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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  February 4, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> good morning, everyone. so grateful to have your company as always. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. welcome to the rviewers. the white house is gearing up for a legal battle over donald trump's travel ban after a federal judge strikes a blow to the president's executive order putting a temporary stop to the immigration ban nationwide. >> this is rule that comes from washington state where the attorney general there says, quote, no one is above the law, not even the president, unquote. we know one airline executive told cnn the government is in the process of reinstating visas. we do not know the status of that effort at the moment. still, major airlines now say they are boarding travelers who were previously caught up in that ban. but the trump administration's vow to appeal could set up a second straight weekend of uncertainty at airports across the nation and the bloeb. >> we have a team of reporters
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and legal experts standing by to break do you know what this ruling means and what comes next. we're going start in washington with cnn's ryan nobles who has reaction from the white house. ryan? >> in fact, we're getting some reaction from the president himself. he in fact just tweeted a message out in the last few minutes. he doesn't specifically address this ruling by a judge in washington state but he certainly talking about this travel ban that his administration put into place. it says, when a country is no longer able to say who can and who cannot come in and out, especially for reasons of safety and security, big trouble, with an exclamation point. that tweet from president donald trump. you're seeing it there now if just came down in the last few minutes. of course, the white house is gearing up for what is going to be a lengthy court battle in reaction to this ruling from the judge in washington and the myriad of lawsuits that have been filed against this executive order. in a statement last night the press secretary for donald trump, sean spicer, released this statement saying at the
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earliest possible of able to the department of justice intends to file an emergency stay of this order and defend the executive order of the president which we believe is lawful and appropriate. the president's order is intended to protect the homeland and he has a the constitutional authority and responsibility to protect the american people. essentially what this judge's ruling yesterday says is that the executive order is no longer in place. there is a temporary halt on it and that means visas can once again be issued to travelers from these. even is muslim majority countries which the administration had banned from coming into the united states. we are still awaiting the official response from the department of justice and reaction to this ruling. so there's a lot that still needs to play out here over the next coming days and weeks as in result of this executive order issued by the administration. victor. >> we'll watch it. ryan nobles in washington. thank you. >> thank you. meanwhile, we want to go to cnn's jfk airport.
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a very different travel picture today than what was over this week. what are you seeing at the airport there, rachel? >> that's right, christi. the scene that we're seeing here at the airport a far cry from last weekend. it is relatively calm here. however, there still is a lot of uncertainty about how this new ruling will impact the travelers and the some 60,000 people who had their visas revoked. a lawyer on the ground here did tell us that she is proceeding forward as though people will be allowed to travel here to the u.s. she's working on behalf of two clients who she's trying to get into the u.s. from iraq before monday. now, advocacy groups are proceeding with caution. some of them are, in fact, encouraging their clients and people to take advantage of this moment of uncertainty and try and travel to the u.s. as soon as possible. however, other advocacy groups are proceeding with caution. they're not wanting to give
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people too much hope and they're saying they're just going to see how all of this plays out. now, airlines -- some of the airlines have put out statements saying that they will, in fact, lift the travel ban. the cbp officials held a call with some of the major airlines last night and the airline executive told us the cbc official said that business will be back to usual. and they said the government is working on getting those visas reissued but the question is when the visas will be reissued. as i point out it's relatively calm here at jfk but we do know that protests are planned throughout the country today, including new york city. victor, christi? >> rachel crane, appreciate it. let's bring in former federal prosecutor laura coats and constitutional attorney page pate. paige, let me start with you. this is not just limited to the district in which that judge presides. this is nationwide.
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essentially this is something that i guess on paper allows everyone to come back in. is this as simple as the customs and borer protection officials say that business is back to usual? >> this is not simple at all. first of all, i am a little bit concerned about this particular judge in washington decide that this order can take effect across the country. the judge was relying on the decision from the texas case where a federal judge basically stayed president obama's i immigration executive order. i expect the trump white house and justice department to challenge that part of the order and say, look, you're a federal judge in washington, that's great. you control your district but you cannot decide this particular issue for districts across the country because, as we know, there's at least one federal district judge in another part of the country who see the case very differently. all it does is create a bunch of confusion for the customs and border patrol agents there at the airport, at the border trying to make realtime
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decisions about who can and cannot come into the country. >> laura, let's talk about that. if we look back to the eastern district of new york a week ago that filing was a class action filing. that applied nationwide. the respective or the successive filings were limited to specific districts, to specific airports. this now nationwide. any concerns from your perspective? >> victor -- >> laura? >> there are concerns of course. the key issue here is that you've got the massachusetts court in the first scircuit of court of appeals and washington state in the ninth circuit. you're going to have two battling circuits trying to figure out whether or not this executive order is unconstitutional or unlawful. the distinction between judges' rulings are very, very, very different. in washington state, the judge is saying, listen, this is probably an establishment clause violation. just taking from what he has highlighted as part of the order that he would like to have banned at this point. and then in massachusetts the court is saying, not only is this ban not necessarily a
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muslim ban, there's not even a right for people with a visa to be able to come to court and try to fight for it. meaning there's no due process issue here. so you've got two very different courts with different conclusions which means this is right for a supreme court battle and unfortunately right now we've only got eight justices. this is probably going to take nine. >> what's the argument if you were making the case for the federal government as we await that appeal from the department of justice, page? >> i would take two. number one, i would say, look, the federal district judge in washington based this order on not just the reading of the words in the executive order but what the president has also said. that concern the judge in massachusetts. that judge said, look, i'm not concerned with the president said during the campaign. i'm concerned about what this order actually does. so my first argument would be the order itself does not ban muslims. and then secondly what i would do is challenge the scope, the jurisdiction of the judge who said i'm going to have this order in place across the country. but i don't know that those
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arguments will ultimately be successful. but what we have to remember at this point is not one single judge has actually determined that the order is unconstitutional. there's a good chance that's going to happen but at this point still uncertainty. >> remember, victor, that the real issue here is the timing of how it's brought in to court. we're not talking about either judge having sided the merits or the constitutionality. we're talking about two judges said whether or not we can stop, take a pause, and figure out what argument should be made. again, the big elephant in the room here is there is a lot of def derchs given to the president of the united states. and we will have this kind of weighing of fatters, one the one hand, national security i think the white house is espousing. on the other hand, whether that interest tramples on our establishment clause. >> let's talk about that difference, laura, the judge here, judge robart, was careful to highlight the judicial branch, a equal member of this
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tri-part government to establish his authority to make this ruling while we're hearing from supporters of the executive order that this judge, at least from their characterization, tried to override the president. >> now, you know, it's so interesting because in a week where we've already had a nomination of a supreme court justice gorsuch who is very, very much a staunch believer in the three-party system and separation of power and trying to restore that each branch has different powers and can't be trampled on, we have a judge being questioned for that very reason. it's important how this will turn out. at its core this is only a pause. this is the courts saying, listen, i'd like to hear both arguments. of course, one of the fallouts from last spiring is that the department of justice probably scrambling to figure out why the same argument they made in massachusetts gave them a victory and the same one in washington state gave them a loss. so it's going to be a balance.
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>> within hours of one another. page, quickly. we know our viewers are joining us from around the world right now and our ben wedeman is in baghdad. he heard from a man and i wrote it down here because it was pretty startling. he said, if i were to go to the u.s., they would just throw me in jail or put me on a flight back to iraq. why go. is there anything you can say to people who watch what happened last week, people who left the u.s. -- left their home country, were okay to enter and then mid-flight they were banned by the time they got on the ground, they were detained or sent back, that you can assuage those concerns or fears? >> i would hate to put my decision because the president seems to be going up as he goes along and advice to the agents at the airport seems to be changing. the one thing that i think is clear from this order and it's been consistent from all the judges, if you have legal status, if you've already been approved for a visa, legal permanent resident, what we've, and you have a right to travel into the united states, this executive order is not going to
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prevent that. this executive order is not going to result in your removal. i cannot give that type of advice to people who have not already applied for visas, who don't have the legal status these other folks have. it's touch and go right now. >> thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. that's the legal side of things. there's an emotional side to this as well. and we're seeing that worldwide from this outcry of protesters. look at the live pictures coming to us from london. fighting back against president trump's executive order. demonstrations in london, indonesia and even australia, in fact. we'll take you there a a moment. what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies.
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effect last weekend. air france we know says it will accept passengers from countries restricted by the president's immigration order. refugees, migrants, students, tourist, all with valid visas will be allowed to travel. the white house is expected to call in the department of justice to file an emergency stay of the order. >> i want to show you right now people in london protesting president trump's travel ban. n nonadministrations not just here as they march to downing street but to paris. >> this is the latest protests that are really popping up across the globe. there's bun in sydney. people marching here, chanting, calling for immediate action over refugees. we know it doesn't -- dozens of students, rather, activists s indonesia, they demanded their government ban trump. several protests scheduled today. at 1:00, marches at the white house in washington. and also in miami and philadelphia.
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there is the lgbt solidarity rally over the ban, that's at 2:00. there's one scheduled for 6:00 tonight at west palm beach, florida. and we know that this list would lengthen because we saw last week protests pop up in cities ant and airports across the country. we want to bring in "daily beast" contributor. good to see you. what do you make of this judge's ruling and the fact that now people can board planes, whereas 24 hours ago, they couldn't? >> i'm also former attorney and i think it's a great ruling. it put a stay on it to allow a full hearing. so let's hear the merits of the case. let's hear them argue this case. i think there's such uncertainty and obviously even republicans criticized the trump administration for not vetting their own vetting plan here. you're seeing the fallout. what's heartening and i listen to american, heartening to see so many other communities, lbgt community standing with us at the airports, all different backgrounds. i was in an event in washington,
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d.c., muslim, jewish advisory council. so that's heartening but it's upsetting at the same time that as a muslim we view as donald trump getting fear of our community, islam hates us during the campaign i want to bet all muslims beginning that ban. on unlevel it's very, very depressing. on the other level i've never been more proud to be an american to see these people standing with us. >> people support donald trump with us, i'm not a racist, i'm not a bigot, i just want my country to be safe. where is the -- is there a place to have a middle ground here? >> i think there is because muslims, whatever background, muslim-americans, we want you to be safe, too. when there's, god forbid, a terror attack by someone who is muslim it makes some people think that's what our religion is about and innocent people die because of someone who is muslim. we are in this shoulder to shoulder with our fellow americans to stand against it, any kind of threat of terrorism. i think the -- maybe the balance is more of the questioning of people like the obama
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administration, people come into the country, what up sets us and the protests that donald trump gets on his bully bull pit and declares that islam is so scary we have to ban seven countries. that sends a dark message at a time we just had an attack in quebec on sunday by an man anti-i'm grant hater who went to a mosque and executed six muslim canadians praying. we don't hear donald trump do a peep about that on twitter. for us it concerns us. >> there is -- there are tweets this morning from donald trump about this. he said, when a country is no longer able to say who can and who cannot come in and out, especially for reasons of safety and security, there is big trouble. how do you think the administration will argue this to their advantage, especially with the ban as it is right now? and do you think donald trump is swayable in any way to modify what he initially put out in the
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executive order? >> what i will say to donald trump's tweets is that no one is above the law, mr. president. it doesn't matter if you're a president, senator, judge, whoever you are, no one is above our law. no one is above our constitution. in this executive order and we're going to have a full hearing probably decide it at the court of appeal or emergency application in the supreme court, they will decide if it violates our constitution or the laws that protect tevents again discrimination. there has to be a balance reached. donald trump, we would hope, that -- i think -- i i can't speak for everybody who opposes him that he would speak more compassionately and caringly about the repurr cushions of this. this is why you see protests around the world. my friends on facebook, the middle east, they see these things instantaneously and now their view of america is changing. they're not viewing america as great pluralistic society. my father came to this great
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promi promise. they're seeing it as closed place, almost like the old soviet union. this is not democrat, republican issue. standing up for what american is supposed to mean and american values. i hope trump supporters will stand with us as well and say this has gone too far. find a way to keep us safe and still keep american values intact. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back. per roll more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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. it's a very different travel picture, itinerary this weekend than last. the white house doesn't like it. they're repair for a fight for president trump's immigration order. this after a federal judge put
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the brakes on it. >> yes. judge james robart, george bush appointee, issued the temporary restraining order last night for immigrants and travelers and tourists and students from seven muslim majority countries. u.s. customs and border protection alerted the airlines that it would begin reinstating visas that were previously canceled. we expect a response from the department of justice sometime today. i want to bring in julian, historian professor at princeton university and the author of "fierce urgency of now." thank you for being, us. question for you. do you think that we are seeing donald trump as a businessman trying to execute mandates as he would in business and maybe he himself has not transitioned to the political arena because we know both arenas require. different presentations. >> there's an element of that. so it's true that here you can
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see the businessperson wanting to do what he does, wanting to ability act as an executive but now operating in a political environment where there are checks an ba s and balances and are many other institutions that can stop you. part of this isn't that. it would seem that executive order hugely controversial was put together in sloppy fashion. so that's not what the best businesspeople do. so i think there's two elements of what went wrong and what he is now going to struggle with. >> so let's look at some of the numbers that have come out here on donald trump in his first couple weeks in office. 44%, approval rating. comparatively, 53% disapprove as of right now. but comparparatively when you l at that with other presidents, president obama and 76%, president george bush at 58%, president clinton at 59%, usually there is a bump, is there not, in their initial time
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in office? what do you make of his numbers, where they are now, and where they may go, these numbers may influence what he does moving forward? >> yeah, i think the trump administration is going to have to be content with governing with these low approval ratings. these are lower than other presidents at this point. it doesn't seem like they're going to go up very much, especially since everything he does right now is controversial. he's not trying to broaden his support. he's trying to govern in a divided era by playing to the divisions. that said, he has a big asset and that is a republican congress which, thus far, is both united, loyal, and disciplined. and unless they break with him, which they're not doing yet, he still can get a lot done in terms of policies and he's hoping that that shores up the republicans for the midterm elections. all of that is a way in which he can govern even with these low approval ratings. >> we're seeing protests this
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morning in london. one expected in paris. several expected throughout the united states today as well. philly and new york and miami. specifically about the travel ban here. i want to listen to something that ron brownstein said about the power of those protests. >> there are a lot of people who are excited about donald trump and what he is doing. but there is no question that he is facing more grass roots resistance upon taking office than any president in modern times. this absolutely reminds me of the '60s. >> how impactful can a grass roots campaign and protest like that be? >> they can have a huge impact. the 1960s is a very good model. then we had protests for civil rights against the vietnam war. and they had an effect. they can affect a president. richard nixon in the late '60s, early '70s was constantly thinking the impact the protests were going to have on his political standing. more important, is it a certain
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point? you're looking for the tipping point where those protests influence members of congress. including some members of the gop. and they start to make the calculation that supporting president trump is going to end their career or could end their majority in the senate and the house. so that's where the protests can be influential and they can also influence the media. they can influence how we cover the stories and what the media talks about. we shouldn't underestimate what people taking to the streets can do. >> so, julian, look ahead for us here. in your crystal ball, based on history, how do you see the president's term moving forward based on what we've seen in these first two weeks? and do you think that he's got -- do you think that there is an element of persuadibility in him? >> well, we don't know. we think history is not a great guide with him buzz in many ways
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unprecedent isn't a term we need to use all the time. i think he's going to encounter mope checks. i think the courts are going to be a problem. i think the streets and the protests are going to be a problem. that said, i keep coming back to the fact that he has united government and on both policy, most policies like the dodd frank financial regulations he's throwing red meat to the republicans on the hill. and if he can maintain that i wouldn't underestimate what he can do. he might push back on a few issues but i think it's a mistake to discount him at this point, especially if he sticks to a pretty conservative domestic agenda. >> all righty. julian zelizer, appreciate your insight today. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. president trump is reacting this morning to a judge's temporary restraining order on his immigration ban as the government moves to reinstate visas. we're going to hear from two elected leaders of the gop. sug, but your position here has been made redundant.
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abdominayou may have ibs. ask your doctor if non-prescription ibgard is right for you. ibgard calms the angry gut. available at cvs, walgreens and riteaid. so glad to have you with us. 8:34 is the hour. >> breaking overnight. a federal judge puts a temporary halt on the president's immigration ban, applying the ruling nationwide and now the white house is gearing up for a legal battle. >> so on one side the department of justice vowing to fight the ruling. on the other, we have the attorney general in washington state where this ruling came down saying, quote, no one is above the law, not even the president, unquote. >> the federal government could soon be working to reinstate the visas and the told airlines to board travelers who were previously caught up in this ban. >> as the trump administration plans to appeal, airports across the country are bracing for a second straight weekend of
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turmoil that we know qutar airlines, liare all planning to put people on planes. >> congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning, victor. great to be with you on the program. >> good to have you. first, let me get your reaction to the judge's temporary halt to the president's executive order. >> well, that's what i called for last week on -- a week ago today, actually. i asked that the administration cease enforcement of this order until a other more thoughtful policy could be instated. i may have mentioned to you previously, i have constituents, a family of -- in my district. i represent the largest syrian population probably of any member of congress in the country. and the syrians in my district are overwhelmingly christian and i had a situation just last week where a family was coming over. they landed in philadelphia at
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7:45 a.m. their visas were revoked in mid-air, in transit, and they were sent back to the middle east within three hours of arrival in philadelphia. it was very unfair. these people were not refugees. they were simply visa card holders who -- had been in progress since 2003. and i thought that was very unfair. we have to develop a more thoughtful policy than the one implemented so far. >> continuing this line of your calling for a halt to the policy, would you then go so far to suggest or hope that the administration would hold off on filing this appeal? >> well, i'm not sure what the legal strategy is. i'm not here to say this order is unconstitutional. i simply don't know. i would prefer that they not appeal and, you know, go back to the drawing board on this because it seemed to me the policy wasness properly vetted to begin with. the departments of defense state, homeland security and justice in my view were not properly and adequately
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consulted. there's no way that defense or state would have ever signed off on a policy that would have impeded the ability of interpreters from iraq to travel into the united states. we just passed the defense authorization bill late last year, again, to facilitate the movement of translators into the united states. so that's a priority. i think they really need to go back to the drawing board on this order and try to get it right. >> with the degree of congressional oversight should they be moving forward on this? >> i believe we should hold some -- we should conduct proper oversight. i'm in the appropriations committee and i know our committee issing looking at all the executive orders to understand the fiscal implications. as an appropriator, you know, there's the order on the border wall. that will certainly have implications as an appropriator we have to go into this with our eyes wide open. i can tell you we will be conducting oversight, as we would with any president, on any executive order. so i think we do have an appropriate role to play here on
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this and many others issues. >> i'm going to come back to the border wall but while we're talking about the executive order i want to put up the president's late esst tweet thi hour. he tweets here, the opinion of this so-called judge which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned. for people who agree with the president there, that this judge takes away the ability to enforce the law here, you say to the president, you say to those supporters, what? >> well, i say let's take a step back and look at who is actually coming into our country. i certainly agree that we have to keep our country safe and that it may be appropriate to increase vetting or enhance vetting for some of the refugees coming into this country. but i would also tell you though we shouldn't take our eye off the real threat. in my view the greatest threat of people coming into this country would likely come from europe. there are many citizens of european countries who are currently radicalized.
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they can travel into the united states on a passport through the visa waiver program. no one is arguing to get rid of the visa waiver program. a lot of people on both sides of the atlanta like it very much. i know i do. but that is a very real threat that we face. and certainly there are a lot of bad people, you know, who do live in some pretty nice places like in europe and a lot of very -- some very good people like the syrian christians in my -- that i'm very familiar with, who live in some pretty tough places. and i think we have to keep that in mind. the threats can come from anywhere, not simply these seven countries although it's true there are real problems in those seven countries and others in the islamic world we have to contend with. let's take a broader perspective. it seems the order in my view was overly broad, rushed, and not properly considered and vetted. >> let's turn out to that border wall you talked about your position there on the appropriations committee. a growing number of republicans in congress who either do not believe or expressing their
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disbelief that mexico will reimburse the united states for the 12 to $15 billion estimated cost of building this wall along the southern border or don't believe that congress should appropriate that money without 100% offset, meaning a dollar spent on the wall is a dollar cut from some other spending bill or program. where do you come down on that? should the $12 to $15 billion be appropriated with 100% office set? >> my view is that we in congress should work with the administration to establish operational control of the border. barriers are part of that process. and i believe whatever we do on the border wall should be consistent with the law that congress passed in 2006 called the secure fence act. i supported to law. we authorized 700 miles of pedestrian and vehicular barriers along the southern border. i want to clearly understand how the president's executive order dovetails with the law that we passed. i can tell you that we don't
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need -- we don't need barriers on every square inch of that 2,000 mile southern border. we have top graphical challenges there. there are places on the border you have gulleys and goings. you can't build fences. >> i don't want to interrupt you but i'm limited on time and i want to get back to the heart of the question. aside from the merit of building a wall should congress appropriate $12 to $15 billion of emergency funding, therefore not offset dollar for dollar? would you support that? >> well, we're going to debate that in committee, to be honest with you. i understand that this supplement a appropriation bill the president will present to us will include defense and hole land security dollars. if it's an emergency it doesn't have to be offset. if it does have to be offset we'll find a way to offset it. again, i'm not going to accept the number yet at the 12 to $15 oba billion. let's see what the order -- what he proposes. you know, you can't -- i don't
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believe you can spend all that money that quickly in a given year. so i think we should take a deep breath and see exactly what he presents to us on the wall. >> congressman charlie dent of pennsylvania. thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you, victor. great to be with you. >> all right. we'll be right back with an interview with michigan lieutenant governor brian calling. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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lieutenant governor brian calley, republican from michigan. lieutenant governor, good morning. >> good morning. >> i want to read for you
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something that the judge here, judge robart, who ordered this temporary restraining order to the president's executive order said from the bench. he said that the federal government was arguing that we have to protect the u.s. from individuals from these countries and there's no support for that. now, i understand you disagree with representative dent who was just on with us and this judge. tell us why. >> well, the president is just asking for a couple of months really to go through and vet the process, to ensure that the decisions and the background checks and so forth that we have on -- and people entering this country are appropriately securing the interests of the people, safety of the people in the united states of america. so taking a few months to do that process seems to be -- seems to be a reasonable reaction to me. >> understood. and i think many people would agree with vetting the process and making sure that it works properly. but why should that process
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include banning people from these seven majority muslim countries when we know that not one person from any of those countries has killed a person on u.s. soil in a terror attack in 40 years. >> well, there has been -- first of all that list was created by president obama in congress before, countries that were -- countries of particular concern. they're also countries that have a lot of terrorist activity that has happened, whether or not they've been able to imp finfil and actively engaged in killing people right on american soil is one of the -- to me that's not the standard. it's really about managing the risk and secure the future as much as we secure -- as well as we secure the past. and so as we look forward to an i've-changing world, a very dynamic world where risks seem
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to accumulate over time, taking a few months to go through and vet the entire process and ensure that we are protecting the american people, it seems to be that that's a reasonable position for somebody to take to have a few months of time to really dig in and make sure that we have the right answers. >> opponents would say that mitigating or managing risks would also probably include if this were indeed focused on that specifically would include people from pakistan, people have saudi arabia where we know that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from. let me move on to another element here. the latest cnn/orc poll has that 55% of people who responded see the travel ban as a muslim ban. we know that the president has said that this is not a muslim ban. supporters have said that. but why do you believe the majority of people who responded here believe that this is,
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indeed, the muslim ban that candidate trump called for in december of 2015? >> i think that opponents have done a really good job of characterizing it that way and talking about it that way online, social media, and news programs and editorial board and that sort of thing. but at the end of the day we're talking about seven countries here and there are a lot more majority muslim countries than that that are unaffected by the ban. >> lieutenant governor, let me jump in here because it was candidate trump who initiated the idea and defended for months the idea of a ban on non-american muslims coming to the country. so is this not his responsibility? does this number 55% believing it's a muslim ban not fall on the shoulders of the president? >> when i look at the actual executive order itself that's not the basis of the order.
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so i understand that people look at tweets, people look at speeches, people look at newspaper head likes and news programs like this one but at the end of the day looking at what is actually happening in the executive order, and i don't think it's fair to characterize it that way, particularly considering that the majority of -- majority muslim countries in the world are not covered under this temporary ban or suspension, that the president had put into the executive order. >> all right. i put a question to congressman dent about the wall on the southern border. i want to give you one as well. and go back to the numbers coming out from this new cnn/orc poll about support for the wall. it is decreasing. in september of 2015, the support was at 52%. a year later it was down to 41%. now it's down at 38%. why in your perspective this slide in support for the president's proposed wall along the southern border? >> well, when it comes to public
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opinion polls on a particular issue we -- it's normal to see those things go up and down. but if you were to ask a question to people, do you think that we ought to have secure borders, i think that a lot more people -- most people would say, yes. and so now the real debate is exactly how that is i were mple. having barriers at the border will be part of the answer to that question. there's a lot more to it than that as well. so we have to make sure that we are -- this united states of america. i'm confident that we can have both secure borders and be a welcoming country, a big part of our heritage and i have confidence that at the end of the day, that's going to be the result. >> 60 plus million people who voted for president trump were promised the wall and they were promised that mexico would pay for it. we're hearing more republicans in washington show a bit of, i guess oh equivocation in that that's going happen.
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brian calley, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> sure. obviously so many of us paying attention to this breaking news today but i know a lot of you are looking forward to tomorrow, super bowl li. andy scholes live in houston, apparently the fun is already under way, andy? >> yeah, less than 34 hours away from super bowl li where the nev nerves tart to set in. coming up, the falcons and patriots and what they can expect when they take the field tomorrow. jared's commitment to quality and craftsmanship has helped bring my designs to life. each hand-set ring is my interpretation of timeless classics. the vera wang love collection. now available at jared. that's why a cutting edgeworld. university counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. and why a pro football team chose us to deliver fiber-enabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans.
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we are counting down, super bowl sunday just a day away now. this is when i guess folks get a little jittery. >> i'm just planning any menu, my food, any drink. >> are you blue cheese or ranch? >> ranch. >> uh-uh, no. no. >> andy, andy scholes is in houston. andy, i'm getting rejected by victor. are you blue cheese or ranch with the wings? >> i go ranch. >> yeah. >> you're both wrong. it's all right. >> i tell you what, guys, so many fun things to do here in houston. we're in downtown. right outside the nfl experience. check this out. i'm in a sea of giant nfl helmets. this is one of the coolest things. all the fans have been packing this place all week taking pictures with their favorite
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team. now one of the biggest story lines of course for tomorrow's game is the experience patriots ver us the inexperienced falcons. the patriots have had in patriots who played in super bowl. tom brady is playing in his seventh. he says though no matter how many times you step on this field for a super bowl it's always an emotional coaler coaster. >> you kind of have to be right on the edge. it's such an emotional game. it's a -- you don't want to be out of control but you can't play with no emotion. >> this is a big moment. and the one thing you don't have to worry about is your emotions, bringing it on sunday because that's going to come. you know, you don't have to all of a sudden get hyped up for the game. >> now, a good stat to know is the falcons have the number one scoring offense in the nfl while the patriots have the number one scoring defense. this is best match-up ever in super bowl and the number one defense have won four out of those five games so it's a good
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sign if you're a patriots fan. vice president mike pence is expected to be here in houston. department of homeland security designated it a top tier national security events and they've been months in involved in security planning. be sure to tune in to cnn later this afternoon at 2:30 for kickoff in houston. a cnn "bleacher report" social, mvp hines ward alongside john berman and coy wire are going to get you ready for tomorrow's big game. and you know what, guys, we might as well do it right now. i know you're sitting in atlanta. who you got in tomorrow's game? >> who do you think? >> what color am i wearing? >> i don't know. >> i gotcha. >> imposing the question. i'm standing -- >> we're going with the falcons. >> we're with you. falcons. >> andy scholes, thanks so much. thank you for joining us. back here at 10:00 eastern for an hour of newsroom. >> smerconish is up with you next. stay close. ♪
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