tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 14, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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relationship with russia. today white house spokesman sean spicer answered questions about some of what the president new and when he knew it, but only some. do you have new information about when vice president pence found out about this flynn conversation? what have you heard? >> reporter: that's right, we're learning it was not through the white house that mike pence found out there were inconsistencies between what flynn said on the calls with the russian ambassador and what he had told the vice president elect he had said. in fact, vice president pence found out through media reports about these inconsistencies and didn't find out until february 9th, which was weeks after the department of justice warned the trump administration that flynn was misleading officials about what he actually said on those calls. >> it's pretty stunning that the vice president of the united states didn't learn about this from people he works&in the white house, but from media reports, the very media they have been criticizing time and time again.
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>> this was a lesson in how you share communications within this administration. because ultimately, it was the fact that flynn misled senior officials, that he misled the vice president that led to his dismissal. take a listen to what sean spicer said today. >> this was an act of trust. whether or not he actually misled the vice president was the issue. and that's ultimately what led the president asking for and accepting the resignation of flynn. pure and simple, a matter of trust. >> reporter: the white house is saying they don't believe flynn did anything wrong legally, but you cannot have your security adviser misleading people, especially the vice president. we know that the fbi interviewed flynn about these calls and afterwards came the department of justice warning the trump
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administration saying this guy's misleading what he said on these calls. it could lead to blackmailing. flynn is be being cooperative with the fbi. what that means remains to be seen. and the fact that we don't know exactly what was in those communications has led to further questions on capitol hill. we've heard from republicans and democrats who say that they want to see flynn testify about what was discussed in this transition period between the incoming trump administration and their russian counterparts. >> the house republicans are reluctant to probe this. senate republicans seem more willing to probe. it's not fully clear what precise shape the investigation may take. do you believe general flynn's actions warrant a full investigation by congress? and exactly who to you think should investigate? >> well, anderson, as you know, i'm on the intelligence committee. and that falls within the
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jurisdiction of the intelligence committee. we review virtually all activities dealing with intelligence and counter intelligence. already, there has been an investigation announced by the chairman and ranking member of russian activities dealing with the election and those matters. this is going to fall into that. there is going to be an investigation, no question about it. >> when you say there's going to be an investigation, will you be calling peel peop-- people unde oath, general flynn and others? >> i don't know about general flynn, but the way we review these kind of matters is we review documents, get statements from people, have people into the committee. we do the usual kind of things you do when you're trying to get to the bottom of a matter, and that's what we'll do here. >> wouldn't talking to general flynn be essential? >> maybe. and that's assuming that he is going to talk, as we all know,
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when these kinds of things happen, sometimes it's very difficult to get people to say anything any further, particularly, if they feel they're in jeopardy, and of course right now, i think probably there's going to be some lawyers telling him that it may be best if he didn't speak. >> so are you talking about actually having hearings? right now it sounds like reviewing documents. are you talking about actual public hearings that mens would -- americans would be able to follow? >> the hearings are closed. and sometimes there's reports that come out of the hearings of the i think this has reached a high enough profile that essentially, there's going to have to be some accountability, some reporting that's done after the matter's reviewed. >> what sort of a timeline are you looking at for actually investigating? >> the committee today, as we talked about this, i think, i
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can say generally speaking, people on the committee, as i talk to them individually, everyone expresses the desire to move this along quickly, because as we know, there's lots of things happening in washington, d.c. receiight now. what was news yesterday isn't today, and we need to get to the end of this thing as quickly as we can. >> i think that's the concern of some people, that this just gets lost in the shuffle as new events take place. what you're saying so far is you want there to be an investigation. you're not sure the exact framework of it. you're not sure if there's going to be hearings, not sure if general flynn would actually be called to testify. not sure how public this would be, although you are saying it is serious. >> i guess i'm not communicating very well w i am sure he very well. i am sure there's going to be an investigation, i am sure there's going to hearing. i am sure there's going to be people testifying. the only thing is i'm not sure
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if general flynn would be called to testify. the rest of that i'm very sure on. and i'm very sure that it is going to be completed. >> senator, appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> all right, thank you. perspective now from three people with experience. also with us is meg rogers. chairman rogers, do you believe there should be a full, open investigation into what general flynn did and who knew about it, because the chair doesn't seem inclined to go that route. >> i think it's, from what we just heard, i think the senate is going to do that kind of investigation. you know, the real concern here is, i didn't, i'm not sure i understand. is there a fbi investigation into mike flynn or not?
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i'm not sure i understand after today's news if there is or isn't. looks like the fbi went down to the white house and had conversations. that would interfere with any legislative investigation you might have even off the intelligence committee. but what they can do is what they were talking about. they can bring witnesses in pan, ta and talk about issues around mike flynn retiring. i hope they realign the national security council to the real focus. they got too many bosses, too many people in charge, bifurcated messages coming out. that's all a result of lack of discipline of making the national security council funk in -- function in a way that gets all the information up to the white house to make a good policy decision. that seems to have been lost in this conversation.
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>> i don't think we know the answer to this. if the fbi interviewed general flynn, what did general flynn tell the fbi? did he lie to the fbi about what he said to the russian ambassador? i mean, if he lied to mike pence, again, i don't think we know the answer to that, but that would seem to be critical. >> it is absolutely critical, because that is going to trigger the potential that flynn is then the subject of a fbi investigation. so echbveryone's talking about s ain't kwated logan act. when flynn sat down with the fbi, did he lie to them about the communications? because this is the martha stewart, right? no one remembers what she was interviewed for, john edwards, you get convicted for the lie. that is relevant, not because you shouldn't lie to investigators, but it is relevant, because that will determine the extent to which the senate committee can offer
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him, they offer him a plea arrangement so that he will speak. so this is absolutely not over. and i think that the fact that the fbi interviewed him is relevant. >> general hurt ling, the othli house keeps saying general flynn lost the trust of the president because he lied to the vice president. do you buy that argument? that this is just about the loss of trust? if he didn't do anything wrong in talking to the russian ambassador, why lie to the vice president about what you said to the russian ambassador? >> i'm confused about that, too, anderson. here we have an incoming government official as a national security adviser, several weeks before the election, allegedly talking to an ambassador from a foreign power, telling him, allegedly, to disregard the policy of the united states government. that, to me, is somewhat
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damning, and for anyone to say it didn't violate the law, that may be true, the letter of the law. but i'm curious about what meet have happened, the what ifs, if russia had done something during that period of time because they thought they had cover from a new government. it confuses the heck out of me of and just listening to your conversation with mr. risch, it's just amazing to me f this was an active general author in my military life, he would be on the carpet in a heartbeat, being investigated. and i don't understand why there's any kind of tee ladelay. i don't get it of i absolutely do not get it. >> does it make sense to you that the white house has said, look, this is about lying to the vice president. but again, i just don't understand, if he didn't have he
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didn't do anything wrong in having the conversations, why lie? >> i'm not sure i want to speculate on why he would do that. it could have been one of those as innocent as he decides to do a courtesy call, he said he was going to do a courtesy call. i mean, it's a judgment issue, if you're talking to the russian ambassador that it wouldn't devolve into some kind of talk about sanctions or missile defense or fill in the blank. maybe he stumbled into that. and in his mind, that's not the intent of the call. >> i think that'swhat the review is. on an investigation, these should be taken seriously, they should do a review, and i think the senator talked about that. you need to review documents, review some witness testimony, talk to the department of justice so you can decide, all right, should we launch a full investigation? i think that's appropriate. we shouldn't launch these things willy-nilly. i think there are more facts to be found here, and if i heard
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right, i think the senate is going to do just that. i think they're moving in a smart, prudebility wnt way. >> the other phfactor in in ith what did the president know. and then russia doesn't act on what president obama did, tossing out russian, alleged russian intelligence officers, and then the president tweets praise of vladimir putin for not responding. >> that's exactly right. i think sean spicer's trying to distract us with this issue of trust between the vice president and flynn. the issue as we now know, the president knew, advised d.o.j. that they felt that flinn could could be compromised. someone made the decision not to tell the vice president of the united states. that is the key question.
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why did they decide not to, and that raises the question of what did trump know and when did he know it. and these are all legitimate questions. >> appreciate it. we're out of time, thank you very much. coming up next, is this white house really so different when it comes to all the drama we're seeing. we'll ask two people who've seen inside from other administrations. and mystery kenniconcerning theh of kim jong un's half brother. l you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression.
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bumbling, bit krch hch y with us [ . >> there is disorganization at the beginning of every white house. >> campaigning to governing is difficult. >> going from campaigning to governing is always difficult. but i've never seen the chaos that i have seen and witnessed in the trump white house. you have an executive order, a travel ban going out, without any coordination with any other agency, forming, i mean, creating absolute uncertainty, wild, wild uncertainty among the people who are supposed to be enforcing it. you have a chief of staff who doesn't even mow exactly how to run a white house. you've got kellyanne conway, who is out there promoting ivanka's
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products, sean spicer is a late-night comedy joke. you've got leaks and back biting. it's not clear what is going on, who's in charge. the "new york times" was talking about the national security agency doesn't want to brief the white house what's going on for fear that it is all compromised. even the situation room is compromised with regard to russia. what kind of a white house is this anyway? donald trump was elected on the premise that he would actually be cleaning up not only the swamp in washington but would be applying tough business practices to management. well, this is actually the sloppiest management i frankly have ever seen. >> that was donald trump's selling point during the campaign. he knows. he picks the best people and knows how to run an organization. is this the way the white house should be run? i mean, do you think it's really running at optimal speed? >> i do think, anderson, as i said to you last night, i went back and took a look.
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every single administration has some version of the story out there. all i did was type in turmoil and white house and add a president's name, and it was there, and i might add for secretary reich, the clinton was described two years after it took office as being terribly disorganized. filled with bright people who had no idea what they were doing. on and on this goes. the reagan administration was no exception to this. and it came to the fore the day that president reagan was shot. and there was a scurry, what to do, what to do. >> and hague saig said i'm in c. >> exactly. i just think president trump has joined the club here and will definitely get a glip rip on th. i have no doubt about that whatsoever. >> but it does seem that there aren't many people in his inner circle who have ever worked in a white house before. >> that is often the case. and when you look at somebody like president clinton who was an outsider from arkansas or
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jimmy carter or barack obama, and i'm not just picking on democrats here, because the seam thing would apply, it's human nature. if you come to the white house with no previous experience in the white house, a lot of this is first-time stuff. you lane. th -- learn. >> i think is false equivalentance. even in terms of leaks, i've never seen a white house as leaky as this one. everybody is basically calling up the press and telling stories on everybody else. even when donald trump is on the phone with foreign leaders, we get a play by play account of all the things he did wrong by people standing around him. i'm all in fave or of the publi knowing, but this is back biting and skcurrilous kind of leaking. >> there is a belief in conservative circles that there is an effort out here if you
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will to delegitimize the trump administration by going after his senior staff people one person at a time, you know, to create scandal, et cetera, so that, you know, general flynn today. kellyanne conway tomorrow. >> according to the white house, general flynn lied to the vice president of the united states. that's not something created in some back room. >> i understand, but the whole commotion over kellyanne conway's throw away line, to make this into some big ethics deal or sean spicer is not competent, he's been&f around f a long time. he'll get the hang of the white house podium. >> i'm sorry, the idea of conspiracy, that somehow undermine, i mean, these are the people who are doing the leaking. they're people who are there in the white house, basically telling tales on each other. there are peeople even i am
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hearing who are saying that reince priebus doesn't know what he is doing, doesn't even know how to manage his way out of the white house men's room. i mean, yes, there is always a problem at the start, but this is donald trump's. remember, this is donald trump who said he was going to be a businessman. a tough businessman. he was going to apply the toughness of business management to government. and this is just, it's the opposite. >> interesting. secretary reich, thank you very much. jeffrey lord to be continued. coming up with david petraeus, running for national security viso adviser. the future of business w york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route.
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now that michael flynn is out, one of the names being floated as a potential replacement is david petraeus, he resigned in 2012 after it came to light that he had an extramarital affair with his biographer. later felony charges were recommended against petraeus for sharing classified information with broad well.
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he is still on probation after pleading guilty to lesser charges. just before air i spoke to paula broadwell. first of all, i want to get your reaction to general flynn's resignation or being asked to resign. i understand you knew him in afghanistan. what to you make of what's unfolding? >> well, i think there are a lot of details we have yet to lanea, anderson. first, was this conduct that he took contacting the russian ambassador, was that guided by someone in the administration? did he unintentionally violate the logan act? that's when someone negotiates with a foreign government that doesn't have friendly relationships with the united states, and what were his motives. so there's a lot of uncertainty in all of that. >> with regards to general
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petraeus, he's believed to be under consideration to replace general flynn. certainly the question's going to be raised whether the agai t incident he was involved in with you makes him unfit, what do you say? >> i say it's been five years, and everyone involved in this situation has taken responsibilit responsibility suffered the kons wednesdays and should be able to move forward. >> there has been sort of a different way you both have been dealt with. general petraeus has gone on to being on, i guess on boards of companies. he's, you know, consulting. he's, i guess highly paid and being considered for a position. in the coverage, i went back and read some of the coverage of what occurred, and it seemed like the way you were portrayed, you know, in the washington post, it talked about your
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tight-fitting clothes at one point, some of the comments made by other people were implying that you had somehow seduced this shining general. do you feel that there's been a double standard? >> obviously i feel there's been a double standard, anderson, not only in the press coverage but in the treatment and discipline. but i've never been one to cast myself as a victim. i take full responsibility for the mistakes that i did make. i think as a strong woman i'm going to wear what i want to wear. but i wasn't out on any kind of mission. i was trying to write a book. i was a credentialed journalist. the challenge for me has been waiting an additional year, over a year, for the army to resolve our case, and -- >> and you're still waiting. >> i'm still waiting for that. and the irony is, again, that david petraeus is being considered for this position, which is terrific. he's very qualified.
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and as i said, everyone should be able to go on with their life. but he's two months away from a two-year probation period being finished, and i'm still in limbo with the military. today my lawyer submitted a rebuttal saying that the grounds for punishing me and not home is n -- him is not justified. i think it's important to stand up for myself. to inspire other women to do the same things for themselves and we're in a holding pattern to see how it resolves. >> you're not bearing, you know, you don't seem to bill any ill will toward general petraeus. some people in your position would. he shared classified information, he hid, according to director comey, hid
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information in his attic. and he's being considered for one of the top jobs. and you've had your academic career and job opportunities basically put on hold if not turned down flat out. >> i think a lot what happened to hem wim was taken out of con. there was no ill will, and the country was not put into jeopardy. my year, my word for the year is magnanimous. i'm just trying to stay above the fray. there's been a very difficult process for me and my family to kind of endure this long investigation, it's been over five years, but i also have laned learned a lot on the process. i'm the first to take responsibility for my mistakes and move forward and be the
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change i wish to see in the world, whether that's addressing media bias or institutional buy as with the army or every day bias across america. i feel amazing solidarity with so many americans who want to do something, and it's all borne of my rather awful experience. so i guess for me, there's been a silver lining. >> appreciate you being with us, thank you. >> thanks, anderson. coming up, ice raids arrest hundreds, now we hear that a dreamer has been arrested. some came to the united states as toddlers, their concerns, next. our life can be. mom: oh no... tech: this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at and with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" she knew exactly when i'd be there, so she didn't miss a single shot. i replaced her windshield giving her more time for what matters most. tech: how'd ya do? player: we won! tech: nice! that's another safelite advantage. mom: thank you so much!
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wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] immigration rights groups say they think it's a first. last week in seattle, a so-called dreamer, a man covered by the child action program was arrested. his lawyers say he is being detained without justification. homeland security says they were routine and mostly criminals and that those kinds of arrests happened under the obama administration as well. throughout the country, illegal undocumented immigrants are
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scared of gary tuckman tonight spoke with people in san diego. >> reporter: it 22-year-old hoff yare moved from mexico to san diego. he graduates from college this may, he hopes. xavier is undock i'med. and when you're undocumented, be there are no guarantees. how confident are you that someone can come up to you and say i want to see juyour papers. >> i think of it every other minute. >> reporter: judy lives in san diego, too. she is also undocumented. so frightened, she doesn't want her face shown. her husband is american, so are her two small sons. mark fell in love with her after she came from mexico more than a decade ago in search of a better leave. >> our boys are 6 and 7. they already understand, when they get dropped off at school
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that there's a chance that their mother won't be present when they come home e. >> reporter: hotlines at yes, ma'am grant social service organizations, taking and making calls to people who believe they could be deported at any time. >> i wasn't sure if you would be interested in meeting with an immigration attorney. >> reporter: alliance san diego. >> we have a president who has extraordinary powers. and aims to use them to destroy our communities. >> reporter: and there is extra concern here, because of the nature of where they live. san diego county is best known for the city of san diego. but it's less a bordalso a bord. here in the very southwestern of the county, a border fence actually extends into the pacific ocean, cameras focussed
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there. there are far fewer resources than in other places. >> did can happen within the hour. it is fast, and it is final. and that is very, very scary for us here in this county. >> reporter: xavier's brothers are citizens, because they were born here. but he has not been able to get any kind of documentation, and if he voluntarily went back to the nation he hasn't been in since he was a child and wait for u.s. approval -- >> i probably wouldn't have a chance, given my entry. and there was a way, i'd probably end up 20, 30 years wait egg to waiting to come back home. >> reporter: mark doesn't believe his wife would ever see the u.s. again if she voluntarily went back. but if one day he finds out she's been taken away. >> we have contingency plans for if the kids get taken out of school, if she gets deported.
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we don't know, there's no guarantee they'll let her call me. i love her of i mean, how do you explain how much you love your wife? >> reporter: gary tuckman, cnn, san diego. president trump's travel ban is on hold after a loss in appeal escort, but that is not the only legal battle on the horizon for the president. for one, he sued a chef who refused to open a restaurant in one of his hotels after he called illegal immigrants. >> you're counter suing, i believe for $8 million. when you first launched this suit, you said more than half my team is hispanic, as are many of our guests. i believe that every human being deserves respect regardless of immigration status. has anything changed -- and the lawsuit still continues, yes? >> unfortunately, yes.
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i, on twitter, i offer peace. >> you offered to both sides donate money to a charity. >> i often it, because he has to run the country. the president has to try do that. no easy task, and i have to run my little group of restaurants. so why we don't put that on the side and everybody does what should be doing. fortunately, no response yet. >> your little group of restaurants is pretty houluge. >> we have 25 now. for me, it's very clear, when i did what i had to do around the end of june 2015, i got a phone call then the republican candidate, mr. donald trump himself. >> so before you had this lawsuit, when were you just going to be -- >> yes. >> in business together wheel weighs a candidate, you got a phone call from him. >> we said, listen, mr. trump cannot be commenting on immigrants and mexicans as
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rapists and other types of things. i am an immigrant, a hispanic mexican myself. this is not going to be good for business. he gave me a phone call, jose, we're win we're winning. i said i'm not on the ticket. i only want to run a successful restaurant. and quite frankly, i said we need to behave in a different way. and then he kind of very surprising to me, very mad, said, jose, i know you have very strong beliefs about immigration, immigration reform, why after new hampshire we don't see and we talk about immigration reformer. mr. trump, this is almost nine months away. i need to find a way. we do comment, our business almost impossible. >> when you saw raids last week,
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the, you know, the, ice says it this happened under the obama administration. people called president obama the deporter in chief. so this is not something that's necessarily new. do you worry about where this may end up, about the effect it could have on farm workers, on people working in your kitchen? >> so it is true that this has been going on forever. this happened under president obama, under president bush. and this only tells me one thing. that the system works. the system works. so the system works, why you going to try to keep, if anything, trying to, you know, work on the, needs some improvement. i'm sure every year hundreds of thousands of people are kicked out of the country because they are undocumented and they've done something wrong and they're gone. but right now we have dreamers, people that are part of the dna that they are working on golf
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courses maybe owned by mr. trump himself, restaurants and farms, but somehow we are not giving them the opportunity to officially be part of the american frame. i think this is a problem that it's not for us to fix but an opportunity to us to seize. let's make sure that we are able to pass immigration reformer. and if i was mr. trump, i would not think twice about it. do that and you're going to put more than th99% of the country supporting you, and you're being solving a problem that is very big. >> thank you for talking with us. >> thank you for having me. the north korean leader's half brother died suddenly after falling dead. our reporter is on the ground in north korea in pyongyang.
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brother, violent dictator of north korea. mysterious death of kim jong-nam is raising serious questions. malaysian police say die after falling ill at airport. reports circulating he may have been attacked. malaysian police telling people he felt like someone grabbed his face from behind, felt dizzy and asked for help at airport counter but no suspects. divided over whether he was threat to younger half brother. had lived in macau and beijing and may have been supported by china. >> and rumors if the regime ever unstable that kim jong-nam might be brought in by say china as replacement for kim jong-un. >> reporter: 45 years old, oldest son of former laider kim
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jong-il. had different mothers. mother was actress that father had affair with, but kim jong-nam was considered by some in north korea to be the natural heir to power. until trying to sneak into japan with fake passport. trying to sneak in with young son to tokyo disneyland. complicated relationship. that north koreans would be this bold. but symbolism of trying to go to disneyland, idea that north korean regime couldn't tolerate. >> reporter: made him persona non grata to his family. asked if he was interested in succeeding his father. >> no. personally not interested in this issue. >> why? >> sorry.
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i'm not interested in politics. >> reporter: what he was interested in according to analysts is living like high roller. frequenting casinos and dance clubs. >> known as playboy and gambler, spent time in southeast asia and europe traveling around but supported with kim jong-il was alive, he did support kim jong-nam, some largess to support his lifestyle. >> reporter: unclear whether kim jong-un had anything to do with his half brother's death. if he did, could have been a signal to china who may have been supporting kim jong-nam or could have been a signal to potential defectors given the recent spate of high profile defectors who escaped north korea. >> comes days after tested a
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ballistic missile. has there been reaction to the death? is it a story publicized there? >> reporter: no and likely won't. kim jong-nam is such a sensitive individual here, just for example. i walked into meeting with korean officials last night, first thing i asked about and translator actually refused to translate the question i asked about kim jong-nam when we learned about his death because -- in the room he didn't want to hear even the mention of his name. even though tomorrow would have been the 75th birthday of his father, kim jong-il and current leader. will be celebrations but the name kim jong-nam won't be mentioned there and won't be publicized in state media or discussed officially, even acknowledged. >> ballistic missile test being
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publicized? >> reporter: it is. as we were checking in last night, lead story on the nightly propaganda broadcast seen across north korea, the leader in front of mobile missile launcher, the missile up into the sky, announced as triumphant accomplishment. expect the people to tell us proud of country and government's missile and nuclear advancements. yet as we were checking into hotel, lost power several times. don't is stable internet. because of these weapons it's isolated and cut off from the international community. most of the 24 million people don't have electricity on consistent basis. many don't have consistently nutritious diet. yet will say if you ask them, they believe the government is doing the right thing by
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investing in the nuclear realm. told whole lives they're under eminent 38 of invasion by united states and its allies. say the weapons are the only chance for their country to survive as society and say willing to go hungry and without the comforts of life if need to for the weapons development to continue and it has significantly in the last year. two nuclear tests and more than 20 missile launches and since heavy sanctions began, five nuclear tests. and kim jong-un is saying there are more to come. >> will ripley, thank you very much. reporting from pyongyang. we'll be right back. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route.
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