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tv   New Day  CNN  December 2, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> chris is off today, and john joins me. you told me, and you're right, this hasn't been too bad. donald trump looking a lot like candidate donald trump at his first really. he was delivering an american first message and bringing back some of the fiery rhetoric. >> and then there was this. they ad-libbed his pick for defense secretary. james mattis, highly respected commander, but whose nomination does come with a serious legal hurdle. the president-elect has a full day of meetings to fill more posts. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with our phil mattingly live in cincinnati. good morning, phil. >> reporter: good morning john. bold promises, no shortages of attack lines and airing of grievances it sounded a lot like president-elect trump was still candidate trump, and frankly for good reason. according to him, he won.
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>> our victory was so great, we have the house, we have the senate, and we have the presidency. >> reporter: donald trump saying thank you, and i told you so. >> remember, you cannot get to 270. the dishonest press. >> reporter: returning to the stage where he appears most comfortable in delivering an unmistakable message. the unconventional candidate who won a stunning victory three weeks ago is here to stay. >> i love this stuff. should i go on with this a little bit longer. >> reporter: the president-elect boasting about breaking hillary clinton's blue wall. >> we didn't break it. we shattered that sucker. that poor wall is busted up. >> reporter: taking a jab at his former opponent, while firing up the crowd with some red meat. >> we did have a lot of fun fighting hillary, didn't we? >> reporter: but also calling
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for unity, a deeply divided nation after a contentious election. >> we condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms. we denounce all of the hatred and forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation. we're going to come together, bev no choice, and it's better. >> reporter: trump stressing the populist message that won him the white house. >> from now on it's going to be america first, okay? >> reporter: while doubling down on key campaign promises. >> we are repealing and replacing obamacare. we will finally end illegal immigration. we have to. we will construct a great wall at the border. >> reporter: and veering off script to break big news about his own cabinet. >> i want to save the suspense for next week e. and no one outside of this room -- >> reporter: announcing he's selected james mattis as his
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secretary of defense. >> mad dog mattis. they say he's the closest thing to general george patton that we have and it's about time. while defending the other wealthy cabinet picks he's made so far. >> knows how to make money. i've been honest. i've said i'm going to be putting on the greatest killers you have ever seen. >> reporter: coming on the heels of the victory lap at the carrier plant in indiana. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: the president-elect touting the deal, spearheaded by his running mate, the occurrence governor of indiana, to keep nearly 1,000 jobs in the united states. >> carrier chose to stay in ameri indiana, because america chose to make donald trump the next
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president of the united states. >> reporter: the announcement that he's going to be secretary of defense, he's technically not eligible. he's only been retired for three years t u.s. law requires him for to be retired for seven years. the transition officials i've spoken to think they won't have any problem with a waiver of that lieu. democrats and republicans align support this pick. kristin gillibrand, key voice, put out a statement every her own saying she would oppose the waiver saying civilian control of the military is a principle of american democracy. she's the only one so far. it's worth noting that is an important issue. >> phil mattingly, thank you so much. ban to discusses this with tex
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texa texass. >> this time rarn you'll have to decide whether or not the general should receive a waiver. do you favor granting this waiver? >> what i know about the general is all good. i think it's important the president-elect have the people around him to execute this plan to help make america great again. i would lean very much in favor, but i will admit, part of being a member of the congress is to listen to the debate. the general's already been out offium for three years. i know the current statute says seven, but i look lean heavily in favor of giving the president-elect the people he needs to support his vision. donald trump went to carrier yesterday, touting this deal which apparently includes $7
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million in tax breaks from the state of indiana, and i don't know about a week or nod of future considerations. in the past, sir, i've been critical of singling out countries or -- you specifically sid i don't know why we're helping the auto industry. >> i did say that. >> do you have concerns? >> i'm a federal legislator. these are the citizens of indiana. if this is what the citizens of indiana want to do, bully for them, but the most important takeaways is american business now knows they'll have a president and vice president that cares about business staying in america. the economic plan of beatings will continue until morale improves, that is over with. >> but you're on the record being concerned with picking favorites, also other issues
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export/import bank. >> i'm a federal legislator. what the citizens of indiana need to do. you need to interview governor pence about this particular plan. as a federal legislator we're not involved. but the other lesson is taxes make a big difference in whether or not jobs stay in america. i know that president-elect trump, vice president-elect pence will give us a competitive tax code to help keep jobs in america. the other thing is there's no evidence that xm on net creates any american job. when they help in exports arena, they also hurt the import arena. i don't know all the details, but i'm here to protect the federal taxpayer, and i think it's a huge lesson that taxes are too high and it's one of the main reasons that jobs go overseas. i appreciate the fact that we have a president -- >> and i do understand, this is something you think a lot about.
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this is your area of expertise 'tis i understand the dinners between state and federal rules. >> it's written in the instrument. >> and a nabil paper is concerned about this. this provide as road map, does it not, for other companies to say we want to get money from a state or perhaps considering from the federal government down the line? part of how this deal was made apparently, i don't know if it was a threat, united technologies has a lot of business with the pentagon. >> listen, you used the wort can be apparently" so you're painting scenarios i don't know the facts are. i believe the president shares this vision. he doesn't believe in chron counterism. i've been fighting that my whole career, either earmarks, bridge to nowhere, the bailout. i opposed the bailout for the big bank. i opposed xm.
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but high levels and complex taxation sends jobs overseas, period, paragraph. i think it is good that we can lower taxes and keep jobs in america. some of this other speculation, i don't know, because i don't know the details of the plan, but all in all, keeping jobs in america, that starts off being a very good thing. >> speaker ryan gave but also the future. >> this is like a republican christmas right now, mr. chairman. what's first on your play? >> we have to get america working again for working americans. in order to do that, we'll have
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to get rid of the dodd/frank ad. we've seen free checking at banks cut in half, and working americans neerk that i bank accounts. we've seen credit cards go up two percentage points. some auto loans have gone up $500, and small business lending is at a 25-year low. we need capital to circulate if we're going to get to 4% economy growth. under 2% economic growth, what we have are stagnant paychecks, diminished bank accounts, and small dreams. what we have to do is repeal and replace dodd/frank. we have the choice act that's passed out of my committee, and what it says is we're going to substitute private capital for federal control, loss-absorbing
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private capital, but we won't free markets, we want competitive markets, we want market discipline, the day of bailouts are gone. we're getting out of the bailout business, and getting into the economic growth business and america is going to get working again. getting rid of dodd/frank has got to be priority number one. you have to have tax reform, regulatory reform, but you have to have capital circulating got to get rid of dodd/frank. >> we know you're excited to get to work. >> i'm very excited. >> we appreciate your time this morning. always a pleasure. >> thank you. thank you. donald trump is set to meet with one democratic senator today. another as a possible contender for a cabinet post. is this part of a strategy tots red state democrats out of congress? we're going to discuss, next. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas.
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donald trump reviving his promises about immigration, including his famous pledge to build the wall. this was at his first rally after the election, so take a listen. >> we will finally end illegal immigration. have to. we will construct a great wall at the border. dismantle the criminal cartels
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and liberate or communities from the epidemic of gang violence and drugs pouring into our nation. >> what should americans expect to happen next? joining us now, congressman luis gutierrez, a democrat from illinois. thanks for being here. >> good morning, alisyn. there's been a lot of talk on when to take trump literally. do you believe -- >> here's what i do believe, he started his campaign by saying that mccans were murderers, rapists, by criminalizing our communities. in the parlance of american politics, he meant latinos, and criminalized my 13-year-old grandson and every other young latino male in this country. so here's what i have to say. i heard that. i think the american public heard that. what did he say?
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he's going to build and wall and all crime and all gangs and everything comes from mexico and from latinos. that's what i heard. that's why, you know, alisyn, you know, i've been to, let me see, two clinton gnaw raise, two of them for bush, two of them for obama. i'm not going to this inauguration. i can't go, because he continues to spew hatred, bigotry and prejudi prejudice, even after he said he was going to bring us all together, but he's not. he continue toss spew this hatred. so i'm not going to be there. i told my wife, you know, i'm not going, honey. and she said, oh, yeah we're going. we're going to the march and march for $15 an hour, we're going to march with women for their rights, march with the lbgt community, she said we're going to go to the inauguration, except we'll be out there marching, protesting and lifting our voices for an america.
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we're not going to allow them to simply turn back the clock. i'm 63 years old in another week. i was born in 1953. i don't want to turn back the clock to when women were in the kitchen and gays questioner in the closet we're told to you quiet, and too many people march and protested. we created a society in which there were new voices. congressman, i can't help but hear your passion in everything you said as well as seer your body language about how upset you are. i don't have to remind you, obviously democrats are now in the minority, in the house, in the senate, in the governors mansions, so beyond marching, what can you do with that anger that you're feeling? >> yes, there is anger, but we're going to use it constructively.
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we have a minority president of the united states of america. the fact is that hillary clinton received 2.5 million more votes and counting. i'm not going to allow the minority president of the united states to turn back the clock and me not say anything. for me, too many people gave up their lives, gave up their freedom, risked so much so that i can't have a voice today in the america of today. not the america i was born into in 1953 when separate but equal was the law of the land, but the america today. i'm going to work with broader groups. here's what i think we need to do. i think be need to all of us say, hey, labor movement, you better talk to the lbgt community, lbgt community you better talk to the women's community, women's community, let's talk to the environmentalists. immigrants from anywhere in the world, let's keep that immigrant
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tradition alive and let's talk to one another. in the end we constitute a majority. we may not have elected the president of the united states, but we are the majority. we need to make sure that we are fighting. what is the basis of everything that i've been given in this country? because people fought for me, even when it looked dark and gloomy. look, i have been given so much. last fight i was on a call with over 10,000 people. i heard people that are really afraid. they're afraid somebody is going to knock on their door and young people, 725,000 young people who we said come out of the shadows, register with the government, go through a criminal background check, and here's what we're going to give you, we're going to give you a work permit, a social security card so you can prosper in this country, because we see you as an american in
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everything but a piece of paper, and donald trump says he's going to go after them, revoke daca, and take away their freedom. guess what? i cannot go to an inauguration of a man who will turn back the clock on women and immigrants and the safety and freedom that we fought for them. >> congressman gutierrez, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. nice to talk with you. >> thank you. unlike the congressman, they all supported trump all the way, the support not wavering one bit. we sit down with a group of longtime trump supporters what do they think about the carrier deal or possible conflicts of interest? their answers are going to surprise you. that's next.
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during the course of the presidential campaign, we spoke with lots of donald trump supporters who hear why they felt so passionately about him. this week we circled back with some of them. these are not man on the street interviews with random voters. these are plugged-in people who
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have been in and around new hampshire politics for year and never felt more energized john hikel and paula johnson are former state representatives. susan delemus is still a representative. her term ends tuesday. so we spoke to them on wednesday before details of the carry are deal came out, but they already had strong feelings about it as well as any potential conflicts of interest in the trump administration. >> the headline today was that mr. trump has made a company that was thinking of going to mexico able to stay here in the united states, want to stay here in the united states. >> you're referring to carrier. >> yes, yes. >> they're going to keep is,000 of their jobs here in indiana. some will go to mexico, but 1,000 workers will stay here. that's a coup.
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we don't know that much about the deal, what they were offered in ownership to keep the jobs here. do you want to know more about that? >> you know, from the beginning donald trump had said that he was going to make fantastic deals and he was going to persuade companies to invest in america and american people. he's proven that early on. >> so if they were given some sort of finance inducement to stay here, let's say they are subsidized somehow? >> no, it wouldn't bother me. the key right now and trump's primary focus is putting the american people first. that's all he cares about. trump in a lot of ways remind me of a hero of mine, which is general patton. i think sin world war ii, there hasn't been a hero for america like patton was, and i think trump is the new mere rho for america. >> but john, if there were some sort of subsidy given, i thought
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the free market didn't pick winners and losers. remember that this. >> i remember that well, but i think a lot of businesses and things that we do in this country are subsidized, from petroleum to many companies. >> are you okay with that? >> no subsidizing. i can almost guarantee he wasn't subsidized. >> you drive through these towns throughout the country and there are empty factories everywhere that somebody should have taken the initiative to save those companies and have them stay here. >> finally bev somebody that will do it. >> conflicts of interest. mr. trump has something like 144 businesses all around it is world. does anyone have any concern that that will complicate his dealings in the white house? >> no, no. >> not at all. >> he's got a family. when you look at these folks, when you look at his kids, talk about raised right, he's going to release the business
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interests to them, because they're totally capable. so there's not going to be a conflict of interest. he will not be directly involved. >> but just help me understand this. substitute the word ivanka for chelsea clinton. if chelsea clinton were running the global initiative or clinton foundation, why would that have bothered you if hillary had won? >> because chelsea is the product of government. she is the product of parents who have done nothing but make money off of the people in government and in politics. >> well, they made money after he left the presidency, and he sold books and gave speeches. donald trump has made money from selling books and -- >> they've never -- he's never had that political background. >> why is it that you're totally comfortable with donald trump's family being able to have these other business interests that we deal with in terms of u.s.
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policy, and that's okay, but it wouldn't be okay for bill and chelsea clinton to have had that same deal? explain it. >> i think mr. trump has disclosed his so-called conflicts around the world. >> how? >> well, by coming out and saying he owns some of the best real estate and some of the best businesses in the world. >> he didn't release the taxes, so you don't know exactly the level of connection to some of these places. >> what's the purpose of releasing his taxes anyway? >> to see if there's conflicts of interest. >> i don't agree with that. >> we don't care about the tax returns. he wasn't in politics. next year i'd like to see his tax return when he's president. right now he's private. i'd like to see every member of congress shows every tax return so they can prove they are paying their taxes. we know some of these hypocrites don't pay taxes. >> it comes down to trust. people trust donald trump. even if they don't admit to it.
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behind closed doors, they trust him as a businessman, he's had a solid career. people do not trust hillary clinton. generally they know she's crooked hillary, even the people who supported her. >> and if she -- >> basically you're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. >> of course. if le violated that trust, then we'll feel differently. >> he's doing it to become rich like the clintons and other corrupt politicians. he's doing it for the sole reason of making america great again. >> it's so interesting. all dural the campaign his voters didn't care if he didn't release the taxes. that's clearly true. that's different from saying he has given lots of disclosure, which is untrue. he's not granted lots of disclosure. >> i think they think there's a lot of disclosure because he's been in the public eye. >> he's been public. >> you're drawing a distinction
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they don't draw. you've heard them say they're billing to give him the benefit of the doubt. if he betraying that trust, they say they will turn on him and feel differently. for the moment they feel good signs. >> it's interests to me there's a solid bait of trump support, but there were other people who i assume don't feel as passionately as them. i wonder how much leeway they're going to give. >> i'm going to take that assignment. i'm going to find them. people who voted for barack obama, and then donald trump. >> there has to be some. >> by the way, this was shot -- we shot this on wednesday before the carrier deal came out. that's why they didn't know some of the details nor did i, but i think they feel the same way today. we have a new jobs report out. christine romans is crunching the numbers. i saw one number, and it is a wow. we'll tell you when we come back.
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as a supervisor at pg&e, it's my job to protect public safety, keeping the power lines clear, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe.
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this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. we do have some breaking news. the labor department has releaseded november jobs report. the unemployment number is now
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the lowest of president obama's administration. christine, what do you see? >> lowest in any administration ad then some. the jobs added first, 178,000 net new jobs in the month. look at september revised up 208,000. this is continued strong jobs creation. the big headline i would tell you is the unemployment rate. 4.6%. that is the lowest since may 2007. think about what you were doing in may 2007. it was before the housing crisis, or at least we knew the housing crisis was going to blow up. it was back then when we had a vibrant job market and an economy moving forward. rewind all the way back may 2007. the labor force participation, this is something you hear donald trump talk about, still the lowest in a generation. those are the people out of the labor market all together. there's big hope over the next year with these strong jobs numbers and this hiring, these
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people will start to come back into the labor market. sectors very important. these are jobs that tend to pay well, office managers, computer scientists, engineers, health care. we have seen continued strength will. look at manufacturing, down another had,000 jobs. over the past year, i think we're down almost of 0,000 jobs, we're light of 0,000 jobs on manufacturing. that has been a soft spot. witness what we saw yesterday, and what we were seeing in indianapolis, and what the president and president-elect has been talking about, that's where the anxiety has been during the past year overall. futures are down a bit the a strong jobs report, why would the stock market be down? because the federal reserve now has the ammunition to start raising interest rates and higher borrowing costs are already here. the stock market will continue to look at they strong jobs numbers and say the economy is humming along here. that means higher rates are coming. when you look at the manufacturing numbers, you can
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understand why there are some people in the country who feel as though things are not going in the right direction, and others who say, what are we talking about? its that's the big disconnect. down another 4,000. they've been weak all year. >> christine romans, have a great weekend. >> thank you. we want to discuss this more, the job numbers and the other political goings-on. david greg do i recall, the bottom line, 4.6% unemployment is very, very low. that is a terrific number. >> yeah, two presidents, a current one and the president-elect fighting to grab the man tell of the jobs president. obviously president obama will tout this as the impact of policies over the past eight years and rescuing the economy from financial crisis, but the more immediate issue is how donald trump moves into this new economy and trying to become a jobs president, an economically competitive america president.
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i think that's really going to be the signature issue. the manufacturing piece you just have been talking about is a big area of concern as well, and this is obviously with this carrier announcement of the past couple days where this new administration wants to go to work. >> but david, is donald trump going to be able to bring back manufacturing jobs? that was the promise in less manufacturing jobs are sort of being modernized into objects lessens. >> yeah, i think the "wall street journal" editorial page is instructive in this regard as a more conservative establishment point of view, as saying this kind of intervention is dangerous, it might produce some short-term political gain for donald trump, which he is enjoying, but it's really not a model to follow to kind of strong-arm companies to keep jobs back. we're in a society and economy that is being sob severely disrupted that manufacturing jobs are not going to come back
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and not going to exist in the way they did before. how does the economy shift? how does the government try to encourage that? what is the kill set that people try to acquire to find their way in this new economy? these are bigger issues than just the issue of tariffs, trying to preserve a certain number of jobs at a manufacturing plant. >> donald trump told us one hire he would like to make and that's retired general james mattis, mattis a highly respected general, but he's only been out of the mitt tear for a few years. this is so there is civilian control of the military. >> yeah, and i think that's a concern. i know talking to some important thought leaders around washington, they have some concerns about a general moving into civilian leadership. that's really the first time in my reading that this has happened since omar bradley had the job. so i think it's an important
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consideration, but general mattis also brings a lot of credibility, a lot of excellent credentials, and experience, wisdom and judgment, particularly in the past ten years with regard to our conflicts in afghanistan and iraq, and i think it's a very positive sign that a president-elect trump would turn to him for this role, 'specially with regard to how he's going to position himself in the rest of the world. >> let's talk about what happened at john's alma mater, some weird place called harvard. >> so much goes on up there, so contentious. >> there was something that was noteworthie. the top strategists of the campaigns met and it was for this sort of post mortem, you know, for history, for posterity. it did not go as planned, because it once again got testy.
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did you read the transcripts? >> cede, i did. you know, this is still a pretty raw time in our politics. you know, i think it's different from which ideological point of view triumphed here. i think the clinton campaign made a bet and argument that donald trump was unfit to serve, unqualified to serve, a dangerous figure, and a lot of americans believe that to be the case. i think those raw nerves still come out. they didn't prevail in part, because not enough democrats came out to vote for them. i think you saw that play out in that disagreement. >> david gregory, thank for being here. his grandson's autism diagnosis inspired action. now bob wright has a new mission inspired by the death of his wife. bob joins us live, next.
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spirited fantastic person. i know the cancer that took her life is such a cruel disease. this has been a rough year for you. >> i feel like an investigative reporter, and i've been on the investigation now for 13 months. nine months of it was during her life as a pancreatic cancer patient. the last four is after her death. my report back is extremely harsh. >> what have you learned? >> i've learned there's been no change in mortality rate for pancreatic cancer in 40 years. the 3% of the people that have it die, mostly in the first year. and yet we have no attention to this from the -- from the nci, which is the national cancer institute, for the nih, and from health and human services. these are the groups that have not been appropriately dealing
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with this horrible killer. this is the third largest killer of cancer patients. >> when people get this diagnosis, they do think of it as a death sentence because of those statistics you have just laid out. is it just that people have thrown up their hands and they think there's no way to cure this? >> well, you know, it's ironic, but i -- my book is devoted to management. the tenets that aren't here is you need leadership, you need prioritization, and you need urgency. if you're going to succeed. any kind of organization will run into problems, whether it's not-for-profit or for profit. a large organization is when it's a serious problem. they need leadership on it. they have to prioritize what do i have available? how can i put it all together to deal with this? lastly they have to do it immediately. that has not happened in the case of pancreatic cancer.
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it's a real management failure. >> you and suzanne are people who, when faced with a hardship you are action-oriented doers. autism, another untenable problem for families, but you seized it and started autism speaks. what is your plan? >> i learned a lot with autism speak, and if i had to do some things over again, it probably would be harsher in many respects on the same issues. in that case there was a denial in the medical community about ought im. some people were interested, some weren't. it was controversial. >> a denial that autism existed. >> right. we got past all that. then the medical profession said we don't have the tools, so we're going to have to pass it on to specialists, neurologists psychiatrists who there aren't enough of them to deal with the issue, so we ended up and raised tons of money at the federal
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government level, but i wish i could say honestly that 40% of $3 billion we raised, i wish i could tell you 40% was truly done properly, used properly. it's not about how much money you use in medicine or science or work, it's how it's being spent. >> is that your plan for pancreatic cancer? >> i well-bin good the facts i was a lawyer for many years. this is like you go into the judge and say i want -- this trial is already over, here's the facts, i don't even have to read them. you read them. so it's like, how did this happen. it's too heart to answer that question. there are five people an hour that die have pancreatic cancer, 117 a day, 3500 a month, 43,000 people a year. it's just unblefelievable if
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anybody can get to the bottom of it and make progress, it's you. do you have the appetite for some politics right snow in. >> sure. >> you were donald trump's boss for a long time when you were at nbc. what do you think had he'll by like? >> i was an early supporter of his. i told people i said i worked with this man for many years. all these things that you're seeing and worrying about, i said i wouldn't worry about that. he's -- i think he's going to do just fine. >> but meaning all the things the people are worried about the fiery rhetoric, the things that media takes literally, but he doesn't necessarily mean literally. the feel that some people feel they will be marginalized. >> we've already gone through that whole cycle, and he's there. he is a george patton type of
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individual. >> we keep hearing that analogy. >> he is easily -- he will defer in the face of facts that he didn't know or understand that are differ he is so results-oriented. i think that's a great trait for an elected official, but especially a president, but he doesn't have unlimited power. everything has to go through congress. >> which republicans control right now. >> that doesn't mean they're all going to agree with everything he wants to do when he wants to do it. he tars to be very cage counter and smart about how he does these things. the idea, for instance, the carry of situation. i think that's a sign that he's willing to put himself into a situation. that was very common in the 1950s and '60s, when presidents got involved. it's just not been the way recently.
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but you know, that's just one incident. he can't fix all the mrgs, but all of a sudden it's drawing attention. six or seven of those incidents, maybe we'll get attention paid to manufacturing and ideas coming forward and people saying i have an idea, retraining, different things. i think that's symbolic. >> it's great to get your take on it. you know him better than certainly moth people, and thank you so much for sharing your loss about suzanne and what you're going to do and how to move forward. >> it's the suzanne wright foundation. iful it. the name of the campaign, it's code purple, and code purple is a hospital term when a hospital has a problem that they can't resolve, they go out to the medical community, like a three alarm fire, saying please come to us immediately, we need your help. >> i'm going to tweet it out and put it on facebook. bob, nice to see you. voting is now under way for the cnn hero of the year. we have this years's top ten
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calls prehealth care to dangerous areas of her native kenya. >> one of the biggest challenges in health care is professionals. we have about six villages that have absolutely zero access to health care. to come back to where i'm born, it was kind of a sentence of responsibility. we see -- in at least ten of the villages going in with a medical officer, making sure the drugs in each facility are available. being here, being close to home, to be able to fill some of the gaps in accessing health care, it's been an iv drip for life and purpose. you can see the impact in 0 pot 1 seconds. i have absolutely zero regrets for taking the leap of faith. i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world right now.
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you can vote for any of your favorite to the ten heroes now. despite everything i said at commercial breaks, this has been fun. >> i'll never forget the two days. carol costello picks up after this very quick break. have a nice weekend. "credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?"
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is. good morning, we do begin with breaking news on the economy. just minutes ago we received the government's first jobs report since the presidential election. it shows 178,000 jobs were created in the month of november. the unemployment rate drops to 4.6%. that is the lowest rate in nine years. christine romans is here to break it down for us. >> another strobe jobs report. this is highlighting the tail wind that donald trump inherited about. the chart really paints the picture here. 4.6%, you have to go back to august 2007 for match that number. to beat it you're talking about the spring of 2007,


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