowledgeable, smart, willing to engage and willing to listen. and people i know who actually were closer to him really willing to vouch for him for being someone whose not carrying any kind of racial animus. they will get opportunity to question him about his views in his confirmation hearing and i think rather than picking over allegations that are 0 years old, they ought to ask forthrightly what are his views on the critical civil rights issues that we face today. >> thank you so much for your time tonight. now i want to bring in david ge gergen. you heard sblgt chertoff there.
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he thinks donald trump needs to address the muslim issue directly. what is your take on these choices today? specifically general flynn? >> i have great respect for michael chertoff. i do respectfully disagree with him about the direction in which mr. trump has gone. we want to be fair minded and open minded but having said that i think we can begin to make judgments about what direction he's taking. and every single would have been his appointments has been on the outer edges with exception of his new chief of staff, has been on the outer edges of the conservatism. people considered pretty extreme in their views. and i can just tell you that i can't george w. bush actually appointing these people.
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i can't imagine certainly his father. and ronald reagan nominated --. i think in all of these cases there are things they have said. sessions maybe 30 years ago, he disagrees with or what's being charged of him. but i think the only fair way to do this is consider his whole record. let's look at what's happened over the last thirty years. give it scrutiny. but i think what we do know is that donald trump is selecting people who have extreme views. they really want to focus on going after isis and in their view that means going after, maybe having a registry for muslims. doing other things. they want to go after the people here who are unauthorized or undocumented folks here who are. and donald trump wants to get at least two to three million of them out of the country because he said they have committed crimes, all the other serious studies of this say that the numbers are much much smaller than that. so we're heading down a road
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right now this validates and will please many of the people who voted for him. but i will tell you it's got a lot of other people. they were fearful after the election. now they feel that their fears are validated. this is exactly what they were worried about. >> well next, will one man probably change that? mitt romney talking about trump. going to meet with him tomorrow but here he is on trump during the campaign. >> trickle down racism. tricken down bigotry. trick p down misogyny. all of these things are extraordinarily dangerous. >> would they possibly work together now? plus more on the breaking fluz at this hour. trump settling the trump university fraud suit. apparently everyone who went to trump university is going to get at least half their money back. pretty stunning for a guy who said he didn't do anything wrong. and among the challenges for the secret service, the all glass building on a crowded city street in manhattan and protests
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growing in cleveland tonight. what's going on here? i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning.
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if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. shhh! dog, dog, dog. we are just hours from a highly anticipated meeting between the president elect donald trump and mitt romney. the men were bitter enminutes. that is an understatement md they hated each other during the campaign. now in a stunning reversal they are actually going to sit down and the conversation could include the conversation of romney having the pivotal job, the secretary of state title. tom foreman is "outfront." >> donald trump is a phony a fraud. his promises are as worthless as the degree from trump university. >> every way, every day throughout the election mitt romney showed contempt for donald trump and the presidential candidate returned the favor. >> the last election should have
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been run except romney choked like a dog. he choked. he went i can't breathe. >> reporter: at the convention to crown the new gop nominee, the former pick was conspicuously absent having repeatedly damned trump's statements. >> trickle down racism trickle down bigotry, misogyny. all of these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of america. >> the candidate always tweeted back, he had a chance to be a failed president. now he calls me racist. and romney always pressed on. >> it is not a matter of policy. more a matter of character and integrity. >> however policy is part of it. especially foreign policy. >> the cold war has been over twenty years. >> reporter: critics ridiculed romney in 2012 for his worries about russia. but now even after russia's land grab in ukraine and hacking of
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computers. >> donald trump says he admires vladimir putin. at the same time she's called george w. bush a liar. that is a twisted example of evil trumping good. >> reporter: on immigration the candidate talked of building a wall. romney talked of opening doors. >> my party is pro legal immigration. massively. >> and on remakesing swshl trade deals, romney said trump's plans would lose jobs and spur a new recession. >> wait wait wait. suspect he a huge business success? doesn't he know what he's talk about? no he isn't. and no he doesn't. >> reporter: trump clearly heard the complaints and had it. >> i backed him. you can see how loyal he is. he was begging for my endorsement. i could have said mitt, drop to your knees. he would have. >> reporter: apparently so had romney. >> these things are personal. these -- i love this country. and seeing this is breaking my
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heart. >> reporter: in short these men have disagreed on so much it is impossible to imagine what they are going come to terms on now. after all it is hard to let birth argumen bitter arguments be water under the bridge already and even harder if you find out the bridge was burned long ago. >> as that piece seems to indicate. thank you very much tom formen and formeneman and foreman "outfront" now. my panel. this was a stunning piece. this was constant and it was virulent. they are now meeting together. mitt romney is having his name floated as possible secretary of state. is romney gift of flip-flopping
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here? could he everyone consider that when he clearly meant what he said? >> it is more than a flip-flop. i think of the walking dead and --. but that said, you know, it was actually at this set when i was watching the interview with mitt romney and he talked about trickle down racism. trickle down misogyny. it is not enough to forgive the 47% comment but okay mitt i'll give you a little leeway trying to push donald trump back. for him to potentially turn around and make the complete 180 and capitulate to a donald trump so me is absolutely stunning. from donald trump's point of view i think, you know, this is what he wants. he has no compunction about taking someone like a chris christie who's incredibly loyal, pushing him to the side and then saying to one of his strongest rivals, look, you need to come to me. and heal to some extent. and to me that is stunning. >> get down on your knees as he
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said. but this is very serious as you point nout knowing mitt romney o well. this was mitt romney. he meant every word. >> the concerns are genuine. no question. and those concerns remain but the election is over now. we are in a different phase of the year. and the reality is this. donald trump has invited mitt romney for a meeting because he's trying to figure a way to govern. and mitt romney is a patriot so he's going to do what he can to help trump succeed. this is not a secrete to anybody. after the election there was mitt romney tweeted in a favorable way towards donald trump. and governor romney is one of the most gracious persons i've met. so it doesn't surprise me at all that this is about helping the president elect govern. it is not about forgetting about all of the issues that there were in the campaign. because there were issues and
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there are policy differences, don't get me wrong. but this is about governing. >> is this inconsistent. this is the tough thing. there is patriotism, if you are mitt romney and then there is deeply devout religious man who has convictions about another man. can he go work for him? can he go execute his foreign policy? especially when we see the people who were named today to lead that foreign policy? >> that is the key question. for mitt romney. this is someone playing to the base with three out of four nominations to date. bringing on board mitt romney would help that. but trump might need romney more than romney needs trump. and mitt romney may rationalize by saying this is a chance to serve my country and represent my country. the problem is neftably he has to represent donald trump's policies. that gap will ultimately become
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untenable. >> there is also this issue of the loyalty. you heard donald trump talk about mitt romney, having no loyalty. there is nothing more important to donald trump than loyalty. here he is just a couple of times on the campaign trail. >> there's never been the loyalty that we have. >> i have the most loyal people. >> this guy is so loyal. >> very very loyal. >> he's been loyal to trump from day one. >> and she's so loyal and so amazing. >> do you believe he really can bring himself to pick mitt romney for secretary of state? >> i think he will do what he thinks he needs to do to build a good team. but the loyalty is obviously important. i would say not just for donald trump but for any president of the united states. president obama -- >> -- reagan, he picked people who are very nasty to him. >> right. but vice president bush was his opponent. but he was very, very loyal to president reagan throughout the entire eight years there. so that is key when you are operating in the white house.
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it is important to remember that one person got elected president. it wasn't mitt romney. it is not some member of the white house staff. it is not anybody else. it is donald trump. so either you are there to support his view of the world and it doesn't mean that you can't, you know, have differences and all that sort of thing. but if you can't do that, don't do the job. >> yeah, look if you took -- hillary clinton ran a bitter campaign against barack obama, but she didn't call a midsogynit misogynist. >> for someone who talked a big game about loyalty that does seem to be missing. chris christie sacrificed his reputation in some respects to be the first to back donald trump and he seems to be unceremoniously purged from the campaign. and certainly no surrogate as trump said on election night did more than rudy giuliani and they seem to be shopping -- >> -- >> yeah. and look who knows how that will
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turn out but if you are going to talk a big game about loyalty, stand up for the people who have been loyal to you and follow through. >> this is going to require i think both -- if it is going to go anywhere it is going to require both gentlemen to do things they have not done before. it is going to require both gentlemen to set some things aside i think. for trump it is clearly going to have to be he's going to have to overlook the loyalty issue in this case because he believes country has to come first. and for governor romney country has to come first over all the -- >> i got to leave there it. next one of the biggest draws in new york. it always used to get a lot of tourists. but it is a whole new game now. the secret service keep trump save in his own home. >> senator sessions overseeing the justice department should send chills down the backs of anyone with good faith in this country.
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kung la is "outfrontyung lah is" >> reporter: the wait is over for some who say they now see the real donald trump. >> whether you are talking about wide spread surveillance or deportations or denationalization. >> this becomes more real. >> yes. absolutely we have to accept their rhetoric. we can't wait until the policies are rolled out. these people represent that mentality. >> talking about trump's national security appointments. muslims most concerned about retired army general michael flynn. >> radical islamists and failed tyrants. >> reporter: offered the role of national security advisor. he said this over the summer. >> this is a political ideology.
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it definitely hides behind this notion of it being a religion. >> reporter: for african americans their main concern, alabama senator jeff sessions nominated for attorney general. >> senator sessions overseeing the justice department should send chills down the backs of anyone of good faith in this country. >> reporter: look at history says robinson. in 1986 during senate judiciary hearings as sessions sought a federal judge position, testimony included accusations that he joked about the kk skk called the naacp un-american. sessions was denied that federal judgeship. the naacp released a statement calling his appointment deeply troubling and that by every means available the naacp will continue to stand against a regressive and intolerant views he espouses. >> it is the time for religious --
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>> reporter: al mereiotty says minority groups are furiously reaching out for other. preparing a coalition, preparing for the worst in donald trump. >> he cannot rule bety iron fist. this democracy will be upheld. we believe in our democracy s l skbl. >> reporter: what does he mean about --. creating a the large coalition, a large opposition to donald trump. and politically in washington trying to use their influence to advocate for their positions in washington itself. so a two pronged approach. he says that what certainly minority groups are learned in recent history is that the worst mistake is to be quiet and invisible. >> "outfront" now conservative radio host ben ferguson and angela ride. we talked about flynn earlier in the show. i want to focus 34r here on jeff
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sessions. senator sessions, attorney general. as attorney general he'll be able to shape policy in this country for minorities for immigration, as you heard. many very concerned. democratic congressman luis gutierrez today issued a statement denouncing sessions. he ran because he was deemed as too racist to serve as integral judg federal judge. he's the kind of person to erase 50 years of progress. why are they all wrong? >> one you look at his record of what he's done recently. he's been a vocal person who said that we should look at changing crack cocaine laws because it disproportionately effects minorities. he also voted in favor of eric holder and said he didn't see any reason to hold up his nomination. so he's a very fair person who doesn't play politics on that issue. and when he was in state of
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alabama he did many things there to make sure that minorities were well represented when he had a chance to do it. he also supported the medal of honor going to rosa parks. if you are a the racist you are not doing all of these things. people can change. and if you look at the record of jeff sessions i think it is a record that you can look at and seeing his time in the senate he's done an awful lot for minorities and it went against some of his republican colleagues at the time. including eric holder for goodness sakes. >> he makes a strong case. >> i and would just beg to disagree. the real issue we have here now is what he just said last year and what he said the year prior and the number of measures that he's introduced. >> what did le say. >> benn i'm actually talking now. i'm going to finish my point. >> i'm curious what he said. >> i'm going to finish my point, thank you. it is interesting to note he's introduced measures that would call for if a person has been an illegal immigrant and they came
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into this country if they were deported if they come back he wants them to serve five years in prison. of course that helps the mass incarceration industry just like the post we just saw luis gutierrez. there are a number of people who have done horribly racist things in their pas -- >> that is not racism -- >> i'm not finished ben. >> we have a discussion. >> let me finish my point because i did not interrupt you. i'm not going to ask you again. thank you. so the rosa parks medal of honor award is fantastic. but hear is the reality. there is a group called the marion three. in 1984 jeff sessions used his authority to do what we call voter intimidation of these three people, one of them was a lead organizer in the is selma march to help to insure and preserve voting rights in this country for black people. these people single handedly insured that more than 80% of african americans were registered in alabama. 44% of alabama's residents at
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the time at jeff session's tenure as the u.s. attorney there were 44% african americans. he did a lot to shut the doors on those people and suppress their votes. that is a record worth reviewing. >> let's deal with one of the things you just said a moment ago where you said he was in favor if an illegal immigrant. >> -- introduced a bill. >> -- i'm proud of that. he's proud of that. i'm not disputing. i'm glad he did it because his point was when you cottage back into this country and you have already been kicked out of this country illegally once. that is not racism. i know you love playing the racism card. >> i'm not playing the racism -- >> sure you are. racist to say in you are a criminal and you leave the country and you co- -- >> and that isjeff sessions has been picked as the attorney general because he's not afraid to make tough decisions on illegal immigrants who obviously
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do not respect the laws of the united states of america. if you want to advocate for law breaking that is your prerogative. >> i'm sure you know that is not what i'm doing. >> that is exactly what you are advocating for. you are saying -- >> -- serving five years in fail. >> obviously five years would be a deterrent to people coming back in illegally. and i think that is what jeff sessions was saying. >> and do you know what else it does? it ensures that -- who's stock rose -- >> -- [ inaudible ] discern. >> jeff sessions would also be helping their business and i'm sure you know there is a clear connection there. >> i want to ask you, ben, because it is jeff sessions, also comments like this. steve bannon who's going to be the chief strategist, senior counselor for donald trump in the white house. just spoke to the "hollywood reporter" and he said of his role who those who dislike are saying. darkness is good.
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dick cheney, darth vader, satan. that is power. it only helps us when they get it wrong when they are blind to who we are and what they are doing. and the they is liberal, anyone who disagrees with him. darkness, darth vader. satan. is this the kind of rhetoric he should be using as a time when minorities are concerned? >> i think his point is the rhetoric that's being used against him has gotten to the point of being ridiculous and others. we're how many days into the election. a week and two day, week and three days and people are painting this picture of the evil scary group of people that donald trump is put there there after he just won the white house. i think he's mocking these people and saying look at what we're actually doing, not the fear mongering by many of the left trying to turn us into satan and darth vader the same way they did with dick cheney. when i saw those comments i'll be hobbs. i actually thought it was pretty funny buzz the point is accurate. the media and many have been overreacting to this administration.
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first they said in despair and disaster in transition of which is not the case at all. they are ahead of schedule compared to what barack obama did. and people need to calm down. and he's right. it only helps them focus on their agenda and moving forward when people go to the extreme measure to label individual as some extreme person in a week. >> i think the important thing to note here is that the transition was in trouble. the transition was a disaster just like his campaign. >> we have reported there was turmoil within. >> and it's common knowledge at this point. i think the thing that you have to remember is donald trump is now supposed to be the next commander in chief. a they are instead digging in -- ben i did not cut you off. >> but you can't have it both ways. >> what i'm telling you is what
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he's done instead is he's appointed people that are the worst possible representatives of ensuring a united country. they are divisive. they have to demonstrated through bills introduced, through rhetoric at breitbart. this is -- >> this goes exactly to the point that steve bannon is makesing. you cannot have it both aways -- >> -- >> having this kumbaya movement and criticize him for not putting together a government. donald trump is come out and picking the people he thinks are the best for these positions. and i think that majority of the people who vote -- >> but not the majority of the country. >> -- she is ahead about more than a million votes in popular vote now. even though he obviously won the electoral college. >> he won. and next breaking news trump settling the fraud case against trump university. $25 million. if he didn't do anything wrong why are students at a minimum
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getting half their money back and ivanka trump sitting in on a meeting with her --. >> we have never had a situation where a president of the united states would be here on such a regular basis. when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health,
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new tonight unprecedented plan in place to protect donald trump while he's at home in one of the busiest parts of new york, midtown manhattan. the secret servicing working with the nypd. making matters more challenging, hundreds of thousands of tourists. nearly 10 million will descend on fifth avenue for the holiday season. deborah feyerick is "outfront." >> i realize this is a whole different life for me now. >> for a man used to going when he wants where he wants the president's unprompted visit to a new york manhattan restaurant
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drew attention. trump tower for secret service is a logistical and tactical nightmare. among the top three concerns. >> checklist is probably the height. the glass and then the streets around it. the threat from the vehicle-born explosive device. >> reporter: also the threat from the air. the faa has established a temporary no fly zone, four times the height of trump tower and expanding two nautical miles along one of the busiest flight corridors on the east coast. and the outside is now guarded. and everything inside trump tower will have to be secured from the air vents to the elevators. even floors surrounding both the president elect's penthouse apartment and his office on the 26th floor. >> the standard general rule when doing a security check is one floor below and one floor above but that doesn't always
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work. >> right screening now a way of life with anyone going in or out of the buildings, 58 stories of the resident and commercial tenants all screened. packages, mail and deliveries. >> the extent you can avoid the immediate area around trump tower will make your on life and everyone's's life easier. >> reporter: the building preblgted by heavily armed nypd and secret service 24 hours a day. countersurveillance and assault teams will be in place whenever the president elect is inside. and there will be a team in charge of securing and maintaining an area for top secret conversations. >> we have a long-standing partnership and very successful record in new york city in protecting venues and people. we're very comfortable with our plan. >> and the u.s. secret service is --. i don't know if you can see but behind me there is a critical response team and they have got dogs, canines, heavily armed officers. they are here and the president
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elect isn't. he's actually in new jersey but from where i standed i counted at least 50 officers and now large trucks are not going to be able to pass by trump tower. a very heavy police presence. the secret service telling me they are already stretched. there is a shortage of agents and i'm also told that in fact there are more going to be needed because of textra protection for donald trump's wife and his children. >> and next the breaking news trump agreeing to a multi million dollar settlement in the trump university fraud cases. why the man who says he never settles a lawsuit settled so big this time [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything,
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so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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president elect trump has agreed to settle three lawsuits over trump university. the cost a whopping $25 million. students claim they were misled about what they would learn that trump himself would pick the instructors. for example they said he did not do that. thousands of students will get at least 50% of their money
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back. drumpbt admit any wrong doing as part of the settlement. i understand this has to be reskovd. but nonetheless if people are getting at least half their money back, maybe even a 100%, mitt rovm famously said trump university degree was worthless, as worthless as donald trump's word. is this in a way admitting guilt by virtue of the size of the settlement. >> it is an enormous settlement for the alleged victims here and also for attorney general snyderman here in new york. and now there are 6,000 victims. and i went over numbers. if you divide the 6,000 victims into the 25 million. it looks like pretty much everybody is getting their money back. which means it is the entire gross revenue of trump university. now that is like suing gm in a class action suit because of
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some fraud and you get all of the profits from the company. that is a big victory for the victims. >> it is stunning. and again i know he did have to settle it. i know he doesn't technically admit to wrong doing. but when you look at this as the lawyer do you ever settle like this unless you know you are going to get killed in court? >> well no you don't. but except i will say this. in class action litigation, if the case goes forward. if you don't get it dismissed before its jury time, most of them do settle. because there are so many -- 6,000 claimants in the case. and god nose if the jury said let's give 50 thousand to each of the 6,000, let's do the math and you will see how big these vekts. verdicts are. so he was compel to do it. but also to be forced to testify in a lawsuit during his presidency about claims he defrauded students. >> i wanted to show you a picture but i can't. and the reason i can't show the picture i want everybody to know is donald trump has this meeting
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with the prime minister of japan yesterday shinzo abe. his daughter was there. donald trump. donald trump did not let the press in. which is protocol. you let the press in. they take pictures you don't get too choose what they choose to see and release it. that is why we're not going to show the picture. there is a picture of her being in the room. the issue is about ivanka trump. he's in his first meeting with a world leader when he says she's not going to have anything to do with government and is going to be running his business. which would obviously stand to benefit from any international deals he does in that. how is this not conflict of interest at this point. >> legal conflict of interest there is no law that says he can't have his daughter in all of the meetings if he wants. there is no law that requires
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him to be independent of the trump organization. he could continue to run it if he wanted and it is all about political optics and we've never had a president whose a businessman like this before. >> thank you very much paul and thanks to all of you. hope you have a wonderful weekend. thank you for joinings 360 starts now. >> good evening. john berman here in for anderson. tonight donald trump's controversial and consequential cabinet picks, including a choice for attorney general that civil rights groups say is a throwback to a dark time in u.s. history. we'll look at that and who he'll pick next. we begin with another choice, one that flies in the face he said something proudly and loudly and repeatedly throughout the campaign, namely that he doesn't like settling lawsuits. especially the cases against the non university formally known as trump university. trump said he expected to be vindicated in court so why settle? today he settled two cases in california and one in new york big
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