tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 21, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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you for joining us. don't forget, watch "outfront" any time, anywhere on cnngo. "a.c. 360" begins right now. good evening. john berman here in for anderson. tonight, donald trump's to-do list. after days of waiting to learn more about the who question, who will be in the new trump cabinet, instead we heard late today about what, as in what he wants to do in his first days in office. we also learned a little bit about the how, as in how he intends to talk to us. this is the first time he's addressed the nation since we saw him on the stage in the early-morning hours after his upset victory. but instead of a press conference, or a live statement, he dropped a video this evening on social media. take a look. >> today i would like to provide the american people with an update on the white house transititrank transition and our policy plans for the first 1200 days. our transition team is working smoothly, efficiently and
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effectively. truly great and talented men and women, patriots, indeed, are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government helping us to make america great begin. my agenda will be based on a simple core principle, putting america first. whether it's producing steel, building cars or curing disease, i want the next generation of production and innovation to happen right here on our great homeland. america. creating wealth and jobs for american workers. as part of this plan, i've asked my transition team to develop a list of executive actions we can take on day one to restore our laws and bring back our jobs. it's about time. these include the following. on trade, i'm going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the trans-pacific partnership, a potential disaster for our country. instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto american shores.
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on energy, i will cancel job-killing restriction on the production of american energy including shale energy and clean coal, creating many millions of high-paying jobs. that's what we want. that's what we've been waiting for. on regulation, i will formulate a rule that says for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. so important. on national security, i will ask the department of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to develop a comprehensive plan to protect america's vital infrastructure from cyber attacks and all other form of attacks. on immigration, i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the american worker. on ethics reform, as part of our plan to drain the swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists after they leave the
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administration and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. these are just a few of the steps we will take to reform washington and rebuild our middle class. i will provide more updates in the coming days as we work together to make america great again for everyone. and i mean everyone. >> with donald trump on video, which he released, put out, made public tonight, joining us now from trump tower here in new york city, cnn's sarah murray. sara, is this how we can expect donald trump to deal with us and deal with the american public going forward instead of news conferences, public on-camera statements, these video releases? >> reporter: john, i certainly do think you're going to see more of this from donald trump even when he does go to the white house. he has made it clear that he believes social media and has a huge following on social media, whether facebook, twitter, is a
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powerful tool to take his ses message directly to the people. we've seen from his adviser when he strays off course, decides to tweet about things like "hamilton," "snl," they're inclined to let him do it because they also believe it's a powerful tool. now, does this mean press conferences are going to go away entirely? we think, no, we hope, no. kellyanne conway, one of his senior advisers, told the press today that he would take questions from the press in due time. obviously we're hoping that's soon, but is a valuable medium as far as donald trump is concerned to be able to get his message out there without having to answer the thorny questions journalists might pose to him. >> or any questions journalists might pose to him. there are a lot of comings and goings i should say today at trump tower. what's the latest on that? >> reporter: that's absolutely right. one of the interesting ones, democratic congresswoman tulsi gabbard. she was here and under consideration for a number of national security posts. i'm told from a source that she was very impressive in the meeting, that they are seriously considering her which would
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obviously be sort of an eyebrow raiser to see donald trump put a democrat in a high cabinet position. we will see if that come to fruition. the other thing we're looking out for is commerce secretary, multiple sources say billionaire investor wilbur ross is the leading candidate for this. they're saying it is all but a done deal, but not fully a done deal and it's donald trump, so, you know, he could always change his mind at the last minute, but they seem to be on the cusp of potential announcements and we'll see if he get any of those tomorrow or if donald trump decides to hold off until after thanksgivi thanksgiving. >> we're waiting to see. sara murray outside trump tower. joining us now, our very own cabinet. matt lewis. peter buy nart. erroll lewis. kayleigh mcenany. democratic strategist simone. and carlos watson, editor in chief of do we have david gergen with us as well? okay. we don't have david gergen with us. i thought we might. matt lewis, in terms of the
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scope of this plan to begin with on day one, how ambitious is this? >> well, i thought it was somewhat reserved. obviously it hits his core messaging around nationalism, make america great again, get manufacturing going here again. part of that is rolling back, you know, onerous regulations, you know, there's a book by robert hineland, "the moon is a harsh mistress" there's a whole house of congress devoted to canceling bad laws and there's a regulation that donald -- there's something donald trump is actually proposing that every new regulation they will roll back two previous regulations. so this is something that could spur the economy. i don't think it was the most charismatic video i've ever seen, but, you know, this is a guy who's telling the american people basically what's consistent with what he ran on, what he was elected on. >> but erroll, it's not tax cuts, it's not rolling back obamacare, it's not building a wall, not deportation force. a lot of stuff he ran on was not
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part of this video. >> that's right. my understanding from prior reporting, he's going to spend hours on day one issuing executive orders that repeal prior executive orders. i think that's where he's going to do at least symbolically a lot of the rollback of obama priorities he campaigned against. some of what he talked about today, tpp was dead on arrival in the first place. that's an'sy one to talk about. some of these other things like the regulatory promise i think are in some ways harder to enact than he might think. it's a great sound bite. it sounds great you can just repeal some of these regulations. they don't come out of nowhere. there's this myth that bureaucrats are sitting around mindlessly coming up with regulations for no reason. they're intended to clarify laws that have been passed. court orders that have been issued. you know, technical problems that are in the implementation of law. we'll see how it works out. i could easily see, for example, somebody saying i'm going to get rid of two old ones, write one new one that has subclauses that are basically the two old
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regulations. >> simone, it's interesting, as erroll was saying, tpp is dead already. he did say he's going to formally withdraw from it. that's a step beyond letting it wither on the vine like this. the framing of this is interesting, this whole thing, this whole day one moment for donald trump, he says is about jobs. creating jobs, simone. that's something that a lot of people in this country, particularly in the states that swung from president obama to donald trump care about. >> people do care about jobs. i do think that we're going to see more from president-elect trump that is nr n line wimore . the tpp point, again, it was dead on arrival. we do still have to formally withdraw from the deal. the tpp wasn't creating ne inin jobs. i don't know where the jobs, concrete jobs are coming from. i hope to see so soon. >> if you're looking to make yourself popular with the american people on your way in including people who may not have voted for you, including democrats, bernie sanders
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supporters like yourself, speaking out against tpp may not be a dumb thing. >> he was clearly against it already. i don't think tpp is going to win him any new folks. tpp is something donald trump ran on, one o the places where he and senator sanders aligned. he said tpp was not a trade deal we should be participating in, we need to rethink the way we engage in america's trade policy. we want to look at the weeds, only three chapters had to do with trade. oa things donald trump doesn't really believe in climate change. so, yes, i think tpp is a nod to those folks who voted for him. there are other things donald trump has promised that we haven't seen just yet. i am waiting with bated breath. >> kayleigh, why no wall, why no obama compare -- you know this is the first time we've heard from donald trump, a lot of people were wait to see what his priorities would be on day one. we did not hear obamacare, did not hear the wall. >> those are certainly priorities but every president has a list of things they y
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unilaterally as an executive can do on day one. obamacare, he can make that a priority going forward when he works with congress. the first two provisions will create new jobs. in addition to rolling back, not signing onto tpp. moreover, lifting the energy restrictions, that would create half a million jobs just next year. these are real revolutionary policies that he unilaterally can do as an executive, for whatever reason president obama hasn't chosen to do them. >> so that's the what. it's about the how, deciding to release, i should say, we don't use dropped here, release this video, instead of -- >> why play by the rules when you won doing it your own way? there's no doubt about it the first week and a half has been good for donald trump. his poll numbers are up. you see his popularity growing nine or ten points, even folks who voted for him but had unfavorable views, you see that going up.
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it's been interesting while his cabinet has been very monolithic, it's been almost all white males we've seen appointed so far. the fact you're beginning to hear about tulsi gabbard, other people, be interesting to see if he takes that forward. i think december is a warmup. i think january is where it gets interesting. you talk about the wall, talk about obamacare, but the real fight starts with the supreme court, right? we got a nomination waiting there. i think it will be interest to see when he decides to fire that bullet, does he wait for his state of the union address, his very first or do it even sooner? >> he can do it as soon as now if he wanted to tell us where he's leaning. peter, again, why the video, why not the press conference? ? earl, how do you think trump is handling his image right now? >> you know, it's e pekted. why hold a press conference and get asked tough questions when you cab put this out there. he's been very effective at this. the substance is one thing we need to mention. nice to talk about getting rid of energy regulations. let's be honest here, we have a climate denier in the white house. get rid of the regulations on coal plants and according to the
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journal "nature" if it continues to rise throughout the century as they will if donald trump gets rid of these regulations, 13 million americans they estimate in coastal areas will be forced to relocate. maybe there will be some jobs created in coal country. the consequences of a wholesale repudiation of president obama and indeed the entire world agenda on climate change will have very devastating consequenceses in this country. >> all right, guys, i know you want to respond. hold that thought. we're going to focus on the cabinet question coming up on two big names being floated for secretary of state, rudy giuliani and mitt romney, and a third big-name candidate just had to say about both of them. later, more breaking news. new video not far from the white house. people raising their right arms in the nazi salute to cries of hail victory, hail trump. their leader, and there is a german word for that, you know, spewing a message of anti-semitism and white supremacy. just ahead, what trump team just had to say about all that.
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so we might not have learned any new cabinet appointees today, not yet, at least. we know who will not be going to washington and who is touting whom for a big job. florida governor rick scott today said he will not take a cabinet post, and newt gingrich who has been mentioned in connection with several spots
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put in the good word for a different big name for the secretary of state gig. he was asked about mitt romney, but he plugged someone else. >> i think there are huge advantages to rudy giuliani, frankly. i think he -- he wants somebody who's going to go out and be a very tough negotiator for america and respect american interests in the way the trump campaign i think probably rudy is a better pick. and has the right temperament. we need somebody who's a fighter. the world is not going to change just because we show up and say, please. if that was going to work, secretary kerry would be successful. >> all right. back now with the panel. peter beinart, first off, look, it's flat-out interesting there's this campaign now for people to get these cabinet appointments. this is not something we normally see. newt gingrich is now campaigning for rudy giuliani to get it. interesting period. also interesting, that he's pushing him as a fighter. what do you make of that? >> i think this is going to be a
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very, very big pick for donald trump. first of all, if he chooses romney, he sends a sign he hasn't sent yet which is magnanimity. he's reaching out to someone who attacked him pretty harshly during the campaign and i think that would send a signal to republicans and in general that donald trump's number-one priority is not just loyalty. i think the other thing about choosing mitt romney is that mitt romney has been much more hawkish on russia than, say, general flynn, his national security adviser. it would set up a conflict inside the administration. i personally, i didn't vote for mitt romney, i would breathe easier if mitt romney were secretary of state for this reason. mitt romney i believe, i believe it has a lot to do with him being a mormon. you saw a lot of other mormons during the campaign, were very, very kprned about the anti-muslim bigotry coming out of the trump campaign. mitt romney has a very good record on the republican party's islamophobia going back to 2012 and would be a voice of conscience inside the trump administration when you have people like general flynn who have condemned islam. i would breathe easier with mitt romney. >> i think the headline is peter
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beinart comes out for mitt romney here. >> strange bedfellows. >> i want to recognize the difference in the two people we're talking about potentially up for the secretary of state gig. mitt romney. rudy giuliani, former mayor of new york city. who have had diametrically opposed views of donald trump during this campaign. let's take a walk down memory lane here. >> donald trump is a phony. a fraud. >> i am sick and tired of the defamation of donald trump. >> donald trump lacks the temperament to be president. >> he has the temperament to win. >> mr. trump's bombast is already alarming our allies. >> he is a man who's not afraid to say radical islamic terrorism. >> let isis take out assad, he said. this recklessness is recklessness in the extreme. >> donald trump has the intellect, the stamina and the strength to confront our enemies. >> now donald trump tells us that he is very, very smart.
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i'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy, he is very, very not smart. >> kayleigh mcenany, you have one guy essentially saying that donald trump is the best thing ever. then you have another guy pretty clearly saying that donald trump may be one of the worst things ever, at least one of the worst things running. these are two guys up for secretary of state as far as we know right now. that's interesting. >> extremely interesting. >> how do you explain it? >> it's hard to explain. i think it speaks to donald trump's magnanimity in bringing mitt romney in to begin with to earn speak with him about his position. he is reaching out to the other side, but if peter is putting himself firmly in the mitt romney column, let me firmly put myself in the rudy giuliani column. i want someone who doesn't underestimate the threat of isis, that, to me, the biggest problem over the last eight years, last four years certainly. i want someone who has seen terrorism up close, seen the pain a city has gone through. we'll never forget those images. and is ready to combat it and exhibit strength on the world
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stage. that person is rudy giuliani. i agree with newt gingrich. you want someone who believes in your vision of the world. donald trump had rudy giuliani in his column, he believes in the way donald trump views the world, believes in his vision. mitt romney clearly does not. i want to put myself firmly in the rudy column. >> matt lewis, people are wondering is donald trump messing with these guys? i mean, seriously, rjs udy giuliani, no one spoke out more strongly for donald trump during the campaign. if he rewards loyalty like people say he does, why isn't it rudy? no one spoke out more forcefully against him during the campaign than mitt romney. is this donald trump stringing him along so he can ultimately reject him. >> that's one theory, he brings people to sort of bow to him at trump tower, toying with them. i hope that's not what's happening. i really think that peter and kayleigh both were hitting on interesting and plausible theory, a microcosm of a really interesting idea which is to say, should a president surround himself with people who have a consistent and coherent sort of
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world view and vision in terms of foreign policy and national security? or should a president have a team of rivals, people who disagree fundamentally about big things and challenge them to sort of debate each other and make their case? and that really is what this question is. >> so are you team beinart or team mcenany here? >> well, i think, i think that i would be more comfortable with a mitt romney. i do. i think that -- i would fall in -- and it's nothing against rudy, per se, but if you look at the context of the people that donald trump has already including the national security adviser flynn, i would like to have somebody in the room who has a different world view, who's going to calm things down and say, okay, guys, what about this? i like to challenge donald trump's sort of, you know, disposition. >> carlos, one thing that the five people who've already been appointed or nominated have in common, one thing rudy giuliani and mitt romney have in common, all white men. i mean, so far, we have not seen
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a heck of a lot of diversity. by a heck of a lot, i mean any. >> right, right. first of all, let me jump in on this, kayleigh's got it not just because she's from florida as i am, there's zero percent chance that he didn't reward his most loyal lieutenant who is rudy giuliani. rudy giuliani was the only one who would come on screen when he was at his lowest point. i think this is all for show. >> why hasn't he done it yet, though? he's stringing him along. >> well, exactly what's happening here, which is we're talking about magnanimity which is not just a long word that peter introduce ed but -- >> i didn't make it up. >> a real olive branch. he wouldn't be the first to do it. i think he yearly is siding on side of ronald reagan the way ronald reagan approached it when he came in in 1980, 1981. he reached out to hillary clinton. that's not what's going to
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happen here. i think that's going to end up being a problem. the other pieces, john, we haven't gotten to yet, what are the democrats going to do? are they going to stand and fight? so far, they're quiet, they're cowed. maybe that's respectful and the right thing to do. it will be very interesting to see. coming up next for us, a suspect has been arrested in the fatal shooting of a san antonio police detective who was one of four officer shootings that happened just yesterday around the country. we'll have the latest ahead. 's t two servings of veggies? v8 or a fancy juice store? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive.
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a tragic weekend for police departments around the country after four officers were shot in four separate incidents. an officer in florida was shot in a drive-by during a traffic stop. another in gladstone, missouri. two shootings authorities call ambushes, an officer in st. louis was wounded and a san antonio police detective was killed outside police headquarters. a suspect has been arrested in that shooting. i'm going to speak with the san antonio police chief in just a moment. first, here's what the chief said just a short time ago. >> made an arrest in the capital murder of detective benjamin marconi. we arrested 31-year-old otis
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tyrone mccain. this is the person whose image we saw on surveillance. this is also the person we believe is responsible for the cold and calculated murder of detective marconi. >> all right. dan simon joins me now from san antonio. dan, as we just heard, there has been an arrest in the killing of benjamin marconi. fill us in, how did we get here? >> reporter: john, first of all, as you can imagine, there's unbearable grief in san antonio, but there's also relief that the suspect has been caught. he's been identified at 31-year-old otis tyrone mccain. now, police say they were able to quickly develop some leads and did surveillance on mccain. he was arrested during a traffic stop inside the vehicle. there was an adult female, as well as a child, just 2 years old. he was arrested without incident. this all began yesterday morning when mccain allegedly comes to the front of the police department, he speaks into the intercom for a few seconds and
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then goes inside. he's inside for about 30 seconds, has a brief conversation with the clerk behind the desk then he leaves and then four hours later he's in his vehicle and pulls behind detective marconi who was issuing a traffic ticket to somebody else. the suspect then gets out of his car, fires a shot in the passenger window and then reaches inside and fires a second shot just absolutely horrific, john. >> it is awful. dan, there were other shootings around the country this weekend. fill us in what happened there. >> reporter: yeah, fortunately none of those other officers were killed. one seriously injured in st. louis, missouri, who was shot in the face, but, yeah, i mean, kind of a crazy situation all awe cro across the country. two shootings in missouri, one in gladstone, missouri, a suburb of kansas city, then that one in st. louis. another one in sanibel island, florida. in that, the suspect was captured after a shootout with police officers. both of the suspects in missouri were shot and killed, john.
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>> all right. dan simon reporting for us. thanks so much. joining me now, san antonio police chief william mcmanis. chief mcmanis, what can you tell us about the suspect and what led to his arrest? >> the suspect is a resident of san antonio. through a variety of videos, videotapes, information that we got through investigation with the assistance of the fbi, texas rangers, texas dps, the united states marshals, we were able to locate the car, locate the suspect and then earlier this afternoon, he entered a vehicle that we had surveilled and drove to a location in the far northeast pasht of the city. our s.w.a.t. team made the traffic stop and arrest without incident.
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>> was this an individual that had been known to you prior to this? >> no, he does have a record, but no, we did not really know of him prior to this incident. >> you said earlier you believe that the uniform was the target. now that you have this man in custody, is that still the case? >> i absolutely do based on the actions of this individual prior to the shooting, we have a fairly good video documentation of what he was doing and i am still convinced that he was targeting blue, targeting an sapd police officer. didn't matter who it was, it was just any officer that he came across. >> can you give us any sense of why that is, what you've seen in the evidence that leads you to that conclusion? >> well, i don't want to get too much into the facts of the investigation, to the evidence,
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but, again, just a variety of his -- a variety of actions that he demonstrated prior to the shooting. >> so, i do know this has been a challenging day for you and for the entire department, in particular the family of detective benjamin marconi. what can you tell us about the detective? >> he was a good guy, to sum it up in two words, he was well respected, a great investigator. he worked in our sex crimes investigation unit. actually worked in a unit inside the sex crimes investigation unit for high profile and the more difficult crimes to solve. so he was a great investigator, great individual and well respected by everyone. >> how's his family doing tonight, chief? >> i spoke with his sister just a little while ago and as you might expect, they are grieving for the loss of their -- her brother and their family member. >> our heart goes out to them and to you. we appreciate the work that you
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do and we know it can't be easy tonight. chief mcmanus, thanks so much for being with us. >> appreciate it. thank you. a tragic scene tonight in chattanooga where at least six children have died in a school bus crash. horrible pictures here. the bus was carrying 35 students, kindergarten to fifth grade when it slammed into a tree and broke apart. at least 23 people were take b to local hospitals. police say the bus driver is speaking with investigators. a spokeswoman says at least five children died at the scene and one at the hospital. up next, breaking news. the president-elect's team issues a statement after a self-described alt-right group gathers to celebrate his victory. a celebration complete with racist language and nazi imag y imagery. how a trump spokesman is responding. that's next. e vault to man's greatest wonders... selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards... or even file a claim.
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also this. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> that video comes from the "atlantic," in that same speech apparently he also questioned whether jews are actually people. the trump team has responded, in statement, "president-elect trump has continued to denounce racism in any kind, he was elected because he will be a leader for every american. to think otherwise is a complete misrepresentation of the movement that united americans from all backgrounds." back now with our panel. kayleigh mcenany, this was not a donald trump event. this is people who were there who say they also support donald trump. but the statement from the trump transition team tonight, which said, you know, we continue, always have denounced racism of
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any kind, why not be specific? why not just say that this event was awful? when they are questioning whether jews are people, when they're talking about minorities in the way they were. when they are saying, you know, clearly using nazi salutes, you know, nazi representations. why not just say that's wrong? >> i don't think he wants to highlight a certain event. i don't think he wants to give these people a platform that they absolutely do not deserve. by saying we repeatedly denounce racism, it's uncalled for, has no place in this administration, he's calling them out without naming them, without elevating aem then giving them prominence on the national stage. donald trump repeatedly denounced this. looked into the camera on the "60 minutes" interview when asked about french people creating violence, said there's no place for this, cut it out. created unity on day one, president-elect, one of the first 100 words out of his mouth in the speech. he's doing exactly what he should. >> he did do that on "60 minutes." over the weekend, he came out
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harshly against the cast of "hamilton," than he did people call it an alt-right group, neo nazis with nazi salutes. >> he doesn't want to name them, doesn't want anyone to watch that who risk vidhorrific video. he gave "hamilton" a callout. or name them outright. "hamilton" is an innocuous play who makes bad political speeches. they're an innocuous play. he's not going to highlight a fringe group. >> i think my issue with mr. trump, a lot of folks' issue, he has not been as specific on the issues of racism. and xenophobia, as he has been on "hamilton" or "the new york times" or cnn. his video of his transition, what he's going to do in his first 100 days. i'd love to see him use social
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media to denounce hate, denounce the white nationalist group specifically. by not calling them by name specifically, it means, in some way, shape or form, it's okay for it to continue. >> let's play a little bit more sound from this event because it's really awful stuff. let's listen in. >> america was until this past generation a while kte country designed for ourselves and our posterity. it is our creation. it is our inheritance and it belongs to us. >> errol lewis, your reaction? >> he doesn't know who resigned washington, d.c., where he is having this event. doesn't know much about the history of the united states. he tells these lies and distortion to his group. there are 238 people, places and things donald trump insulted on twitter. not one of them involved the alt
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right and until and unless he really sort of comes clean about that and sort of owns up to the fact that he has encouraged in subtle and not so subtle ways the growth of these people and has refused to make part of his politics pushing them back to the margins where they belong, he's going to have to own this. >> peter, calling them the alt right in this case may sacnitiz it. you saw the nazi salutes. comments, questioning whether jews are in fact people. that's not all right. that's flat-out anti-semitic and nazi propaganda. >> right. let's be clear. if mitt romney were the president-elect, this event would not be happening in the ronald reagan building in washington, d.c. these people are emboldened because we have a president-elect who called for a ban on muslims, repeatedly called elizabeth warren pocahontas, called mexican immigrants rapists, down the line, whose very slogan today, america first, echos the isolationist anti-semitic slogan
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of charles lindbergh, ran a racist birther campaign against barack obama. yes, he should denounce these things. we should also be honest about the fact these thing, these people existed before but they're enormously emboldened but they feel like they have a friend in the white house and they are not entirely wrong in that feeling. >> wait, you're saying they have a friend in the white house? >> they believe -- they have watched what donald trump has done, they have watched he go again and again after vulnerable religious and racial minorities and they have taken aid and comfort from that and that's also part of the reason we now see this kind of wave of hate crimes across the country. i'm not saying donald trump agrees with these people. i am saying that he has done specific things that have made it much easier for them to operate. >> matt lewis, is it donald trump's fault? is donald trump a friend of the alt right? >> well, i think peter's right that donald trump's candidacy has given them energy and by the way, they're not conservative. i mean, they're -- you know,
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they're isolationists. they're not for free trade and they're not pro-life. they actually have this nichial world view that is the opposite of my view of conservatism. i also agree with peter, you can't exactly blame donald trump. what he should do is say what ronald reagan said in 1984, many people are welcome in our house but not the bigots. he needs to call them out. >> he needs to do more in this transition -- >> wait, i would say one more quick thing. there were 200 people in that room. maybe 300. so it's horrible. i denounce them. but a couple hundred people, you know, this isn't exactly -- >> 300 people in the reagan building which is a few blocks from the white house. >> right. >> to some people that might seem like a lot. >> celebrating on the bridge in north carolina the day after election day. >> charles? >> i think we're just sanitizing -- it's all fine to say that donald trump is a president-elect, but let's not sanitize what he did. as peter said very clearly, he used dog whistles, he used clear provocations and called that.
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i think until donald trump, president-elect or president, clearly and unequivocally says this is wrong, i think we're just playing with fire. and you can say what you want, in my mind this is not a partisan point. >> no, it's not. >> and he hasn't come strongly on that. we know he's a guy who can come strongly. >> president-elect trump repeatedly denounced racists more than any candidate in this race and if the alt right thinks they have a friend in the white house, it's not because of donald trump who repeatedly denounced racism, it's liberal commentators who completely take him out of context, gloss over the fact he called out racism. >> he said mexico -- he said they're rapists, they're taking our jobs, not sending their best people. >> that is not true. >> taking out the nuance of a statement and engaging in categorical fraud, inaccurate statements, the reason these people think they have a friend in the white house is because of liberal commentators like you.
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>> with all due respect, kayleigh, i don't think that's why they have a friend. i did not imagine that donald trump spent years claiming barack obama was not born in the united states. i didn't make that up. i didn't make up that donald trump responded to the san bernardino attack by calling for a halt of muslim immigration -- >> again, you eliminate -- physical you figure out what was going on. >> miss, there was no other republican candidate who came anywhere close to suggesting this. these are positions that donald trump fully embraced, himself. you are the one who at every turn has tried to defend the indefensible about this man. >> you are doing what liberals did 36 years ago to ronald reagan when carter came out and said he's engaging in stirrings -- >> ronald reagan never did this, kayleigh. >> said if you elect ronald reagan, you're engaging in a specter tried this 36 years ago. it didn't work. >> let's look at what he does. >> 2016, put a white nationalist in the white house with steve
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bannon. steve sbbannon add this white supremacist meeting who said he was an intellectual leader of the alt right. steve bannon who -- i think it was in august who said his platform, breitbart, was the platform of the al t right. it's really important to note donald trump's chief adviser, the man he as picked, himself, to put next to him in the white house to be his counsel has endorsed this. >> all right, guys. hang on. >> this is questionable. >> all right. >> to say the at least. >> we have more time to talk about all this. i know everyone has an opinion here. we'll get to that. up next, though, we're going get to this, president-elect donald trump name checking "hamilton" as kayleigh said, perhaps body slamming it, and, again, lashing out at "saturday night live." see how it's playing a world away from the great white way. our eyes...they have a 200-degree range of sight... which is good for me hey! ... and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. with our most vitamin d three ever.
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apparently being elected president is not going to stop the trump twitter finger from tapping. this time, target, as we mentioned before the break was "hamilton." it all started over the weekend when the vice president-elect mike pence went to see the hit broadway show. when it was over, the cast had a message for him, a call for unity. >> vice president-elect pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us here at
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"hamilton" american musical. we, sir, we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our families, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. but we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our american values and to work on behalf of all of us. >> donald trump wasn't pleased and wrote a series of tweets saying that pence was harassed, the cast was very road, and, quote, the cast and producers of "hamilton," which i hear is highly overrated should immediately apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. pence said he was not insulted and when some of the crowd booed and cheered, he said, that's what freedom sounds like. >> i wasn't offended by what was said, i'll leave it to others to say if it was the appropriate
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venue to say it. but i think people are feeling anxious about this time in the life of our nation and president-elect donald trump meant exactly what he said on election night, that he is going to be the president of all of the people of the united states of america. >> as for the president-elect's demand for an apology, the "hamilton" actor who delivered the message said, there's nothing to apologize for. >> we are here together and we need to listen to one another and speak with one another, and those who feel like maybe their voice had been marginalized or might become marginalized need to recognize there are allies all over the place. >> this may be just the publicity this little show needs to get off the ground. we've been reaching out getting their take on donald trump and the controversy surrounding him. tonight the "hamilton" fracas seen as just south of atlanta. our gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: in places like this county in georgia, where donald trump did very well on election
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day, there is great awareness of trump, his twitter account, and the broadway musical, "hamilton." >> donald trump spent so much time campaigning and talking about being tough, tough on tyrants, tough on terrorism, does it strike you as unusual that he's so offended by theater people? >> i just think that's trump. >> reporter: here in the county seat of noonan, many trump voters sound as angry as he does about what happened to mike pence during his night in the theater. >> reporter: had you heard of the play "hamilton" before? >> i have. >> have you seen it? >> no, i haven't. >> would you want to see it? >> probably not. >> after this incident? >> not after this incident. >> so you don't feel good about it? >> no, not at all. >> donald trump says, the theater must always be a safe and special place. the cast of "hamilton" was very rude last might to a very good man, mike pence. apologize. >> do you think that was a good thing for him to tweet? >> yeah, absolutely. and i thought pence acted with a
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lot of class. >> pence didn't say anything, it's trump speaking out about it. but do you think trump should be using twitter to complain about theater people? >> it's good media. i don't tweet. >> you don't think it's a little childish to be doing that? >> no, why would i think that? >> that's trump. he's a vocal person. it's not changed from when he was campaigning. he won based on being different from other politicians. >> reporter: and then there's trump's tweet about being made fun of on "saturday night live," the president-elect calling the show totally one-sided and biased. >> every time i turn it on, they're making fun of him. >> google, what is isis? >> reporter: the fact is, "snl" has been joking at the expense of every president since it went on the air in the days of gerald ford's presidency. >> reporter: it's not a news show, it's comedy. they made fun of presidents all the way back to gerald ford. >> yeah, well, i don't watch it. >> reporter: but you think it's
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okay that trump tweets that? >> yeah, yeah, i think it's all right. >> reporter: it doesn't seem unpresidential? >> no, not this day in time. >> reporter: but not all who voted for trump here support all his twitter battles. >> he's not the president-elect. he needs to start treating that position with the respect that comes with it. he's no longer a free agent to go out and spew what he wants to, on twitter, and i was hoping that when he was elected, that he would take that to heart. >> reporter: as a businessman, as a presidential candidate, donald trump's twitter feed served to inform, enthrall, entertain, and infuriate. and as president-elect, it continues to do so. speaking his mind has served him well, say so many here. >> i agree with what he's saying now. i think that the vice president and the president-elect should get better respect than they're getting. >> gary joins us now from atlanta. gary, did any of the people you spoke to think it was notable
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that the man this was directed at, mike pence, didn't really complain about it? >> most of the voters do think it's notable and think it's admirable. they like the fact that mike pence is diplomatic, that he is the ying to donald trump's yang. i asked if they think it's strange that mike pence's not upset, but donald trump is? they said, no, that's donald trump and that's the guy we voted for. >> a lot more ahead on our next hour of "360," including donald trump unveiling his agenda for the first days in office and what he's planning to focus on and not do in the first days. stay with us. want a feast fit for the season? at red lobster's holiday seafood celebration nothing says "treat yourself" like any of these indulgent new dishes. so try the new grand seafood feast with tender shrimp, a decadent crab cake, and a lobster tail topped with white wine butter. or the new wild-caught lobster & shrimp trio crispy and garlic grilled red shrimp, and a lobster tail with creamy lobster mac-and-cheese? you wanted a feast, you got it.
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