tv New Day CNN December 8, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PST
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serfaty live in washington. >> reporter: good morning, chris. there has been a flurry of announcements in the last 24 hours coming from the trump transition team. the president-elect making big picks for the key roles in the administration. trump is spending his time taking getting into a war of words with a union leader over jobs actually saved at carrier. president-elect donald trump naming two more hardliners to his cabinet. elevating climate change denier and fierce epa critic oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt to run the agency. >> there was a number of qualified candidates that the president-elect interviewed and he said attorney general pruitt. >> reporter: intent on reversing president obama's move to reverse climate change. trump also tapping another general tahis cabinet. retired general john kelly to head the department of homeland security.
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raising questions about the militarization of his administration. kelly a decorated four-star marine general retired earlier this year as commander of the u.s. southern command. he is also a gold star father whose son was killed in afghanistan in 2010. tonight, trump will introduce iowa governor terry bransted at his third stop on his thank you tour in des moines. could help reassure the country that the president-elect is interested in maintaining its relationship with beijing. trump also mixing business and entertainment. nominating former wrestling executive linda mcmahon to head the small business administration. all this as trump is readying to announce his choice for secretary of state, which could come next week. insisting former adversary mitt romney still has a chance at the post. >> it's not about revenge, it's about what's good for the country.
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>> reporter: trump's administration moves are being overshadowed by another feud. lashing out on twitter against the carrier union leader chuck jones after he called into question trump's math over haow many jobs he actually saved. >> 550 are still going to lose their jobs. >> reporter: trump tweeting minutes later that jones did a terrible job on blaming job losses on jones. if united steel workers 1999 were any good, they would have kept those jobs in indiana. jones then calling into "anderson cooper 360" to respond to trump's attack. >> because of ocorporate greed and unfair trade they want to move these jobs out of the country. if he wants to blame me, so be it. i look at him how many billions of dollars he spent on his hotels and casinos trying to keep labor unions out. >> reporter: today at trump tower the president-elect will be meeting with one potential
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secretary of state contender, formernato commander james tavrias and then travel to columbus, ohio, to meet with the victims and first responders from the ohio state attack. another one of these campaign-style rallies he's been having. >> the thank you tour. all right sunlen, thank you very much. sounding the alarm about trump's pick to head the epa. they're vowing to mount a fierce fight against oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt. joe johns live with more. what's the state of play? >> well, chris, the selection of scott pruitt at epa is in line with donald trump's policy pronouncements on the campaign trail, but quickly created a storm of outrage on the left. one former top aide to the obama administration calling pruitt an extutential threat to the planet. >> reporter: scott pruitt, donald trump's for environmental
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protection agency administrator is a staunch climate change denier. giving democrats an environmental groups whip lash. after trump's highly publicized meetings with prominent climate change activists. >> attorney general pruitt has a strong conservative record as a state prosecutor and has demonstrated a familiarity with laws and regulations impacting a large energy resource state. >> reporter: the oklahoma attorney general is a fierce critic of the agency he may soon lead filing lawsuits against the epa over its regulations of power plants, including obama's effort to significantly reduce their emissions. >> when you look at the epa and the role that it's played over the last several years, there's going to be substantial change in that agency. there's going to be a regulatory roll back. >> reporter: critics blasting trump's nominee the league of conservation voters scott pruitt is like the fox guarding the hen house. pad the profits of big polluters
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at the expense of public health. as for climate change, pruitt wrote in the national review just a few months ago that the link between global warming and human activity is far from settled. incoming senate minority leader chuck schumer saying pruitt's reluctance to accept the facts on climate change couldn't make him any more out of touch with the american people and with reality. you can't really call this a surprise, but the naming of scott pruitt came shortly after the president-elect gave environmentalists some hope by meeting with al gore, who has been a leading voice on the issue of climate change. chris and alisyn. >> joe, thanks so much for all the background. let's discuss it now with cnn politics executive editor mark rusten and jennifer jacobs. great tasee boo see both of you. scott pruitt does not like the epa. he has sued them many times. how is this going to work? >> he has several active lawsuits right now.
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so, yeah, he is a critic of the epa, but, listen, he's the kind of kind of guy who faced a lot of controversy but looks like he'll sail right through. they need 50 votes plus the vice president, i'm not seeing any defectors who are peeling away from approving him. a lot of crit. and a lot of controversy, but despite all that, it's going to be just fine. trump is going to get his way. >> too early to know if anybody will peel off on he doesn't accept the science on what is causing global warming. plenty of gop senators who believe in global warming and it's human impact. >> we're looking at it from the democratic side criticizing him, but you also have democrats like joe manchin from west virginia who say, listen, he's been fighting for an industry that has been critical to my home state. so, you know, that is interesting. but you could see some centrist republicans go the other way. jennifer is absolutely right. in the end republicans who have
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the votes to get them through and what democrats will do is try to damage him and beat him up as much as possible and perhaps try to get him to him to with withdraw. >> he's certainly fossil fuel friendly. we know that. he hasn't denied global warming. >> says it's far from settled. he's not accepting the science. >> no, no. it's acceptable. >> it's okay to question it. >> that's different. >> either you accept the science or you don't. >> no, that's not what he's saying. he sees nuance where you see black and white. it's either settled or not settled. >> 99% of the scientific community says that global warming -- >> cnn says the number is 90%. but here's the deal, republicans a lot of republicans and certainly something like 30% of voters and they voted for trump agree with him. and they think that in terms of the predictions and the forecasts, this is where it comes in that it's far from settled. the predictions and the forecast. >> people thought the world was flat. people thought blacks and whites
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shouldn't marry. people thought blacks shouldn't be equal. it doesn't mean you accept it as fact as a leader. >> people thought the antarctic ice would be gone by now. it increased in 2014. this is what people hang their hat on when they say that the forecasts are not settled. they fluctuate. >> may i split the baby. >> you really want to split the baby on global science? >> that's what you're doing then. >> go ahead, let's go. >> what i think if you're an environmentalist and you believe in fact, as most people do, that climate change is real. him heading the epa is certainly going to slow down any efforts to continue to put in place regulations and policies that would perhaps slow it down. and that's where i think the environmental community is very much concerned. >> what happens if you get a guy in charge of the epa who believes what alisyn does. the science isn't settled and global warming is impacted by our acts. >> time out. i'm telling you, i interviewed
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several scientists from the national economy of sciences and what they hang their hat on not that it's not happening but the pace at which it's happening and the forecasts have been wrong. some of the forecast models. we know this. >> that's not the issue. >> the issue -- >> the issue is does the actions of human beings affect what's going on with carbon emissions and global warming as impact? the scientific community has consensus in that, yes, that is what is causing global warming. >> he's just not sure. >> he said he's not sure exactly what the consequences are. >> that means he doesn't accept the scientific consensus. >> i'm not sure you're right about this. we can't find a place where he says i can't believe in global warming. >> all he needs to say is i don't accept the science. >> he's just not settled. a lot of people think it's not settled. >> hold on a second. you can't say a lot of people who are relevant who matter in this discussion think it's not true. the scientific community is who
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matters. we don't know what we're talking about. the scientists do. i'll take your number. 90% of them say you and i are affecting global warming. >> the question comes in, how much, what year is it happening. when will we see all the ice melting and the sea level rise? >> i think it's the premise. she's saying, alisyn is saying what do you think in terms of the reporting on why he's getting pushback because he's looking at nuance on when and how and how much? or he doesn't know if human beings are behind it in the first place. >> the federal government should be restricting greenhouse gas emissions the way they are. he is opposed to some of these federal regulations on the oil and gas industry. that is one thing we can be certain of is that he agrees with trump that many of those things should be ruled back. >> either way, it doesn't matter. he doesn't like the epa. that's the point, right? >> trump has walked it back, too. in "the new york times" saying
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that there is some human. the debate happening at this table at this moment, this issue has always been a big issue and always been debated but it is now going to go very much main stream. and given who is going to head the epa, what donald trump has said, i think it just goes to show you that environmentalists, which have always been kind of put on the shelf and discussed, it means that they're going to be, you know, right on the front burner come next year. >> i want to be very clear. i don't think there is any debate over whether or not human beings have an impact on global warming. >> i want to be very clear that he thinks there should be debate about the level and the number and dates -- >> i don't know that. he denies that he thinks it's still open to interpretation that the science isn't clear. i don't think that's going to be the scientific consensus. >> he believes there will be debate. >> we'll see many people report on this. how about something that is clear cut for both of us. putting a lot of generals in place around you can be a show of strength, but also a concern
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of the military encroaching on civilian agencies. what is the plus/minus? >> i talked to transition officials about this and they do kn note, yes, we would like to have civilians in charge of our government. egypt is the strongest institution and it's led to a lot of trouble. the transition team is aware of the risk, but they say this is a good mix. so, you've got general kelly, when general mattis was in charge of the first marine device, kelly was his assistant division commander. these guys are tight, they're cohesive. the transition team told me they believe these guys are really personable and really responsible and they believe in accountability and they get things done and they're just really smart go getter guys and they just really think that this particular cabinet and this national security team is going to be really tight and cohesive. >> anything particularly controversial? >> well, i agree with jennifer there. i don't think that we should just count these folks just because they've served in the military. in many ways, we should applaud
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the fact that they want to continue on in public service. if you are a four-star general, a two-star general, a one-star general you can leave the military and make a lot of money. they are choosing to go back in and continue their service. there should be a check and balance on it, no question about that. lieutenant flynn is controversial not because he was in the military but because who he is. kelly's son has died in combat. they know war. >> fascinating. thanks so much, guys. stick around and do not come at me with your tweets about what the science is. send them to camerota. why did he do this? what are the facts? next. sing out ♪ sing out, ♪ and if you want to be free, be free ♪ ♪ 'cause there's a million things to be ♪ ♪ you know that there are ....
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all right. so, a local union leader comes out and says that the numbers on the carrier deal are wrong and that trump got them wrong and the president-elect goes right after that union leader bashing the union for doing a bad job. the president-elect singling out chuck jones, the union leader in a tweet just minutes after jones appeared here on cnn saying,
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chuck jones who is president of united steel workers 1999, that's true, has done a terrible job representing workers. no wonder companies flee the country. let's discuss this method of politicking. cnn global economic analyst and author of "makers and takers" rhana and mark and the number of jobs is far less than what was going to be done and carrier is sweating other jobs, as well. the man has insecurity about the workers going forward. is what he's saying true, the union leader? >> yeah, i think it is. he's on the ground and he knows what is happening with the particular number of jobs and we need to step back. we're getting really caught up in the fact that can he save 1,000 jobs here, 700 jobs here. it's population plus productivi productivity. when you think about population
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issues and not helping economic growth. when you think about productivity and how you make american workers more productive so companies want to keep jobs here. that's about retraining them and that's about buying high-tech equipment and that's not what anybody is talking about and that's not what i see trump's policies being about. what is the bigger picture here? how do you keep jobs in america? >> yours is a long-term solution. this is a short-term fix. what happened with carrier overnight those 800, he said 1,100. turns out it's more like 800 people get to keep their jobs. that's why that was so satisfying, right, on that level. >> listen, i'm all for that. i grew up in indiana and i saw the devastation of rust belt manufacturing. my father worked in that industry for many years. it was not coming back the way it was 20 or 30 years ago and that message gets lost here in these particular deals.
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>> he want carrier to be an example of how he can come in and save jobs. but, i mean, this chuck jones union leader and trump are on the exact same side and they're disagreeing on exactly how many. >> they're disagreeing on a larger level, too. which is as alisyn said this was satisfying. a quick score for trump but chuck jones and a lot of economists say it was also misleading because you paid, you bribed carrier to keep these jobs with state incentives. you picked a winner and a loser in an sdrae industindustry and sustainable way to save jobs and that's the concern on the labor side, the union side. >> we're just talking about trump meddling or getting involved in, you know, small-time economic issues here in the united states. and then when he attacks a local union leader, you have to wonder down the road six months, eight months, a year from now, if he
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continues to do this, it's diluting his ability to show strength and to show power. right. at some point not only will folks here in the united states but world leaders are going to say, does he really mean it? does it really matter? it should have been one of his economic advisors. donald trump should only speak when he needs to speak on major, major issues. >> by the way, can we talk about the twitter thing for a minute, too. i feel like the president tweeting about companies and industries that could be affected by his decision. i feel like that should bebe considered market manipulation. look what happened at boeing. boeing stocks have tanked and market tech stocks have tanked. this is having an effect on material companies. >> how do you balance that? we don't usually deal with it in thes way, but now we are. which is president-elect private citizen donald trump still has sever right to express an opinion about what's going on
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around him. >> indeed. this is a problem, really, that isn't just limited to the president. if you look at people like carl icahn tweeting about stock. actually, a bigger conversation about twitter and how it's being used to create volatility in the markets. which, by the way, will discourage the kind of interest and investments that trump wants to see. >> this is complicated because we have been cautioned not to take donald trump literally as we did during the campaign. but if we are to take him seriously and his words mean something, we see stock prices tumbling on some tweets. and, you know, it's been pointed out that president's words can also send people marching into war. >> mike pence also tweeted about chuck jones and governor of indiana, i really appreciate meeting with this union leader. we are on the same side. we're both working to save these jobs in indiana. you see mike pence doing the opposite. using twitter to thank and praise and be kind. >> again, just going back to the
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fact that donald trump can watch erin burnett and immediately fire off a tweet attacking a local union. who, by the way, actually said something nice about donald trump, as well. he said he was exaggerating the facts. he used more colorful language. but, again, we're talking as we are sitting here. >> trump responded because of chuck jones characterization of how wrong he was. the problem is for trump was wrong. let me ask you something else. "the new york times." what ron is talking about threads it all together. trump says he sold all his private stock interest and we don't know if that's true because he didn't put it out. he is going to divest and separate from the trump organization and there will be many legal documents making this so. "the times" reporting on it, what is their take? >> the bottom line, it doesn't necessarily matter. he can write up as many contracts as he want and as many legal documents he wants. but only one on the book that would prevent him from being involved in a conflict of interest and that is getting a
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title from another country or quite frankly getting a gift, which is really what it is. trump can -- there's no way that trump is still not going to be involved in his businesses. anyone who says otherwise is just fooling himself. he grew up in his business that is his life blood and his children who run the business, what do they talk about? they talk about business. >> it's interesting. i have been speaking to policymakers in latin america and asia, they actually feel there is a sort of a kiss the ring message sent here. he told us who we need to go to. symbolically to get what we need done. and i think that's really worrisome that he's giving off that impression. >> very quickly, jennifer, do we know about ivanka's role. we hear she is moving to washington, d.c., and may not be involved in the trump organization. he may hand it off to his sons. >> she would like to separate herself from the fashion brands and other businesses and take on some sort of role in d.c. advocating for things she really
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values such as child care. >> not in the white house. >> right. >> but a corlaollary. >> she can't get -- >> but connected. >> exactly. being an influence. >> being connected. >> our new term. that's right. panel, thank you very much. a lot of issues that wind up connecting into why this carrier deal was very important. in the next hour, we'll have the union leader involved, chuck jones. he'll give us his take on why these jobs are leaving and what needs to happen for them to stay. two teenagers charged in arson in connection with the deadly tennessee wildfires. even though they're minors they could be facing adult punishment. we have the details for you next.
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police in columbia, south carolina, are asking the public's help this morning to find an escaped inmate wanting in the stabbing of a police officer. michael williamson who is serving a life sentence escaped from prissen and traveled more than an hour to a walmart in columbia where the attack happened. the injured officer is reportedly recovering from her injuries. two teens are facing serious charges in connection with the
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deadly wildfires in tennessee. more than a dozen people died and thousands of properties were destroyed. let's get the latest from cnn polo sandoval. they don't know a lot about them, they're juveniles. there is a growing call to have these two young individuals charged as adults. two juveniles charged with aggravated arson in connection with the deadly wildfires in east tennessee. >> oh, my god, it's so hot. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: officials blaming the teens for the ferocious fires that killed 14 people and injured 175 others. >> all options available to the state when dealing with juveniles are on the table, including the possibility of seeking a transfer of these juveniles to adult criminal court. >> reporter: thousands of homes and businesses damaged with tens
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of thousands forced to evacuate from the largest wildfires to hit tennessee in a century. >> they should pay for the of all the loved ones we have lost. >> the punishment will not fit the crime. they destroyed families and lives and businesses and a community that has been here forever. >> reporter: the charges coming as residents begin to return home surveying the damage. >> we're not alone down here. we take care of each other as people. >> we just feel that we have been protected by god. >> reporter: for the families of those who perished, their loss is unspeakable. 70-year-old alice hagler lost her life trapped in her home by the flames. >> she was one of the ladies who just loved people. she never found anyone she wasn't willing to talk to. we ask for prayers for her. the people who are still trying to figure out how to put this thing all back together. >> reporter: back on the ground here in eastern tennessee,
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people here in full-on recovery mode. tomorrow some of these road blocks expected to open up. chris and alisyn, each day brings another sign of normalcy. which is what people want. they want to get their lives back on track and continue rebuilding. >> of course they do. polo, thank you for reporting. the humanitarian crisis in aleppo is growing more dire. civilians too frightened to leave. can the u.s. and russia agree to stop the bloodshed? we have a live report from the front lines next. we have a quick programming note for you. this sunday the cnn heroes all-star tribute will come hosted by anderson cooper and kelly ripa this time. air at 8:00 p. cl:00 p.m. live and pacific. >> they make a difference. >> trying to give them all the opportunities they deserve.
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>> this has become my life. i don't want to do anything else. >> they don't do it for themselves. they do it for all the rest of us. they are a reminder of what is good in this world and what it truly means to be a hero. >> we give them the foundation from which they can thrive. the feeling of family. >> we have transformed the lives of thousands of children. >> this sunday night, cnn presents a very special live event. the tenth annual cnn heroes all-star tribute. >> tonight we're gathered to celebrate extraordinary men and women to highlight the best of what humanity has to offer. >> join host anderson cooper and special co-host kelly ripa as we honor ten extraordinary people. the cnn all-star tribute live sunday night at 8:00 on cnn. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
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correspondent is live on the front lines in aleppo with the latest. fred? >> hi, alisyn. we managed to get right to the front lines in those besieged area in eastern aleppo. a lot of fighting going on and also a lot of very weak, a lot of very frail civilians trying to flee those areas. it was really a very sad experience to see how malnourished many of these people are and how traumatized, especially the children were. here's what we saw. this is what rebel desperation looks like during the aleppo nights. unable to stop them from dropping their deadly load. and this is what the rebels defeat looks like when daylight comes. thousands of civilians fleeing the old town of aleppo only hours after government forces took most of it back. among them, her with her seven
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children. when we left there was a lot of shelling behind us. a lot of shooting in front of us and the airplanes above us, she says. we barely managed to get out. most seem weak and malnourished. some resting, finally in safety in this former school. the smallest a baby girl azal is only 7 days old, born right as the battles were at their worst. it's really remarkable some of the scenes that we're witnessing here. hundreds of people have already come across the border crossing between eastern and western aleppo and many are taking shelter in buildings like this one carrying own thely take. we see syrian troops evacuating weak and elderly. and rebel barricades showing just how intense the fighting was. just look at all the destruction here. we're actually in the old town of aleppo right now and this
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entire area until a few days ago was right on the front line. while this may not be the end of the opposition fight in aleppo many leaving describe the morale sinking and the conditions in the besieged areas. "we didn't have food and barely any bread," this man says. we were eight people and they would only give us two loaves of bread every eight days. while much of eastern aleppo, the only thing expanding was the cemeteries. this one ran out of space as the bodies kept coming. now that much of eastern aleppo has changed hands, syrian soldiers plant their flag on the ruins of the place they've just conquered. so, as you can see there, some very devastating things we saw. i have to say among the worst things that i've seen in my entire career, but also we also have to see that with the momentum, the syrian military
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currently has and the with the gains they're making and the fire power they're unleashing very difficult for those to try to broker a ditch lomplomatic s. the very clear message we're getting from the syrian forces is they want to push this offensive forward and looking for a decision here in aleppo and told the opposition they're going to lay down their arms or continue to fight this onslot. >> fred, thank you very much for the reporting. that is a truly horrible scene, not just today but what will be the future of that country for many, many years to come. in sports lebron james usually makes his statements on the court, but now going from the sports arena to the political arena. the king locking horns with the president-elect. we're going to tell you what happened in the bleacher report, next. millions of baby boomers there's a virus out there. a virus that's serious, like hiv, but it hasn't been talked about much. a virus that's been almost forgotten.
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it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. that's because hep c can hide in your body silently for years, even decades, without symptoms and it's not tested for in routine blood work. if left untreated, hep c can cause liver damage, even liver cancer. but there's important information for us: the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested for hep c. all it takes is a simple one-time blood test. and if you have hep c, it can be cured. be sure to ask your doctor to get tested for hep c. for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure.
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lebron james says he was not trying to make a statement by not staying at donald trump's hotel in new york. andy, statement or not, this was the first time ever lebron did not stay with his team on a road trip. what's your take? >> that's right, chris. lebron and the cavs did crush the knicks 126-94 last night. leading up to the game, much of the talk was about lebron's decision not to stay at donald trump's hotel in new york. here's what king james had to say about it. >> i'm not trying to make a statement. it's just my personal preference. at end the of the day, i hope he's one of the best presidents ever. for all of our sakes.
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but just my personal preference. just the same as if i went to the restaurant and ate chicken and not steak. he was rocking on a full-on yoda onesie. and smith he decided it was a good idea to wear that onesie to meet with the media yesterday. >> it's been a few decades since i've worn a onesie. i tried it on and so i bought it and i thought, i got to use it. it was raining yesterday. kind of doom and gloom. you know, try to not waste money. >> one of the shorter receivers in the nfl. a yoda onesie appropriate for him. >> i have a hard time taking people seriously when they have bright green ears. >> what about shrek? >> this is my thing, i have to get past it.
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president-elect donald trump ramping up his twitter attacks blasting boeing, union bosses and threatening tariffs on businesses to ship jobs overseas. we discuss the consequences for everyone, next. lyou gotta make a truck heavier to make it stronger, has been workin' too long without a hard hat. meet the all-new 2017 ford super duty. they cut weight with a high-strength, military grade, aluminum alloy body and reinvested a big chunk of it to beef up the high-strength steel frame. forging the most capable heavy-duty pickup in america. time to punch work in the face. this is the next level. this is the all-new ford super duty.
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the manhunt is intensifying for suspected police officer killer in western georgia. investigators are urging membric to turn himself in. he is accused of killing a police officer and critically injuring officer jody smith. both were shot in the head as they exchanged fire during a domestic dispute call. there's a high school student fighting for his life in reno, nevada. a campus police officer shot him. authorities say the 14-year-old ignored repeated warnings to drop a knife.
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he was allegedly threatening other students with it. several dozen classmates witnessed the situation. many of them posting video of it online. the officer has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation. get ready to pay up if you want to use an overhead bin on your flight. if you buy certain united airline tickets in the new year, you might have to pay this fee. this applies to the airline new basic economy pricing fares which allows customers to snag cheaper flights. however, any carry-on or personal item that you bring that does not fit under your seat will be subject to a fee. no word yet on how much. the new fares will be offered started next month. >> can you imagine having to police that as a flight attendant. like it's not a hostile environment already. speaking of hostile environments, president-elect trump is using twitter to make opinions heard. since the election, mr. trump has called out companies boeing, tv shows, us and a union boss now who criticized him. so, let's discuss this method
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and its impact of picking winners and losers online. we have cnn global economic analyst rana is back and cnn media analyst bill carter. we have the how and we have the why. so, let's talk about the how. trump private citizen. both will have a right to first amendment expression. >> of course. >> so, he can do this. >> yes. >> he has the right. but is it right? >> well, is it right? that's, obviously, somebody's judgment. is it something that maybe is injudicious? that i think is true. it doesn't look good to me to pick on a guy like this. >> the union guy. >> the union guy. he gets so upset by the slightest thing and reacts immediately. i think when you're president you are going to have so many things on your plate. are you going to take everything like this? y he's all luther.
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not the other guy. he comes at everything from that angry point of view and i think, first of all, it's over the top. and it doesn't really help. and i also wonder if people are going to get sick of that kind of bullying. >> the effect is going to wear off. beyond the stylistic effect. let's talk about the real-life consequences. be oing. he said he thought paying $4 billion, that was his number, for air force one was too much and boeing can make money, but not that much money. what happened then to boeing? >> look at the stock in realtime plummeting. this has real effects for publicly traded company. if i was a ceo at a fortune 500 company i would be living in fear because the next tweet could whipe 30%. and i think this is not just specific to the president, but i think in general that the sec and regulators might want to start looking at the ways in which twitter, social media is used around markets. in some ways, this seems like market manipulation to me.
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it has that potential. and amongst politicians that could really materially affect what happens to a company or an entire industry, activist investors use this. they'll be holding a stock and they'll say, oh, buy more of this. the price goes up. >> cnbc had to deal with that and that's a real issue. but a little bit of an ancillary issue. he's not a market maker. >> he's an industry maker. >> he's an influencer. >> absolutely. what i'm saying is in his role to a point that you make very strongly on the show and well all the time. people don't like that boeing is overcharging. people don't like that drug prices are too high. people don't like that unions can be perceived to have squashed the job. and he speaks to those things. so, is it injudicious? is it unprofessional? is it unbecoming if that's what got him elected? >> it's certainly effective. it's speaking to his base. he has to be aware of his own interests. people are, you said this, we
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don't know what stocks he had and didn't have. a story about maybe him having stock in united technologies at some point. minimal amounts. >> the parent company carrier. >> the parent company carrier. that would have been relevant. >> that would have been relevant in that story. these things are so complex and you think the president should think about them rather than jump on them immediately the way he has been doing. i think possibly there should be someone in his ear maybe saying not today to jump on that because this market is fragile. i always think it's interesting that after he picks on a lot of these stocks they drop and then come back. it's almost like people have said, okay, maybe we don't have to take him all that seriously. >> that has an impact. he is creating the market volatility that investors absolutely hate at a time when he's saying, please, bring your money to the u.s., we want to invest. that is not helping. >> when he goes after the news media. that's what happens when there's an actual product or manufacturing. when he goes after, say, cnn, or he goes after "saturday night
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live" as he has. does that have the same negative effect or does that actually help build its brand? >> i think it can help build a brand. i don't think it's hurting "saturday night live" at all. i think they saw him going after chuck jones. chuck jones maybe do a sketch about the chuck jones who created bugs bunny. they could have an idea like that. they will use what he does effectively. it's not hurting the show. their ratings are up higher than they've had in ten years. >> we don't know how much of it is pushback or interest in the election. but this dynamic that is going on with social media becoming a conduit of exchange at a high level. we saw an interesting role reversal. bob was on the show with anderson cooper last night. former labor secretary and he decided to speak directly to the president-elect through the television camera because he anticipated that trump was actually watching. here it is.
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>> let me just say because donald trump is probably watching right now. let me just say with all due respect, mr. trump, you are president-elect of the united states. you are looking and acting as if you are mean and petty, thin skinned and vindictive. stop this. this is not a fireside chat. this is not what fdr did. this is actually penalizing people who are speaking their minds. >> he was talking about -- that was the union leader and the steel workers about carrier. but i don't know if that's effective. >> i actually think it is. >> you do? >> i think it's very effective. you know, to your point, i think there is something to be said, look, we're in a new world of communications. this tv, twitter. this is how people communicate. i agree that people are upset about trade and jobs and it's appropriate, i think, for the president to use that medium to talk about those things, but to call out specific companies, specific people --
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>> that local guy. he's not a national figure. it feels a little -- >> the local guy, the local labor guy was calling out at the numbers are wrong. not as many jobs are saved and that he is concerned that this was a little bit of an inside deal with carrier. and that's his right as a union guy. but boeing, boeing is not going to have a lot of friends among the working class and the united states. you know, they'll see this mega big company. how many jobs are they keeping? how many jobs do they have abroad? is that a bad target for trump? >> i think boeing is a bad target for trump because it materially affects a publicly traded u.s. company when he talks about it. >> a true extension of the bully pulpit. he's trying to get them to do different things. >> yes, he may be. all i can think of, maybe he still holds the stock, even if he doesn't, i'm sure he's having investor friends to lunch at trump tower and i'll talk about those stocks tomorrow. i mean, market manipulation
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worries me. >> rana, bill, thank you very much. we're following a lot of news and we will speak to that union leader chuck jones in just moments. let's get right to it. >> buy american and hire american. >> what you, mr. trump, would like is for nobody to criticize you. >> i didn't attack him. i just called him out on where i felt he misled the people. >> companies are not going to leave the united states any more. >> if you have this kind of thin skinneddictivevindictiveness, w very deep trouble and so are you. >> it's the success they had. >> trump adding another general to his cabinet. >> scott pruitt. >> democrats and environmentalists are sounding the pick about trump's pick to head the epa. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo and
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