tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 30, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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thanks for joining us for a second hour of "360." last night around this hour we got word that carrier had reached a deal to keep about a thousand jobs in the u.s. it was a promise trump made early in his campaign. today, carrier confirmed it will continue to make gas furnaces in indianapolis, a move it says will save more than a thousand jobs that would have been lost to mexico. carrier released a statement, "today's announcement is possible because of the incoming administration trump and pence administration has emphasized to us its commitment to the business climate. the forces of globalization will
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continue to require solutions for the long-term competitiveness of the u.s. and american workers moving forward." the details are not known but carrier employees, no question that christmas has come early. >> reporter: reaction ranges from celebration -- >> i'm ecstatic. i woke up with a smile on my face. >> reporter: -- to surprise. >> i was surprised. definitely surprised. >> reporter: -- to disbelief. >> a part of me is still saying, is this true? we heard this news back in february that the company is leaving. they made that known. >> reporter: that they did. here's carrier last spring breaking the news to its 1400 employees saying it had reached a decision. >> is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterey, mexico. >> reporter: employees never saw it coming.
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>> definitely devastated. unexpected. at my age, i was just wondering, what can i do? >> reporter: now nine months later, another bolt from the blue tweeted by carrier. "we are pleased to have reached a deal with president-elect trump and vp-elect pence to keep close to 1,000 jobs in indy." that was followed quickly by trump saying -- we will keep our jobs and companies in the u.s. thanks, carrier. other than saying there is a deal, hardly any information has been received about what is the deal. so what is it you still want to hear? >> will we keep the same pay, one. two, how long will it stay? >> reporter: the arrangement keeps close to a thousand jobs. carrier employs over 1400 in
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indianapolis, begging the question, just whose job is saved and what is it? what are people on the assembly line saying? >> some are confident. some are really happy. some are like me, kind of skeptical and unsure how it's really going to play out. >> reporter: and that's not all. just a mile from the carrier facility sits another manufacturing plant. last month, it announced it, too, was moving to mexico, taking more than 300 jobs with it. the carrier rescue brings mixed feelings. the people of rexnord have got to be happy for their friends at carrier but then they say, what about my job? >> yeah, that's what they are saying. so there some optimism there. i mean, i don't think anybody is overly excited with trump doing what he did at carrier, maybe something can be done there. >> martin joins us now. carrier mentioned some incentives by the state but do we have any real indication how the president-elect and vice
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president-elect were able to get carrier to keep the jobs in the u.s.? >> reporter: no, we don't. and back in february when carrier announced it was leaving, mike pence was the governor and not yet running mate to donald trump tried very hard to keep carrier in the state and would have offered very heavy state incentives. so what was different this time around, some say, no, it's got to be more than that. maybe there were promises made by the trump administration to reduce federal regulations or maybe there is this talk of general overhaul of the corporate tax code that would benefit more than just carrier. the employees, their favorite rendition of this is, remember, there's a parent company to carrier and united technologies does a lot of defense contract work, billions of dollars of it every year. they believe that maybe the trump administration insinuated that work could go away if carrier went to mexico. anderson?
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>> but that's just what workers are telling you. there's no -- we don't know on that. >> reporter: correct. no. that is just their favorite speculation and maybe tomorrow, when the governor and when president-elect will be here, we may finally hear what really motivated this deal. >> martin savidge, thanks. lots to talk about. back now with the panel. karine, do you give donald trump and mike pence credit? >> yeah. look, i'd like to hear more about how this came to be. saving a thousand jobs at this time of year when holidays can be really tough for families, i think that's great. i do believe he can't just do this one company at a time. he has to really -- if he wants to be serious about it, he has to figure out how to do it more broadly. a lot of that is how do you stop outsourcing and save workers' jobs. there's a bill that sanders is proposing and it's called outsourcing prevention act. that would be a great thing to
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see donald trump say, hey, i support something like that. so i think it's just a temporary answer and i think he needs to really work on it more broadly. >> yeah. so i've already given him credit for this, i think it's great. but the reality is, most of the manufacturing jobs are not being lost because of trade but because of automation. 85% are lost because of automation. he needs to have a plan to deal with that because that's the big problem. instead, trade has become the boogie man and everyone is trying to blame it on that. like karine is saying, he can't do this company by company. that wouldn't work. >> peter, what trump supporters are saying is tax incentives, not just in the state but a general climate in the u.s. that's more pro business. >> right. but let's be clear, this was called corporate welfare. you're basically paying these companies to keep the jobs here
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out of taxpayer money. and it creates a moral hazard. what's to stop the next u.s. company to say, great, i'm going to go to mexico and get the same sweetheart deal that carrier did. that's the danger here. >> having worked in a governor's office before, there's a great deal governors can do in state and economic development can do to attract business and keep businesses there. clearly, this wasn't a case where they were able to keep things in indiana and it needed help from an outside negotiator which in this case ended up being donald trump and maybe there needs to be a partnership between state and federal to make this happen. but to avoid what peter is referring to, tomorrow they will roll out the details of this, a consistent policy across the board so there's no inferences of picking winners and losers here and making sure that they show, whether it's a stick going overseas and giving them hard goods to bring back or a carrot
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to keep them here. i think that's the key and it's a great success and good to be able to show that his policies are working and this is a clear example for that. >> and what i was alluding to is we've seen competition between states forever to give these kinds of handouts to companies. please locate your plant here in tennessee as opposed to across the border in ohio because of labor laws or minimum wage laws. traditionally, the view in the last -- i mean, for presidency as far back as we can recall, look, as a country, we just can't compete with mexico or vietnam for labor conditions and a lax regulation on the private sector. if trump really does want to make it his chief priority to keep jobs in the u.s. and avoid them going overseas because of trade and not even addressing the issue of automation, you need a blanket policy and we have not heard that from him yet and as with everything that he talked about during the campaign, he has set an exceptionally high bar for himself in terms of what his
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voters are going to expect him to be doing. >> and results in higher prices for consumers, then how will consumers react to that? >> well, i think he does have a blanket policy. namely, martin pointed out the fact that they were offered incentives before. they still pledged to move these jobs to mexico. what's different now is you have a president who says i'm going to lower what is the highest corporate tax rate really in the free world. i'm going to make the maximum incentive that ways 15%. they see they will keep more of their revenue in their buckets. and i think to the carrot and sticks point, there are going to be some sticks. there may be taxes on imports. if you build a car in mexico, you're going to pay a heavy price for that. >> if this was purely a function of broad policy regulation, why aren't we seeing dozens of companies -- >> he's 50 days from being president of the united states is a really good start that he's created a thousand new jobs. >> he's saving jobs and i'm not taking anything away from him.
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this is gubernatorial-level policy he's communicating here with carrier and to do that on a national level is extraordinary difficult. >> do you think the issues of some of the folks from the financial sector who he has been appointing -- i mean, for those who voted for him, do you think that matters, for those who wanted to drain the swamp? >> first of all, he has a lot of goodwill for the people who voted for him. >> sure. >> he has a little bit of leeway and it's true that people don't like wall street but tough distinguish between an article in the harvard business review which is what people don't get about the working class and they are really talking about the white working class. the fact that admire the rich, the superrich and very successful, like donald trump and they really resent professionals, so lawyers, doctors, journalists, you know, teachers, people who they feel are sort of looking down on them and so i do think when they look at some of these people they see
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highly successful people like donald trump who have made it. and so the question is, how does that balance out with the fact that they don't like wall street and i think that remains to be seen. >> do you think it matters? >> look, i don't think the issue is not just whether -- elizabeth warren is saying what are the policies. so the tax policy, for instance, the independent analyst, not just liberals but center-right have said it as well. you're going to get 1% reduction in taxes for middle class and 10 to 15% deduction for rich people. so i think more ordinary americans are not going to see a benefit from that. doesn't matter if the person is doing it from wall street. they are not going to benefit from those tax policies. >> it's interesting that tomorrow we're going to see the president-elect and vice president-elect going out on basically a victory tour. they are calling it a victory tour. i don't think we've ever seen that before. >> they are calling it a thank you tour. this is part of -- you heard almost immediately after the election, even before the
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election for folks in the trump camp optimistic, this sense that he likes getting out there, he's going to want to keep doing this, you're going to have to let him do it. there were people doing it that way. they obviously waited a ways. but it's pretty normal, actually, for a president, once he takes office, to get out and around the country and make policy announcements, do your factory tour level stuff. this is unusual to have someone out there before they take office. there's a deference to the sitting president to say i'm not in the job yet. >> it says a lot about donald trump about what he needs or what he likes that getting out there, mixing it up whether it's on twitter or in person. going out on the campaign trail, i think he saw how much he liked that experience. >> i think it's a great gesture to show appreciation for his supporters and those who worked hard to -- and voted for him but also there have been some in his campaign who have said, yes, he likes the rallies, he likes interaction with people and get
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feedback from them. maybe it's a reward for him for all of his hard work. >> he's taking this message to the american people. he's about getting his message out there without filters and he does that via twitter and rallies and i think that's a really good thing. >> a lot more to discuss. donald trump is vowing to cut ties with his business empire, i should say the business operations to avoid perception of conflicts of interest. one of the potential problems is new washington, d.c., hotel, one he's obviously very proud of. some critics are raising questions about the hotel coming up. also tonight, senator elizabeth warren blasting the trump transition. plus, her take on the election results and more.
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today, president-elect trump vowed to cut his ties with his business empire. he said i'll be holding a press conference to discuss the fact that i'll be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country and in order to make america great again. while i'm not mandated to do this under law, i feel it's important as president to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various interests. hence, legal documents are being drafted which take me completely out of operations. the presidency is a far more important task. many, though, are still asking about how donald trump will go about this with his newest business venture, for instance, just down the street from the white house. randi kaye tonight reports. >> reporter: the trump international hotel in the heart of washington, d.c., luxury at its best.
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there's no surprise that the king of bahrain chose the hotel to celebrate its king next month. the problem is, the hotel is owned by donald trump. the united states constitution bans officials from accepting payments from foreign powers, without congressional approval. >> the government of bahrain is going to be paying for this event. the trump hotel. this particular transaction could very well be in violation. >> reporter: it's all spelled out in article 1, section 9, known as the foreign emoluments clause, and bars the government from accepting accepting any king, prince or foreign state. >> this is the most coveted piece of real estate in washington, d.c., the best location. >> reporter: now trump's d.c. hotel is ratcheting up the conversation about trump's business affairs and whether they will present a conflict of interest once he's sworn in. >> he needs to sell the assets,
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get the cash, a couple billion dollars, a nice start in life for him and his kids and then he can become president of the united states. >> reporter: another potential problem with this hotel, he's leasing the property from the federal government. so when he becomes president, he could end up being both landlord and tenant. that's tricky because federal contracting laws prohibit that. gsa leased the federal property to the trump organization for 60 years for $180 million. that lease also states that no elected official of the government of the united states shall be admitted to any share or part of this lease or to any benefit that may arise therefrom. >> this was a gsa and one of the most heavily bid projects ever in the history of gsa. >> reporter: the gsa may have to breach the contract making it
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liable to damages by the president. president trump or his family could end up suing the gsa which the president oversees if the lease is violated. >> he already has another place on pennsylvania avenue they ought to be looking after for the next four years and that hotel ought to belong to someone else. >> reporter: the top priority is the immediate transfer of management and portfolio of businesses to donald jr., ivanka and eric trump. without offering specifics, the spokeswoman said trump will comply with all applicable rules and regulations. the ethics lawyer i spoke with today for that story had a couple of scenarios that he suggested. he said donald trump needs to get rid of his business. don't sell it to his children, get it out of the family and congress can make a resolution aimed directly at donald trump insisting he divest and get rid
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of his business. if he refuses to do so he has to provide proof he is not violating any of the clauses in that constitution. so certainly a lot to be worked out, anderson. back to you. >> randi, thank you. joining me is gloria borger, alex burns, national political reporter for "the new york times" and kirsten powers, a "usa today" columnist. >> gloria, bahrain hosting an event at trump's hotel, regardless of whether or not they have any ulterior motive here, this is the kind of thing that could raise questions going forward. >> sure. because it looks like a country, not just a person but a country is trying to curry favor with the president-elect of the united states and, as randi kaye points out in her piece, this is a constitutional issue once he becomes president. it's illegal to do that. and one other thing i ought to point out here, it wasn't that long ago when donald trump was complaining that hillary clinton was mixing personal gain with
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policy over at the state department and the clinton foundation. so he understands very well that this could be a big problem for him. he made it in to a big problem for hillary clinton. it became one of his major talking points. >> he's going to have a press conference with more details on this later but that's not ownership and ownership is important. >> ownership is really the whole ball game. hillary clinton wasn't involved in the operations of the clinton foundation when she was secretary of state but the web of financial connections raised some really serious questions that were major campaign issues. if you have a president of the united states, i don't think anybody expects donald trump as president to be involved in little ribbon cuttings at new hotels around the world or managing the operations of the trump hotel in washington. but when you have day to day a president making decisions that involve policies, that's more complicated. >> of course, his children, if
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they are running the company, are they also advising him? >> right. and he's been pretty open that his kids are going to be a flexible, sort of undefined role. ivanka trump has sat in on meetings with world leader and potential appointees already. >> in a sense, this was already baked in to the election. donald trump talked about this before he won the election. voters had a chance to assess whether or not they cared enough to not allow him to be the president. he said, you know, that he was going to figure out something to do. he didn't talk about selling all of his businesses. voters made their choice. >> well, i don't know about that. i think maybe there's an expectation that he would possibly put things into a blind trust or try to figure out some way to distance himself and i don't think having the children run the business is distancing himself considering how close he is to his children. it's not like they talk every once in a while.
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they talk all the time. and chelsea clinton, if she was working on the transition team there would be hysteria. chelsea clinton was working on the transition team. >> sitting in a meeting with -- >> yes, sitting in on phone calls with leaders. and so you can then pretty quickly see where the problem is. and so the idea that donald trump thinks that this is okay -- actually, to be fair, we don't really know what he's going to do. we have to wait and see what he's going to do. but i think that anything less than putting it in a blind trust, which "the wall street journal" has said what he needs to do is not really going to be enough. >> does he seem to understand the scope of the potential conflicts of the problems because he seems to have moved somewhat into this position that he's in now, taking himself out of the business operations. >> well, i think he does understand it more and more every single day as he kind of comes to grips with what becoming president means.
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and i think he's beginning to understand that every foreign policy move he would make, every question about, say, gee, how did you reform the tax code and how does that benefit real estate? what's your policy on interest rates? how does that benefit real estate? i think he's beginning to get the sense of that and i have no idea whether they regret the fact that his daughter was sitting in on these meetings but i know for a fact that people raised it and said, gee, maybe -- maybe you shouldn't do that. so i think he is sort of coming to terms with this. a lot of people think he should just liquidate and sell off the interest in his company to his kids and some people are suggesting there's another way to get around this which is to actually appoint a mediator, somebody who would stand between you and your children and kind of make sure that every decision was ethically sound and make sure the president of the united states was not involved. i think he's getting it. >> the other issue that raises questions about his tax returns,
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there's a lot not known really about sort of the international dealings of his business and whether -- i'm wondering if he says down the road, well, look, i've taken myself out of the business operations or whatever it is, whatever situation he sets up, therefore, i don't really need to release my tax returns because it's done. i'm out of it. >> it could. but the problem is, this is similar to the foundation and it gives other people ways to try to curry favor. so that was the problem with the foundation. well, why are they giving money to the foundation? because they want to do good work or want access to the secretary of state? that's the problem with these businesses if the children are still running them. the question is, when people are dealing with the trump organization, are they doing it to try to curry favor to the president of the united states? so we have these problems coming from every possible direction. >> alex?
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>> and as complicated as all of this is now and as many trip wires as there are for donald trump right now, once he's actually making foreign policy decisions related to the military, the economy, trade, it's just almost impossible to imagine that you're not going to have at least the appearance that he is being nice to people who have done nice things to his company and we know from the campaign, anderson, if you remember, how many speeches did he have this sort of encyclopedic memory of who has been nice to him in the past. >> thanks. just ahead tonight, my exclusive with senator warren and what she thinks americans are expecting from the president-elect. as we've said, the trump will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order
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is there a chance for common ground between you and other democrats in a trump administration? i mean, things like infrastructure spending and glass steagall? an old law separating commercial investment banking. would you work with donald trump on these and other issues? >> the real question is how does donald trump want to run his administration? if he wants to run his administration on bigotry and on wall street insiders trickle down economics that helps a handful of people at the top and leaves everybody else behind, i can't be part of that and i don't think that's where democrats are. >> even if there's more infrastructure spending, which is something you support in general, if it's not done in the way -- if it's done through -- >> if it's done to try to help those at the top and it's not actually going to provide jobs and economic growth and opportunity for the rest of america, you know, you can't just put -- slap a name on something and say, gee, would you automatically sign up for this?
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what it's really about are those core principles. you know, we believe in dignity for everyone. that's what it is about. that's where you start. that's the stuff you don't negotiate over. and the rest of it, we really believe in building economic opportunity. we now have an economy that is working great. it's working great for those right at the top. and everybody else in this economy is being left behind. it's not just about the core. it's about working families, middle class families, about upper middle class families. this is about people who worry that they can't afford to educate their children. this is about people who worry that they can't afford to retire. this is about people who see no economic future for themselves and others like themselves. we have to do better than that as a country. we once built an america that worked not for just those at the
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top. we weren't perfect but we were bending it in the right direction and for 30 years now we have done trickle down economics and it has been an ugly mix of deregulation and just writing one law after another that helps those at the top. tax cuts for the big guys, no spending for anybody else. we have to reverse that. >> when you look at that electoral map, there's blue on both coasts, basically, and there's a lot of red in the entire rest of the country. do you feel like you're out of touch? because that's what the republicans say about you, that you're out of touch. >> out of touch when 2.3 more million people voted for the democratic candidate than the republican candidate? that the democrats picked up seats in the senate and republicans lost. when the democrats picked up
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seats in the house of representatives and the republicans lost. you know, let's be clear, we are not the minority here. we are the party of opposition. >> but it sounds like you're saying you won but you didn't. so what went wrong? >> look, what i'm saying is that more americans agreed on -- with the democratic candidate for president than agreed with the republican for president. and not by a little bit. she won by a substantial margin indeed as the numbers keep coming in, that margin continues to grow. >> but it's an economic message not resonating with voters in rustbelt states. even that term rustbelt is offensive. >> that's what i'm talking about. we're talking about an economy that for more than 30 years has been effectively a trickle-down economy. this economy has been full of deregulation so wall street could do better and what is happening, wall street is appointing the ultimate insider, i think he's called mr. wall street, to come in and have the keys to the treasury.
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we need an a economy that works across the range. we need to produce good jobs, a good future. >> it sounds like you're -- >> all across the range. >> it sounds like you're telling those workers who are out of jobs who voted for donald trump in ohio and other places that they just were mistaken, that they were sold a bill of goods or they just don't understand what's in their best interests. >> well, i'm sorry, anderson. did you hear what we said about donald trump? he promised that he was going to run this government for the american people and not for wall street and what he's just done is he's just put a wall streeter in charge of the treasury and not just a random one, a guy who actually helped package all of those toxic mortgages, a guy who bought a bank, that made its fortune by squeezing people hard on foreclosure.
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that's the person who is going to be the chief economic officer of the united states. donald trump said one thing during the campaign and now has reversed that by 180 degrees by what he is actually doing. >> senator warren, appreciate your time. >> you bet. coming up, these are widely believed to be the final four candidates, rudy giuliani, mitt romney, general petraeus and senator bob corker. we'll look into it, next.
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has narrows to four. fareed zakaria and sunlen serfaty are joining me for the latest. what do we know? >> reporter: anderson, putting a name to two of the finalists and no surprise here naming mitt romney and rudy giuliani as the top two contenders. of course, the question who are the other two, we know according to transition sources tennessee senator bob corker and also david petraeus also on that list and certainly a lot of drama
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including this high-profile cabinet position. a very public round of auditions and interviews going on, transition officials not to expect any cabinet announcements so it seems like this public round of auditioning will continue for a short time longer. >> did they go into details about what the president-elect's requirements are for a candidate? >> reporter: yes. transition officials really talked about what's on donald trump's mind right now as he considers filling out this top post, clearly taking this decision very seriously, outlining three requirements that's really top on his mind right now. he wants to choose someone, according to transition officials, who shares his world view, who trump namely thinks would do a good job representing the united states abroad and this was interesting, someone who has good chemistry with donald trump and that really struck my ear a little bit because that was the same exact language that they used coming out of that meeting last night
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with mitt romney in new york. mitt romney and donald trump shared good chemistry at that dinner last night. >> all right. it seems like, by most accounts, the dinner between romney and trump last night was at least, according to them, a positive experience. >> absolutely. by all accounts it does seem like they went a long way in burying the hatchet. they had a two-hour meeting last night. we know that after that meeting we really saw mitt romney lavish praise on donald trump and really commend his transition, the job he's doing and giving him credit saying, look, he's doing something i could never win. he won the general election. certainly trying to smooth things over as he tries out for this job. >> sunlen serfaty, thanks. joining me now with more on the options, cnn world affairs analyst, fareed zakaria. most people have a breath of
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experience. they are all accomplished people. it's interesting on mitt romney, given what mitt romney had not only said about donald trump during the election but also when he was running for president about russia that donald trump would be considering him in such a public way. >> so i think there are two possible interpretations, one which i have to confess is the dominant one, is that this is a very slow, public humiliation of mitt romney. >> really? >> romney has now been able required to be in front of donald trump. if you look at every appointment he has made, they have been hard core loyalists from the start. >> and loyalty is really important to donald trump. >> he prizes it. the alternative explanation, which i hope might be true, this is a way of reaching out to the establishment and unifying the republican party because, in a sense, mitt romney was the leader of the never trump force and so by bringing him on board, it would be a kind of -- the ultimate act of unifying the
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party. we'll see which one it is. >> you know, among the people on the short list, david petraeus has been over to see donald trump, bob corker, obviously rudy giuliani. we talked about mitt romney. who do you think has the most foreign policy experience? >> oh, there's no question, david petraeus is in a league of his own. david petraeus is miles ahead of all of these people and i don't mean that with any disrespect to the other people but petraeus is one of the most accomplished generals in american history. what he did on the battlefield in iraq and i watched a little bit, visited with him, he's a remarkable leader. he is remarkably strategic, has deep knowledge and connections, not just in the middle east. if you look at the work he's done after that, he is really a profound understanding of the economics of north america, u.s./mexico and u.s./canada which will prove to be a fascinating subject for him were he to be part of renegotiating nafta. i think petraeus would be an extraordinary choice.
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of all those names, i think he would be by far the most competent, talented person to do it. but they are all good people. >> there's a fascinating readout of a phone call that was released from -- between president-elect trump and the pakistan prime minister. and it reads -- it's very detailed readout of, according to the pakistanis, what donald trump said, you know, that he was very complementary of the prime minister of pakistan saying he's doing a fantastic job, pakistanis are intelligent people, that he looks forward to working with them. were you surprised that, a, they released this in detail and the things that were talked about? >> i'm surprised at how accurate it sounds. people should read the transcript because it does sound so much like donald trump. >> i mean, he said that, you know, feel free to call me any time even before january 20th, he'd love to come to a fantastic country of fantastic people. >> now, here's the part that i think maybe people have forgotten.
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this fantastic country full of fantastic people whom donald trump thinks are just fantastic would under any version of trump's muslim ban not be allowed to come to the united states because countries that export terrorism, muslim countries, countries of concern. under any definition, pakistan would be -- >> very much top of the list? >> very much top of the list. it would come as a great surprise to people in india because trump has been talking about what a great place india is and how the indians are wonderful and how he loves hindu and they have deep tensions. so i think the nice way you could put it, he was being diplomatic. president sharif does not have much power. it's tightly under the control of the military. but i think it gives us a sense of, you know, trump is a good salesman. he makes people feel at home. >> it gives you a sense of how he makes deals. >> yes. everyone is fantastic and you, anderson, are fantastic.
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a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. that's because hep c can hide in your body silently for years, even decades, without symptoms and it's not tested for in routine blood work. if left untreated, hep c can cause liver damage, even liver cancer. but there's important information for us: the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested for hep c. all it takes is a simple one-time blood test. and if you have hep c, it can be cured. be sure to ask your doctor to get tested for hep c. for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure.
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the police officer shot two months ago won't face any charges. that is the word today from the district attorney who said the killing of keith lamont scott was justified. we have seen large protesting to night. there was a scuffle between police and a handful of protesters a short time ago. he has no weapon. police lamont scott's family and all offers varying accounts of the events that led up to the deadly encounter. >> he doesn't have a gun. he has a tbi. he's not going to do anything to you guys. he just took his medicine. >> the video shows a tense standoff in which scott's wife can be heard shouting at police
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that her husband that's a tbi or traumatic brain injury he suffered from a near death motorcycle crash last year that left him disabled. they were look forg someone wels an outstanding warrant when they noticed scott sitting in the suv. scott exiting his vehicle and ignoring officers' commands to drop his weapon. >> the police just shot my daddy four times for being black. >> reporter: faced with livid yes that circulated widely after the shooting, scott's daughter who said she didn't see the shooting said her father was reading a book and accused police of targeting him because of his race. wednesday the district attorney pointed at this photo investigators believe the photo shows the gun poking from his ankle before the shooting. dna was found on the grip of the weapon found at the scene. >> mr. scott's gun, a colt 380 semi-automatic was recovered at the scene. it had one round in the chamber,
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the safety was off and the gun was cocked. the officer who fired the fatal shot is also black. but that did little to calm the theory as days of heated charlotte. after the da's announcement scott's family vowed not to stop fighting. >> we still have real questions in terms of how they confronted keith, how they reacted to the information that he had a brain injury and whether they used appropriate de-escalation techniques to end this situation in a way that didn't result in the loss of keith scott's life. >>. >> reporter: anderson, we want you to know that some of the scuffles was over the flag. protesters trying to take it down. police officers stopped that.
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the protesters started walking again. they started pushing up against the police officers who were on bicycles trying to push them back. at this point they started walking towards the intersection again. we've seen police here a lot more aggressive making sure people stay out of the streets. right now they're corralling them in this little area making sure the traffic still flows. interesting night. we know about four arrests so far. the group is down to 25 to 30 people. >> all right. ryan young, appreciate it very much. we'll be right back to pay tribute to someone that we lost, the creator, one of my all-time favorite things. ♪ ♪ if you've got the time welcome to the high life. ♪ we've got the beer ♪ miller beer
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10:59 pm
before we go, a fond farewell to a man who made an impact on countless lives, billions of lives. you probably don't know the name, but believe me, you know his work. he invented one of my all time favorite creations, the big mac. he created the big mac in 1967. it's the number one meal, in case you're not familiar with mcdonald's, you can just say the number one meal and you get the big mac and the prize and a coke or whatever soda you'd like. jim was 98 years old and we were very sad to hear of his passing
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and i'm going to have a big mac tonight in his honor. "cnn tonight" with don lemon starts now. donald trump adds to his billionaire's club aka cabinet. i'm don lemon. wilbur ross for cabinet secretary and deputy commerce secretary. sensing a pattern here? meanwhile, mitt romney a mere millionaire, still on pins and needles awaiting word if he's going to be secretary of state, if he's going to get that nod. the president-elect never shy about his own so-called billionaire status says he'll remove himself from his business completely to avoid conflicts of interest. but how will that work?
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