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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  November 19, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PST

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at trump university, we keep success. >> his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> president-elect agreeing to pay $25 million to three lawsuits. >> it really is a great result. >> the students are going to get half their money back. retired general michael flynn offered the role of national security adviser. >> i have confidence in general
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flynn. >> it's called islamic cell, not radical versions of it, a threat. >> as a general, he should know better. good morning, i'm alison kosik sitting in for christi paul, sleeping in i would imagine. >> good morning. we begin with a surprise settlement, donald trump, he's agreed to $25 million to settle the lawsuits to profit business businesses of trump university. >> the students say the courses promised to teach real estate investing techniques they could use to get rich. but instead, the students accused them of misleading them and high-pressure claims and sales tactics. >> this means that the president-elect will not be testifying at a trial in a
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couple weeks, instead, he'll be working on his presidential transition. >> our paul van kaman has the detailen. >> reporter: in no way does donald trump or trump university acknowledge any fault or liability in this settlement. >> we feel very confident in our position, but at the end, president-elect trump was prepared, set aside his personal interests and focus on the monumental task that he faces in bringing this country to together. and fighting for the important issues. and all the people that he represents. he wants to spend his time and his energy, his focus, his talent, his ability on fighting for americans. >> reporter: paraphrasing, petrocelli says that donald trump wants to put this matter behind him and get on with preparing to run the country and continue picking his cabinets. as for the nuances of the
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settlement. please were three cases in all, most of them in california. according to jason ford, the attorney for the plaintiffs, he says each plaintiff will get back at least half of their investment in trump university. and none of those investments were more than $35,000. as for the mood outside of court, both sides in fact seem jovial, some talking a settlement, you'd get a sense that somebody felt 93 were crowbared into a decision, that wasn't the case here. back to you, victor and alisyn. >> okay. paul vercammen, thank you. let's dig deeper with cnn commentator errol louis and tom bianco. good morning. >> good morning. >> in essence, trump won and i see a lot with the cases that drag on. how signature is the settlement?
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>> i would take issue of characterization that, quote, trump won. a word from a press release from the attorney state attorney general, who was also a party to the suit, pointing out in his opinion, it was a freud lent university that trump will pay up to $1 million in penalties for the state of new york calling it a university when in fact it was not authorized as a university in new york. i don't know if i'd call it a win. i think politically, sure, it would enable him to move on. but also tips everybody off to the fact that he's got lots of litigation involved. and this won't be the last case that falls on the desk of the president-elect or in fact the sitting president. >> tom, ms. major flip-flopping going on. let's play some of what trump said. >> i will win the trump university case. i already am. i will win the case in the end. i didn't want to be forced to settle. >> this is a case that could
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have been settled very easily. but i don't settle cases. >> i could settle the case now if i wanted to settle the case. i don't settle cases. >> we have a situation where we will win in court. >> i'll win the trump university case, i could settle that case. donald trump not only talked about it, he tweeted about it in february saying trump university had a 98% approval rating, i could have settled but won't out of principle. tom, what principle is here, what happened to never settling? >> well when you become the president of the united states, that tends to change things a lot. change a lot of perspective on things. what's interesting about this, you know, let's put this in the context of the politics and campaign promises and how he talks. lots have come to the realization that we in the media would take a lot of his language literally, but maybe not seriously. we've heard that phrase a lot while supporters would take him
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seriously but perhaps not literally. maybe it's one of those cases where it's maybe not literally. you do have to wonder, if he says he won't settle, my god that must have been at least a dozen times we've heard that. what does that mean, because here he is settling. what does that mean, you know, for dealings in international affairs? what does that mean for domestic policy? what does it mean for the $1 trillion infrastructure plan that he's talking about. that's kind of the bigger question. how does he operate. he's still kind of an unknown quantity around, he and we're still trying to wrap our heads around it. >> errol, do you think voters who put their voting for donald trump believe that they can't accept donald trump or his words on this? >> i think there are questions even well before this settlement, quite frankly. and i think tom has it exactly right that donald trump has said throughout the campaign, i'm a
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businessman, i'm a negotiator. so, you try and hold me down to a statement or a claim or a promise, and i'll just kind of -- what he does, he turns it around. he says well that was just an opening bid. that was just an idea. that was just a discussion. that is in fact how business negotiations work. that's how commerce works. in some ways, it's not nefarious, but we're not used to seeing this at the highest level of government. >> president obama tweeted this in fairness, what president hasn't had to pay $25 million to make a massive fraud lawsuit go away before assuming office? very stark to hear, but is his point valid? >> the point is, we've got somebody essentially walking off the street and into the oval office in the sense that the prior 44 presidents of the
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united states all had prior experience. one, hoover served in the cabinet before elected and some were military generals. and trump doesn't fit any of those categories. but he's a businessman. a particular businessman and he has someone who has taken it to the edge when it comes to dealings. and this is something is that we're going to have to get used to. >> tom, your reaction from that tweet from dan pfeiffer. >> this is a man with multiple business interests, inherent conflict interests. because now one, he's coming into the government who received many of his business interests. this could be the tip of the iceberg. i suspect we might see a few more settlements.
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it's a new dynamic, it's incredibly fascinating. like errol says, this is not a politician walking into office here. this is a real estate billionaire. >> we could have more discussions like this. errol louis, to me lobianco, thank you so much. >> and tom raises an important point there, will there be direct correlation between how this is handled and how he will handle negotiations as president? we'll talk about that. in just a few hours, donald trump will be meeting with mitt romney, yeah, the same mitt romney who called trump a phony and a fraud. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. >> mitt was a disaster. >> romney let us down. >> he gets a free ride to the white house. all we get is a lousy hat.
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>> romney cloaked like a dog. >> he was begging for my endorsement. >> i could have said mitt drop to your knees, he would have dropped to his knees. >> it's incredible to watch that. republicans are hoping this and other meetings with trump critics are a sign that trump is maybe trying to address the deep divisions within the party. meeting with michele reed, general james matis, tom rickets, bob woodson and andy puzder. many are calling on the president-elect to reconsider his appointments call it it's a lack of diversity among the states. >> when it comes to washington, d.c., it is time to drain the damn swamp.
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>> reporter: it was a rally crowd favorite in the last days of the campaign. president-elect donald trump's promise to get rid of washington insiders, but as he staffs his white house and top cabinet positions many of the president-elect's picks are part of the so-called political establishment, and so far, they're also all white men. and some of the choices are receiving major resistance. >> this is someone who ran a campaign on hatred and bigotry. who since he has been elected chosen some of the most dangerous people possible to staff his white house. >> reporter: the most recent pick, alabama senator jeff sessions. if confirmed sessions will serve as attorney general. in 1986, the then u.s. attorney's nomination to a federal judgeship was were defeated over claims he made racially charged remarks about blacks and referred to a white lawyer as a race traitor. >> i'm not a racist, i'm not
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insensitive to blacks. i supported civil rights activities in my state. i have done my job with integrity. quali equality and fairness for all. >> reporter: he's proposed immigration reform as well as bipartisan proposals to cut mandatory prison sentences. sessions has been accused of calling civil rights groups un-american and communist-inspired criticizing the voting act in southern states, he once said he was fine with the kkk until he found out they smoke thd pot. they dismissed that remark. he will also need senate confirmation, elected to congress in 2010 pompeo was a tea party favorite. he was a sharp critic of hillary clinton's leadership as secretary of state. the third-term congressman is being accused of being
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anti-muslim. during his run for congress in 2010, he personally apologized after his complain tweeted a link to a blog. and pompeo called the posting a mistake. and president-elect donald trump has retired to retired army lieutenant michael flynn. he's an outspoken critic of president obama and was forced out of the top job in 2014 for his combative style. flynn was tweeted a series of statements calling fear of muslims rational. in august, he compared islam to cancer. >> islam is a political ideology. it is a political ideology. it hides behind his notion of religion. i don't see a lot of people screaming jesus christ with hatchets or machetes, or literally axing families on a
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train. it's like cancer. and it's like a malignant cancer, though, in this case. it has metastasized. >> reporter: then there's steve bannon, trump's chief strategist, he spent seven years in the navy, and was once a hollywood investor. most recently, he's made it his mission to take down the republican party establishment. >> what we need to do is [ bleep ] slap the republican party and get those guys heeding to, and if we have to, we'll take it over. >> reporter: the site has a history of inflammatory headlines like meltdown continue. wave of fake hate crimes sweeps socialed me. anti-democracy cry babies march by thousands nationwide. another read, bill kristol, republican spoiler, renegade jew. and then this, birth control makes women unattractive and crazy. and finally, prince priebus who
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will be the president-elect's chief of staff. one prominent tea party leader fears priebus will make it more difficult, not less, for president trump to achieve the change that people voted for. those are all trump's reinforcements of his tough campaign rhetoric taking an incompromising approach to national security. so what impact will that have with the country? we'll address that with the panel. that's coming up. and some minority communities worried for hate crimes. >> i felt fear. i did feel fear inside. ties and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. (pop) campbell's tomato soup and grilled cheese.
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18 minutes after the hour now, president-elect donald trump is holding transition meeting with eight perspective appointees. at the top of the list, one of his harshist critic, mitt romney, sources say he may be considered for secretary of state. this comes as trump is facing blow back including ex-breitbart executive steve bannon. i want to bring in errol louis, political reporter for time warner news and also reporter tom lobianco. tom, what does this mean? saying darkness is good, dick cheney, darth vader, satan, that's real power, he says. we see the choices he's making. what does this say about where we should expect the trump administration and especially
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national security to go after the friday pick? >> you look at bannon and reince priebus as kind of coequals at the top of the trump advisory chain there. they're kind of like the yin and yang. i don't think you'd ever hear a reince priebus make a statement like that. but it speaks to the team they've got to put together. that trump is putting together, you've got establishment republicans, you've got conservative republicans. and then you've got outsiders, anti-everything republicans, like bannon represents. and trump as president really has to find a way to kind of merge them all together. you know, it's hard to tell how much of that darkness is good stuff, is hiyperbole. >> it certainly doesn't sound great. >> especially when you throw that statement in the mix. errol, to you, let's put up the slate of the staff picks. it's focused in on the nominee
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for attorney general jeff sessions. typically, senators who face nomination, have a pretty easy roll into that position. do you expect there are opposition with jeff sessions on what we talked about before the break? >> i suspect. there's going to be a fight but the outcome of that fight is not seriously in doubt. if you go and look at the statements, include some democrats, joe manchin, from west virginia, for example it looks as if they have the vote if all of the republicans come together. and there's indications that they will hang together. it's almost impossible to stop the approval vote from happening. on the other hand, the ranking democrat on the judiciary committee that's going to sort of handle this nomination process from california, says she's going to ask a lot of tough questions. i think schumer is going to do the same.
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they're going to put him through the wringer. there are statements he's made in the past. actions he's taken in the past. there's a record out there. what the democrats are signaling is, yeah, you may have the vote, and get the nomination approved but not before a thoroughly and wholly airing his record. >> coming back to his meeting later today between the president-elect and mitt romney, the 2012 republican nominee. now, we all know, and we just played a bit of credit circumstance that we tossed back and forth. but as it relates specifically the role of secretary of state, mitt romney was very clear of his feelings about not donald trump's business dealings or his statements about minorities, but specifically, about his role as president on the world stage. and his plans for international security. let's watch this, it's just a reminder. and then we'll talk more. >> this is a very dangerous world. and requires a person who is thoughtful.
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knowledgeable, curious intellectually, willing to list ton other people. to change their mind based upon the advise of other people. and i haven't seen those qualities to the extent i'd want to see them in a president, in mr. trump to this point. >> there's so much of this, we're going to be playing this throughout the morning, what we heard from mitt romney but how does mitt romney, if he's interested in the position, reportedly, he is interested in that role, how can he credibly offer the full-throated endorsement of a president's policy when just a couple months ago, he was saying this man does not have the temperament, he doesn't know what he's talk about. he's not even curious about it and he's not willing to listen to people who do? >> we have been talking about this dynamic so much behind the scenes here where you have people who are clear opponents of donald trump just ripping him to shreds, you know, even a few weeks ago, now sitting down in meetings with him looking to join the administration. it reminds me of a an old
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political saw, sometimes it's better to have your enemy inside the tent out instead of inside the tent -- in. it's easier to control someone inside your administration. if you bring mitt romney in, which would be a bold move, we don't know whether or not that would happen, you know, hopefully, i have a better idea after today, but what that would do is he could not criticize trump anymore because he would be working for trump. >> errol, what do you see coming out of this meeting today? >> i think something similar is going to happen. it reminds me, victor in 2008, after a barack obama win, he takes one owe potential opponent, hillary clinton, makes her secretary of state and sends her around the world to over 100 countries. he takes another one, jon huntsman and essentially deports
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him, too. sends him to beijing, on behalf of the united states. it's a tested way of getting some of your domestic political opponents out working for the country and offer the political agenda. >> errol louis, tom lobianco, thanks. on "hamilton" with a vip in the audience. the cast gets real for the vice president-elect.
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biggest perks to being the vice president-elect getting a precious picture to the hot broadway musical "hamilton." mike pence was in the audience. front and center, seated in the central orchestra. his presence wasn't lost on the cast. >> yeah, they actually addressed pence directly during the curtain call. aaron berg delivered this on behalf of the cast. here it is. >> vice president-elect pence, i see you walking down. we're all here. we have a little message for you, sir, we hope that you will appear us out. okay. vice president-elect pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for coming to see "hamilton." we, sir, we are a diverse
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america. we are alarmed and anxious that your new president will not protect us. or defend us and host our inalienable rights. we truly hope that all of america's values you'll work on behalf of all of us. all of us. [ cheers and applause ] an american story told by a diverse group of men, women, different colors and creeds and races. >> the spokesman for the show said pence was in the hallway, he heard the whole statement. and said president-elect donald trump has not seen the show but would be welcome to come. the minority communities say they're still feeling the
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afteraffects of the racially tinged rhetoric of the trump campaign. >> racism is not something that donald trump caused but people feel like it has opened the door to be that way now. ent for african women as they try to build their businesses and careers. my name is yasmin belo-osagie and i'm a co-founder at she leads africa. i definitely could not do my job without technology. this windows 10 device, the touchscreen allows you to kind of pinpoint what you're talking about. which makes communication much easier and faster than the old mac that i used to use. you can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i don't know, it feels really cool. i feel like i'm in the future.
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>> happy to be here. >> the president-elect says he never settles, i'll give you one guess what donald trump is doing. >> he's settling. >> he settled. he's agreed to settle three lawsuits over trump university. $25 million. >> trump is not admitting any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. >> we now know that the testimony is not going to happen but here is what happening this weekend, for new jersey, sources say the president-elect is slated to hold nonstop meetings for candidates for cabinet. that includes a sitdown with mitt romney today, possibly about serving as trump's secretary of state. let's talk about what we've seen across the country. swastikas on churches. racial slurs and cries of "build that wall" has minority communities really afraid. u.s. attorney general loretta lynch says there has been a 67% increase in hate crimes against
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muslim americans in 2016. the southern poverty law center says it's counted 701 cases of harassment or intimidation since donald trump won the election. here's more from polo sand dough valu sandoval. >> i felt fear. >> reporter: she was hiking when someone slashed the tires of her car, stole her purse and left a nasty note on her windshield. >> i know that many americans are concerned about a state of news reports about alleged hate crimes and harassments. some of those incidents have happened in schools. others have targeted houses of worship. some which singled attacks. >> reporter: like attacks on his woman in denver. >> first is shock. >> reporter: amber timons was on
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her way to work when she noticed a swatica symbol and the word die on her car. and at a college, using racially offensive language, telling her to get off the sidewalk. when other students defended her. he replies, i'm just trying to make america great again. >> racism is something that i feel that someone caused but i feel it has opened the door to be that way now. >> reporter: students walked out of class to support her in support of it. wearing a make america great again hat said he was assaulted while riding the new york subway. >> next thing i know, i'm being choked. another gentleman from dover, he shoved me up against the wall. >> reporter: the poverty law center has counted more than 700 cases of harassment and racial
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hate. when asked about it on "60 minutes," trump had one request. >> i am so saddened to hear that. and i say stop it. if it helps. i will say this, i'll say it right there in the camera, stop it. >> reporter: polo sandoval, cnn. >> her church was vandalized with markings of a swastika and anti-gay slur, a message reading "hail trump." thanks for coming in today. why do you think your church was targeted with what we're seeing here on the screen, it's just devastating? >> yes, it is. you know, it's very disheartening. we are taking a different look at it. and kind of looking at it as a prideful thing, because we do think we were targeted for the right reasons and that's because we're inclusive. and we welcome all. no matter what color, where you
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come from, and who you are. >> walk me through what went through your mind when you, you know, came to the church that day and saw these horrible things on the walls. >> yeah. the first thing was obviously disheartenment and shock. we're such a pillar in the community, how could anybody do this to us. and again, the second thing is, okay, we're targeted for the right reasons. how do we turn this into a positive message? how do we turn the hate into love? >> you're trying to turn this into a lesson. you're not taking it off the wall anytime soon? >> no, not until november 30th. we're having a big event for the community. anybody who wishes to come in. anybody who can see them sees you're welcome at our church or the episcopal church around the corner. >> are people accepting of leaving those things on the walls? >> they're supporters and excited to start the conversations.
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the majority of our community doesn't feel the way the perpetrator does. >> do you feel this has anything to do with the election of donald trump to be president? >> you know, this is just one of many images of hate that has come around the world or the nation since donald trump has been elected. i don't necessarily think it's donald trump's fault. i do think the president-elect has opened up a sense of hate in the nation that was once hidden. it's now public. but it's not donald trump that spray painted saint david's walls. >> so you think there's no blame on the outcome of the election. >> yes. >> do you put political themes in your sermon? >> no, what i tend to do is focus on justice issues. there are typically hate in the realm, but not political. >> do you find it difficult to
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not talk about the defacement of the walls in your sermon? and do you incorporate that into that until you take the markings off the wall? >> it's not necessarily a political thing. i will continue to talk about the things on the wall because that's what our message is. our message has changed from hate to love. to ignore it gives power to the perpetrator. if we're embarrassed or cover it, we're giving power to them. i'd rather give power to love. >> before the campaign, your church is very diverse, you're welcoming in every race, creed, color, religion into your church, have you had this kind of -- well, not participation, or threats to the church? >> saint david's has been there for 59 years, we've not had any issues, ever. >> this must be so upsetting? >> and shocking. we're all kind of in awe. >> but it's inspiring that you're turning it into a lesson. and that day when you say it's
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time to take the markings off the wall, you have this big event planned, but will that last? >> i hope so. and it's not the only other event we have planned. we have another event planned early in december in which we will host a community concert and start the relationship-building items and conversation. >> mother kelsey, thank you for coming from indiana and giving your inspirational message, despite what's going on. >> thank you for having me. i really appreciate it. you've got to hear this story, a young girl wins a fight to be cryogenically frozen. why she wants to be frozen and the three places in the world that can do it. hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more
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a british teenager who lost a battle with cancer has won her fight to have her body cryogenically frozen. >> yeah, this is a really interesting story. and cnn's samuel burke explains why she wants to be frozen and how it happened. >> reporter: the final wish from a young british girl just 14 years old who knows she won't survive the care form of cancer she's battled. i've been asked to explain why i want this unusual thing done. i am onl 14 years old and i don't want to die but i know i will. gives me a cons to be cured and woken up even in a hundreds of years' time. i think that in the future they might find a cure for my cancer and wake me up. the girls' parents divorced the
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father writing even if the treatment is successful and she is brought back to life in let's say 200 years she might not find any relatives and she might not remember things and she'll be 14 years old and in the united states of america. the girls' lawyer said it wasn't revealed to the public initially out of respect to the family. >> having very experienced children's cases involved and a social worker who happens to be on the case already enabled it that this was an articulate, intelligent girl who thought out what she want. >> reporter: to cryogenically freeze a body, the patient should be pronounced dead as soon as possible after the clinical death. when this young girl died in london in october 17th. the blood is flushed out and
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replaced with an antifreeze to prevent ice crystals from forming. after that, the body is packed with dry ice for transportation. when it arrives for final destination, the body is slowly cooled down for even lower temperatures over several days and aplaced in a storage tank filled with liquid nitrogen. many experts say cryogenics has never worked. >> they won't survive if they stay here. but might be better to be in the future than being dead. >> reporter: there are only three cryogenic centerers in the world. moscow, arizona and michigan, where this young girl's body is now. it's her hope that it won't be her final resting spot. samuel burke, cnn, london. >> thanks to samuel for that. i actually visited that cryogenics in that place in
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michigan and found out there are more pets than people in that facility. >> people love their pets. >> here's something that you don't see every day, a giant white blob overtaking the streets. how the heck did this happen? that story's coming up. ists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at when you cook with incredible thingredients...ato. you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipies, delivered to your door for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery
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starting a soccer team for refugees and it grew into so much more. >> one, two, three! >> it's a family. it's a play on refugees. >> ready, go. >> when you have a kid that's fled their country, has a horrible experience, comes to this strange country, the one thing that they understand, they get, is soccer. >> good morning. good morning. >> a lot of the kids have had little or no formal education. so, i started a school that
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would take care of their academic needs. when you see them, you see how much they love this country because they feel like they belong. they feel like they have a home here. when people have that, they integrate a lot better.
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seven minutes until the top of the hour now. president barack obama is in
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lima, peru right now, the last stop as his final tour as president. >> he's set to meet with specific leaders today and will likely face questions about the transition's new leadership in the u.s. the trip comes as congressional leaders have president-elect donald trump agreeing the transpacific trade partnership is dead. that deal was supposed to represent the future of trade in the region, but critics say it could kill u.s. jobs. they're moving to step into the void with their own plan. hundreds of workers plan to strike this week at chicago's o'hare airport. this is one of the business yefts airpo yef busiest airports in the country. the group is not unionized but they're working with the service employees international union and are seeking a $15 an hour wage. some are currently paid minimum
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wage, 8$8.25. this is really bizarre, near san jose, california, look at this. a giant plume of foam. some streets, as you can see, were covered in the foam. there was no fire here but the foam created hours of entertainment. one guy decides to bike through it. fire officials tell people to avoid touching foam because it can irritate the skin. >> this mysterious foam comes out. coming up at the top of the hour, donald trump settles the trump university case. we'll examine what this means for the other scores of pending lawsuits. cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. wherever there's a phone, you've got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single
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and john kept going for over 14 hours until he crossed the finish line. >> i'm pretty proud of myself. it's it was an amazing, very special time. i'm feeling pretty good. (sfx: park rides, music and crowd sounds) oooh! when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops.
3:59 am
(sighs sadly) try this. only aleve can stop pain for 12 hours. plus, aleve is recommended by more doctors than any other brand for minor arthritis pain. aleve. live whole. not part. i've heard it all. eat more fiber. flax seeds. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know. tell me something i don't know. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools.
4:00 am
the most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. at trump university, we teach success. >> his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> president-elect agreeing to pay $25 million to settle three lawsuits. >> it really is a great result. >> students are going to get half their money back.


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