tv New Day CNN January 4, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST
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we have it all covered for you. jason is live at trump tower in new york. >> it's clear that the president elect is not convinced that russia is behind the hacking. not convinced that the intelligence community knows what it is talking about and once again trump took to twit tore let everyone know just how he feels. >> donald trump striking a tone again against u.s. intelligence. he writes intelligence briefing on so-called russian hacking was delayed until friday. perhaps more time needed to build a case. very training. but officials say there's no delay. they say the meeting was always set to take place late they are week adding president obama has yet to receive the full briefing on russian hacking. trump vowed to release inside information he has about the
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hacks by today. the congressman tweeting this week real donald trump promises new info about russian hacking. next week, what really happened at roswell. the director of national intelligence he is not scheduled to be where trump is until later in the week. >> once the final report on the current situation in russia is made final by the intelligence community they have asked for members of the intelligence community. >> officials noting that until now trump's team has not scheduled a meeting with the heads of top intelligence agencies. by contrast, president obama met with the intelligence leader shortly after being elected in 2008. for months trump has continued to cast doubts over the conclusion reached by 17 u.s. intelligence agencies that
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russia was behind election cyberattacks. >> it could be russia but also china and other people. somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. maybe there is no hacking. >> a conclusion the cia director says is ironclad. >> i would suggest they wait and see what the intelligence community is putting forward before they make the judgments. >> trump pointed out the intelligence community has been wrong before. especially when it pointed out that iraq had weapons of mass destruction but the cia director says that the intelligence community has learned much since then, especially in terms of how it analyzes information. having said that, russia says it is not behind the hacking. also it should be pointed out that julian assange also says
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russia is not the one. >> thank you. so let's discuss this with our pan panel. great to see all of you. jason, why do you think mr. trump has not met with the heads of the top intel agencies since he was elected? we know as we heard in jason carol's piece there that barrack obama did two days after his election in 2008. >> well, i think it's because this is not a priority for donald trump. his priority has been going around and doing his victory tour. his priority is talking to leaders of foreign countries. he's not a president elect interested in or wants to establish a good relationship with the intelligence community and i tell you this, the real concern about this is not
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whether he met with them last week or this week or this friday it's if you continue to insult the very intelligence communities you'll rely upon once you're elected president there won't be the relationship he needs to have. it's a dangerous and irresponsible president on his behalf. >> what is your best sense of why he is doing this? it can't just be his desire to run into a buzz saw. are you hearing anything from the people down there close to or involved in these intel briefings. or is it just that his buddy talked to julian assange? what is it? >> it could be what you just said but the answer to your question is no. i have not heard anybody that has access to the intelligence community and what they have found that does not think that russia -- the overwhelming
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conclusion is that russia was very likely behind the hacking. so the question is why is he doing this? is he trying to run into a buzz saw? no that is not donald trump's style. what he is trying to do is to blow up any normalcy when it comes to institutions here in washington and the intelligence community is one of them but i tend to agree that it is dangerous business to say, you know what, in public, by the way, we have to remember it's obvious that they're a secretive place. they don't like this public attention at all. never mind getting the back of the hand from the president
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elect and hopefully for his sake it won't come back to bite him. they have power and know how in places donald trump can only hope for. >> is this all connected to the notion that donald trump wants a reset with russia? he has spoken favorably about putin. he wants to see russia as an ally and to make russia an ally so are these two things mutually exclusive? that he can't meet with the intelligence heads if that's his goal with russia? >> well i don't know that that should be mutually exclusive but that's the only argument that makes sense. for some reason he doesn't want to accept this consensus that russia is behind the hacking. it's very curious. why wouldn't you go along with
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what the majority of experts say is true. the only working theory that i have is that he sees the big paradyme is not forces of freedom versus tyranny but instead western civilization versus islam. he sees putin and russia as an ally. >> let's switch topics here. obamacare repealing, easy. replacing, hard. what do you see in terms of the main obstacles to success by this move with the gop. >> i said this all along. the president was very, very smart when he put this together. obamacare is like jenga. you can't pull out pieces without the whole thing falling apart and they know this which is why i think republicans will attempt an appeal and it's not going to kick in until 2018 because you're not going to be able to get away with it.
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one other thing i'll say this is. right now they're saying we're going to keep the best parts and get rid of the parts. you cannot keep things like a pre-existing condition and keeping kids on until you have the laws and the taxes to back it up and the gop doesn't want to answer that tough question now and by then they will have a plan and the fear that they have and americans should have about several things. one is the insurance markets and
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even if the changes don't go into place markets tend to get jittery and the insurance market is not immune to that and so what if they say okay we're going to repeal but not replace and not change it and not take you off the health care rolls for a year or two, the insurance market right react to it regardless and premiums might get higher. republicans argue they don't have a choice because this puzzle that is obamacare wasn't entirely done right in that the mandate isn't working because the penalty isn't high enough. it's incredibly complicated which is why health care reform wasn't done for so long.
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and it will be a messy process to try to fix it even though republicans are dead set and united in trying to do so. >> it goes hand in hand with medicaid expansion and the states that haven't funded it are seeing a spike. are you happy with that situation going into 2018 if the republicans have not been able to replace the plan yet? or do you think it puts at a disadvantage. >> you can't kick the problem down the road because there will be an election at some point and you will be held accountable. would you rather use the presidency than the midterm? that should not be a problem. you have the former budget committee where he can have whatever new law it is. you have paul ryan as the
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speaker of the house who is a budget expert that obviously understands this as well as any republican could and then you have mike pence. they have to fix it but i think they have a shot and the american public needs it fixed. >> panel, thank you very much. great to talk to all of you. >> cannot underestimate the impact or the magnitude of this battle. it starts today on capitol hill. you got president obama and vice president elect mike pence. each going to their respective teams essentially to talk about how to approach the battle over obamacare. the backlash over the ethics cast a vote over the new congress's first day as well. what happened with that? live on the hill with the latest. did we see the power of the people in action. everybody is talking about trump's tweet. all of those phone calls to the congressman. maybe that made a difference. >> that's what i'm hearing but
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the phone calls made a real difference. something we're going to see on the hill today. two high profile and even higher stakes meetings as the battle lines for obamacare are set. >> today, president obama and vice president elect mike pence heading to capitol hill. it's an effort aids say to prepare their parties for the looming battle over obamacare. >> the senate will come to order. >> the high profile visits coming as a group of conservative lawmakers are set to unveil the first concrete plan to replace obama's signature achievement. this coming just a day after senate majority leader mitch mcconnell filed a proposal to start the process of repealing the law. mcconnell wasting zero time. his proposal coming within hours of the swearing in of the new congress. >> congratulations. >> the new session getting off
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to a rocky start. house republicans forced to back down from a proposal to gut an independent ethics committee through major backlash of democrats and members of their own party. a scolding from the president elect himself on twitter. tweeting with all that congress has to work on do they really have to make the weakening of the independent ethics watchdog their number one act and priority. focus on tax reform, health care and so many other things of far greater importance. house speaker paul ryan challenging the new congress lead by republicans to make things happen when trump takes office. >> the people had given us unified government and it wasn't because they were feeling generous. it was because they want results. how could we live with ourselves if we let them down. >> not exactly trying to manage
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down expectations and with good reason. they control the house. they control the senate and in 16 days they control the white house but when you talk to aids in both chambers they make clear one thing. congress is not always the most compliant institution or body in the world and while republicans do hold the power up here, they have limited wiggle room. keep an eye out. things aren't going to move as fast as people think and while they don't have a ton of leverage they can get in the way of a lot of priorities. >> savvy as always. thank you very much. >> programming note for you. next monday night i'll host a special primetime town hall with former presidential candidate and current vermont senator bernie sanders. the focus, the major issues facing our nation as well as how democrats plan to take on the president elect. what is their plan to bring people together? what are they going to do?
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are they going to be an eco of what the republicans did with palm balm or something different? next monday 9:00 p.m. eastern for the one hour town hall right here on cnn. >> i can't wait to watch that. that will be wonderful. so i will tape it and then you will tell me in the morning what the highlights were. so how will republicans replace obamacare? we will ask a long time republican leader, next. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinol correxion® from roc. methods, not miracles.™ dtry align junior digestive balance? so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids.
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repeal and replace balm care. that was the big gop sell and they're taking their first step on trying to get obama's signature off that legislation and put a new one on it. the question is how? the repeal is easy but how do you replace it? that comes down to the hard work of legislation and it is time for us to call on those that know how to do that best. we have a great one for you today. former long time republican senator, one of the best names in the senate. great to have you with us
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senator. >> thank you. good to be with you this morning. >> so repeal, relatively easy. you have the votes. you have a president willing to sign off on that. replace, very difficult. timing and obamacare is a beast. what do you think the challenges are for your party in getting this right? >> certainly there are major challenging in doing what you say and that is getting it right. 50 or 60 times and it's pretty easy to vote to do that. but we knew with every one of those votes we cast that trying to figure out a way to replace it and take the good parts of it and keep them in place and fix the bad parts was not going to be easy and frankly i wish what we had today instead of president obama going to speak to the democrats and mike pence going to speak to republicans why don't they both go together and speak to both democrats and republicans because that's what
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it's going to take. you're going to have to have the ideas of both parties put together to come up with the solution to replace obamacare. the one thing we know is you have to republican this bill was written in the dark of the night. nancy pelosi said let's pass it and then we'll read it. we have been through all of that. it's way too expensive and not working like it should be. everybody in washington understands that but fixing it is going to take cooperation from both parties and i think it's -- it would be appropriate to get republicans and democrats in the room and say okay guys we have to do what is necessary to walk out of this room and say we're going to hold hands and fix this issue together. >> well, look, that is an interesting take all on its own. let's see if the gop leadership is able to broke some disagreements on the democratic side and we'll come back to you on that one.
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the ethics reversal yesterday. it wasn't your house but the oce was a very effective tool for house members that weren't so anxious to investigate themselves. yes there were some fair criticism of overzealousness and there was a huge backlash. even saw donald trump tweet about it. he complained about the timing and not the move of gutting this tool. what do you think caused that reversal? >> it's pretty clear. they saw that after a campaign in which donald trump talked about that now famous three words draining the swamp, to start out on the first day, removing one of the ethics committees that is responsible for investigating members of congress is not the way to carry that mantra draining the swamp and, you know, to donald trump's
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credit here chris, he is the new sheriff in town. we had a leadership void for 8 years now. very honest in a number of areas and donald trump is seeking to fill that void. he did yesterday when he stepped up and he said look this is not what you guys need to be talking about. >> it's pretty direct. he didn't have like a thousand different meetings. as unfair as it may be, he was talking about the oce, don't do it first. you have other priorities. keep your house clean. people don't trust you. that message came from constituents. they got thousands and thousands of call. you can look on google and you see the spike in searches of who are my representative. do the people deserve more credit than trump's tweet on this one. >> if trump had not tweeted that
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in the early morning hours, chances are pretty good this would have gone unnoticed and it shouldn't have. so yeah i think he played a major role but i want to give the house credit too. he exhibited leadership but they stepped up to the plate too and said basically we shouldn't have done this. we need to backtrack and we need to bring this out in the light of day if we're going to do it. i do give credit to paul ryan and kevin mccarthy and folks that said we have more fish to fry than this. we need to move on to something else. >> ryan found some bend in his back on this one though. he started out being against it and then put out a statement he was for it. we started covering it yesterday morning. trump hadn't tweeted yet. he likes to watch the saw. feels free to criticize it. whatever it was, it was a good
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result for people that wanted accountability in the house. russian intelligence, can you make sense of what is going on with the president elect and his team on this issue now. we cannot find a source in the intel community that says maybe it was china. they keep saying it was russia. why russia did it you start to get into a field of theories but the president elect is bashing the intelligence community. why is he going so hard about russia being behind the hacks. >> you have to ask him as to why he is making the statements he is making to the intelligence community. here's what i know. our sbel yens community from top to bottom is made up of well trained highly skilled professionals. a lot of whom put their life in harms way every single day just like our military does and these folks that have done the investigation of this hack by
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the russians are prepared to sit down with president obama and the leadership in the house and the senate and president elect trump and explain exactly what they found and what they saw and i think that all three of their entities will walk away with the same conclusion and i haven't been briefed to the extent that these three entities are going to be briefed and i'm hopeful that they will all see it same way and if the russians did this that we do more than what has been done at this point in time in the way of sanctions and revisels against the russians because we can't have this sort of activity interfering with a democracy with the united states. >> they have to have confidence in you and you in them before you take the next step. thank you for your perspective
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on these issues. if you get closer and love to have you back and discuss the issue at play. >> he's a good man. i look forward to it. >> the best to you and the family in the new year. >> thank you. >> now to the other side, can democrats save obamacare with of course republicans in control of congress? we'll ask a democratic congressman about their party's strategy. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car.
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>> there's an attempt to destroy the guarentee of medicare or the affordable care act. democrats will stand our ground. >> all right. that was democratic house leader pelosi vowing to fight for obamacare despite republicans plan to appeal it. democrats in denial. democratic congressman from connecticut. >> good morning. >> so it sounds like in fairly short order republicans will be able to repeal obamacare. have you all accepting that. >> by no means have we accepted that. we're going to fight this tooth
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and nail. we're not in the strongest legislative potential to do that. the republicans have been saying for six years now obamacare is a disaster. the american public has always been 50/50 on obamacare. when you talk to him about obamacare is, and what about the fact that you have diabetes and breast cancer and they can turn you away. given the fact that your percentage of uncovered people has gone down by half. that is great stuff so the republicans are going to run right smack into the wall of reality. what this law has done has done a lot for the american people and they're going to take that away. >> that's your strategy? to have constant messaging now through the time that republicans vote on it. >> we're going to tell the story
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about how if you repeal the affordable care act you inject chaos into a massive part of our economy that is near and dear to every single american's heart and we'll tell the stories of the millions of people that rely on obamacare insurance about all the positive changes that have been made and the senator that you had on earlier, the right thing to do here is for the republicans to realize that you cannot do that. you cannot throw 20 million americans off health insurance and expected to be anything other than thrown out the door and the right thing to do is for them to say we democrats acknowledge there are changes that should be made to bring costs down and make premiums less expensive. let's talk about that. >> let's talk about the alleged russian hacking. you are on the intelligence committee. let me read to you what mr. trump put out on twitter tonight. the intelligence briefing. he puts that in quotation marks on russian hacking.
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that's also in quotation marks was delayed until friday. more time needed to build a case. very strange exclamation point. >> working every day with men and women that put their lives at risk in places like afghanistan and pakistan to bring intelligence to the president of the united states. i was just blown away by that. that single tweet delegitimized the intelligence community of the united states. he disagree with the conclusion that the entire community arrived at that they hacked the election and then he said make the case as though people are at cia head quarters saying we need to convince these guys which is not what they do. the intelligence community tries to call it down the middle and does the best job they can. in combination with his near weekly praise of vladimir putin, remember the tweet from i knew this man was smart.
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here you have the president of the united states completely slamming his own people. the $80 billion operation that the american people paid for and going out of his way to praise vladimir putin i don't know what to make of it. >> what do you make of the idea that president elect trump has not met with the heads of the intelligence agencies since being elected? >> well, remember as president elect trump has told us he's a very smart man and apparently that substitutes from actually meeting with the people that look at the world. >> but congressman, i hear your sarcasm there but he does get daily or weekly intel briefings. why does he have to meet with the leaders of those agencies? >> the reason you need to focus on this stuff is that there are very few things as complicated as the dynamics in the middle east. as the war in syria and the effort to retake mosul as the need for the intelligence community to protect it's own
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secrets. i'm making reference to edward snowden. it's some of the most complicated stuff out there. the president of the united states sits a loan in an oval office and makes decisions about committing our troops and protecting our secrets and keeping the nation safe. you cannot do enough in a 24 hour day to learn and command those issues if you're going to take the job seriously and if you're going to take the job seriously you'll do the briefings and meet with the heads of the intelligence community and get the best advice. you're not going to slam them. >> i want to talk about the reversal that we saw from capitol hill yesterday about the office of congressional ethics. republicans had voted on monday night to gut that overseeing body. that watchdog agency and then they changed course. you tweeted something that i want to ask you about during all of this before they reversed course. you said our protest matters.
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speak up. stay alert. i couldn't tell if that was about the ethics committee or unattended bag on the subway. to what do you attribute their reversal. >> trying to figure out if it was the massive opinion. all 435 of us heard yesterday with people saying are you kidding me as the republicans look to as their first move in the new congress gut the ethics watchdog but it was obviously also imagine you're the republican majority in the house and the president elect of your party puts out a tweet. we need to remember he didn't say it was a bad idea. he said the timing was wrong. the combination of the public pressure t fact that the moment this emerged from the dark of night the american people and the media to give you guys credit went bananas on this stuff. in combination with the tweet they caved. what an opening day.
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first we'll gut the watchdog and then we didn't mean that. not a strong start out of the gate. >> it's going to be a very interesting next few months and years. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. >> wikileaks was behind the dnc election. and why is he going from such great lengths to say that russia is not behind the hacked dnc e-mails, next. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation.
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>> we have said repeatedly that our source is not the russian government and it is not state parties. >> that's wikileaks founder denying again that he received leaks e-mails from the russian government. president elect trump is tweeting about it saying a 14-year-old could have hacked it. why does dnc so careless? and also said the russian government was dismissing any involvement in the election hack. let's discuss with the counter terrorism analyst and counter terrorism official and cnn contributor and senior editor at the daily beast. i can tell by your face you don't like hearing what is coming out of julian assanges face, why. the question we face here wasn't asked last night and i can't
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figure out why it wasn't. the question was straightforward. it's not who gave you the information. it's are you aware of any russian involvement in the hack including private parties that might have been made by the russian security service. i thought the interview was ridiculous. do you know if the russians were involved. not where did you get the information. ridiculous interview. why wasn't that contained in his answer of saying i got it from a dnc source or somebody else. not the russians. >> a couple of reasons. the primary reason is if the answer is he's aware of russian involvement why would he want to say that? that taints his whole operation. in general he wants to portray wikileaks as unbiased in terms of where it received information and russian security services and lives in the embassy in london. this guy is not credible.
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>> there's speculation that he was asking for a russian security detail while at the ecuador emotiobassy. it so upset the government they considered it foreign invasion of their sovereign territory. >> there's reporting on this side that they shut off internet access at the embassy because of the influx of russian information coming into the system. let me tell you this. for the president elect of the united states to defer to an anarchist to undermine american interest and national security that wants to describe that the u.s. government is running in afghanistan as worthless and expendable. this is the guardian reporting his former colaborator.
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a man so discredited by people within his own organization and doesn't care about human rights and he's only in it for himself and he's willing to partner with shady characters. >> the supporters say but wikileaks has never gotten it wrong. >> nobody is denying that this is credible information. i have sources in the clinton camp that say these e-mails are legitimate. the question is who got them, who hacked them and why were they given to wikileaks. he said we have a mechanism in place whereby the information that we received, we have no way of tracing the providence. we want to protect our leaks. >> what do you make of it? >> there's a simple bottom line here. that is the americans are
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collecting information about not only what russian entities are doing. the sanctions announced by the white house aren't enterprises. they're private individuals that are known hackers. wikileaks did discuss accurate information. i don't think this one is very complicat complicated. >> the president elect keeps hammering. do you see his tweet about the intelligence committee, he put intelligence in quotes and russian hacking in quotes which we all know is a sarcastic way of dealing with the quotes. they needed more time. the intel guys say that was not true. it's always supposed to be at the end of the week. what do you make of that dynamic. >> and they not only meet the work force but talk to the leadership of the work force.
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fbi, cia and the director of national intelligence you have to walk into where ever they're going. a assume it's trump tower on friday. we can't trust this guy to have a meaningful conversation. he already decided what the answer is. we're going to get four years of this on intel related to iran, russia, china, syria, this is not a good precedent to set. >> thank you for the perspective on this. >> tweet us at new day. >> president elect trump claiming a victory as ford announces new jobs in michigan and not mexico. did donald trump make them do it? our exclusive interview with ford's ceo is next. to bring an entire stadium to its feet. you missed it, buddy. it's all good. and much like this hero, courtyard is all about the game. one, two, three... waaaaave!
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big announcement from the auto giant ford. the carmaker canceling plans to build a new plant in mexico. instead ford will invest $700 million in michigan creating 700 new jobs in america. president-elect trump is taking credit. but in an exclusive interview with cnn's poppy harlow, ford's ceo had a different explanation.
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>> this is a trend we've seen, the president-elect calls out carrier, he gets jobs to stay here. he calls out boeing, he gets a cheaper air force one. he calls out lockheed martin, and they say we're going to work with you. there's a concern among some, mark, that this is, in essence, a form of crony capitalism, that's dangerous to the american democracy, that the president can cut deals with companies and they expect deals in exchange. >> first, we didn't cut a deal with the president-elect. we did what's right for our business. that's what drives us in every business decision we make. we look at a lot of factors, poppy. one of the factors we see is a more positive u.s. environment for manufacturing and investment here and we take that into account in our investment decisions. >> poppy harlow joins us along with cnn anchor of "early start" christine romans. poppy, did he feel pressured from donald trump? >> everything is political in this environment.
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and trump has chosen the companies he's going to attack for the better part of a year and a half. he has railed against -- he's even said things that are not based at all in fact. he said at one point ford is going to literally fire every single u.s. worker. not true. he has said that he was to credit for them not moving a louisville, kentucky plant to mexico. that is not true. that plant was never going to move. however, this is the reality of the vooirmt that they and every company has to work in. it's based on their business. they're not incesting $1.6 million in mexico in this plant, but they're not putting it all here. they have a $900 million savings as well. >> is this a win-win for ford saying we're working with the new administration? >> i think so. small car sales, the cars they were going to make in mexico, those are way down. the industry is seeing a decline. they don't need as many small
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cars made. >> they don't make as much money -- >> the margin is very small. so i think it is a win-win. >> here is the other option. if you don't go along with what president-elect trump wants, here is what he just tweeted about gm yesterday. general motors is sending mexican-made model of chevy cruze, make in usa or pay big border tax. >> the writing is in the tweet that donald trump wants to disincentivize these companies from building overseas. he's talking about a chevy cruze hatchback. the sedan is made in ohio and will remain made there, as long as demand continues. what you're seeing is an auto industry that has the most to lose if donald trump renegotiates nafta. the auto industry has benefited greatly from nafta, as have agriculture products and a lot of other things.
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if you're an american ceo, listening to donald trump and reading his tweets and you want a seat at the table when he cuts tax reform, and you throw him a bone with 700 jobs. >> it's not a bone. real familiarlies and realed jobs they will have there. >> the concern is it's not real policy. >> is there a level of -- are we approaching a form of crony capitalism where companies say i'm going to bring these jobs back home, not making them in mexico, but in return i expect you to give me favorable epa regulations on fuel economy or i expect favorable regulations on a big mobile merger. >> can't you also just call these deals? >> he's playing to the american worker, too, right? he wants them to see that he gets it done. >> allison makes it a good point. can't you just call these deals? you can. is that the way that american democracy should work? i don't know. this is an entirely new game. we've never seen this before. should american presidents call
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out individual companies. those workers yesterday in michigan were pretty darn happy. >> look, you hear conservatives who have always said -- they've certainly said this when president obama was giving any sorts of grants or stimulus money to green technology. >> solyndra. >> capitalism doesn't pick winners and losers. is this different, what drmt is doing? >> the he's picking the winners and the winners will be the american people. he's going to twist arms and make companies understand that coming down the road are going to be changes. when you talk about a border tax, republicans in the house ways and means committee are talking about this border tax which could raise prices for consumers, but really does disincentivize the very things nafta allows, which is making something someplace else and bringing it here. >> is it a win for american workers? yes, these 700 jobs are fantastic. ever o everyone is thrilled for these people. however, will it mean higher
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prices for american consumers, something i asked the ford ceo, and he did not directly answer because they don't know what the environment is going to be. is it going to mean, if they're made here, they'll cost more. >> which wouldn't be so great. let's move on to one more thing that is really interesting, a development here in new york, bernie sanders and governor andrew cuomo announced yesterday free tuition for people who go to state colleges in new york. >> and community colleges. >> there's no free lunch. how does this work? >> taxpayers have to pay for it, $163 million a year. something republicans pointed out very quickly. they said governor cuomo is trying to have taxpayers pay for his political ambitions. bernie sanders started this, got a lot of traction on this, that you should not be indebted -- you need to have skills and a college education. this will be four-year and two-year universities. >> for families making $125,000
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or less. the governor said you shouldn't be starting the race with an anchor around your ankle. >> christine covered this in depth. i don't view a student loan market over a trillion dollars. you have to do something about it. people cannot be taking out these massive loans and be indebted and not get jobs where they can pay them back. >> social security checks being garnished by the government to pay for unpaid student loans. >> parents are taking out loans on behalf of their kids and nobody can pay it back. >> we'll see what happens. >> and who pays for it. >> christine, poppy, red, white and blue, thank you very much, ladies. following a lot of news this morning. let's get right to it. i think donald trump is playing with the intelligence community. >> i also know things other people don't know. >> there is no intelligence community that has the capabilities as the u.s. intelligence community. >> you take on the intelligence community, they have ways of getting back at you.
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>> we're focusing on replacing and repealing obamacare. president obama and mike bs pens heading to capitol hill today. >> there are some pieces of merit in the plan. >> democrats will stand our ground. >> we didn't hear a cry. we didn't hear a big thud. >> a 2-year-old hero saves his pinned twin brother. >> bodi just pushed it right off his brother. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> i can't wait to speak to the family of the twins. >> they have a third brother. >> they look good. fresh haircuts. >> welcome to "new day," president-elect donald trump incidence phiing the tension with u.s. intelligence officials, tweeting that the timing of his long-awaited briefing on russian hacks has changed. >> he is now suggesting remember, without evidence, that the intelligence agencies need more time to build a case. he even just tweeted, quoting
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julian assange, saying that the russians were not his source for leaked dnc e-mails. remember, assange always stands fast in the fact that he won't tell his sources. now he's saying what is his source is not, very odd. the questions about the president-elect is what is motivating his resistance just 16 days from inauguration day. let's begin with cnn's jason carroll live at the white house annex, trum tower in new york. >> it's obvious that at least so far the president-elect is not convinced russia is behind the hacking, not convinced that the u.s. intelligence community knows what it's talking about, and he's taking what he feels straight to twitter. president-elect donald trump striking a con spir torl tone again. in a tweet writing intelligence briefing on so-called russian hacking was delayed until
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