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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  January 8, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST

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materials you are allowed to e use. >> one chip and it's over. >> thank you so much for starting your morning with us. we have news to tell you about coming up. >> next hour of "new day" starts right now. >> this was a planned attack. now facing federal charges and potentially the death penalty. >> he walked into the fbi office to report that his mind was being controlled by a u.s. intelligence agency. >> he himself asked for help and they did nothing. >> there seems to be a host of mental health issues. >> i don't think we should vote to confirm a supreme court nominee who is well outside the mainstream. >> apparently there's a new standard to not confirm a supreme court nominee at all.
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you are waking up to sunday, and we are so grateful to see you. i am christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. >> breaking news we want to talk to you about, and these pictures just come into cnn. at least ten people are hurt after a vehicle rammed into pedestrians. this is in jerusalem. police are already on the scene. israeli officials say this could be a possible terrorist attack. you can see where things are roped off, and there are bullet holes in the windshield of one of those cars, and that's the breaking news, ten people hurt in the vehicle attack there in jerusalem. the man accused of killing five people in the ft. lauderdale airport friday will face federal charges, and that happens tomorrow. >> the death penalty is possible
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for each of those charges, and santiago confessed to planning the assault and the murder weapon allegedly used in the shooting taken away after he admitted to hearing voices and given back to him by police after he passed a mental evaluation, and his brother said he never should have been released from the hospital. >> translator: he himself went after them to ask for help, and they did nothing. how are you going to let somebody leave a psychological center after four days, after hearing voices. >> here's our cnn correspondent in anchorage. >> reporter: this is one of the last known addresses for
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santiago. we know investigators were here for several hours removing evidence and talking to people that work here as well as some of the other residents. this place could be important in terms of determiningson's last few days, what he did in the days prior to this shooting. as far as authorities are concerned the posture they seem to be taking is they did everything, when he came to the office in november, they did everything by the book. first by referring him to the local police department and getting him a mental health evaluation. this is what authorities had to say. >> in november of 2016, mr. santiago walk into the the anchorage office. >> they were contacted by the
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anchorage fbi requesting assistant. when apd arrived on scene they were informed by the investigative agents, and santiago was having terroristsic thoughts. >> reporter: we also know santiago has interactions with police and he had a pair of charges, a criminal mischief where he broke down a bathroom door at his girlfriend's house as well as an assault charge on his girlfriend and those charges were set to be dismissed in march assuming santiago lived up to the court's conditions. there seems to be a host of mental health issues and authorities are going back to look at the interactions with him to see if anything was missed. >> thank you, dan.
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let's talk about this with tom fuentes, the cnn law enforcement analyst and a former assistant of the fbi. the agent in charge said they did what they could. let's listen together to what he said. >> he broke no laws when he came into our office making disjointed comments about mind control. there have been concerns raised about why santiago was placed on a no fly list. during our initial investigation we found no ties to terrorism. >> do you get the sense that there's some frustration among the ranks of the fbi to not be able to do more, especially in a situation like this, where somebody voluntarily walks in and says, i'm not right? >> i don't know how much more the fbi feels like they would like to be able to do in a situation like that. you know, the fbi is going to go by more than just protocols, but
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the law. in this situation, he had not broke the law, and he hadn't crossed the law to indicate he had been truly radicalized and was going to attempt to do something as a terrorists act. they heard all the delusional statements he made and they did the right thing for their rules, and that was call the police and let the police deal with it, and the police have access to the mental health system, medical care, that he may have needed. so let the police do it. the police did it. they took him into custody and took his weapon into custody, and his baby was in the car, and they took care of the baby, and made sure it was taken to the girlfriend's house, the mother's house, and they put him in the hospital. he was there four days, as the brother mentioned, but the police have no authority to keep somebody in a hospital and to what extent the hospital wouldn't be able to keep him is up to their rules and their laws
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and mental health professionals working at that hospital. the frustration for family members and law enforcement is due to medical privacy laws, nobody else has a right to really know what treatment he got and what his condition is or any details. parents are not allowed to know. siblings are not allowed to know. if he is 18 years old, he has the right to privacy and can take advantage of that. when he was released from the hospital, he was not judged mentally ill or was not convicted of a felony, and that weapon was his and he had a right to his property. >> veterans care, and the military's role here, because as his brother pointed out he did seek help from army and federal agencies. what rule did the military play here in trying to take care of a
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man that served our country? >> the department of veteran's affairs received massive amounts of criticism, and in this situation i don't know what exactly happened as far as his attempt to get va care, but we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide in this contea, and in most cases they don't take anybody with them or kill others, and they quietly and nobody talks about it. some people talk about it, but it has not been addressed even to this day, so the fact that he did not commit suicide but decided to shoot a dozen other people and surrender is unusual in that sense that he didn't commit suicide but caused other people to die.
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>> he knew something was wrong and tried to get help. thank you. >> you are welcome. new warning from the office of governmentet ette kwreubgz. >> we are joined from new york. this comes as the senate is set to hold confirmation hearings on tuesday. >> that's right. it there's a slew of confirmation hearings and something that democrats had been complaining about, the fact this is such a break-neck pace schedule. and this new warning accuses the trump transition team of trying to rush the vetting of nominees for things like financial
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disclosures have not been turned over yet. the department of homeland security, and commerce secretary nominee, and the department of housing and urban development and democrats have been very quick to highlight this. this was already setting up to be a contentious week on capitol hill, and this adding more fuel to the fire. >> thank you so much. i want to get back to our breaking news out of israel this hour. ten people hurt after a vehicle ran into pedestrians in jerusalem. you see the bullet holes in the windshield of that truck. we will be right back as we are hearing more about what is happening there. stay close. for your pet, you should know more about the food you choose. with beyond, you have a natural pet food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. beyond assuming the source is safe... to knowing it is.
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it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] and we know at least four people have died and 15 are hurt after a vehicle ram into the pedestrians in jerusalem. i want to show you video of the truck here, and those are bullet holes on the windshield. police units are at the scene, and israeli officials say this could be a, quote, possible terrorists attack. when you see the bullet holes in
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the windshield, this was a swift response to what was happening there, yes? >> reporter: it was. it seems an almost immediate response. here's what we know. this happening at 1:30 p.m. local time, so 6:30 in the morning your time. it's a popular tourists area, and the truck was rammed into soldiers getting off the bus. and four were killed in the attack, and three women and one man, all in their 20s, as you pointed out, 15 were injured, lightly to moderately. what is unclear at this point, and we expect clarification on this soon, and whether the attacker in this case was among those four dead. the terrorists was neutralized and they have not said if that means the attacker was shot or killed, and we have a truck ramming attack at a walkway
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right on the line between jerusalem and east jerusalem, and we know from emergency services four people are dead in their 20s, three women and one man along with a dozen injured moderately to lightly here. >> we are looking at the video or some of the pictures coming in from that area. help us understand this tourist area, how crowded it would be at this time of day? >> reporter: on a nice day like today it could be quite crowded. it's a popular tourist walkway, because of the view, a beautiful view overlooking the old city of jerusalem, so you have a mix of people, not only security and soldiers but people going for a stroll, one of the main u.n. compounds around there as well, and on a nice day like today it would have been very busy during this attack, and police saying it's a possible terrorists
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attack and we'll late for the latest from them. >> we appreciate the update on this breaking news for us here. thank you. a big political fight is brewing this week for the even coming trump administration, and new questions over cabinet nominees. there are hearings over several of the picks on tuesday and you have five on wednesday alone, and that's when trump's pick for senator jeff sessions will be on the hill on tuesday with the senate judiciary committee, and more the next day. good morning. >> good morning. eugene, i will start with you and the tweet from senator elizabeth warren accusing the trump team of rushing it through. donald trump's nominees can't drag their feet on ethics paperwork while their senate
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friends try to run out the clock, and in this letter from the head of the office of government ethics, it has left the nominees with unknown or unresolved ethics issues. >> the government ethics office sent out a letter on friday saying they usually have weeks in advance to go through a nominee's financial disclosures, and there are a few nominees who will be having their hearing on wednesday who the government ethics office says have not completed their financial disclosure work, and the reason it's so important is because the office wants to do everything it can to make sure it can avoid conflicts of interest, and that's something very important with the nominees considering many of their business backgroun backgrounds. >> the director says he is not
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aware that a senate held a confirmation, and is this unprecedented? >> it's unique but not totally unprecedented. we saw in the bush administration rod page's education secretary had a hearing a full week before he turned his paperwork in and the senate labor committee had that clear after the ethics committee went out and it's still important for the paperwork to go through and particularly for democrats who do not have a lot of tools, and democrats don't have a lot of tools at their disposal. the ethics hearings are important. if you remember, president obama had to let go of tom daschle because his paperwork revealed he had not paid some of the taxes and had to back out of the process. it has failed nominees in the
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past and it's something that democrats are obviously concerned about given they are powerless to stop these nominees otherwise. >> let's read the trump team response. >> it's disappointing some have chosen to politicize the process in order to distract from important issues facing the country, and eugene, it's important to remind people that the office of government ethics is nonpartisan. >> yeah, i think it's a bit unfair to assume that the government ethics office wants to politicize this. i think many americans we have seen throughout the campaign are concerned about conflicts. he shut down his own foundation because he said that is going to focus on more despite being criticized for not turning in his own tax returns. i think many people want to know
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who it is that they are going to be intrusting their government to. >> and there are republicans that have serious questions about the nominees that donald trump has put up, and namely rex tillerson, as we discussed on this show, his work and his ties potentially to russia. let's move on to another topic. donald trump's tweeted about arnold schwarzenegger and the new "celebrity apprentice," and toyota, and the future and russia relationship, and listen to what the former cia director as well, leon pennetta, said about trump, the twitter account and the presidency. watch. >> as a former chief of staff, i just can't imagine how you deal with a president who feels free to tweet every day about his own emotions and personal feelings
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it's very disruptive and creates tremendous problems in terms of the ability for a president to be able to guide policy in this country. >> it appears we are going to get the first news conference since july coming up this week on wednesday, but it appears this is the president-elect's preferred vehicle to get a message out, 140 characters at a time. >> it's the fear or the hope depending on where you sit. in a lot of ways donald trump has been able to control the conversation by sending out tweets. he has strategically done that early in the morning, and it drives the conversation of what the news is talking about all day, and therefore congressional leadership is taking their queues from that, and he is using the twitter to set the agenda, and you can make an argument that is a reckless way and unorthodox way to approach it, and you can make the argument it's innovative and has
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used the medium in a way a lot of politicians have avoided, and donald trump has mastered it to his favor, and you don't expect to see him stop. >> he did say he would not tweet because it's not presidential, and he changed his mind and we will see what he tweets next. still to come, the 2017 electronics show wrapping up. let's talk about self driving vehicles. they are all the rage. one automaker is using nasa technology to try to improve it.
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today is the last day of the 2017 consumer electronics show in las vegas, of course. insr innovations in car technology
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was at this show. there are new obstacles now apparently that the industry needs to address. our cnn correspondent walks us through it. >> reporter: sometimes i think c and ces stands for the car and electronics show. we have so many of the big names here like nissan, but they had an interesting announcement about self-driving cars because they think self driving cars can do everything themselves for now, and nissan is investigating in a service when humans will weigh in when a car doesn't know what to do, maybe a road barrier up all of a sudden and needs to cross the double yellow line and is trained not to do that, and the humans looking at the road and telling the self-driving car, here is what you need to do, and nissan not saying when that is coming out, but i think it shows there's a gray zone
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between having drivers and one day having fully autonomous vehicles on our roads. where it's cool to be a tech reporter is to see how technology could change peoples' lives. this is an interesting spoon, and it's meant for people who are suffering from parkinson's. often times they have the tremors and the food doesn't stay on their spoon, and no matter how much i shake, the food basically will stay on that spoon as best as possible so they can maintain that same quality of life, and it's really interesting to see that intersection of health and technology, victor and christie. >> i love that people are thinking that way. a staunch republican and always has been, and why he hopes donald trump will protect what he says works.
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thank you for keeping us company here at 7:30 on a sunday morning. i am christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. good morning to you. let's get to our breaking story out of israel. a vehicle rammed into pedestrians in jerusalem.
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>> you are looking at pictures of the truck and what you see are bullet holes on the windshield. israeli officials say this could be a possible terrorists attack. we will talk more about that in just a moment. a life-long conservatives that voted for trump, he says he benefited from the health care in that system and the threat of losing it could be life threatening. >> it was just not -- i was overweight, so i was a risk. >> back in 2013, bob roscoe, then 53 years old was a familiar story in america, too familiar. he was more than 100 pounds overweight, at risk of heart disease and diabetes, and he was self-employed and no company wanted to offer him health care
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insurance, and he was considered too big a risk. >> was that tough to go uninsured. >> doesn't make you warm and fuzzy, but i didn't like it, and it was the reality of the situation. >> when did you first hear about the affordable care act? >> over the news. >> what did you think? >> i thought it was a good idea. even though i am a conservative. >> when did you first sign up for obamacare? >> when it was first available. it was account,october, and i w be covered because it was important. >> he was able to get insurance a after subsidies, and it was within reach and a big relief. >> it was the feeling of coming out of the rain, if you will, and you are out there to the breezes, and you can get healthy and try to be safe, but there's
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a certain amount of fate out there, so to have coverage -- >> which makes what happens next is all the more surprising. >> you voted for donald trump, who promised to repeal something that you are very much benefiting from. again, how do you explain that to people? >> i did what i thought was correct for the overall good of the country, and economic strength cures a lot of things, people working and making decent money that certainly helps out. i would rather be working and not need the subsidies. >> we can reverse the stagnation, and usher in a period of true opportunity and growth. >> that repealing obamacare would be good for the economy, and it's a common refrain, but the committee for a responsible federal budget suggests the
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opposite, and they say repealing it would cost $350 billion over ten years, and increase the number of insured by 23 million. >> if he does repeal obamacare as he has promised to do, what is that going to do for you? >> no insurance. >> that was a big problem for you before? >> i was not happy about it. >> truth is, some of the states that most benefited from obamacare had a majority who voted for trump. like roscoe's home state of florida, florida has the highest percentage of enrollees in the nation, 1 in 10 floridians signed on through health insurance through the affordable care act. roscoe credits obamacare with profoundly changing his health, and because of that this life-long conservative wrestled for the first time with the idea of voting democrat. >> if i would have voted for what i thought was best for me, i would have voted for her.
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because the health care plan gives us peace of mind, and medical screening, to stop something before it gets worse. >> roscoe says he has no regrets about voting for president-elect trump, but would tell him this. >> each day we face the possibility of losing our home, and one thing came in, and the health care act has taken that worry away. >> and thanks to dr. sanjay gupta for reporting there. >> the question is how and when will republicans replace that law and with what? joining me now, democratic senator, jeff merkel. >> good to be with you. >> you heard the story there and there's a growing number of senate republicans who do not want to simply repeal the law without an immediate replacement, and do you think
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there will be a replacement paired with the repeal? >> i don't think there will be at this point because there's not a strategy put forward. there's a couple of ideas that have been talked about but ideas that don't work in the real word. this is commentary about let's open health care across state lines, and actually obamacare made it easy for health care to access consumers, and you are not sending life insurance, and you can't send an envelope in the mail in a magical way, and there are health care savings accounts, and that is only a small portion of americans and those folks generally have health insurance already, so there's no vision about what we are going to do about a repeal plan that would cost 3 million jobs, and 3 million people with
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no insurance. >> what should be the democrat's role in being part of the conversation about what to replace the law with? reportedly president obama said do not rescue the republicans in their attempt to create the next plan, and what should the democrat's role be post repeal? >> we are not conceding the repeal at all, because it's a terrible impact on millions of americans, and a terrible impact on the economy, and now that republicans are going out of the role of saying we are in the minority and throwing bricks on having to govern, they are coming around to the fact that obamacare was a good and cost-affective strategy that worked with providing health care to millions of americans and they are wrestling with the fact that now they have to be a bit more responsible. >> you would not concede the repeal, but do you think it
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would be repealed? >> i think it's a good chance we defeat that in the senate. >> really? you think you will be able to stop the repeal? >> there's at least a 50/50 chance. you start with a senate that is divided 52-48, and they need at least 50 votes plus a vice president, but there's a number of republicans who already said, alexander, and rand paul expressed this concern, and mccain has expressed this concern, and there are a lot of concerns saying what is this going to do to my constituents back home, and there are a number of states that voted for trump but have huge reliance on the medicaid expansion and the exchange to provide affordable health insurance. he talked about peace of mind and that's the difference. so many people don't have to worry about bankruptcy now, and they know if they get sick, they will have the care they need and that's something they didn't have a few years ago. >> let me talk about two other
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issues. the confirmation hearings coming up next week for members of trump's cabinet, and there are members we have talked to saying there has not been enough time or submission of information to go through the vetting process. do you believe you will have all the information you need and the time you need, you and your colleagues in the senate to properly vet these nominees? >> no, absolutely not. under the effort the republicans are making and they control the senate and the hearings and they are saying we are going to have the hearings without the fbi reports and ethics reports and all the information questionnaires being completed. they are trying to ram these folks through, in part because they have controversial back grounds without appropriate vetting and it's an irresponsible thing to do. >> is there a maneuver to slow
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it down? >> we can require a closed door debate, and that requires a simple majority but takes an intervening day, and so that tool can be used to spread things out somewhat, but still in the end, the republicans control the senate. >> let me talk to you about a confirmation fight coming down the pike soon possibly, the nominee for the supreme court, and it has not yet been named but listen to what we heard from the senate minority leader, chuck schumer. >> it's hard for me to imagine a nominee that donald trump would choose that would get republican support that we could support. so you are right. >> so you will do your best to hold the seat open? >> absolutely. >> the republicans held this
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seat open for nearly a year, and by refusing to not have a hearing and not have a vote, and i think we should have a hearing and i think we should have a vote because i don't think it's fair and responsible for us to do the same thing to do to them that they have done to us and continue to grind further downward any possibility of our respect and support of the supreme court. >> which side of the line do you fall on, senator? >> actually, there's not a complete conflict there. the fact is there will be a hearing and vote because the republicans control the senate. that's a given. the question is, will it be an individual that supports the we the people vision of our constitution, and the folks that we anticipate might come forward are folks who we think are not supporting that vision, they support government by and for the powerful. >> senator we are running low on time, but when the senate minority leader says he wants to hold that seat open absolutely, do you agree with that, the seat should be held open for the term
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if it can be? >> it's not something the democrats have in their power but we can fully vet the nominee and say isn't it time to have a nominee that completely believes in the vision of our constitution. >> it's one of the biggest nights in hollywood. the golden globes, and what it means for the oscar race. when a cold calls... achoo!
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exploding with flavor? yeah they are. or try new creamy shrimp linguini, and new sweet bourbon-brown sugar grilled shrimp. flavors like these are big. and for just $15.99, they can't last. so hurry in. big night, in fact one of the biggest nights in hollywood, and we're talking about the golden globes. >> the 74th no less as well, and stephanie is taking a look at what we can expect today. >> reporter: the glitz, the glamor, the golden globes.
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hollywood's annual kickoff to award season looks to offer what is new in television. with seven nominations, "la la land" leads the pack on the motion picture front. >> it takes a very traditional medium. the hollywood musical which has been around for a century, and it really does re-invent it for a modern audience. >> the emma stone and ryan gosling-led movie is up for the best musical picture or comedy, and alongside "dead pool." >> it's all love and pride in this house. >> "moonlight" has six nominations, along with "hacksaw ridge," and "manchester by the sea." with five nods, "the people versus o.j. simpson" dominates
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several categories. >> my reign has just begun. >> for the fourth year, "game of thrones" is up for the best drama series. >> i get to wear a tux. >> taking a stab at the master of ceremonies of duties in year, jimmy fallon. >> i am practicing wearing it every single night and handing out awards to random people. >> what makes the golden globes fun is a sense that anything can happen, and that goes to the host as well. >> the show should live up to its title as hollywood's biggest party. cnn, hollywood. >> and you know what? it's the super bowl of auto shows that opens today. we will take you live to look at some never-before-seen cars.
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you know what time it is. we will take a look at what is going on look right now. nick miles is live from detroit. i know you've got some things specifically you want to talk about. my husband is going to like this one. he's got a ford f-150. you've got the newest and the greatest. nick, really, what do you like about it? >> first of all, you need to know that this is the best-selling vehicle in north america t.tops the charts every single year. it has done for a whole bunch of years and they are celebrating 40 years with the 2018 model and it's brand new.
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i'll get out of the way so you can get a look. a brand new front end and back end on the f-150 and redesigned. it's the only truck in its class which comes with all the safety features like pre-collision and pedestrian detection. it will help you avoid an accident and has wi-fi on the inside to keep the family help and the stop/start technology which will save you in ford as well. great thing about ford is they are integrating the amazon alexa pieces into their cars as well which really helps you do things like audio shopping while you're driving. i want to talk a little bit about nissan and nissan have a concept car that will be here at the show. the great thing about this vehicle it was developed -- the technology was developed along with nasa, a seamless integration of technologies to help you do things like drive faster and think faster. it's going to be appearing on some nissan leafs in the future. it's called sam, and it looks
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like they are getting ready to do the autonomous vehicles, zero emissions an zero accidents is their goal in 2017. one of the problems, christi, is getting millenials into cars. we've had an issue with that. chrysler have decided to move and put a car on the road which was designed for millenials by millenials. the cool thing about this, christi, it really integrates the hole thing with your family. you can buy it with one seat and buy it with six seats but as your family grows you can add seats into the vehicle and has cool technology on the inside like 360-degree cameras so you can do carpool karaoke in the car as well so lots of cool technology and i like that idea, but i know autonomous stuff is coming. we have to be ready for autonomy, and in the hyundai ionic they got rid of the big light that you see on google cars and now it's seamless going
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from the driving to car driving itself. they are testing this in nevada right now on the streets so hopefully it will be here soon. toyota showing off another vehicle as well. their brand new concept "i" which has really cool features. the more you drive it, the more the vehicle will understand you and start to respond to how you drive. and let's check this out. this is a brand new tire, and this is a race-inspired tire. tires can get really expensive but for under $300 you're getting race technology in a vehicle and you'll see this appearing on a lot of high end cars. it helps you start faster and has a $30,000 mile warranty as well which is really cool when you get warrants on tires. don't tend to last that long. auto mobility starts here today. the urban aublt. this is the sort of thing that's
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coming, a personal mobility vehicle. if you check this out, you can drive around the show in it and check it out. the cool thing about this is it's for people who maybe have a hard time getting around but you can ride it like a skateboard and it will follow you around so you can actually put your shopping on the back of it and it will come and follow you around as you walk so it's kind of cool futuristic stuff. >> nic miles for us. it's been a pleasure. thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> that's great. >> i like that little personal mobility vehicle. that's nice. >> there you go, yes. >> college football national championship set for tomorrow. let's go to tampa now and coy wire is live there. i know he's excited. >> reporter: alabama has won four of the last seven national championships, but as head coach nick cbsan outsmarted himself this time. he got rid of his offensive
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coordinator six days before the game. we'll take a closer look at who is taking over the reins after the break. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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so after the unexpected
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departure of alabama's offensive coordinator lane kiffin judgment six days ago for his new head coaching job at florida atlantic, a lot of people are wondering how alabama's offense will be affected in the biggest game of the year. >> coy wire has more from outside the stadium in tampa in this morning's bleacher report. good morning, sir. >> reporter: good morning to you, christi and victor. a new offensive kird norther six days before the big game. steve sarkisian, one of the hottest coaches in the game before alcohol-related issues derailed his career last season and cost him his job at usc and nick saban gave him a job as offensive analyst and just because someone had an issue in the past doesn't mean they shouldn't get another opportunity. >> if that's something that's manageable and you think that they can add value to your organization by what they bring, minus the issues, then i think it's worthwhile for -- to give
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him an opportunity. >> all right. charactersian now finds himself thrust into the role of alabama's offensive coordinator but bama fans, do not worry. not only has sarkisian been around this offense all season and ran the same offense with his other team and saban is brilliant knew kifb would eventually leave for a head coaching gig. sarkisian has his life back on track and knows the offense on track. the players love him. the tide's offense will not skip a beat, because of sarkisian at least. the nfl, detroit lions, looking for their first playoff win since 1999 and this morning they are still looking because of beast mode 2.0. running back thomas rawls was absolutely rolling. 161 yards, breaking marshawn lynch's record for most rush
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yards in a playoff game. seattle dominates at home, 26-6. now, they go to atlanta next saturday to play my former team the falcons. it will be a battle of the birds, one to watch. might have to get you over to your first nfl game there, victor. what do you think? >> first nfl game. >> thanks, coy, and thank you so much for sharing your morning with us. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. a new intelligence report says point blank put put personally ordered a massive cyber campaign to help donald trump and to hurt hillary clinton. >> i don't think we've ever directed a more aggressive campaign. >> after weeks of mocking u.s. intelligence agencies


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