tv Wolf CNN February 2, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PST
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hacking and so forth. but the word here at the white house, you heard it a few minutes ago, this is not an easing of sanctions, wolf. >> let's talk abouting the fact that a navy s.e.a.l. was killed. the president went to delaware to receive his remains. you got information. we're getting more information on the actual u.s. operation. i take it that military personnel from the united arab emirates was there as well. >> that right. you heard from sean spicer. he was asked the question why exactly initially suppressed the raid as a success. we started to hear him clarify that yesterday say it's not a success if you have a loss of life when it comes to a u.s.
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servicemember achlt. he walked through. he talked about the fact that this was something being looked at during the last days of the obama administration, but the concern was among the plarchers of the mission that they wait for a mineless night. that was going to come at the end of january when president trump would be president. they talked about the one dinner that would maim. you have people like general mattis and key aides and those on his national security team involved in this. but he mentioned steve bannon was part of the conversation, a controversial figure so far for this administration and also jared kushner his son-in-law. so you're going to have some
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kritens look that. what you heard ultimately from sean spicer is in their view this was a very, very well thought out process and he sort of meticulously walked us through the various meetings that took place before this raid russ lung. he kept up while he was there including loss of life of navy s.e.a.l.s servicemember. >> i know there is a lot, a lot of controversy. you're in the united states and around the boop. he has. he has a severe concern about allowing 1,500 ref jews, that they could come in off islands of the coast of australia to the
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united states. >> right. and we were reporting on some of this last night, worse. the president of australia relayed hi concerns he does not like this deal, the arrangement that was worked out by the obama administration to have those individuals coto the inch. it was a pretty -- it was a pretty scathing critique of that agreement. he said the president was unbelieve by upset about this deal and relayed those concerns to the prime minister and what sean spicer went only to say. the president is going to honor the agreement cut by the obama administration and but he's gong to in cyst. i think there's that development. but this get to a larger question. why he was having that.
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it's as he comes into the office with the foreign leaders. whether it's mexican president, it sounds like in talking with sources of these phone calls these were testy changes. i talked to one source who said there were staffers inside the white house whose faces were turning white because they were agaptd. he was lilling go send u.s., quote/unquote, bad ombres. it happens privately, let's make no mistake. the details of which we never got, i'm sure those are pretty uncomfortable details at times.
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it does paint a picture. >> thanks very much, we'll get back to you. i want to get some perspective from the panel. we have kimberly dozier with us. she's a contributing writer for the beast. 6 elise labott and our chief analyst gore ya. you've been doing a lot of reporting on the australia phone conversation. i'm going to play the clip. this is sean spicer explaining the huge you uproar with the president. >> the president is obviously disappointed in the preerp too. how poorly it was drafted and
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and the thm. he has tremendous respect for the primary and the people p and to ensure part of the deal, paul of the deal, we would go through a very, very extreme vet progress says. >> all right some of you heard elise, and you've been doing some voting on this, knoll 100% guarantee. those 1 rjz 5. it could come to the united states following vaeting would be allowed. >> it does seem as if the president is intent on allowing this deal to go through, although he mate clear he wasn't happy with it. perhaps there might be more extreme vetting. there was testy ps of the phone call. i'm told that's not entirely
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true but i heard it was intense. i think it's like, look, in your fiemsz. when you -- there ooh a la relationship around there especially when you're getting to know the leaders and form a relationship with them. it's being lost. certain charm that some americans might see it at is getting lost on the world leaders and they're looking for the more statesmen leak discussion. it's not negotiated by me and my staff. to say it was a bad deal, i can't believe you did and go on media and call it dumb, these leaders don't know ho to resp d
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respond. the president is confirmed of it. that's what he's saying. it lasted only about 25 minuted and that is seen as not necessarily the president wanting to hang up or end it abru abru abruptly. certainly a lot shorter than originally scheduled. >> i think the one thing with the way we covered the campaign and have gotten to know donald trump is the behavior and nuance is not the lan dwaj of diplomacy. there is none. there eh is in a different role. my question is if you are inside the white house and you are a top aide to donald trump, whether it's reince priebus or even steve bannon. , who is saying to the president maybe this isn't the best way to behave on your first phone call with another leader of another country. i mean there are people inside
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the white house i will tell you who believe that, look, this is donald trump, this is what his voters want. why should he mince words. he's not an ambassador. he's the president. but there are others, and jim acosta was saying who turned white. there are others who believe this is in the long run going to cost us when we need some favors done, when we share intelligence as we do with australia. so i -- i think that it opens a window onto the way this white house is run and to the question of who is managing donald trump. >> we have a clip, think i we have a clip of what the president said at a prayer breakfast, the national prayer breakfast this morning on those phone calls. i think we have that clip. let's play it right now. >> the world is in trouble but we're going to straighten it out, okay? that's what i do. i fix things. we're going to straighten it
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out. believe me, when you hear about the tough phone calls i'm having, don't worry about it. don't worry about it. they're tough. we have to be tough. it's time to be a little tough, folks. we're taken advantage of by every nation in the world virtually. it's not going to happen any more. it's not going to happen any more. >> tough words and yet i've about heard from one european diplomat that they know are learning what to expect. they're getting numb to the shock. when he calls they're going to get the one who flatters them or they get the goal taker. there's a discussion of undermining the discussions by being clown-like. we'll see what action follows. if it's just bluster every time and then the nations learn you
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go talk to the diplomats, the staffers, and that's how you really get things done, these phone calls will become an enter tang formality, nothing moore. >> everybody stand by. we're getting new information in. we're learning new detail about the deadly u.s. counterterrorism raid that killed a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. as well as yemeni civilians and children. we'll also discuss that and much more. senator ben cardin, ranking member of the foreign relations committee. he's standing by. we'll get to him. lots more of the breaking news right after this. u getting this? these numbers are off the charts... sir! what's the status? there's a meteor hurtling towards earth. how long until impact? less than a minute. what do you want to do, sir? listen carefully... if we all switch to geico we could save 15% or more on car insurance. i like the sound of that. geico.
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the breaking news we're following, the kremlin now reacting to the news that the u.s. treasury department is easing at least one sanction that was imposed at the very end of the obama administration against russia. let's go nos cow. our senior international correspondent matthew chance is getting a reaction. what are they saying, matthew? >> well, initially the reaction was quite -- quite dramatic in the sense that many people in the russian authorities, one r parliamentarian in particular who used to be the direct f of
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the security services saying this is the start of a new corporation of anti-terrorism, this easing of the small part of the sanctions by the united states against russia, that these are part of the sanctions that were imposed by president in the final weeks of his administration in december 20616, just last month, that connected with the alleged russian hacking of the u.s. election. these are the sanctions that many analysts believe will be the first to go if that starts to happen because donald trump, the utah president, is, of course, fundamentally opposed to the bases of those sanctions. look, now it's emerged it's going to be small change. the white house is casting it as a technical change, an innocuous technical change. the kremlin appears to have been taken unawares of this, sanctions being 'alleviated when a phone call took place with putin on saturday, a few days ago, and they were basically
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wrong-footed on this. the kremlin just got back with me on the news of the small change saying we care about it, they said, but we don't care very much. that about sums it up, the position in russia right now. >> it could be seen, matthew, as sort of symbolic because this was a sanction that was imposed against russia, russian federal security service, the fsb, that was accused by the u.s. intelligence of being directly involved in the hacking of the democratic party, of the hillary clinton campaign. they specifically cited the fsb. so even if it's only a very, very modest easing of one sanction that's going forward, the symbol potentially could be interpreted by some as significant. i just wanted to get your reaction. >> absolutely. i mean any aleve yags of sanctions, any movement in that direction goes against the cause
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of what we've been seeing over the course of the last several years. there was a reaction on the market. the ruble strengthen as a result of this announcement although it was picked back as it's become more explained. you're right. it was the fsb that was accused by the intelligence services of the united states of effectively being behind the election hack and so far that organization, the successful organization of the kgb to be identified for the first sipe of easing that we've had in years, frankly, is important. it is symbolic, and it potentially points to the direction of travel in the years ahead in the trump administration. >> matthew, thank you very much. matthew chance in moscow for us. we're also getting new details from the white house how a raid in yemen that left a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. dead was planned and approvinged. press secretary sean spicer
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telling us president trump signed off on the plan after it was approved by secretary of defense james mattis. let's discuss this. ben cardin is joining us, a democrat from maryland. senator, thanks very much for joining us. >> wolf, it's always a pleasure to be with you, thank you. >> let's talk about this very limited easing of one sanction against the fsb, the russian intelligence service. i'm going to play the clip. this is sean spicer speaking about that just a little while ago. >> why is the administration easing sanctions against russia? >> we're not easing sanctions. the treasury department, from what i stand, it's a plan to put in place, to go back and look at whether or not there needs to be specific carveouts for different, you know, either industries or products and services that need to be going back and forth.
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but i would refer you back to the treasury department on that. >> senator, your reaction it's the wrong thing to do. it's the wrong message. it sends a message to russia that their attack against the united states was okay, that they continue to occupy crimea and invade the eastern part of ukraine, that what they're doing in syria is of no consequences. it's absolutely the wrong message. the russian security forces who are the ones getting the benefit of this change were directly involved in the cyber attack against the united states, so it's just the wrong thing. >> let's talk about yemen for a moment. assume you been briefed, working wi with it. what are you being told about this operation? was it a botched raid? >> we're still finding out about the specifics. a lot of it is in the format
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that we erie not allowed to talk about. we've not been yet fully briefed. we know it didn't go akwording to schedule. that there was information that looks like was not as accurate as it should have been. so we're trying to still find out information. there were live thad were lost. it's got to be done in a way that's safer for our personnel and the civilian population. >> let's talk about the u.s./australian relationship. there were details of the phone call president trump had with the australian prime minister supposedly ending apparently. it was reduced to onto 25 minutes. it with us supposed to go on for an hour. what are you hearing than specific phone conversation? how much difficulty is there right now in this the u.s./australia relationship. >> wolf, this is very confusing. australia is one of our closest
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allies. they've been a true partner of the united states and so many efforts globally. it's hard to imagine that in the first conversation between the prime minister and president that it would end so badly. my understanding is it had a lot to do with the president's executive order which is being challenged by world leaders throughout the world as to why the united states all of a sudden is changing its policy on refugees and is restricting entry into our country from muslim countries. all that is causing a lot of anxiety with our closest allies globally and there's got to be candid discussions between our friends such as the australian prime minister and the president-elect. and if you can't have that candid discussion without the presidentic mag it difficult, it's going to be a tough relationship. >> do you think president trump should live up to the commitment made by president obama to sep those 1,500 refugees who are on these islands off the coast of
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australia? >> america's always been on the leadership of it. we vet them very, very, very carefully before they come into this country. i met with king abdullah of jordan. i met with the foreign prime minist minister. the few numbers that we're talking about properly vetted, america should welcome them. >> ben cardin, the senator from maryland. senator cardin, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. it's good being with you. >> we're going back to the white house. the president has been meeting with officials, business executives, union leaders involved with harley-davidson. we're going to have more on that. the president now speaking. we'll go back to the white house right after a quick break. . my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian.
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right now at the white house president trump is meeting with harley-davidson executives. he was supposed to meet them in wisconsin. they he was supposed to go there. they were frad of protests so they came oto the white house with their motorcycles. here was a press conference just moments ago. >> so, it's great to have harley-davids harley-davidson. what a great, great group of people. what fantastic job you did and thank you for all of the votes you gave me. some people thought it was an upset. i thought we were going to win it from the beginning. i'll tell you from the beginning
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i won it. harley davidson is a true american icacoicon. one of the greats. your motorcycles carried the people through the war, police officers. i see it wherever i go. whenever there's a group i see harley. and the sound is a little different. thank you, harley, for building things in america. i know you're gong to even expand. i know your business is doing very well and there's a lot of spirit right now in the country that you weren't having so much in the last number of months that you have right now. you see what's happening. i'm especially honored to welcome the steelworkers and machinists to the white house. who's the steel worker? you're all steelworkers essentially. you folks have been terrific to me. sometimes your top people didn't support me, but you supported me. a lot of the top people will be losing their jobs soon, i guess,
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but they're all coming around. but the workers supported us big league. we want to might easier for businesses to create more jobs and factories in the united states and you're a great example of that. that means we have to make america the best country on earth to do business and that's what we're in the process of doing. we're redoing nafta. we're doing a lot of our trade deals. and we're negotiating properly with countries, even countries that are allies. a lot of people taking advantage of us. a lot of countries taking advantage of us. really terribly taking advantage of us. we had one instance in australia. i have a lot of respect for australia. i love australia as a country. but with we had a problem that for whatever reason president obama said that they were going to take probably well over a thousand illegal immigrants who were in prisons and they were going to bring them and take them into this country and i just said why. i wanted to ask the question. i can ask that question of you.
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why? 1,250. could be 2,000. could be more than that. i said, why. why are we doing this. what's the purpose. so we'll see what happens. when the previous administration does something, you have to respect that, but you can also say, why are we doing this? that's why we're in the jams that we're in. you guys especially, the steelworkers understand what i'm saying, right? so i just -- we have some wonderful allies, but we're -- and we're going to keep it that way, but we have to be treated fairly also. we have to be treated fairly. and this administration, our allegiance will be to the american workers and to american businesses like harley-davidson. we're very strong. in the 1980s -- and i remember this -- you were victims of trading abuse, big trading abuse where they were dumping all sorts of competitors all over the place, and ronald reagan stepped in and he put on large
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tariffs, and you wouldn't be talking about harley davidson probably right now if he didn't do that. but we're going to help you, too, and we're going to make it really great for business, not just you, but for everybody. we're going to be competitive with anybody in the world. we're going to be doing taxing policies very soon. it's going to be coming out. i know health care is a big problem for -- every company is now suffering with health care because of the tremendous cause and that's one of the things we're working on. that and tax policy and tariffs and trade. i think you'll be very happy. it's an honor to have you at lunch. i really appreciate your support. you give me tremendous support. your workers in particular have given me tremendous support. i want to thank the people of wisconsin in particular. it was amazing what happened up there. that was a big shocker that evening. wow. i'll never forget. wouchlt wisconsin just went for
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trump. all of these people, especially that guy right there. and then they said, what's going on. wisconsin just went for trump and then michigan went for trump and then pennsylvania. it was great. they were just great people. these are amazing people and they get it. so, again, to all of you at the table today, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it greatly. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nothing is off the table. i haven't eased anything. >> there you saw the president meeting with representatives from harley-davidson. let's get some analysis and some new reporting. i'm joined by our pentagon reporter ryan brown, our international editor and our senior international correspondent fred pleitgen.
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ni nic, your reaction when he said i haven't eased anything. at least one part of the sanction um posed against the russian intelligence agency known as the fsb, federal security service, wassized. one aspect of it. a very minor easing. but some are seeing it as significant because of the symbolism. the fsb was accused of being involved in the hacking of the u.s. presidential elections. go ahead. >> reporter: yes. it's interesting, wolf, he would push back on that but the general asusment is only a small easing. it's not such a bill deal for us. but the markets in russia obviously reacting to it. that was positive. of course, what the sanctions are designed to do is send a message to the leadership, and the reason to pay on the leadership is through economy and the way to get it through putin is through the economy and
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the economy has been suffering. but let's go back a few weeks when president trump did an interview with a german magazine and a british newspaper. he talked about the russian people and that it wasn't in necessary to put them in that kind of pain. here we receive that in a very small way. the president here is brushing it off. that's surprising. it's as if he's saying, well, we're not giving anything away yet. yet he appears to be doing that and we know from the tone of his phone conversation with president putin that we heard from the kremlin just a little bit short, full of detail from the kremlin's point of view, good conversation. this seems to indicate that the president perhaps is already feeling some pushback from this decision, however, it was machltd but it's certainly something at the moment that for the russians as matthew was saying a short time ago, from
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the russian perspective, this is a positive development in the right direction. don't get carried away about it. president trump is pushing back saying it's not been done. >> fred pleitgen, let's talk about the u.s./australia relationship right now. you just heard president trump once again blast the decision by the obama administration to eve eventually take in about 1,250 refugees who have been stranded on islands off the coast of australia sometimes for years. they're in detention camps. the u.n. has called the detention camps cruel and illegal. these refugees came from countries insluding sri lanka, bangladesh, iran, and iraq. i know you've been taking a close look at this. the australian prime minister. give us the latest information you're learned about this. >> the australian prime minister came out. he didn't want to talk very much
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about the phone conversation. of course, the info that we're getting is the phone conversation didn't go well at all and donald trump obviously wanted to confront the measure that the u.s. might be taking some of the refugees from australia. of course, calling them illegal immigrants which, of course, sparked some outrage across the board. the australian prime minister for his part said the phone conversation went cordially. he didn't want to go into any of the details. he also denied it ended in any way, shape, or form abruptly. at the same time we have to keep in mind they're a longstanding ally, that they've pretty much gone to war and is now a major operation over iraq and syria there, fighting against isis. certainly this is something in australia they see as a slap in the face and there's a question whether they should remain part
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of the alliance and continue its support for the united states in its operations even though you see the going there. trying to downplay the heat of that phone conversation and how badly it went. >> and very quickly, these 1,250 refugees are being kept in offshore detention centers. they tried to get in by boat and as a result, they're barred? is that reat? >> yes. it's sparked a lot of international criticism, that the australians would not allow the people to come in to australia. one of the things that sparked criticism as well was the conditions that these folks were housed in when they came there by vote. this is something where the u.s. under barack obama tried to find some sort of solution to this problem, made this agreement,
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and certainly at this point in time the australians believe that the u.s. needs to stick by it. >> you heard president trump call them illegal immigrants who are in a prison right now. ryan, you're over at the pentagon for us. you're getting some new details on the deadly yemen raid. what are you learning? >> that's right, wolf. we're actually starting to learn a little bit about the sequencing of events when it came to granting the authorities to conduct the raid. we've already been told donald trump had admitted it. planning had gone months into the past. we now know central command actually recommended the raid back in november, actually the day before the election. now eventually it was approvinged by obama secretary of defense ash carter. a lot of these details just confirmed by sean sfieser. after a few days had green lit the operation, aiming to get as
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much intelligence on al qaeda and yemen as possible in the hopes of preventing future attacks of the terror grun. >> ryan braun at the pentagon. thank you. nic robertson and fred pleitgen as well. there's more news coming in, president trump weighing in on easing sanctions and new details on the deadly raid that killed a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. that and a lot more. we'll be right back. with t-mobile one, taxes and fees are now included! get 4 lines of unlimited lte data for 40 bucks each. that's right - all unlimited. all in! and now, for a limited time save more than you pay in taxes on all smartphones. so switch to t-mobile and save hundreds vs. the other guys. it's better than a tax holiday! and it's only at t-mobile.
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saying the u.s. treasury's department that it will allow some companies to do business with the russian intelligence agency, the fsb, is actually routine. here to talk about that and more is republican senator mike lee of utah. he sits on the senate judiciary committee. senator, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> i'd love to get through a bunch of stuff with you. are you okay with this easying of the one sanction, the fsb, the russian intelligence service, federal intelligence service as it's called? >> you know, i wish i could give you more meaningful commentary on that. i'm not familiar with the law. 'd like more time to review the material before commenting on that. >> that's fair enough. let's talk about the u.s./australian relations. pretty tense phone call we're told over the weekend with the president and the prime minister. the u.s. doesn't have a better ally than australia.
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how familiar are you that this relationship can go sour? >> we're always concerned when a relationship might go sour. my hope is that it won't. my hope is that we can achieve whatever objectives the president's wanting to pursue in a way that it won't damage the trade relationship or it won't damage other aspects of our relationship with israel or with australia or with any other important ally. >> the whole notion of that relationship, the question right now is admitting 1,250 refugees who have been stranded on these islands off of detention centers off the coast of australia, some for a few years. the australians won't allow them into australia because they've tried to come in by boat and the obama administration said the u.s. would sep them following some serious vetting. are you okay allowing them to come to the united states? >> well, i would need to know
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more about that and what vetting procedures are being ujds taken there. but this is something else i'm not familiar with enough to comment on. >> these are all breaking developments. let's talk about other developments. cnn has learned white house is discussing scrapping an obama administration program. the administration wants to focus in on radical -- the new administration, radical islamic extremism, but that group also is looking for white supremacist groups that carry out violent acts. do you agree with getting rid of the program if it's turning away from white supremacists? >> look. i agree with any program that has its focus making americans safer while doing so in a way that respects the constitution. the implementation of any program, whether you're starting a new one or ending an existing program and transferring the functions of that program to something else, that's going to be where the details are and only time will tell whether it
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enhances our security while enrespecting the constitution. >> it's interesting that the house minority leader, the democratic leader nancy pelosi repeatedly referred to the white house chief strategist steve bann en in her words as a white supremacist saying it was stunning to now see him as part of the national security council. what's your reaction to that? >> i thit's nonsense. it's defamatory and she's acting with reckless disregard for the truth. throwing out gums like that. if they want to focus on a particular policy, fun, but it's time to stop throwing around dangerous labels like that one. it's not helpful. it's not part of a productive discourse for this country. and i'd encourage speaker pelosi and anyone else who's inclined to use language like that to respectfully refrain from it. focus on the policy. stop attacking the person. >> you were aet the national prayer breakfast, i take it,
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this morning. we had live coverage of it on cnn. the president made some off-color remarks when talking about his own show "the apr he apprenti apprentice," as well as black. it's getting a lot of buzz. >> they hired a big, big movie star to take my place, and we know how that play turned out. the ratings went down the tubes. it's been a total disaster, and mark will never, ever bet against trump again and i just want to pray for arnold if we can for those ratings, okay? thank you as well for senator chaplain barry black for his words. i don't know whether or not that's an appointed position. is that an appointed position? i don't know if you're a
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democrat or rupp, iepublican. i'm appointing you for another year, the hell with it. >> the hell with it. you were there. give us your perspective. >> first of all his praise for barry black was very well deserved. it was one of the greatest speeches i've seen. he was clearly acknowledging that and paying him a compliment there. but seriously, wolf, if you haven't had a chance do so, please go back and watch.
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he's got a lot of fans out there. to be fair to the president he was introduced by mark brunette. he was talking about the ratings involving arnold schwarzenegger taking off. >> tuesday, by the way, 9:00 p.m. eastern, the cnn special event, bernie sanders and ted cruz debate the future of obamacare and jake tapper. it's at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. we'll be right back. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully.
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tensions with iran, national security advisers put them on notice. what's going on? >> i think trump does enjoy a lot of chaotic multitudes of news and breaking developments, but it's bothering other people including people on capitol hill who he has to work with on a very aggressive agenda. if you have john mccain coming out saying that he had to call the prime minister of australia to assure him that they are one of our greatest allies and then a pushback on russia, they're not so concerned about this technical action, but they're concerned about russia as an issue. all of them are, only some of them are talking about it. senator character, graham, mccain have made it clear they are going to be pushing back on
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lifting any sessions. >> gloria? >> i agree, i think what the president has done has put everybody on their heels, donald trump has been doing this his whole life. i remember reporting about donald trump talking to somebody who's been in business with him a long time and this person said we would be having a meeting, he would walk in the room, throw a grenade, walk out of the room and expect everybody to work it out. it's not about nuance, it's about disruption if a way and if you talk to people at the white house they say this is exactly what he wants to do, the question is what are the ramifications, repuercussions ad
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now that he has tillerson seeing him on a regular basis, will they be able to push back on him in a way that staffers have not been able to do? and that's a really big question because he regards them as his piers not just people who work for him. >> listen to what he said about nafta. >> i have very serious concerns about nafta. nafta has been a catastrophe for our country, workers and i want to change it and maybe we do it, maybe we do a new nafta. free and fair trade, not just free trade, free and fair trade because it's very unfair, so all of the statutory guidelines we are adhering to, i would like to
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speed it up if possible. >> north american free trade agreement signed with mexico and canada more than 20 years ago he wants to renegotiate. >> renegotiating nafta is completely fine, reasonable objective, the iphone didn't exist, it was a long time ago, however, this is just so ill lust trif of his impatience, but if you get a renegotiation of nafta, if he can get along with mexico an canada which is not so great, wouldn't be until 2018. a fix for health care, an infrastructure package, tax reform is going to be one of his greatest challenges because he wants to win on the board every day and wapnts things to happen quickly but that's not the way it works. >> so far we have seen a very, very active and i assume that's
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going to continue. he's got a lot of energy, gloria, as you and i well know. that's it for me, thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 in "the situation room" the news continues. hello, pamela brown with breaking news on many fronts on what's shaping up to be a very busy thursday after putting iran quote on notice. allegedly in violation of a u.s. security council resolution, listen to what the president said moments ago. >> -- nothing is off the table. i haven't eased anything. >> nothing off the table. and as iran is now on notice
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