tv New Day Saturday CNN December 10, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PST
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going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. it was an unprecedented cyberattack, order by senior russian leadership on the u.s. election. trump repeatedly praised russia during his campaign. he's continued to express doubts, even now, that he has access to top u.s. sbel against as the president-elect. telling "time" this week, i don't believe they interfered. that became a laughing point, not a talking point. a laughing point. >> two of trump's top supporters are no longer in running for jobs. chris christie and rudy giuliani. >> perhaps the most significant
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development, that confession video of dylann roof. i. >> i went to that church in charleston. i did it. good morning. welcome to saturday. we're always so grateful to have you here. i'm christi paul. look who's back? victor black. >> new reports that russia meddled in the election to help trump win. >> this comes after president obama ordered a full review of any russian yan-related hacking. overnight, trump's team is offering a sharp pushback. >> saying quote, these are the same people that said saddam hussein had weapons of mass
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destruction. this is threatening a feud between the top agencies and the president-elect white house. we're getting phew reaction from moscow. we'll get to that in a moment. let's bring in eugene scott and tom lobianco. good morning. the strategy behind this statement. just three sentences. unsigned. what -- what is the -- the calculation here from the trump folks? >> it's a continuation of donald trump's message during the campaign that he believes he knows more than the intelligence community. that's a hard sell to make at this point, given that we know he only is getting about once a week president daily briefs gnat would give him more information about national security globally. that statement is inaccurate. these are not the same people that were heading the departments when the bush administration was in place. this is new information and new revelations about what is happening abroad. >> tom, i talk t about the
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possibility that this would cause a feud between the intelligence community and the incoming trump white house. these are the career folks. could there be some real life and death important consequence to this what looks to be the beginning of a feud? >> sure. well, it's up to the president to decide, you know, who he wants to listen to. among his advisers. among the executive branch. you know, it was fascinated -- we're talking about russia meddling in the former soviet union. by all accounts, putin, a former kgb agent, right, involved here. all right in our election. this is absolutely shocking. what trump decides to do with it is up to him. but by all accounts, there's been some level of impact here. as eugene pointed out this is not the same people who made the
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assessments in iraq on weapons of mass destruction. but, again, it's up to the president to decide who he wants to listen to. and, as truman used to say, the buck stops at his desk. >> eugene, this continues a theme that we have seen, not just from donald trump since the launch of his campaign. during the transition, suggesting he would have won, or actually won the popular vote except for the millions of people who voted illegally, aufring no evidence. he again, here is saying that russia is not involved. but offers no evidence. have we heard anything from the trump transition team since this statement came out offering some evidence to refute what we have heard from more than a dozen federal agencies? >> we have not. but ironically, we do have more evidence from the intelligence community backing up what they believe to be hacking associated
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with the russian government. there is so direct connection to wikileaks. there's nothing to prove that what donald trump believes to be the case is actually what happened. >> let me come back to you, tom. what we're hearing from michael hayden. the excia boss on trump. to have the president-elect of the united states simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community it thes together because it conflicted with his apry yorery assumptio assumptions, wow. the data matters. he continues to reject the russians did it and claims it was poll lit sized intelligence. he believes there is a political angle to any claim that russia was involved. >> you have to remember where trump is right now. anything that looks back on if
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election is not good for him. you know, to the strife between the intelligence community. particularly a lot of top former republican brass coming out homeland security, national security, intelligence areas that had gotten on board with the clinton campaign, there's probably still sore feelings there. without a dueoubt. the other thing going on. anything that looks back on the election, and calls into question the results, what had an impact, the trump campaign say this is was the nation rising up. massive shift in, you know, priorities on the ground. all right. that's what -- the story they want to tell. anything that goes against that is bad for them. anything that says a foreign nation was interfering and helped get him elected, it sounds terrible for him. >> this comes on the same day that president obama orders a
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fuel review of russia's involvement or interference in the election. even if something is found, that may be where it ends. thank you both. >> thank you. we're getting reaction from the kremlin this morning. jill doherty. former cnn moscow bureau chief joining us live. jill, always good to see you. i understand you received a text there the kremlin spokesman dmitri pet kof. what did he say? >> what the russians have beeen saying all along, essentially. prove it. he says they're not new conclusions. seems like naked blaming. no evidence to be based on. he says it looks to be an attempt to influence the president-elect with a certain negative image of our country. the foreign minister said the same thing. we the russians have asked for
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details from the americans that they won't provide. again, where is the evidence? the difficulty here, as a lot of people know, is that the united states really would have grave difficulty in saying precisely how it got this information. it would reveal sources and methods and ways that the united states has of getting information about russia in a lot of different ways. and they don't want to reveal that. so the russians are very aware of that. they -- everyone kind of does the same thing on some level. they know that the americans can't give this data. completely. so that's obama's dilemma right now. he's saying collect all the information. i want it by the time the inauguration. before the inauguration. but, will they reveal all of it? they may not be able to reveal all of it. this could continue to roil and go along as it's been going.
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>> we look at the russian response, the latest russian response from dmitry peskov, there's no conclusion, no evidence. seems like a deflection asserting that the u.s. administration, the current administration or perhaps the n int intel, current intel are attempting to taint donald trump's view of russia. has anyone from russia come out and said, we did not do this? has that verbiage been used? >> the government has said, we are not doing this. right from the begin, they're say, we didn't do this. then the next thing is, and prove, if you have some information, give it to us. but i think, what's happening here is, and the phrase has been used, you know, this is a new threshold. and people don't really know how this could all turn out. say the united states really
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decides it wants to retaliate. and it has said, vice president biden has said, we'll do something in our own time. but, what do you do? do you take some type of action that could really send a message? you know, by taking down electric systems or something? or do you out the people responsible? these -- it's a very serious decision. by the president. whoever that will be, to take some response. >> serious and delicate. no doubt. you answered my next question. jill dougherty, thank you. a shutdown was avoided last night when a budget billionaire roily passed through the senate. democratic senators planned to block the bill unless it incl e included an extension for benefits for retired coal miners.
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an eerie confession from a mass shooter who taughted a church. dylann roof laughing, while telling the fbi, i did it. the bizarre confession tape and why he says somebody had to do it. that's next. fornia walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at mcould be great on the outside,k ofnot so great on the inside. her advice? strengthen both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated to strengthen teeth inside... ...and is better at strengthening the outside... ...than colgate total. my check-up was great. my hygienist told me to try... ...a mouthwash. so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath.
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get unlimited everything ...and we'll give you $800 to spend anywhere you want. hurry to t-mobile and get your holidays on us. 14 minutes past the hour. the words eerie. bizarre. evil. those are just some of the words used to describe the disturbing confession of accused gunman dylann roof. >> this alleged mass gunman wasted no time admitting to slaughtering a group of worshippers. he's confessed to the killings at the mother emanuel church in
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south carolina. you see him slowly leaving. some of what you're about to hear from dylann roof in this initial fbi interview is absolutely disturbing. >> i went to that church in charleston and -- uh -- you -- i -- i did it. >> did what? >> whoa. i had to do it. because somebody had to do something. because you know, black people are killing white people every day. >> so you're deal, is it like -- >> to agitate race relations. >> to make it worse. >> right. >> just make things better.
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>> but in your mind, making things better, right, because you said in the begins, going back to segregation, white people are -- white people would need to be running the country, right? >> yeah, sure. >> right. i mean, like no more black presidents. no more black politicians, right? >> no more black president, sure. we don't need a black president. >> roof admitted that he drank a little just before visiting the church. he sat with his victims during bible study for about 15 minutes before that slaughter. he fired 70 rounds. a dozen people. here are their faces. they had their eyes closed as they stood for prayers. nine of them were killed. >> roof faces 33 federal charges, including hate crimes. he could be executed if convicted. your first reaction, to this confession that we hear.
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>> well, it's -- difficult. it's sad. we knew that dylann roof was disturbed. but when you hear his words. the words that come out of his mouth, it -- it's even more troublesome. you try to identify or figure out why someone that young has the hate in his heart of george wallace. and when you hear how he identified with white nationalism. you look at some of the platforms that individuals are giving today. some of the messages coming out of people's mouths today, you raeltz dylann roof's not alone. that's probably the scariest thing. >> i want to play another bit of sound here. he was talking about sitting with these people for about 15 minutes and what he was thinking about in that period of time. let's listen. >> i was sitting there and i was
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just like thinking about whether i should do it or not. that's why i was sitting there for 15 minutes. just like, oh, you know, because i now e couldn't have just walked out. they didn't say anything to me about the thing on my belt. i wouldn't say spur of the moment. but i just finally decide i had i had to do it. >> from a legal perspective, does that establish premeditation? >> this isn't a case about whodunit. this is one of the more difficult questions that many people in america are going to have to grasp with, including myself, which is whether or not someone believes in the death penalty, if, in fact, you do, this is the case that fits that. dylann's never shied away from whether or not he did it. from the malice in his heart. from the fact that this was a hate crime. and so this is -- you know, even
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more difficult because you're dealing with a callous individual who killed nine people. you had three survivors. and so, this is not -- we don't have to worry about a slager-like verdict in this case. and i'm referring to the walter scott shooting. this is simply whether roof dies for his crimes or not. >> he's representing himself. what does that tell you about his mind set? and how involved will defense attorneys be? >> they're very involved. he has some of the pre-eminent death penalty lawyers in the entire country at his side. this will be tied up for years and years and years on appeal. however, i'll tell you one of the more difficult things that many of us in south carolina are having to deal with is the simple fact that dylann roof gets to use this platform for the next week or two to talk about his views. first. and second, he's interviewing or
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examining or bringing to the witness stand many of the same people that were in the room the night that he committed the slaughter. i think he's in for a rude awak awakening. felicia sanders, poly sheppard, two women i know, they're very strong. they were in the room that night. they survived. i think he'll have a rude awakening when he attempts to cross these individuals and talk about the hate that's in his heart. let me just say that the women in this -- the survivors and the families in this case, probably some of the strongest individuals that we have ever seen. and, they're the reason that charleston hasn't fallen apart and that i have strength every day when you're faced with this type of hate. >> bakari sellers, thank you for your insight and reminding us
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about the strength of the victims. you're right on so many levels here. it is, at the end of the day, because he's not disputed anything, really. it's about keeping him off death row. we'll have to see if that happens. thank you so much. >> thank you. let's turn and take you to baltimore now for the annual army-navy game. coy wire can't wait. he's got a -- i think it's a questionable decision. 30 degrees there in baltimore. >> victor, you know us hairless men need to keep our heads warm. coming up, the army-navy game. we'll hear from one of the greatest navy players of all time. and see one of the coolest traditions of the many here at the army-navy game. from baltimore, coming up. are online right now, searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer,
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(vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. (both) yes! (vo) with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't use. and right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only $40 per line. and, just for the holidays, get the motoz play droid absolutely free. no trade-in required. i love you in that, no, i love you in that. no, i love you in that! (vo) hurry, these offers end soon. get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. so we're a week away from the first day of winter. >> by the calendar. >> step outside. >> only on the calendar. yeah, freezing temperatures are
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taking the u.s. by storm. great writing there. has nearly 10 million people throughout the west brace frd a winter storm. there are warnings and watches going into next week. cnn meteorologist alison chinchar. i came back from a place where i had packed my jackets. i came back in shorts and received a rude awakening. >> that would not work for you today. mother nature has not gotten the memo that winter starts next week. she's a week early. we start in the west. the system makes its way toward the east. we have millions under some type of winter watch or advisory from today to wednesday. the system begins to shift later today or tonight. earlier this week, in states like michigan, ohio,
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pennsylvania, we had multicar pileups. some of which were deadly. we could go through the same stereo again today and tomorrow because this is actually a much more potent system than the one that we had a few days ago. that will likely have at least a few issues. now, in terms of the total amounts, some of these areas could be looking at impressive snowfall accumulations. 8 to 12 inches. great lakes, as much as 20 inches of rain. one of the other things to keep in mind of, the football games taking place starting tomorrow. one is the browns game. this may end up being one of the snowiest games in cleveland history. the previous record was 3.7 inches. we're forecasting five inches for tomorrow. ohio fans are used to it. they're playing the bengals. that should help a little bit. we've been talking the cold temperatures as well. we have the big dip of air starting today. notice the pinks and the white
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region coming down into portions of the midwest. look at the blue coming down to cities like atlanta and nashville. retreats a little monday and tuesday. then notice how much further south that cold air comes next week. that's right. we're going to get a colder blast of air. maybe doubling some of the temperatures in terms of below average by the time we get to wednesday of the upcoming week. >> we're feeling the blue. >> yes. >> it's christmas. >> well, georgia? >> thank you, alison. donald trump already backing away from one of his campaign promises. take a listen here. [ chanting "lock her up" ] >> that plays great before the election. now, we don't care. we'll tell you why he doesn't want hillary clinton investigated anymore.
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ah, family holiday party, huh greg? at least with directv from at&t, you can download then watch your dvr'ed shows anywhere. that makes you more powerful than your gene pool. i'll trade you the candy cane for the eggnog. deal. or aunt jaxie's lack of boundaries. or uncle terry's over-commitment to holiday cheer. pretty good hiding place, gotta say.
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farm fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipes, delivered to your door for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery welcome to saturday. we have been waiting for you. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. president obama is waking up in new york and will head to the army-navy game in hours. he'll meet with cia designate mike pompeo. all this after he dismissed that the russian government was
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behind cyberattacks to help donald trump win. >> it says these are the same people that said saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. it's now time to move on and make america great again. this statement was issued after president obama launched a full review into cyberattacks by russia. the president wants it done before he leaves office in january. we should point out russia insist there is is, quote no evidence of hacking. we still have a couple of weeks before inauguration day. donald trump is seemingly going back on one of his campaign promises. you'll remember he promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton for using a private e-mail server. it happened during one of the debates. listen to what he said at one of the thank you rallies just last night. [ crowd chanting "lock her up").
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>> that plays great before the election. now, we don't care. >> he's talking about that so-called war on christmas and claims that people have stopped saying merry christmas. watch this. >> and merry christmas, everybody. merry christmas. right? merry christmas. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. they reminded me. we're going to start saying merry christmas again. [ cheers and applause ] how about all those department stores? they have the bells and they have the red walls and they have the snow. but they don't have merry christmas. i think they're going to start putting up merry christmas, merry christmas. >> all right. let's talk about this. let's bring in cnn politics reporter eugene scott and
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politics reporter tom lobianco. trump says he doesn't feel strongly about prosecuting clinton anymore. we don't care about that now. people in the audience still care. >> absolutely. i mean this is -- you put -- maybe three or four things out there that defined his campaign. that's right up there with building the wall. one of those things where you kind of can't go back on it. so, the thing that i'm watching for at least is how will crowds start to react when they realize that, okay this is not on the table anymore. this really isn't? there's sort of a dynamic that we're still getting used to as political reporters, which is the words aren't always as literal in his -- when he's using them. but the -- in the crowds, and his supporters, they don't take them literally, they take him seriously. what will happen when it becomes
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serious to them that he's not going to go after her? it think that remains to be seen. >> eugene, is there any evidence that there will be any consequence for donald trump pulling away from that promise he maid that he'll appoint a special prosecutor? >> if you saw only of the crowd's reaction, they just laughed as he said, oh, that played well during the campaign, but not so much right now. i think many of his supporters, especially the base, are just glad he won. i don't know if they wanted to see this fold through. most would have liked to have seen hillary clinton have to face more prosecution or even persecution for her activity. i think this is something that they'll baseball to let go if he holds tight to many of the other promises that he's made. it seems like there's a chance he may not do that. >> tom, let me come to you with the reporting from "the new york
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times." they're reporting at the top of the trump transition team's list is rex tillerson for secretary of state. the president of exxon-mobil. i want to play for you what he said about his role as a businessman and not representing the u.s. government. let's watch this. from the university of texas just a couple of months ago. >> host governments, resource owners, whether it's russia or yemen or wherever, middle east, make sure they understand that i'm not the u.s. government. i am an american company, and i will be bound by the laws of the united states and other countries. and i'm going to follow those laws. but i'm not here to represent the united states government's interests. i'm not here to defend it nor am i here to criticize it. that's not what i do. i'm a businessman. >> now, if he goes back to these countries as the top diplomat
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for the u.s., as the secretary of state, there will be some obvious complications, some difficulties now making that turn from businessman to the voice of the president as we're seeing with donald trump. >> sure. you know, traditionally, secretary of state top diplomats, the type of job where, by definition, you have been constrained. you're constrained by all the international dynamics at play. look back just a week ago to the call of the taiwanese president. the fallout from that. these are the kinds of things where, yeah, you're kind of locked in. then again, that's tradition. who is to say that will continue to be the case with trump? i do think however, if you don't play by that book, you're likely to face more problems like the fallout with china from this call with taiwan. the taiwanese president. that's the kind of thing you have to watch out for.
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obviously, the exxon ceo is incredibly sharp. he knows what he's doing. but, he's not coming out of that world. he's not coming out of fog by b -- foggy bottom as they say about here. >> one of the names off the slis rudy giuliani. let's go back a couple of weeks ago. it seems like much longer than that. this is what he said when there was discussion about his name being in the hat for secretary of state. >> they reported that the choice for secretary of state in a trump administration is down to rudolph giuliani, john bolton. we don't have john here tonight. i'm going to ask you questions about -- >> john would be a very good choice. >> is there anybody better? >> maybe me. i don't know. >> a lot of confidence there from the former mayor. now he's off the list.
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he says that at least the campaign said he removed himself from consideration. is that the full story? >> not according to our reporting. he probably still does think that he's the better option. it's just probably not something that the campaign agrees with him on. we have reporting that says that he was told previously before the announcement came out that he would not be selected. look, the thing is, this is not as big of a deal as some people perhaps think it is. you can still be a very informal adviser and be very effective and have the ear of the top leader without being in the cabinet. i believe there is a bit of disappointment. this is the position that he wanted. i don't think we'll see a huge departure between giuliani and trump. i believe they're going to the army-navy game together any way. >> the producers are keeping us on time. they're giving me the wrap. i want to get into why later on in the show. thank you both. it's called the greatest rivalry in sports. army versus navy.
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guess who got a good ticket to that? coy wire. >> good morning to you, christi. victor. 1890 is when this storied rivalry began. there have been ten presidents to come see this game. the game is awesome. wait until you hear about some of the traditions and antics leather leading up to the game. we caught up with some of the folks that ran the game ball all the way here to baltimore. wait until you hear that coming up after the break.
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you know it's one of the oldest, most heated rifleries in college football. army and navy meeting for the 117th time this afternoon. >> coy wire is in baltimore with all of the pomp and circumstance. and the tradition around the game. >> he lost his hat. >> he got rid of the hat. hey, coy. >> you made me second-guess myself. you said it was a questionable decision. you're a fashionable guy, victor. i heed your word. to quote the 34th president of the united states, and commander of the army, dwight eisenhower. he said the army and the navy are the best of friends 364 1/2 days of the year. on this one saturday afternoon, they're the worst of enemies. we caught up with one of the greatest navy players of all time, keenen reynolds. a member of the baltimore ravens. we asked him his thoughts on this historic rivalry. >> the army-navy game in many
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opinion is the biggest and best rivalry in all of sports, really. what it means to both sides. it's the biggest thing that you learn as a pleb walking in, is to beat army. the high note of my career at the naval academy. nothing feels better than running on that field with hi teammates. my prediction is obvious. it will be navy in a rout. beat army! >> well, hey, hey, hey, victor, look what i found. i found myself a nice, cozy hat. i'm warm now. one of the things that warms up the rivalry are the traditions. up with of those is the running of the game ball. yesterday, the 13th company of mid shipmen, they ran the game ball 88 miles from annapolis, at the naval academy, through washington, d.c., all the way here last night to baltimore to deliver the ball they'll use in the game. just one of the coolest parts of the many traditions in this
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rivalry. this is an opportunity today, guys, to watch the men who salute us but now we can salute them. it's the only college football game on in the country. the game is at 3:00. president-elect donald trump will be here. splitting sidelines. half for naifr i have. half for army. so as not the choose sides. can't wait to share more with you. >> you look great in the hat. don't let anybody tell you otherwise. we'll be right back. >> they do it for the rest of us. they're a reminder of what's good in the world and what it
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donald trump's wife melania says she'll not be moving to washington initially. ivanka, however, is planning to move to the capital. which leads to a question, writes kate anderson brower, on cn, who exactly will be the first lady come noon january 20th. the answer, i think is now one. melania may prefer to remain in new york. it doesn't make ivanka the de facto first lady. kate anderson brower with us now. kate, good to see you. give us your first take on when you heard melania was not coming to washington immediately. is that really that uncommon, for a mom with a child? >> it is. in modern times. we haven't had a first lady do that. jackie kennedy was not particularly excited about moving to washington and uprooting her family. she did it. she left to go to virginia as often as she could to ride her
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horses. bess presumen wz nout a fan of being in washington. a list of first ladies who haven't enjoyed the job and have been kind of commuting from their homes back and forth to the white house. to make the decision not to come down for the first several months. i think it's likely she will eventually. it shows her commitment to her son. it's interesting to look at ivanka trump's role. she's not going to bo the de facto first lady. i think she'll be something like we have never seen before. just like this spt something we have never seen before. to me, that's fascinating. >> you write when former vice president al gore emerged from his meeting, he made sure to tell reporters that he met with ivanka trump first but spent the bulling of the time with her father. what do you make of that? that need to say i spent my time with ivanka? >> i think for al gore, vice president, almost president himself, he doesn't what it to
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look like he just met with the president-elect's daughter. he wanted to be clear he met with the president also. the fact that she's facilitating these meetings says a lot about her power. she's house-hunting with jared kushner. friends of the trump say nobody is more trusted in that circle than jared kushner. and ivanka and her two brothers are advisers to their father. we'll see at a press conference what he intends to do to separate his business from politics. this is unchartered territory. we have had first ladies that have not been the spouse of the president. in fact, the first time the term first lady came up was in the mid 19th century. it was james bu cannon's niece. the first first lady of the land, she was called. she was not married to the president. she was his niece. we have had women serve that role that have not been the president's wife.
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i don't think it will be ivanka trump. >> kate andersen brower. we appreciate it. good to see you. >> thank you. the next hour of your new day is coming up after a short break. stay with us. what's the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a fancy juice store? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. (both) yes!
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4:00 am
in charleston. i did it. certainly a lot to unpack with you this morning. welcome to saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. one of the oldest, most revered rivalries in college football kicks off this afternoon. guess who is there? one mr. coy wire. >> it's a balmy 29 degrees. we'll hear from some of the players. one of the cool traditions. new uniforms for the game. i'm not sure whose are cooler, since victor blackwell is already playing fashion police this morning. and yes, my decisions are questionable. >> it's just the hat. we'll get to that in a moment. let's get to president-elect donald trump offering a stunning rejection of u.s. intelligence after
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