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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 18, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST

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a deadly wait. civilians in aleppo hope evacuations resume soon as winter conditions punish them even more. wrapping up the tour. donald trump makes a final stop in his swing to thank supporters. plus, winter weather's great isiah cross major u.s. highways and you can see what the drivers are up against right there. it's all ahead on "cnn newsroom." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we're live in atlanta. i'm natalie allen.
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we begin with aleppo. thousands trapped in the eastern city in freezing temperatures. they hope a new deal to evacuate them comes through. reuters is reporting the syrian government has confirmed a deal that it will hold. just on friday, the last evacuations were suspended. the new deal is more complicated. syria and its ally, iran, want the two towns on the lower left of this map also to be evacuated. those towns are near i had lip city and have been besieged by rebels. this is a life or death situation for them. a journalist working with channel 4 news was able to video there before the cease-fire went into effect. reporter matt fry explains the footage is just a glimpse of the absolute hell aleppo has become. this is the aftermath of just
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one bombing. we warn you, it's graphic. >> tender words for a child that can't find its own. aleppo is a grim stage of an ever diminishing cast of survivors and these are the last of the last. fat ma is the only adult left of three families who was obliterated by a russian or syrian bomb.
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comes across a neighbor. the teenage boy called mahmoud. he used to live upstairs. the baby boy he's holding is his little brother. his face is the only restful thing in this bedlam. but this is the sleep of the dead. ishmael was suffocated and mahmoud doesn't want to let go of his brother's body. aleppo is a place where the children have stopped crying. in the corridor, mahmoud is still cradling his baby brother.
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the boy now acts like the father that he's lost. they go from room to room. we don't know their names and they don't know yet if they're orphans. they left their father in the rubble and they're looking for their mother.
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she sees proof of the news. why have you left me she calls out to the daughter that she describes as her rock, knowing that this question in this place has no real answer. and in another room, brother and sister are still waiting for news of their mother. on another hospital bed, blanketed with dust. exhausted beyond words by a life beyond description. >> his last words are certainly true. there are no words. we're joined on the phone in damascus in syria, she's a communications director with
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unicef and united nations children's fund. i know you're on the phone with us. the story that we just saw from a hospital in aleppo, it's just surreal auto and that's the aftermath of one bombing, just one. what do you know about this new evacuation agreement and whether it's going to work? >> yes. you mentioned, the situation is extremely bad, and we are concerned about the well-being of the children who are still in the besieged place in aleppo. they've been waiting for days in the freezing cold. these are hundreds of children who are vulnerable who have lived for months with the bare minimum to survive and we are deeply worried about their fate.
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>> in the story we just saw, it ended with a brother and sister covered in dust from the bombing totally looking like forlorn and in shock. they didn't know if they had a mother. there could be children still in aleppo that may be uncared for. may have lost their family. do you have any idea the numbers who might still be left behind there? >> yes. we don't have the correct -- the information on the number of how many children are still waiting to be evacuated. but the evacuation, there are children who really need the immediate medical care. there are children who are wounded, who are sick, who need to be evacuated and cared for and there are children who are
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separated from their current care-givers who need to also be reunited with their families. we have been sending -- for the evacuation of these children. what we need now is a safe currency to do so and take the children to the safety that they need. this has been going on for months now, especially in the last four months. there has been unrelenting torment in aleppo. the situation continues to deteriorate. we need access to the children who are in need of immediate assistance and we have been doing so, for example, for the families and children who fled in the past two weeks and who are staying in shelters
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elsewhere in aleppo. they have been telling us horrendous stories on how they survived and the conditions they have been living. it's winter. the conditions are very basic. the priority is to provide warm clothes, nutrition, immunization and screening for malnutrition amongst children and to provide also services so that these children can be returned back to some normalcy, such as education and support so that they can get some kind of routine and structure. >> we hear the concern in your voice and certainly the frustration because this agreement has some complications and they're just children
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sitting there, living in all that right there. there's an elderly man trying to get out carrying whatever he can. it's just unbelievable that there are children living in that alive in this freezing winter and no one is coming for them yet. we know that unicef will as soon as it can. thank you for talking with us. for those of you watching, you can help syrians caught up in this horrendous situation in aleppo and elsewhere in syria and iraq as well. cnn has a list of aid organizations helping families. escape and receive very basic supplies. go to you'll find a full list. we turn now to other news. a suicide attack at a military base in southern yemen killed at least 41 soldiers. the bomber attacked the base in aidan sunday morning as soldiers lined up to get paychecks.
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the attacker got on to the base by dressing as a soldier. donald trump may have won the u.s. presidential race, but in many ways he looks and sounds like he's still campaigning. on saturday, his so-called thank you tour made a final stop in mobile, alabama, where he says his presidential campaign really took off. 2015. he promised the audience their voices would be heard when he becomes president in january. >> this is truly an exciting time to be alive. the script is not yet written. we do not know what the page will read tomorrow. but for the first time in a long time, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each and every one of you.
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>> the president-elect never shy about sharing his opinion has been relatively quiet in recent days about accusations of russian hacking during the election. on saturday, sean spicer, spokesman for the republican national convention told michael smerconish that -- >> i think to presume he's going to do anything at this point would be premature. he's not president yet. president obama has every right to carry out the duties he sees fit based on the information he has through the rest of his term. >> president obama has promised a response got russian hacking, but he's not said when or how. ultimately it will fall on president-elect donald trump's shoulders. those who know vladimir putin warn trump should be ware i have the russian leader. cnn nic robertson explains. he's in london. >> when the soviet union collapsed, the world thought russia would be a different place and for a decade under
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president yeltsin, it was. >> they had free press, they had democracy and they had civil society. the problem is that they didn't have any laws and they didn't have any rules. >> an investment banker was there in russia making millions amidst the chaos. but then putin came to power. a few years later, he clashed with browder. >> i pointed out that putin and the people around him have stolen an enormous amount of money from the russian people and have covered it up. >> browder's businesses were raided. one of his whistle blowing lawyers was thrown in jail. brutalized and died there many months later. putin rejects every accusation browder makes and has barred him from russia fosh the past decade. >> at this point many people consider me to be putin's number one foreign enemy.
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as such, my life is at risk. >> he is right to be worried. putin's critics get silenced. >> he has a proven record of murder for start. either directly ordered or indirectly encouraged. >> sir andrew wood was britain's ambassador to russia at the same time browder was making his millions. he dismisses the denials of any influence in the deaths. >> when putin came to power, his main feat was russia should be a great power. he chose not economic -- but a relax into what amounts to sort of form of narcissistic zo xenophobia. >> it provided overnight popularity for putin at the
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price of ruin us long-term economic sanctions. pretty soon all of this will be on president-elect donald trump's plate. >> he wants to be seen as a great deal maker and as a winner. putin has made his wish list very clear. he wants ukraine and sanctions lifted and he wants to be left alone in syria. >> problem is putin's idea of deal making, not much of a deal. >> nice words perhaps. >> even his words aren't worth much. >> putin doesn't keep to his word. he takes what's offered and tries to take some more in the future and that's probably won't be well with trump who will feel ripped off. >> what are his options going to be then? >> to become probably much tougher than any other u.s. head of state before him towards russia. >> i think at least for a period it will be very much in putin's interests to take things
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relatively calmly. >> the alternative could be deeply troubling. two powerful men, two big egos. >> i could imagine we'll end up in a position where both these guys will be thumping their chests and staring each other down. >> years of diplomacy could be about to face their biggest test yet. nic robertson, cnn, london. donald trump has had something to say about china seizing a u.s. underwater drone. keep it. we'll have more about that in a moment. plus, a brutal blast of frigid air is sweeping the united states creating icy and dangerous roads. we'll have that story for you and you would not believe what's going on on the roads. we'll be right back. you're watching cnn.
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just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhhhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it. just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then. oh! check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. sorry about that.
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an american underwater drone seized by china in international water will be returned. the u.s. says the drone, similar to the one seen here, was unlawfully snatched by china's
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navy in the south china sea. for more about it, here's matt rivers in beijing. >> closeup encounters like the situation between the china and u.s. navies are rare. the fact that china actually took possession of u.s. naval equipment is rarer still. the chinese minister of defense released a statement late saturday evening saying the reason they took the drone out of the water was in order to protect navigational and personnel safety of passing ships. why that might sound like an innocuous enough reason for taking the drone out of water, the fact remains that this move by the chinese makes the u.s u.s./chinese relationship that much more tense. the navy was conductsing research using underwater drones. officials say the research was legal under international law. it was set to bring them back on board when officials say a
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chinese naval ship launched a small boat which swooped in and stole one of the ocean gliders. they immediately made contact to ask for it back but the chinese ship simply sailed away. friday, pentagon officials asked again. spokesman captain davis told reporters, quote, it is ours and we would like it back and like this not to happen again. the chinese defense ministry responded late saturday saying it's ship initially didn't know what the drone was and seized it for navigational safety reasons. they went on to say, "upon confirm, it was a u.s. drone, they transferred it to the u.s. side in an appropriate manner. china and the u.s. have been communicating about this process. we express our regret over that. >> the seizure comes at a time of heightened u.s. chinese
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tensions. chinese built and militarized -- president-elect trump has made beijing angry twice in the last two weeks. first taking a call from taiwan's president and questioning the legitimacy of the one china policy, a decades old diplomatic staple of u.s. china relations. >> in that same statement from the ministry of defense outlining the reasons for taking the drone out of the water, they included a paragraph where they said the u.s. had been frequently deploying ships and aircraft for close-in surveillance and military surveys in water space in china. the chinese have said the research vessels like those have been spying on chinese activity in the south china sea. what most experts would tell you, when the chinese took the drone out of the water, they likely knew that they would be sending a message to the united states, that message being they're not happy with u.s. naval operations in that part of the south china sea. back to you.
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>> donald trump was quick to say something about the drone seizure early saturday. he went on twitter to express his outrage calling china's actions unprecedented. later, he tweeted we should tell china we don't want the drone they stole back. let them keep it. turning to a really treacherous situation in many states across the country. freezing rain and black ice making road travel dangerous throughout parts of the u.s. there was a 55-car pileup in baltimore, maryland. you can see it here. 55 cars. the u.s. is getting hit with extremely cold temperatures coupled with below zero windchills. multivehicle crashes have killed at least six people in three states. can't think of anything more terrifying as this. karen maginnis is following this. black ice or ice on an
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interstate like this video we're seeing here. that's really scary. >> it is. i couldn't agree with you more. for those unfamiliar with the reference to black ice, because we have a domestic audience and international audience. black ice is when it looks like it's just kind of a damp roadway or damp highway. when in fact it is frozen precipitation, it's clear. so it looks like it's a damp road. in fact, it's very easy to slide on and really so treacherous and hazardous driving conditions all the way from the northern tier states to the great lakes, the ohio river valley. earlier into new england, the cold air plunged into the panhandle of texas with sharply colder temperatures. it is amazing how the temperatures in dallas and in houston and in nashville went to not a record setting temperatures but very warm for this time of year.
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now they're plunging down into the 20s and 30s. we've got most of the eastern great lakes that will see the bulk of the snowfall over the next 24 and 48 hours. chicago, nfl game for tomorrow, it's going to be among the coldest. so i warn you right now, you really need to bundle up. it's going to be an exciting game. where you see the purple, that's winter weather advisories. that's not as intense if you're going to be out there, headed out there in the stands. here's a big weather system. it's so dynamic. we have about 75 million people across the united states. that's down from what we were looking at 24 hours ago that are in either winter weather advisory or windchill advisories where it is dangerously cold. nashville, temperatures in the upper 60s, low 70s. they've got sleet and freezing rain ahead of them.
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natalie, it's all over the place today. >> you know, that nfl game, it's going to be the most watched. >> it's gotten a lot of attention. >> it's really, really cold. watching a football game. no way someone is going to throw a ball and catch it. >> they manage to. >> all right. karen, thank you. >> donald trump will bring a vast and tangled network of financial interest to the white house if he becomes. . ahead here, we'll tell you how many are concerned on how that will affect his administration.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and
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all around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen. here are our top stories. it's unclear when thousands traps in freezing temperatures will be evacuated from eastern aleppo. the red cross hope the evacuations resume in a few hours. the syrian government confirmed a new evacuation deal that's according to reuters. the last evacuations were suspended on friday. a suicide bombing killed more than 40 yemeni soldiers in aden. it happened sunday morning on a military base. two security officials say the bomber government on to the base by dressing as a soldier. u.s. president-elect donald trump returned to mobile, alabama, saturday, the final stop of his whirlwind thank you tour. he told the crowd that mobile was important to him because it was where his presidential campaign first took hold in 2015. trump's business interests and potential conflicts are
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unprecedented for someone who will soon become u.s. president. cnn's drew griffin takes a closer look at the property and people who could impact trump'sment si. >> donald trump's companies spread across the globe. about 150 different limited liability corporations and companies that have dealing across the country according to a cnn analysis. donald trump has licenses named for real estate deals and cut deals with some international businessmen that have attracted controversy. some have been under criminal investigation, others have deep ties to their own governments. all of them could present a conflict with the president-elect. in turkey, trump has licenses named in two towers named by the business and media conglomerate founded by a billionaire. >> he was indicted in turkey for an alleged fuel smuggling scheme. in 2009, his company was slapped
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with a fine for alleged unpaid taxes. that fine later reduced to $700 million through an appeal. dolan's representatives believe he's been targeted because his news outlets have been critical of turkey's government and -- in a statement he called the charges absurd. trump's partner on golf -- damage wan i was found guilty involving allegations of government corruption. he settled out of court but the canadian government con narmd it froze his assets until 2014. that didn't seem to bother the president-elect. he has two new dubai golf courses. a history of corruption and human rights abuses, the crumb trump organization has confirmed for a hotel. he's partnering with a billionaire businessman who is
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forming his own political party and once publicly stated in an interveer he admires vladimir putin. his licensing business partner has been named special trade envoy to the united states. the incoming u.s. president who built his business around the globe already has a world of actual conflicts of interest he will deal with on day one. >> there is a danger. the foreign leaders, foreign business people will be considering it as dealing with the president and the president's family. they're going to be making decisions knowing that they helped the president's children, they'll get something for him. >> it's a problem that concerns former u.s. ambassador and deputy national security adviser especially since trump appears to be keeping his business intact. >> if you do not divest yourself
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of all foreign holdings and for that matter, domestic holdings and put them in true blind trusts, you open yourself up, obviously to these kind of questions. >> questions that will dog the trump administration every time a decision is made concerning any country or a trump tower, golf course has been built. jeffrey says it will be up to trump to prove that he's putting america and not his business first and up to the rest of us to make sure. >> essentially, a president can do what he or she wants to do, can have the assets and the relationships and it's up to the american people, the media and the congress in the end to pass judgment. >> as for the three deals the trump organization just terminated, the organization is not saying exactly why, but we can tell you two develops in rio did run into legal troubles and it appears the developer in a zir ba shan ran out of money.
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as for the other deals, they are all moving forward, going to be built with a soon to be presidential name attached. back to you. >> drew griffin there for us. economic woes deepen and inflation skyrockets, its president is backing off on earlier moves to pull a popular bank note from circulation. nicolas maduro announced notes would be discontinued with the aim of fighting mafias he claims -- protests erupted when the current si set to replace the bills failed to reach the banks by the deadline. mr. maduro says the old bills are good until january 2nd and blames the prices on a global conspiracy. >> translator: we are being victimized by an international sabotage so the new bills that are already ready can't be
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transferred to venezuela. so i denounce it. i personally have been on it at night, in the afternoon, at dawn, on all the details and i appreciate the immense majority of the venezuelan people for their support on the measure that is a blow to the monetary mafia. i ask for support. i do so in the interest of the whole nation of our economy. >> the 100 bolivar note is the highest denomination bank note. after years of financial decline, it is only worth about $.02 on the unofficial exchange rate. the government plans to limit reporters' access to the building. opposition lawmakers have been trying to block proceed pgs since friday. poland's government and the media have never had a good relationship, but journalists
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have had almost unrestricted access to parliament since democracy came to the country three decades ago. the government now says the news media is abusing its privilege. israeli court ordered a west bank outpost demolished and it's not the first time they've done that. we'll hear from the residents coming up next. also, the girl dubbed syria's -- went on to advocate for children's education. we catch up with her in her new life in england.
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am. israeli soldiers shot and killed a teenager. the israeli military claims its soldiers were confronted by stone throwers, so they opened fire. a point of contention in the west bank is the small outpost.
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after a supreme court decision residents are facing eviction and as ian lee report, the settlers are unwilling to leave. >> within days, life could change dramatically for the settlers here. the israeli high court ordered this illegal west bank outpost demolished. she spent almost 15 years here raising her children. >> there are 200 children living here. you know how devastated children are being torn from their homes having their lives destroyed. >> a few hundred people call this home raising families, working the land. the biblical book of joshua as her land deed. >> time to declare the lands belong to us. time to say enough. no jewish settlement should be evacuated. no child has to lose his life and his home and friends for
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nothing. for nothing. >> the government tried to remove the settlers ten years ago. the violent clashes left the nation traumatized. >> this is all that is left from that day, some twisted rebar and concrete. as for the settlers living here. they didn't have to move far, just up the hill. >> palestinian -- knows how the settlers feel. >> which part is your land? >> my land is behind tree in the -- >> he tells me his family worked this land for generations, nurturing the harvest, camping under the stars. in 199 of he says the settlers illegally seized it. >> i was forced to imagine how you feel when somebody comes to your house and he take from you your house and you cannot do for him nothing. >> the high court ruled -- must
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go. >> israel's right wing party saw an opportunity setting in motion legislation to save a mona and legalize other outposts at the same time. but in the horse trading of coalition politics and in order not to undermine the high court, a mona now looks to be sacrificed. jewish home leaders say will be the first step towards annexation of the west bank. that goal given momentum by the election of donald trump. >> the combination of the changes in the united states and the region provide israel with a unique opportunity to reset and rethink everything. >> palestinians in the out going administration in washington are
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deeply concerned seeing even the idea of a viable pal standian state now on the point of collapse. >> there's a basic choice that has bb made by israelis. is there going to be continued implementation of settlement policy or is there going to be separation and the creation of two states? >> she and her community have a decision to make. as some build shelters for supporters they hope will defend them, the people are under growing pressure to leave peacefully. december 25th is the deadline to clear the outpost. it could mark the end of one illegal settlement but have far-reaching ramifications across the rest of the west bank. ian lee, cnn, a mona in the west bank. many children in syria have only known war, but they want toe give them back their future
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by promoting education. she's known as syria's malala. she's one of the lucky few to find refuge in england. we have her story from newcastle. >> for years she has lived in dusty refugee camps and -- ma zune is far from defeated. she's emboldened. >> there is no matter. i'm refugee or i'm not. and to believe in my -- then i can be what i want. >> this is her new life now in newcastle, northern england. >> here the only fate these children can't escape is -- >> there are no exceptions. not for this 18-year-old, nor for the other refugees who have
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been in school from syria. for the almost 2,000 people walking these hallways, most of them white and working class, becoming friends with a new syrian classmate has been a learning experience. >> racist terms of categorizing all the people coming over, they were potential threats. they could be terrorists. >> to change this, the school set up a committee so the other pupils could better relate to their syrian classmates. be it through fundraising and assemblies tackling xenophobia and the refugee crisis. >> it's awful if you're here. you're living on very little money. they can't work. it's illegal for them to work. you wouldn't leave where you are unless it genuinely was better here. >> it's a message she's been key to share. after all, hers is not an exceptional story. it's an inspirational one.
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>> if you didn't -- they can change something in their communities. they can be educated people. they didn't lose their future and also their dream. >> despite having seen war ravage her country and tear her family apart, ma zune goes around the world campaigning for her country's future and for girls' education. >> like all the children, they have dreams. >> efforts that have dubbed her the syrian malala. even her classmates are in awe of her. >> i would like to say hello. i was excited to be in the same room as her. i think she's really important. >> do you think she's inspiration inspirational? >> yeah. i find her inspirational. >> she doesn't find herself that way. walking home with her sister. she's just an ordinary girl. a girl who has seen more than we
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ever will in her lifetime. >> this is my little brother. this is my room. >> strength is hard to know that home will always be syria. eva suarez, newcastle england. remember that name. next here. actor will smith discusses his latest movie role and how it helped him cope with the recent loss of his father.
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will smith's new movie is showing in theaters. while making this film, his dad was diagnosed with cancer and died in november. he tells our neil curry what's important to him now. >> love, time, death. these three things connect every single human being on earth. we long for love. we wish we had more time.
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we fear death. for me and my experience of collateral beauty, you know, the character was dealing with the loss of his daughter, i was in real life dealing with the loss of my father. i had an opportunity while i was preparing the character to talk to my father about these concepts. so this was a hugely formative and transformative filmmaking experience for me. so what i'm hoping, when audiences go in, they can feel that and that there's some aspect of it that can be helpful for anyone who is in the process of facing what for most of us is the ultimate tragedy. >> i saw you in her eyes when she called me daddy and you betrayed me. >> so this time of the year,
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people move towards awards season. what do you think that the awards season's judges are looking for in a performance or role? >> since working on this film and the experience with my father during this film, the collateral beauty for me has been clarity. and there's a time in my life when box office and awards and reviews and things like that were hugely important. and after this film and after the experiences of this film, it means nothing to me. it's like such an addictive way to look at the creation of art. it's something -- it's completely been cleansed from y
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my -- from the realm of my desire. it's just something i can't even look at right now. >> just look for it and i promise you it's there. the collateral beauty. >> looks like one to see at the box office. santa claus is ubiquitous. in south korea, a scuba santa fed a school of sardines as part of an underwater performance at the aquarium. the sardines were appreciative. fish at the paver is aquarium were getting time with santa as well. he'll be swimming through christmas in south korea until the end of the year in paris. one talented and a busy dude is santa claus.
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i'm natalie allen. i'll be back with another hour of news live from around the world. generosity is its own form of power.
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you can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
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that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. save the aleppo children. thousands take to the streets to show solidarity while the people of aleppo wait to be evacuated. >> let them keep it. u.s. president-elect donald trump says to china. company icy rain makes skating rinks of major u.s. highways. the forecast and how much ice is accumulating. we'll get that from sara maginnis. we're live here and in


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