tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 23, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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[ baby crying ] >> oh it's not that bad now. come on. [ laughter ] >> a very happy thanksgiving to you. with a little help from my friend. he's so funny. i love him. erin burnett starts right now anchored by jim sciutto. "outfront" next. breaking news. president elect trump calling for national unity tonight, this as he names the first two women for top level positions. plus trump stepping away from promises on obamacare, climate change and to lock her up. what are trump loyalists saying about the flip-flops? and charges that the election results in some big states could have been hacked. will clinton demand a recount. let's go "outfront." and good evening. and hp thanksgiving i'm jim sciutto in for erin burnett. and "outfront" breaking news.
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a call for unity. president elect donald trump in a direct address to the american people. his holiday wish that the country begin to heal its divisions and move forward as one. >> we've just finished a long and bruising political campaign. emotions are raw and texs just don't heal over night. it doesn't go quickly, unfortunately. but we have before us the chance now to make history together, to bring real change to washington. real safety to our cities and real prosperity to our community, including our inner cities. so important to me and so important to our country. >> this is team trump presses ahead on the transition. today nominating two women to cabinet level post, diversifying his otherwise all male mic picks. nicky haley tapped for u.n. ambassador. a sharp crit oifk trump throughout the campaign while
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trump called haley an embarrass to the people of south carolina. and betsy duvas, named to secretary of education. she spent much of the year raising money for republicans other than donald trump on the ballot. jim acosta is "outfront" tonight. some surprising picks. >> absolutely. donald trump has done something many of his critics thought he was incapable of and that is bringing in a harsh critic do his new administration. and making other moves that suggest not all of his campaign promises are making the trip to the white house. as donald trump sets in for the thanksgiving weekend the president elect is making room at the table for some surprising cabinet picks. for starters his choice for ambassador to the u.n., one of his toughest gop crit i, nikki haley. saying the south carolinian governor is a proven deal maker and we look to be making plenty of deals.
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she'll be a great leader representing u. she said when the president believes you have a major contribution to make, that is a calling important to head. >> when a bully hits you, you hit that bully right back. >> reporter: haley had a different calling in the primary, she was backing marco rubio, she attacked trump as the race-baiting bully. >> i will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the kkk. that is not a part of our party. that is not who we want as president. we will not allow that in our country. >> reporter: trump punched right back. >> she's very weak on her legal immigration. you can't that. >> reporter: trump also tapped betty duvas for education secretary.
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-- on devos's website she insists she opposes common core, something trump repeatedly vowed to end. >>er going to provide school choice and put an end to common core which is a disaster. we'll bring our education local. >> reporter: trump's willing to go out outside of his comfort zone may be a sign of something. mitt romney. >> his domestic policies would lead to recession. his foreign policies would make america and the world less safe. he has neither the temperament or the judgment to be president. >> reporter: the move is enraging some supporters. >> that is e goes to a microphone in a very public place and repudiates everything he said in that famous slax speech. >> i can think of 20 other people who would be more naturally compatible with the
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trump vision of foreign policy. >> reporter: the decision to send haley to the united nations comes at a critical time with the trump team with so many americans uneasy about the proton of the donald trump presidency. they hope hayley's selection will be a pressure reliever for americans. and i'm told by a source we should not expect any more announcements until after thanksgiving. so we get one day to take it easy there on thanksgiving tomorrow. >> and u.n. ambassador also might reassure some people around the world. jim thank you very much. jason carroll is "outfront" in palm beach, florida. at his mar-a-lago estate, right behind you there. we haven't seen him today but we just heard his thanksgiving message and clearly intending to strike a very different tone than he did repeatedly on the campaign trail? >> e wyes you are right. he's trying to turn a page. many of his critics accused him of running a the divisive
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campaign. some even saying running a racist campaign. and what he's trying to do now is make a call for unity, for healing. he told -- he said in his video he knows this is something that is not going to happen overnight. at one point quoting abraham lincoln saying one voice one heart. >> this historic political campaign is now over. but now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country and to restore the full promise of america for all of our people. i'm asking you to join me in this effort. it is time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens. because when america is unified, there is nothing beyond our reach. and i mean absolutely nothing. >> so again the message tonight from the trump team is one of unifying the country. one of healing. of course his critics already looking at that and saying it is not going to be about the president elect's words. it is going to be about his
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policies and his actions. jim? >> no question, jason carroll, thanks very much. "outfront" now welcome our panel. scotty nell hughes. basil smikle. phillip bump, and ron brownstein. thanks to all of you. ron, let's start with that thanksgiving message, a call for unity. trump sounding, i think it is understatement to say. a very different tone than in the campaign. >> like donald trump, i am from queens. i thinky say with some expertise that is the definition of the hoots pa. donald trump from the beginning from the moment he came down the escalator and talked about undocumented immigrants as criminals and rapists and the thugs and proposes to ban an entire religion from entering the united states i think it is fair to say he ran the most racially divisive campaign since george wallace.
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and while there is definitely diversity in the appointments today we all have steve bannon, sessions and flynn. and the latter of whom describes it is rational to be afraid of islam. for trump now to say he wants to unify the country. i think there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be very skeptical and looking more to deeds than words. because certainly his words as a candidate have done as much to divide the country as any i think we've seen in our time. >> scotty, fair criticism? >> it is a fair criticism but he's no longer candidate. he's president elect trump. and remember this is still president obama's stay. but for some reason donald trump has the entire audience and i think what mr. trump is wanting to do with the administration is have everybody leave the table. or most americans feel like they won some and lost some. you are seeing a balance of all the ideals. a spectacular a diversity through the republican party coming together in the cabinet. not everybody loves every pick.
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not everybody hates every pick. and i think this speaks to wise parts of him and how he's not going to micromanage. he's picking the best people more the position. not basted on the gender or sex or race but because they are the best person for that job. and i think we really do have to give him a chance after he's sworn in to actually see the actions these folks are going to pull off. >> and basil ticked off a number of the more controversial positions and statements from the campaign. another donald trump led the effort to discredit the citizenship of the president of the united states, barack obama. his predecessor. this diverse you see in nikki haley does that change your view fundamentally. >> not really. to paraphrase chris rock. i don't need to give you credit for things that you are supposed to do. and, you know, trying to be diverse and trying to bring more voices to the table is something i think a president is supposed to do. true diversity in this case based on what he has already is actually being able to bring in
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some democrats into fold and get them at the table as well. so, you know, and during the campaign donald trump talked a lot about training the swamp but the truth is a lot of the picks that we've seen are highly ideallogical which trump i don't think is. and there are familiar faces and names in the republican party. so i don't know if there is a particular lean that donald trump is going to have. but i do see that a lot of names being talked about already, there is substantial ideology there. and i think you will see that sort of infused in the agencies that they are going to be heading. so -- listen, i'm happy to allow him to do the work that he needs to do to build his administration. but i think we're really in a long wait and see period. >> -- got less attention than nikki haley but a very strong supporter of the school vouchers and she'll now be heading the
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education department. phil, i want to ask you. beyond the statements about racis racist litigatio racist religions and etc. donald trump called romney one of the dumbest and word candidates in history of the republican politics. haley was a gogovernor who embarrassed her state. and the -- pathological temper to that of a child molester. these are all now already select order very well be selected. are these insults just forgotten? >> one would assume they were not forgotten by the people who are the targets. reinforces the point ron brown steen was making. that donald trump as he has throughout the campaign is expecting people to come on board with him and is not going anything to reach out to actually make overtures to do so. he's repeatedly heard from folks, heard from protesters and
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other people that have been giving him feedback that what he needs to is demonstrate he wants to unite the party by changing what he's doing. by moderating some positions. the people he's appointed so far have strongly conservative. representing the diverse spectacular specula spectrum of the republican party. and if donald trump wants to unify the country he needs to do something to demonstrate to people of color and you will of the women who didn't vote for him he is actually doing something to unite the country and so far we're not seeing it. >> we're going to have to more chances to talk about this. thanks very much. and please do enjoy your thanksgiving holidays. "outfront" next, donald trump backing off on obamacare, deportation force and climate change. why is that? and what do his loyal supporters think about it? plus angry democrats starting their own movement to take on the trump presidency. and why weren't mallya and sasha
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dictator who executed his own uncle. the white house conveying north korea is a grave threat to america. warning the trump transition team about the threat. >> once the president elect got the detailed briefings on the state of the north korea nuclear and missile programs i imagine it was new information and rather jarring. >> reporter: they say kim jong un's jeem probably has the ability all right to hit japan and south korea. and improving their ballistic missiles. >> they tested the icbm engine. may have new fuels that give it far greater energy and range. and with that range the km-14 can possibly reach washington d.c. those missiles haven't yet been tested to reenter the atmosphere but experts say the north
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koreans would be able to fire the missiles a u.s. during trump's administration. also new concerns tonight about kim's violent tendencies and how trump will deal with him personally. >> kim juong-un is a dangerous man. enjoys violence. brutally killed dozens of his generals and he's a leader without legitimacy. he needs to prove to the korean people's army that he's a tough guy. >> on the campaign trail trump alternated between saying it is possible he could meet with kim and saying he wanted to push him out of power. >> like a maniac. okay? and you got to give him credit. how many young guys. he was like 26 or 25 when his father died take over those trump -- >> and pressed the trump team on how they will handle kim jong
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un. we haven'ten gotten a response. >> generally marks. president trump said he's the best negotiator and he could use those skills to push state likes ab iran or north korea. do you see evidence of that that he'd be able to successfully negotiate with pyongyang in a way previous administrations have not. >> i think what you just said is that nobody in history has demonstrated ability to influence actions in pyongyang. it just doesn't happen. the only thing the united states has been able to do which is significant is maintain an incredible powerful coalition with the south koreans and a presence in northeast asia that is compelling militarily. but we haven't been able to effect activities there. and also president elect trump as the businessman has been
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incredibly successful. but at the end of the each negotiation the terms are not right he has the ability to say stop i'm not going to go forward. kim jong un remains in place at the end of an academics if he doesn't like it. that has to be dealt with. >> during the past and during the campaign donald trump has said while he wouldn't host kim jong-un for a state dip dinner. he would be willing to meet him in the united states. >> who the hell cares. i'll speak to anybody. who knows. there is a 10 prkts or a 20% chance that i can talk him out of the those damn nukes. who the hell wants the noouks? i wouldn't go there. that i could tell you. if he came here i'd accept him. >> 20% chance of talking him out of his nukes. is he being naive this. >> i think so. and the reason you say that is who you talk to matters.
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in this case what you are dealing with is somebody who wants recognition from the united states. they fought basically for 60 years to try to be recognized by the united states as an equal power. and if president trump when he becomes president actually talks to kim jong-un as an equal than the north koreaance from their standpoint will have won and won't do much for our position or south korea's position. >> there is this misconception out there. isn't there, that somehow north korea is crazy. kim jong un is fly by the seat of his pants. in reality when you talk to intel folks, as dangerous as it is this is actually a rational policy of sort of self protection for north korea. >> it is easy for those of us who aren't in pyongyang and haven't been living under this regime for the last 70 years to label him as crazy, lunatic.
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let me tell you, anybody who has 12-15 nuclear weapons and increasing missile capability where missiles and nuclear bombs will be able to be married up here some point in the near future has 1.2 million active military under arms right now. and it is only 20 miles from seoul. that is a significant issue that needs to be addressed in a very sober, very measured and very powerful way. that is not. >> i imagine a lot of folks at home will say why not just take the nuclear weapons out? why is that more difficult than it sounds? >> first of all, jim, in this particular case north korea has actually a mobile capability where they can move those nukes around. and even though there may only be 10-15 as general marks mentioned, that still is a significant number. and it's also a number that is going to increase over the next decade or so.
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and increase quite substantially. so when you look at that, it is going to be very, very difficult to get those nukes, hit them directly or somehow disable them. it is almost an impossible job for special operations force os are any other force that you would want to put into that kind of a situation. it would be a very, very difficult thing to do because that is totally denied territory to us. >> and i imagine spider the other thing is seoul is so close to north korea, you have millions of civilians. not to mention tens of thousands of u.s. troops that are very much in harm's way in the event of military action. >> absolutely. when we moved to korea, i had the great please of being the senior intel guy in korea. when we moved in i was able to bring my family. the first thing my kids had to do was get fitted for a gas mask. it truly is a city under arms and under threat of attack at any moment from north korea. so certainly very, very serious consideration in place. and you know i would imagine
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upon inauguration there will probably be a test of some sort. a nuclear test of some sort. and bear in mind 2018 the winter olympics in south korea. that is a target for concern. >> this is a regime that likes to send those public threatening signals. thanks very much. >> "outfront" next. trump backing down on some of his cornerstone campaign promises. what are his loyal supporters saying about the flip-flops? and what it's like living inside trump tower if your name isn't trump? >> it is like going to an airport. you are have to check your bags. you will have security. the medal detecters all over your body. nothing says "treat yourself" like any of these indulgent new dishes. so try the new grand seafood feast with tender shrimp, a decadent crab cake, and a lobster tail topped with white wine butter. or the new wild-caught lobster & shrimp trio
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care? bryn gingrass is "outfront." >> reporter: scheduling. canceling and then rescheduling a meeting with the "new york times" isn't the only thing president elect donald trump has changed his mind about since being elected. in his first sit down interview with the newspaper since winning the election, the flip-flops added up. take a stance on prosecuting hillary clinton over her e-mail controversy. >> he deleted tight end mails. she has to go to jail. >> if i win, i am going to struck out my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation -- >> reporter: he's since softened, telling the times quote i don't want to hurt the clinton, i really don't. she went through a lot and suffered greatly. about obamacare, trump first said. >> it's got to go. has to be repealed and replaced.
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>> reporter: he's changed his stance on that too. some parts could stay. coverage for patients with pre existing conditions and children staying on their parent's plan until they are 26 as he said in this "60 minutes" interview. >> adds cost but very much something we're going to try and keep. >> as the president elect fills his administration, general james mattis appears to be a front runner for secretary defense despite the two having differences of opinions on the use of water boarding. this is what trump told the times about the recent meeting with the general. >> i said what do you think of water boarding? he said, i was surprised. he said i've never found it to be useful. i've always found give me a pack of cigarettes and couple of beers and i do better with that than i do with torture. >> so is trump backing away from what he told supporters about using torture on terror suspects? >> i love it. i love it. think it's great.
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and i said the only thing is we should make it much tougher than water boarding. and if you don't think it works, folks you are wrong. >> reporter: and when it comes to climate change the president elect once tweeted global warming is an expensive hoax now telling the times he believes some connective between humans and climate change, stressing clean air is vitally important. and really the list goes on and on as time passes. the president elect once say president obama was ignorant and how he nays he likes him. and when it comes to the fact that the border wall, well that may soon become a fence and about the "new york times," he once called them disgusting. and now he says jim they are a world jewel. back to you. >> things change bryn. thank you. and become to the panel. scotty, you were a trump supporter throughout the election. now a lot of the criticism coming from the breitbarts of the world. calls flip-flopping on hillary
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clinton a broken promise. rush limbaugh all criticizing here. do the changes, really these reversal, matter to trump supporters? >> they matter but they are non existent at this point. these are just words. if you go piece by piece things like obamacare. those two points mr. trump says he's going to keep were part of the two republican plans they put forward last year. >> you are saying it is not -- it is a difference to say i'm going to repeal it and now saying i may keep parts of it. >> no he's going keep two parts. >> -- go to jail and now saying he's no longer going to pursue that. it is no longer just a difference. it is a reversal. >> because he didn't say that. . definitely taking that off the table, the investigation. trump said sno. but he was -- >> -- said he's not going to pursue it. >> but the actual transcript what he said at the "new york times" what. he's going right now. he's not going micromanage the cabinet positions he's filling right now.
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he's not going to tell these folks when you take this job oomt i'm not going to command you to do things evans i want to hear your reason, your just fiction but ultimately the buck stops a them. but i will say this. i guarantee conservative republicans will hold his feet tighter to the fire than anything in the media or other side will ever do. they will forget but not fore give. and i promise you the first he starts backtracking you will hear more rumbling out of those folks who worked so hard to get him into office to make sure he sticks to chain promises so he's not like every other politician in the past. >> basil do you buy that explanation? >> i don't. and i take scotty's point. >> eric kanter. we've done it before. we've ousted our own -- >> i get that. but, you know, i take scotty's point about micromanaging or governance. but i think that is the key point here. how much does donald trump actually want to govern? and the fact of the matter is that he himself has said that he
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used language on the campaign trail he may not have actually meant. but he knew the impact it would have on getting his supporters riled up. and yes it is true that conservatives and his voters broadly are going to hold his feet to the fire. but the truth of the matter is if he doesn't have that political ideological or political policy compass where we can get a sense of what's going to do and why or the reasoning behind it and his core believes. if we don't get that, what's going to happen is his appointment, his can't appointees are the ones that are actually going to be writing the policy. and as long as they go to him and say you know what we did well on this, as the win for us. it is going to come out and say it was a win whether disease a flip-flop orb not. and that is the concern his voters should have. >> ron, the criticism during the campaign or the theory had been well this is just an act. he's just saying what works to get himself elected.
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is this -- are these reversals evidence that was a true criticism? >> i'm more with scotty on this. i think there is less than meets the eye. i think there are some areas woo where potentially we're seeing a change. but look at the two cited the most. climate and health. what trump is doing is signaling a different tone on the overview. but when you get to the policy he's going in a different direction. he has said on the first day he plans on repealing president obama's clean power plan which was the instrumentation of how we achieve the goals that we agreed to in the climate plan. and same with healthcare to. talk about maintaining the ability of people to get insurance with prior condition but repealing the individual mandate, the subsidies and expansion under medicaid that were the core of allowing 20 more million people tro have health insurance undermines that promise. i think it is full speed ahead on the agenda. maybe the tone on how you are presenting it could be
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different. >> phillip, you get the final word. >> i think that is exactly right and i think it is important to remember that what the "new york times" editorial board took away from meeting with donald trump is they considered his perspective on the issues to be thinly throughout through. donald trump has held literally every position on climate change through the decade. this is not core to who he was worried about as a businessman. not a forefront of what he's worried about right now. things he said on the campaign trail that were very effective at rhetoric. not necessarily things he's going hold to. and i don't think his supporters are going to sit there and say well you said you were going do this particular torture thing. they want him to be tough on terrorism. and if he can demonstrate it in a way that doesn't necessarily include water boarding he's accomplish something. and his supporters will think so. >> so does -- >> -- would be. >> not going held to the staple standard as president obama?
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shocking, shocking. >> and thanks so much. and let me take this chance to wish you hp thanksgiving. "outfront" next heightened security in new york for the thanksgiving day parade. and charges the election results in three crucial swing states could have been hacked. will hillary clinton called for a recount. and anti-trumpers so upset they are starting their own movement? >> i want to build an army of progressives across this country to fight for the things that we believe in. so i'm really happy you guys are here tonight. victoza® a better moment of proof. victoza lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. and while it isn't for weight loss,
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new tonight, hillary clinton's lead in the popular vote is now nearing 2 million votes. ads we're learning top aides have been briefed by a group of sooiptss calling for a recount. scientists believe they may have found evidence that the votes in three key swing states could have been manipulate order even hacked. tom, what are the sinuses alleging? and in your view how credible
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are they. >> what they are alleges is in three key states there may have been these manomalies. wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. in some counties it looks like the results from the electronic voting machines are considerable less than. they haven't released their numbers. they haven't shown their methodology. it is very hard for anyone outside to get beyond just their claim that maybe something happen. a two pronged assault going on here. the political activists are saying you got to look at this because maybe hillary clinton really won and she wasn't allowed to win. that is what they are pushing towards the clinton campaign people. the chief scientist on this seems to be saying more, look, you have to look at any kind of irregularity, although he does
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not see evidence at this point that it was hacking. so at this point as the bit of a conspiracy theory and we need a lot more evidence to go further on. >> is the clinton campaign taking this seriously? >> they are not really responding. there is no sign they are ready to wrap their arms around this yet and run with it. and arguably it is difficult for them when they made the case so much that if donald trump lost he and his followers should say that is the way it is. politically it is difficult. jill stein however, the green party seem to be trying to get together a real challenge to follow-up on this. again though, even if that happens a lot of things have to fall together just the right way to make the numbers turn and make any real difference to all of this other than making people perhaps feel better. >> before they meet the college meets december 19th.
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thank you very much. after hillary clinton's loss many democrats are pondering their own revolution, much like the republicans tea party movement after 2008. our kyung lah is "outfront." >> reporter: the time to whine is over say this is room of 200 los angeles democrats. >> i want to bill an army of progressives across the country. >> reporter: trying to harness the rage of californians. a state that's seen daily often massive anti-trump protests. >> when you look in this room what do you see? >> this is exactly the place republicans were in 2008. >> i barack -- >> reporter: 2008 the republicans lost the white house the senate and house of representatives. sound familiar? back then from that loss a groot conservative movement was born, the tea party. >> we need that passion, that activism. that'll level of engagement that, you know, that republicans harnessed in 2008 going forward
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and we need to cap thture that the left. >> reporter: she's not a democratic operative, neither are the people in this room but they are united in their restance to a trump administration. california still counting its votes is overwhelmingly democratic and anti-trump. you see it in the half serious cal exit movements. california's outgoing democratic senator submitting largely symbolic legislation to end the electoral college which gave trump win despite losing the popular vote. and the los angeles police chief sending a message to the new president elect that state laws won't force the lapd to round up immigrants. the left coast, the natural setting for an opposition to washington. >> there is a shock here that how did this happen? because they didn't see it in california. so they are going organize and organize hard. >> is this grassroots movement
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going to -- >> democrats are going to be afraid of trump. i think they are going to be all hands on deck. >> is this different than every other thing you have ever seen? >> yes. definitely different. there are action steps. they have awoken something that won't stop. >> borrowing from the republican playbook, hoping for a different ending in 2020. so would this tea party of the left stay on the left coast or could this grow into a national movement? the people we spoke with say if it is going to happen now is the time and something else we noticed jim, it is not just politically. but over this last weekend we saw religious leaders gavnzing as well. there were some 25 vigil, interfaith vigils in cities like los angeles and new york. and what we heard there is a very similar message. a grassroots opposition to a trump white house.
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called the annual thanksgiving parade their quote, an excellent target. dozens of sand-filled transplantation trucks will line the route. comes as 48.7 million americans will travel at least fifty miles to celebrate thanksgiving. the most since 2007. rene marsh is "outfront" at an airport. how's it going so far. >> the big issue today is all about volume. volume on the roads as well as in the airports. millions of people essentially on the move during the busiest portion of holiday travel. but most people will be driving. i want you the tyke a look at this video. this is the 405 in los angeles. gridlock for miles and miles. again, most people are expected to drive to their thanksgiving destination. aaa saying about 43 million people. airports and airlines where we are here at reagan national,
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they are seeing high numbers as well. overall some 27 million people are expected to fly throughout the thanksgiving holiday. but jim, i will argue that the true test is going to be on sunday. although we saw lots of travelers today, sunday we will see even more. and all eyes will be on the tsa to see if they are able to handle the crowds. take a listen. >> we brought on about just shy of 1400 new transport security officers this summer. converted about 2,000 from part-time to full-time. we've added about another 50 or 60 canines. >> reporter: all right. so they beefed you have staffing, as well as they have those k-9s. in you are on a line where they are using the dogs, you don't have to remove your shoes, your jacket or the liquids from your bag. one of the many measures tsa is using to speed up the lines here, as they expect lots and lots of fliers.
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back to you, jim. >> and let's hope the weather doesn't get in the way too. thanks very much. now to the white house holiday tradition that brings out the stand up comic in president obama. the presidential pardon of a thanksgiving turkey or in this case two turkeys, nicknamed tater and tot. a moment the president filled with a healthy stuffing of puns. >> malia and sasha are thankful this is our final presidential pardon. what i haven't told them yet is we are going do this every year from now on. no cameras. just us. every year. no way i'm cutting this habit cold turkey. [ slow applause ] >> that was pretty funny. >> well at least they laughed. "outfront" next we take you inside trump tower. what it's like to live right next door to the trumps.
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or priv. o is for ordinarily i wouldn't. l is for layers of luxury. a is for alll the way back. r is for read my mind. and i... can't see a thing. s... see you in the morning. polaris, from united. you found the perfect car foi'm a robot! yeti rawr ♪ jingle bells tents up guys. and used to find a place to service it at a fair price, too. signal, signal hey guys, how's it going? that's not even music. ♪ now when you're ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we're there for every turn. since we started shopping at way
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there can be no doubt. this is the home of the president elect donald trump. the country's next first lady melania and their son barron. celebrities have called trump tower home like bruce willis, and others. about 15 years ago a couple leasing the tourist penthouse got a personal call from trump himself. >> donald calls the wife of the tenant and says do you mind if i show your apartment to a dear friend of mine. she says no not a problem. it is mine. so michael jackson arrives. and my client said it was the nicest man around. >> according to the website trump tower has over sixty floors and 263 apartments. this man has represented clients here for over 15 years. he took us inside the building.
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42 stories up to see what your average multi million dollar apartment looks like. heading inside, golden burgundy walls, marble floors and apartment doors without letter os numbers so you need to know where you are going. he says security now is so intense some of his prospective buyers are turned off. >> feel that in a military camp. all kind of forces from s.w.a.t. teams, police. it is not very pleasant to get to the building. >> people who live in trump tower actually have to go through this security right here and then even more security beyond to get to the residential entrance that. increased security began on election night and it is not set to end for a long, long time. residents are taking it one day at a time. >> the most surprising thing is just how easy it's been. the security clearly is
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substantial. but they just are all really good at their job. >> a logistical nightmare or not. trump tower may be setting an example for what's to come. >> if president trump will run the country the same way he runs the building, we could be quite happy. >> jean casarez, cnn new york. >> i'm jim sciutto v a great thanksgiving. ac 360 starts right now. good evening. john berman here in for anderson. if you are watching us at the airport about to board a flight home, choose the steak not the fish. tonight, donald trump's choices for his staff and cabinet according to the washington post his choice to forego some of the classified intelligence briefings he's now entitled to receive. as forjob offers a staunch --. a crit irk for u.n. ambassador. and perhaps ben carson for hud secretary. perhaps. although they have yet to say
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