tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN November 27, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST
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this is gps, i am fareed zakaria. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. we'll begin the show with the national security adviser, ambassador susan rice, on the fight against isis, the civil war in syria, on the new cold war with russia and on the next administration. what are the biggest challenges facing donald trump? >> the weight of the united states leadership, of the responsibilities of office are quite serious and sobering things. >> then, global warming. trump has said it was a hoax and now he might be changing his mind. most signs are saying it is very real. this businessman says he's
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opening his checkbook to stop any plan to roll back progress on climate change. meet tom steir. also, no work and no play, that's no good. steven johnson will tell us just how important it is to have a little fun in our lives. but first, here's my take. so donald trump now says in be a interview with the "new york times" that he believes there is some connection between human activity and climate change, that hillary clinton should not be prosecuted and after one conversation with james mattis, trump changed his tune a bit about waterboarding. when wondering why he didn't have that conversation during the campaign for a year and a half but at this point it doesn't matter. trump is president-elect. we should all hope that he
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flip-flops. in this spirit, let me outline a few news stories i hope we'll see over the next few weeks. donald trump wants to keep iran deal. the president-elect has come to realize that the agreement with iran has blocked that country's pathways to a nuclear weapon. furthermore, were the u.s. to pull out, no other country would reimpose sanctions so it would simply hurt american business. i haven't focused on the benefits of the deal, trump said. we have been bombing the hell out of isis, says trump. the president-elect described a phone conversation with president obama in which he learned that the united states and its coalition partners have conducted more than 16,000 air strikes on isis. that's a lot, says trump. noting that in syria, the obama administration has been focused on defeating isis and not on disposing of bashar al assad. they've been doing what i have suggested all along, he noted proudly. the trump administration plans
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to propose a health care bill that will require insurance companies to enroll people with pre-existing conditions. in return, the companies will gain millions of new customers since people will now face a mandate to buy health insurance or elt face a $10,000 fine, much higher than under obamacare. i figured out, like with houses or cars, insurance can't work unless you are all in, the president-elect explained. donald trump announced the sale of the trump organization. the president-elect said that he has decided that people deserve a full-time president without even the hints of conflict of interest and so he's decided to sell all his companies, put the proceeds into a multibillion dollar charitable trust and ask his children to run it. if they want to get into business, i will give them a few million dollar loans like my father did. on the others, i don't know if they will happen, but if they
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do, great. there are many people who oppose trump's election and want him to fail. i don't. it's much better for the country and the world if trump does well in the white house. that is not as some worry but recognizing that the situation is what it is and hoping for the best. when trump does things i disagree with, i will protest. for example, his refusal to properly separate himself from his businesses is truly unconscienceable and makes this country look like a banana republic. but if he ends up doing things that are sensible, i will cheer. trump has a unique opportunity. a vast number of americans are deeply distrustful of elites in washington in new york and elsewhere. they believe that there are simple solutions to the problems that america faces and resent the country's engagement with the world, which they see is harming the average american. these people have put their faith in donald trump. if trump can help make them understand some of the realities of the world and the could nstrs
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on government, it will be a huge step forward. if donald trump tells his followers that the climate change is worth preserving ornaor sme or nato is crucial for stability. let's get started. ♪ earlier this week, i traveled to d.c. to interview president obama's national security adviser susan rice. there are just 55 days until the next president is inaugurated. in the meantime, there is plenty to keep ambassador rice busy around the world, including the transition. listen in. ambassador rice, pleasure to
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have you here. >> nice to be here. >> let me take a second to describe the progress that's been made. the iraqi security forces inside of iraq have taken back about 55% of the populated territory that isil originally receives back in 2014. they have now, with our support and that of our 68 country coalition, encircled mosul and they are beginning to move into parts of mosul. this is going to be a very difficult fight. isil has been entrenched there for several years now. they built up very significant defenses. we can expect that to be quick and easy but i believe that in due time that will succeed and we're working very quickly to support the iraqi security forces as they do that. in raqqah, in syria, the isolation phase has begun.
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we're supporting that again with our coalition partners. this is a complicated endeavor because the force that is best capable of conducting the isolation consists not only of syrian arabs but also syrian kurds and raqqah will need to be taken by syrian arabs who will be more accepted by the population in raqqah. but that isolation phase has begun. doing these two things simultaneously in mosul and raqqah puts pressure on syria simultaneously. it is the case that they have taken some strikes against isil, that they've taken some strikes where they claim to be al qaeda but their business is quite clear.
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it's to prop up assad and to wipe out the opposition, most of which are moderate opposition. they claim to have shared interests, as we do, in defeating isil. and i think they do have that interest as a secondary interest because their proximity to syria that others would come back into russian territory. but if you look at how they have devoted their effort and resources, it has been predominantly to back assad, go after the opposition indisdiscriminately in large numbers to, a lister extent to deal with isil. >> you have been in all of the meetings with putin, the three or four of you with a translator. what is it, do you think that vladimir putin wants? >> well, i think putin's primary goal is to see russia and pride
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to be restored. putin, as you know, is a former kgb. he very much lamented when it was much waker and his mandate and purpose is to restore russian glory and to do so at the expense when it serves his purpose. >> what would happen if the united states were to slap 45% tariffs on china or label it a currency manipulator? >> fareed, first of all, to put -- let's deal with the 45% tariff suggestion. the chinese have made very clear, including in u.s. bilateral discussions and in president obama's meeting with president xi just the other day,
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that they don't seek a trade war with the united states. to use their term, there will be cooperation in the economics sphere and security sphere even as we deal with difference between us. president xi was also clear that china has its own very significant economic interests and if it were -- if there were an action directed against china, there would be an equal reaction. and so this could very well be the beginning of a significant trade war, if that were, in fact, pursued, that could have serious ramifications for the global economy. >> what would happen if the president were to decide he wanted a tariff nafta or renegotiate it? >> i don't want to go through every one of these what-ifs because they are what-ifs. campaigns are campaigns and governing is governing and they are very different things.
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and the weight of the united states leadership, the responsibilities of office are quite serious and sobering things and i think we need to allow the president-elect time to put his team together to formulate his policies and see what, in fact, those policies prove to be. >> and we will be back in a second. much more with national security adviser susan rice.
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it's what's inside the person who opens it. give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from -by revealing their ethnic mix. you'll save 30%-and they'll have a new story to tell. order now at offer ends monday. back now, more of my interview with susan rice. we met in the secretary of war suite in the eisenhower executive office building on the white house grounds.
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the president has been receiving calls without the state department being involved, either in translation or having the government official on the line to take notes and to be able to brief him before and after. is that true? >> i'm not in the middle of these phone calls, fareed, so i can't independently verify that. i've seen the same reports you have. and if it were the case, that would be not the typical approach. >> has president obama ever talked to a foreign leader without having a note taker on the call? >> i don't know about ever but our practice and the traditional practice in the white house is that these are calls that are prepared well in advance, the president is well-briefed, the calls are transcribed and there's a record. >> let me ask you about one that's very important, which is, could the united states withdraw
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from the iran deal? what would it look like if the united states wanted to tear up the iran deal? >> first of all, fareed, let's remember what we've accomplished with the iran deal. the deal has been in place for now almost a year and a half and iran has abided by its obligations consistently under the iran deal and removes 98% of the enriched uranium and all of the advanced centrifuges and disabled its ability to most comprehensive and ever instituted against a nuclear program. all of iran's pathways to a potential nuclear weapon have been cut off. and so this deal is working for the american people, for the people of the region, for our allies and partners most threatened by iran's nuclear
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program. and so to scrap it when it's working would put us outside of the bounds of what is an international agreement. it would be breaking our faith, not iran breaking its faith but the united states breaking its faith not with just iran but with the european union and germany and britain and france and china and russia and the united nations security council which has endorsed this deal. so we will be isolated. the ability for us to influence iran thereafter will be gone. they will not have the constraints of this agreement so they could resume their nuclear program unabated. it may be that if they do that, we contemplate the force to create an outcome that we have accomplished peacefully through the nuclear deal and we would find ourselves without the sanctions regime that put the
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sufficient pressure on iran that we were able to achieve the deal. so it's a win-win for iran. they are out from under. we are isolated. their nuclear program can proceed unabated. it doesn't serve our interest. when people contemplate the realities, this is not rhetoric anymore. this is, in fact, our -- the responsibility of those governing to examine the alternatives, a rational determination would be that it is manifestly in the united states' interest to maintain the iran deal. >> susan rice, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. next on "gps," a billionaire says he'll spend as much as it takes to battle back if president-elect trump decides to dismantle the progress that has been made on climate change. tom stire will be with me when we come back.
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york times," trump changed his tune a bit admitting there was some connectivity between humans and climate change. trump still has a leading climate change denier. his action and contradictory words has climate change experts concerned. my next guest says he will counter trump with some of his billions if he tries to roll back the energy he told reuters he would spend whatever it takes to fight trump on climate change. welcome, tom. >> fareed, thank you for having me. >> tell me what exactly you are most worried about, among the many things donald trump has said. >> well, i think that if you move away from progressive energy policies and clean energy, you are putting the safety of americans at risk. you are putting the prosperity
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of americans at risk and you're putting american leadership in the world at risk. >> now, donald trump does say he's going to reverse a lot of these executive actions that obama has taken, whether it's on coal-fired plants or vehicle emissions. what could you do? he's president and he will have that power. >> i think that the strongest power in the united states of america is the will of the american people. and i think if the american people understand what's going on and what the consequences are of what's going on, they will realize that their future is at stake and that's the conversation we intend to try and engage in. >> but how? what will you do to -- presumably you're talking about creating a kind of national protest movement. >> well, actually, during 2016, we engaged in as much field work, as much direct
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voter-to-voter contact as we could. so we believed then that we need americans to speak to each other on the issues of the day. and that's what we did then. we were on over 370 college campuses. we knocked with our partners on more than 10 million doors. we registered over a million people. so we'll continue the kind of grassroots, field work, the kind of grassroots citizen-to-citizen conversations that we did in 2016. >> but are you disheartened? you spent some say 69, $70 million, certainly the outcomes on the presidency and the senate and house of representatives have not been what you would have hoped for. >> they certainly weren't. we were surprised and obviously disappointed. we an incredibly great day in my home state of california on november 8th. but the fact of the matter is, where we were, the conversations that we had, the arguments that we engaged in all worked out really well, both at home in california and around the country.
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so as far as we're concerned, standing up and fighting for traditional american values, the dignity of americans, prosperity of americans, safety of americans is something that we will never back away from. so we have no intention of doing that now because there have been setbacks. >> what is the greatest accomplishment in the obama years on climate change and energy policy more generally? what do you look at as the signature achievement? >> i don't think there's any question that the paris agreement is the signature agreement when it comes to energy and climate for the obama administration. that was something that was really -- started in bilateral agreements with the chinese and indians. it's something where there's no question that president obama is the person who is the leader of the world. it's the agreement that the most countries in history have ever signed on to. it was something where his moral, intellectual and economic
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leadership were paramount. it said something about where the united states stands in the world where we choose to stand, where we have traditionally stood and it is something that he should be very, very proud of. >> do you believe that there is a real clean energy industry that has the kind of jobs that can rival the ones that are presumably going to be more threatened or endangered like coal? are there enough jobs in solar and in wind to appeal to americans? >> fareed, if you look at the numbers, it's very important to recognize that people working in the old fossil fuel industries took those jobs as good paying, decent jobs for americans to support their families in. and as americans, it's really important that we understand that there was nothing wrong in what they did. they need to be supported. but we also have to face facts. there are fewer than 75,000 coal miners in the united states of
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america. the whole united states of america. just in my home state of california, there are probably 550,000 people working in clean energy. most of those people are working in advanced electricity generation. that's solar, that's wind, that's geothermal. and a lot of them are working on making commercial buildings more energy efficient. but we probably have almost ten times as many people working in clean energy just in my home state as there are coal miners in the entire united states of america. clean energy is actually something that creates a lot more jobs. this -- there is a myth out there that this hasn't happened if it's not true. the fact of the matter is, the cost of clean energy either will be or already is cheaper than fossil fuels in most of the united states. so there is a myth that somehow we're going to be more prosperous if we just go backwards. and i would ask you, when is the last time we got more prosperous
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by going back to old technologies and turning away the innovation, entrepreneurship and skill of the american business? i just don't think that makes any sense. i think people have refused to look the facts in the face. >> can donald trump withdraw from the paris climate change agreement? >> well, he says he's going to try and, you know, i think that that would be a tragic mistake. if you look at what people around the world are saying right now about the paris agreement, they are looking to the chinese government and to n angela merkel. for us to take our leadership of the world and throw it out the window is a tragic mistake. we have been the leader of the world for a century. and to just walk away from that for some short-term political gain is something that i find, you know, shockingly misguided.
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>> tom steyer, pleasure to have you on. >> fareed, thank you so much for having me. next on "gps," the show so far has been quite serious, fascinating but serious. now it's time for some serious fun. a look at why play and leisure are the building blocks of the modern world. the best-selling author steven johnson when we come back.
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incredibly productive, innovative and changes the world. >> yeah. we have this tendency when we think what are the forces that are driving history to atune of those forces are is a desire for conquest and power or of a flew wednesday oaffluence or surviva. and political change, social change, it comes out of this other side of our humanity, which is the desire to be delighted or amused or to be in this kind of playful state and many think it starts as toys and games trigger these changes that you would never anticipate from the start. >> so some of this is even just things like wanting to have a cup of coffee? >> right. >> explain how that translates into something much bigger. >> so, coffee comes to the
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european capital, particularly london, around 1560 and tea arrives around the same time. this is important partially because it changed the diets of europeans who have basically been drinking alcohol all day long. they would drink beer through breakfast and all throughout the day. >> the reason was undrinkable. >> it was the healthy choice. >> had to do something to kill the germs in water. >> exactly. >> you would do it by brewing or fermentation. >> exactly. >> and with coffee, you boil with the leaves. >> suddenly the population shifts from drinking a depress ant all day long to drinking a suppressant. what also happened was a space developed, a semipublic space. london went crazy. by the end of the 1600s, hundreds of these coffee houses
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and charles ii actually tried to ban them saying that people were so distracted by hanging around in these coffee houses that they weren't paying attention to their lawful calling and affairs, as he put it. he issued a decree banning coffee houses and it lasted one week because everyone was like, wait, you can't take our coffee away from us. but he was wrong, because those spaces, while it seeped like people were just wasting time, they ended up really being the kind of the seat of the enlightenment. it really happened in england, particularly in the coffee house. it's where the magazine business comes out of, where the insurance business, lloyds and london was the first kind of public museums were in these coffeehouses, a lot of early action stock market were in coffeehouses. it came out of this open-ended playful space of hanging out with people and chatting in an unstructured way. and actually, there's a long
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history of political insurrection coming out of these spaces. also with taverns. you cannot tell the story of the american revolution without the network on that political rebellion. the american revolution probably would have happened anyway but it would have required a different information network and a social gathering network had taverns and pubs not been invested. >> what about the game of chess? >> well, this is, you know, the whole history of chess has a metaphor for society. there was a book published, basically on the game of chess and the first one -- one of the first books ever published besides the bible in english and it was a huge best seller and it was kind of a book that we can't really imagine today. it was a game guide. like how to get better at chess but also a socio logical
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treaties on how people were supposed to relate to each other in society and in a relationship between the king and queen and commoners and all this kind of stuff. it built this vision of society wherein stead of the image of the body politic where everyone is part of the royal lineage and have to listen to the king, people have independent contractual relationships with each other. and the chessboard became this metaphor for that transition from a miedieval society. chess helped us with that problem. >> you point out that the europeans at some point get fascinated by spices. >> yeah. >> first of all, why do they and what is the consequence of that fascination? >> well, it's an even older story, in a way. it's so weirdly relevant to the framework of this show and where we are tu i da. the whole idea of a global
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marketplace, of a global economy, where goods produced in one country might be trafficked to another country and consumed on the other side of the world begins with spices. spices really are the origin of the idea of an integrated global economy. and we're still living in the kind of reverberation of that initial change, the first integrated spice network where the muslim spice traders and all the places in the world where the islamic culture tried to bring islam by force, like spain, for instance, those efforts ultimately failed where islamic cultures took root were all the places where they successfully did business. >> so indonesia, malaysia? >> exactly. all the way into africa, too. so the map today of global islam is the image of a map where spice traders successfully did their business a thousand years ago and then pepper becomes huge
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in the 1300s, 1400s. and so really, this is where delight and play is such an important part of it. there's nothing nutritionally valuable about a spice. it is purely the interest, the flavor, the taste, the spice of life, right? and that just sets in motion this extraordinary set of forces that are still, you know, kind of shaping the way we live today, 2,000 years later, 3,000 years later. >> donald trump should not try to ban starbucks, it might cause a social-political revolution. but really, when you look at the world today, what other kind of amusements that you think are telling us something about the future of the economy? >> that's part of the argument of the book, which is that looking at what people are doing for fun now is often a way of predicting the future. so if you could go back and if you looked in the 1800s and 1700s, there were all of these
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mechanical dolls that were really in some sense the first programmable machines that had ever been created where you had these very advanced forms of engineering with code kind of controlling the behavior and that, if you looked at it, at the time it seemed like a toy, an amusement for the elite but it was the beginning of all of these threads that are so central to us, labor, ai, the intelligence built into these toys and games. today, if we lived through something this summer with pokemon go, right? we probably are going to find ourselves in 10 or 20 years walking around with some kind of device that gives us augmented reality, as they say, where you have some kind of glasses where you're seeing the real world but there's meta information coming from your computer of some kind telling you where to go or get information about the stores that you're passing. that's probably going to happen. pokemon go was the first time where we saw a mass adoption of this form, where you're staying
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at a screen but in this case, there's an imaginary creature. it started as a game. >> you are living in that new virtual world. >> that hybrid world. halfway between virtual and the real. and i think we'll look back and say it all started with these kids catching these imaginary monsters but turned into much more serious. >> steven johnson, we'll have you back on to update us. >> in 20 years. >> thank you so much. up next, are we on the verge of personalized medicine that can prevent you from, say, getting cancer? yes says the author of an acclaimed new book and it starts with the building blocks of human life. genes. fascina fascinating science when we come back.
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the book went on to win the pulitzer prize, deservedly so. this high achiever has decided to take on a more complex project. the gene. the latest is called "the gene: an intimate history." pleasure to have you on. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> so in this book, what you say is that in this area in biology, like other areas of science, the big news is that we have finally gotten down to the fundamental use of analysis. explain what you mean. >> the gene is a fundamental use of analysis in the same way that the atom is for matter or the bit or the byte is for computing. we've known about genes for a long time but the idea that the way that we're understanding the depth and the clarity with which we're understanding genes today and its influence on our lives, on our social lives and biological lives is enormous,
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just like understanding of the atom were to ink cchange the ph and change the world of computing. >> if you look at that analogy, what you're saying really is that when you're able to go down to the matter in physics, the atom, you're then able to figure out how to manipulate it, how to read information and when you were able to get down to the fundamental unit of information, you were able to move it around. each of them produce an explosion of knowledge and then of applications. >> yes. >> is the same thing happening -- >> that's happening right now. we are learning to read and write genes, the language of genes in a way that we haven't in 10 or 15 years ago. by that i mean, we can now begin to -- first of all, you can decode genome. you can sequence them. i call it reading. you can change it. you can manipulate it. by manipulating a gene, you're
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manipulating an >> so when we talk about this sometimes for laypeople, we hear about the consequencing of the human genome and it can be done by a few thousand dollars by the purchase the size of a small refrigerator but it doesn't seemed to have changed our lives when you think about physics and that produced nuclear fission and nuclear bombs. when we look at the world of medicine, has it changed that much? >> absolutely. again, if you look at the history of physics, quantum physics and the decoding of that matter and atomic energy and atomic bomb, we're in the beginning of the revolution. we're now beginning to read individual human genomes and
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make decisions about what an individual's disease proclivities might be in the future and use that information to prevent disease in the future. in cancer, for instance, a sequencing of cancer genome is beginning to direct therapy. rather than saying you have leukemia or breast cancer, we'll just throw kind of the standard therapy at your disease, we're now beginning to figure out exactly what mutations are there and what's driving your cancer and try to match that mutation with a particular medicine. that's a revolution. it's not all there yet. the first attempts have been sobering but we're slowly moving in that direction. it's already there. >> what about the ethical issues involved here. part of what you're describing is a world in which it would be possible to edit and select, for example, for children who are
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male, tall blonde, with high iqs. is there a danger someone can say i want to create a master race? >> let's get a sense of what that lineage looks like. certainly male versus female, we can now figure out. the other thing you talked about height, iq, et cetera, are much, much more my indicated. they are influenced by genes but it genes plus environment that determine many issues and many, many genes exerting small effects on the more complex features. it's unlikely in the immediate run that we'll be doing this. >> hair color is pretty simple. >> exactly. >> there are simpler versions of complex features and there's therefore the ethical question of what happens next. it's very urgent for all of us to have the vocabulary and learn
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about genes and language so we can understand what to do next. if we don't do this, we won't be able to participate in this conversation. >> pleasure to have you on. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> next on "gps" many brits may want to throw politics into the tems, but there is an idea floating around to put them all on, maybe as long as six years i'll explain when we come back. ? is it because their lte network was built six years ago? six years ago? that's like a hundred... in phone years! their lte network is older, slower and they limit you. switch to t-mobile, the newer, faster and unlimited network. we cover 99% of the americans verizon covers. switch your family of four to t-mobile and we'll give you $800 to spend anywhere you want.
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this week ang la merkel announced she would run for fourth term as germany's leader. germany has no laws limiting how many terms a chancellor can serve and it brings me to my question of the week. who has been the longest serving chancellor of germany since the end of the second world war. stay tuned and we'll tell you the correct answer. this week's book of the week is "who are we" the challenges to america's national identity by
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sam huntington, a distinguished scholar and my economic adviser and foresaw the trump movement and right wing populist parties everywhere and 21st century politics would not be about ideology but rather identity. a fascinating book that will force you to think. and now for the last look. the houses of parliament always look stunning on the banks of the river tems but they are falling apart. a renovation could cost $7 billion. members of houses of commons and lords have recommended it be vacated for six years, which is how long it will take to complete the work. where would the parliament meet in the meantime? some suggested nationalizing a nearby pub for the location. but there are proposals that are a little less traditionally british. look at these rendering by the architecture firm gensler, they
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call this project poseidon it will be held on it. the floating structure would minimize government disruption by keeping it in essentially the same place. the british parliament told us that they foresee significant log stickal and access and security challenges. the last time it was bombed by the nazis, winston churchill insist it be kept smaller than necessary. who knows what inspiration politicians might get if they govern while afloat on the tems. the correct answer was c, cole, chancellor from 1982 to 1998, oversaw the reunification of east and west determineny in 1990 and served 16 years and 26
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days. as for merkel, she's currently serving her 11th year in office. if she wins next year's elections, she could equal kohl's time in office. thanks for being part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. >> happening now in the newsroom, recount ruk ruk can you say. >> i was asked will donald trump accept the election results and now you've got the democrats and jill stein saying they do not accept the rights. >> plus, do you think romney could be a loyal secretary of state for donald trump? >> open dissent over mitt romney for u.s. secretary of state? >> we don't even know if he voted for donald trump. >> cnn newsroom starts now. >> hello, thank you so much for watching, i'm
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