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tv   New Day  CNN  December 6, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PST

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and urban secretary pick and dr. ben carson doesn't have the trump's national securitied y e adviser and his son are still under fire for peddling conspiracy theories. let's begin our coverage with cnn's jessica schneider live outside trump tower in new york. the white house annex. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. donald trump down to business today before playing to the crowd tonight in fayetteville, north carolina. it will be the second stop on his so-called thank you tour. first, some of the notable names that will be here at trump tower today, they include exxon ceo rick tillerson, his name being added into the mix for potential secretary of state. also, the d.c. mayor and former secretary of state henry kissinger, who's just back from china, where he met with president xi. all of that before donald trump hits the road. donald trump continuing his victory lap by visiting three
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more states this week. the president-elect heading to north carolina today and on thursday he'll travel to iowa, michigan on friday. trump's team says he'll formally announce another cabinet appointment tonight. touting the credentials of his defense secretary pick, retired marine general james mattis. trump also tapping ben carson to be housing secretary. trump describes carson as brilliant, declaring he's, quote, passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities. some are calling carson's qualifications into question. last month a key confidant of carson's said running an agency isn't his strength. democrats now arguing he's woefully unqualified. meanwhile, trump national security aid general michael flynn coming under fire. flynn's son continuing to push a
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baseless conspiracy theory that led a man to fire an assault weapon inside a washington pizza shop. the white house weighing in. >> we all hold a responsibility regardless of whether or not we are planning to serve in a government position or if one of our family members is planning to serve in a government position that we shouldn't be propagating false things that could inspire violence. >> reporter: the white house also responding to trump's controversial phone call with taiwan's president, stressing the u.s.'s commitment to the one-china policy. >> some of the progress we have made in our relationship with china could be undermined by this issue flaring up. >> reporter: and many are still buzzing about al gore's appearance here at trump tower yesterday. first the meeting with ivanka trump, then a sit-down, a lengthy one at that, with the president-elect. the topic, climate change, something that donald trump has previously called a hoax. of course, all of this happening while questions continue to linger as to what exactly ivanka
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trump's role will be in a white house or a trump administration or what her husband's role would be, jared kushner, as well. alisyn and chris? >> jessica, thank you very much. let's discuss all of this with our panel. we have cnn political analyst david gregory, "washington post" correspondent abby phillips, and host of "examining politics" podcast, david drucker. great to have all of you. what are we expecting tonight from the next installment in north carolina of the thank you tour? >> hooray for me i think is probably what donald trump is going to say again. it's extraordinary but not totally unusual. i think we've talked about any politician, any president loves to get out of washington. i think he's got particular skills to be able to do it. i think he's going to be doing a lot of it. abby's going to be covering the white house. i don't think he's going to be at the white house a lot. i don't think that's his favorite venue. >> this is the best part. this is the part of the whole thing he loves the most. we're going see him just -- i mean, the other day one of his
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advisers basically described his rallies as like russian roulette. you never know what you're going to get. that's part of the charm. he loves keeping it that way, unpredictable. i have no idea what's going to happen tonight. >> well, we have a couple good suggestions. he's got north carolina tonight. he's going to iowa, michigan. he has something to offer everywhere. he hasn't done the official announcement of mattis yet. that's going to go very well in the areas he's going. now he has ben carson, especially by the time he rolls around to michigan, how do you think these announcements play? >> so far, i think his cabinet announcements are going over very well, especially given the low expectations. everyone thought trump doesn't know what he's doing. maybe he's going to pick more people like steve bannon and fewer people like reince priebus. you pick james mattis and that's a great pick. it reassures republicans. ben carson is getting some criticism because of maybe he doesn't have the most experience for the topic of housing and urban development. the truth is, a lot of these
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cabinet agencies don't have the power they used to have. most power is centralized in the white house. >> you like the ben carson pick. >> i don't think there's anything wrong with it. i don't think there's any special skill when it comes to running a cabinet agency. george w. bush in 2000 picked a whole host of governors to run cabinet agencies. they weren't bad picks. does anybody remember them? >> tommy thompson ran health and human services in the bush administration. had tremendous qualifications and real know-how to do that. a very successful governor who dealt with welfare reform. and he wasn't listened to. i think this is going to be a strong, centralized white house. he's picking a lot of alpha males, people who reflect his way of thinking. that's why the secretary of state pick is so interesting. i'm not sure he's decided on what signal he wants to send to the world, what kind of advice he wants internally. i don't think there's any question. you look at jared kushner and maybe ivanka trump working as advisers, this is going to be a strong white house. he's going to have a strong core
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around him. >> let's remember, the president sets the agenda. it doesn't matter who he picks for cabinet secretaries. it matters that they're competent and instill confidence. but mattis isn't going to make decisions, trump is. the new secretary of state, whoever it is, whether it's john bolton or mitt romney, doesn't matter. >> how come you're not putting rudy in the discussion? who is better qualified? >> i think i would argue that mitt romney is probably better qualified than -- >> based on what experience? >> look, i thinking when you've run for president twice, when you've examined all the issues that you have to deal with around the world, and when you have the kind of negotiating skills that romney has from building a company, working through the olympics, i think that his temperament -- >> julgiuliani travels around t world. >> the issue with giuliani is confirmation. can he get through a confirmation hearing? >> why would he not? >> i think the issue is temperament. i think rudy giuliani 10 or 15 years ago, a much better pick for secretary of state.
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i think he would work better with donald trump. from that perspective of being more in sync with the principle, i think that would make him a good pick. >> what republicans turn on rudy giuliani? they have the votes. >> there are skeletons in his closet as far as his business dealings are concerned. he was doing business in parts of the world where we have official national policies that are in contradiction to that. >> he's never been cited for lobbying the government. he's never been paid for getting something done through the u.s. government. that's what they're going to be looking for. >> if you want to talk about qualifications, a guy like david petraeus -- >> he's someone they would have a hard time getting confirmation. you know you got guys like paul, like lee who will see him as interventionist in a way they won't want him. you can turn republicans against him and lose the number. how do they do it? >> you can go down this road of why you like certain people, their stature in the world, their profile.
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clearly trump at least appears to have soured a bit on giuliani. he has kind of an inside track initially. he's widening out the search. a guy like rex tillerson is very interesting. not only a strong businessman, energy sector, very good relationship with putin. he's a tough guy. he's a tough guy who could be a tough negotiator who could channel trump in a way that might be better than some of the other people on the list. that's why that's an interesting conversation to be had. if you look at this taiwan business and china, john bolton has said publicly, we have to shake up our relationship with china. trump clearly likes that. i'm just not clear that trump is set in his own mind about what signal he wants to send. >> i think that's the key, what foreign policy is trump really going to prosecute. are we going to get trump from the campaign trail, which i tend to think that's what we're going to get. that's usually how this works. you don't get somebody radically
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different in government. or are you going to get trump, the guy who picked james mattis for secretary of defense, who i believe has signaled to republicans and people around the world that trump may not be as interested in abandoned our alliances and abandoned the u.s. role as the global guarantor of world peace as he suggested during the campaign trail. right now i think a lot of these things are up in the air. i think trump is still working it out because of all the things he understands. i think foreign policy and the intricacies of it are what he's still learning and understands the least. >> i like that you think there's going to be an answer to this, that you're going to get a which trump do we get answer. really, isn't the answer that he's unpredictable? >> look, he does not have a defined view of the world. one of the real dangers is that he could say, yeah, let's go in this direction. that's where -- that's why what he's putting together is not clear. yes, a guy like mattis is tough.
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mattis will have a posture toward the rest of the world that i think trump likes because it'll be tough, it'll be no nonsense, yet he's got a level of experience that also is sound and is deeply learned. so i think that's important. i just don't think we know. >> i think we know. i think we just don't want to believe it. trump was very consistent during the campaign. we're too involved in alliances both in asia and europe. we need to reorient our relationship with our allies. we need to be less involved in pushing u.s. values around the world. the issue is everybody is like, he doesn't really mean it. when he gets there, he'll figure out that's not the way it works. maybe that's true, but i think he was very consistent. if we follow trump over the past couple decades whenever he would comment in foreign policy, he's been saying the same thing over and over again. he just finally hit the sweet spot where people thought, hey, maybe he's right. >> all right, panel. stick around. we have many more questions. he toyed with the idea of running for president in 2016.
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will vice president joe biden actually do it in 2020? what he told reporters yesterday that makes some think yes. that's next on "new day." marie knows that a dutch apple pie can make any occasion feel more special. so she makes her pie crust from scratch. and sprinkles on brown sugar streusel. so that you can spend more time making special moments... ...with your family. marie callender's. it's time to savor. "w"i think we can finally get a bigger place." "hey!"
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what are you doing, joe, vice president joe biden? raising eyebrows, telling cnn and a group of reporters he's got big plans in four years. >> are you going to run again? >> yeah, i'm going to run in 2020. >> for what? >> for president. you know, so -- what the hell. >> we're going to run with that. >> that's okay. no, but i've enjoyed every bit of my time here in the senate. >> just to be clear, were you kidding about running for president in 2020? >> i'm just -- i'm not committing not to run. i'm not committing to anything. i learned a lot time ago. >> and boy, that's all it takes. now here we go. >> that's an awesome double negative. i'm not committing not to do not that. >> under the category of seven minutes i'll never get back, let's bring in david gregory,
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abby phillips, and david drucker. who thinks joe biden is going to run in 2020? >> i think he could because he doesn't know how to let go of washington. he loves this place. he's been here basically all of his entire adult life. and more importantly, democrats are in a bind going into 2020. they don't really have a bench. they don't really have a populist bench. and joe biden was the guy who got away this cycle. >> absolutely. he heard that from so many people. >> had hillary won, this wouldn't be a conversation. he looks at this, high stakes, and thinks in four years there may be more of a shot than i ever thought. i'm sure in large parts of his mind, he thinks if only i had been there. >> in large parts of democrats' minds -- >> you don't buy it? you're not feeling it? >> how old is he? >> his age is one of the only things i'm not taking into
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consideration. he's 74 right now, but he's strong as hell, and he's got incredible spirit. his minds has never been finer. but he would have had big trouble if he had been in the race this time around against hillary clinton. not just from an organizational standpoint. he's been there a long time. he owned a big part of the status quo. >> and he's run before unsuccessfully. >> i think what's so significant about us talking about this is it's because the democratic party right now really lacks a bench. >> bench, a message, a sense of where they're going to go. >> a message can come from a candidate. a sense of where you want to take the party and the country can come from a candidate. tell me right now who the democratic party has from the ranks of governors, from the ranks of senators, that we can see as a rising star and viable candidate. >> -- from california is one option. >> i don't know if this works four years out. nobody said donald trump was
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going to be president. >> he would have. >> or barack obama for that matter. >> no, but -- >> came out of nowhere. >> correct. i guess the point is we haven't seen the next barack obama. we haven't seen somebody give the speech. i think that's what's so -- >> but any party feels particularly out in the wilderness after a loss, something as surprising as this as left the democrats in the place they've been for most of 2016, which is dealing with a rebellion in their liberal wing that they put down because hillary clinton had enough control. now it's really out there. donald trump is going to exacerbate it. >> i think the question is, what influence will barack obama have over who the nominee is for the democratic party in 2020. he's still beloved across the party. he wants to be active in redistricting, which is a very granular thing at the grassroots level. i have to imagine democrats are going to want his seal of approval. they're going to want to somehow get a piece of his secret sauce. >> i think of all the people
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obama probably understands the impact of having coronated hillary clinton coming into this race. i think democrats have a lot of real regrets about that sentiment that she was the chosen one. whether it was real or not, even her people believed that hurt her going into this race. president obama, even though publicly he didn't say much about hillary clinton, privately he was encouraging his backers to get behind hillary. he was encouraging joe biden not to necessarily get into the race. he played a role in what we saw this cycle. >> let's not miss a headline here. what do you think the chances that trump is able to sway these two democratic senators and bring them into the team? >> joe manchin and heidi heitkamp. >> look at the geography. that matters. i know manchin better. i know he's not been a happy senator, doesn't like how the institution works. he represents part of the world that's pretty open to donald
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trump. >> he's a plain speak guy. he's a pragmatic guy. >> i think he could make a strong case. >> and i think he would look at it as a situation where he wouldn't necessarily be leaving democrats in a lurch. a democrat would appoint his replacement, at least in the short term. >> but they are pressuring, from what we understand from the reporting, the senior democrats are pressuring them not to join. >> of course. a huge problem. >> here's the counterpart. senator manchin and senator heitkamp are going to be very important if they stick around. republicans are going to always lose -- not always, but in many cases might lose a couple. they're going to be going to manchin and heitkamp many times saying, what do you need, what do you want. we saw this in the last decade with senator ben nelson. >> yeah, prescription drug benefits. >> we saw it with joe lieberman during the obamacare debate. these two can have a lot of
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influence in the senate for the next couple years. >> great point, panel. thank you very much. great to talk to you. all right. so a very big determination or nondetermination in a really important case. you'll remember this video. it was oh-so compelling. a white police officer caught on a cell phone fatally shooting an unarmed man who was actively running away. shot him in the back. a jury could not reach a verdict so you had a mistrial. the prosecutor says there will be another day. will that happen? next. ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day.
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generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
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that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. iran's president, hasan rouhani, told state media he'll not let president-elect trump, quote, tear away the nuclear deal. on the campaign trail, mr. trump repeatedly said the iran deal was one of the worst agreements ever negotiated. rouhani also said the u.s.'s push to make it easier to impose sanctions would violate that nuclear deal. president obama has yet to sign the legislation. security is beefed up across the sprawling l.a. rail system this morning. why? well, the fbi is investigating a threat to blow up a train
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station in universal city. the information came from a tipline operated by an unidentified foreign government. commuters in l.a. are being told to expect an increased police presence this morning along with dogs scouring the rails for explosives. well, the murder trial of michael slager, that's the officer who shot and killed walter scott, ends in a stunning mistrial. scott was shot repeatedly as he ran away from slager. a witness captured those moments on cell phone video. the prosecutor and scott's family say their fight for justice is not over. cnn's nick valencia is live in charleston, south carolina, with more. so where does this leave them, nick? >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. it was a week-long trial, days of deliberation. it was on monday afternoon that the jurors handed a note to the judge saying they were unable to reach a unanimous verdict. the case that captured the nation's attention was declared a mistrial. >> we are unable to come to a unanimous decision --
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>> reporter: a mistrial declared in the case of michael slager, the white police officer who killed an unarmed black man. video of the incident sparking outrage nationwide. former patrolman slager charged with murder of 50-year-old walter scott after firing eight gunshots as he ran away from him during a traffic stop last april. >> god is my strength, and i know without a doubt that he is a just god. >> reporter: the south carolina prosecutor vowing to immediately retry the case. scott family attorneys confident they'll get a conviction. >> we don't need to scream or shout. because we know that it's coming. it's just been delayed. >> reporter: the jury deadlocked friday by one holdout who told the judge he could not in good conscience convict slager of murder. >> i cannot and will not change my mind. >> reporter: by monday, a majority of the 11 white and one black jurors were undecided.
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the shooting caught on video by a bystander, a key piece of evidence in a case slager shot scott repeatedly from approximately 18 feet away. on the stand, slager argued self-defense, telling jurors the video doesn't show the full confrontation. he saw scott as a threat. >> it was total fear that mr. scott didn't stop, continued to come towards me. >> reporter: scott's family hoping a conviction can help heal the wounds. >> in my heart, i will find the peace to forgive michael slager for doing that. until my family can see justice, no, there's no forgiveness. >> reporter: some of the scott family supporters took exception with the makeup of the jury. 11 of the jurors were white. only one was black. at a press conference yesterday afternoon, the scott family, however, chose to focus on optimism, saying that in a retrial, they do expect michael
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slager to be found guilty. we should also mention that slager is expected to face civil rights charges from the federal government. chris? >> all right, nick. thank you very much. those federal cases get very tricky in situations like this. the question becomes the obvious one. now what? where does the case go? will a retrial lead to the same result? we'll give you the pluses and minuses next.
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a south carolina judge had to declare a mistrial in the former case of former police officer michael slager. he'd been charged with shooting and killing michael scott. an eyewitness capturing the deadly encounter, cell phone video in a kid on a bike, you saw slager firing eight rounds in just a few seconds as scott is clearly running away. let's discuss what happens next and what this case may pose as a problem for a jury. cnn law enforcement analyst and retired nypd detective harry houk and former prosecutor charles coleman. gentlemen, thank you very much. harry, the audience should remember that you and i when we were discussing this case, it was one of the only ones where we were both struggling to see the officer's side because of the video. there had been a suggestion that this case was about a lone holdout, which was casting a lot of doubt on this jury makeup. 11 whites, 1 baclack.
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there was all this thought about, oh, the defense attorney got what they wanted. there was real confusion on the jury. the charges were the obvious ones. murder, voluntary manslaughter. those are the two big crimes. or obviously he gets found not guilty. so what do you think a jury could be tripping up on? slager took the stand. unusual, but took the stand and said i was in fear of my life. he came at me. you didn't see that part. >> i think what happened is the prosecution didn't present the case the way it should have been presented. they put a doubt in somebody's mind. you got to remember, all these jurors went through a large selection process. both sides got to talk to the jurors. they were both comfortable with every juror apparently. this guy who was a holdout, we don't know which guy it was yet. >> also, we no longer think it's one. you raise a couple good issues.
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first of all, just because you have a jury doesn't mean you love it. you only get a certain number of peremptory challenges. some things you have to deal with. it wasn't just one. we're now being told there were numerous people on the jury who had a hard time checking the guilty box. >> so chris, one of the things i think about when you're talking about a case like this is the movie "12 angry men." on friday, it may have been one. on monday, it may have been a matter of over the weekend those -- you know, trying to go into the psychology of juries is a very scary place. you don't know whether over the course of the weekend it may have been one of those jurors started thinking, well, what does imminent danger mean? to be honest with you, i'm actually still confused as to how the jury wasn't able to come to a unanimous verdict unless there was a stealth juror. what i mean by that is someone who snuck under the radar during
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voir dire, wasn't honest, or it may have been a situation where the prosecution had run out of peremptory challenges and wasn't able to get somebody off the jury who they didn't want there in the first place. >> you've tried these cases. charles' background is as a prosecutor. you know this from the police side. what else did they need to see other than the video? >> i think the video was enough for me, pretty much. along with that, the evidence that the prosecution put forward in this case. i think they probably didn't understand the law itself and what each piece of the law exactly meant. listen, these things happen in juries. this isn't a perfect system that we have here. whether or not there was a lone plant in the jury, we'll never know unless this person opens his mouth. >> even still, this seemed like such an overwhelming thing. we were surprised there was a
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trial. i couldn't believe slager would want to take the stand. he got up there and said, you don't see what first happened. this man attacked me. i was overwhelmed by it. it's the only reason i drew my weapon, because i couldn't believe how vicious the attack was. i thought for sure, only 18 feet away, which may have been a calculated mistake by the prosecutor, playing on 18 feet so much, that he could have turned around and come back and got me. >> if he had a knife, you know, or had some other kind of weapon in his hand, he might have been able to have some kind of defense. the fact is he ran away. he was 18 feet away. you see him when he's running away. you see that little wire from the taser running forward. apparently slager's got the taser in his hand or it's close to him at the time. i've talked to a lot of police officers, we've talked about this case. not one thinks this is a good shoe. >> here's one thing i want to point out. you raise a good point with all of the things you talked about with respect to the video. not just that, but slager
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himself did not have a whole lot of credibility. here's a person who we know clearly tried to falsify the report with respect to what was going on. we know clearly intended to plant evidence on walter scott in terms of framing him for an attack that we don't know whether it happened or not. so given all of that, what this tells me is that those jurors, or at least one of them, had an enormous amount of bias in favor of police in terms of their credibility. we see that a lot with law enforcement. when law enforcement is given the benefit of the doubt that most regular, ordinary citizens don't enjoy. >> we'll leave it there for now until we find out what's going to happen with the case. there is a lot of talk about federal charges here. those are very tough cases. you have to have the prosecutor show that not only did this officer do it for bad reason, but it was racially motivated reason. very high bar. gentlemen, thank you very much for helping us make sense of a difficult situation. on "new day," we're going to
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talk with the attorney for walter scott's family. what's going on in their hearts and minds? that'll be in our 8:00 hour. alisyn? on a lighter note, you may want to turn away for this next segment. monday night football, colts versus jets. it wasn't a game. it was a shame. i'm like coy wire. details in this morning's bleacher report next. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and
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say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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get ready to bundle up. the season's first arctic blast bringing much colder temperatures across the u.s. cnn meteorologist chad myers has the forecast. what does it look like, chad? >> alisyn, this is probably the coldest air in ten months for some people coming down from the north. bismarck, north dakota, will approach 15 degrees below zero for morning low temperatures by friday morning. that's a rain event for the east coast today. i think airports will be slow today because of that rain. but the big story truly is the cold air thalt t'll be coming d.
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yes, there will be snow. but the story is the front that will affect millions of people, probably hundreds of millions of people. it gets all the way down to florida. so what are we talking about? we're talking about global air mass that's coming down from the poles, coming down from santa claus land, coming down all the way into the dakotas, into minnesota, across chicago, and eventually into new york city. new york, you're still going to have lows around 20. chicago will be somewhere around 12. minneapolis, the lows will be around 7. you get up into minnesota and wisconsin, your morning low temperatures with wind will still be around 17 or 18 degrees below zero. with that wind, it may feel even much, much colder than that. new york city, your high will be 39 on friday. but with a wind at about 20 or 30 miles per hour, it never feels that warm. guys? >> woof, chilling. all right. thank you very much. appreciate it, chad. all right. time for the bleacher report. a real, real down to the wire matchup on monday night
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football. the indianapolis colts somehow finding a way through against the new york jets. it could have gone either way until the last moment. sadly, none of that is true. hines ward, tell us what really happened. >> well, chris, it was a beatdown by the indianapolis colts from start to finish. before the game, there was a moment of silence for former jets player joe mcknight. if you remember, he was shot and killed last week. then it was time for colts quarterback andrew luck, time for him to go to work. he looked fantastic coming off his first concussion of his career. luck threw four touchdowns, three of them to his tight end dewayne allen. the colts crush your jets 41-10. the loss eliminates the jets from the playoffs. look at their fans. chris, that looks like you wearing that shirt there. three quarterbacks are among the finalists for the heisman trophy. louisville's lamar jackson,
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deshawn jackson, and jabrill peppers rounds out the list. it will be awarded this saturday night in new york city. sorry, chris. you might need this hanky for your jets. >> he's sobbing. >> that's a little too fancy for a jets fan. why do my jets stink all the time, hines? help me figure it out. that's the question of the day. >> thanks, hines. talk to you soon. so some of donald trump's most loyal supporters will be here to weigh in on the media and, in fact, what they cannot stand about cnn. part three of our new hampshire voter panel is next. >> is this mostly about you?
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for millions of baby boomers there's a virus out there. a virus that's serious, like hiv, but it hasn't been talked about much. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. that's because hep c can hide in your body silently for years, even decades, without symptoms and it's not tested for in routine blood work.
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if left untreated, hep c can cause liver damage, even liver cancer. but there's important information for us: the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested for hep c. all it takes is a simple one-time blood test. and if you have hep c, it can be cured. be sure to ask your doctor to get tested for hep c. for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure.
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we want to bring you now
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part three of our visit with a group of long-time donald trump supporters. these are politically plugged in new hampshire voters. three of them have served in the new hampshire state legislature at some point in the past ten years. if you watched our show on thursday, you might have seen the clip of them explaining to me why they believe the false claim that there was vast voter fraud in this election to the tune of 3 million illegal votes. but our conversation went further than that. we also talked about the media, including what they cannot stand about cnn. but we start with a recap, in case you missed it, of their claims of voter fraud. >> voting is a privilege in this country, and you need to be legal, not like california where 3 million illegals voted. >> let's talk about that. >> i'm glad i brought that up, alisyn. >> me too, paula. where are you getting your information? >> from the media. >> which media? >> some of it was cnn, i believe. >> cnn said 3 million illegal
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people voted in california? >> if cnn didn't do it, they were being smart this time. >> do you think 3 million illegal people voted? >> i believe in california that there were illegals that voted. >> how many? >> i don't -- to tell you the truth, nobody really knows that number. >> do you think three dozen or 3 million? >> i think it was a good amount. the president told people they could vote and it happened in nashua. we caught some people. they said the president said i could vote, i'm here illegally. >> did you hear president obama say that illegal people could vote? where? >> find it. google it. you can find it on facebook. >> all right. hold on. i don't want to waste anymore time. anyway, i see where it came from. fox business network deceptively edited a clip of barack obama. as you sit here today, you think that millions of illegal people
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voted in this country. you believe that there was widespread voting abuse. >> i think there was in some states. >> in the millions of people? >> california allows it. >> they do not allow -- you mean voter fraud california allows? >> i believe there is voter fraud in this country. >> where did you get your news? >> because i like to be fair and balanced, i like to hear both sides. i'll listen to lou dobbs on fox busine business. >> fox, cnn, rush, hannity. my friend sends me a lot of overseas news. she feels those papers report more accurately. >> i watch a little cnn, some fox. i listen to hannity. i also listen to christian radio as well. >> honestly, i listen to cnn to
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hear the other side. >> let's talk about that. >> cnn was brutal. i don't think they gave mr. trump a rest. they were so brutally -- cnn should be above all the nonsense. >> what was it that so incensed you? >> as far as the media is concerned? >> about cnn. go ahead. >> the media, particularly the mainstream liberal media and of course cnn included in that, unfortunately, they're just so one sided and so against donald trump. >> give me an example. >> the panels were like 8-1 or 8-2. even if they tried to divide it up, half of trump's side still was against trump. you'd have corey lewandowski or one, maybe two against. >> jeffrey lord, corey lewandowski, scottie nell
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hughes. >> not together. >> no, but people hired by cnn to represent the trump side. by the way, cnn hired more trump surrogates than any other network. >> if cnn early on last year was a lot more open and fair and balanced. it seemed as the race went on, they started realizing that this is serious and we need to now start to hammer him harder. >> so you would have liked to have seen more complete numerical balance on the panels. >> yeah, because it's not news. >> and a lot of lies. >> it's making people think a particular way. >> hold on a second. what were the lies? >> a way of lying is to deceive, okay. when you deceive, it's the same as a lie. when you give people the impression that donald trump does not have the real support
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that he has. keep it just simple. a simple fact is just at his rallies. hillary clinton, a big rally for her would be 1200, 1500 people. the media would pan around the room and show how huge it was. he'd have 30,000 or 40,000 people. he'd fill up a football stadium. they would just narrow in the frame just on him. it gives people out there that are ill informed the idea that there's just a few people there to see him. >> donald trump drew a crowd of 30,000. >> he drew a crowd of about 6,000. >> thousands of supporters outside and inside. >> speaking to a crowd of thousands. >> you understand that one camera is on lockdown for that? but you're saying the reporters -- in your mind, even though there was a camera on lockdown, there were other cameras and the reporters never explained that there were crowds. >> right. >> you feel. >> all of these experts and smart people were all proven wrong because they didn't realize this was not an election. >> what was it? >> this was a movement. this was a peaceful takeover of
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government by the people. believe me when i tell you something. donald trump is going to drain the swamp. >> what did drain the swamp mean, tony, to you? >> i feel that it's a cleaning up the corruption that goes on, the good old boys club where they're putting their own needs and wants and money making ahead of the people, what the people want. they don't listen to what we want or how we feel or things that concern us. as soon as we give an opinion, they're the first to put us down. obviously what hillary said, the basket of deplorables, there's good people that support trump all across america. we don't hate anybody. >> so what was your big takeaway? >> my big takeaway is that everybody has their own media source that they like and they go to, and they get their information there.
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paulie did say he listens to a liberal radio host, but that part was sort of garbled, so we cut that out. this is an original. people are in their own echo chambers and get their own information. coming up on the show, we're actually going to have people who did the voter fraud study. we're going back to the original primary source for you to tell you what they found in terms of whether there was any actual voter fraud in this election. >> we didn't have the time on the show, but on youtube yesterday, i went through all the different studies and what they say and what it is. i hear this all the time, where i live out in suffolk county. they know there's fraud in the system. we all know. trump's saying 3 million, when you'll be lucky to find 30 cases. doesn't matter as much because they know that fundamentally he's right, that there's a problem. the 3 million thing is a problem for us because that's a real gross misstatement of fact. it's really wrong. but they believe that if you're right a little bit in a world of
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politics, where they believe nothing, you're ahead of the game. >> i understand, but we're in the fact business. so we are today bringing to you the people who did the actual voter fraud study. tune in for that. >> a lot of news for you. let's get right to it. the president-elect is assembling a government that's going to make america great again. >> we'll cancel the job killing restrictio restrictions. >> 35% tariffs would be profoundly economically damaging. >> millions of people did not vote illegally. >> in every congressional district in america, people do vote illegally. >> out-and-out lies being promoted by the president-elect. >> this is the deadliest building fire in the u.s. in more than a decade. >> it's just tragedy. >> do i take blame or responsibility for this? >> this is "n


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