tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 2, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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good evening. president trump making what could be a change on israel settlements and confounding a long time ally in australia. a new white house position and sanctions on iran. there is late word from the white house, what could be seen i guess as a shift in the administration's approach to the issue of expanding israeli settlements. what do you know? >> anderson, it is fascinating. since president trump was elected, you saw he was defending israel at the u.n. over the vot settlements. since he has taken office, israel announced 5,500 new settlement homes in the west bank and east jerusalem. but tonight the white house came out with a statement saying
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the -- we don't believe the existence of settlements is an impetment to peace, the construction of new settlements or expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal. that statement by the press secretary sean spicer. you have to take that into the context of what is happening today with the eviction of settlers from an illegal outpost in the west bank. so, i think the israelis having making the announcement because really everything is about local politics and domestic politics in israel. that is what the announcement was about. for the white house to come out and say you have made your announcements, let's cut it out now. that is really significant. >> how does it compare to what former president obama had to say about continued israeli settlements being built? >> some of it is the same, saying they are unhelpful.
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you know, i spoke to some israelis tonight and they said as far as israel is concerned, it is not so bad when you break it down. they say the settlements do not see the settlements as an impetment to peace. that is what president obama called them. and they are talking about construction of new settlements, or the expansion of existing settlements beyond the borders. so, look, it has been a problem even for the obama administration for israel to build within the settlements. for the trump administration to say you can build within the borders but nothing new. some israelis think it could be president trump giving the prime minister a little bit of cover. you know he used to use the obama administration as a foil against the right wing, which is very -- >> the right wing in israel. >> the right wing in israel,
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pushing those settlements saying i don't want to get a lot of flak from the united states. with the israel-friendly attitude from president trump, the right was excited they could do whatever they want. now this statement says to them you can't. so, a lot of people do think it is president trump giving the prime minister cover to say all right, enough guys. you have a meeting between president trump on february 15th, the white house hasn't come out with their official settlement policy. >> appreciate that. now back to the iran sanction story. michelle, what are you learning about possible sanctions? >> right. so, they could happen soon. sources are telling cnn they will likely target several iranian entities about the blastic missile launch. when you look at the types of penalties that are there for something like that launch, it is usually a statement of co
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condemnation and then sanctions. now this administration keeps talking very tough saying in the last couple of days, iran, you are on notice. there is a new sheriff in town. nothing is off of the table including a military option. this administration is dedicated to holding iran accountable. it might be that sanctions are just one step in the penalty they are planning or they want to keep the messaging out there they are willing to do more in the future. at the least they are willing to act quickly, anderson. >> what if anything does it mean for the iran nuclear deal which donald trump has spoken against in the campaign? >> these two issues were intentionally kept separate. one of the things iran got out of the deal was the lifting of many sanctions. iran keeps doing more and more bad stuff, including its
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ballistic missile program. iran does not want more sanctions but that does not mean it won't respond to sanctions with more provocation. that is what they keep doing. there is a testing period now with each side tweaking the other, seeing what the response is. the trump administration proving if they do impose sanctions they are willing to move beyond the heated rhetoric and at least take some action at this point. >> appreciate the update. following another surprise in the united nations, the new u.s. ambassador nikki haley hitting russia hard over the surging violence in eastern ukraine. >> i must condemn the aggressive actions of russia. a replay over many years in which united states representatives have needed to do that. it should not have to be that way. we do want to better our relations with russia. however the dire situation in
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eastern ukraine is one that demands clear and strong condemnation of russian actions. >> and also called for an immediate end to the sanctions. joining us now to weigh in on all of the developments tonig , tonight -- >> you have three hot spots, iran, israel and now russia. what do you make of all of the movement today? >> it is really hard to keep up. i think in some ways that is kind of the point. what i find the most fascinating is that nikki haley, the u.s. ambassador to the united nations said things about russia that
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the president, her boss, differed with 180 degree way with in the campaign. he has been open to the idea of not being tough on russia and opened up the idea on one occasion during the campaign of kind of leaving the situation alone. that is not what we heard from his ambassador to the u.n. today. i talked to someone familiar with the drafting of her remarks saying the white house is well aware of what she was going to do and well aware of her position on this which is pretty hawkish. it is more in line, frankly, with the republican party's credo on philosophy which is to be tough russia. she made it clear in her confirmation hearings. the white house and the president heard that. she will continue to do that. >> you were critical of the administration for not speaking out about the situation in
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ukraine. does this give you confidence? >> well, it gives me hope. ambassador haley said what democrats and republicans, americans want to hear. i think it is terrific how she stood up for american values. but you know, john mitchell in the nixon administration said watch what we do and not what we say. there are reports that what the trump administration is going to do is easing sanctions on the fsb, the kgb. we are talking tough, better than yesterday. but if we are easing sanctions on russia when their separatists have killed 19 people in eastern ukraine yesterday alone. 23,000 people in ukraine without water or heat. it is freezing cold. humanitarian crisis, all caused by the russians. we are talking about easing sanctions? >> i saw that reporting against the fsb, pointing out that it is
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not quite what some of the headlines made it out to be. >> they should be reported more carefully. we should be toughening the sanctions, not easing them. >> even jake sullivan who worked for biden and obama and hillary clinton said it was a technical easing of sanctions. but i do think what was interesting about nikki haley's statement is that trump indicated he is willing to defer to the people he appointed in some capacity. we know with general mattis, whatever he says on enhanced interrogation methods will stand. i will defer to him. is this is aing look, nikki haley is who i appointed to the position. i will defer to her in this regard. we did not see president trump rebuff anything she said. he didn't do that. to me it says deference to the people i appointed. >> you are absolutely right. i was told the white house was well aware of what she was going
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to do. the question is where does that deference end? is he go to completely defer on issues he really seemed to disagree with before and continue to do that and have that become his policy? or will the policy be contradictory and confused confusing our allies and our foes. >> the u.n. ambassador is not the official making policy on russia. look, i think all of these things you are talking about, it is reality. it is why governing is harder than campaigning. it is easily to draw bright lines and saying the previous administration is not tough enough. you get in office, you are faced with a different set of concerns. the point about the way in which president trump may be giving israel more room is true but the way on the one hand he talked about standing shoulder to shoulder and the other making
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the guy to finally making the deal. if you are shoulder to shoulder it is hard to be the honest broker and make the deal. i think you see those pressures playing out today in the slight repositioning. >> a lot of trump's conservative supporters obviously like his strong alliance with israel. just as obama liked his strong alliances. >> a lot of evangelicals took a deep breath when you said that. 86% of evangelicals. we are strong supporters of the nation of israel. the areas people call the disputed territory as the historic home to israel. >> the notion of him giving cover was an interesting one. >> the prime minister will be coming soon.
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evangelicals just met with the ambassador from israel to the united states and the future ambassador to israel. and are getting to know him. and i think it will be a very close relationship between evangelicals and with israeli foreign policy. we feel strongly the land belongs to israel and that the u.s. government needs to stand in lock step with israel on that point. >> i see this as a bigger picture which is, you know, this is where bluster meets actual, you know, the situation on the ground. all of these three situations are real, strong, smart strategists who have been on the political arena and world stage for in some cases decades. they are go to push the boundaries to see where the edges are. people like to talk about trump as the first citizen president
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of the united states. that is true. but there is a negative to that. these people are really strong and big personalities. they know exactly what they want. they know which buttons to push. they are go to push you until you bend or break. that is what is going to happen with donald trump, even among the people he counts on as friends. that is how political leaders on the world stage operate. there are no absolute friendships. people push until they can see where they can no longer push anymore and draw the line and say this is where our boundary is. >> no permanent allies, only permanent interests. we will continue this after the break. my exclusive interview with a mexican official listening in on the call with mexico's president and new reporting on the raid in yemen that cost a navy seal his
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life. the first approved by president trump and former obama officials are speaking out. we will be right back. e birds ee steamfresh vegetables. wait for it. in about five minutes you get delicious, premium veggies, steamed to perfection. now! ♪ ahhhhhhhhhhh... mmmm heavenly, right? birds eye steamfresh. so veggie good. i realize that ah, that $100k is notwell, a 103fortune. yeah, 103. well, let me ask you guys. how long did it take you two to save that? a long time. then it's a fortune. well, i'm sure you talk to people all the time who think $100k is just pocket change. right now we're just talking to you. i told you we had a fortune. yes, you did. getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today.
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>> new details about president trump's recent phone calls with world leaders. a reportedly stormy phone call with australia and a phone call with mexico's president. >> president trump irking allies on the hill and abroad with his on the fly diplomacy. after a contentious call with the australian prime minister. while trump tossed out quick praise for america's aussie ally. sources tell cnn the president's saturday evening call with the prime minister was tense. trump took issue with an obama administration deal to accept 1,250 refugees from an australian detention center, a move that collides with trump's
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decision to suspend the refugee program for 120 days and suspend the syrian program indefinitely. >> i said why are we doing this. trump is still fuming over the agreement. as for the australian prime minister, he insists the call with trump ended courteously. >> as far as the nature of the discussion it was frank and forthright. i stand up for australia's interest. i make australia's case as powerfully as i can wherever i am. gop leaders defended the long-standing allegiance between the u.s. and australia. >> this in my view was an unnecessary and frankly harmful open dispute over an issue which
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is not nearly as important as australia/u.s. cooperation. >> the latest indication of trump's gruff style. in a call with the mexican president he fired off a barning about mexico's tough hombres. the brash businessman has little appetite for changing course. >> when you hear about the tough phone calls i am having. don't worry about it. they are tough. we have to be tough. >> advisors say it is fitting with the world view trump laid out in his inaugural address, prm promising to rewrite the world order. >> we assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city in every foreign capital in every hall of power. from this day forward a new
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vision will govern our land. from this day forward it is going to be only america first. america first. >> did the trump administration do anything to smooth over relations with australia? >> the australian ambassador actually came to the white house to meet with donald trump's chief of staff and strategist stephen bannon. he got a couple of phone calls trying to smooth things over and assure australia and the u.s. will have a smooth relationship going forward. >> the white house now characterizing president trump's remarks about sending troops into the country light hearted
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and others painted it very differently. mexico's foreign minister was present for that call. i sat down with him earlier for a 360 exclusive interview. there is a lot i want to talk to you about with the relationship between mexico and the united states. there is a lot of discussion about the phone call mr. you on that call? >> i was listening to the call. i was along side the president. it was a very constructive call. the teams will continue to work. i had a good phone call with secretary tillerson. >> your first phone conversation with him as secretary of state? >> yes. as secretary of state, yes. the first time. it just happened today.
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>> did you know him previously? >> yeah. i know him when i was minister of finance of mexico and he was ceo of exxon. i got to meet him a couple of times. i know him. we are very excited having the opportunity to work with him. the presidents agree that the teams will work. we obviously have notorious differences and different positions. we have more points of agreement. we want to get to a good set of agreements on trade, security, immigration for mexico and good for the united states. we are not there yet but we are going to work to get there. >> i want to clear up the conflicting reports about the phone call. a mexican journalist said the call was a very offensive conversation where trump humiliated -- >> not at all.
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plainly false. and trump said we are go to build a wall and you are go to pay for it. >> on that we have a significant difference. the presidents have a different. they agreed they would not continue to publicly argue about that because there are so many other things we need to work on with the relationship. the most important thing, it was a constructive call and they agreed to keep working. >> there were mixed details reported. the associated press reported last night that during the call president trump indicated he might be ready to send u.s. troops to stop bad hombres down there. what the president actually said is you have pretty tough hombres in mexico you may need help with. but they have to be knocked out.
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>> the second, according to my recollection is more -- >> the ap indicating there was an indication u.s. troops. >> that is nothing close to reality. >> to me that seems like an interception of the president saying we are willing to help out with that. >> president trump expressed how important it is to fight against organized crime. how important it is to stop illegal helps getting in from mexico. cash getting into the hands of the cartels. how important it is to cooperate on that. presidents agreed on that. president trump came forward saying we are willing to cooperate. we are willing to help. we are willing to help as well. >> when donald trump talks about
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renegotiating or doing away with nafta, what do you think? are you open to a renegotiation? >> we are absolutely open to making nafta better. nafta is a 20-year-old agreement, crafted in a different world. there was no e-commerce. the mexican energy sector was closed. clearly some things can be improved about nafta for the benefit of the u.s. and of mexico. we are always open to discuss as long as it is something that does not hurt mexico's national interest. we will be working over the next few months to start negotiations. we want to make sure that we gather the opinion of the mexican senate and brightest sector and unions.
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there is always room to make it a win-win negotiation. there is not a negotiation in which one of the countries loses. we can make it very good for both countries. >> we had to cut that interview down for time. the question is are the phone calls good for u.s. interests or potentially bad for the relationships with some of america's closest allies. the panel is back to weigh in on that and more next. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink.
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talking about the fall out from president trump's phone calls with the president of mexico and the prime minister of australia and the notion two close allies should be even close to the center of any controversy at this point. the day after the phone call you have senator mccain, you know, trying to basically smooth things over with australia. the australian ambassador come to the white house and meeting with stephen bannon. that is not how it is supposed to work after a phone call. >> no it is not. a close ally fighting along side
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u.s. troops for a century or more in wars. that is why people like john mccain who respect that. this is one of those situations where the citizen president is waking everybody up. the art of the deal. the business guy. the conversation with the australian prime minister was described, you can totally see him doing that with every deal he made in difference. but the difference is that it is diplomacy. >> him saying at the prayer meeting, don't worry about it. he said this is just what i do. >> we shouldn't be worried about it. here is what is happening. you have the mexican foreign minister saying it was a very
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constructive phone call. the australian prime minister saying we still have a very strong relationship. the alliances are still there. what president trump is doing is aggressively advocating for american interests on these calls and that is a very good thing. what we should be worried about and concerned about is that you had the mexican foreign minister saying it is constructive and we agree on far more than we disagree. what was the headline out of the associated press? trump to mexico, take care of bad hombres or u.s. might. >> wait. old on. no world leader anywhere has the incentive to say they were pushed around, humiliated and belittled by the u.s. president. everything is fine.
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the fact is that donald trump is a disruptor. he is questioning the u.s.-led international system of alliances. i disagree very much. you look what he said about the european union where he said that he could care less if it unravelled. his national trade advisor attacked germany in the financial times saying they are depressing the value of the euro. you are talking about a reassessment of nations around the world. like most things he is doing, taking the divisions that existed in the campaign and moving them. >> as rex tillerson has been confirmed. as you have his national security team and the secretary
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of defense, do things become more stabilized or conventional? >> i hope not. this is what votered wanted him to do. he wanted to be shaking up things and renegotiating deals. we want him to question the deals. and not only did you have mccain, but you had bob corker going around afterwards and calling over and i don't think that is helpful. i think 60% of the state of tennessee voted for donald trump. so we do not need senators. by the way he didn't get the state department job. we don't need senators under mining what the president is trying to do. >> the question is australia the one you need to be pushing
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around or russia or whoever else? shouldn't on the table. they are really essential to our intelligence you don't blowup that relationship if you believe in america. we sell more stuff to mexico than any other country but canada. a quarter of a trillion a year we export to mexico. you don't blow it up. >> he is not blowing it up. >> he has only had 12 days. >> it is a deal made under the obama administration. he said -- >> you say look. this is what donald trump was
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elected. he is reassessing all relations. >> look at how the leaders from mexico and australia responded. people that want to blow things up come in like a bull in a china shop and tear things up. when they respond saying everything is okay, that is what diplomacy looks like in action. the most disruptive part of trump so far is that world leaders are trying to figure out if the principles of donald trump align with the historical principles of the united states and there will be some continuity there. if there is not that is not a productive thing. that does not put america first.
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that puts america in danger. >> in fact since world war ii. it hasn't been altruism. a world based around rules-based alliances in the economic, diplomatic and military sphere. it has been in america's interest. if we are questioning all of that, that is a change in our relationship with the entire globe. >> new details emerging about the leadly ops against al qaeda in yemen. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months.
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>> contradiction, really anderson. i spoke to members of the obama administration in the national security space and others have spoken out publicly now. they say one, the obama administration did not okay the raid. and that it would not be okay under any circumstances this far out weeks or months in advance with so many varibles on the ground. one official said that is not how it is done. we are learning president trump was central to the final decision-making on this raid. >> tonight, new information that president trump was actively involved in the decision making on the yemen raid up until the final hours. on january 25th, four days before the mission the president was briefed by a national security advisor michael flynn and then during a ten person white house dinner later in the evening. the dinner at mr. trump's request included his chief of
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staff and stephen bannon. >> the dinner meeting where the operation was laid out in great extent. >> like many high-risk military missions, the planning was months in the making. the initial plans were sent in on november 7, during the obama administration and one day before the election. the department of defense lawyers and legal experts reviewed the details before approving the plan and sending it to the national security council on december 19. next the plan was reviewed by officials from defense, state and the national security council. there was one final delay waiting for a moonless night to conceal u.s. special operators. that would not come until late in january after the swearing in of donald trump. he gave final approval january 26th, one day after the white house dinner, three days to mission launch. >> this was a very, very well
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thought out and executed effort. >> the raid targeted a suspected al qaeda in the arabian peninsula compound. navy seals and special operators immediately encountered fighters approaching the compound. the fighters, including some females, positioned themselves on rooftops on adjacent buildings. aircraft conducted an air strike leading to at least 23 civilian deaths. the al qaeda fighters used heavy arms killing a u.s. navy sale william "ryan" owens. an osprey was damaged. they took computer hard drives. are when are you look at the totality of what was gained to prevent the future loss of life here in america and against the
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people and institutions and throughout the world in terms of what some of these individuals could have done, i think it is a successful operation by all standards. >> sean spicer called it a successful administration. there is still an investigation into the raid. is that standard prot caocol. >> you have one dead navy seal. you have more than two dozen civilian casualties. you also have, as of yet, an intelligence haul. i spoke to a former navy seal commander and now that aqap has shed american blood on yemen soil, that is an enormous propaganda win and something to be factored into the decision. the raids are always difficult and dangerous. very difficult to be 100%
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successful. difficult to say this one was a successful operation. >> all right. our thoughts are with the family of all of those involved. thanks very much. joining me now is mike rodgers, former chairman of the house intelligence committee. general, the sort of back and forth now between former obama white house officials and trump administration officials saying it was okay before obama left office? obama officials saying that is not true. operations like this are not planned that far in advance. what is your reaction to all of that? >> it is silliness, anderson. this raid, like any other capture, kill, sensitive ex pras planned months in advance. details are consolidated. information is gained. there is more observation of the target. depending on the target and the target packaging going after an
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individual or the site, it takes a lot of time to confirm or deny what is there. this was started in terms of the planning process a few months ago. but as items are collected and intelligence is gained, it is further refined. it is looked at by all of the chain of command, the central command and special operations command. they make decisions on it. it is passed back and forth between the pentagon and combat and commander. it will go to the white house for final coordination and approval after it has certain elements that need the president's approval because of things like politics and relationships with other countries. that is what happened at the end. the timing of it as i have learned today from some of my sources was on moonlight. that was the final timing. but they also had to confirm or deny other things before the raid took place delaying it. there was back and forth with the national security council and it was left up to president
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trump to make the final call. this is the way that these operations go down. i think all of the pointing back and forth between civilian officials about a raid that was conducted by the military which is planned in advance and very well executed is just nonsense. >> yeah. you hate to think politics get involved in something like this when you have service members putting their lives on the line and one navy seal sacrificing his life. >> i think had is completely and utterly ridiculous that there is a political debate about a well thought out and well planned and if everything was perfect it would be a different world. it is not. it is dangerous. this reinforces how hard the fight on terrorism is when you are go to insert united states soldiers, special operators, into an environment like this. it is very, very difficult. not all of them come out perfect. in some notion that the whole military command is somehow
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connected to politics between obama and trump is nuts. we better get over this in a hurry. i commend the president for saying if my military advisors are telling me this is a good target. they killed 14 al qaeda terrorists in this raid and they collected intelligence meaning at some point they dominated the facility long enough to collect intelligence before leaving. yes, some things go wrong. the president should say the buck stops here. i did it. the obama people, shame on them for coming out and playing a silly game when we lost a united states military member in defense of the united states. >> general, in yemen operations, the u.s. had to take out a lot of the personnel from yemen in recent years because of the change in governments. our ability to operate there from everything i read has been hampered. do you see that increasing or any change in that in the coming
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months or years? >> well, i think i do. first of all, yemen anderson as many of us in the military know is the hotbed of al qaeda. that is where it started. that is where it existed for the last two for the last two decades. it's a critical piece that's shifted. this is a critical area. they've returned to this section. the other thing, i'd jump on with congressman rogers, there's a feeling along americans that the president is actually the senior squad leader watching television or watching this operation go on. that's not what happened. he gets a briefing book by the special operations saying here's what happened. here are the political and legal implications. approve or disapprove. there is no overwatching a camera or drone strike as we do these things. >> good of you both on. up next, president trump's pledge to have to the meet workers. they come to the workers today on their harleys after trump's
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[ door closes ] she's actually pretty nice. oh. yeah. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. as you know, president trump talked a lot about america first in business and trade.
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today the white house, the president met with harley davidson executives that arrived, riding the company's famous motorcycles and moved inside where president trump pledged to keep jobs in this country. >> and this administration, our alee yans jans will be to american workers like harley davidson. we'll make it really great for business, not just you but for everybody. we'll be competitive with anybody in the world. >> today's meeting happened after the president's planned visit to a harley davidson factory was cancelled. an official saying the company decided it was not comfortable hosting him. amid planned protests. jason carroll went to the heart of harley country in wisconsin to talk to voters to see what they think of the president. here is tonight's "america uncovered" report. >> reporter: when you look at the reason why donald trump unexpectedly flipped the state of wisconsin, look no further than this bar right outside of milwaukee.
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it cay caters to a lot of harley davidson employees. they have plenty of praise for the president and find little tolerance for those protesting against him. >> get over it. he's in. just stop it. stop it. >> reporter: kim owns this bar and says her feelings mirror those of many in the community. a community that voted for trump over hillary clinton by nearly two to one. donny is a trump supporter. he says he worked at harley for 40 years before he retired and was a small business owner. >> it cost me a business i had, a bar like this. certain people move in the area, and the other people move out. >> reporter: do you mean people who look like me? >> well, the neighborhood changed. like 90% in two years. white people won't come in, and
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i had to sell it. >> reporter: going forward, does it leave you with a, an unfavorable view of black people, mexican people? >> yes, it does. i'll be honest with you. i'm very prejudice. and a lot of people know that. >> reporter: he says his point of view is unedited. one that he says few people like him share publicly. >> reporter: do you believe a lot of people who feel the way you do voted for trump because they feel the way you do? >> they do. trust me. >> reporter: jennifer murray and kim voted for trump and are happy with what they've seen so far. >> he is backing up what he said. he's finally standing up for america, for the citizens of america. >> small businesses. for everybody who voted for him. >> reporter: he said what he was going to do and he's doing it. >> reporter: they also hope the
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president will pressure companies to make more products in the united states. harley davidson, for example, assembles bikes in the united states but makes many parts overseas in countries like mexico. the head of the local steel worker's union is encouraged by trump pulling out of the transpacific partnership. he's personally troubled by the administration's immigration ban. >> the green lady is the statue of liberty. welcome. i just believe that's the way it should be. >> reporter: patrons like donny are on board with what trump as done so far and hopes he continues to fulfill his promises. >> i hope he gets another four years after this one. got to be better than the democrats. >> reporter: and we are joined now from milwaukee. >> it's interesting the head of the local union there was expressing reservations about donald trump except for the tpp, but it seems like the rank and
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file, he's not following the head of the union there? >> reporter: you're right. you go to places like milwaukee, you'll find a lot of people who are sort of on the fence when it comes to the president or even supported hillary clinton. this election was one outside cities like milwaukee and places like germantown. when you go to places like that, the support isn't overwhelm, and many of the people who -- some of the people you heard in the piece, the president really isn't being given a fair shot. they say this is a man who hasn't been in office for a month, and yet everyone seems to be against him. so you really get a sense of how strong the support is for people, for the president when you go outside the cities. >> jason carroll, thank you. in the next hour, more on the breaking news from the white house. president trump changing his message or at least appearing to change his message somewhat to israel. also however will the president go to punish tehran for new missile tests. we have some clues on that ahead. di
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