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tv   New Day  CNN  January 16, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PST

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communities, how do we answer the cry of o our children who are filling up the prisons and the morgues? you've got to be honest. >> that has to do with systemic racism and we need course corrections in our criminal justice system. >> absolutely. >> the rhetoric is not enough. rhetoric is not going to keep our kids out of the criminal justice system. >> absolutely. >> rhetoric is not going to bring back. we need action. >> we needed it for the last eight years. >> president-elect trump canceled plans to visit the civil rights monument. is that somewhere he would benefit to vis snit. >> the president-elect, if he made the decision to not visit, i'm sure there is a reason that is probably just -- he just probably couldn't makt it. >> he's adverse to stepping foot in the black and brown community. >> i don't think he's adverse to stepping foot in black and brown
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communities. he's adverse to being attacked when he's the only person i've heard talk about putting $100 billion in african-american and latinos communities in the last eight years. it's surely a scheduling conflict. >> next friday he'll be president of the united states. a lot of people go after you from every direction. as the legitimately elected president, he will face a lot of that starting on friday. symone sanders, brunell, thank you. >> thank you. god bless you and god bless america. we're following a lot of news this morning. let's get to it. >> what i do find outrageous is equating intelligence community with nazi germany. >> donald trump suggesting cia director john brennan may be behind the leaks. >> you're not going to be able to make good situations without building some relationship of trust between yourself and that community. >> china's state-run tabloids planning -- >> everyone can have access to
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affordable health care. >> the president-elect is vowing insurance for everybody. >> i don't see the president-elect as a legitimate president. >> the numbers boycotting the inauguration. >> it's a real disservice to our country. this is "new day" with chris qom ma and alisyn camerota. >> i'm john berman alongside poppy harlow. chris and alisyn are off today. president-elect trump slammi jo brennan after saying the president doesn't fully understand russia and warns the president-elect to watch his tone. mr. trump is suggesting the cia director may be behind the leak of that unsubstantiated dossier. >> this happens with the feud with john lewis. the growing list of democratic lauks, 25, say they're
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boycotting trump's swearing in. the president-elect is vowing also insurance for everybody to replace obamacare. sounds like universal health care. how is he going to do it? four days away from his inauguration. let's begin with sarah murray outside trump tower in new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump's fraught relationship with the u.s. intelligence community escalated further when he got in a bit of a war of words with outgoing cia director john brennan. trump even taking to twitter to say was this the leaker of fake news? donald trump taking to twitter to suggest outgoing cia director john brennan leaked unsubstantiated personal and financial information that could be damaging to trump. >> there is no basis for mr. trump to point fingers at the intelligence community for leaking information that was already available publicly. >> reporter: trump's charge coming hours after brennan appeared on national television
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arguing the president-elect doesn't understand the critical threat russia poses. >> i think he has to recognize his words do have impact and can have very positive impact or they can be undercutting of our national security. >> reporter: trump spent months doubting u.s. intelligence findings that russia was behind the election cider attacks. trump saying let's see if we can make some good deals, this as china blasts trump's comments over the weekend that the one china policy which maintains taiwan as part of china is uner in does. quote, we were simply angry initially, but now we can't help but laugh. >> there are no plans to change the one china policy. certainly that policy is on the table if china doesn't also come to the table and work with us on trade, work with us on the south
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china sea and what's happening there. >> meanwhile at home, trump promising we're going to have new insurance for everybody in a new interview with "the washington post." the president-elect not reviewing specifics but says he's close to finishing his plan to replace the affordable care act. over the weekend thousands joining rallies across the country led by democrats to protest repeal of the law. while trump's feud with civil rights icon congressman john lewis intensifies. >> i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. >> reporter: the controversial comment of course provoking trump to tweet. congressman john lewis should spend more time fixing and helding his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart. not to mention crime infested. rather than falsely complaining about the election results, all
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talk, talk, talk, no action or results. sad. lewis represents an economically diverse area of atlanta, thriving and wealthy in some area with poverty in others. now dozens of democrats say they'll boycott trump's inauguration. the spat with the civil rights icon coming just before today, martin luther king day. we did expect trump to travel to washington, d.c. today. he has scrapped the plans and will sticking around new york for meetings. >> sara murray, thank you. we have so much to talk about with oklahoma senator tom coburn. nice to have you on the program. >> good morning. >> let's begin with the feud between congressman john lewis and the president-elect. we know the is will of o democrats not going to the inauguration is up to 25. do you support the way the president-elect responded to congressman lewis saying he is not a legitimate president?
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should the president-elect have responded in this way, saying this is a man of all talk, no action? >> well, i think donald trump is a user of twitter to accomplish his means. i certainly wouldn't have responded that way, but that doesn't mean he won't. we've seen this pattern through his entire campaign to where he controls the talking points by using twitter to counter somebody else's assertion. i think it's unfortunate that congressman lewis said that he's not legitimate because there's no basis in fact for that. but the point is, at some point in time the president is going to have to turn to become more presidential. that's not presidential. >> it's not presidential in about four days when he is the next president, the argument could be made. today is martin luther king day.
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you can't ignore the context of all of this. do you think today is a day that you would advise the president-elect to pick up the phone and to call congressman lewis and say, let's sit down, let's talk for the benefit of the nation? >> i think wrereconciliation is something we all ought to be doing each day, whether it's in our own family or in relationships with those we work with. that's always a good idea. i'm not in a position to advise the president-elect on anything. i would just tell you as a principle, that's the way you solve problems and move forward. >> you would do that? you would call john lewis? >> i don't think i ever would have tweeted in the first place. i would have had a private conversation and saying what is it that's illegitimate about my election because nobody can claim that that's the case factually. >> let's talk about the way,
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also, that the president-elect has responded to the intelligence community, specifically the head of the cia, john brennan, who did have tough words for the president-elect on fox news sunday yesterday about russia, saying he doesn't understand what's happening with russia, et cetera anded asks him to not speak that way about the intelligence community. here is what he tweeted, citing a fox news article, headline, outgoing cia chief john brennan says trum doesn't fully understand. >> really? couldn't do much worse. not good. was this the leaker of fake news? insinuating -- more than insinuating that perhaps the head of the cia is the one who put that 35-page unsubstantiated dossier out there. what do you make of his response? >> i think that's typical trump. it's undocumented, and he asked
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the question. he didn't state it. he raised the question which got everybody talking about that instead of the real issue. the real issue is how is the president going to work with the intelligence community and is the oversight sufficient of the intelligence community so the president can trust what they say. i can tell you having been on the intelligence community, knowing richard burr, i guarantee the oversight is there that we can trust what they say. i think this is another one of those areas where pipe is going to make it, where the will be more comfortable and more understanding of the information he's getting. >> donald trump did give this interview to the times of london and the german newspaper calling nato obsolete, among other things. even saying he would consider possibly banning some europeans from coming to the united states. europe is responding. the german foreign minister says they are, quote, astonished and
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agitated, this as he put vladimir putin and angela merkel on the same ground as far as who he would trust more. does this concern you that the biggest ally in europe is astonished and agitated? >> i don't really know how to answer that. again, the question is how do you control the effect? what's the purpose of saying that? is there a secondary goal that's not obvious to me or to you in terms of accomplishment. as somebody that served in congress for 16 years, i would tell you nato needs to pony up a whole lot larger portion of the cost of maintaining nato, and that would be all the european countries that are members of it so that, in fact, it's not a burden on the american taxpayers, that it's a shared burden. i think he's right in that regard. i can't comment on his other insinuations.
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>> it does appear he's getting along better with vladimir putin than angela merkel. >> i'm not sure you can say that. >> why not? >> he may be playing a game of chess towards putin and may have already sent a private signal to merkel. we don't know that. all we know is what is coming out which i think is an unfortunate way to lead the country. >> let's say perhaps that's the case. should foreign policy be a game like that? >> i don't think so. again, i said it was unfortunate. we don't know and can't know what else is going on. so our assumption is only what we see rather than thinking about is this an ulterior purpose, another method, something else going on that we're not aware of? the one thing i know and i learned is that donald trump is not stupid, and he is pretty savvy when it comes to controlling you all and other people in terms of controlling
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the message. he may have messages out there, just what he wants to have so he can come back in and heal things with angela merkel and get tougher with russia. we don't know that. >> all we have to base it on are the words he says and the words he tweets. >> that's right. he's got all the press talking about what he tweets rather than what are the other things. >> we're talking about his actions, his interview on substantial things such as nato such as angela merkel, such as putin. >> again, he has certainly got you covering what he said about it, and we don't know the ulterior motive. i'm not defending. i'm just saying, i wouldn't do it that way, but that's how he ran a whole campaign and how he won 270-some electoral votes. >> all we can do is cover what he says and what he tweets until he takes action. appreciate you being with us. thank you. the president-elect says
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he's ready to unveil his plan for replacing obamacare and it's better, cheaper and will cover everyone. we'll speak where a republican lawmaker who voted against the repeal resolution. that's next. no matter how the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. new girl, huh?
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president-elect donald trump says he's in the process of finalizing his plan to replace obamacare. he told the wa"the washington , quote, we'll have insurance for everybody. there was a philosophy in some circles this if you can't pay for it you won't get it. that's not going to happen with us. can he win conservative support? joining me is republican congressman from pennsylvania charlie dent, one of nine republicans who voted against the house resolution that would begin the repeal process. congressman dent, i know you wanted to know what it would be replaced with and when before voting to repeal. let me ask you about what the president-elect said this weekend, we're going to have
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insurance for everybody. what do you think he means? >> i think what he means is every american should have access to affordable helkt insurance. i hope that's what he means. i think his instincts are jenny on this issue good, where he wants to see as close to simultaneous repeal and replacement. i think his instincts are janely good. i think he's talking about access to affordable health insurance. >> he says nothing about access there. he says we're going to have insurance for everybody, period, full stop. he said if you can't pay for it, there's a philosophy if you can't pay for it, you can't get it. that's not going to happen with us. he makes it sound like the government is going to provide and/or pay for some level of health care for people. >> well, when you get beyond the sound bites, what you have to look at is how are we going to repair this individual insurance market. that seems to be failing. no one has quite figured it out yet. that's going to take a lot of
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work. what's going to happen with this health care law is this, parts of it need to be repealed. parts of it need to be replaced. parts of it need tore overhauled and reformed. other parts will be maintained. we have to all get our rhetoric right on this. it's important for the house, the senate and the incoming administration to fully develop and better articulate exactly what it is we're going to do. that's why i voted against the budget resolution the other day because i just don't feel we're ready to launch. i felt like we were about ready to get in the airplane and take off, but we don't know how or where we'll land yet. >> the plans do matter here because you say, if you want to continue to allow insurance for people with pre-existing conditions, let people stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26, and now making sure that everyone has insurance yet, you're going to repeal a lot of provisions that pay for it. that's a system that can't work, a system that us the on the pay for itself in any way. that blows a hole in the deficit
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like we've never seen. >> repealing is the easier part of this process. that would only require 51 votes in the senate, repealing the major tax and budget provisions. you can get a partial repeal through easier than the replacement piece. when we replace this. >> larry: law, we have to make sure those people currently being subsidized on the exchanges will experience no gaps in coverages. we want to protect those under 26 on dependent policies. we want to make sure whatever happens in this transition is the insurance markets can respond. we donthere's a political quest, john, and that is this. to replace obamacare would require a 60-vote threshold. in the house we'll have those on the left who won't help if this is repealed and those on the right who will denounce any
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replacement package as obamacare-light. we need eight senate democrats to help us replace and i'm not sure who they are right now. >> can i ask you a question about ethics. you were the chair of the ethics committee in congress and this is an area of your expertise. the chair of the oversight committee, jason chaffetz has called in the head of the government ethics, walter shob, to question why he has been critical of president-elect donald trump, essentially calling in the watch dog and criticizing him for being a watch dog. is that how you see it? >> i think we have to look at what president-elect trump has said about ethics. the ideal situation has been -- it's not my business so easy for me to say, the ideal situation would have been for the president-elect to sell his interest in the business, presumably to his family and then put those assets in a blind trust. obviously he's not doing that.
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what he is doing i think has some merit. what the president-elect has talked about doing is setting up a trust that his children will control, he'll divorce himself from the business, any assets from foreign activities would be sent to the treasury. it is a firewall but not a blind trust, even though there is a trust managed by the children. there's some vulnerabilities there, but i think it's an honest effort. >> it may be. but instead of providing congressional oversight over that effort, instead of showing any interest in how that's being done, the chairman of the oversight committee is calling in the head of the government ethics office who has criticized what donald trump is doing. i'm just not sure -- do you think congress has a role in oversight over what the president-elect and soon-to-be president is doing with his own finances? >> i believe we should pay close
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attention to it. i was chairman of the house ethics community and my jurisdiction only extended to members of the house and house staff, not the executive branch. there's a certain amount of deference -- i do think we have to give the office of government ethics, the executive branch entity that oversees ethics, we have to give them some latitude. even if i don't agree everything he may have said, we have to at least respect his comments. >> do you think the chairman should have left him alone? >> well, i don't know. i probably wouldn't have called him in. that would have been me. again, we're going to have to keep an eye on this whole situation. >> congressman charlie dent, always a pleasure to talk with you, thank you very much. you can tweet us at new day or post your comment at police dash cam video released showing a black man tackled and punched by police. this is in evanston, illinois.
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they thought the man stole a car. the car is his own. the lawmaker who pushed for that video to become public. ♪ you might not ever just stand there, looking at it. ♪ i mean you may never even sit in the back seat. mhm that'd be a shame. ♪ (laughs) ♪ ♪
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police in evanston, illinois, releasing dash cam video that shows the moment a black doctoral student at northwestern university was tackled to the ground. police thought the car he was in was a car he stole. but it was actually his own car. police have released 40 minutes of video and audio related to the arrest. here is a clip. [ shouting ]. >> on the ground, on the ground! >> down on the ground! >> turn around, turn around. >> stop resisting, stop resisting. >> sir, you're on video, fyi. >> fine, fine. >> yes, this is my vehicle, sir. i was trying to fix something on the roof. i have evidence -- >> when we tell you to get down, you have to get down.
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>> yes, sir i. i understand. >> we have to verify this car is not stolen. >> that is from 40 minutes released by the police department. the entire raw video has not been released. that part is edited. lawrence crosby the civil engineer student that had this encounter back in october 2015 is now suing the city and nour police officers for excessive force and false arrest. police are not commenting on that case because it is an ongoing lawsuit. joining us is alderman brian miller of evanston, illinois who pushed for this dash cam video to be released. i'm interested to know if you've spoken with lawrence crosby, the man arrested there, since this video was released and your reasoning, why did you want it out in the public. >> good morning. thanks for having me. i have not spoken to mr. crosby. it wouldn't be appropriate because he is suing for the city. i asked for and called for the release of this video because for the last two years as
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alderman, there have been multiple incidents where the police have not deescalated routine situations. over the thanksgiving weekend we had an african-american candidate running for office in the city, collecting signatures to get on the ballot, people stopped him under suspicion of panhandling and charged him with resisting arrest when he wouldn't identify himself. there's been five or six incidents that have called for the need to deescalation. >> let's listen to part of the 911 call that led police to pull over lawrence crosby and led to this. obviously those police wouldn't have heard this 911 call, would have heard what dispatch said. it's important to know what the caller said. listen. >> what did the guy look like? >> he was african-american with a black hood. i don't know if i'm like racial
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profiling. he had bar in his hand. it looked like he was jimmying the door open. >> she said he had a bar in his hand, looked like he was trying to jimmy the door open. he says he was trying to get something that was not working off the roof of his car. do you see it as racial pro feeling? >> i think the unfortunate aspect of this is there was a communication breakdown between the dispatcher and our officers. our officers didn't receive the questionable information and didn't proceed with that. they presumed from the beginning we were dealing with a stolen car case. when in reality, it was suspicious behavior. >> here is what the evanston police department is saying. they have changed their policy so that suspects like this don't need to be taken down by officers during the arrest. we can play this, very aggressive takedown, punched multiple times. they say this use of force in this instance was justified.
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do you believe it was justified? >> the problem is with police procedure in general. this is procedure established by the police department. i do not think it was justified. i think we need to change that police procedure. i think it's up to the community and our city council and local governments to change the way we're doing things. it's not okay for officers to treat residents in this manner. as opposed to pull rushing someone, tackling him, hitting him, kicking him. >> we had harry howe on the program earlier, he said do you know how many police officers have been killed with car stops like this? he's holding a cell phone in his hand. harry said, look, that could have been a knife. you just don't know. you say there are underlying problems in your town that we not admitting. what do you mean? >> let me say this, too, yes, officers have a very difficult
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job. if you listen to the full 40 minutes, after mr. crosby is arrested, he said, you're lucky i didn't shoot you. >> we have that. let me pull it up and read it. i said, i didn't shoot you, expletive. you should feel lucky for that. let's take him to the station, do whatever ordinance stuff we need to do with him, mirandize him and get a statement from him. you were saying. >> that's part of the problem. the officers seemed to be covering up for their behavior. if you listen to the tape, something to the effect the resisting arrest charge probably won't stick but we need to get him on something. i'm paraphrasing. officers are approaching this routine situations that they have to find something or justify their behaviors and not triegsz to deescalate the situation. although it might be proper police procedure for them to proceed in this manner, i think something is wrong with them.
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we need to reform how aur officers are responding to lou teen incidents. >> you're running for office i should note. what would you do to solve this? >> we need to mandate deescalation training with all our officers. the second thing is, plchlt crosby filed a complaint before he filed a lawsuit with the city of evanston police department. police the police department feels this was proper procedure, that complaint was dismissed. our police department will say we've only had 17 complaints among thousands of stops. none of those complaints have been founded. in this case they dismissed the complaint without investigating further. we need to take the citizen complaint process more seriously. >> brian miller, thank you for joining this morning. >> thank you for having me. poppy, it is a parent's worst nightmare, a newborn baby girl kidnapped from a bedside at a jacksonville hospital. after 18 years of searching, the
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mother got to speak with her child again. we'll speak with the sheriff who played a pivotal role in cracking a cold case. and you're talking to youro doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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kidnapped a newborn from a jacksonville hospital in 1998. that's her picture right there. her birth parents thought they would never see her again. 18 years later kamiyah mobley was found and reunited with her
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birth parents. the woman charged with kidnapping her is in custody. how did officers crack this case? joining us to discuss, jacksonville sheriff mike williams. thanks for being with us. congratulations, fantastic work. let me first start by asking you, kamiyah mobley, this 18-year-old young woman who i can't imagine what she's been through, how is she doing? >> by all accounts, doing well. a healthy 18-year-old young woman. we were obviously excited to be able to solve this case. >> sheriff, to you and your team, obviously this was years and years of work. can you talk to us about the motive you believe here. what motivated this now 51-year-old woman to dress in nurse's attire, to go in and take this baby, this newborn baby from her parents? do we know why? >> no, we don't. this case started 18 years ago.
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many of the people involved initially have retired and moved on. the case has actually changed hands a couple of times. great work by the investigators 18 years ago to leave a product that you could work with moving forward and, of course, our team today, putting the final pieces together with some tips that led us to recover kamiyah. as far as motive, that's something we're going to have to get into. this is still the early stages of the investigation. we have lots of questions left to be answered. >> there are a lot of questions to be answered. i guess there are two key informal needs or tips that ultimately led you this young woman. can you expand and tell us what those were and fill us in on the 18 years of the investigation that was handed over again and again? >> some of those are still part of the investigation so we can't talk in too much detail other than to tell you we followed up about 2,500 tips over the years on this case and received some at the end of last year, really
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a series of tips at the end of last year that we were able to begin to build off of that led us to south carolina and ultimately able to put us in the position we were friday to be able to say that we, in fact, could confirm that it was kamiyah mobley that we found in south carolina. >> i know you met with kamiyah's biological parents. what was that meeting like? what did they say? >> we did. i've got to tell you, it was an incredible experience. we asked them to come down and said we had tips that we wanted to follow up on and had some information for them. of course, they all came. the father and the mother and the grandmother, a couple of other family members were there. we were able just to tell them, look, we found her alive and safe in south carolina. an incredible meeting. they were, as you can imagine, elated and overjoyed and excited. they had a million questions. many of those we couldn't answer. we had advocates in the room to help with that process.
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we had advocates up in -- victims' advocates in south carolina to be with coup maya when she got the message. from there we let them work out the details in terms of phone calls and conversations. they're still working on that now. we've kind of removed ourself from that process. an incredible day on friday. >> at the press conference on friday, you said kamiyah had some sense maybe a couple months ago, inclings that perhaps something was fishy, maybe she was kidnapped. what were those? tell us about that. >> again, without getting into too much detail, i can tell you as she became an 18-year-old young woman and went to look for jobs and do different things, she had fraudulent identification. so her social security card and her birth certificate were both fraudulent. that began to raise questions. we're not sure what details she knew or how much she knew or how much she was told, but we
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believe that there was a conversation at some point with some explanation about why her birth documents were fraudulent. so, again, part of the on going question is we hope to get answers soon. >> sheriff, the man who raised her, along with this woman who has been arrested for kidnapping. i understand he was in prison at the time. is that right, that she was taken? >> i'm not sure if that's the same individual. it may be, but i don't believe that that's the same partner for the mother. >> do you believe that the man acting as her father knew? >> again, we're not sure. we have as many questions as everyone else does. this is an incredible story. we'll continue to dig in and try to find out who knew what. great question, but we have yet to determine that. >> sheriff, thank you very much
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to you and your entire team. >> our team did a great job. thank you. appreciate it. >> all thinking about kamiyah right now. very tough situation. >> coming up, politics, donald trump. a war of wourds for the outgoing cia director and civil rights icon. why is he sparring four days before inauguration. what will ivanka trump's role be at the white house. we get the bottom line from gloria borger next. retirement savings.p guide your so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car
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welcome back to "new day." we're four days away from donald trump becoming the 45th president of the united states. his public feud with the head of the cia and civil rights icon are getting the headlines. cnn kmeef political correspondent gloria borger. the way tom coburn put it to us earlier this hour and who are. he's a fighter. this is his style. he's going to punch back. this is the president-elect. do you think anything changes in four days? >> no, no. i remember during the campaign when we kept expecting the so-called pivot, which is a word that should be now outlawed and we kept expecting the president -- donald trump to pivot, to more so-called presidential to change who he is. towards the end of the campaign, they got him to stop, got him to
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read off the prompter a little more, if you'll recall, and stop vamping too much. this is who he is. he's not going to change because he believes it works for him. in a way it does work for him. he changes the conversation. he gets to resummoned in an unfiltered way, and he likes doing it and it's just not going to stop. this is someone who has never admitted a mistake as far as i can recall during the campaign and doesn't apologize and prefers to continue to spar and that's what he'll do. >> it works for him. but starting friday, again, i think the framing changes. it's not about him. it's about the country. so does it work for america? >> no. >> i think that's a pretty good question when you're talking about the intelligence agencies, a pertinent when when you're talking about john lewis, sooifl
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rights icon on martin luther king day. >> challenging the intelligence community as spreading fake news as he did with outgoing cia director brennan. no, i don't think it works for the country to be honest about it. but this is who donald trump is. maybe once he gets his own people inside running the intelligence community, his own people, perhaps he will trust the intelligence a little bit more. i think this is a big thing with him, that he doesn't believe that people have had his back inside the government, and i think once his folks are there, maybe he will trust the information they are giving him more, and then maybe we will see a lot of this quiet down because it will be his own people. >> i don't know if it's going to quiet down if more democrats get on this bandwagon of saying he's not the legitimate president. let's listen to how some
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responded to that. >> he was legally elected, but the russian weighing in on the elections, russian attempt to hack the election and frankly the fbi weighi weighing in on te election makes his election illegitimate, puts an asterisk next to it. >> there is no evidence of any voting booth manipulation. people basically saying he's not legitimate. basically the russians have accomplished what they tried to accomplish. >> his point here is, to john's bigger question, what does it do for the american people right now to say he's illegitimate? >> well, it's not a good thing. we used to have politics where you fight the fights in a tough way and then somebody wins and somebody loses. >> and then you go to the bar. >> and then you go to the bar or wherever. you can choose b to a support or
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not be a supporter. now we have elections and they're over. we get to the point where people say it's legitimate or illegitimate. we challenge the legitimacy of the process. you might not have liked the process. you might have felt comey was wrong or the russians indeed did have an effect on the election, but there was an election, and questioning a legitimacy of a presidential candidate does nothing to move the country along to help fix our problems. then you'll always go back to the fact that you're dealing with an illegitimate president if that's what you believe. look, this happened with bush-gore in the year 2000. the vitriol here i would argue is worse than it was at bush-gore. at that point gore stood up in front of a bunch of flags and said i wish the new president well and the country decided it had to move on and it did. >> hillary clinton has said it, obama has said it. hillary clinton going to the inauguration.
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>> that's right. >> tonight, gloria, you have a special that is going to be on cnn tonight, "first daughter," about ivanka trump, who will be the most influential daughter of a president we've ever seen. you had interesting interviews with people close to the trump family about what her role will be in this white house. let's listen. >> with her father winning the white house, ivanka trump is on target to become the most influential first daughter ever. >> ivanka trump certainly is -- 35, a successful business woman twice, in development and real estate and her own brand, i think she'll be very powerful. i don't suggest from ivanka it's about power. it's about impact. >> it's about the family. protecting and enhancing the newest brand, the trump presidency. >> you value family, especially in that world. for years we always heard real estate is one of the most
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cut-throat industries in the world. nothing compared to politics. it's nothing compared to politics. i think when you go through that and live through it, i think quite frankly you become a closer family than ever before. they're the closest people in your life, the people who will look out for you when others might have conflicting interests, and that's very, very special. we all in some certain way, and ivanka will lend that in a big way. >> do you think there's any definition right now on howie van ka will lend it starting on friday? >> no. at this point no definition, but what is clear is that whatever she does, she's going to have her father's ear. in talking to people for this half hour, it's clear to me she's the gut check here. she clearly has her issues which is women's empowerment, child care, et cetera, helping families pay for child care. that's her issue set. but i believe whether she ends up having an office in the west
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wing or not, we know her husband will be working very closely with the president, she will have a huge amount of influence on her father because she'll be telling him what washington is thinking about, what he's doing. >> do not miss "first daughter: ivanka trump," 9:00 eastern tonight on cnn. late night laughs are next. . the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. so no matter where you go, you are here. join or link accounts today. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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in case you missed president-elect's snus conference last night, "saturday night live" aired a different version. here is late night laughs. >> have you taken the proper steps to divest from your companies? >> yes. i have turned overall my businesses to my two sons, beavis and butt head. can we get a shot of them? shot of them. look at those two little american psychos. you can tell they're good businessmen because of how slicked back their hair is. explain how it's going to work boys. >> i'll be in charge of the day-to-day operations as well as overseeing all new deals moving forward. >> and i'm eric. >> obamacare is a disaster and i do have a replacement plan. i read about it this week, it's
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just great. it's called the affordable care act. >> that's the same thing as obamacare. if you repeal it 20 million people will lose their health insurance. people could die. >> listen, sweetheart, i'm about to be president. everybody is going to die. >> we thought maybe he wouldn't respond until last night. and then there is a tweet. i wonder if he'll ever go back on the show. >> he didn't like that, by the way. that's it for us. time for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> it was funny though. thanks guys. have a great day. "newsroom" starts right now. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me. counting down to inauguration day and controversy clouding the president-elect. donald trump fighting back against civil rights icon and congressman john lewis who called his presidency not legitimate. cia director john


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