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tv   The Seventies  CNN  February 12, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PST

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you destroy yourself. . this is cnn breaking news. >> it is 3:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. we're following the breaking news this hour out of north korea. i'm george howell. >> i'm paula newton. another ballistic missile test has taken place in direct violation of u.n. security council resolutions. north korea has launled dozens of missiles in the past but this is the first time since donald trump became u.s. president. >> the timing here is notable. the president is hoping the japanese prime minister shinzo abe on a state visit at his florida visit the missiles pose a direct threat to japan and south korea.
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mr. abe and mr. trump were briefed on the situation and appeared together to issue a joint statement condemn dg the test. let's listen. >> translator: north korea's most recent missile launch is absolutely intolerable. north korea must fully comply with the u.n. security council resolutions. during the summit meeting that i had with president trump, he assured me that the united states will always be with japan 100% and to demonstrate his determination as well as commitment, he is now here with me at this joint press conference. >> thank you very much, mr. prime minister. i just want everybody to understand and fully know that the united states of america stands behind japan, its great ally, 100%.
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thank you. snore a very brief remark there from the u.s. president donald trump. cnn's athena jones has more now on the white house reaction. >> reporter: hi there. that's right. we did hear brief stams from japanese prime minister shinzo abe and an even briefer statement i should say from president trump here tonight at mar-a-lago, the president's estate here in palm beach. shinzo abe, the prime minister of japan saying north korea's most recent missile launch is absolutely intolerable. saying north korea must fully comply with the relevant u.n. security council resolutions. that second line there is an echo of a line from the joint statement put out by the u.s. and japan after the two leaders prime minister abe and president trump had their first official meeting at the white house in that statement, they turg north korea not to make any further provocative actions or not to take any further provocative actions and talks about the need for it to comply with u.n.
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security council resolutions. you heard the prime minister echoing that call tonight. he also said ta during the summit with president trump, trump assured him that the united states will always come to japan's defense. and said that the president and he completely share the view that we are going to promote further cooperation between the two nations and also we are going to further reinforce our alliance. after the prime minister spoke, president trump took to the podium and delivered a very brief statement saying thank you very much, mr. prime minister. i just want everyone, everybody to understand and fully know that the united states of america stands behind japan, its great ally, 100%. thank you. now, i can't stress enough that is a statement that does not at all address what happened. it does not address is the fact that north korea launched this missile. it was a cautious statement. dare i say a timid statement. not the kind of language that we
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heard from candidate trump or president-elect trump. a clear signal that the white house is responding very, very cautiously to their, its first real national security test. now, barely not even a month in to the presidency. so that is the statements we're getting so far from the white house and the japanese prime minister in response to this latest provocation from north korea. i should mention this is something that north korea likes to do. they like to be test new administrations. they fired off their second nuclear test early in president obama's first term and their third one just a month into his second term. so this is not something that was not predictable. in fact, u.s. intelligence picked up on movements in the past month or so that indicated this could be coming. and yet, we get a very, very brief statement from president trump, a bit of a longer one from prime minister abe in this first response to have a missile launch. back to you.
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>> athene fla jones, thank you. for more on north korea's missile launch we're joined by matt rivers live this hour following the story. what more are you hearing from seoul, south korea? >> reporter: what we're hearing from defense officials here in south korea is that this is the kind of test that they have seen many, many times before, frankly. this isn't the test that many people were expecting given what we had heard from kim jong-un in his new year's day address where he talked about north korea taking the final steps necessary to be able to test a long-range missile, the kind of icbm, intercontinental interballistic missile that could be capable of hitting the united states. that is a test a lot of the international community was watching and waiting for because as you heard athena just say, we know pyongyang likes to test new administrations to remind new administrations that north korea is here and is ready to be taken seriously.
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so the icbm was definitely a real threat. so initially when this test first came out, we were waiting for clarification from defense officials what kind of test it was. this is just an intermediate range missile tested for a long time now even since the 1990s. a bit of a sigh of relief there. most experts will tell you if not now, it's going to happen at some point. north korea will at some point attempt to test an icbm. the question is how soon will they be technologically capable of doing that. >> i'm interested to hear from you, as you said, this wasn't the kind of missile launch they were looking towards. yet, it is entirely predictable. everyone thought when president trump was inaugurated they were waiting for this kind of provocation from north korea. what is the mood though in south korea about all this right now. >> reporter: well, i think that on the one hand when it comes to income, sought south koreans are awary. this test is something they've seen before. there were two dozen such tests
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in 2016 alone. the sense of nervousness came from when candidate trump talked about should the u.s. be willing to pull back from some of these strong military alliances between south korea and the united states and even japan and the united states. hearing trump unequivocally support japan and with the trip that james mattis took here to south korea unequivocally stating the united states supports south korea in its efforts to push back against the north kore north korea regime, there is a general sense of relief among south korean officials that the united states isn't going anyway and that it is willing to work with the south korean government as it attempts to tackle the continued provocations from north korea. >> matt rivers live in seoul, south korea following the story. thank you for the reporting and context on this. we'll stay in touch with you. u.s. and south korean
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officials believe the test was either a medium range intermediate range ballistic missile. it traveled just over 300 miles. take a look at this map. about 500 kilometers represented by the number one red line. >> north korea has missiles that can reach, and i want you to pay special attention to the graph and why it makes people so jittery. missiles that can reach as far as line three. it's striving for an intercontinental missile like you heard matt describe that can reach lines four and five. all of in this graphic, this map very important. what we want to know is do pyongyang's missile advances pose a genuine threat to even the west coast of the united states. we want to ask our next guest, the director of the china national association of international studies. he joins me now live from beijing. an important vantage point to be sure. in terms of the reaction there
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again fairly predictable they would do something like this. what are they waiting for in terms of a reaction? is it more waiting to see what the u.s. reaction would be to be this? be. >> well, i would say dprk's testing of the missile this time is another violation of the united nations security council resolution. and china together with all the other major stakeholders would condemn. this violation from the chinese perspective, china is joining in full steam the sanctions imposed on dprk by the united nations security council. and i don't think china will spare any efforts in copying and implementing the sanctions against dprk. i think this testing again is an esca lafgs tension on the korean peninsula and would even has the risk of triggering further
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excalation of the korean peninsula. i think it's time for china together with the united states and other major stakeholders to call on dprk to discontinue the nuclear weapon testing as well as the launch vehicle testing and really come down to the negotiation table, and the six-party talk framework. i think it's also time to use all the wisdom and courage and vision available to all the stakeholders here, try to bring about a complete discontinuation of the nuclear weapon and testing launch vehicle program by dprk. >> mr. gao, president trump has been quite categorical saying before in a tweet that he did not think that china was being helpful enough with north korea. do you think china's posture will change given that they did have a phone call the other day. and that relation seemed to be back on track. >> i think president trump's phone call with chinese
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president xi jinping is a very important landmark milestone event in china/u.s. relations especially by acknowledging once again the one-china policy which by the chinese standard is the red line and is the bottom line and china will not be able to negotiate or talk with the united states in any way about the one-china policy. on the dprk's nuclear weapon program issue, china is together with the united states, is joining the united nations security council resolutions urging and demanding for the discontinuous of the nuclear testing program by dprk. so i think there will be possibility for china and the united states to eventually talk with each other. and engage in certain kind you have discussions. i think fundamentally, from the chinese perspective, we need to create a situation where the nuclear weapon will be removed from dprk and from the korean peninsula but on the other hand,
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the fundamental concerns can of the government of dprk about its own survival should also be well taken care after you. this is why i say we need greater wisdom and vision and courage in dealing with this very, very difficult and dangerous situation on the korean peninsula. >> yeah, and mr. ga oo, you mentioned some experts have said in fact, north korea may extend a hand if they can work in concert along these issues. right now, mr. gao with your vantage point from beijing, appreciate it. >> for more analysis let's bring in jim walsh, senior research associate at mit joining us from cambridge, massachusetts, via skype. your reaction to what happened here? >> well, part of this is sort of set piece theater. we're going to having the japanese prime minister and the south korean temporary president and president trump all come out and say this is unacceptable and this is terrible. and you know, we'll pursue
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tougher measures. and they'll theral probably be a u.n. resolution at some point. but if we step back from all of that which is, you know, set theater as i say, what strikes me about it is, the north koreans test, they test a missile. it's not a test of an icbm, an intercontinental ballistic missile like they threatened to do. this strikes me and based on what i know about friends having conversations with north koreans as pushing a little bit but not too much and sort of waiting to see what president trump will do. so i think we have a bit of tactical play here by the north koreans. >> so you described this asset theater. north korea pushing just to see how far north korea can push and we're hearing the statement from the president of the united states that the u.s. supports japan 100%. so this is really the president's first time to face such an international test.
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>> yeah, but you do remember there's a period before after the election before the inauguration where i think on bad advise, he came out and said we're never going to allow north korea to test. he sort of seemed to set up a red line. then the staff sort of backed away from that. i think it would be wiser for him not to set up red lines that he cannot enforce. i think the north koreans can, frankly, you know,ing are somewhat like many countries in the world, not sure how to react here. so they're sort of pushing along a little bit so they're being provocative as is clackly north korean being provocative but not too provocative such that it would set off a crisis. i think both sides are feeling each other out. neither side wants to put itself in a position where their automatically leads to some sort of ugly escalation.
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>> let's talk about south korea. that nation obviously in a tricky spot, as well. its president has been impeached waiting for the courts to make a final decision there. so all of this happening at a time where south korea is in a very different position than it might have been in earlier years. >> yes why, i agree. and what makes -- i'm glad au asked that question. you're absolutely right to put your finger on that. some folks speculated north korea would go not carry out this test until north korea would not carry out the test until south korea had sort of chosen its new leader. the idea being north korea didn't want to roil the waters in the middle of the south koreans making their new choices. one thick we learned from this, sort of cautious in a north korean sort of way. second thing is the north koreans apparently felt it was more important torn sort of press the u.s., test the u.s. in
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a modest way and not really worry where what impact that would have on south korea's election. so that tells me they're more worried about the u.s. and south korea. and you know, i agree with you. anytime you have leadership that's up for grabs, that's sort of a dicey moment. but i think the south koreans aren't looking to start a war here. i think they'll go through their own domestic political process. there will abend to this nightmare they have. and then everyone's going to sit down and try to figure out, what happens now because we're in this brave new world, new leadership in the u.s., new leadership in south korea and relatively young leadership in a provocative north korea. that's when the game will really begin. >> that was jim walsh of m.i.t. jim, we thank you for being with us. paula, it was not a cbm.
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at the same time, the u.s. president's first activity on the international stage. >> and he said so very little as weigh heard from the statement. the little we did hear, it seems like while he realizes that perhaps north korea is the main test here, containment is still going to be the goal. >> big story. we'll continue to follow. still ahead here on "newsroom," hundreds of people arrested in cities across the united states. why immigrants are living in fear this day of a knock on the door. plus, we'll see how the mexican government is trying to come to the aid of its nationals on the other side of the wall. stay with us.
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welcome back to "newsroom." recapping news this hour, north korea has test fired another ballistic missile. sources report it was launched from that nation's north. it traveled a little more than 300 miles, some 500 kilometers and landed in the japan known as the east sea. a u.s. military spokesman says it was either a medium or intermediate range ballistic missile. >> the latest provocation from pyongyang has been condemned by south korea and japan. shinzo abe called it absolutely intolerable. he was speak alongside u.s. presidentnal florida. mr. trump added that the u.s. backed jan "100%." >> it was notable to see the two leaders together when this happened. other news we're following this day, protesters showed up outside the white house on saturday denouncing a wave of
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arrests by immigration officials. >> authorities have arrested undocumented immigrants in 12 states from coast to coast. >> the latest raids have taken in more than 200 foreign nationals in the midwest. officials say most of the people they locked up have already been convicted of crimes. we want to hear more now. the detentions over the last week are in the hundreds and have been across the country especially in states with higher skraengsz of immigrants. in california alone, officials say they detained 160 individuals according to authorities, 150 of the detainees had criminal histories and the rest were in deportation proceedings for other reasons. activists say the raids have terrorized immigrant populations and caused widespread fear in these and other states. john kelley says the raids are in compliance with the law and not just random operations. >> first of all, they're not
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rounding anyone up. the people that i.c.e. apprehend are people who are illegal and then some. ice is executing the law. >> a labor union representing a school district in texas published a flyer that tells immigrants what to do in case immigration authorities come knocking on their doors. a union spokeswoman says providing this information is important to students and parents at the school district. a local official reacted with indignation to the raids. >> we have heard of several confirmed i.c.e. actions in austin. we are here to denounce those actions and to let the community know that we have their backs. >> immigration and custom enforcement published a statement about the raids saying the following, the rash of recent reports will purported ice checkpoints and random sweeps are false, dangerous and irresponsible. these reports create panic and
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put communities and law enforcement personnel in unnecessary danger. individuals who falsely report such activities are doing a dysservice to those they claim to support. of president trump made cracking down on immigration a central foosks his campaign. >> given the arrests and raids, there's a great deal of anxiety among innocent people who came to the united states hoping to find a better life. >> lots of anxiety through this country right now. mexico's government is trying to help its nationals. paul sandoval shows us how they're reaching out. >> reporter: you wouldn't know it if you drove by this tucson, arizona, building that bears the mexican seal. but inside, it's a small army of call takers. this is more than just a phone bank. it's a clearing house for mexicans run by the mexican government. it's called the center for information and assistance for mexicans. it's the only one in the u.s.
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>> we also explain all the services that we offer. >> reporter: these days patricia says people are concerned about more than just basic services. >> it can be really tough for us, as well because every story, every -- and i can having a call that can be about a passport but i can also have a call saying that what happened if my kids are u.s. citizens and i have to go back to mexico. >> that's why we have around 40 people working out here. >> reporter: ricardo noticed a recent 100% increase in call track. center received an average of 700 calls a before trump was sworn in. today nearly 1300. he says many of the calls come from undocumented mexicans with a new fear of dealing with u.s. immigration authorities. they fear deportation.
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>> what we are trying to do is refer our community to professionals to duly authorized attorneys here or any location around the u.s. that can provide information. we are doing that and we are going to continue to do that in a more tensive matter. he warns mexican citizens in the u.s. should take precautions. advice coming as hundreds of undocumented immigrants are being arrested in several states. the mexican government foresees more severe immigration measures to be implemented with possible violations to constitutional precepts. pin ned da says those concerns have promised them to keep their lines open 24/7. it's your duty to accompany you in any possible process. >> reporter: with concerns about what the white house's next step will be, it doesn't seem the phones will stop ringing anytime
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soon. pablo sandoval, cnn, tucson, arizona. >> still ahead, japanese mirmt shin skoe ab's visit with u.s. president trump suddenly disrupted by a provocative missile test from north korea. >> live from atlanta around the world this you're, you're watching "cnn newsroom."
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we want to welcome viewers in the u.s. and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm paula newton. >> i'm george howell. u.s. and japanese officials believe a north korean missile test saturday was deliberately timed to the japanese leader's state visit to the united states prime minister shinzo abe and the u.s. president donald trump appeared briefly sbupted in their visit to make a joint public statement condemnation of the test. >> clashes broke out in paris saturday night over the alled rape of a young man by police. more than 2,000 people were involved in the riots and four vehicles were set on fire. the officers allegedly forced a 2-year-old black man to the ground, beat him, and assaulted him with a baton in a paris suburb. baghdad, iraq, a police officer was killed saturday during violent clashes with
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protesters. take a look on the streets. security officials say seven other people people were injured in the unrest. the demonstrators were followers of a shiite cleric and protesting alleged corruption in iraq's election commission. and, of course, back to breaking news. north korea's test of a ballistic missile on saturday was just the latest of many in recent years but it was the first on u.s. president donald trump's watch. and it was done as japanese prime minister shinzo abe was on a state visit to the united states. >> the timing very important. south korea believes it was a row dong missile. mr. abe and mr. trump were briefed on the situation at the president's home in florida. afterward, they issued a joint statement. let's listen. >> translator: north korea's most recent missile launch is absolutely intolerable. north korea must fully comply
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with the relevant u.n. security council resolutions. >> i just want everybody to understand and fully know that the united states of america stands behind japan, its great ally, 100%. thank you. snifr addition, u.s. national security advisor michael flynn has spoken with his counterpart in sk. they agreed to seek all options to deter north korea from any further provocations. let's get context on this big news and bring in scott lucas, professor of international politics at the university of birmingham live via skype this hour from england. it's good to have you with us. the fact that this was likely timed out to coincide with the japanese prime minister's visit, your thoughts on that. >> well, i think it's not only about the japanese prime minister's visit but it's also about the trip by the defense secretary, james mattis, to east
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asia just over a week ago. that trip by mattis, of course, reassured the japanese that the u.s. was a solid ally both in relations towards china and towards north korea. mattis signaled also the u.s. wants to sort of back off any confrontation with china. so north korea rng sends this out as a symbolic response. they doe this time and time again. it pointedly is trying to disrupt that u.s. message of a firm alliance with japan and with cooperation with china. >> let's talk about the optics and context of what we saw coming from the president of the united states. this is not the president on twitter. this is not the president signing executive orders talking to a domestic audience. rather, this was the president of the united states on stage with another world leader talking about a big international issue. giving a very brief statement just your thoughts, your reaction from what you heard from that brief statement from president trump.
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>> well, i think the statement itself, just that one sentence is sort of a hold the line statement. there's not much you can say at this point till we know more about the test. that said it, did come across as relatively terse. not the type of rhetoric you would get from obama in terms of what a next step might be, a diplomatic step, for example. so you know, trump is still feeling his way. what's more important than just jumping on the initial statement is the probably the context of the entire visit. trump wanted to this big high profile kind of fluffy visit where he played golf with abe yesterday while keeping reporters penned up at mar-a-lago. now that attempt has been disrupted by the fact they very to go into public and show a firm response tops north korea. >> this happening after the president of the united states affirmed with the chinese leaders that he would honor the one-china policy. so the question here, back on the campaign trail, you will
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remember donald trump always said that china could do more to deter to stop north korea. how would a trump administration work with china, how important will that alliance be given what happened? >> i think you raise an important part na in recent days, the pragmatists in the strump administration have gotten in control of the china policy. in contrast to the president's often provocative tweets about china raping the u.s. economically, general mattis and others very much trying to establish a good way forward with beijing. now, i think that pretty much shows that trump is sort of taking a back seat on china policy and will need to look at state and defense department as we get into this question of where china will be used to try to contain north korea. >> scott lucas, live via skype in birmingham, england. thank you so much for being with us. we'll be in touch with you, i'm sure. >> thank you. scott was saying so
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interesting to get china's perspective in all of this in terms of the way the containment from north korea be will go. north korea has engaged in a series of nuclear provocations over past year. in january 2016, it said it conducted an underground nuclear test claiming it successfully detonated the country's first hydrogen bomb. >> the regime test fired a number you have ballistic missiles the most successful taking place back in june. the missile fell be 400 kilometers. in august, pyongyang had its most successful test fire of a submarine launched vessel. that flew be 500 kilometers. >>? september, north korea conducted its second nuclear test of the year. a blast estimated at at 14r50e69 kilotons. meantime, moving on to other news we're following, emotions are running high as republican
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lawmakers struggle to find a replacement for obamacare. its supporters are asking some very pointed questions. >> plus, new jersey crews respond to dozens of calls in the midwest state of kentucky after a massive spike in drug overdoses. details ahead. d calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." there is more trouble for the u.s. president donald trump and for some republicans facing an angry backlash over the planned repeal of obamacare. >> uh-huh. you'll want to see this. a town hall meeting in the u.s. state of florida erupted into a war of words this weekend over so-called death panels a zark tick put forth by republicans that government bureaucrats would decide which patients were worthy of health care. and, of course, it has been debunked over and over again. >> and over and over again. obamacare supporters shouted down the death panels alleged existence. boris sanchez was there and sends us this report. >>. >> reporter: tensions running high and emotions boiling over. >> my party had virtually no input. no input. okay. sorry. that's okay. that's okay. >> the crowd at a town hall in
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newport richie, florida, pushing hard against indications from republicans that a repeal of the affordable care act is looming without a unified plan for a replacement from the gop. >> what's your plan? what's your plan? >> town halls like this one have been organized across the country by republican lawmakers to better communicate their positions on health care to constituents. but in the past week, protesters have swarmed these venues giving lawmakers in both chambers of congress an earful. do your job, do your job. >> on saturday representative gus from florida's 12th district faced him too, some shared deeply personal stories. >> my daughter has a genetic disease called gettalman's syndrome. now, before the aca, we spent thousands of dollars, we spent
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tons of time because she had a pre-existing condition and nobody would touch her. they were talking at one point $10,000 for one year's worth of insurance. okay? so now, she has the aca since 2009. and she is now able to get the medication she needs to save her life. >> others were more forceful. >> do not get rid of the aca. it will have so many big problems. it's not funny. >> a handful of donald trump supporters also got voice their concerns. >> yes. yes. yes. yes. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> you need to find out the facts before you start complaining. >> here's the problems i have with the affordable health care act. number one, there is a provision in there that anyone over the age of 74 has to go before what
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is effectively a death panel. yes, they do. yes, they do. it's in there, folks. you're wrong. >> i am 77 years old. and i think it's unconscionab unconscionableable for this politics to tell me that at 74, i will be facing death panels. wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. [ applause ] comrimpb snim inl on your side. >> they're angry with this particular plan not because of the particular plan but because who is proposing the plan. >> representative villa rock cas who was re-elected in a landslide last year an sured constituents he planned to take their stories back to washington. he voted to defund the aca in the past. a spokesman says he considers it his duty to take input from all
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constituents. though not all of them believe he's going to actually change his stance. >> i think hearing personal anecdotes is thing that plays well in flus bites and soinds like you you're invested in the community. but i think in reality, it's a show. >> as for the increased interest and public outcries at town halls, one democratic activist says we should expect more. >> i don't see that passion in and that anxiety and than fear dissipating unless we see real change. >> boris sanchez, cnn, florida. >> that is an issue that has been debunked several times. again seeing it play out there. another story we've been following, drug overdose cases that have spiked in the u.s. state of kentucky. crews responded to 52 overdose calls. in louisville this week during a span of just 32 hours. >> that's an incredible devastating for that are community. officials say most were caused
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by heroin but there were also overdoses of alcohol and prescription medications. no deaths have been reported. another story a lot of people saw this coming up, melissa mccarthy takes an a triumphant return to stated night live" an encore performance as the white house press secretary sean spicer. the soon to go viral spoof. stay with us.
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welcome back to cnn news if room. for viewers waking up or can't get to sleep in the northeastern part of the united states, bad weather coming your way. the kids already hoping for a snow day. jodi martin joins us with the latest from the whether center. what about that snow day. >> threw may get it in places like boston. round two, not even a week since the last storm. here we have another one waiting in the wings. the difference with this one, it will be a little bit farther north. places like new york city proper, you won't be in on action. but you will be getting a bit r bit of a wintry mix today.
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let's see what's going on. we do have winter storm advisories, winter storm warnings for about 15. >> not sure what happened there. julie martin giving the weather forecast talking about some cold weather coming to the northeast. we lost her signal. but you know, tricky weather. they've already had so many rough storms hit that part of the country. now more to come. >> nor'easters you know are very, very dangerous. julie, you're going to tell us what is going on with that. >> we had the gremlins out this morning. yes, the computer is back. we have a winter storm warning in effect for about 15 million people. everywhere here on the plap where you see pink, including boston proper up through portions of connecticut, portland, maine, is going to get hit very hard. we're looking at maybe more than a foot to a foot and a half of snow in parts of maine. maybe 8 to 12 inches in massachusetts. boston could see maybe six or so out of the system. here's some of the ingredients coming together. the storm system pulling its way
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out of the ohio valley and reaching parts of the east right now. mostly rain and wintry mix for new new york. there's actually a winter storm advisory up up for you till noon for messy travel conditions. the bulk of the storm cranking up as we get into later on sunday and sunday evening even into monday. we've got two low pressure systems coming together, combining offshore. that is basically going to mean a very intensified situation in meetology, we call it bamo genesis. this is likely to happen. that means that the storm is going to drop 24 millibars in a 24-hour period. all that means for folks who live in this area, very strong winds and heavy bursts of snow likely as we get into sunday and monday. those winds are going to be a real issue for that monday morning commute all along the eastern seaboard. they'll be lingering even after the storm exits.
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>> someone mentally didn't want to see ta forecast. they were like let's just black it out. >> thank you so much. so the 59th annual grammy awards airs sunday. >> yeah, and whether you're watching the red carpet for fashion or the performances, it is definitely worth a preview. stephanie elam always gets the best job. let's go to stephanie. ♪ hello from the other side >> from adele -- ♪ >> reporter: to beyonce -- ♪ >> reporter: the grammy awards honor the biggest names in music and 2016 is no exception. >> it is the vatican sort of the music business and of the music entertainment. >> beyonce leads the charge with nine nominations including song of the year, record of the year, and the night's moat competitive prize album of the year. ♪ >> the singer's latest
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collection "lemonade" faces off against adele's 25, drake's purpose, and is it your jill simpson's "a sailor's guide to earth." expect some big collaborations. lady ga with metallica, and the weekend with def punk are a few of the duets set to hit the stage. >> thank you so much. actor alec baldwin returned to host "saturday night live." his 17th time this week to do so. >> reminded everybody about that. it was melissa mccarthy's performance of white house spicer that kicked off the big show. with some laughs. >> now i'm going to open it up for questions and i'm going to probably freak if you start asking stupid ones, speaking of freaks and sooupd onestupid one
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glen, go. >> i want to know what the president is going to do now that the court denied his request to stop the travel ban. >> you're testing me, big guy. look, it's simple. if the appeals court won't do what's right, president trump will see them in court specifically the people's court. >> that isn't real. >> that isn't real. it is real, glen. >> spicy will be spicy. >> oh. thanks for joining us. i'm paula newton. >> i'm george howell. thanks for being with us. another hour of "newsroom" straight ahead.
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this is cnn breaking news. >> 4:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast, welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world as we follow breaking news this hour on cnn out of north korea. i'm george howell. >> i'm paula newton. pyongyang test fired yet another missile. a u.s. official says it was an intermediate range ballistic missile. sources say it was launched from a province in the country's north. >> travel about 300 miles, about some 500 kilometers before landing in the sea of japan, also known as the east sea. this happened just after the p


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