tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 6, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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pelosi who criticized huckabee's nomination. later issued a correction to the "new york times" saying the story --. >> joe johns, thank you very much. that is it for me. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> good evening i'm erin burnett. "outfront" the breaking news. donald trump and james "mad dog" mattis about to appear on stage together for the first time. moments away. the first cabinet pick trump has announce where had a that side by side experience. and there is going to be plenty of people there. live pictures right now fayetteville, north carolina. awaiting trump who is on his way in his motor cade. trump won the state by more than 3 1/2 percentage points over hillary clinton. fayetteville also home to fort
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bragg. a symbolic setting for transfer's former announcement of the retired marine general james mattis. it comes as --. he said it is going to create more than 50,000 jobs and as the deal that trump says would not have happened without him. >> this is -- of soft bank from japan. and he's just agreed to invest $50 billion in the united states and 50,000 jobs. >> a great headline do. the specifics add up to anything even close. my panel will be us with throughout the hour. i want to begin with sun hin surfati in fayetteville. people are awaiting donald trump and what you do expect tonight? >> reporter: we expect a big show coming from the president elect informally announcing his
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secretary of defense here tonight. we know last week he made a surprise announcement at his first thank you rally saying yes he's indeed choosing general james mattis for defense secretary. but the fact that two will be up on stage together, certainly notable, especially given that is the military friendly town. so donald trump hoping to cash in on the energy here almost to validate his pick for secretary of defense. and we know trump has many thank you tours and rallies ahead. just two this week alone and thursday he'll be in iowa and friday in michigan. >> you heard him taking credit for what he said is a $50 billion investment by softbank. what are you learning about this? >> reporter: i have to say not a lot of detail coming from the trump transition team or the company tonight. but certainly a little
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showmanship on the part of the president elect today really trotting out on the ceo of the company and trump towers there before cameras gathered. contours of the deal are $50 billion investment in the u.s. by this tech firm, softbank, saying that could create about 50,000 jobs, new jobs here in the u.s. but the timing of the detail, how it was brokered, when it was formally brokered still very unclear tonight. it is notable that in october this company announced plans with the backing of saudi arabia for a hundred billion in new investments across the world in tech companies so is still very unclear if that is part of this or a separate deal. >> thank you very much sunland. the money already raised so far and the fast vast majority is from saudi arabia. "outfront" now retired u.s. army major general. and some other great people.
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phillip, let me start with you. it is a very significant event tonight. this is obviously going to be big for donald trump. but to have general mattis by his side, a very significant. so far he's announced several cabinet picks. none has he given this star power of appearing side by side with him. >> michael flynn is going to be his proposal for national security advisor. i was with him on the campaign trail with some regularity. but first time we've seen one of the the cabinet picks do. this mattis is generally seen as one of the more obvious acceptable candidates for the party as well. so this is not someone that needs to be bolstered. >> donald trump is incredible
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proud of james mattis. and has said very positive things about him over the past few weeks behind closed doors using very strong adjectives to describe how much he likes him. he has to give get a waiver to serve. he was in the military just three years ago and that obviously would require a waiver. any issue with him getting that that you see? >> i don't think there is any political capital that is too high to expend on this one. frankly this is an easy pick for the president. but i think what's important, to go to phillip's point is job one for our commander in chief is national security. he's now bringing forward his pick to be the secretary of defense responsible for job one. secretary of education is important. transportation, ools also. hud got it. but you better spend money in the right places and have the
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right guy who's in charge of the defense department. >> i find this very reassuring. for those critical of trump for the right or left concerned about how he would be as commander in chief this -- we should all be behind this waiver. we should all be encouraging the senate to give this waiver. base want competent, serious people in this administration. and donald trump has chosen an exceptionally competent and serious person. jim mattis, is one of the most revered generals of his generation. a big thought leader. an amazing following in the pentagon and with the military. and he has some views that differ with trump. so the fact that donald trump is willing to put this leader out, side by side with him. i don't think he's building him up. i think he's making a statement that these are the sorts of people that are going to populate my national security team. >> different than him on water boarding. general mattis doesn't support it. >> different on russia. >> multiple, multiple places. tonight donald trump is going to walk out.
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he's going introduce the general. the general is going to speak and then donald trump is going to speak to the crowd. general mattis is going to have time to speak to the kroutd. and donald trump again, trails by 2.6 million votes in the popular vote. can he reach out to the people tonight? last time he did this, there was one other time they chant lock her up. he kind of tried to ignore it. >> and i think that is one of trump's biggest challenges. that he still has not shown us how he is up to facing that challenge. and the challenge i'm talking about is bringing people together. i think what's important about tonight is that here you have two very distinguished gentlemen who aren't necessarily trump supporters who are saying what a great pick mattis is. that is why i think this is a very important momentum n not j for mattis but also trump. there are clearly things we have to think about with this pick. as we do with all confirmations. we all have senator jill brand
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saying he's not going to vote for this waiver. this issue is a very important point in american politician -- >> zo and so o you are going to have obviously him trumpeting general mattis. general mat sis going to speak and it will be interesting to see how how long he speaks for. and then trump is no doubt going to talk about this $50 billion investment. it is not an investment yet was a they don't even necessarily have the money raised so it is very unclear. what we understand is that $50 billion softbank says they are going to invest in the united states. trump tweeted masa, softbank in japan is willing to invest. masa said he would never do this if we had not won the election. as the stunning number. >> what we're going to see. donald trump as we all know by
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now is unconventional. this is going to be an unconventional presidency with an unconventional president. he's the only one in -- of the 45 presidents 44 people. grover cleveland twice. that has a business background. all the others were politicians to some degree. or generals. this is the first person to go directly from the private sector without any stops in politics before that. so you are going to see a lot of this kind of thing as we go through here. and his businessman's mind working. now sure is he going to use it to political advantage? yes. but it is going to help him without doubt. >> so here is my question about this. when i saw the $50 billion. i said i don't get it. and i still don't get it. because there is a a lot of questions here. not all of it's been raised. the part that has been raised, comes from saudi arabia. which historically trump wouldn't want a -- >> let me stop you. you are trying to take several
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decades of business journalism and bring it to bear to the facts of what happened today. like myself. i've spent all day grappling with an attack on boeing. you know, out of the blue on a random tuesday in december. 50 billion, out of nowhere. who knows who the money is coming from, where it is going to be spent. when it is going to be spent and even if it is going to be spent. but we have to give him the benefit of doubt. and i'm not saying that to be nice to jeffrey here. >> not that there's anything wrong with that. >> well maybe not. but we have to do that. because this is the way as jeffrey just said it is going to be. now where we have to be very careful of is remembering today in six months time in a year's time and saying where was that 50 billion? what happened to it? >> not unlike when president obama said these jobs are going to be shovel ready and many
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months later said well they weren't as shovel ready as we thought. >> at least he said something. let's see if donald trump said well that 50 billion is only 3 billion and we weren't able to invest it there. >> what if they are 2u8 able to get it done. >> i don't think the media will -- >> no i'm sure of that. >> there are a couple of things that concern me. the first i worked under commerce secretary ron brown and he announced deals likes this all the time. first of all they were american companies, to announce these deals where they would bring american jobs. it is fine that -- and it is good for him from a marketing perspective is this is really going greet 50,000 jobs. we don't know that yeet. >> whether it is true are -- >> but the reason the commerce ask or the president announced these deals is because they actually had something do with
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it. did trump have anything to do with this deal? and is he going make any money off this deal? is he invested at all through a business partnership or anything in this company? we have no clue. that is what concerns me. >> we can all agree, this isn't a bad thing. it is probably at the min -- >> -- >> -- questidebate how much but is cannot be the seoul focus of the economic strategy. he's going to have to deal with le loopholes and the others. without that announce it is deals is not sufficient. but announcing the deals isn't a bad thing. >> -- not a bad thing per se but as the it is a bad thing if it is not more than shoemenship.
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i. >> the leader here of this company joust everyone understands he says i'm go doing raise a hundred billion, biggest fund every. and in the process of raidsing it. and 40 billion comes from saudi arabia. that actually is highly relevant in this country. when you look at the merger and whether it is going to be approved. if you are a chinese company bag in you generally don't get this approved. saudi arabia, i think a lot of people would be critical of. >> this is so nebulous that donald trump is getting up and saying more jobs and we'll see what happens. i think it is worth noting that on softbank's part there is showmanship as well. but this is a company that owns a stake in sprint that was trying to figure out how to do this merger earlier this year. and seems very likely, wall street journal reporting seems likely they are going to try this again under the trump
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administration. there are politics all over the place here. we'll see how it shakes out in terms of money in terms of jobs but this is not a benif sent gentlemen coming to the united states saying here i give you all these jobs for no reason. >> up next, donald trump live with general mat i both going to speak and then trump and his battle today with boeing. he came out and slammed frankly america's biggest exporter over air force one. and trump's choice for national security advisor under fire for spreading wild conspiracy theories. should trump dump michael flynn? and the breaking news. live pictures of the protesters gathering at texas a&m campus this hour. you see them. a white supremacist is speaking there tonight and we'll go there live.
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donald trump demanding the defense department cancel a contract with boieing for the nw presidential planes. >> it is out of control. it is going to be over $4 billion for the air force one program. and i think it is ridiculous. i think boeing is doing a bit of a number. we want fwoeng make a lot of money but not that much money. >> boeing releasing a statement which reads in part. we're not sure where he's getting that number from. right now boeing only has a contract for design and development of the new air force one. boeing is at the mercy of donald trump in a lot of ways here. that is part of the reality. however they are the biggest exporter from the united states. the second biggest defense contractor in this fight. who wins? >> well i think they are to some respect to the mercy of the donald trump. but there is a whole procuring process that exists in the pentagon. you can't just sign a way a
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massive contract. and also major repercussions for the u.s. economy if another defense contractor replaced a lot of the foreign business or u.s. business boeing would get. obviously this is probably not a good idea. i think tonight trump being up there with mattis, very good. fantastic image. trump and pence meeting with the congressional leaders, pooirn and mitch mcconnelling talk about this things day want to get past, good images. tweets like this not a great image. i would stronger recommend the ladder not the former. >> let's go through the time line here because i think this is very interesting. look, the chicago tribune today wrote up some comments that the boeing ceo said about donald trump. the ceo said these on friday but a appeared this morning for the first time in print. the chicago tribune. about the ceo of boeing, he's
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suggesting the trump teen and congress back off the 2016 anti-trade rhetoric and perceived threats to punish other countries with higher tariffs tariffs fes. that was 7:30 a.m. at 8:52 trump tweets boeing is building a brand new 747 air force one for future presidents. cancel order. >> we saw last week he had this random out of blue tweet about flag burning. turned out he had been watching fox news and kids burning flags on fox news. he as a history of responding to things he's engaged with in the media through twitter. the problem is this causes boeing's stock price to plummet $2 before markets opened it. recovered by the end of the day and actually closed a little higher.
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but now cnbc is reporting there are people who are trying to figure out a algorithm to buy or sell stock based on donald trump tweets. these are -- if he's doing it because something he didn't like the chicago tribune, that's iffy. >> not the first time he's taken on an american company. ford. verizon. not the first time he's done this. the issue we have to decide is whou everybody responds. he's clearly going to continue to do this. it is not reasonable for us to believe that suddenly on january 20th, this is going stop. we have to decide how we look at this. and people have to decide what to take on board and how to deal -- >> but if i take a step back and i said how would someone at that rally see this? they might say if the costs are out of control with $4 billion. cancel that order. this is exactly the kind of cost
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control i want in washington. >> the folks in that crowd will respond exactly that way. and they will also respond and say i've been on air force one. it is a wonderful aircraft. 20 people can take a shower at once. >> twenty -- >> i'm being facetious. my point is it can can withstand electromagnetic pulses. this is a phenomenal piece of --. but there are cost. 4 billion i think the president elect is probably correct. let's put some green eye shades on and look into that. but that crowd is going to respond very favorable. and he's also not the first president elect that when he opens his mouth there are going to be markets that move accordingly. so it is going to happen. >> if problem that millions of americans have with washington d.c. and the government is that this kind of situation where we're overpaying -- air force i
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mean is terribly symbolic. but i mean we could -- i used to work on the house budget committee. and we could watts through thousands of pages of things where there are cost overruns galore. this is part of the problem. so they are looking at this and saying yes. this is exactly what i want the president -- >> they also say it is dated. i needs to be updated. the greatest country in the world with a plane that reflects that. >> absolutely true. but there was a story in the post yesterday how the defense department sought out places they could cut money and then buried the report and said they didn't want to make the cuts. donald trump could have tweeted about that this morning. the question is why is donald trump tweeting about boeing? we don't know. it effected boeing. it effects boeing stockeds and yes spin will be good -- >> -- >> as we all know donald trump fights back. and i think one of the the problems with the bush 4 administration.
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>> so you are saying he did do it -- >> well it wouldn't surprise me in the least. one of the problems was all these opponents were out there with bush live and all this thing and the white house didn't fight back because apparently the president felt it was beneath him to get in all of this stuff etc. donald trump isn't going to do that. he's not going to sit there and let somebody attack his trade policies and just be quiet. >> and jeffrey is right. history supporters will eat this up. but this is the problem that donald trump has not yet understood. he's not just the president now of the people who supported him who got him i elected. he's the president who even now the 2.5 million people that hillary clinton is winning by the popular vote. he has to prove he wants to be the president for everybody. they eat this up at this rally but from the standpoint of those people who were terrified of electing him. this underscores where the terror exists, because he's lashing out. >> he's taking issue with the
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american people. >> his supports are. >> to -- everybody should have been gotten behind that because that was atrocious. all with me next. waiting for donald trump on stage for the first time with s pick for defense secretary. that is going start any moment in now. the motorcade arriving in fayetteville and calls for trump to dump his choice for national security advisor. he and his son who his is chief of staff and --. >> and students at a texas university this hour banning together protesting a neo-nazi who was speaking tonight on the campus just around the corner where they were. we'll be there life. we'll be back. ! as close as two friends trying to annihilate each other can be. ahh, interception! that's because with we can shop over 700,000 items from brand names like samsung, keurig and sony. go to to get low monthly payments and the credit you deserve. and get great stuff like this awesome flat screen tv. [doorbell rings] fingerhut man's here! oooh! maybe he brought you some defense.
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i'm aware in talking to general flinn that his son was helping with scheduling, jake. >> no, but you put in for security clearance for him. >> helping his dad arrange for meetings and provide meetings. buzz that is no longer the case. >> -- because of scheduling. >> i think that is the appropriate decision for us to move forward, avoid any further distraction. >> jim sciutto is "outfront." let's start with what the
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controversy is here. some of these tweets proving to be so controversial and damaging for both michael flynn and his son. >> and these tweets are not isolated. part of a series from both father and son that have pushed conspiracy theory, islam phobia, anti-semitic retweets but let's look at the couple of them. fist the son, michael flynn jr. one he tweeted on sunday about a false news story about a d.c. pizzeria and on sunday. the left seems to forget podesta e-mails and the many coincides tied to it. this is just outright b.s. for lack of a better term. i had my son's birthday party in this pizzeria. and yet he stuck to it. let's go to the father, michael flynn who's the nominee to be
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national security advisor. that is tweet he sent out one week before election day. you decide. nypd blows whistle on new hillary e-mails money laundering, sex crimes with children etc. must read. tweeting out a fake story about the democrat nominee one week to election day. so serious allegations and to be clear part of a pattern, erin. >> so that is what is causing this controversy. but now what about the role of michael flynn's son. earlier today they said he had no role with the transition. but clearly that is not the case. >> right. he's now been removed. we know he had a rolle because he's been removed from that role. the way it is described and vice president pence described it this way and others i've speaken
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with is he was basically a scheduler and did administrative work for his father. enough where they requested a security clearance for him, which implies serious work. but that process now stopped and he's no longer in that role. to be clear michael flynn senior, something to interrupt him at this point becoming the closest national security advisor to the president. >> thank you jim. is it time for donald trump to say all right, forget it. >> first of all he want. these with positions to the executive office of the president and there is really no way to force his hand on this. i think it is important here -- by the way these tweets are atrocious so i'm not going defend the tweets. it is important to separate michael flynn from his son. his son was doing the stuff and it looks as if michael flynn was doing, senior, pushing the bad tweets was in the con attention
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of the chain. campaign things get pretty emotional. get heated. may make sense for michael flynn senior to address that at some point and say he's turning off his twitter account and move on but in terms of saying there be some kind of mechanism to force the commander in chief's hand in choosing security advisor i don't care that is going happen. >> and he worked with michael flynn. you know him very well. he's going the man next to donald trump. the first voice donald trump here's on national security. he's promoted these false news stories as if they were true. you say during the campaign but he still did those things. how much does this concern you? is he the right man for the job? >> the concern really is one of judgment and contextually how are you going to perform. i know mike flynn were well.
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he's a tremendous asset. the president has a personal relationship with his national security advisor. that guy can do what he wants him to do. and we can't be captured by what previous national security advisors have done. if you look at others, that is about necessarily the model this president would have in store for mike flynn. he might want him to be a bomb thrower. he may say mike, i don't want you to bring all this together. i'm going to get jim mattis do that. for example. what i want you to do is poke holes in all of these good ideas. because you can speak to menessly, you are a provocative guy and i want you to kick this stuff around before it gets to me. >> if he had that kind of strategy i would feel a tiny bit better. i don't think he puts that kind
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of thought into the people he has around him. and that is why this is so freakin' scary. because this is the guy who will have donald trump ears ear. donald trump has proven he acts out a lot of times based on who the last person he had in his ear was. and the fact that this guy, michael flynn and himself tweeted and retweeted flagrant outright conspiracy theories and lies about hillary clinton, about the obamas. is this someone who can't tell truth from a lie? or is he ideology that whacko that he actually believe this is stuff. either way it is very terrifying. >> i agree with a lot of what you are saying but when you say who's this guy going to be around him? who's going to be advising him. like mike pompeo. leader in congress on national security issues leading the cia. jim mattis. leading the pentagon. >> those guys are the last one's
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whispering in donald trump's ear. clearly that is how he acts. >> we're going take a brief break. live picture as we're awaiting donald trump just a couple of moments away from this big rally where he'll be speaking to voters across the country. and more breaking news. we're going to texas. protesters gathering on the campus of the texas a&m. there is a white supremacist speaking there tonight and protesters gathers en masse.
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find new roads at your local chevy dealer. standing by for donald trump. president elect speaking at a rally. his pick for secretary of defense jamie mattis going to be with him. they are there now. so any moment biel we'll be going to fayetteville where they will be speaking. trump will introduce general mattis and then donald trump. we'll bring it all to you live. at this hour in the meantime, outrage over a white supremacist speaking on campus in texas, half a country away. live pictures of protesters gathering. rich spencer, he's been cheering trump's victory saying it's emboldened him and empowered him and he's done so using anti-semitic language. >> hail trump, hail our people.
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hail victory. chau [ cheers and applause ] sa sara ganim "outfront" right now. obviously a lot of protesters out to protest in this evening. >> reporter: that's right. these are aggie students. texas a&m students who are upset that richard spencer is here. they call his rhetoric hate speech and you can see there are several hundred of them out here protesting and the president of the universities greaagrees wit hem. but felt like he couldn't stomp on the first amendment and kick him out. he was invited here by a private citizen. it is a private event. even still these people are very upset. they are angry and i have to tell you erin, after sitting
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down with richard spencer myself today it is easy to understand why. >> would you describe yourself as a white supremacist. >> i'm not a white supremacist, no. >> but there is really no mistaking his racist message. >> hail trump, hail our people. hail victory. >> reporter: no matter how much he tries to talk around it. >> the fact is only white people can support what we call western civilization. >> reporter: richard suspensor is the self professed leader of what we call the alt-right movement. he comes across as polished and steams to be trying to dial back the neo nazi imagery he's been recognized for. so how would you go through a process of removing people who are not white is this. >> they have come here and therefore they could go home. you can go home again. there are ways of whether it is a direct payment.
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>> what would you say though if mexican americans or african americans said hey we're going pay all the white people to leave and go back to europe? >> interesting prospect. item very flexible. >> obviously that is not like toy to happen. and spencer is even banned from traveling to most european countries because of his views. >> reporter: you studied history, right? a lot of of people the reason they don't like you is because they have studied history too and they see a lot of the things that you say as being very similar to hitler and other leaders who were responsible for mass genocide. >> i find this all very amusing. and this is the social justice so i hav so voyeur who will say literally hitler. >> -- >> no i think hitler in a way now is history. he did many things that are absolutely terrible that i would never support.
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>> reporter: we're told there are only a couple dozen people inside the event space where he's going begin speaking in a few minutes and some of those are probably protester, students inside the event space. so it is hard to see how many people he actually drew in. but it is never more apparent than when you were out here koufring a story like this how divided feelings are right now. >> is a remarks thank you very much. my gapanel is back. jeff what is your reaction when you hear some of of nose comments from that young man and hear him say donald trump has made him feel emboldened to come out and say this things. >> the head of the --. that didn't make hillary clinton a communist or the heir to joseph stalin. this guy is a racist. tloz other way to say this. and to be perfectly candid i think the media is giving him
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way more attention than he deserves. the rally that was shown at the begin, i think there was something at the washington post somebody said like there were like 235 people in the room. this guy is so far on the fringe of american politics. he has nothing do with donald trump i don't care how much he talks about it. and donald trump doesn't want anything do with him. or should. >> i think the challenge here is not that there is a racist speaking to college campus and college students are upset. when i was in college that happened all the time. the collage is it is happening in the condition text of what is going on in 2016. skmi recognize you are a big donald trump supporter but i think a lot of people who oppose donald trump particularly people of color who do not see what he's done before and after the election as reassuring that he's distancing himself from people like spencer. the reason why, whenever he's pressed on it he seems to grudgingly. >> and spencer is not alone.
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this is not one guy. >> but trump's response has not been normally we might expect a president or president elect say something like what's happening there is abhorrent and repulsive and i wish this guy would shut his mouth but donald trump's tendency is to -- >> -- >> it has to be dragged out of him. that is the point. >> he read it off the teleprompter and we all need -- >> -- >> paying way too much attention to these kind of things. >> that is the conundrum here though. jeffrey. do you pay attention to them and therefore shine the spotlight of awfulness or on it? do you ignore them with the potential that it festers and y grows? which is it? >> it is not going to fester and grow. >> we're paying attention but people of color who take a different -- >> there are no people of color in this country phillip. there are only americans and therein lies the problem. >> are you truly saying we need to divide people by race in this country. >> i think the people of the
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target have a very different perpetrative. >> what this guy is about -- >> -- expect things from the president. >> what this is about is identity politics which i have said repeatedly a is racist. and you have hillary clinton and others separating people by race and there is -- >> jeffrey, the reality is the following. you as a white american have had a very different experience in this country than me as a latina. i am sure people do not come up to you to say you should be deported. your children should be deported because they're anchor babies. >> they did to my other ancestors. >> this president has an obligation. the fact of the matter is he campaigned with a wink and a nudge to them because he never ever said and has yet to say -- >> your party -- >> [ inaudible ].
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-- apologize for slavery yet. can we get on with this? >> he's yet to say in the international speech which is what he should do which is what a real leader would do or at least if a op ed to say definitively the white supremacists and everybody else who felt i was speaking to in the campaign is absolutely wrong. he should say it proactively and strongly ever moment he has the opportunity to do that. until he does that you will have latino, african american, muslims, everybody who felt degraded by his campaign. >> that don't want to view themselves as americans but want to divide themselves by color or race and it is wrong. >> i feel like i am as american as you jeffrey. >> exactly. that is the point. >> but i am not treated as ones by the people who feel emboldened by your president elect. >> but there are always people like this in american life. >> and there should be lead who
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are speak against it. and donald trump has not done us. >> he denounced david duke in 2000. >> during this campaign he did it begrurjingly after tour fiems. >> -- [indiscernible]. >> half the population. >> he was asked to say no to david duke. he refused until the fourth time he was asked to. >> he did it decades ago. >> although -- >> when is the last time hillary clinton denounced the ku klux klan in the last four hours? my point is we're playing a game here. >> this is not a game. >> it is not a dumb game. >> donald trump eats goal and his goal as it should be would be to be the president of the united states of america. half of the country didn't vote for him. a lot of people would point out he lost the popular vote as well. people of color a v a different perspective on the president elect than you and i do. yes they are americans as well. >> do you think ben carson has a different opinion because he's black? >> that is true.
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-- >> how about the majority of people of color. >> the president elect if he wants to stul lead a unified united states where everybody feels confident in the decisions he's making he needs to do better than what he's doing now. >> no question. >> and what he's done is ben carson is now going to be the secretary of housing and urban development. that is his nomination. he's putting ben carson in there. the things he's doing. the actions he's take -- >> i think you will see other names emerging. different cabinet -- subcabinet. >> that will be -- >> it will be diverse. look i'm listening to this debate and i sort of agree with both sides. i agree with you that more needs to be done by the leaders of our country, including donald trump to speak out against this. to make a point that the leadership of this country does not stand or traffic in that stuff. i'm not -- we should -- but donald trump is not a racist. we shouldn't create these characters of im. he's not a racist.
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in pursuit of the presidency he's probably trafficked in some of this stuff. but he's not a racist. and in that sense i think we all should right now take a deep breath and not give so much coverage to these nut cases are that sucking up so much -- >> nut kus cases. >> the president elect who gives any oxygen to racists is not something that people who are the target of the race's' actions are going to be comfortable. >> -- al sharpton who's been in the obama white house according to your paper 72 times. hello. is that not trafficking to the racists. >> al sharpton is -- >> he's anti-semiite. >> we were talk about the president elect donald trump. that's ule. >> we were talk about the richard spencer. >> donald trump has just arrived here at this rally. he's going to be going on stage at the moment. donald trump is going to come out. going to speak and then he's going to introduce general jim mat i his nominee for secretary
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of defense. general mattis will speak for a few minutes we're not sure how long and actually that could be one of the the most interesting things of the night is lounge he speaks for. and then donald trump is going to speak to voters. thousands of them are there. people who vote forward donald trump to give him that resounding victory in north carolina. and general marks this is a crucial evening for donald trump because he's doing this thank you tour. all americans are going to be listening to him. this is the second one of these but the first one where he's appeared with someone else. and he's appearing with someone else who's seen as -- respected in a bipartisan manner. seen as a real leader among generals in the country. someone whose not controversial. which is significant. i think with president elect donald trump and jim mattis together on the stage they both will be able to bolster themselves in a very positive way by being in the presence of the other. mr. trump gets as much out of
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this as jim mattis does. this is not singularly a spotlight on jim mattis. this is an opportunity to put the president elect next to a highly regarded warrior that has done some immense heavy lifting for us in the course of an entire lifetime but most recently during these wars in iraq and afghanistan. >> and as we wait sunland is there. what is the mood like there? thousands of people there who are waiting to hang on he and general mattis's' every word. >> that's right erin. well people are certainly anxious given this rally is starting over an hour late. but we do know the president elect has just arrived and he'll appear on stage with general mat n is in a few minutes. so the mood here is all the trap, of a campaign rally we would have seen during the campaign. you also have some homemade
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signs notable that we just saw one sign in the crowd that said expose the pizza gate scandal, that being a big story in washington d.c. this week about a washington pizzeria being the subject of many conspiracy theory, fake news stories. interesting that is trickling its way here into the trump rally. but people certainly anxious to hear him speak. we know this could turn into a pep rally of sorts for his nominee of secretary of defense jamie mattis appearing together on stage in a few minutes. >> and other thing i think you are going to have here is safe to assume. is we know trump will be taking a victory lap for saying he's got another 50,000 jobs on his tab. >> counting them up. carrier first and now this another 50,000. and let's wait to see if they actually arrive or not. and i'm trying not to be cynical or skeptical nor expressing
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disbelief. i'm merely saying realistically, where is this 50 billion coming from sno when is it goin' to be invested and which jobs will be created. >> and donald trump has the political momentum. he understands the showmanship. you announce carrier and then the next thing. it is steady drum beat now. >> he's very good at getting attention on the things he would like to have attention on. and quite frankly the carrier issue in this prospect of having 50,000 more jobs that is something he deserves to get some attention on. these are the sorts of things a lot of voters were looking are when they vote forward donald trump. and the fact he's doing this a month after he won the election i think is sort of the impressive thing it is warranted for him to come out and talk about even though the jobs don't yet exist. >> and can e he take the spotlight away from general flynn? >> absolutely. >> thinks he can sail through controversy on general flynn's
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peddling fake news and then just move? >> he's a mars master of this. and tonight he deserves credit for what's doing. because by featuring general mattis it takes the spotlight off his other problems. and generally mattis is worthy of that kind of praise. bipartisan support. supports across the military. the military veterans community. has taken different positions from donald trump. and he's an impressive individualem and the fact he's giving him this kind of air time is something. >> and when you see general mattis come out and one would presume he's going to be very straight in terms of what he talked about. and then tonight donald trump take two. another opportunity to reach out for the people who did not vote for him. >> i do actually and i agree about what was said here about general mattis's background and service to the country. he's a kind of person i hope donald trump actually listens to, more than the others donald
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trump has around him. especially michael flynn. moving forward i think the question is what is he going to do with these folks? is he going to take their advice? and more importantly tonight we've seen situations where you think the focus is going to be on, for example, tonight general mattis but that the focus becomes donald trump and the focus becomes something completely different than what it was supposed to be. so we'll see. >> if he doesn't cake the counsel and the input from these guys mar yarks they will be gone. they will walk. >> good. >> no no. these are some incredibly gifted focus. >> and -- >> zblern. >> your point. this is unusual in the sense. secretary of defense state and attorneys general are generally not taken out to political rallies of this nature. by doing it -- >> donald trump being introduced as you see waving to the crowd getting ready to walk out. as i said we anticipate he'll
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introduce general mattis and general mattis will speak and then donald trump will be taking the stage for his extended remarks to votes. and as he walks up to the stage relishing his moment. this is something donald trump truly, truly enjoys and let's hand it off now to anderson as donald trump begins his speech in fayetteville. and good evening. donald trump tonight in fayetteville north carolina, the second stop on his thank you tour what's bill agonize a thank you tory. he's been running out alate and just about to begin speaking. let's listen in. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> so the weather was really bad. really bad. and they said, you know, these ar
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