tv Inside Politics CNN November 20, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PST
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the trump team takes shape but not without controversy. >> got a great number of men and women. great qualifications. >> as long as the champion of racial division steps away from to value office impossible to take trump's efforts to lead the nation seriously. >> the republican party all smiles. >> welcome to the dawn unified republican government. >> words of caution from the currents commander-in-chief.
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>> now comes the hard part. now his governance. >> and democrats look to regroup while hillary clinton looks back. >> the divisions laid bare by this selection run deep. america is worth it. >> "inside politics," the biggest stories soursd by the be best reporters now. welcome "inside politics" i'm john berman in for john king. exactly two months from today president-elect donald trump will become president. donald trump much to do before then. much to talk about. one person who was uncharacteristically not talking at least publicly about things other than broadway musicals. he's been camera shy. but there was this photo op with mitt romney the 2012 republican nominee and former harsh personal critic of donald trump.
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the two metaphor 90 minutes at trump's benminster, new jersey resort. >> we had a far reaching conversation with regards to the various theaters in the world where there are interests of the united states of real significance. very thorough and in depth discussion in the time we had. and appreciate the chance to speak with the president-elect and look forward to the coming administration. >> close group meeting on the president-elect's meetings and actual cabinet and staff picks. no question they made some waves. >> a man who seems to be a champion of white supremacy, number one strategist in the white house. number one. instead of hiding behind your twitter account and show america that racism bullying, and bigotry have no place in the white house or america. >> on the other side of the aisle, kinder words for a
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different trump pick. >> i'm particularly pleased to offer words of congratulations to my colleague and good friend jeff sessions who is going to make an extraordinary attorney general of the united states. he is a committed and deeply principled conservative. >> here to share their insights and reporting from real clear politics, our panel. guys let's review the president-elect's picks so far. reince preibus, steve bannon. michael flynn for national security adviser. jeff sessions for attorney general and republican congressman mike pompeo. those are who are tapped. let's talk about who is float and no one is floating more surprisingly than mitt romney. so, maggie, is this real or is
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this perform art? >> depends who you talk to. there's a divide in trump land. not clear whether romney wants it. knowing romney and knowing how he feels about service he'll think about it real hard and a chance he would say yes. mostly what it reflects is rudy giuliani has fallen out of favor. doesn't mean he won get it. trump is mercurial in terms of secretary of state. trump became aggravated by several accounts from people i've spoken to about all the headlines that rudy giuliani was getting both in terms of the negative ones about his business and his dealings with foreign governments and the ones about rudy giuliani as the lone real choice. rudy giuliani was privately telling people it was basically his. trump doesn't like that kind of thing. >> interesting. >> what it says is for trump we've all heard it for two years about how loyalty is everything to trump. loyalty is everything until it isn't for trump. rudy giuliani was the last man standing with trump in a lot of
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ways in those final week and yet he's still going through this meat fwriender. >> to review why it's so surprising to so many that mitt romney sat down for so long with rudy giuliani yesterday, let's just reminisce for a moment about the back and forth between two men over the last 12 months. >> donald trump is a phoney, a fraud. >> mitt was a disaster as a candidate. >> he's playing the members of the american public for suckers. >> romney let us all down. >> he gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. >> romney choked like a dog. he choked. >> his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> he was begging for by endorsement. i could have said mitt drop to your knees. woe have dropped to his knees. >> even after covering many elections i find that be more direct and personal than most back and forths we've heard from people in campaigns before. but the other side of that this is donald trump reaching out to former political enemies, bringing them in at least into
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the room to have a discussion and there's nothing wrong with that. >> i will say if mitt romney is trying to make a case how he can negotiate with difficult enemies, what we saw yesterday is a good step towards that. this is a position that mitt romney never expected to be in having to deal with president-elect trump especially in the role he's playing there. i think there are a lot of question marks that hang over this entire process. donald trump very much enjoys having a lot of question marks over the entire process. with that said, donald trump needs have the republican establishment working with him. his attitude so far with his former enemies is letting them come to him. this interaction with him and romney is a big step forward for establishing a normal relationship between a president and his party. >> at least have a seat at the table in benminster or trump tower. i want to talk about the other jobs still to fill. we're talking about marine
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general james maddus. donald trump had nice things to say about im. a lot of people think he can end up as secretary of defense. michele rhea. what do these picks say? >> he'll have a very combative administration. you go person by person, actually, starting with that and right on down the line with the sole exception of reince preibus. you have people who have built in constituencies who are going toe to toe. this in pi minute a sign that he's not really looking to do all that much compromising when it comes to sort of the core issues that he wants to fight about. keep in mind these are not people who will build the wall. not necessarily folks who will do the sort of must do propositions that he laid on the table during the campaign. this is every step of the way.
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you put michele rhea there she's got a detailed plan. she's got a lot of people who head the unions and are ready to fight with her. donald trump is ready to have that fight. >> michele rhea supports common core and donald trump does not. there's a difference in educational opinion. elizabeth warren on twitter talking about, well talking specifically about nirm meeting but more globally about the types of people donald trump has picked so far. this was a tweet from elizabeth warren. governor mitt romney when you meet with donald trump maybe you can bring your binders full of women with you. that's elizabeth warren being elizabeth warren. you're needling donald trump on twitter. the fact of the matter is we have five picks from donald trump so far. all five are white men. >> that's problematic for this administration, showing no signs yet of changing that dynamic. my question going forward with some of these picks are, this round announced on friday, was
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this indicative of what's to come or getting out turbulent suspects the people we anticipated coming in to this administration putting them out first in order to appease the base, appease his supporters and say this is the direction i'm going while easing some of the more unconventional picks. the thing about the trump administration is trump does reward loyalty. that group is still small. he has to reach out to people that weren't with him from the beginning and so i think that's what a lot of people are watching. >> i wonder if you have a stab at the answer, what does this say about how trump will govern and who he will surround himself. >> i agree that the meeting with mitt romney definitely signaled something different than what we've seen. mifrm went to trump. for all the staunch opposition we heard from romney earlier this year and romney is a big believer in protocol he went to see the president-elect. so far we're not seeing any
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names that we haven't expected with the exception of mike pompeo who had not met with trump until last week. he prepped the vice president-elect during the debates. he's a favorite of the koch world. what i'm struck by especially pompeo the degree to which -- pence is going to be doing a lot of the puppet microsoastery her. but we don't yet know other than it is a very older white male group. i'm very curious to see and this is not about policy, still remains to see who he puts behind the podium in terms of press secretary and daily message. given his combative relationship with fres that's going to be incredibly important to watch. >> laura ingrahm would be a message to the press. quickly, bill. the response to the cabinet
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picks so far. what does that tell you, particularly, steve bannon who will be senior adviser not a cabinet level pick. we don't know where he'll be sitting. steve bannon seems to be the one that elicited the harshest response. let's read you a quote from steve bannon. he says darkness is good, dick cheney, satan that's power. only helps when their critics get it wrong. when their blind to who we are and what we're doing. again, people seem to have a continuing issue with steve bannon. >> steve ban non obviously relishes it. he said donald trump not make being any robust overtures to people who weren't working class white folks.
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he made some initial overtures to the black community that didn't do a whole lot for him electorally. people who are not part of the core trump, are concerned about what kind of president he'll be. now they are seeing it with these picks. that's why there's push back. >> on the subject of those concerns, up next the president-elect takes on the cast of "hamilton." but first politicians say the darnest things. "saturday night live's" take on the president-elect doing some studying before moving into the oval office. >> what is isis? oh, my, 59 billion. siri, how do i kill isis?
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heto unlock the freshnessers uyou can see and taste. ♪ welcome back to "inside politics". surprisingly the buzziest political story of the weekend not about who will be in the my administration it's about what happened friday night on broadway. donald trump back on twitter again this morning, 6:23 a.m. rumbling about him. the cast and actors of "hamilton" which i hear is overrated should apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. what terrible behavior? the end of friday night's performance with vice president-elect mike pence in attendance the cast da little freelancing or as trump called it in an earlier tweet harassment. >> sir, we are the diverse
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america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. we hope this show inspired you to uphold our american values and to work on behalf of all of us. all of us. >> all right. a lot of people talking about this on both sides. i frankly think it's deeply representative of the discussion in the country over the last couple of months. katelyn, let's first start with the donald trump side the 6:23 a.m. tweet on a sunday which was his third tweet about "hamilton". it shows this is still a guy who will not give things up sean willing to pick a fight with anything and everything including a broadway show. >> remember the cbs 60 minutes interview when donald trump talked about twitter one of the most effective tools of communication. a person who doesn't use e-mail, who really sees twitter as a galvanizing force, really. this is a message -- this is a tool he's used to send messages
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to his base, to people who support him. i think this rallies the people who voted him into office. i think there's a lot to be said for a candidate or a president-elect now who doesn't like to apologize, calling on people to apologize, i think there's something rich about that. but, again, donald trump sees twitter this way. he knows what he's doing with this. >> there's no more direct attack on coastal elites than going after "hamilton". literally it's like stealing a child from someone's house, attacking this broadway show which people here in new york love and, again, people who love broadway love but people in many of these rust belt states may not have had a chance to see yet. >> that's right. it's an absolute perfect metaphor. young people, people of color, daring to play the sort of founding fathers. the obama administration basically -- >> the obama coalition on stage. >> the obama coalition, the old
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america. it's a perfect target. that's why he's aiming his tweets at it and good way to throw people off trail and have the media talk about this instead of near brush with a fraud trial that was set told other day for saying he a university which trump university was not and so forth. so, yes. of course, people took to the streets, you know. this isn't just falling on the ears and into the news rooms of the media, there were people who were out in the streets using boycott "hamilton," sadly not realizing perhaps the shoves sold out for the next two years. so if you want to boycott, you want to start talking 2020 or something like that. yeah. it was real and it was felt. and if this becomes the way he plays sort of cultural politics going forward, we're going to be in for a lot of this. >> least ironic thing ever. this is everything all tied up in a twitter war with a broad way show. it's the people who don't
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understand donald trump sort of laughing and snickering and being outraged he's on twitter. it's donald trump on twitter refusing to give something up that he might be better off letting it go. this would be interesting to watch. maggie, everyone is talking about the fact that this masks what should be some other serious discussions right now. yes there's trump university. yes there's also who is going to be part of his administration and how many people who will be part it closely will he be related to by blood or by marriage or otherwise. jared curb near, ivanka trump, they were in the room when president-elect donald trump met with the prime minister of japan. jared curb near, profile after profile this is a guy who wants to be a part this administration. donald trump wants him tube part of this administration. what's the current questions still unanswered. >> i don't think that everything that he's doing is a deliberate attempt to throw everybody off trail of covering things. i think he also cannot help himself. and having been on the receiving
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end of some of these bursts of anger from him over the last 18 months i guarantee you this is not voluntary. number two, a question in terms of yes it's effective in what he's doing in speaking to his supporters. this is a 50-50 country. there's a whole group of information your point, the obama coalition who are seriously worried about what this will mean and he's done nothing to reach out to them so far in a significant way. this is the opposite. this is taking -- he's mischaracterizing and this is critically important. he's mischaracterizing what was said from stage. there were abuse. there was an intentional shove disrespect at pence. some people will feel strongly about that. what the cast man did was very calm very civil and just very -- very respectful. and trump is now saying that's not what was said. that's important. to your question, yes, i do think that in the focus on
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"hamilton" we're missing bigger, not bigger but more significant issues is that the candidate who ran on the issue of drain the swamp, i mean that was his hash tag, that was his speech message is poised to go in with incredibly troublesome questions about conflict ever interest. he keeps saying he's putting his business in a blind trust. having your children run your business is not a blind trust. his daughter and son-in-law is looking to come in to the administration. that will face a legal challenge. his daughter was in the room for a meeting with the prime minister of japan. none of this -- the push back is these are just preliminary meetings or this is not a big deal. but it's a very slippery slope. if you look at the amount fof cuss we put on and trump put on the clinton foundation, and the overlap with the state department this is looking potentially very similar to that. the status is there's been no change. he held a meeting, interrupted his transition to meet with partners in india for a new
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project. partners in india are open to capitalize on fact that the president is their new business partner. >> they are real questions and unanswered questions. barely attempted to answer. >> i would say they have tried not to answer the questions and it's not clear what they are doing and that is, i think, where people's energy is best focused. >> a little metaphor in this is where trump will choose to live and work and spend his time as president. how much time will he spend in new york, how much time will he spend in bedminster, where will he spend his time. >> if his day job is in washington you'll see him there. his day job that's where he'll be most focused. obviously a very unique situation with somebody who has been incredibly successful and entirely nonpolitical industry in a city away from washington,
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d.c. but he knows what the job entails. he'll have the support of his family as he always has. >> so, she's half joking but when you call the presidency a day job that's indicative of the question that they were talking about. where will the presidency begin and the other part of donald trump end? >> he has paid the proper lip service to the idea that he will have a clear demarcation between his business interest and presidency. he's not exemplified that. there's a story in the "post" where diplomats are staying in the trump who delin washington, d.c. i think the thing that's interesting to think about, not only are we asking about the extent to which donald trump will live in the white house but with him coming back and staying at trump tower. trump tower is where his business is at. it's his business property. that in and of itself is a physical representation. >> these are questions that have not been answered eritrea
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deliberately or otherwise. he talks about his kids, the business being but in a baseline trust. these are things that need to be investigated. democrats still in disarray. the not so fresh faces filling the ranks of the democratic leadership and the battle brewing inside the party. please take our "inside politics" quiz. do you think that the president should have to live in the white house? vote at do you like nuts?
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together, we're building a better california. . welcome back. trump tower is abuzz with visitors. republicans back in washington are happily waiting. they soon will control the white house, capitol hill, they have a supreme court pick on the way. >> we intend on delivering and we're going make sure this is the most productive congress we've seen in a long, long time. they have given us this unified government. >> meanwhile the democrats are regrouping after losing the white house in underperforming by a lot every where else and losing breetse ing breeds acrim.
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nancy pelosi facing a challenge from within. >> we have the lowest number in our caucus since 1929 and we lost over 60 seats since 2010. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and you keep getting the same results. so time to move on, i think. >> back now with our panel. i want to start with the republicans, if i can, because one of the things that was notable during this election was the republican divide in regards to donald trump. and marco rubio when he announced for senate his announcement was i'm going stand up to whoever is in the white house. until application was even if it's donald trump. but where are republicans going to stand up to donald trump now. you don't get the sense they are itching to battle with him now. on the contrary you saw on the open of the show paul ryan's big fat giant smile. he's thrilled they will have a republican in the white house. >> nothing brings people together like winning. this week on capitol hill everyone in the republican conference was wearing those red make america great hats.
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you talk to republicans who said yes we disagreed with him on this but we won but we can do all these certain things. those divisions are certainly going remain but they are very happy right now with what. but at the same time they are still getting to know donald trump as a person, as a -- a lot of people described him as a third-party candidate. and so there are still a lot of questions about what their priorities will be. the issue of government spending, the issue of obamacare and those sorts of things i think will highlight that. >> ted cruz he had a chance to speak. ted cruz ran against donald trump. ted cruz is one of those republicans who has since met with donald trump and seems to be relatively on board with what donald trump is doing, the president-elect. >> when you're given control of the executive and the legislature, it's time to put up or shut up. there are no excuses. we've got to deliver and i think that is what the voters across
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the country expect and what i very much hope we will give them. >> is donald trump going deliver for the republicans in congress or are the republicans in congress going to deliver for donald trump? >> i mean it's important to remember that donald trump won the presidency without having this giant platform of policy positions. he said explicitly in august of last year that he really didn't care about policy details. he didn't think voters cared about policy details. he focus on trade and a few other things, immigration, obviously. as a general rule i think the republicans in congress or republicans in the legislative branch justifiably feel they will have something of a car carte blanche to do what they want to do. >> budget hawks like paul ryan if those hawks are still flying if they care about deficits and other things. let's talk about the other side of the aisle, chuck shumer.
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he considers himself really the last man standing.chumer. he considers himself really the last man standing. >> this is what chuck schumer said. >> there's a conversation going on should we be diverse or the blue collar in the heartland. some think we should make a choice. there must not be a division. we need be the party that speaks to and works on behalf of all americans. >> where is chuck schumer going to fight? >> first and foremost to be the conference leader. and the leadership team that he brought in place first and foremost i think is focused 2018 and trying to make sure they don't lose more seats. he has 24 seats to defend two short years from now. he has a very difficult job he was describing meaning you've
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got -- your obama coalition democrats who want to talk about identity politics, they want to talk about lgbtq rights, they want to talk about re-energizing emerging coalition of millennials and young people and then you have the rest of the country and he has to be concerned about both. i think you're going to see him fighting like heck to make sure his marginals, the democrats who are in north dakota and in montana are going to have a shot, you know. west virginia. they will have a shot of survival two years from now so he doesn't become an even sort of a weaker minority. >> that's a real interesting choice he face, maggie. these democrats from conservative states up for re-election. they don't necessarily represent the desires of the obama coalition and the popular vote which went for hillary clinton. >> the incoming president is in a position to squeeze them. trump's folks are very aware of the number of red state
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democrats who are up for re-election in 2018 and they think those people can be an equal weight to say if you have a ben sasse who was against donald trump. so if some oppose what trump want, trump's people know they have a block of democrats they can squeeze because trump voters are people they need. that's a conundrum for schumer. schumer is the most interesting attorney watch in congress just because he's the person who trump knows the best and he unlike most democrats certainly unlike harry reid was not that overtly critical of trump. he hasn't been in recent days. he knows what will inflame trump. trump mentioned schumer on the diaz and acknowledged him. schumer will be squeezed. >> most interesting democrat on
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the hillis chuck schumer. one of the most democrats to watch is outgoing president obama who up until this point has been very careful. he's said all the things that an outgoing president is supposed to say in terms of cooperating with the incoming administration. but there's an article in the "new york times" that obama might not disappear after the election the way he may have want to or be intending to. he may be standing up in battle against the administration. it will be relatively unprecedented. i can't remember another time when that's the case. >> his approval ratings are very high. >> which oddly he mentions all the time. >> all the time. especially abroad. especially abroad. what democrats are battling, what schumer alluded to is whether they want to be the party of barack obama or bernie sanders even though bernie sanders is not part of the democratic party and when i asked him he said he's not joining it any time soon. barack obama is still very popular, of course. i talked to lots of democrats
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who envision him, support him, still maintaining a very public role in the party, traveling around the country and that sort of thing. he's still very young. still very popular. still very involved. they want to try to do two things at once but they do have a very, you know, they pride themselves on having a big tent but there are a lot of people who feel that this election was a rejection of what a lot of obama was saying. lot of his policy initiatives. what democrats have done in congress. that's why you're seeing in this push back against nancy pelosi in the house. even if she remains the leader they want to go the home the constituents and said we put up a fight against her and absorb and digest the lessons you're sending us. >> all right, guys. up next, another democrat we're going talk about, hillary clinton. she just lost an election and had an impassioned message to supporters. >> i know this isn't easy.
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it has been almost two weeks since be hillary clinton's white house defeat. for her clearly the wound is still fresh. >> i will admit, coming here tonight wasn't the easiest thing for me. there have been a few times this past week when all i wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again. >> for democrats as a whole is now time to rebuild and recover and bernie sanders warns that change can't come soon enough. >> if we are going to go forward successfully, the democratic party has got to recognize some
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very important realities that donald trump, in fact, did recognize. there are millions of people today working class people, middle class people, low-income people who are living in despair. and we have got to recognize that reality. >> phil, i want to start with you. back now with our panel. do you gate sense that the clinton campaign and deposition feel they know why they loss? when you listen to bernie sanders and also listen to a few clinton campaign officials who spoke out loud it's a mixture of everything. >> part of the reason it's a mixture of everything is because the loss was so close. maggie made the point 100,000 people in three upper midwestern state. people who worked on the campaign because they want to push the blame on something else. others are realistic and
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understand what it was. key factors played in like having bad tv advertising campaign instead of having a positive message. a lot of factors. the general consensus is the accurate consensus is that this was hillary clinton's to lose and hillary clinton lost it. where that happened on the chain of command is being worked out. >> i don't think that's true at all. most clinton people -- talking about clinton folks specifically, democrats i would agree more broadly. clinton folks are focused on the comey letter and blaming the media for the existence of the coverage of it or, you know, why did this get played the way it did. by the time the comey letter emerged there was so much noise. the comey letter doesn't exist if hillary clinton doesn't have that e-mail server and all the things that followed.
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so i think that everything that phil said is true in terms of advertising strategy. she was a flawed candidate for this moment. if you look at that being realistic. i can go back to the paid tweechs speeches in 2013. >> karen finney senior adviser was on one of the shows i do she listed sexism, third-party candidates. she said the comey letter, the media. she didn't talk about, you know, white college educated voters which is the wave that seems to be decisive. all the things she brought up they may have contributed in some way but doesn't explain how barack obama won ohio twice and hillary clinton lost ohio by eight points. >> that's right. look there are swing voters out there and swing counties out there and many are in the
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industrial midwest. they go one way, they go another way. there's a thing ever staying too long. there's this larger question that nobody wants to talk about is that barack obama's political legacy has to include those four straight consecutive losses in the house, the loss of all of those seats in the state legislatures, the redefining of the democratic party in such a way that it's been impossible for them to win and difficult for the home rebuild. i mean that's going part of why i think he sticks around to do legacy work. worth pointing out and we should never lose sight of this when the national security apparatus says that there's outside interference in this election and we know where it came from. in the developed world we would say russia was interfering and this was a very serious problem. in this case, there's almost willful blindness to it that there was outside interference. you can take it as an excuse and there are a million of other reasons why the election played out the way it did.
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>> you brought it up. you talk about the president and how this election is seen by some as a repudiation in some way of his eight years in office or his inability to win elections for others besides himself. i'm struck by fact he's gone around the world the last week at these news conferences he makes a point about talking about his approval rating. he's been asked these questions. what do people think of you and your administration. they like me. i'm at 54%, 55%. that may be missing the point. >> for the past several months the president had been campaigning around the country for hillary clinton telling his own supporters if you don't vote for clinton i'll take that as a personal offense. i'm paraphrasing. when you look at trump's numbers relative to romney and mccain. they are relatively the same. so certainly i think the president is not wanting to admit that people come out to vote for him and not necessarily
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for other democrats. and when democrats are thinking about rebuilding it is going into tapping into the more grassroots elements of the party. you talk to people like sanders, keith ellison, others in the people who want to get democrats away from the big donor base and get them involved in some of the more, talking to the people that they say that they are repgt. >> i want to play some sound from a guy that's not a democratic strategist but has a take on what happened. senator ted cruz. he talked about this whole election is the revenge of what's known as fly over country. >> i think the election was an incredible vindication for the american people across this country and especially those as you note in rural america, in what elites on both coasts consider to be fly over country. this election could be well under stood as the revenge of fly over country. >> not to go back to "hamilton" but i'll go back to "hamilton". again, this explains why this
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twitter battle or this battle friday night with the cast of "hamilton" and mike pence and donald trump has taken up is indicative of what's going on. there's an element of what ted cruz is saying that's part of this discussion. >> said part it. not the only thing. a part it. what bernie sanders was saying was northwest really about identity and racial politics he was talking about class politics. he's talking about how people are despairing in their lives and that's across a lot of different segments of voters. >> that's why the democrats are going need to talk about. >> voters are static and won't vote the same way every single time. >> coming up a sneak peek into out reporter's notebook. donald trump just ceded "saturday night live" to his sunday morning list of twitter targets. and we ask do you think the president should have to live in the white house? most of you a huge majority say live in the white house.
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let's go around the "inside politics" table and get you out ahead of the big political news. katelyn, let's start with you. >> republicans are suddenly finding a lot to like in their nominee but trying navigate a world in which they don't know him that well and still at odds on significant policy issues that will come out right off the gate. government spending when it comes to infrastructure projects, foreign policy when it comes to russia, touching entitlements. i'll watch how republicans navigate that new trump world. >> an astounding number of conflicts of interest that require a lot of looking into. 40 wall street which is by far the most successful of real estate deals that has trump's
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name interest was where trump university was headquartered but a couple of dozen other places where prosecutors have either convicted or investigated various people. pump and dump schemes. all kinds of fraud. fugitives who are still on the fbi's most wanted list. can the sitting president be earning money from people who his same federal government is supposed to be investigating, prosecuting, pursuing and in some cases prosecuting and imprisoning. >> question about oversight. philip? >> one of the things we'll watch very carefully is how president-elect or presidential candidate donald trump becomes president-elect donald trump becomes president donald trump on social media the way he interacts with social media, the way he keeps floating various rumors about his cabinet picks. what that says about him as a president. i think it will be interesting to watch during this transitional period how he uses social media, how he uses rumors as an indicator of how he'll be.
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>> as president and theater critic. >> the sorry of rebuilding a party is not the republican party as we had all assumed. it's the democratic party. one name i have heard a few times as a possibility, hope for possibility for dnc chairman is outgoing vice president joe biden. a lot of people think that he would be sort of the perfect voice towards the white working class workers that the party is looking to attract. no indication this is something biden wants. >> fascinating. thank you so much. that's all for "inside politics". thanks for sharing your sunday morning. up next "state of the union" with jake tapper. on his guest list, reince preibuiebus.
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