tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 13, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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this. so we want everybody to watch tonight at 9:00. >> the c cnn special report the murder of jonbenet. tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for me. i'm wolf blifrtser in the situation room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. bracing for battle. republicans claiming donald trump's pick for secretary of state as trump names rick perry the head of the department he once famously forgot. and who is giving trump his daily briefings? is he the reason trump is so skeptical of the cia? and free peach or hate speech? let's go "outfront." i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight the breaking news. donald trump is about to speak
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live in wisconsin tonight, taking his victor tour to a state pretty much everybody predicted he would lose, appearing with wisconsin's own speaker of the house paul ryan. trump's plane, he's expected to walk off any moment there on the tarmac in wisconsin. history rally is outside milwaukee. and it comes as trump is facing a battle even within his own party over his new cabinet picks. newest coming out today for secretary of the interior. a former navy seal. he was an early trump supporter. he also formally announcing his secretary of state pick, exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson. and marco rubio, john mccain, lindsay graham and --.
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ed. >> frankly, i would never accept an award from vladimir putin. because then you kind of give some credence and credibility to this butcher. this kgb agent, which is what he is. >> secretary of energy today. the former texas governor rick perry who of course you may remember he forgot the name of the department he was picked to run. do you expect trump to respond at all to the reaction to rex tillerson at that rally where you are tonight? >> well, erin have talked to aides of donald trump who say yes the president elect will be talking up the man he has select forward secretary of state rex tillerson. aides to the president elect are not looking back to this election that occurred on november 8th. ol although later on tonight we're going to be seeing paul
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ryan on stage. the aides to the president elect, they are looking forward to what could be a very pivotal battle up on capitol hill over the selection of his secretary of state. donald trump is facing a gusher of questions over his pick of exxon ceo rix tillerson for secretary of state. trump aides are already crafting their defense of tillerson. who's forged such a close relationship with vladimir putin that he accepted a friendship award from russia just three years ago. >> i think if we want to get things done in russia we need somebody with a relationship not just with putin but other world leaders. >> praise from gop heavyweights bic dick cheney. others are all expressing doubts. rubio said in a statement while
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rex tiller osama bin ladson is businessman, i have serious concerns about his nomination. it could give democrat an opening to probe further. >> more interested in trying to figure out what happened, how it halide. this is a fight for soul of our democracy. >> in the same way we agree no one should interfere with our elections. we should equally agree that donald trump won resoundedly. he'll be the next president. >> reporter: and tillerson as an oil man who sound the alarm over climate change. >> the risk posed by rising greenhouse gas emissions could prove to be significant. so been our view for some time it is prudent to take action.
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>> and topping rick perry to become secretary of energy. perry recently an nrnltic contestant on "dancing with the stars" once famously forgot he wanted to eliminate the energy department in a debate. let's see. i can't. i can't. the third one i can't i'm sorry. trump says he's so business scheduling for this week. instead the president elect tweeted two of his children, don and eric plus executives will manage them. and no new deals will be done while he's in office. i don't want to do deals. i want to focus on this. >> and cnn has confirmed that donald trump has tapped ryan zege to be his next interior secretary. and other auditions at trump tower in manhattan today. we understand karina pearson was there to pitch herself for press
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secretary, as well as other administration positions. >> audition i guess is the right word given what we're seeing in all the public discussion when you get your picture taken coming down that elevator. could rex tillerson's nomination be stopped? this is a crucial position, perhaps the most. do the democrats have enough power to block tillerson's nomination or not? >> by themselves they don't. however if enough republicans defect and vote no, they could block the nomination. and all they need is three republicans to defect on the floor of the senate and then rex tillerson may not be the next secretary of state. already four republicans voicing some level of concern about tillerson's ties to russia. on the foreign relations
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committee the net margin is everyone narrower. ten republicans to nine democrats. only one republican needs to defect. and already marco rubio who sits on that committee says he has very serious concerns. we're going to look after other wild cards on the committee. rand paul of kentucky. but the democrats are so far united signaling they are probably going to object and oppose his nomination. >> pretty amazing. and we're going to be talking about to rand paul in a moment, and see what he says to that question. but you know this also comes as the senate foreign relations committee chairman bob horker who is of course also in the running to be secretary of state now says he's going to go ahead and look into whether russia. >> he didn't say that was his motivation. i talked to him earlier today. he planned to launch this some time ago he said. this is going to be the third senate committee to go after, to dig into what happened in russia
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and its involvement in the elections. and earlier ahead had a chance to talk to jake tapper about why. >> i think any time we have a country that is attempting to discredit our democracy, it is an important issue for us to pursue. that goes to his benefit. that is what he's trying to achieve. >> the committee is going to work quickly in january to try to confirm tillerson assuming there is enough support to get it done by january 90, by the time that donald trump takes office. i asked bob corker. and praised him. called him a great joyce. he also didn't know about hi views of russia. so expect that to be brought up in the proceedings. up next. dr. rand paul. thank you for being with me tonight. senator, you have said you are
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going to reserve judgment on rex tillerson's nomination. what do you need to find out about him? >> you know have an open mind. i want someone who agrees with what donald trump said he campaigned on. and that was that regime change hasn't worked or made us safer and the iraq war was a mistake and the i don't know about tillerson. but i think those are important because if we don't learn from the mistakes of the iraq war we'll continue to repeat those same mistakes. i think donald trump gets that and i want his secretary of state to also. >> you have been vocal in your criticism of that war. obviously exxon mobil was able 20 go in after that war. but rex tillerson is going to be secretary of state and a different role. secretary of state condaleezza rice pushed. dick cheney praising tillerson. does that give you any pause? these were two of the biggest
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defenders of the iraq war now supporting tillerson. >> we'll have to wait and see. i definitely will ask. the one person come up for secretary i know i'm opposed to john bolton. tillerson, i don't know yet. so i will ask those questions. and think for donald trump's sake he should want to pick with someone who actually agrees with him and has the world view. >> you have also been very critical of vladimir putin, senator. you wrote the president, russia's president should be isolated for his actions. you wrote this in time. you continued to conclude with let me be clear. if i were president i wouldn't let vladimir putin get away with it. rex tillerson is very close to the russian president. they did a major deal together. marco rubio came out and tweeted being a friend of vladimir is
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not an tribute i'm hoping for from secretary of state. john mccain came out even stronger than that. here he is. >> anybody who's a friend of vladimir putin must disregard the fact that vladimir putin is a murderer, a thug, a kgb agent. >> are they right? is what they are saying fit with your point of view? >> i think we may be overstating the friendship aspect of this. he got some award called friendship award or whatever. but the thing is he's the ceo of a major international company. and his job is to make deals. and he's been -- i think he's made deals with 50 different countries. i don't think that means that he accep accepts putin's world view or is a supporter of any of that. i suspect that donald trump will negotiate from a position of strength in any diplomacy. but i do want a diplomat who talks. i want to diplomat who's open to negotiation. so really that is what i'm
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looking for. not someone who's going to be easy on russia. but someone who understands the carrot and the stick approach to diplomacy. so i think you have to be determined and i'm going to keep an open mind on it. >> he you sit on the foreign relations committee. today your chairman said he's going to review russia's hacking of the elections. and the cia's conclusion that russia hacked the election with the goal of helping him win is false. he has been categorical about that. here he is. >> i think it is ridiculous. i think it is just another excuse. i don't believe it. >> is senator corker right to launch the review? or is the president elect right that this is ridiculous? >> i think we need to be aware that countries that can do cyberattacks do. and the majority of nations that have the capability have doing it each other as we speak. so we have to be prepared and defend for that. i do think there are a certain amount of the sour grapes in
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this and people trying to make excuses for hillary clinton's loss. in kentucky, 70% of eastern kentucky vote forward donald trump but i don't think it had anything to do with the russians. it had do with the disagreement on the regulatory war on coal that cost us 20,000 jobs. so that kind of goes back to the point if she'd have had the e-mail on a government server maybe they couldn't have hacked in her e-mail. i don't know. there are a lot of things that needed to be looked in too. but i think we should let the election be over and there are winners and losers and let that be. and let's try to work on some things for the betterment of the country now. >> you sound very gracious about donald trump. you are open to rex tirlszen. you are open to his views on the cia. but of course paul, you and donald trump clashed aggressively during the campaign. our viewers may have forgotten some of this. but i haven't. and i want to play a little bit. >> first of all, rand paul
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shouldn't even be on the stage. he's number 11. he's got 1% in the polls. >> he isn't a person for whom we should be showing respect. he's a person for whom we should be showing disdain. >> is donald trump, president elect donald trump someone senator paul that you were going to be able to work with now. >> obviously campaigns are rough and tumble and we had our moments but yes i think i will be. i worked with president obama. i am who i am no matter republican or democrat president. i've also vowed i'm not voting for a republican budget no matter who's for it and it never leads to balance. and that is going to happen on january 3rd when we come back here. so i am someone who represents a conservative state. consive budgets and also someones who believes in some of the things donald trump that is talked about in foreign policy that we should have less intervention overseas. >> thank you. appreciate your time tonight. >> and "outfront" next the man giving trump his daily
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intelligence briefings doesn't work for the cia. he works for trump. is he why trump is slamming america's spies. and a college professor receiving death threats after calling something from trump an act of terror. jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be.
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we'd keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. hearing today trump is getting getting three intelligence abbreviatibriefing. barbara starr is "outfront." >> reporter: the open warfare between trump and the cia has long been festering. but where did the bad feelings come from? many say look no further than trump national security advisor michael flynn. >> i'm deadly certain we cannot win this war unless we are free
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to call our enemies by name. radical islamists and failed tyrants. >> his convictions have only grown since he was forced out of the defense intelligence agency in 2014 by director of national intelligence james clapper. flynn has also expressed his views that the intelligence community is too political. especially the cia in the fight against terrorism. in 2010 while still serving as a senior officer he published an article criticizing the state of u.s. intelligence operations in afghanistan. intelligence officials also say the day under flynn wanted more access to documents on osama bin laden. intelligence officials say everyone had full access. cnn has learned the cia was so furious at flynn for publicly disclosing shortfalls, it complained to the pentagon which had signed off on what flynn
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wrote. >> flynn looks at the cia because it is a civilian agencicious he looks at it a with a great deal of suspicious. >> the way i look at this is that the cia is not as political as general flynn thinks it is. the cia is very much in tune with a lot of the developments around the world. >> for its part, many in the intelligence community are aghast at some of flynn's outside of the mainstream views he has shared with trump. >> islam is a political ideology. it is a political ideology. it hides behind this notion of it being a religion. i don't see a lot of people screaming jesus christ with hatchets or machetes or rifles shooting up clubs or hatcheting or literally axing families on a train. >> now general flynn has also said he knows that there are
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signs in arabic on america's border with mexico pointing the way for potential terrorists to enter the united states. erin that is a claim that's never been verified. >> barbara starr, thank you very much. and in fact the other day we were talking to the head of the border control union who supported sentiments on that issue. worried about illegal immigration from the muslim world to the southern border but said he absolutely seen no science on that border at any point. joining me now. trump is getting briefings three times a week. and general is flynn is getting them every day and going to trump. that makes him incredibly influential. >> yeah. for this point of the pre
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presidency. obvious whi once donald trump is in the white house he'll have a lot of people around him that have also be able to get his ear. but for this period of time michael flynn is the filter donald trump is getting a lot of intelligence information through. and a lot of this stuff is going to be new that donald trump. this is not his background. so he's going to be getting some of this information for the first time through the lens of michael flynn and he's not necessarily a reliable lens. reports he used to be known for his flynn facts. it is a little unusual. >> someone i know who has briefed michael flynn several times. one comment, on the issue of briefing. general flynn has almost no idea what he's talking about on most geopoliticals outside of the narrow scope of the counterterrorism. everything comes through that one very narrow lens. is that a good thing? >> well probably not. i think common sense will tell you it is not.
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we're early in on this. as phillip mentioned. as the administration grows. and sort of starts to meld together and web together. trump will likely broaden his point of view. one of the things that i do know about trump is that he is incredibly curious but he's also very prone to changing his mind all the time. so he might take flynn's -- flynn right now has his trust and might take his word for what it's worth at this moment. but i also think he's adaptable to learning new things from other people if he feels he's not getting the broadest amount of information he should be getting. >> what are you hearing? >> people i talked to roll their eyes when you talk about flynn. and they are very concerned. and let's remember, flynn is one
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of donald trump's first choices. and that, i'm told, general mattis, one of his conditions for taking the job was that he would have a direct line to donald trump. and he will. and as phillip said, this is going to change after january 20th. >> look. general mat sis a hugely respected figure. the difference is proximity to power. the national security advisor is in the white house. every day with the president. and if you have a president who's liable to make statements or decisions based on who he last spoke to. the national security advisor is far and away the first among equals. general flynn is a hugely accomplished counterterrorism lead general. if he butted heads with other intelligence agencies in that effort.
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that may be a future not a bud. the problem is when he wades in to things he doesn't have a firm grasp on that is a real problem. and he surrounds himself with good people that may mitigate but i would say that mattis will be able to keep flinn in check. >> and on this issue. general flynn has more than once spoken about islam and he does not distinguish. and it is clear he's chosen not to distinguish between radical islam and broader islam. here he is. >> we are facing another ism. just like we face natsism and fascism and the imperialism and more. this is islamism. and it is a vicious cancer inside the body of 1.7 billion people on this planet and it has to be excised. >> could that kind of thinking get into donald trump's head by the way the donald trump who originally proposed an overriding ban on muslims can
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which he's since backed down on. >> well nuance is certainly dead in that conversation. yes it is possible that it could get in his head. but the one thing i've noticed in trump not only in covering him but also the people who surround him, is he loves to get various points of view. he loves to bounce different ideas off someone. so you and he are both having conversation and you tell him something. black is the new color for ties. and he says okay. i'll buy a tie. but then he goes and talks to the next person and not wearing a black tie. don't be ridiculous. he'll absorb that. e has no problem changing his mind. and that is a thing that is hopeful in this situation. >> could be a really good thing and a really bad thing. you want someone to change their mind but not on whatever it was the last person said to them. next.
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kyung lah is "outfront." >> that is professor olga cox lecturing not on the day's lesson but trump's election. >> it is an act of terrorism. and one of the most frightening things for me and most people in my life is the people committing the assault are among us. >> reporter: the professor's work is now fuel for conservatives, outnumbered on this liberal california campus. >> we obviously feel at times we're ignored. water opinions don't really matter. they should not be bullied. they should not be faced ridicule. >> reporter: the republican club posted the video from the anonymous student. fury followed. threatening e-mails to professor cox. people like you will be the first ones slaughtered. students supporting the teacher
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blame one person. >> this all happened since trump. >> trump has given young conservatives a powerful voice at typically left-leaning college campuses. republicans think twice before speaking up on this campus. >> how many of you are reluctant to share your political believes on campus? so almost everybody. >> the berkeley republican clubs trump cutout was eventually left in tatters by vandals. post election they say they face open hostility and it is only getting worse. many say disagreement is a part of learning. >> the faculty at orange coast college do not believe that student such fragile beings that they need to be coddled or they need safe space where is they don't hear the political views they disagree with. >> why didn't the student just talk to the professor and have a
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exchange of ideas like the classroom should be. >> right. but when the teacher is not allowing anybody to have that dialogue. really making sure that they have a perception that every single person in that room is a liberal. do you really want to stand up in a roomful of your peers close to 200 students? i personally wanted. >> the professor says she's so terrified by the death threats that she's mooufved out of her e and the state temporarily. it is unclear whether the professor will be returning to the college next semester. s they have begun investigation into it, speaking with the student who recorded the video as well as the professor. >> thank you. and "outfront" now. the professor calls trump's selection an act of terror. you just heard her say that. in class free speech or would
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you go so far to say it is hate speech. >> i would say one it is hate speech. but i wouldn't go want to go go so far as being a conservative in this campus. you couldn't speak out. you could be afraid your grade is going to be effected. and if you voted for donald trump she basically says you are supporting state sponsored terrorism. and she also goes on to say we're in a civil war in this country because she didn't get her way. and this wasn't a political science class. that has nod do with her class at all. this is a rogue teacher intimidating students on a college campus and saying if you disagree with me you are a terrorist. and that is pretty shocking. she shouldn't have her job anymore. >> this is a class on sexuality or something. >> not on politics. >> i'm just shocked at every thing that ben said. the idea that this guy sitting next to me. >> not shocked that she called
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donald trump winning an act of terrorism. >> i'm shocked you support a guy who's now president elect who went on television and talked about mexicans and accused them of being rapists. who accused muslims of being terrorists. >> some muslims are terrorists. >> who bragged about sexual assaulting women and talked about pussy grabbing and you are -- >> -- [inaudible]. >> and you are offended by a little known teacher in orange orang orange -- let me finish. you are offend bade little known teacher who uv never heard of before but you are not outraged by the zillion things donald trump has said throughout the past -- what hypocrisy. >> first off let me say this. >> -- >> -- liberals always claim they are, quote, tolerant. but you are completely intolerant to anyone else winning. you are completely intolerant to
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anyone else's viewpoint. and completely intolerant to anyone who may support donald trump. and then you stay racists -- and if you have young kids in america in a college, you should be able to feel safe to actually say you vote forward donald trump without either failing a class or having a teacher say that you are a terrorist. >> i can't even wrap my head around all of the discome boblation that came out of your moth there. what really happens is it the conservatives are the primary ones saying for decades that you don't deserve safe spaces. college is supposed to be a place where you are challenged. i teach at a college -- let me finish. please let me finish. you are so worried about salespeople having an opportunity to speak. let me have an opportunity. a lot of people of color don't have opportunities to speak. r will you let me finish. lgbt don't often have a chance to speak. and college is one of those places and one single teacher
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expressing her viewpoint. -- >> [indiscernible]. >> -- the very specific question though. should she have said that? this is a question on human sexuality? whatever that means as a college class. >> shortly after the election she gave her opinion and she did it in a conciliatory faction. >> here is the rest of what she said. >> back to being a civil war. and i don't mean it in a fighting way but our nation is divided clearly as it was in civil war times. and my hope is that we will get some good leadership to help us to overcome that. >> she said very clearly i don't mean it in a fighting way. she's talking about our nation being divided -- >> -- non fighting way?
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>> donald trump said hillary clinton and barack obama were isis? was that -- >> -- [inaudible]. >> should this teacher have in the classroom come out with her own point of view? >> yes, yes, yes. >> one thing to -- >> i teach at colombia. i speak my point of view sometimes. and i also speak other points of view. but the classroom, especially the social science is a population for argument and disagreement. it is a place for debate. >> there was no debate here. >> yes it is a place to express the opinion of the professor as well. as long as everyone understands that the rules of the engagement have to be about respect -- >> -- >>[chatter]. >> i went to dartmouth in the eighties when conservatives were running the college. and i went there because it was a conservative college. i liked the idea of having a debate with people who disagree with me. i liked the dd.
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>>[chatter]. -- for conservatives like ben to sit here and complain about not having safe spaces when they are -- >> first this wasn't a debate with the teacher. this was ant safe place for the teacher. this was a teacher coming out and making it very clear that in you are a student and you vote forward donald trump that is an act of terrorism. >> that is not what she said. you have a safe place in the classroom. >> it is not a safe place in the classroom if you come out with your opening statement and you say that donald trump being elected is an act of terrorism. that is not a safe place. and for someone who says we don't have a place for african americans and others to talk about. what do you think it does for conservatives -- >> you are more concerned about that -- >> >>[chatter]. >> -- the most important thing. >> -- terrorists. >> -- than what a small town professor says at orange county and you are more concerned about this one latina lesbian professor than you are about the president elect of the united states. that is disgusting hypocrisy.
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>> and next kanye west at trump tower, will he perform at the inauguration. i'll ask the man whos is charged with putting it all together. and on a much lighter note. an orangutan in texas expecting a baby. you will see what's on the registry we can shop over 700,000 items from brands like samsung, kitchenaid and lego. all with low monthly payments. ♪
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tonight kanye west revealing new details about his meeting with donald trump. discussing multiple cultural issues like bullies teachers and if violence in chicago. the kanye west going to be part of the festivities that you are planning? >> no. kanye and donald are good friends. kanye is a great admirer of donald as we all are. but he's not performing. >> so you have been raising a lot of money. you have four days planned. how is the planning going is this. >> the planning is going great because i'm the best concierge and baggage claim person you can imagine. it is complicated. an inauguration is a tribute to
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the office. it is a tribute to democracy. it is a tribute to the only peaceful of partisan politics that ever happen this is way in the world. it starts on tuesday and it ends basically on saturday morning with a cadre of various events. 150 million people watching on tv and within that week 3 or 400 million watching around the world. quite an event. >> and you are planning and also working with mark burnett, producer of say the apprentice, the creator. what is mark burnett? we all know he knows how to produce a reality event. and this will be perhaps the biggest donald trump will ever be a part of. >> we have a great group of the donald's visionary friends.
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mark burnett and steve wen. and they bring a vision to silos of events and then produce them. mark has great chemistry can donald. knows him well. they did this for ten years. so he's taking one night. with stephanie wilcox, one of the great event planners in fth world. but the details are amazing. the smallest dinner is 4 or 500 people. the largest is 22,000. >> 22,000. >> yeah. and we have three of them at one time. so being a party planner is very difficult. it is better than a cabinet job because it has a beginning, a middle and an end. but to do it seamlessly and then to produce it for tv. so it is different than just having a production as you know, than having tv. and at the same time everybody is working on the transition. the president's last choices
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have been awesome. and i think he's done it with considerate and thoughtful acumen. so it is a lot going on at one time. this administration by december will vp filled 80% of the most important jobs, which is far ahead of any other administration. >> in terms of the numbers, they have filled a lot. i don't know if you just heard us. we were coming into the commercial. well trump today announced two more picks. state and interior. both are white men. so now all four of the most influential cabinet jobs all white men. president obama. there was a woman in there an african american. george w. bush, colin powell was on the list. is this an issue for trump? ? >> zero issue. first of all previous administrations had gigantic reservoirs of the candidates with which to choose. hillary could have chosen from a leagues of president obama's
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previous pick who were qualified and interested and who were available and had some experience. president elect trump started from scratch saying i'm going to find a reservoir of people who know how to use the system but are not of the system. and started from point zero. the idea was starting the main jobs with the most qualified people. diversity obviously an issue across the fabric of the tapestry. but at the beginning, getting those beginning jobs is getting the best qualified people. and it is happened. steve minuchin is an unbelievable safe set of hands. and very very smart dedicated loyalist. treasuriry. wilbur ross at commerce. rex tillerson, i think a dream pick. and all of this controversy around his relationship with russia is -- you need experienced warriors. warriors who know where the hardware is. who know what the subtlety of a
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cultural sixth sense. who know the issues of a historical sense are. who are free of the bureaucracy. so you happen to pick in this man by chance an organization that's bigger than the state department. state department has a budget of 65 billion. exxon mobil is 590 billion in assets. 65 billion in revenue. 50 countries around the world. this man has negotiated, been a diplomat, run a business and has relationships with all of those people. which only to benefit. he's not setting policy. congress is really setting policy. >> right. so it is a great opportunity. and people who think, why is russia the enemy. you need russia to solve the middle east crisis. you need them to respect the united states. but you need someone who understands how to green and harvest that respect. so i think you have to wait until the president has filled out his cabinet and then look at
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the menu of diversity and say was that proper -- >> john mccain says vladimir putin is a butcher, he's a murderer. a thug. wrong? >> i don't know. but it is irrelevant. you have to kedeal with him. is that a statement of saying we're not going deal with him? we're not going to deal with russia? donald trump is a deal maker. he's going find places he can adjust honorably and make deals and i think he's done a good job. >> up next, agony in aleppo. reports of the children executed this their homes. our special report coming you have preponderance
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a delicate cease fire in aleppo tonight. as families caught in the cross-fire have been desperately trying to escape. forces have shot and killed people in their homes including women and children. fred pleitgen is out front. >> reporter: syrian forces sweeping rebel held areas. their assault described this way by a u.n. spokesman. >> in these hours looks like a complete melt down of humanity in aleppo. >> the u.n. saying it has information that some 82 civilians, including women and children were executed by pro government forces during their advance. neither the syrian government nor russia have commented on the accusations. after weeks of bombardment and house to house combat in which the pro government forces took
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back most of the area the rebels held for years, an agreement to evacuate the remaining opposition fighters from the last small enclave they managed to hold. russia's u.n. ambassador announcing the deal. >> translator: the syrian government has established control over east lap aleppo so now the stages come for practical humanitarian initiatives. >> reporter: now a post apocalyptic nightmare. much of it reduced to rubble. samantha power laid full blame on syrian forces back by russia and iran. >> is there no act of barbarism against civilian, no act of barbarism against child that gets our your skin at least a little bit? >> reporter: some posting farewell messages online. >> maybe 300 meters away. no place now to go. >> this may be my last video?
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dl might be the last communication. >> and this little girl. 7-year-old balan amabed has emerged as the voice af aleppo. >> and erin, it really is unclear how many of those civilians actually survived that final onslaught as it was going on throughout the better of today before finally that cease fire and evacuation agreement was reached. and what's going on right now is there are buses lining up waiting to take the first batch of people out of that last area there in aleppo. the latest we're hearing is apparently it's been delayed by a few hours. in about three human resource from now they are going to bring out first and foremost those who are sick and those who are wounded but there are many others still to come in this very pivotal moment in the ongoing civil war, erin.
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you can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. a texas zoo will be holding
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a baby shower for a pregnant orangutan. they have created an unusual gift list. it is christmas. maybe you wouldn't want to help fulfill it. >> blankets and bowls and bubble bath that looks just like another baby gift registry at targeted. but this is targeted at a couple of apes and their unborn baby. may's due date is the last week in january. what mom couldn't use a food processer or a baby monitor. what is an ape to do with cds from adele, dolly parton and simon and garfunkel. who picked those? >> i did. laura cluts and another zoo
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keeper went to the store and created the list. they enjoy music. they like toys with bubbles. and there is even hula hoops and a full length mirror. >> they like to check out parts of her body she doesn't normally see. >> typical woman. if it's making her butt look big or what. >> absolutely. >> the orangutans love watching movies. they plant themselves in front of the film and watch the whole thing. but why so many air fresheners and the britney conspiracy fragrance. all of that is considered scent enrichment to spray not on the orangutans but on their things. >> so there is a chance that britney spears women's fantasy will end up their on sheets. >> so sitting around adele. ♪ from the other side
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>> smelling like britney conspiracy and relating to the ape taking care of baby tarzan. jeanne moos, cnn new york. and don't forget you can watch "outfront" anywhere, any time on cnn go. ac 360 starts right now. . tonight breaking details on how donald trump's tangs team landed on their pick of rex tillerson. and two more choices including rick perry getting the department he said he wanted to abolish. and there is a lot of people running. why did president elect trump end up selecting tillerson? >> it is an interesting back story and one that is informative as it is instructive. about why tillerson ended up being the pick. we knew all the players that were in the game. rex tiller son was not one of them until a
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