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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  November 20, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PST

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good morning, i'm alisyn kosik sitting in for christi paul. >> president-elect donald trump is moving ahead as he looks to fill his administration. announcements could be coming today. >> in a few hours trump and his team will return with potential high level appointees. so far he says the process is going well. >> really efficiently. very good. tremendous talent. we're seeing tremendous talent. people that, as i say, we will make america great again. these are really great people. these are really, really talented people. >> [ inaudible ]. >> yes, partial. we're doing this again tomorrow. >> [ inaudible ]. >> well, we think he's a great guy. he is some -- he is some great
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man. >> [ inaudible ]. >> we'll hear some things tomorrow, i think. >> so we may hear some things today. some of the names that are going to be streaming through for these meetings, chris christie, the new jersey governor who recently was removed from trump's transition team. rudy giuliani, the former mayor of new york city and robert johnson, the founder of b.e.t. now meetings will get underway this morning at trump's golf club in new jersey. our jessica snyder is nearby. good morning, jessica. what more are you tell us about those meetings happening today? >> reporter: well, alison, the flurry of face to face meetings will continue today. we saw a wide array of activities, the nonstop meetings yesterday. they will continue throughout the day today. as you said, a list of notable names, particularly former new york city mayor rudy giuliani as well as the kansas secretary of state chris kobach. also, the founder of black
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entertainment television robert johnson. interestingly, also, new jersey governor chris christie will be meeting with donald trump today. christie was kicked off as head of the transition team about a week or so ago. the question is could christie still become part of the trump cabinet or does bridgegate disqualify him? well, donald trump was asked that question and when asked that president-elect trump said we like chris a lot. now a big name that was meeting with donald trump yesterday, mitt romney. romney met with the president-elect for a little more than an hour and the trump transition team calling it productive despite the very contentious relationship and that war of words between president-elect trump and mitt romney over the election season. here's what mitt romney had to say about the meeting. >> we had a far-reaching conversation with regards to the various theaters in the world where there are interests of the united states of real significance.
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we discussed those areas and exchanged our views on those topics. very thorough and in-depth discussion in the time we had and appreciate the chance to speak with the president-elect and look forward to the coming administration. >> governor -- >> reporter: now the transition team does confirm that mitt romney is in the running for something, so the question is could it be secretary of state? and if it was offered, would mitt romney even accept? now one other name to take note of, retired general james mattis. it's somebody trump met with for almost as long as he met with mitt romney yesterday. donald trump calling mattis the real deal. sources do confirm to cnn that mattis is the leading candidate for the secretary of defense. >> we know from donald trump that an announcement could come today. we know that donald trump is awake. he's tweeting about "hamilton" but not tweeting about any kind
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of picks just yet. we have plenty to talk about. let's bring in matt lewis, former georgia congressman and trump supporter jack kingston, good morning. >> good morning. >> jack, the president-elect has a busy day ahead. he had a busy day saturday. what did he talk about in his first statement to people, 6:23 this morning about "hamilton." let's read this tweet. the cast and producers of "hamilton" which i hear is highly overrated should immediately apologize to mike perns for the terrible behavior. i just wonder, he's been so adamant about this ridicule of this cast for what they said but we've covered the hate crimes across this country, the state of degrading and vandalizing the
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public property and lesley stahl had to pull a statement out of him about that. why is he so passionate about "hamilton" and hasn't said much from the "60 minutes" interview? >> i think there's a part of donald trump that connects with middle america, a little show manship, and a long parade of people isn't as exciting as something like this. on the left you can say, golly, they shouldn't have said that. i'm glad they did. on the right what wiabout the arrogant spoiled brats? who are they to say and they're going to lecture him on what the world needs? it's a little bit silly. >> he's no longer a showman. he's the president-elect of the united states. is there not a responsibility for him to be at least as passionate about the cast of "hamilton" as he is or should be about people using his name to advance some racist agenda?
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>> you know, i think there's a lot of things that are going on on both sides that he has denounced, hillary clinton has denounced, and i think that the tone that we have seen between barack obama and donald trump has been a good one and has set a high example. i think others that want to continue the campaign and continue the hyperbole is not as productive as it could be. i want to say this about donald trump on twitter. that is his connection with the american people. it's a phenomenon that we haven't seen. you can only imagine how he's going to be able to use that to get votes for his agenda. can you imagine congressman jones undecided on one of the trump objectives and donald trump the night before the big vote says, gee, i hope congressman jones is with us tomorrow. it sure would be a shame. >> he will likely be able to use that when he's president. matt, i'm going to bring you into the conversation. your thoughts on what you're seeing from donald trump as it
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relates to the cast of "hamilton." we have not seen this as it relates to what we're seeing in these hate crimes across the country. >> well, first, i would agree. i think the president who masters a new medium usually benefits greatly, whether it's fdr and the radio, fireside chats, john f. kennedy and ronald regan with tv and now donald trump apparently with twitter. i think in a way though i think maybe it's a good thing that he's using twitter right now to talk about pop culture and "hamilton." and not something more serious. i think that you could make a good argument that he needs to speak out about race in america and to sort of quell concerns that people have about him. i don't think twitter would be the best medium for that message. he did it on "60 minutes" a little bit. i think maybe there's a speech, not twitter. i'm not upset. >> okay. >> maybe it's better. let him tweet about "hamilton" and not a more substantive
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topic. >> let's hear what he said on "60 minutes." >> i am so saddened to hear that and i say stop it, if it helps. i will say it and i will say it right to the cameras, stop it. >> so, jack, matt said there should potentially be a speech. is there one coming? would you advise there be one? >> i think he'll do one in time. right now he really does have to get these cabinet members selected in his team. there's such a long parade. matt and i were talking about it a minute ago. tom woodson, betty devos, todd rickets. low eisenberg. all kinds of people that aren't in the media that he is interviewing. so he's doing a serious list right knnow. i do think part of his message will be unity. we'll see that through his advisor selection. i don't think he'll be
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insensitive to his opposition. >> jack, let me play something for you you said last week when we talked about the transition team and the makeup of the cabinet. here's what you told me about the cabinet that the american people should expect. >> i believe that when he's through selecting his team the american people are going to be very, very happy, including those protesters. i think you're going to see a very diverse cabinet. you'll see it geographically, racially, religious. everything that people will want. >> now let's put up the choices that donald trump has made. you say that he will have a geographically racial and religious diverse cabinet. here are the five white men plus a mike pence who he's picked thus far. where is this racially religious, geographically dense cabinet? are we going to get that? >> first of all, general flynn is a democrat. michelle reed who he interviewed
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about education, she is a democrat. there are a lot of women out there in the wings that will be tapped. marcia blackburn, pam bondy from florida, mayry fallon, cynthia lewis. a lot of talent involved in his campaign. don't forget, this is the first president of the you states who to have a woman run his campaign. today he is meeting with bob johnson, the african-american founder of b.e.t. >> of the five pictures you put up, two of them only qualify as cabinet members. >> cabinet or cabinet level. he has the five here plus mike pence who was chosen who is officially a member of the cabinet. you promised there was going to be a geographically, racially, religiously diverse team or at least a team that looks like the coalition he put together to win the presidency.
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>> remember this, that most cabinets fall in place on the sixth and seventh week, some even after that. we're not there yet. it's still very early. if i was donald trump i would be in the bahamas and not doing a thing. he is a 24 hour a day worker. >> he's got 60 days to put together a government. matt, quickly to you. where does a chris christie go? >> this is a real question. chris christie was a -- you can argue he's the reason donald trump won the nomination the way that he knifed marco rubio in that new hampshire debate. he was rumored to be a possible running mate. rumored to be in the justice department. he keeps failing and the suggestion is that it's because donald trump's son-in-law hates him. i don't know if they're stringing him along or if he'll get a job. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. an anti-hate rally will be
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held in new york today after vandals painted swastikas and go trump on playground equipment at the adam gail park in brooklyn. the park is named after a member of the rap group beastie boys who died of cancer in 2013. the graffiti was quickly painted over with images of hearts and flowers. the beastie boys tweeted fans can join a stand against heat messages. coming up, the president-elect's potential conflict of interest. how does it blur the lines between his white house and his business empire? here's how benefiber® works. inside each of us are trillions of good microflora that support good digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them so they can thrive. and what helps them, helps you and me every day. clear, taste-free, all natural benefiber®. nourish the goodness inside. also try benefiber® healthy shape. it's proven to keep you feeling fuller longer.
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outside with signs, yelled anti-trump chance. a member of the white nationalist group was hurt. you see him here. the conference was being hosted by the alt right national policy institute. donald trump is gathering up for a very busy day. in a few hours he has a slew of meetings scheduled to pick out who will get a spot on his cabinet. take a look at who he's already picked. analysts say his choice of steve bannon and jeff sessions are controversial. so far there is no diversity in his cabinet. cnn's tara stepwrote thmeyer wr. i just think that it's shameful republicans have just left decency at the front door in order to defeat hillary clinton. there used to be a mea culpa to women after the election from every republican official who
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continued to support donald trump even though it was revealed that he was clearly a sexist. >> is there a way to reform the republican party? >> i think there's going to be less likely that there will be soul searching in the party for putting these -- casting decency aside and casting aside a lot of our moral high ground in order to get along now with the president-elect donald trump, soon to be president, in order to accomplish some policy wins and goals. that's conflicting for me as a republican obviously. i look at a potential for a lot of our policies that we've been waiting eight years to get going. now they could come to fruition from tax cuts to getting rid of obamacare, border security, national security, changing those priorities. those things are attractive, but the day after the election i wrote for at what cost?
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i should be thrilled about this, that we -- republicans control everything, but at what cost? and i think that casting aside a lot of what we would normally not accept as republicans, particularly as conservatives like me, we would never accept this kind of behavior, this kind of language, even some of the policies, we would never accept that, but for some reason now everything's okay. it's hunky dorey and forget about what happened during the campaign. i hope that's not the case. we have to hold donald trump accountable. >> you did say you are willing to give trump a chance. it is early in the game already. you know, do you think that there will be a positive side of a trump presidency? >> you know, the whole giving donald trump a chance is really more out of my patriotic duty as an american that i want the president to be successful for the good of the country but, you know, it's like every time donald trump does something where i go, okay, well, maybe, then he goes and he does something where i go, oh, for
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god's sake. again with this guy. he takes two steps forward, five steps back. the appointment of steve bannon, this obsession he has with tweeting at the cast of "hamilton" for goodness sakes has been going on for two days. these kinds of things demonstrate to us the character deficits of donald trump are potentially really consequential when he's now president of the united states. he can get away with that as a candidate but now every single thing he does has consequences. and it's concerning. so do i think there's some positives? potentially. you know, there are some -- there are some policies that i agree with donald trump on and i think that the republicans in congress may be aible to massage him enough to get some of those things through, like repealing obamacare, tax cuts, taking regulations off the necks of small businesses, poirder security. those things i think are good for this country, but how donald trump actually governs is a mystery to everyone.
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that could potentially over shadow any policy wins that we might get. there's a lot at stake here. >> tara, who did you vote for at the presidential election? >> i voted for evan mcmullen. i was very adamant about the fact that i could not cast a vote for donald trump or hillary clinton. i felt that i could not participate in something i felt had a -- an immoral outcome. i was not obligated to do that. i wanted to participate obviously in the process of voting and voting down ballot but i voted my conscience this time around. i never thought that i would be in that position as a lifelong republican and conservative on the front lines. excited to cast a ballot, but this time around it was difficult but at least i knew that i voted for someone who i could be proud of and i could explain to children why i did it. >> contrary to what a lot of pundants said, a lot of women voted for donald trump. why do you think that is? >> yeah, i have to say that was one of the biggest surprises
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other than donald trump winning the whole thing. the fact that the gender gap was almost equivalent to what it was between mitt romney and barack obama in 2012, which is very surprising to me, but when you look at it a little bit further, you realize that really it was economic anxiety and the fact that so many people felt as though that they were unheard, they were ignored by washington and they just wanted change at any cost. and i wonder if women may regret that decision with what they've allowed to accept -- what they've allowed themselves to accept coming from donald trump. i think we have to really be careful about voting emotionally about something and not thinking about the long-term consequences and what the message of that is because we should be able to -- we shouldn't rationalize away things that are immoral, things that are unacceptable.
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when you start to do that, then you really lose all sense of moral confidence and i'm concerned about what that looks like down the road. i can tell you politically that democrats will -- it will come back to haunt republicans because democrats, they're not going to sit by and wall low in the loss. they're gearing up already and believe me, the ads that you're going to see against republicans, particularly the way that they accepted donald trump and his treatment of women will absolutely come back to haunt them and remind people in the next election come mid term time. >> oh, gosh, i can't start thinking about the next election. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. here's something else we may not want to think about. this winter storm coming across the country threatening to cause major travel issues ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. we'll show you where it's causing problems and what you can expect. i love getting more for less. that's why this control enthusiast rents from national. where i can skip the counter...
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okay. it is almost thanksgiving. >> yes. >> it's supposed to be cold. it's supposed to snow. you're reporting this because it is -- >> i will agree with cold. >> it is the first major winter storm of the season and it's bearing down on parts of the u.s. nine states are under winter storm warnings and they're expecting blowing snow. near blizzard conditions later today. >> the storm hits just as millions of americans plan to travel for the thanksgiving holiday. cnn meteorologist is in charge at the severe weather center. alison kosik said it should be snowing and we should see blizzards this time of year. side with me and tell her that she's wrong. >> it's the timing of it though.
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nobody wants it on a big travel weekend when you're making plans to go out, especially because travel is going to be impacted. now obviously air travel could be impacted, but really the roads are going to be the big concern with this because you've got blowing snow. so even though not necessarily that much may fall, you can have the snow pile up along the interstates. we're going to see that. we have lake effect launches and warnings out, winter storm warnings, winter weather advisories. we have a plethora of advisories. the system is in place. we're starting to see the snow come down. it's not going to move quickly. it's going to allow the snow to accumulate and pile up. we're looking widespread, 2 to 4 inches. some areas, we're talking 12, 18, 20 inches of snow. again, that's going to have some big impacts. with that said, however, we want to talk about what the impacts are for a blizzard, quote, unquote. so we take a look. technically you have to have
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winds of 35 miles per hour. visibility is 1/4 mile or less and you have to have both of those things for at least three hours. here's the thing. this particular storm, we're going to have some of that but not all three at the same time. so we're going to have near blizzard like conditions but not technically blizzard conditions and that's going to be the key thing, but with that said, alison and victor, because it will be near blizzard-like condition, it will make travel incredibly rough over the next couple of days. >> she didn't take one side or the other. >> she did. she is are winter advisories and warnings. a month out from winter. i'm just saying. >> thank you. donald trump says he's building a political wall so to speak, a wall that separates his white house from his business empire. will this cause a conflict of interest? tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure.
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only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. good morning and welcome back. i'm alison kosik in for christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good sunday morning to you. donald trump is gearing up for a very busy day. in a few hours he has more meetings scheduled to pick out who will get spots in his cabinet. new jersey governor chris christie, former new york mayor rudy giuliani among others. you see them on the screen. president-elect also telling reporters there may be some announcements today. >> and yesterday he met with mitt romney who had called him a phony. he called him a fraud among other names and he said, quote, they had substantive and conversations about foreign affairs, national security and the future of america. donald trump may be hitting a
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political wall hitting the president-elect white house against the business empire that he has. this as a potential conflict of interest continues to mount. >> reporter: we all know donald trump wants to build a wall. >> we will build a wall. >> it will be built. >> reporter: there's another wall trump promises, the one between his business empire and his job as president. >> my kids will run it. they'll run it well. >> never talked to you about it? >> they won't talk to me. >> once he gets into government they will not be -- they will not be -- they will not be advising him. there will have to be a wall -- there will have to be a wall between them. >> reporter: but his so called wall is raising questions. on thursday president-elect trump held his first meeting with a foreign leader. japanese prime minister shinzo abe. sitting across from him ivanka. so far he hasn't given his children any official titles within the government. >> they can't work in the
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government because of the government rule against nepotism. >> reporter: also raising eyebrows, reports that trump might bring ivanka's husband into the white house, jared kushner. if he gets that, that's a connection between the trump business and a senior staffer in the white house. from the beginning ethics experts questioned the so-called wall. >> this idea that his children can run it at arm's length is not viable in your opinion? >> i don't think it does anything to correct the public perceptions. >> that is not a blind trust, the kind that presidents have used in the past four decades. a true blind trust means there is an independent trustee who has no connection to the president. >> reporter: but if ivanka and jared kushner continue to blur the lines between trump inc. and the trump white house, the question exists does the wall exist? cnn money, new york. what is the impact of a
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possible conflict of interest and is there any resolution? joining me to discuss, jack kingston, former congressman and donald trump supporter. jack, good to have you back. what you just heard from the story there is a likely outcome for donald trump? because i don't know if anyone expects he will fully sell all of his investments and divest in all of those companies. and a full blind trust may not be possible. what is your prescription? >> you know, victor, i think you're right. i think it would actually take years to divest himself of everything that he owns. i think having somebody who's a well-known public figure, a guy like george mitchell who's even a democrat but who could say, listen, i want you to watch over this. we need to have a wall. we need to have separation. we in the trump campaign made too big of a deal about the clinton blurring the foundation between her operations and activities so it's only fair
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that we as republicans show that there is a wall and that we make every effort to make sure that the lines aren't crossed. i think some of the family members will not be able to work in the administration. they can still be voluntary advisors and they can still have a role. you know, there was a case when bill clinton appointed hillary clinton to run the health care task force and that was challenged by republicans and by critics. >> yeah. >> and the courts found in favor of the white house and said you can, indeed, put her to work in the capacity. there is a precedent out there. you have to be not just case by case but have an overall policy and then look at individual cases and make sure you're not crossing the line. >> the 1967 antinepotism law. let's talk about a meeting that was reported by "the new york times" this weekend between donald trump and other members of the trump family and three
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executives from india who are essentially business partners with donald trump. one of those executives tweeted out a picture. this is happening as there are so many questions about potential conflicts of interest during this time of transition. i wonder, does the president-elect have a true understanding or respect for the bright, bold line that must be created if he is meeting with these business executives while he's in the midst of these meetings and posing for pictures with these business partners? >> you know, one of the reasons that he is a successful businessman is he's always been able to assembling the right people. when you think about the deals he's made internationally and the different areas where he's had to have local laws, zoning knowledge, federal lawyers who know the international laws, the right bookkeepers, accountants, real estate agents and so forth. he knows how to cobble together a great team to make sure he does cross lines.
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>> now he has to separate teams. he has to separate the business team from the administration and it seems like that he has these executives coming in. even when asked hope hicks who is a spokesperson for the trump transition declined to say whether or not business was discussed. if there was no business discussed, a simple no would have sufficed. if he's taking these pictures, isn't that an obvious point of concern for the american people who have this question about the separation of the administration and the organization? >> victor, if he's trying to hide the meeting, he wouldn't have had cameras and pictures taken. he will sort this out because he does not want this to be a dissfradi distra distraction. he has a meaty agenda that he wants to pass whether it's on taxes, immigration, national security. this will not be a distraction to him. that's why i believe he would probably have some kind of a --
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maybe even outside czar although we don't like to use that word, a czar that will come in there and say we want to make sure everything we do is copacetic and above board. >> understood. you say he doesn't want this to be a distraction. he took the meeting anyway during this transition period. jack kingston, thank you for being with us. of course, we'll keep talking. be sure to watch "state of the union" with jake tapper today. reince priebus has been tapped to be president-elect's chief of staff and representative tim ryan who is challenging nancy pelosi for house minority leadership. that's "state of the union" with jake tapper at 9:00 a.m. right here on cnn. hundreds of thousands trapped in a city under siege, eastern aleppo under attack by regime forces. every single hospital has been hit by airstrikes. the latest on the dire situation next.
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a scene of tragedy in northern india this morning. at least 116 people were killed in a train derailment. officials say dozens of other passengers might still be trapped in the wreckage. a railway ministry spokesperson says the number of casualties will likely rise. let's go to syria in eastern aleppo. a heartbreaking scene after at least 300 people have been killed following five consecutive days of government airstrikes. >> a quarter million people are believed to be trapped in aleppo without a single hospital operating at full capacity. cnn's will ripley has more from
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istanbul. we have to warn you that certainly the images you're about to see are disturbing. >> reporter: when the syrian regime sent out that mass text message last sunday warning residents to get out or die, they promised brutal attacks on terrorist targets. apparently their definition of terrorist targets also includes the city's medical facilities. just when they thought it couldn't get any worse, one of east aleppo's major hospitals takes a direct hit. moments after the blast a thick cloud of white dust making bloody patients look like plaster mannequins and they were the ones who survived. no one go upstairs, he says, go down. there aren't any patients left. upstairs an apocalyptic scene. the intensive care unit devastated. it was full of patients, many just transferred from other hospitals hit hours earlier.
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choking dust makes it nearly impossible to breathe. patients who can walk escape to the relative safety of the lower floors. activists say many people are even afraid to go to the hospitals. basements are becoming make shift triage centers although the syrian regime's bunker busters that can pierce through bomb shelters mean nowhere is safe. even in war torn east aleppo many say they've never experienced bombing like this. hundreds of airstrikes and thousands of artillery rounds fired on saturday alone. at one destroyed building rescuers drill and dig frantically trying to save a little girl trapped underneath what used to be her home. they find her silent clutching her blanket in shock. seconds after pulling her out they must run for cover.
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the planes and the bombs are coming back. three other medical centers in east aleppo were attacked on saturday. the surgical hospital and children's hospital. we're told that all of the children were safely evacuated and nobody was hurt. will ripley, cnn, istanbul. the world health organization told copacabana beach that all hospitals in eastern aleppo are out of commission or out of service and we'll continue to follow what's happening there. the doctors on the ground though say that some hospitals are functioning to limited extent. a white house statement called the attacks heinous. demanded, quote, the immediate secession of those bombardments. war has become a daily routine for aleppo's victims. for ways on how you can help syrian families fleeing the war go to our website we'll be right back. i'm just a tv doctor. i never went to college. (scream)
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♪ the first thanksgiving was on pyramid rock ♪ ♪ the indians and pilgrims said let's eat on this rock ♪ ♪ paul revere said dinner is served ♪ ♪ the pilgrims charged everyone a thanksgiving fee ♪ ♪ but she used her coins and said this one is on me ♪ ♪ vikings showed up on a
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double-decker bus ♪ ♪ they said ♪ if we don't eat those turkeys they will eat us ♪ ♪ and that's why we eat turkey ♪ ♪ it was thanksgiving ♪ the first thanksgiving okay. "saturday night live" giving a slightly different history lesson on origins of thanksgiving. >> civics lesson didn't end there. alek baldwin made his return to snl as the candidate turned out president-elect donald trump. let's get to cnn media correspondent. baldwin and the snl team giving their own take on the trump transition. and now we see what kate mckenna will be doing as we transition into a trump administration. >> she retired hillary clinton for now, but in this snl skit we imagined what could be happening
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out of benminster. here's mitt romney. >> what's the matter? is there something on your shoulder? >> yes, all of this. [ laughter ] also -- [ applause ] mitt romney is here. >> okay. send him in please. [ applause ] >> hello, mr. president-elect, thank you for taking the time to meet with me. >> mitt romney, so good of you to come. [ laughter ] >> this isn't going to work, is it? >> i don't think so. >> great. great talk. >> i guess time will tell how realistic that skit was. maybe it won't work out. maybe it will. it was interesting to see
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baldwin back. last week he wasn't on the show. alec baldwin said he has a busy schedule. but he'll show up from time to time. we'll see as snl figures out how to make fun of a trump presidency who will be playing trump in the long term. >> not the far reaching conversation that the real mitt romney described yesterday. >> you know, snl has so many eyeballs and you wonder if through comedy if there can be some sort of unifying force for americans at this point as a whole. do you think snl can do it? >> i'm thinking the opposite. i'm thinking snl will continue to play mostly to either liberals or moderates who enjoy laughing at the presidency. certainly what we saw in the debate parodies was a lot of criticism of trump. here's another example. this is the re-creation of a donald trump and mike pence meeting. >> let's move on to obamacare.
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20 million people use it and it sounds crazy but a lot of people like it. >> keep it. let's just keep it. >> i'm sorry, keep it? >> keep it. no change. >> let's hold that for later, all right. also they are going to make it hard for us to hire a special prosecutor to put hillary clinton in jail. >> don't do it. >> don't do it? >> scrap it. she didn't do anything. scrap. >> sir, being president is not going to be easy. but we'll get through fit we work hard together. >> thank you, mike. oh, and mike, you're going to do everything, right? >> yes, sir. >> there they are against trump and pence co-presidents. comedy making a serious point here. lots of people curious about how invested president trump is in this job, how much he'll delegate versus being hands on. some of it was coming through in
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the comedy last night. >> you have a big show coming up. who do you have on >> we're talking about big news. this idea that more and more websites are designed to trick people. i'll be talking about that and the broader idea that if we can't agree on basic sources of information how can we possibly get a handle on our political discussion. we'll be talking about that on "reliable sources" at 11:00 a.m. today. >> beyond some of the fake news being read online on social media we saw it come being from the campaigns, at least one campaign several times this cycle. >> well, you know, even when you look at donald trump's twitter feed now he has said he'll be more restrained with his twitter account once he's in the office. but we've seen examples of him posting either misleading information or very strange information on his twitter account. i got to wonder if the real life kellyanne conway not the version we saw on snl would like to take that twitter account away or get it under control.
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just him this morning talking about "hamilton" said the show was over rated. a lot of people have concerns about trump's critique of "hamilton." >> his tweeting is becoming fodder for news headlines at this point and not in a good way. you want to know the president is to concussion on the important stuff. is he to concussion on aleppo. >> we know jack kingston who was the advisor for the campaign, said he appreciates donald trump's twitter account because he says it helps him connect with the voters directly without the varnish going through several layers and levels. i'm sure you'll have it on your show. thank you very much. catch brian on ""reliable sources"" at 11:00 today. >> thanks so much for starting your morning with us. >> "inside politics" with john king is coming up right after a short break.
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the trump team takes shape but not without controversy. >> got a great number of men and women. great qualifications. >> as long as the champion of racial division steps away from to value office impossible to take trump's efforts to lead the nation seriously. >> the republican party all smiles. >> welcome to the dawn unified republican government. >> words of caution from the currents commander-in-chief


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