tv New Day CNN January 10, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PST
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senior white house adviser, his son-in-law jared kushner is raising some questions. how will he get around nepotism laws all this as president obama delivers his farewell address to the nation tonight. we're live at trump tower in new york. >> reporter: the president-elect is feeling good about his cabinet choices and his son-in-law, but as expected, they are going to be met by some tough opposition. the president-elect says he's confident in all eight of his cabinet nominees facing confirmation hearings this week. >> the confirmation is going great. i think they will all pass. every nomination -- they are highest level. >> trump's controversial pick for attorney general alabama senator jeff sessions is up next followed by john kelly who is up
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for homeland security secretary, but it is trump's move to appoint his son-in-law jared kushner that is raising lots of questions as senior white house adviser. top democrats on the house judiciary committee calling for a review of the appointment, arguing the anti nepotism law leaves kushner ineligible for the job, but his attorney maintains the anti nepotism statute excludes west wing posts. kushner is moving to resign from all executive positions at his companies and divest a significant number of foreign investmen investments. kushner will not take a salary at the white house and not all democrats are wary of kushner. >> i'm certainly pleased he will be in that role. i find him to be a lot more
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reasonable and a lot more moderate. >> reporter: it's not clear what his wife will have and whether the first daughter will have a west wing office. >> we'll talk about that on wednesday. >> reporter: that's when trump will hold his first press conference in nearly six months, where he is expected to be pressed about his conflicts of interest. >> it's very simple, very easy. >> reporter: whether he accepts the conclusions of intelligence agencies that russia meddle ds in the u.s. election. >> we'll talk to you about at another time. >> reporter: while much of the attention is focused on the incoming president, tonight the attention will be on the outgoing president. president obama will be delivering his farewell speech from chicago. it's expected to -- he's expected to thank his supporters over the years. the speech is expected to be forward-looking and from the heart. chris. >> all right, thank you very much. this is a week of big tests for the president-elect. confirmation hearings begin here in washington, d.c. in just
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hours. up first will be alabama senator jeff sessions president-elect's attorney general. the hearing is expected to be contentious because cory booker is expected to testify against him. >> reporter: this is quite something that has never happened before. a sitting senator testifying against another one. but new jersey senator cory booker coming out and saying this is not a decision he makes likely but the immense powers of the attorney general combined with the deeply troubling views of this nominee is a call to conscience. the attorney general is responsible for ensuring the fair administration of justice and based on his record, i lack confidence that senator sessions can honor this duty. senator john lewis is set to testify against him as well.
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very likely sessions confirmation will remain on track. it's the same senate committee which turned down and rejected senator sessions in the 80s when he was applying for a federal judgeship over these racially incentive remarks that he made in the past. though sessions is getting some support from some prominent republicans, former secretary of state condoleezza rice coming out with praise saying he's a man who is committed to justice and knows law and order are necessary to guarantee freedom and liberty. all of this happening today. one more hearing much less controversial, though, that of general john kelly for department of homeland security secretary. likely to be easily confirmed. alisyn. >> there's a lot to discuss. we have author of how's your faith, david gregory, senior congressional correspondent david drucker and matt lewis.
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great to have all of you here. matt, i'll start with you since you are here with me. cory booker is about to make history in that he is going to testify against a colleague because he does not want senator sessions to become attorney general. here is house senator -- how senator booker describes the problems, listen to this. >> please understand these are extraordinary times. we've seen senator jeff sessions voting against everything from the matthew shepherd act or speaking around ideals around the voting rights act. taking measures to try to block criminal justice reform. he has a posture and positioning that i think represent a real danger to our country and even nations. >> so matt, how is that going to go? >> we've been hearing a long time the wringing of the hands how the senators used to get along and there used to be bipartisan compromise and cooperation. this is an example of democrats
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actually getting away from that. you know, part of the reason that things are going the way they are going right now is that harry reid killed the filibus r filibuster. now you have a u.s. senator who is going to testify in against another one. >> do you think he's standing on his convictions? >> that's his right to do it. this opens a new era where we can expect more of that. it goes against precedent and tradition. look, let's be honest, jeff sessions, if you were casting a character i tour of a southern politician. that's who he is. they want to beat him up. they want to play the race card against him. there may be some legitimate questions about him. this is about politics. he's going to get the confirmation. >> well, look, they can't get the votes, right? but just to be clear, this isn't unprecedented. booker testifying is unprecedented. holding up an a.g. nomination is
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not unusual. it seems like the past is going to be haunting jeff sessions. david, notably in 1985 as a.g. in alabama, his decision to go after voting rights advocates for trying to extend people's ability to sign up and go, he decided to prosecute them. that still sticks in the craw of many. >> that's right. there are a lot of republicans now still working against expansion of voting rights. you heard bernie sanders talk about that in your town hall with him last night. this is the progressive wing of the democratic party saying we're going to take a stand against jeff sessions. we probably don't have the vote but we're going to stand up here. a.g. is one of those positions that democrats are going to do that. i remember covering the bush administration and senator ashcroft had a very tight vote. very narrowly confirmed to be attorney general. i think it's one of those positions where you see the fight. >> one of the things that democrats say is hey, could you
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see jeff sessions actually opening a case against the president of the united states? he's way too deferential to trump. i don't know that's true. when is the last time an attorney general opened up a case against a president of the united states? >> the attorney general is appointed by the president of the united states. the attorney general basically can be fired by the president of the united states. that is how you hold the office of the attorney general accountable. otherwise, they are accountable to nobody. but let's look at why jeff sessions is going to be confirmed regardless of opposition from democrats. i think people need to remember that before the rise of trump, jeff sessions was sort of the odd ball republican in the conference. he was always going against them on issues like immigration and trade and other things, but they all like him because he disagreed in the tradition of the senate civilly and so when you would talk to people about jeff sessions, hey, does his opg
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bother you, is he causing you problems on issues like immigration and trade, look, jeff sessions has his views, he's a gentleman about it and we like him. that's why he's going to be confirmed and that's why i think democrats would be better off targeting and looking at nominees like stephen nuch -- mnuchin. i know why they are going after sessions from a democratic point of view with internal politics. they are not going to get it done. >> let's talk about jared kushner who mr. trump would like to be his senior adviser in the white house. can he get around nepotism laws by not taking a salary? >> i don't think that's the legal argument that the trump people are making. they are saying he can do this because those laws don't apply to, you know, the -- >> so the senate -- >> to the west wing. but i think legally also look at hillary clinton. if hillary clinton, the first lady, could run health care, head up that task force for her
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husband, the president, then legally i think you can make a case for kushner. i would say practically speaking we should be rooting for this. i think jared kushner is obviously, you know, a serious person. this isn't a case of nepotism where we're going to pay my son-in-law some money. this is really donald trump's adviser and he seems to be along with ivanka a calming force. >> yes. mayor de blasio made that same point. >> there's a big but. first of all, we don't know how the law applies to this. there's one case where two -- actually all three judges on the panel discussed it but this wasn't the issue in the case. it was about whether or not what hillary clinton was doing was considered an advisory committee and what that did is an encroachment on the executive who is in the weeds. they never decided. two of the three judges say they don't think the nep lix laws apply to the white house. we have seen the conflict issue
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raise its ugly. the people he's brought forward for positions are people he's done business with. >> we were talking before the program, how do you unwind that in the same you have to ask how does trump unwind all of these deals that are already in motion, that were even in motion, big "new york times" piece about meetings that went on after he became the nominee. there's another factor here, i agree with what matt said. for opponents of trump, kushner is seen as very important and calming influence on trump. very close adviser. the notion of a free safety, somebody that important with kind of unlimited portfolio, that can be pretty tough within a white house staff. we've seen that with valerie jarrett who attracted some barbs within the white house because she was the best friend and didn't have limits. >> this is a great example of what if obama did it. first of all, if you are a republican, one of the closest
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advisers of the president of the united states, once he trusts the most is a liberal democrat who has been educating himself on republican priorities in the past year or so. here's the other thing. you have a very close adviser to the president and what do the american people want out of somebody like that? somebody who can tell the president no. somebody who can tell the president i don't know if this is such a good idea and if they think it's a really bad idea, threaten to walk. if you are donald trump's son-in-law, basically his kid and you look up to him, do you have it? do you actually ever think he does anything wrong and can you walk and does that threat hold any water and i think that's something -- >> but he also has the ability to say look i'm really in this for you and you really shouldn't do that and we've seen him have that influence. >> you are supposed to be in it for both the president and the people he's serving. it's something -- it might work but it's something that is different and we don't know. >> panel, thank you. >> he hired jamie karilik as well. >> we have much more to talk
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about. meanwhile, president obama putting the finishing touches on the farewell address to the nation. it will be forward-looking with the eye on the challenges facing america. what does that mean? what will he say to or about mr. trump? our panel discusses that next. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything,
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another big reason that this is a very important week. we're counting down to president obama's farewell address to the nation that happens tonight. what do we think is going to be in this speech? what kind of message is it for you, for the incoming president? let's bring in our panel. david gregory, david drucker and matt lewis and of course the beautiful and intelligent alisyn alisyn. -- -- alisyn camerota. i see you reading prompter what i wrote. >> i think he's still running the democratic party. there are others, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, hillary clinton having exited the stage, he wants to set a tone what the opposition is going to be. how the party rebuilds, what the messaging is like. i think he wants to give the democrats some spine inside of washington and outside of washington on how to lead the resistance to trump.
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>> what do you hear? >> i think we're looking to clues what his next act is and it's a delicate dance because when you've been president for eight years, as much as your party may love you, there is a restlessness that occurs. people want to turn the page. they start to focus on all the things they didn't get over eight years. it's amazing what winning does to make you so ungrateful. all you do is focus on the things that weren't accomplished and what's interesting about president obama is he leaves behind a country in which he has largely won some of the key menching wars, whether it's health care or things like that, taxes even. yet, obviously, his party didn't win the presidential election in november, and his party has suffered down ballot, so some victories and some defeats and i think because of those defeats, he can contribute to what's next for the democratic party, but i think it's going to be important for him to step aside and let a new generation rise up. if he doesn't, i think it's
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going to be the detriment to his party in 2020 and 2024. they need a new generation of leaders that can position themselves to run and win the presidency next time around. >> matt, there is a problem, i think, going into tonight's farewell speech, and that is that we've heard from a senior obama official that he is working on a speech that will be optimistic and hopeful. what? how that going to work? we heard from the first lady now they know what it feels like not to have hope. so many people are feeling anxious and angry. that's an off keynote that he might sound. >> he's a great speaker and i expect this speech will do two things. one i think it's about his legacy, about, you know, going out, defining what it is that he accomplished. but i think it will get a little preachy, a little lecture, this
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will be typical obama, where he talks about how we as americans need to come together. it's sort of typical political stuff. the problem i see is that the next day you have president-elect trump giving a big press conference and i don't know how many confirmation hearings. this is going to very quickly fade off the front page of the newspaper and i think it's sort of a microcosm of what we've seen out of president obama lately. it's going to be briefly we're going to pay attention to this and very quickly we're going to move on to trump. >> he's got a prime time shot to define his legacy, what he accomplished right before trump works to dismantle these things. he wants to frame a debate more powerfully than the democratic resistance can in washington. he gets to do it in prime time. >> we got a big hint last night of what the democratic party took from the election and how they are going to carry forward in the form of the vermont
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senator bernard sanders, last night at our town haul, he had a lot of the brooklyn bernie working. listen to this. >> this is one of the problems that all of us, including the media and i'm not the only person to say this. there are republicans who say this. we are dealing with a man who in many respects is -- how can i phrase this -- you know, a pathological liar. i say that without any -- look, i have many conservative friends and i disagree with them. they are not liars. they have their point of view but time after time, after time, he says stuff which is blatantly untrue. >> i went to him david after he said that and said this man was just elected by the american people, the next president of the united states. you are comfortable with that description. he waved me out of hand. yep. the rest of the night was filled with him trying to find spaces, jobs matter.
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sanders and trump weren't that far off when it came to trade and the need to focus on a certain part of the job base. but overall, there was an open contempt. >> what democrats have to come around to is the idea that donald trump is president and the best way you can defeat him is to normalize him. stop focusing on so much about him, the tweets, the things we don't always know are true or not, maybe donald trump thinks they are true, maybe he doesn't, and just deal with him on matters of policy and politics and if they do that, i think they will have a better opportunity to point out when they think he's wrong in ways that will resonate with voters. if they focus too much on refighting the election, which is what all this he's a liar will start to look like, they will actually be less effective. -size the same way 15 years ago when democrats couldn't understandably get over the supreme court decision that led to george w. bush's victory and they kept refighting that, it made it harder to just focus on policy and george w. bush had
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some early victories in part because of that. >> do you think that he gives him an opportunity to just deal with him on policy or do you think that through his own provocations he will create his own dynamics? >> i think sanders is interesting, he's also using praise for trump. you stand up for the little guy. i'll stand up for the little guy. he's a big voice of the resistance. thank you very much. coming up ahead, hundreds of different law enforcement officers are in orlando right now searching for a gunman who shot and killed a veteran police officer. now, the suspect is being linked to the murder of a pregnant woman. who is he? how close are they to getting him? how can you help? next. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts.
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a cop killer on the loose. there is a massive manhunt in the orlando area, hundreds of law enforcement officers looking for a man suspected of shooting and killing a veteran police officer on monday. we got cnn's nick valencia with the latest. now we're hearing that this may not be the only person's life this man took. >> reporter: it's been more than 24 hours since a plifer was shot and killed and markeith loyd has been on the run. somebody who knew loyd and new he was wanted for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend, told the police officer, and that's
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when the police officer approached loyd and he shot her. loyd was spotted by a sheriffs deputy in an unmarked suv. loyd again opened fire on that officer. that's the last time he was seen publicly. he car jacked a vehicle and fled the scene. more that be a -- than a dozen area schools were put on lockdown as a result of the manhunt. tragically, a second officer died as a result of the manhunt. he was struck and killed. he posted on social media that he wanted to be part a part of america's most wanted. he certainly is this morning in florida. >> the gunman who opened fire in the fot. lauderdale hollywood airport, he told the judge that he understands that he could be facing the death penalty. he's been appointed a federal
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public defender after telling the court he has no job and only 5 or 10 dollars in the bank. the largest parts of the u.s. are shivering with bitter cold temperatures. when are things going to warm up? chad myers has your forecast and chad everett, thanks for the heads up about the foot of snow that fell on my head and by thanks, i mean you said nothing. >> i wasn't on tv. i don't work on saturday. >> no love for your brother. i plowed all day. >> you plowed? because other people are shoveling, chris. >> that's how much snow there was. that's my point. >> purina, this is your pet, our passion, and this weather is for your pet because it is cold outside and i want you to make sure that the pet that you have out there is warm. it is going to be cold for the next few days.
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it gets better but you know what, the pets are not ready for this kind of cold weather. their paws aren't ready. make sure they have the boots they have you can buy. there's a much better place for pets if you take care of them. we'll some snow across parts of the upper midwest into the great lakes today. the weather gets better. it does. it warms up. in fact, atlanta will be 70 degrees by friday. it gets better even for new york city. that chilly air moves out. the mild air moves in and finally the cold, this is our january thau. this is our first january thaw for the year. there will be another one late january, but look at this. d.c., 63 by the end of the week. chris, stop complaining, okay? >> look, i'm not complaining. i felt we were friends and friends when they are meteorologists, they usually tell you when a foot of snow is going to fall on your head. you, not so much. that's all right. i'll take you at your word at this time. president-elect donald trump
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still dismissing u.s. intelligence reports about russia's attempts to hack the election. how is that being viewed on the world stage? cnn's christiane amanpour joins us next. (vo) my name's nick and i make dog chow in denver, colorado. one of my fondest memories of khloe is the day we got her. i knew right there she was gonna be a great dog. khloe's a big influence on the family. she loved lincoln from the start. she's his little protector. i trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. the standards that we follow are top notch. i trust dog chow enough to feed it to my dog every single day.
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plect trump still pushing back on the intelligence community's findings that russia engaged in cyber attacks during the u.s. presidential election. how is the trump putin relationship playing out on the world stage? chris teei an amman power joins us now. what does the international community think of mr. trump
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denigrating the u.s. intelligence agencies and this putin relationship? >> it senior sort of -- it sort of veers between panic and inkr inkredulity. the president-elect has not answered why he's persistent in a favoring the russia analysis and julian assange analysis. >> he says that the intelligence community got it wrong during the lead up to the iraq war and the weapons of mass destruction. >> sure, that is an issue. however, if you listen to former acting cia director mike morrell and others, they list categorically and specifically how the cia and intelligence agencies have instituted new bars so this this mistake doesn't happen again. what really happened during the iraq war was that the u.s. had
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pretty much, congress had made up its administration to go to war before they even saw the cia estimate. what they are saying is they are introduced this thing call a high level of confidence. in other words, you have facts and analysts coming up with facts, they cross check amongst each other in the intelligence community and we ask themselves what level of confidence we have that this is the case. that is what is missing through the wmd crisis. >> we know there are reasons in the espionage business you do not put out sources and methods the way you do in a criminal case. were people taken aback at all in how thin the report was, the amount of there, there proof? >> not really. as you said, it's absolutely correct that the intelligence
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agencies will not put our their sources, their precise methodology. they don't want to compromise it obviously and give away more to people who are obviously very good at spying and hacking as the russians are. but what the allies have said and indeed what some of the former cia officials have said they were surprised by how detailed and high level of confidence the u.s. intelligence agency have in their conclusion that russia at the highest levels did hack and for a precise purpose. so they believe and you know the reports are that british intelligence had some role to play in directing or bolstering what u.s. intelligence was finding about the hacking. now the question is how do you detear what is the response from the united states and this is where trump is going to face some treasure, both from his own administration, some of the generals have a much more
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realistic line toward russia, even though everybody wants to have a better relationship at russia but not at any cost. they need much tougher deterrence and they say right now is what president obama has done is not far enough and doesn't cause putin enough pain. >> speaking of tough deternts, let's talk about north korea and the tension mounting between north korea and president-elect trump. what's the international reaction to this? >> well, very, very concerned. because i think just like the u.s. intelligence agencies, they believe that a very real and clear and present danger is on the horizon from north korea. i was speaking to the former u.s. defense secretary william perry who is plugged in as anybody to the north korean nuclear issue and he was saying that we've tried all of these things and they haven't worked in the past and the north koreans are simply barreling forward with the perfection of their nuclear arsenal and the perfection what it take to make
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it a viable threat, that is an long range missile that can reach the united states. it's going to involve things that may be unpalatable like recognizing the kim regime. like giving that international recognition. like pledging that they are not going to have regime change. like giving them economic aid in order to help their people. i know, it sounds crazy, but they are saying that now we may have to take the sort of iran playbook. tough sanctions but diplomacy at the same time that doesn't involve regime change and unfortunately acknowledges because of the failure to date, north korea is a nuclear power or it has a nuclear arsenal. any idea of a preemptive strike doesn't look viable today. >> tell us about your interview with david petraeus. >> i'm about to be doing that this afternoon. he was a former top military commander but also former cia
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director and also with the former acting director mike morrell. these are critical questions to ask. will fact-based intelligence continue to be valued in an opinion zone that tends to be happening right now. >> we look forward to hearing about your interview afterwards. come back and tell us more. what a night last night. college football crowned a new champion. a game that was back and forth. you had number one versus number two. the same match-up as last year. would alabama win again? it looked like it, but then clemson did something amazing. the bleacher report has it for you next. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating...
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he shook up the world. the clemson tigers, they upset number one alabama tide for the college nationally championship. they were number two. we had a town hall last night but i was checking the score, 14-0, 14-7 all the way through the second half. it popped up, it looked like alabama had it almost all the way until the end but coy take us through it.
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>> chris, four lead changes in the final quarter. trick plays, the last four minutes of this game were the most exciting any four minutes of football i've ever seen. bama was down with 2:00 to play. jailen hurst took off and took the lead back from clemson. it became 31-28 after this won. bama was smelling another title but it would be clemson's deshaun watson who says huh-uh. he tosses this game winner to former walk-on hunter renfro and dabo swinney leads clemson to his first big national title in 30 years. >> you were playing out of your mind in the final drives. how were you feeling? >> i felt great. moments like is what i'm built
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for. i wanted to go out with a bang and do it with no regrets that's what we did. . what is does it say about the character of this team? >> we were down basically the whole game and we lost last year, so just the resiliency is just unbelievable. >> getting the goose bumps thinking about that. it was a good one. we had another big stories overnight we want to catch you up on. it's where is new york knicks star derrick rose. he was absent for reasons unknown. he told the knicks he had a family situation and he went home to chicago. still a lot of questions why he was a no show to last night's game. 97-0 were the crimson tide when leading by double digits going into the fourth quarter but the clemson tigers came back and got the job done, alisyn.
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>> what a comeback story. 89-year-old charles brotman has been the voice of every presidential inauguration since dwight eisenhower but president-elect donald trump basically told him basically you are fired. we have this story. >> the most memorable for me -- >> charlie brotman has announced every inaugural parade since the presidency of dwight eisenhower but not this year. president-elect donald trump is breaking from 11 presidents worth of tradition and replacing brotman. >> i was floored. i was very you be unhappy. disappointed. hardly believed it. like somebody had bunched me in the stomach. >> the announcer says he found out about team trump's decision in an email. >> i was preparing and i got an email that basically said
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charlie, you like the monuments here in washington, you are terrific, you are the best you ever was but you are not going to be the announcer this time. and i'm thinking who could it possibly be? i've been doing this for 60 years. >> in brotman's place, team trump has spoken steve ray, a 50-year-old washington-based freelance announcer who has volunteered for the trump campaign. the presidential inaugural committee will be proud to honor charlie as announcer chairman emeritus on january 20th. we're thrilled for steve ray to be introducing a new generation of americans to the grand traditions of the inaugural parade. >> if i were the trump people, what i would have done is a
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transition period in the best interests of the parade and everybody connected with it, it should have been both of us up there. >> joe johns up there, cnn, washington. all right. feeling the bern at a cnn town hall, bernie sanders had strong words for the president-elect. we have two people who got to question sanders, what their impressions were afterwards. they will join us next d. and i couldn't wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it's opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at it's my decision ito make beauty last.
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senator bernie sanders of vermont last night taking on the role of messenger for the democratic party and answering questions from republicans, democrats, independents last night at a cnn town hall. covered a lot of different issues as well as the idea about how they will deal with the president-elect. but a couple of the exchanges really hit home with people.
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here's one. >> my fear, i'm terrified that the republicans will repeal the affordable care act, and which would mean that insurance companies will once again be able to deny patients with preexisting conditions and that's me and that's a life or a death issue for me. i have a daughter and a husband, and my question to you, senator, is how will you steer the republican party into keeping the life-saving components of obamacare? >> to answer your question, jessica, i'm going to do everything that i can and i believe i speak for virtually every member of the democratic caucus that we're going to do everything that we can to improve the affordable care act. it has problems but we damn well are not going to see it repealed and have no replacement there at all. >> that was a big moment. it really hit home and the woman
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who asked that question, jessica, and jim jacobs who also had a good exchange with the senator about small businesses. thank you for joining us. >> i couldn't do because of the town hall is how you are doing. we know this is a difficult road and i could see on your husband's face, there was pride for you being there and telling what you are seeing as the truth and there was pap as well. >> i'm doing well. my cancer is considered stable at the moment and the metastatic world you are never cured, but your cancer can remain stable for a certain amount of time until the drugs stop working and then you go on to another pipeline of drugs. so right now i'm stable and the drugs are working for me. for how long, we're not sure, and you are right, i have an amazing support system. my husband is beyond amazing and
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he supports me in everything that i do, and all my advocacy work that i do. >> well, god bless him. we hope that you stay strong. >> thank you. >> and keep fighting. we know part of that fight for you believe is this kind of health insurance. people will say with a critical eye well, it had to be better before. it's so expensive for there now and how many jessicas can there be. what do you want people to know? >> there are millions of jessicas and even people that aren't sick utilize obamacare and it would be disastrous to see us go backwards and have people inuninsured again and have people going to the emergency room.
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it would be a death sentence for obamacare care to go away. >> we had that. there was a lot of point yans in that discussion. then you had jim jacobs who came to speak to bernie sanders. here is an excerpt. >> i'm a business owner and we keep getting kicked in the teeth by this administration. this country was founded on entrepreneurship. why is this administration so against a business owner? please tell me. >> i don't think this administration, the obama administration you are referring to is to against the business owner. when you talk about -- >> really? >> when you talk about tax increases, he raised taxes on the top 1 or 2%. you know what, i would have gone further. i think the wealthiest people in this country are doing phenomenally well. i believe billionaires and multimillionaires. >> i'm a business owner. i'm not a billionaire and
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millionaire. you haven't lived until you put a payroll on a credit card. this is the reality of the backbone of this country. >> well, the backbone of this country, i think we should support entrepreneurialship. i think we should support small business, but i am not supportive of large multinational corporations that make billions a year in profit and don't pay a nickel in taxes. >> first of all, i know how the headlines played this, but that was a good exchange. a lot of people like you who are trying to find a way to get ahead and the system you feel is set up against you. what were you taking from what senator sanders was telling you. >> he never answered my question. the question is he's comparing me with a billionaire. i read something this morning. if you converted that to seconds, it would take 12 days to be a millionaire. it would take 32 years to be a billionaire. he doesn't get it and this is what -- a lot of business owners, republicans, this is what we understand.
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i mean, my son wanted to buy -- he said i want this free app, free, okay. he wants a free app from the iphone store or whatever it is. i said okay. well, guess what, my credit card bounced because for a supplier, i had it maxed, paid off now. that's literally a true story. i couldn't even buy my son a free app, right. so bernie is talking about nabisco. he's talking about these major companies and polluting land and polluting water and that's just not the case. i mean, there's lots of people like me, you know, it's a personal guarantee, you know, you are getting your wife to sign, you know. you are up at night at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. >> you are getting through because the system is not set up to help you the way it does the big boys. what's the one thing that you think president-elect trump has promised you need to see to be made a reality? >> well, donald trump can do
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math, so he's already shown his ability to keep -- his commitment to keep jobs here and to help business people, to help incent people like us who want to create jobs and not constantly, you know, a regulation, a regulation. so it's a breath of fresh air. >> jim, i know this matters to you. i know you are going to write about it. we'll stay in touch so we can make this issue real and we know that your advocacy goes all the way to your heart. thank you, jessica for being here ask as well as jim. >> thanks to our international viewers for watching. cnn "newsroom" begins in moments. for u.s. viewers, "new day" begins right now. >> confirmation goes great. i think they will all pass. >> we're dealing with a man who in many respects is a pathological liar. >> everybody will be properly vetted address in the house.
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>> i never had those kind of views. >> what's the point of having nepotism laws if you can appoint your son-in-law senior adviser in the white house. >> look at where have we made progress? don't undo things just because i did them. the. >> within two days, we should have a bill. we should vote on it on the same day. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota als. >> in hours, confirmation hearings will be begin for president-elect trump's cabinet picks. first up is a big one and it's going to be in the senate hot seat for sure. attorney general. alabama senator jeff sessions. you are also going to see the hearings for homeland security chief. that's going to be a different game, alisyn. >> also, it's mr. trump's choice for senior white house adviser, son-in-law jared kushner is raising questions. how will they get around a federal anti nepotism law among other things,
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