tv Reliable Sources CNN January 8, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
receiving welfare will be given $600 a month for two years guaranteed regardless of future of income or wealth. it could be expanded to include the whole country and the hope is it could simplify the country's costly welfare system. thanks for being part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. it's time for reliable sources. our weekly look at the story behind the story with how the media really works, how the news gets made. ahead this hour president-elect donald trump accustomed to beating the press now set to meet the press. how valuable will this anticipated press conference be? what's being called a seismic shift rocking cable news. we will explore what tucker carlson's new primetime gig means for the future of fox news. the challenges of covering
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the russian hacking story. t minus 12 days until trump's inauguration. the sunday shows are a buzz about intelligence reports that russian president vladmir putin influenced the presidential election attempting to aid trump's bid for the white house. the president-elect has resisted the findings saying all sorts of things on twitter. instead trump is calling for an investigation of a different kind. this is what he wrote on friday. i'm asking the chairs of the house and senate committee to investigate to secret intelligence shared with nbc prior to me seeing it. this is important here. it seems to be trump's first threat of leak investigation. joining me is david sanger, national security correspondent for the new york times. good morning. good to see you. >> great to be back with you. >> how did you interpret trump's tweet? do we know if he's reached out to congress and asked for this investigation? >> i don't know and usually leak investigations are referred to
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the justice department. they're not referred to congress. i think something that president-elect trump is going to have to get used to as all previous presidents backed to the lincoln administration had to get used to is once you're in office, you're going to pick up the newspapers or turn on the television and you're going to learn a lot of things that someone somewhere has classified. now, does that mean that national security has been violated? maybe but most of the time, no. i spent a lot of my life from your days back at the times writing about iran, north korea, nuclear, cyber and so forth. you can't write about these subjects and intelligently informer the american public about the issues involved in them until you're doing into details. many of which frequently without the knowledge of the reporters are classified somewhere in some place. you simply can't have that level
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of discussion without that. while i know that offends many people and many policy makers. the fact of the matter is we live in a world of such overclassification that i'm guessing that the front page of the new york times in the washington post every day are filled with information that somewhere at some point in time over the past 25 years which is the length of time things usually classified have been stamped top secret. >> let's go down on the specific complaint. he's talking about this report of russian hacking from the intelligence community. this morning on state of the union, kellyanne conway addressed it. >> when asked on friday the white house dodged the question whether the administration was the source of the leaks to nbc news. people who possess this information are sending it to the media ahead of the
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president-elect receiving information and perhaps even the president himself depending on the sequence of events. >> the washington post and nbc reporting on thursday night about what was in this report. president-elect trump was not briefed until friday morning. david, is that normal? is it normal for leaks to happen somewhere in the government before the right people are briefed on it? >> entirely normal. in fact, what makes it up to the top, the president may or may not be in the media long before that. >> you're saying president obama learns from the newspapers about what's going on in his government? >> at moments the president may see in the newspaper something that's not yet made its way into the presidential daily brief. we have seen many examples of that. let's take this one in particular. back in late july, we reported in the times in fairly lengthy front page story that the american intelligence community have concluded with high
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did not like. there's really nothing new under the sun here. all we hope is that the trump administration continues what has been a justice department tradition for reasons of respecting the first amendment that they go look around for sources and not go after the reporters who try to undermine the reporting itself. we don't know how this will sort out in a trump administration. >> mostly in secret. obama didn't come out on twitter ahead of time and warn he was about to do it. my inbox is full of e-mails from journalists worried about the chilling effects of trump's tweet. he's already calling for this investigation. my follow up invest asking if this investigation is happening have not been returned. are you noticie ining a chillin effect? are you noticing them less
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willing to talk to you? >> somewhat of the opposite. >> since the president-elect began making statements that the intelligence community considered undercutting their credibility, i'd say we're hearing more from intelligent sources who are worried that the fact base of data they are collecting either isn't going to be respected or isn't going to get fully out there. my guess is that the reaction to public doubts about the quality of intelligence gathering is probably going to be more leaks, not fewer. we'll have to see how that sorts out. >> trump voters hear that and say how dare they leak against the new president. >> we saw the same thing happen in the bush administration when president bush, you may recall, was saying that he lacked confidence in the intelligence community. he said this very briefly because of the 16 words.
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the intelligence community has done a bopoor job of releasing information about how they know what they know. i hear the usual discussion you can't release sources. we learned a lot more frabout h the intelligence community came to its flawed conclusions about hussein. we have learned a lot more in many other cases. the president-elect has been highly skeptical of intelligence. there's nothing wrong with that.
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>> thank you so much for being here this morning. >> thank you. great to be with you. >> i mentioned kellyanne conway on state of the union. it's coming up next hour. trump has a healthy dose of the skepticism over these intelligence reports. up next, someone who shares that skepticism right after the break. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip.
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welcome back. donald trump's distrust of u.s. intelligence reports makes me wonder exactly who the president-elect does trust. what are his trusted sources of information? that is a key question and it's going to continue to be a key question as he moves into the white house. he know he watches a lot of cable news, both cnn and fox news. he reacts to what he sees using twitter. this will be cable/social media presidency. both cable and social media.
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here is two examples. this is what trump said on new year's eve when asked about russian hacking. >> i know a lot about hacking. hacking is hard to prove. it could be somebody else. i also know things that others don't know. they cannot be sure of the situation. >> what do you know that other people know? >> you'll find out on tuesday or wednesday. >> tuesday or wednesday, what was trump teasing? one theory is he was teeing up this. hannity's interview with julian assage. he flew monday to tape it and it aired on tuesday and wednesday. >> did russia give you this information or anybody associated with russian? >> our source is not state party. the answer for sbrinteractions
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no. >> did trump now ahead of time that his friend hannity would sit down with him? as fox might say, you decide. later in the week there was a much more clear cut case of trump relying on hannity. he was reading hannity's talking points. here is what hannity said on tv friday night saying the hacking was the democrat's own fault. >> the truth is they can only blame themselves and their gross negligence on cyber security for this election hacking. >> later in the hour, you guessed it, trump tweeted about the dnc's gross negligence. we searched fact base showing that trump never tweeted or spoken the words gross negligence until friday night. glen you've been on fox talking about this. do you factor in that the
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president-elect may be watching? do you care? >> no, i don't care in the slightest. >> i think it's way to communicate directly to the person in power, no? >> i mean i think it's always been the case that presidents pay attention to what is being discussed in the media. i suppose to the extent that trump is on twitter and interacting on twitter and pays attention to cable news, perhaps it's more a more direct way to communicate to the person in power. i look at my role as a journalist to communicate with the population and care more about what they are thinking than what political leaders and hold up they are reacting. >> let's turn to trump's tweets. this is something we have seen all week long. trump deflecting, down playing the importance of russian meddling. you've been outspoken saying journalists should be skeptical of the u.s. government claims. lay out your case for us. >> i think everybody would agree
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that it is plausible that this is something that russia might have done. i wouldn't put it past them. it wouldn't shock me if they did. this is the sort of thing russia and the u.s. have done to other countries and one another for many decades including over the last ten years. nobody would say that russia didn't do it or it would be shocking if they did. there's a really critical lesson that we learned back in august 1964 that the u.s. stood up and authorized them with two votes. the same lesson in 2002 when a group of bipartisan starts assured the nation that the intelligence community convinced them that saddam has weapons of mass destruction and the same lesson we learned in 2013, james clapper lied to the faces of the country when he said that he wants to assure everybody that
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extremely popular a few years ago. i would call it conventional wisdom among democrats and progressives and liberals which learned the hard lesson. now you have a complete role reversal where it's republican who is are expressing skepticism of the cia and democrats saying it means you're disloyal and siding with a dictator against your own country. it has to do with what we said. we have a tendency to believe whatever we want to believe and whatever principles are most convenient at the moment. >> we heard from president obama about this. here is what he told george. >> one of the things i'm concerned to that is the degree to which we have seen a lot of commentary lately where there are republicans or pundits or cable commentators who seem to have more confidence in vladmir
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just cia assertions over and over. that's not enough. >> wii'm out of time. thank you very much for being here. always a pleasure. arnold schwarzenegger celebrity apprentice. we'll talk about his tweets, how to cover them and what his tweets tell us about it. we'll be right back. n's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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welcome back. our panel is standing by to tackle the trump twitter conundrum. he's an executive producer of the celebrity apprentice which premiered on nbc with its new host earlier this week. trump cares deeply about tv ratings. he used to send me messages when i worked at the new york times when he thought my stories did not give him ratings credit. he reacted writing that the ratings are in and arnold schwarzenegger got swamped or detroyed by comparison to the ratings machine. that was season one compared to season 14. now compare him to my season one. who cares high pressure he supported kasich and hillary.
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nrn n political commentator. you run a journalism program in new jersey. every minute spent covering trump's tweets, do you think that's a minute wasted when we're not covering his actions or policies? >> every minute spent publishing them or reading them on the air creates a record. every minute spent not covering policy or everything the administration is about to start work on, that's time wasted. >> are we spending enough time fact checking what he is saying online? >> fact checking, yes, but caring about what he says about apprentice ratings is secondary. i'm concerned the media in general is totally unprepared for what will happen in two weeks. i was reading breitbart say they are saying they will be ready the go saturday with a host of executive orders.
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that's important. >> unprepared to cover his presidency. how so? >> regional newspapers are nearly dead. the impact of policy decisions will be almost by definition undercover out in america. washington bureaus are not as stronger as they once were. the level of expertise about foreign policy issues is not what it once was. it's really important that the media focus on the things that really matter now. >> i wonder what you make of this. as a trump supporter, someone who wants to see this administration documented every day, what's your view on this? when you look at the coverage so far, do you think enough is being made of what the actions will be? what the policy decisions could be? >> i think there is this obsessive culture around donald trump's twitter feed. i think that's because right now we have a lack of action. he's president-elect. he's not president. the only actions we have on his part to really analyze are his negotiates with carrier and his
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hold him accountable. when we heard that mexico may not pay for the wall. that story broke thursday night. the media covered it and they should. when you make a promise on the campaign trail, it has to materialize into action. i was critical of obama on some of his promises not materialing and aisle be equally critical of president trump. >> when we see donald trump tweet about north korea, nuclear weapons, about very important policy matters, he makes the earth shake a bit when he does that. do we have to accept as a country and a world we'll have a president who will not tweet like a professor, who will not tweet like a politician. he's going to tweet like any other ordinary human being and that's something journalists have to get over? >> i'm a conservative both politically and tempermentally. i get heartburn there's a wrecking ball taken to the norms of discourse and the way things are done. this is a wrecking ball election. it would profoundly surprise me,
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if we're sitting around for donald trump to change the way he communicates with people and change his tone, i think you'll be waiting four to eight years, if not longer. for me it's less of about tone and more about substance. when donald trump gets into a twitter war with arnold schwarzenegger over ratings for the apprentice, that's not the stuff that keeps me up at night. domestic policy, that's going to come when there's executive orders. things coming out of congress. foreign policy, when the president tweets in 140 characters, that becomes american foreign policy. that's the theory where i'm most concerned. i think the media does need to have the most focus on what donald trump is tweeting. >> 12 days until inauguration day. how nervous are you about the news media treatment of this unusual president-elect? >> i don't know if i'm nervous about im. i'm apprehensive.
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that's what i'm most concerned about. i'm concerned about philanthropy need to be focused on how important nemedia is. >> tell me about that. >> there's not enough institutions to deal with the magnitude of what the trump administration is likely to do in its early years. those people are ready. we need more. we need more people like bezos to step up and get behind media journalism. >> there were some layoffs of mediums this week. it said this ad driven media world does not cut it. it's not sufficient. running ads is not enough to stain these operations. i think what you're saying is covering trump will be especially difficult at a moment where the need ya business
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finlly is in a difficult straits. >> we're all in a search for a new business model. it's going to take a while to sort itself out. digital advertising is very soft. it's really important that people like john henry on the boston globe and bezos in washington think seriously about how they can invest as business people in helping the media right now. >> there's some related problems. i'm going to go to you on this. the issue of the echo chambers talked about earlier this hour whether it's breitbart or fox or anything like that. you're writing for the hill. you're not writing for breitbart that seems to only preach to the choir. do you think more needs to be done to communicate to trump voters about why it's valuable to seek out a wide range of sources? >> i think it's really important, of course. i don't think breitbart breitbart and drudge are in this exclusive world. you have the liberal
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>> no doubt there's self-inflicted wounds the press have caused over the years. final word to you kristen. what do you find about media distrust and what do you find about attempts to repair it? >> media distrust is at incredible highs. it's particularly low with groups like even younger voters. those who were not around for the last 30 years ago back when people trusted the network news anchors. trust in media has declined but for a lot of voters in particular. they have never known an era where you're trusting at face value the stuff you see in your news. i think rebuilding that trust is very hard. i think it goes back to showing your work. what david sanger was talking about in the first segment about
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the intelligence community to rebuild their trust, they will need to show their work. when you have the media doing things like fact checking and give two pinocchio when it's correct. it's a necessary condition for rebuilding that trust. >> i agree that we need more. at the same time got to figure out ways to have more people believe that news reporting. believe that content. >> thank you all for being here. up next, the future for fox news and for cable news in general in the trump age. two of the top media watchers in the business are here to discuss what megyn kelly will be doing at nbc and what her departure means for fox. here... or here. today, there's another option. drug-free aleve direct therapy.
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what will cable news look like in the age of first reality tv president? if this week was any indication, there will be changes. this week megyn kelly surprised a lot of people, including me, by rebuffing a 25 million per year off from fox news and joining nbc. >> after more than a dozen years at fox news, i have decided to pursue a new challenge. joining be journalists at nbc news who i deeply admire. i'll be anchoring a daytime show there along with a sunday night
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news magazine and you'll see me there on the big nights too for politics and such. >> later in the week kelly's former fox news colleague also made the move over to the nbc news family specifically to msnbc. she's going to have a 6:00 p.m. program premiering tomorrow. foxmissing a braet promoting tucker carlson. will there be more changes on the horizon? joining me now is a columnist for the new york times. jim, you broke the news on tuesday about kelly making this move. my interpretation is she had the get out of fox news. she was not happy there. she felt the environment was toxic and offered her dream job over at nbc. what's your interpretation? >> i think all that in the mix. 25 million dollar probably has a way of making some of the toxicity go away. there she is at 9:00 p.m. and
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primetime. that's the big time at fox news. nbc offers her a new opportunity to move into different kinds of television. if she can can push her stardom to a different place. >> she described her dream show was a bit of charlie rose and megyn kelly. is that what she's getting now? >> she's getting two and a half jobs. she's taking on a lot there. her people would say she's trying to spread her wings. she's done fox news. she's done the 9:00 p.m. slot. she really knew how to do that. that wasn't that much more room for her to grow there. this does give her a new challenge and a whole new sort of platform. i think that's exactly what she's getting. >> and a more flexible schedule. she would show a picture and say this is what i'm most focused on. this is what matters most. not having to be at work in 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. it was clearly a big factor. do we know a lot object what
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she'll be doing at nbc? do we know the time slot? >> potentially she would take over that third hour of "today" at 9:00 a.m. >> maybe 1:00 p.m. >> maybe even 11:00. i think the interesting thing here is and the challenge is this is daytime television, even late morning. it's not hard edge nighttime cable news. >> what does it mean for fox news to see her leave? one of my take aways is the biggest trump antagonist of the network, someone trump was attacking, causing hate mail to be sent is now off of fox's schedule. would be a good thing for fox? >> it's very interesting thing that megyn kelly seen as a more centrist figure at fox news is moving to a very different place and moving out of network. it's a sign that fox is becoming more trump friendly. tucker carlson isn't as in the
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tank as sean hannity is. >> they haven't been friends for decades. >> right. the idea for fox they now have three commentators, it's all white men. that's something that roger ailes, despite his reputation always wanted a woman in primetime. it's an interesting moment for them. >> do you think it's ironic it's all white male? >> do i don't know if it will matter for viewership? i don't know that. i think it's an interesting sort of potentially un -- inadvertent statement that fox is making. >> jim, what's your take? >> having a female voice in prime time is a different perspective in terms of what we do. you want some diversity in your lineup. i think if there was a woman who they thought was going to hold those ratings, they would have moved a woman in.
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tucker was doing very well at 7:00 p.m. so here he sgeez that slot. >> i just pulled up here. sean hannity's tweet. it says earlier this week it's like a huge shot across. sean hannity talking to joe scarboroug, is it repulsive that you keep asking fox to hire you without telling your current employer. >> what to make of this? >> i'm noticing the bigger the salary, the bigger the tv star, the louder the twitter yelling these days. that was really a spat over sean hannity's coverage of this russian leaks. i don't know joe has place at msnbc morning that's very important. if he were to go to fox then the whole world is going upside down. >> the whole world is upside down. joe is always looking for the
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next thing. >> people say this has been happening for a long time. who prompted sean hannity to go after him was this world going upside down situation. >> will the world ever flip right side up. stick around. more with our media columnists. three days away. what to anticipate? how much does it really matter? >> it's a lot of press. >> be quiet. nobody ever listens to you. sit down. you weren't called. >> i put myself through your news conferences often. not that it's fun. afoot and ligd i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
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the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ anyone ever have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily... ...with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! phillips. be good to your gut.
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we hear from trump every day via twitter. we're hearing from him during this hour. when he tweets he obviously chooses the topic. now w a press conference scheduled for wednesday, mid morning wednesday, it's a chance for reporters to pick the topics and ask the questions they would like to ask. now trump has not held a presser, a full-fledged presser with everybody seated him up at the podium since the end of july. he made a lot of news back then. we looked at the transcript. at one point he seemingly invited russia to hack the u.s. remember this. >> what do i have to get involved with putin for? i don't have anything to do with putt relationship. i have never spoken to him. i will tell you this, russia f you are listening i hope you are able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.
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i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. let's see if that happens. >> his press conferences are nothing if not news worthy. a preview of the next one. back with me, jim rudenberg of the "new york times" and sarah he willersby of "vanity fair." is it a coincidence sarah this happens the morning after president obama gives his farewell address to the nation? >> trump is always best when he is reacting against someone. when he has an adversary. i think actually it puts him in a good position. he is basically giving the retort to obama's sort of last speech to the press. >> it's going to be more to talk about. he is supposed to talk about his businesses how he is going to try to move some of the fligts as well. >> we have been waiting for this for long time but it does give him something to push against, which he likes. >> jim, as you know, president-elects come out and have a press setting a couple of
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days after being elected. do you think donald trump sbengsally set the mood by not having a press conference. >> he was at once the most accessible candidate. and yet no press conference for almost as many as hillary clinton went. >> it's like 162 days. >> befuddling. this press conference will be very important in terms of is it setting the tone now. this is the first -- this is it. this is the first thing -- first one we're going to see, amazing this long. >> we have seen a campaign to delegitimatize the media. do you expect to see that continue once he is in office? >> absolutely. he ran against the press. and he has continued to do so. everyone who is expecting things to change once he is in office has been sort of disappointed. he is very much the same person we saw during the campaign. i don't think that's going to change. >> do you sense the journalists jim are fearful or worried about that or sort of embracing the
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challenge? >> i think it is a mix of all the above. the important thing is, these reporters cannot be engaged in fights with the people they are covering. i think that's one of the biggest shifts is getting used to the attacks but keeping your eye on your job, which is reporting the facts, straight ahead, and don't get kind of pulled into it when you can avoid it. >> during the last segment donald trump weighed in on twitter about the media. real time, trump not liking what he was seeing on meet the press. he said kellyanne conway went to meet the press. dishonest media cut out nine of her ten minutes. terrible, exclamation point. he is sort of right on the facts. my quick check is they did only air part of the interview. they usually put the rest on line. but this is an example of trump reacting in real time to what is happening. it comes only two days as to
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there should be an investigation as to nbc's sources into the russian hacking. what do you make on his sources at nbc? >> megyn kelly his nemesis is there. >> joining nbc. >> but, i think that the two situations are a little different. one is more concerning talking about a congressional leak probe of a story about this intelligence regarding russia is much more severe than i wonder if he is going to have the time to count the minutes of his own aids on television once he is in office dealing with the rigors of the job. >> nbc airs the apprentice. it's nbc's right to edit an interview. we do that at cnn, and every other network shortens interviews because of among other thing time constraints. >> which he is tweeting with arnold schwarzenegger's ratings on the apprentice, he does seem inordinately engaged with the
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media. we are hearing he was talking with rupert murdoch. but it's something he makes time for, to watch cable news. i think he is definitely going to continue to do that. he might still be counting the minutes. >> it is a huge adjustment from president obama who famously says he doesn't care about cable news, doesn't watch it. sarah, jim, thanks for being here. we'll be back after the break by shocking examples of plagiarism by one of trump's national security picks. back after this. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. the mistay connected.elps us the microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. the microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. wherever there's a phone, you've got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. it helps us communicate better. we use the microsoft cloud's advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud.
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this weekend a big scoop by cnn's k file team of investigative reporters. the team found 50-plus examples of monica crowley plagiarizing in her 2012 book. she has been a fixture on cable news for decades. she was a fox news contributor until recently when donald trump picked her for the national security council. we can show you some examples the plagiarism. this is all on line at cnn some of these are offers paragraphs taken from sources like james rosen, the wreath journal and many others. the k file team found some of the plagiarisms came from a podiatrists website. there were a variety of sources that she apparently lifted from used in her 2012 book. the trump team is saying the attempt to discredit monica is a
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distraction. but reporting, journalism is not the same thing as having a politically motivated attack. the publisher of the book harper collins hasn't commented. that's all for this edition of reliable sores. i'll see you next week. cyber strike. the additional intel report on russian hacking says vladimir putin wanted donald trump to win. >> mr. president-elect, listen to these people. putin is up to no good. and he better be stopped. >> will it be enough to convince trump smile' ask white house counsellor, kellyanne conway. plus, airport attack. the latest details on the shooter who left five people dead in florida. >> we have not ruled out anything. >> was he inspired by isis? wh
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