tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 9, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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donald trump the president elect, getting ready to speak in michigan. a huge crowd already developing for that. we'll have coverage. until then thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation roma. erin burnett "outfront" starts right breaking news. donald trump about to speak live in michigan as we learn new details about why rudy giuliani and chris christie will not be serving with donald trump. and what does the host of "the celebrity apprentice" think of trump staying on as executive producer? and more. let's go "outfront." "outfront" tonight the breaking news. donald trump is about to speak live in michigan. this is part of his victory tour
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of swing states that were key to his electoral victory. thousands turning out for trump's latest campaign-style rally, as he's going around the country. earlier today he announced something in baton rouge louisiana. >> we're going to bring back our taxi jobs. and confirm our nominee to the united states supreme court. the people that were forgotten people. you know what i'm talking about. they were forgotten. folks, you're not forgotten anymore. believe me. nobody's forgotten. >> this is where we are learning two of trump's most high profile and loyal supporters, chris christie and rudy giuliani are no longer in the running for trump's administration. tonight we're told neither man
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is getting a job. and we begin our coverage with jason carroll "outfront" in fwrand rapids at the trump rally. rudy giuliani, he was the top contender for secretary of state. >> at one point he seemed to be. you heard donald trump there in louisiana talking about forgotten people. i think a number of rudy giuliani supporters are going feel as though he was forgotten. at one point he was in the run for secretary of state. there are some questions as to why he's flonger in the running. could it have been his business ties in the middle east. and for other reasons just because the other two candidates who seem to be in the running now are stronger. mitt romney being one of them. rex tillerson for exxon seemingly in the mix. and what really the trump
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transition at this point said he was going to basically take his name out of the running. but the game of musical chairs. a number of chairs and the chairs didn't seem to be lined up for rudy giuliani. not for this particular position. when you hear from a number of people in the room, who support rudy giuliani, have supported him throughout this campaign. i think a lot of them are going to be wondering where is the payback for folks like rudy giuliani or even a chris christie. >> and what about chris christie? also trying to say, you know, it's me, not him. to save face. but chris christie very loyal and very early before anybody else did. and that was very important moment for donald trump when chris christie stepped up and said i support you. >> one of the earliest supports out there for donald trump. but again just things not lining up for him. it could be for a number of
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reasons for chris christie. as you know in terms of his approval ratings in the state of new jersey. one of the lowest for any governor. he still has the whole bridgegate kroifrs hanging over his head. and at one point maybe taking over for reince priebus as head of the rnc. but now we're hearing another romney might be in position for that one. ronna romney mechanic mcneese --. >> thank you very much jason carroll. and of course we are awaiting donald trump there in grand rapids any moment where jason is standing. any moment now. "outfront" now our panel.
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thank you all. giuliani and christie out of contention. it is surprising in a sense that trump to deeply values loyalty. and these two men were loyal. >> they were loyal. and it was only two months ago that giuliani and christie were sort of the few willing to stand by donald trump and go on television and defend him from allegations from women, about inappropriate conduct. around all the questions around donald trump's temperament. they were his campaign surrogates. but now he's governing. he's got to get people confirmed. he doesn't want to create fights as much as possible with the senate. giuliani and the especially chris christie would be hard. but giuliani is 72 years old. the secretary of state job requires incredible energy and
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stamina. >> to use a word donald trump likes to use. >> to use -- but also donald trump is conveyed with the business generals and the people he's tapping, especially seems he wants to make the secretary of state as much as part of the deal-making. >> not just calming down and statesman like but getting things done. >> and brought up about the his business ties and going through the confirmation process. one thing that's really important in the announcement of this that he was no longer going to be seeking secretary of state. reince priebus made it quite clear in the announcement from the transition team that they did do a vetting of giuliani and he passed with the flying colors. and it was last week when giuliani himself took a lot out of consideration. there is a lot he can do from the outside and that is the way he'll help moving forward. >> can this all be spun this way
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so positively? rudy giuliani went out and said who doesn't have a skeleton like this in their closet? rudy giuliani stood by donald trump when nobody else wood. >> he did. but a lot of people didn't believe he was the right person for the job. vegas had the odds of 22 to 3 of him getting the job. maybe as attorney general, not as secretary of state. and i think his business deals did factor heavily in this. because he is encumbered across the globe in terms of his business and i don't know if he wanted to extricate himself from that just yet. >> so giuliani did not go quietly though. he took a swipe at a rilval on his way out.
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here he is. >> my advice would be mitt went a little too far. i would not see him ads a candidate for the cabinet. >> referring to mitt romney's comments about donald trump during the campaign. we know mitt romney has been back and forth between new york and utah meeting with donald trump. does he still have a chance? >> i think he does. you never want to depart any type of a potential marriage by slamming the door. you always want to lead with a big smile on your face and say look, i'm available when you need me. my view is president elect trump is now surrounding himself with military guys. a lot of generals out there. potential admirals are out there. so we have a former mayor and civilian who departs the list. and an admiral who is added to
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the list in stavrz. and really something we need to embrace. we need to realize the talent exists there. and if the president goes to that vertical of talent that exists within american society we should be grateful. it is out there. t it is fable. >> and he could also go general petraeus and also someone like tillerman of the exxon mobile. ceo. knows how to get deals done. but in a way that favors himself as opposed to a secretary of state that just sort of glad hands. >> and donald trump wants that, a secretary who can go to china and handle the diplomacy and talk about human rights and also really talk about business, talk about trade, talk about tax, currency manipulation. that is a real goal here.
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there is a reason he's taking all of his time with this particular job, secretary of state. what his advisors have told me is that he spent so much of this year without an establishment under him. he was running against an establishment. and part of what he's trying to do in transition is to show that sort of the mitt romneys of the world, the rudy giulianis of the world, all of these generals, they want to be sort of part of his team. >> he to be a team operator and not just a me guy. >> a unifying figure to the degree that that is possible. >> thanks to all staying here because next trump's pick for national security advisor says he's seen arabic signs directing terrorists how to get over the southern border. where are the signs? my guest is a southern patrol agent what's walked the line. and coming up what they think about their new boss the president elect? >> i don't think there is
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anything wrong with a beautiful women in a bikini eating a burger or washing a bentley or a pickup truck. [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief.
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the stage in grand rapids, michigan. he's expected to be there tonight with mitt romney's niece. sources tell cnn she is trump's choice to lead the republican national committee. and once trump makes that choice, given that he's the president elect, she's basically got the job. and also trump has selected ten millionaires and billionaires as part of his administration so far. among them. puzder one of the controversial ones. >> donald trump ice pick for labor savings account. ceo of hardee's and carl's jr. responsible for racy ads like these. >> i don't think there is anything wrong with a beautiful woman in a bikini, eating a burger and washing a bentley or a puppet or being in a hot tub.
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>> reporter: and while he does have experience oning a company like trump he has no prior experience in government. >> i think it would be the most fun you could have with your clothes on to be in this cabinet and get things going. >> only views conflicting with the commission. on minimum wage. >> i've been opposed to wage increases that kill jobs. and a lot of these state increases are to that level where they would kill jobs. i think that's bad for american workers. >> reporter: cut labor costs saying machines are always polite and never take a vacation. trump allies are praising the pick today. >> nobody can deny this man is in touch with how to create jobs. the importance of labor management roles and responsibilities. i he's a great choice. >> reporter: but the labor community is voicing concerns. >> he's filled his administration with nominees who are millionaire, multi millionaires and billionaires
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and appointed the most ante worker secretary of labor in modern history. >> reporter: promises to keep jobs in america. >> my administration will follow two simple rules. buy american, and hire american. >> businesses create job, labor unions do not. to the contrary labor unions also discourage jobs by increasing the cost of labor without increasing its value. >> he didn't tell the truth. he inflated the numbers and i called him out on. >> reporter: prompting organized labor leaders to come to his defense, including the head of organized steel workers on "outfront." >> i really felt that wasn't a
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role for president elect trump to go after chuck jones. >> reporter: trump narrowed the gap with households in the election. and. >> thank you joe. and "outfront" now al fraid ortiz.fredo ortiz. simone, let me start with you. machines are always polite. they never take a vacation. a study by the ceo under president obama has numbers that support him simone it. concluded half a million people would lose their jobs if the minimum wage rose to $10.10. those numbers seem to support puzder's point of view. >> i think we've seen success in places like new york where they have raised the minimum wage.
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it is not something that happens overnight. it is something that has to happen over time that allows the economy and businesses in that way to adjust. i really do believe we have to look another raising the minimum wage. but in terms of puzder fine, you don't want to raise the minimum wage we can have a debate. but there is no debate in that he's not a friend of the american worker. he's an enemy of the american worker. he's somebody who doesn't even believe in our american labor force. he wants machines so how can he lead at secretary of labor? i just don't know. >> you heard simone. enemy of the american worker. he did say machines are always polite and never take a vacation. >> first of all he's absolutely not an enemy of the american worker. he's actually pro the american worker and if you look at the unenviable task he had when we took over the hardee's, carl's jr. business. it was almost out of business.
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he turned that around and today that -- you know, hardee's and carl's jr. has 75,000 people working across 3200 different franchises. and all he basically stated is a automation is a reality of this country. it continues to move forward across every industry and when you think about the small business owner, which is really the heart beat of america. two-thirds of job growth is in their hands. we need to make sure we have policies that help our small business owners and that doesn't break the backs of our small business owners -- >> what about the workers? what about the workers? what he just described was that the next potential secretary of labor is good for business. great. but what about the american people? what about the 1.3 million people that are working at the minimum wage. >> what you're forgetting about
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there are about 30 million small business owners employing 56 million employees. 85 million -- >> you are giving statistics but what is he doing to increase that number? >> if you are thinking about what he's doing, he's saved first of all 75,000 jobs and now currently with carlson's jr. and hardee's and trying to have the plans in place. and growth plans. >> this all sounds very pro business and i have heard nothing that specifically speaks -- >> -- my grandparents owned the first african american beauty supply in the state. so i think i know about small business. frankly what voters was to make america great again for the american worker. what is puzder's record?
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the only record he has to stand son is an enemy with the american workers. he doesn't support them with raising the minimum wage although it is a popular proposal across the country. he's used sex to sell burgers and that may work -- >> i want to get your response to this. she raises the issue about women. he has defended his use of the ads everyone has seen on this. i'll show everyone what we saw obviously for the super bowl. he said there is nothing more american than scantily clad women selling burgers on cars? does this give you any pause at all or no? >> let's me address some of simone's points first. when you look at the minimum wage there are about 550,000 employees out there that make the minimum wage that are 25 and over out of a pool about 77 million hourly workers. that is a issue we think we can
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address and andy believes e can address that through a lot of the skills training. so he's opposed to raising the minimum wage -- >> let me finish, thank you. you raise the wages up to a point and erin you mentioned at 10.10 the ceo said it would be about 500,000 jobs and about 750,000 lost if you raise it up to 15. that is obama's office itself giving those numbers. we've got to make sure we raise the minimum wage to a level that makes sense. >> i will say because i want to make sure that we do say that same study did say nearly 900,000 would be raised out of poverty if you raised it to 10.10. next, trump's choice for national security advisor,
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general michael flynn claims there are signs in arabic on the southern border directing potential terrorists on how to come over. is he right? and the concept of the trump staying with "the celebrity apprentice." it is not the first time the show and the presidency have come together? >> everybody is saying i should run for president. brewed generation after generation... only with moravian barley. coors banquet. that's how it's done. since we started shopping at way first down! as close as two friends trying to annihilate each other can be. ahh, interception! that's because with we can shop over 700,000 items from brand names like samsung, keurig and sony. go to to get low monthly payments and the credit you deserve. and get great stuff like this awesome flat screen tv. [doorbell rings] fingerhut man's here! oooh! maybe he brought you some defense.
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break news the new host of "the celebrity apprentice" coming to donald trump's defense. he said he shouldn't have to give up his credit. it is no different than when i was running for governor. and when i was governor my credit for terminator stayed the same. >> trump on "the celebrity apprentice." >> should i run for president? >> reporter: he did. and now america's future commander in chief plans on doing double duty. his team reaffirmic to cnn's trump desire to be both executive producer of "the celebrity apprentice" and the
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executive of the united states. when asked about the time demands of a second job trump's senior advisor likened it to president obama playing golf. >> okay. were we so concerned with the hours and hours on the golf course by the current president? they have a right to do things in their spare time. leisure time. nobody objects to that. >> reporter: trump was intimately involved when the show was created and he was hosting it. >> they just announced today that arnold schwarzenegger is going to do "the apprentice." >> the show wrapped filming almost ten months ago. so there really aren't any decisions to be made at this
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point. the show is in the can. >> reporter: and arnold schwarzenegger was a huge star in the box office before coming governor. ronald reagan was an actor before becoming president. but they both stopped their careers before taking office. seems trump may take another path. >> he's not going to be onset. he's not going on the in production meetings. this is an untenable situation. b but he is going to be making money off of it. >> what will get interesting is if it is picked up for another season. at that point not only be nbc be paying him through licensing, they bought it from mgm. but at that point he may be a little more involved and he'll be in the middle of his presidency. >> basil smikle "outfront" now.
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alice stewart. and cynthia littleton, managing editor for variety who first broke the story that trump was going to stay on as executive producer here. and the big issue is payment. dylan byers is saying it could be he'll with getting a cut of the money which of course opens up lots of the conflicts of interest questions. >> the payment is the really the key here. in the trump's wealth it is a small amount of money. but it is kind of the optics here. and it's really stirred an incredible level of debate about the propriety of the situation. >> and this is the whole situation. trump when he called mexican immigrants rapists. nbc said we're going to end our business relationship with him. and yet now apprentice is going to air on nbc with donald trump as the executive producer. his name emblazened every time you watch the show. >> nbc does have a little bit of
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cover here in that the show. northbound does note own the show. they are the network that carries the show. but they don't own it. it is produced by mgm, a major hollywood studio. and it is mgm that will be writing the checks to donald trump. >> okay. they can try that. optics here if people care about. them. kellyanne conway made a comparison. she said that trump staying on as executive producer as "celebrity apprentice" is something he would do in his free time. she compared it to president obama playing golf. >> i completely agree. i don't see the questions about a conflict of interest here. i agree it's equivalent, president obama wants to spend his time playing golf. >> he's -- when the next season
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rolls around he's spending time on it. he's deciding who gets cast, who gets picked, what the products are. >> that is part of his. he likes that. that is his pastime. that is what he wants to do in his spare time. he's made it quite clear his number one priority is the people's business. and that is his top priority. >> i've not known or really think of presidents as having spare time. voters say it is their time. but to take time to go work on a talk show, i don't think the american people have been wrestling with that for a long time. and i don't know how settled they will be with that. especially when this is the same individual that will make a decision on who becomes attorney general. with respect to anti-trust matters, there is a direct line of accountability. fcc appointments, again, donald trump will make those. a again another line of accountability. i think we can wait and see. but one point it seems like a
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lot of his business deals obscure the clarity how he makes money. tax returns would have helped us with that. >> i can tell you that donald trump takes it extremely seriously. he does love doing this. and in fact he brought it up during his campaign. he brought up how hi would do on the show and how his replacement would do. here he is at a rally. >> how will arnold do by the way? who would be better? arnold or trump? arnold? trump? well we're going to find out if arnold is quick. because if he's not quick he's not going look good. >> just when arnold thought he was in charge donald says i'll be back. >> but i guess the point is here that he does take it personally. he doesn't want the show to suddenly look bad because trump considers the apprentice to be a part of him. >> absolutely. that is his trademark and he did
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a lot and worked a lot to make it it is the way it is today and of course he wants it to succeed. and this is something he enjoys doing. something that's been a hobby of his. a very lucrative hobby and he wants it to see. >> when he tweets about the show and the ratings go up does he get more money as a result of that? he likes to tweet. >> what in he tweets watch tonight's aprens. what happens then? >> could he ever appear on the show? executive producer, it could be a credit, working on the show, casting. it could be anything. >> that would be very interesting. i think that having him appear given all of the up roar over
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just having his name flash on the credits for, you know, milliseconds, i think it would be very hard for him even as the president of the united states to convince mgm and nbc, given the sensitivity, for him to apore on it. i think one thing important to remember is trump has said he's set a news conference for december 15th where he's going to explain how he's going to handle his business deals. so he may have a solution to this. >> and next standing by for donald trump to take the stage at the rally in michigan tonight. and trump focusing on one major imminent threat toish americ am. why is he so alarmed this is what the pros wear. look at the lines... uhhh... look at the other line... mm...mhh... that's why he starts his day with those two scoops... in deliciously heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins. by taking steps towards a healthy heart,
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the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. tonight president obama ordering a full review into russia's attempts to hack the u.s. election. as trump is getting an average of one information session a week. >> it was unprecedented cyber
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attack ordered by senior russian leer leadership. now president obama is ordering the intelligence community to conduct a full review of putin's medley and all cyberattacks on u.s. elections going back to 2008. the question is how will his successor react? >> wouldn't it be nice if we actually did get along with russia. >> reporter: trump denies the kremlin interfered in the election. and he's continued to express doubts telling time magazine this week i don't believe they interfered. that became a laughing point, not a talking point. a laughing point. any time i do something, they say oh russia interfered. trump's skepticism of the intelligence community comes for his own limited appetite of the
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intelligence briefings. so far he's had only four briefings. on average one per week. not nearly often enough. >> if you are president of the united states you better in touch on a daily basis with your intelligence briefers so you have an understanding as to what's happening in the world, what are the crises you have to pay attention to and what steps you have to take in order to deal with those crises. >> cnn has learned however that trump has requested a for focused briefing on the threat from north korea. the u.s. now believes they can mount a war head on a missile. considering pyongyang america's biggest current threat. >> if you look at the globe right now. north korea marching towards
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ballistic missile capability not just to harass the names but also to have intercontinental ability. >> reporter: he is receiving them less frequently than previous president elects. reince priebus telling as they get closer to election day the number, the frequency of those briefings will increase. >> "outfront" now gordon chang. trump has indicated he would talk to kim jong un. here is what e said this summer. >> one of the papers called the other day. and they said would you speak to the leader of north korea? i said absolutely. why not. why not. there is a 10% or a 20% chance that i can talk him out of those damn nukes. >> a nuclear when that they are now the intelligence community
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feels fully on board of saying. the trump is right 10 to 20% chance to talk about him of it. >> probably about zero. kim jong un. he saw gaddafi. and then okay, gaddafi decides to give up his program and later on he's killed. so he's not going to give it up because he can only depend on his own arsenal. >> when i asked --. i simple said how would you describe kim jong un. here is what john brennan said? >> a megalomaniac. calculating. he is delusional. because he believes that the world is going to accept a nuclear north korea and allow it to maintain that arsenal. he's invested so much in this
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effort of building a nuclear capability and he thinks this is his ticket to greatness. i think it is his ticket to oblivion. >> you also said while he was a megalomaniac and calculating, not reckless. donald trump as we know can lash out. use twitter to do so. would he be able to sit across from kim jong un and negotiate? could he crack the nut nobody else could crack? >> remember the regime right now looks to be unstable. every once in a while you have these executions, demotions. these big events -- >> -- kim jong un himself. >> yeah. even if kim jong un wanted to do a deal to the u.s. he can't do it because of the nature of his system right now. i don't think trump can do it. >> and the ability of a missile, attached to a war hard that could hit the united states and be aimed to hit the united
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states. they are going to be there. >> they are going to be there in three, four years. right now they have three rockets that can hit the lower end of the united states. they can't get a nuke that those ranges. but it is just a matter of time. and by the way, when you got a nuke, even if you are a mile off you still make big dent. >> donald trump very aware of this threat and alarmed by it and requesting a specific briefing for north korea. and trump slamming china day after day. but do the chinese actually like trump's tough talk? severe ulc,
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tonight we are learning donald trump's pick for national security advisor, general michael flynn, claims their arabic signs long the border of mexico to guide terrorists into the united states. here is what he learned from border patrol. >> radical islamist countries state-sponsor state-sponsored, cutting deals with the mexican drug cartels for the lanes of entry into the country. and i've personal see the photos of the signage that are like way points along the path. and it's literally like signs in arabic, you know, this way. move to this point. it is unbelievable.
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>> that was a radio interview with breitbart news late this summer. a spokesman declined to comment but "outfront" now, sean, i want to talk you do about several things he said there but first the basic question here about these signs. have you or any of your agents ever seen any signs like in arabic like the ones general flynn describes? >> i've never seen any signs let alone in arabic. this is a smuggling operation. it would not bode well for the smugglers if they were advertising where their smuggler routes for. i've never seen and it i've never heard it from any agents. >> when he says he's personally seen photos of this. and you raise a good point. why would you put signage up if you are trying to do it under cover. why do you think he would say it? >> i'm not sure. i am concerned though about the sentiment of his statement. that there is a smuggling route from the middle east to the
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southern border. we've seen that. we've seen people in the past six months arrested from syria, saudi arabia, pakistan. so it is a concern that people are finding their way from the middle eastern countries to the southern border. >> how big a problem is this? we noh do know this is happening. how big of an issue is it? >> i think as a huge issue. ap recently did a story saying that the border patrol is only capturing half of the people that cross the border. so it only takes a few number of people to inflict damage on this country if they are intent on doing us harm. so it is a huge concern to board patrol agents. >> of course at this time none of them have. there's been no terrorist attack by anyone who came over the southern border in this way. there is no evidence that could happen. but you're saying you think it
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could. >> absolutely think it could. we can't let our guard down. we're not doing as good a job as we could do and i think that is due in large part to the bad policies of the obama administration. but we're enthusiastic that will change come january 20th. >> you know you have problems on the southern border. you have talked about that. your union had come out for the border protection supporting donald trump. but when you have general flynn coming out and saying what he's saying that there are pictures and signs in arabic guiding people all over the border and there don't seem to be any such thing, does that help you? putting something out there that may not be true when you actually do have this real problem that you are trying to focus attention on? ? >> i'll take any attention i can get on the southern border. our border security needs to be improved. i'm not saying these pictures don't exist or this never happened. i just never heard about it. >> really appreciate your time
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but fair. this beer is tough... coors banquet. that's how it's done. jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement
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i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. ber. trump taking aim at china telling supporters in baton rouge today that the chinese are not playing fair.
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what do the chinese think of him after all of this? >> in a country of 1.3 billion a lot of people have something to say about donald trump. >> it is like the guy goes for blind date and he opens by asking the girl would you like to have sex with me. >> that's donald trump to you? >> yeah. politicians in china are all like play safe. it is a huge contrast. and that's what brought him into the spotlight. >> he got a million views online for a video. >> if china wants to damage america why would we come up with a climate change hoax. we'll just support donald trump. >> the president tweeted taking aim at beijing. trump writes did china ask us if
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it was okay? twitter is blocked in china but users find their way around the country's firewall with an #ask trump first. it is spawning snarky responses like ask trump first if it's okay to make chinese air quality great again. >> he's a internet troll running for president and now he's president elect. >> reporter: a controversial phone call with taiwan's leader, actions that sparked concern for the communist party leader whose consider taiwan a break-away province. a style that fuels fascination among chinese people.
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when you talk to his supporters here what do they tell you that they like about president elect trump? >> because you know he's a -- domestic issue. his policy obviously america first. so pretty similar with something most of the chinese people's mind set. we only care about ourselves. >> thanks to alice for joining us. ac 360 starts now. >> good evening. another night, another stop in the so called thank you tour. as his cabinet picks continue to come in. cnn has learned giuliani was told this week he's not getting the job. official statement is giuliani removed himself from consideration. and the ceo of exxon mobile is also getting a look for secretary of
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