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tv   New Day  CNN  December 2, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PST

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going to pick former marine general james mattis to be his defense secretary. all of this about 49 days away until the inauguration. we have this all covered for you. let's begin with phil mattingly live in cincinnati. good morning, phil. >> good morning, john. it was kind of a return to a natural hab tt after months and months and months on a campaign trail and couped up there three weeks in three separate trump properties. last night he was able to get out and he had quite a few points to make. >> our victory was so great, we have the house, we have the senate and we have the presidency. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump saying thank you and i told you so. >> remember you cannot get to 270. the dishonest press. >> reporter: returning to the stage where he appears most comfortable and delivering an unmistakable message. the unconventional candidate who won a stunning victory three
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weeks ago is here to stay. >> i love this stuff. should i go on with this just a little bit longer? >> reporter: the president-elect boasting about breaking hillary clinton's blue wall. >> we didn't break it. we shattered that sucker. that poor wall is busted up. >> reporter: taking a jab at his former opponent while firing up the crowd with some red meat. >> we did have a lot of fun fighting hillary, didn't we? >> reporter: but also calling for unity of a deeply divided nation after a contentious election. >> we condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms. we denounce all all of the hatred and we forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation. we're going to come together. we have no choice. we have to and it's better. >> reporter: trump stressing the populous message that won him the white house. >> from now on it's going to be america first.
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okay. >> reporter: while doubling down on key campaign promises. >> we are repealing and replacing obama care. we will finally end illegal immigrati immigration. have to. we will construct a great wall at the border. >> reporter: and veering off script to break some big news about his own cabinet. >> i want to save the suspense for next week. and don't let it outside of this room. >> reporter: trump announcing that he has selected retired marine general james mattis as his secretary of defense. >> mad dog mattis. they say he's the closest thing to general george patton that we have and it's about time. >> reporter: while defending the other wealthy cabinet picks he made so far. >> he knows how to make money. i've been honest. i said i am going to be putting on the greatest killers you've ever seen. >> reporter: the raucous rally coming on the heels of trump's victory lap at the carrier plant in indiana.
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>> companies are not going to leave the united states any more without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: the president-elect touting the deal, spearheaded by his runningmate, current governor of indiana to keep nearly 1,000 jobs in the state. >> carrier chose to stay in indiana because america chose to make donald trump the next president of the united states. >> reporter: and, guys, an interesting wrinkle to that secretary of defense pick. james mattis is not eligible to be the secretary of defense. you have to be retired by u.s. policy for seven years from the military. trump transition officials tell us that they believe they won't have a problem getting a waver from members of congress to clear that pathway forward. however, already, kristen gillibrand came out last night very quickly saying she was opposed to such a waver stressing that civilian control
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of the military is a fundamental principle of american democracy. not expected to be a big problem, but keep an eye on statements like that. >> joining us now is a member of donald trump's presidential transition team. good morning, anthony. >> hey, good morning, alisyn. thanks for having me. >> general mattis, what does he bring to the table? >> so many things he brings to the table but the main thing he brings is common sense in approach to the military. now, listen, we have to redesign many elements of the military. not only the pivot to asia, but we really have to now think about how we're going to deal with isis, syria, the resurgence of the people and the entire landscape had the opportunity to change it moreover because of his experience inside the military, he convinced president-elect trump that he is the person that can help make
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the military procurements way more efficient. so, there's just so many great things that we're going to get out of general mattis being the secretary of defense. >> so, in other words, the fact that he has not been out of the military for seven years as is what is dictated you think is an advantage because he actually knows better what is happening in current day military. you heard from other people, let me just say this before you answer. general gillibrand who says it is going to be tough. she is going to put up a fight about that congressional waiver because a lot of people think that seven years is important. >> listen, i think she will be making a mistake with that. at the end of the day if you got to know jim, jim is a citizen first and he's somebody that served the country valorously. i don't see him as a militaristic general. moreover o, if you study american history going back to andrew jackson, dwight eisenhower. when generals switch over to
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civilian activity because they know the horrors of war more specifically than other civilians who have not served, you have a tendency to have a reduction in war fare and a reduction in servicemen and women casualties. you can look at that historically. this is something that president-elect trump has an enormous amount of instinct for. he recognizes that a guy called mad dog is a guy that actually is against war and he just wants to reintroduce the element that ronald reagan said in the 1980s. peace through strength. so, i really hope that senator gillibrand once she gets to know general mattis will see him the way we see him. which is a citizen and a gentleman that served the country valorously and is now as a private citizen going to sit at the top of secretary of defense and because he knows the system more than anybody we think we'll create more efficiencies within that system.
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>> president-elect trump certainly seems to favor having military generals around him. you can hear the ones that he has already installed, as well as general petraeus. what do you think general petraeus' role will be in this administration? >> only president-elect trump can tell you what general petraeus' role is going to be. i have an 11-year relationship with him. i know him personally. we socialize together. this is an absolutely brilliant man. in addition to being a four-star general, he has a ph.d. from the woodrow wilson school at princeton and i think there's nobody in the united states that understands the geopolitical system better than general petraeus that is currently active. we have henry kissinger for a moment due to his age. an active person that can serve the country. general petraeus understands our alliances and he understands the need to work with the secular muslims to help us defeat isis.
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general petraeus is a man who has the backbone that somebody like president-elect trump would love. he also has the administrative capability. let's say, for example, he's going to be the secretary of state. we have a problem in that department. we have $6 million missing from that department. i know the president-elect is looking for somebody that cannot only be his voice outside the united states and express the diplomacy that we want to gear up for, but also to cure the organizati organization organizational and disrepute, if you will. for me, i love general petraeus. >> you would like him best. >> if you want to focus on him being a great general instead of an american that is a big mistake. >> i mean the other focus for general petraeus is that, you know, he was convicted for mishandling classified information. would mr. trump pardon him? >> well, he wouldn't necessarily have to be pardoned if he was put up and nominated for secretary of state. he already paid the fine.
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he pled to a misdemeanor. listen, he's apologized. he's, obviously, been punished for that. his resignation. he left his perch at the cia and i think this would just be a terrible mistake if we're throwing eggs andtima tomatoes people like general petraeus who have all this worldwide experience and great team leaders. you know, listen, not throw the first stone. i will not throw that stone. if we can't get general petraeus back into service because of that misdemeanor, it's a mistake for the country. and, so, i hope that people will overlook that, as well. >> secretary of state, you think that is who going to get it? >> i don't know. and i tell you, i think there'sothere's only one person who knows who will be the next secretary of state and that is the president-elect. >> carrier. the deal is now going to keep 1,100 jobs in indiana.
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they are going to get a $7 million tax break. was this a good deal? >> well, it was a fantastic deal. if you think about the jobs and you think about the $7 million paid out over ten years at $700,000 a year. about $875 per job. and then if you understand the positive of keeping those jobs and the multiplier effect through the economy. that income tax paid goes back into the treasury and then they go out and spend money in the shopping malls and local stores. that circulates back into the economy. this is an absolutely phenomenal deal and i think the american people should be very, very happy about this because this is advocacy for the middle class. this is advocacy for working class families. this is delivering on the promises that vice president elect and president-elect have said consistently that they want to help the american middle class. there were people hugging vice president elect pence yesterday
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and hugging president-elect trump and thanking them profusely for helping them keep their jobs. americans want to work, alisyn. >> of course. >> our goal is in the transition and the administration is to put people back to work. we have 97 million people that are out of the labor markets right now. the participation rate on the labor side is the worse it's been since 1976. we're bringing those jobs back and we'll make sure that americans have the aspirational opportunity that we'd like to have them have. >> last night now at mr. trump's rally in ohio he talked about how we spend too much time on what divides us. now is the time to talk about what truly unites us. that is a great message. it also happened to come around the same time where he brought up hillary clinton and how much fun he had on the campaign trail going after her. and the crowd chanted lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. mr. trump did not stop them from that. how is that uniting all of us?
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>> i think what has a tendency to happen in these situations when you're performing on a live stage a level of enthusiasm kicks in. i know he gave an interview at "60 minutes" where he said no interest in pursuing that as it related to secretary clinton. he's been on the record saying that she has suffered enough. so, i think that's the indication from him. >> is it time for him to say, we're not going to do that. >> well, here's what i really think. he's on a thank you tour. he was, obviously, in a tremendous mood last night. he's got a great sense of humor. at the end of the day, there's one aspect about the president-elect that the american people like. he's contemporaneous. he's spontaneous. so, when he's in a crowd like that, and i think you mentioned this a little earlier. i think cory said it. a lot of his supporters are viewing what he's saying symbolically and are taking the entertainment piece of that and some of the journalists have a
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tendency to listen to it literally and specifically and i think that's why a lot of the journalists set their hair on fire over the last six months. what i would say to those journalists out there. let's focus on what the game plan is and let's focus on when he's off that live stage and the message coming from him and the transition team about the unity that we're trying to create. look at his schedule. 70 meetings between him and the vice president. he's meeting democrats, he's meeting republicans that weren't supporting him. >> we got to go. >> we're bringing it together. alisyn, we're bringing it together. you're going to be very happy. >> anthony, we look forward to that rhetoric. >> on the unity subject, alisyn. you think the bad blood ended on election day, think again. we'll speak to hillary clinton's chief strategist who really was in the middle of it all. that's next. whatcha' doin?
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campaigns clash in a very heated discussion on how the presidential race was won and lost. this was dicy. listen. >> if providing a platform for white supremacists makes me brilliant, i am proud to have lost. i would rather lose than win the way you guys did. >> do you think i ran a campaign where white supremacists had a -- >> it did, kellyannet did. >> joel beneson was in that room and he was the chief strategist of hillary clinton's campaign and his first television since the campaign. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> you were part of it, too. and you said the trump campaign sent out dog whistles. what did you mean? >> well, look, first of all,
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part of the discussion revolved around them saying media bias. the focus on donald trump's comments about judge an american born in indiana who couldn't do his job because of his mexican heritage. in fact, paul ryan said that is the definition of a racist statement. not me, paul ryan said it. when you have in your campaign as your chief strategist the man who says his news outlet, breitbart media is the platform, not a platform. mr. bannon called it the platform for the alt-right which is a movement that has promoted -- >> i understand this argument. this is a supply side argument. you are saying that they were sending out a racist message. when you're talking about how the election was won or loss, you need to establish there was a demand. are you saying there were enough people receptive to that message, which you consider racist to decide the election? >> if you look at the exit
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polls, john. in six key states, ohio, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. 20% to 30% believe minorities are favored in this country. donald trump talked about how badly minorities were treated and said you have been forgotten, you have been left out. of those people in each of those states they voted between 7-1 and 10-1 for donald trump. >> racial feelings. i don't want to call it racist feelings, but racial feelings were decisive. >> many factors in this campaign that were decisive. the discussion at harvard is for the purpose of history and you're supposed to have an honest conversation about the strengths, the weaknesses and the ups and downs and how the campaign was played. that was part of the discussion. i think we are still -- >> but a contributing factor were people with these racial opinions who voted along -- >> we talked. we have a candidate for president who talked about banning people and now the president-elect who talked about banning people from this country
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because of their religion. we had a president who talked about a judge not being able to do his job because of his heritage. he talked about people coming from mexico and -- >> but you're saying now to be clear, enough people like it. >> i think it was striking a cord with some people. i do. why were they saying it? because he believes it and they were throw away lines. he never backed away and said i should not have said any of these things. he is the president-elect right now. he has the responsibility to show moral leadership. when people like they did in washington, d.c., a few weeks ago, you know, deliver the nazi salute blocks from the white house, he should be denouncing them by name and calling them out. he should be saying the cluclux cl ku klux klan should not be celebrating. >> i was just trying to establish that you thought that it wasn't just a trump people
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and donald trump himself sending this message, but that there were enough people out there hearing this message and approving of this message. >> look, i think they are part of many reasons why the campaign was won by the trump campaign. i'm not saying it is the reason. but i'm saying when you have 20% in exit polls who say that minorities are favored in america. which i just think is counter to every piece of data and fact that we have. then you're saying that there is an audience for this. if they're receptive to it, that's not, you know, whether it's coincidental, but it was a reality in the campaign and a legitimate part of the discussion yesterday. >> comey, decisive? >> look, john, again, you're looking for me to say one thing -- >> contributing factor. how much of a difference do you think comey made? >> we always knew there were third-party voters because we always asked head-to-head race between hillary clinton and donald trump first. a group of trump defectors and hillary defectors. people who went from our vote in voters in the four-way race.
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and we had third-party candidates polling at very high numbers. coming out of the third debate, we felt we were consolidating and felt we had a good, comfortable lead. listen, i said right here. >> you always said it was close. >> and what we saw after comey's first statement on that friday was our defectors drifted right back to third-party candidates. we were not able to get them back in the last 11 days and i think it was a significant factor. >> i can understand how that may have swung things or been part of the swing in michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin and look at ohio who went from an obama win -- something else was going on. >> john, in reality, again, you have to remember the things i said right here to you and this show and alisyn and, you know, at your show at 11:00. we said ohio and iowa were going to be tough from the beginning. we did not think ohio and iowa
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were going to go our way at any point in this election. we campaigned in ohio and we really thought it was going to win there. >> you campaigned the final weekend. i want to talk about something else that came up at harvard. you were involved in a discussion about the future with kellyanne conway. >> listen, you guys won. that's clear. you won the electoral college. >> but let's also be honest. don't act if you have a popular mandate for your message. the fact of the matter is that more americans voted for hillary clinton than donald trump. so, let's put it in total context. >> and nothing said the road to popular vote. guys, we won. you don't have to respond. why is there no mandate? you lost 60 congressional seats since president obama got there. you lost a dozen governors. 1,000 state legislative seats. >> let's talk about this election, kellyanne. >> you said there is no mandate. >> i hope you can find a tape saying that president barack
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obama had a mandate when he won twice with more than 50% of the vote and exponentially more votes than donald trump had in this election. i think it's hypocritical to say he won the mandate. here's the reality. it was a very close election. a mandate is when you win, we picked opcouple of senate seats. we didn't have a great night all around in the house. obviously, we lost this election. as i said in the clip the electoral college, he is the president-elect. but when 2.5 million more americans voted for hillary clinton than donald trump, don't talk about how your message drove a mandate in this election. this is one country. this is one nation. he's president of the entire united states. not the states he won. the entire united states. so, to act as if you had a mandate when 2.5 million more americans voted for hillary clinton. when the people who said who cares most about me, hillary clinton won those voters.
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who rated the economy the number one issue? hillary clinton won those issues. to have a serious discussion at harvard and pretend you had a mandate that you called out because i don't think that's the purpose of the discussion and i don't think it's the reality. >> joel beneson, thank you for coming back out and talking to us. >> thank you. donald trump putting on a show in cincinnati after announcing an agreement that would save those jobs in indiana at the carrier plant. is that a good deal? we have the reporter who knows.
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donald trump visited the carrier plant in indiana yesterday to bask in the glow of their deal to keep 1,000 jobs in indiana rather than moving them to mexico. so what does this deal involve and what does it say about future deals? let's bring in host of cnn "smerconish" and host michael smerconish" and the host of "indiana star" james briggs. >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> we now know after yesterday that $7 million in tax
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incentives were givenen eto carrier. you called this an extremely expensive campaign promise. what else have you learned about this? >> i think that's a little more than we were expecting to see in state incentives. it's not the most indiana has ever spent but certainly very high. and then we've also heard still, though, that this had much more to do with carrier and its parent company united technologies relationship with the federal government than it did with state incentives. one thing you have to remember when thinking about this deal that carrier said it was going to save $65 million per year by moving to mexico. so, $7 million over ten years from the state of indiana wasn't a decisive factor in keeping that factory here in indianapolis. >> something was a decisive factor. meaning, possibly, whatever threat they used the federal government may be drying up some help for united technologies. >> i wouldn't use the word threat. but, certainly, sources have told us that united technology
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is the parent company of carrier. values its relationship with the federal government. a big federal contractor and has a lot of exports and it also is concerned about regulatory policy and tax policy and it wanted a say in the trump administration on those issues. so, i think it had a lot to do with those issues and that relationship with the trump administration. >> you know, michael smerconish, i walked up to the "wall street journal" this is a conservative newspaper, very critical about this deal. do you think it's a good deal? >> well, john, i think to the point of the "journal" it's not a free market solution. this is a case of government having intervene to save 1,000 jobs. i'm elated for those 1,000 people who would otherwise have lost employment. but it's no strategy to save the economy because you can't give mouth to mouth one plant at a time and call that a strategy. what it does do is perhaps provide some momentum and a
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context and a feeling as this administration is coming in that it will be all about promoting business and cutting deals. but, you also have to wonder whether there are companies out there now that will seek to gain leverage over the federal government by threatening to move to mexico unless they're given the quote/unquote carrier treatment. >> a road map to 7 million bucks that any company wants to do it right there. donald trump also had a threat. he also said that it's not going to happen. the companies will essentially be penalized for moving overseas. what do you make of that threat, michael? >> well, in the end they weren't penalized. they were given an enormous tax benefit. i thought the whole idea from the campaign was that somehow he would impose tax leverage on them instead of giving them the benefit. again, my glass is half full. i'm thrilled for the 1,000 jobs, but i think the word i'm searching for is precedent. what kind of a precedent when we get beyond the good holiday feeling of saving 1,000 jobs.
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what kind of a precedent has just been established at carrier. >> so, james, you were tweeting during some of the president-elect's visit to carrier. you wanted people to know and you made the point that carrier is still laying off hundreds of people. this hasn't solved the whole problem. and you also wanted to make the point that mr. trump, once again, referred to the carrier workers here as making "so many air conditioners" but, in fact, they make furnaces. details. >> seems somehow either no one has mentioned to donald trump that the plant in indianapolis makes furnaces or he just ignored that fact because he continues to call it an air conditioner maker. but in indianapolis they make furnaces here. they never made air conditions here. i was walking out and said he still keeps calling it air conditioners. oh, well. they're happy to have their jobs. but it is a joke among the workers there that donald trump
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keeps referring to what they do is making air conditioners. >> he didn't remember he promised to save their jobs. that's what he told the workers when he visited yesterday. another visit when he went to cincinnati for his thank you tour. he gave a very long speech anded a libbed and he spoke about hillary clinton and there was the lock her up chant that went on. alisyn was just talking to anthony who called this a performance. sometimes when you get caught up in the performance. do you think donald trump should have stepped in there and said something? >> yeah. i wish a hand gesture from donald trump to quell that reaction instead of, as alisyn pointed out, he sort of spun on his heels and then lifts his hand in a fist form to the folks behind the stage. we've been wondering, well, how will he govern? how will he function now that he's won? what you see is what you get. this is our president and i'm convinced watching that event last night that this is exactly
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the way that he will be in office. i would pea very surpribe in of with wouldn't be surprised if he continued to have these mass rallies while he's in office. >> james briggs, michael smerconish, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. mr. trump made an important ad lib announcing james mattis as his pick for secretary of defense. there is already a snag. we talked to a fellow general about "mad dog" mattis next. with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. you tell your inthey made a mistake. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me?
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let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no. i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today. at that's liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. >> we are going to appoint "mad
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dog" mattis as our secretary of defense. but we're not announcing it to monday, so don't tell anybody. he couldn't keep the secret. president-elect donald trump announced his choice for defense secretary at a rally in ohio. what do we know about general mattis "mad dog" mattis and what legal hurdles lie ahead. retir retired lieutenant general mark hertling. it says a person may not be appointed secretary of defense aft within seven years after relief from active duty. why does this exist in the code? why this law? >> it has to do with our tradition of civilian control of the military, john. that's an important concept. when you're taking orders from
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someone, they should be in your chain of command, but also give an informed approach. that's the civilian control. george washington established that as part of his concept of how the military should be run. the excuse of pulling military commanders away from any civilian department is critically important. but, as you know, it's been overlooked in the part of general george marshall during world war ii after he was the chief of the staff of army for the entire period of the war he became first secretary of state. took another year off and then became secretary of defense. there is precedent for this. >> there could end up being quite a few generals in the inner circle with donald trump here. let's throw up a picture. mike flynn will be national security adviser and now james mattis in the pentagon and possibly david petraeus and you could end up with four retired generals as part of the inner circle here. are you comfortable with that? >> usually i would not be, john,
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truthfully. but in this case, i'd like to have as many informed and mature individuals around mr. trump as he can get possibly seated at the table because of his lack of understanding of foreign affairs and military affairs. so, in this case, i think it's actually a very good thing. general mattis brings a mature approach to matters and war fighting. he knows the pentagon. when you throw any civilian official as the secretary of defense who has not been to the pentagon before, that is a staggering business. unless you know the cultures and how things are done, not only in war fighting, but giving advice to the president, but also in how to run this multi-billion dollar business with personnel and acquisition, it really throttles folks for a really long time until they can get used to it. i've seen that various times who thought they were being appointed to a very glamorous cabinet post and then found out
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how big a business they're running. >> i know you had a great deal of respect for general mattis. he has 10,000 books in his private library and he's read all of them. a very smart guy. he has interesting, defined positions that differ from donald trump. a lot of press to water boarding. he may have convinced donald trump of that. but also on nato. nato is something that general mattis feels very strongly about and feels worth supporting and worth funding. donald trump's position on it is less enthusiastic to be sure. >> the thing you have to understand, everyone will make a big deal out of the fact that he was the central command commander and controlled the middle east as a four-star. right before that, he was also the joint forces command commander which was in norfolk, virginia, which as a dual hat he also commanded something called allied command transformation. which at the time during our wars in iraq and afghanistan was
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trying to bring the various nato and allied partners onboard to a convinced war fighting approach where everyone fought the war in iraq and afghanistan the same way. so, he knows the 28 nations of nato very well. he knows their militaries and he knows their governments and he also knows the other ally partners. he knows the strength of nato and the alliance that it provides and the amount of emphasis that it should be given in terms of future conflict as well as future peacekeeping. >> all right, mark herting, retired general, thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure, john, thank you. president-elect donald trump working the phones and talking to dozens of world leaders. what do we know about these conversations? we're going to bring in a foreign policy expert to break it all down. that's next.
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one year ago terrorist struck in san bernardino. one police sergeant put his life on the line coming within feet of the killer.
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cnn kyung lau caught up with the officer who went beyond the line of duty. >> i thought they're shooting at me. >> reporter: four hours after the terror attack in san bernardino andy was in the car. he spent most of his day chasing down false leads until an unmarked car pursued the suv. >> i saw them putting on what i believed ballistic or bulletproof vests. they started shooting the back window of their vehicle just shattered. >> reporter: capps' suv just feet away from it. >> i just scrambled from the door to the back of the car. >> reporter: sergeant capss crouched as other officers ran up. >> we have officers running here back eastbound chasing now on
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foot. >> reporter: 24 years a cop capps has never shot his wep on on the job before. no fear? >> no fear. >> reporter: even as he got this was a very, very graphic shootout here. >> during the fight i heard someone to my left an officer is down, officer down. >> san bernardino officer took a bullet to the leg. >> i've seen footage of those officers running up to my vehicle with bullets flying by them, running up to get in and help. unbelievable. >> the two terrorists who had murdered 14 innocent people in san bernardino died in the five-minute shootout. he realized no cop had died that day. >> tell me about the text i got on the phone. >> this is hard to talk about.
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that's when i realized how badly it could have ended. and you make that leap for all those people and their families. >> was the personal risk worst it? >> without a doubt. >> would you do it again? >> in a heartbeat, but hopefully i won't have to. >> kyunl lau. what a hero. back to politics. donald trump's team says the president-elect has spoke to 44 foreign leaders. he's not given the press much info about what was said, but he did talk about it at a rally last night. >> over the last two weeks since our victory, i've spoken to many foreign leaders. i will tell you, they have such respect for us. they all tell me how this was amazing, and honestly, one of
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them told me i truly respect the united states again because of whey happened. >> let's discussing this with aaron david miller. secretaries of state on the middle east. aaron, great to see you. >> a pleasure to be here, alyson. >> is there a protocol? there a briefing book that a president-elect gets? are there things you can and can't say? how did it work? >> in an idealized world, let's called it a galaxy far, far away away right now. you might have a set of talkers, maybe a brief bio with personal information about the he or she -- there would be a transcript made presumably by the transition team or those around the president who have knowledge of foreign policy. maybe, in order to make sure these calls were screened and vetted so you don't have an
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individual calling the president-elect, i mean, greg norman, the professional golfer apparently gave the prime minister of australia, mr. trump's cell phone number. so you would have the -- maybe the white house sit room screening the calls and putting them through. so you have a structured process. you want to talk to allying first. on day one or two, both mr. obama, during the transition and mr. trump did talk to a number of key u.s. allies there would be a structured process. now you don't have that. is it fatal? probably not. the notion you don't get a second chance to makes a first good impression probably isn't true with respect to the presidency. this is a learning curve for sure, and it's going to take some time. final point -- the key question, what happens. >> forget a pivot.
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what happened between the key transition which is january 19 to january 20. can you run the railroad in an effective coherent manner without structure, without expertise, and without surrounding yourself with the kinds of people that have that kind of knowledge. and i'm hoping for the benefit and future of the country that in fact the president-elect adopts these sorts of processes once he becomes president. >> so as you point out, it has not been a structured process so far, and president-elect trump has broken with some traditions, namely telling the press, the u.s. press, what has transpired during these phone calls however, we have some information from the foreign governments who have put out transcripts. case in point -- pakistan. we are relying on what the pakistan government has told us about the first conversation
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with the prime minister of pakistan. here is what they say mr. trump told the prime minister of pakistan, quote -- you have a very good reputation. you are a terrific guy. you are doing amazing work, which is visible in every way. i am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. it will be an honor and i will personally do it. any problem with that? >> well, i think it's significant, and the pakistanis clearly broke protocol, too, by putting out the statement, but they put it out for a specific reason. it obviously paints shareef and pakistan in a positive light. it suggests, and there was more to the conversation that according to the pakistani readout that the president-elect was prepared to facilitate or put himself at the disposals of pakistanis on any number of
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issues. you're wandering into a complicated area. the indians are watching to see what all of this meansed pakistanis with whom we have a complicated relationship, who do things on the one hand are not in the interests of the united states, all of these things create an image and impression of credibility and seriousness. as i mentioned, all of this is still manageable. the real question is what happens on january 20th. structure and discipline and curiosity are really, really important. just one quick story. in 1982 i'm a young analyst at the department of state following lebanon and the palestinians. the phone rips, it's the white house sit room, hold, so i'm holding, all of a sudden i hear the following, erin, this is vice president bush on the phone. i read a memo, and i have a few questions. do you have a few minutes?
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i'm thinking, myself, do i have a few minutes? he had a loss of curiosity. that's the kind of mentality and attitude we node. i'm hoping, i really am, for the benefit of the country that that is what transpires. >> one of the curious things is we do know a bit about how mr. trump felt before he was the president-elect and they come from tweets. as president obama was having the same conversation with the prime minister of pakistan after his second win, here is what mr. trump tweeted out. this was january 17th, 2012 -- get it straight. pakistan is not our friend. we've given them billions and billions of dollars, what did we get? betrayal, disrespect and much worse. time to get tough. are any of those things problems for the relationships proving forward? or are those things all sort of
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swept under the rug, because the time starts kicking now? >> i thought his take was a pretty realistic read. so you go from that what is clearly an idealized characterization of the u.s./pakistani relationship in the phone call. so, again, it's a question of balance, discipline and getting this right. the president-elect of the united states of america, says things and does things, and people listen to those things by omission, by commission, that's why it's extremely important, particularly for a president to get this right, to be measured and balanced, and to be disciplined, and to know what he doesn't know and to be in a hurry to find out.
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that's going to be critical. i suspect we're all going to find out. >> thanks for sharing your expertise with us. >> thank you, alyson. we're following a lot of news this morning, so let's get right to it. >> there's no way that donald trump can break the blue wall, right? we didn't break it, we shattered that sucker. >> thank you for doing your part to make donald trump the next president. >> we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense. >> it would require statutory change so he can even be appointed to this position. i'm pretty happy we are keeping jobs in americas, aren't you? >> we're afraid we're setting a dangerous precedent. >> even before taking office, our president-elect provided real leadership. >> what are we going to do? we're going to make american great again. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota.
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>> chris is off today, and john joins me. you told me, and you're right, this hasn't been too bad. donald trump looking a lot like candidate donald trump at his first really. he was delivering an american first message and bringing back some of the fiery rhetoric. >> and then there was this. they ad-libbed his pick for defense secretary. james mattis, highly respected commander, but whose nomination does come with a serious legal hurdle. the president-elect has a full day of meetings to fill more posts. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with our phil mattingly live in cincinnati. good morning, phil. >> reporter: good morning john. bold promises, no shortages of attack lines and airing of grievances it sounded a lot like president-elect trump was still candidate trump, and frankly


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