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tv   New Day  CNN  February 15, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PST

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officials. president-elect trump and then president obama were both briefed on suspected discussions of operatives and those people associated with the campaign and the trump business. both the frequency of these communications and the proximity to trump of those involved raised a red flag with u.s. intelligence and law enforcement. i should say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting. other russian nationals that are known to u.s. intelligence. officials emphasize communications between campaign staff and representatives of foreign governments are not unusual. however these are different. they stood out due to the frequency and the level of the trump advise sors involved. i should say investigators have
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not reached a meeting tomorrow. that's going to be in germany tomorrow. this kind of stuff come up during the conversation. we'll see. keep watching. >> we know from your reporter and the new york times investigators were trying to see if there was any collusion around hacking they have not found any evidence yet and also now they proved there's multiple probes going on. let's bring in jackie, cnn political commentator and senior columnist for the daily beast. matt lewis. sean spicer comes out and he's talking to abc's jonathan carl. here's what happened. >> back in january, the president said that nobody in his campaign had been in touch with the russians. now, today can you still say definitively that nobody on the
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trump campaign, not even general flynn had any contact with the russians before the election. >> my understanding is that what general flynn now expressed is during the transition period he did speak with the ambassador. >> i'm talking about during campaign. how could that be true if the reporting from the new york time and our reporting with the rest of the team is true? >> right and i think mike pence was out further on that saying, he flatly denied there was no communication during the campaign. now of course reports indicate that in fact there was. that in and of itself. >> constant. >> it could be that he's not on top of all of what's happening with some of donald trump's
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other, the other wing. so look i think that in and of itself even that isn't, the end of the world. the real question though, obviously is what were they saying, were they coordinating the leaking of hillary clinton's information. that would be a complete game changer but this does not look good in and of itself. >> now that we have intelligence officials telling cnn and the new york times that again the word is constant contact. what could people on the trump team be in constant contact with russian operatives about. >> that's the biggest question. there's no evidence to that yet. but they're still digging in and we don't know the content. >> what this does politically is it reopens and restarts the conversation about what the trump campaign was doing. it's not just democrats that were saying this but republicans
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that want to look into this too and they don want to be talking about this anymore. >> and that's understandable but facts lead to conclusions. what they were talking about, why they were talking about it, save it for another day. right now what you v let's bring in our new york times political reporter. >> thanks for having me. >> good to see you. so the idea of whether they can be believed in the white house if they're telling us the truth is a fundamental bond of trust with the american people so while y this was happening and all of that, but the facts constant communication and exchange between members of the campaign and russian fill in the blank operatives or whatever sean spicer says i know of nothing and he misspoke i think, convince me that this is true. how can both of those thing bs true? >> you hit on the most important thing which is the public trust
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aspect of this job. they've had a hard time embracing that and seeing this as an act of trust. you were in the people's building doing people's work. we've seen stories change over the last couple of days. what we heard yesterday is very different than what i was hearing the night before and just on a simplistic issue which was did the president ask for his resignation? there was no evidence he did ask for it? it seems aids asked for it yet according to the narrative the president was decisive so i think you raise a fundamental point which is i don't think the white house understands how eroding their sense of credibility is over the last three weeks. and it's very hard to get it back. not to mention whatever other work they want to be doing right now you're right they don't want to be talking about this. they'd like to be talking about repealing the health care act or infrastructure or a tax reform
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plan. there even isn't work going on as best as i can tell. it's impossible to tell who is in charge in this white house. in a way, the cloud on this obscures other major questions about how this white house is running but this is hardly a good place to be and there seemed to be a lack of appreciation for the fact that this is not the campaign anymore and they seem to be in campaign mode still. jock i canning for position and fighting for each other and not understanding why it is that firing your national security advisor three weeks in is not the same and firing whomever and there was a reluctance to understand why this wasn't changing the news cycle. >> you are in the thick of reporting on all of this. chris is saying we shouldn't get out ahead of it and talk about the content. do we know anything other than the constant contact being made
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do we know. >> a month ago we reported that the contents of this dosser that was briefed to the president and the president elect. they had many conclusions about the content of that and then they considered it important enough to let them know about it. we learned they had begun to corroborate some of the aspects. they said we won't comment on the veracity. we just let them know. they have confirmed that some, not all, but some, specifically russia to russian contacts were corroborated by intercepted communications. now we know that it wasn't just russians talking to russians but trump campaign people talking to russians. not just here and there
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occasionally but repeatedly, constantly and at a high level. if that happened in any other year but 2016 you might begin to think you could forget about it but it happened in the midst of an unprecedented russian interference in the u.s. presidential election. this is happening in real time and the trump campaign is talking to russia. we don't know if there was a conclusion but even if there wasn't that's a strange time for a u.s. presidential campaign to be speaking to officials and others with an adversarial foreign government. >> and the contrast is also as news worthy as anything here because all of this is being said. cnn is not the only ones reporting it and paul manafort says this season true. at least about me.
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i didn't talk to any russians and you have sean spicer that yesterday said i don't know of anything that would make me think we had any exchange and then this from mike pence talking to chris wallace. listen to this. >> was there any contact in anyway between trump or his associates and the kremlin. >> of course not. why would there be any contacts between the campaign? chris this is all a distraction and it's all a part of a narrative to delegitimate the election and question the legitimacy of this president. >> do you think that there's -- what is your confidence in the reporting versus all of these stark denials. does this go to the sufficient of the reporting or who is in the loop in the trump side of the equation. >> i have zero doubt we have multiple officials. current and former from multiple agencies in washington, law
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enforcement, intelligence and administration telling us this and as you know we at cnn take this stuff seriously. we don't go to air with stuff unless we're very confident so we believe very strongly there is and intelligence officials telling us these calls and conversations took place at a level and with a free convention saw the alarmed them. now you have seen vice president pence there saying there were no conversations. you can see sean spicer yesterday saying to his knowledge there weren't any conversation. it may very well be true that no neither of their knowledge they just didn't know and apparently that was the conversation with flynn. we now know he was not forth coming with his colleagues in the administration. >> do you believe that. >> some elements of the campaign didn't tell other elements. >> do you believe flynn was all out on his own? that nobody knew what he was doing? that nobody discussed the agenda with russia and what operations
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and communications they have? do you think he's a rogue agent? >> do i believe that personally? i can't answer that question because i don't know. but i know that both democrats and republicans, we heard john mccain raise that very first question. would flynn have gone out there without some direction from senior people in the white house. it's a reasonable question that needs to be answered. >> yet, matt, jason from the house that launched many an investigation says, you know what, this is over. mike flynn re-signed. end of story. >> that's what he says today. this could snowball. donald trump has a real problem. first of all he's lucky that republicans control congress right now. >> and he has senator rand paul saying republicans shouldn't be investigating republicans. so much for his independence. >> i think this could shift very qui
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quick quickly. the problem is he done have a natural constituentcy. so the relationship is transactional. we support him not out of personal loyalty but we want to get a good -- neil will be our supreme court justice is what happens when the pain overwhelms it. they don't have the normal loyalty you would have to a president of the party. >> they still don't want to be talking about someone else's estate or problems day after day. you saw all over paul ryan's face yesterday he had to address this again instead of tax reform tnchts same fundamental question remains. who knew about what flynn was doing? people close to him say the idea that he was on his own is absurd
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but they're banking on loyalty. his most of all and by all accounts he's willing to take one for the team. >> we don't know and to jim's point we don't know. >> what we're seeing here too is the extent to which it's dangerous for a president to be at war with his own intelligence community and donald trump took office with that as the backdrop and you are seeing that play out in real time. >> there's a lot we don't know. there's no evidence so far that anything improper was discussed. >> we do know this, they were told that mike flynn was having these conversations about sanctions and they did nothing for days. >> thank you very much. stick around. we have more questions and fall
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out from michael flynn's resignation being a crisis for the white house. president trump knew that flynn mislead his administration for weeks we now know. why was vice president mike pence kept out of the loop and allowed to speak about this publicly? joe johns live at the white house with more. >> good morning, allison. lies about ties to russia now part of the shockwaves here at the white house quite frankly as the administration tries to deal with what is next. >> it's what lead the president to ask for his resignation. >> we have no idea why flynn was doing all of this and why he was trying desperately to help we
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need answers to a lot of questions. >> the white house reveals the president knew for weeks about the calls with russia. the justice department first warning that intercepted calls showed that flynn mislead them. lying about discussing sanctions with a russian ambassador making him vulnerable to blackmail. that same day the white house says the president was briefed. >> the president from day one from minute one was unbelievably decisive in asking for and demanding that his white house council and their team review the situation. >> but he waited 18 days to demand flynn's resignation and kept vice president pence in the dark the entire time. flynn's call to the russian ambassador happened on the same
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day president obama announced new sanctions against rush wra for their cyberattacks attempting to influence the u.s. election. >> the conversations that took place at that time were not in anyway related. >> the vice president only finding out that flynn mid lead him last week after discovering the truth. two weeks after president trump first learned of it. before re-signing he spoke to the conservative website the daily caller insisting he crossed no lines in his dealings with russia and raising questions about who may have leaked details of his call. >> the real story here is why
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are there so many illegal leaks coming out of washington. will these leak bs happening as i deal on north korea, et cetera. >> the swirl over russia has the ability to become a distraction today as benjamin netanyahu comes for a meeting with the president. >> the white house is dealing with it's first major political crisis. the fall out from michael flynn. could it be just the dip of the iceberg? we explore, next.
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misleading the american public about conversations with a russian ambassador. what will congressional investigations do? what will congress do? what will they uncover?
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. sometimes they start at one thing and then evolve into other things. who knows what -- i guess the point is first congress has to agree to investigate it. >> yes and, you know, dond trump very lucky he has a republican congress and has entirely different if that were different. but these things can spiral out of control, special prosecutors or some form of discovery and on top of that we have these leaks. >> that means that people inside the white house are giving information to reporters. that happened. >> maybe the intel community. >> and the intel community but what is different is that president trump is calling them illegal and saying he's going to crack down on those. >> right. well i actually think there could be a potential problem with the trend we have of leaking. whether it's leaking against
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hillary clinton and the presidential campaign or the presidency now where you have career bureaucrats. maybe obama hold overs that are collectlily leaking vains. i'm not keen on that. i would also say that is not the bigger story. i've always thought it was weird that for whatever reason donald trump would say all sorts of negative critical things about anybody. pope francis except russia. >> also when it comes to leaks, you know, leaks are only as good as they are truth and until they start showing their calls information is coming out of their intelligence community or whatever it s. no one is going to question it's coming out through leaks. we have been following this stuff. mike flynn if he got forced to re-sign because he mislead about having a discussion about
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sanctions where flynn and everyone around him swears he didn't break the law i would never have heard of a guy getting kicked out for less than that and it does fuel the speculation who knew? was this part of a plan they had with russia. is mike flynn being made a fall guy? isn't that the way this starts to go. >> clearly it is. you hate to repeat the questions. the people are starting to ask the question. what did the president know and when did he know it? right about this? it's not reporters. it's not democrats solely. it's republican lawmakers saying would he have done this? lindsey graham saying on our air yesterday and will be freelancing on such a key issue of national security with such a key partner. we don't know the answer to that question but it's a fair question. and was flynn given a signal to pursue that and let's put that
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in a larger context as you noted this does not come out of the blue. it comes from an administration that as matt was saying is very reluctant to be critical about russia and is very happy and the president wanted to say he wanted to have a friendly relationship with russia. we don't know the answer yet but it's a legitimate question. here are some of the things that president trump has said or candidate trump about russia. >> russia if you're listening i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are listening. he said putin likes trump and said nice things about him. that's not bad. it's good. >> it could be russia and china. it could be other people. also somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.
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if we could have a good relationship with russia that would be a good thing, not a bad thing. if putin likes donald trump that's called an asset not a liability. >> putin is a killer. >> a lot of killers. we have a lot of killers. you think our country is so innocent. >> now somehow these take on a different feel in light of now it being confirmed that he was in touch with russia as well as other high level trump advisors. >> the piece that's hard to discern is why the president knew this for 14 days and when it became public in the washington post which is when mike pence was said to have learned about it that is why they moved on this. it's not clear why the president didn't do something for two weeks and it wasn't clear to me listening to sean spicer yesterday explaining this evolution of trust also spicer
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said something yesterday about how there were other issues with flynn. he has yet to detail what those are. we picked up on some of them over the next couple of weeks. he is said to have been uncomfortable since he was appointed for a variety of reasons. stylistically flynn was not as described to me by one person close to trump yesterday wouldn't subjugate himself to the president the same way as other aids. i suspect there are other things that we don't know. but a lot of this is a mystery and conjecture is dangerous, right? and in terms of the criminalizing president obama criminalized leaks too. what he is saying is that the current president is a deflection from the massive questions we are three weeks into a new administration.
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he is the appointed fall guy for this. the counter notion of this. it's one of the few guys in uniform, high profile that came out for trump. he was not looking for a job. he had been building his own business on the outside and he was chased for a job. he wasn't asking for one. this was someone they have been solicitous of in the past. >> someone loyal to trump throughout the campaign but the other thing we have to mention is leaks are all fun and games until they're against you. this is the same guy that said i love wikileaks, they're great. so this is coming back. >> this same man can use julian assange as a counter attack. >> it's coming back. >> panel, thank you very much. >> so at least one powerful house republican is getting into this game. launching an investigation into
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security protocols at the president's estate in florida. we're going to talk about this situation coming up. on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. (thud) uh... sorry, last thing. it's just $45 per line. forty... five. (cheering and applause) and that is all the microphones that i have. (vo) not just unlimited. verizon unlimited. that has everything to do with the people in here. their training is developed by the same company who designed, engineered, and built the cars. they've got the parts, tools, and know-how to help keep your ford running strong. 35,000 specialists all across america. no one knows your ford better than ford. and ford service.
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the pictures we have all seen showing the president and the japanese prime minister reviewing documents in a restaurant basically. sean spicer maintains no classified information was exposed. we don't know how he could know that for sure. >> a woman is under arrest linked to the murder of the half brother of north korean leader jong un. he died after being attacked at malaysia's airport while boarding a flight to visit family. a official says kim was poisoned but did not give more info on how or where. authorities say the investigation into his death
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continues. >> we continue to report on the violence in chicago. we have another homicide that cries out for justice. a 2-year-old boy on your screen right now. this baby was killed in a triple shooting on chicago's west side. the toddler was shot yesterday as he sat in a car with his pregnant aunt and unidentified 25-year-old man. police say that 25-year-old was a known gang member. the boy's aunt was recording on facebook live when someone drove up and began firing. we have some of the video. it is disturbing and it is also the truth. [ gunshots ] [ screaming ] >> the murdered toddler's aunt shot in the abdomen. she and her unknown baby are
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amazingly in stable condition. >> that is horrifying audio and horrifying video. we pray for that family and they get justice somehow. another top story to tell you about new provocations from russia. u.s. officials say russia is secretly deploying a new cruise missile off the u.s. coast. how will the trump administration respond? [second man] how you doing? [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. oh no! [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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first came reports of a russian spy ship off the coast of delaware in international waters. the timing when the flynn story broke. russia has now deployed a cruise missile in an apparent treaty violation. these are the latest in a string of russian provocations despite a better relationship with the trump administration. let's talk to our experts. barbra star and general, what do you make of these acts by the russian government. >> it's a continuing trend. this is not something that just started but it's gotten worse in the last few months.
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specifically weeks. i watched europe very closely. you know i'm connected and i have watched what they have done in that where russia has a naval base. the threats they made against the baltic states in poland. the approach toward other countries and expansion and i have not seen those and you can't find anything countering russian advancements across europe and now we have russian interference in many european countries elections so the combination of all of these things concern me greatly. >> i want to move on to questions for you about michael flynn. have you heard from any reliable source in europe and into the theater of ukraine that shares our president's doubts about russia involvement with the
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separatists. >> none whatsoever chris. i was a moderator about two months ago. and increasing attacks across the border. and hanging on in eastern ukraine. >> it's a long time intel guy respected for his intelligence. the idea that he thought that he would have clear channel communication with a russian strains it. how do you make sense of that? that flynn wouldn't think somebody was monitoring communications. >> wouldn't you worry if you're talking to the russians that u.s. intelligence community might be eavesdropping on that conversation. we asked that question and people who know him saying don't think of him so much as an intel officer, think of him as a
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special ops guy. these are people that believe in themselves to a large extent and mike flynn has no shortage of high feeling about his own capabilities. that's very clear. they want to add something. there is another currently serving. he said something extraordinary yesterday. let me read it to you. general thomas saying this. our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. we are a nation at war. the same background as mike flynn telling his commander and chief that the government is in unbelievable turmoil. i think we're in unchartered waters. >> i know tony thomas very well.
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he was my assistant in 2007 and 8. this is not something he would say. he's a four star general now but he's leading special operations command all over the world. every time you see a hit on the terrorist that's tony thomas's organization. for him to say something like this is pretty offensive. >> you lived it. war is old men talking and young men dying and there's no question it's an urgency on the part of fighting men and women for things to get clear and complete as soon as possible. follow up on this. or mike flynn didn't think he was doing anything wrong. mike flynn wasn't hiding. mike flynn had one of these communications while on vacation in the dominican republic with his wife. he knew he wasn't hiding. is he being thrown under the
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bus. we know they had weeks to figure it out. why didn't they do anything about it. >> these are all the questions. and at least he really knows the answer too. he knows how it all works. did he make some, probably not very likely. >> still no proof that mike flynn said or did anything to compromise the u.s. position on sanctions. and thank you as always. >> the president says the real story behind michael flynn's departure is the white house leaks to the press. what does he plan to do about them? our media experts tackle that,
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here we go. the cover of the sports illustrated swim suit issue for 2017. wow kate, what do you think? >> you have to love that. that's the real cover. kate tweeted afterwards she is honored and decided to be back with an issue that celebrates beauty and confidence in all shapes and sizes. chris back to you buddy. >> there's some great articles in that magazine. i can't wait for it to come out. something about how to fix your golf swing. good stuff. appreciate it. the trump white house saying the focus of the flynn-russia controversial should be in legal leaks. really? now leaks are bad. media experts break it down. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers.
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for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure. >> my lead the administration about talks with a russian ambassador but that's not the biggest part of the story. the big story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of washington. will these leaks be happening as a deal on north korea, et cetera? let's discuss this. >> he's worried about integrity with the north korea situation maybe he shouldn't do business in an open restaurant. maybe that would be a point of concern. >> there's that. illegal leaks. how do you read that?
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>> leaks are coming from many different places for many different reasons that's been true during the transition and now especially true that trump is in office. every administration, every government has leaks but this is at a whole other level. we're seeing something so much more extreme. >> why is that? >> that's partly to do with career government officials concerned about trump. it does have to do with obama administration officials and partly it's a cry for help from trump aids from people inside the trump white house that believe he needs help and that he's not getting the right support and often times people are motivated in order to alert the public to a problem. >> we have seen a definition here that i think this story has corrected. >> he doesn't like it. but he loved leaks during the campaign. he asked the russians to hack
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hillary clinton's server. he has been covering for russia and their hacking ever since. isn't that what is going on here bill. >> when you start blaming leaks. >> you can't deny them to disrupt our fact pattern. and if you attack the leaks all your saying is those are true but i wish it wasn't coming out. this is something have to deal with. it doesn't in anyway undercut it but in fact it validates the reporting. and makes the news media come back. reporting is good. >> some of these cases there could be discussions of whether
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it's fireable or ethical. we could see them now and what is the upshot. and that means the journalist should be unpunished. >> let's play this out and normally that's what the obama administration did much more so than past administration. what we have not seen is the next step to go after that directly. there's times when the obama administration -- they were going after them trying to find out who their sources were and not directly prosecuting the journalists. let's talk about this a couple of days ago. he's very concerned about the investigations as are his colleagues and others in the newsroom. that's the bright line and the question is whether or not they will try to cross that line.
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the only thing he has said about mike flynn and his resignation and who knew what's going on with russia is to bash the media for reporting. this tweet is the only thing he has said about it. sometimes silence says as much as anything. >> there's no denial now and no deflection of why he waited all of this time to do anything about it. we haven't heard anything about that. it's always on the attack with that. he has gotten away with that for a really long time. >> i think it's changed on this story and the idea that mike flynn was doing his own thing with russia and nobody knew about, nobody directed, nobody commented on and now he is forced to re-sign without an admission that he broke any rule. the logan act, people keep throwing it around. it's never been prosecuted.
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one case in the 180s but there's no proof that he manipulated sanctions policy. he got stuck by being misleading or like about whether sanctions were discussed. discussing them would not reach an illegal threshold let alone a political one. you would think trump would have covered for this. okay my guy will talk about whatever he wants and it will be over. why is flynn taking all the heat on it. >> confusion and chaos inside and sean spicer and conway leaking against spicer and that behavior out of the white house. it's hard to know how much he could actually step in. and he only said one thing about
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this issue and hopefully that would change at noon today with this joint press conference. >> it all depends on who asked the question. >> american journalist and two israelis so those two. >> i do think trump loyalists watching this program right now. i'm seeing this on twitter and facebook that their president is under siege for the media and we continue to separate out the reporting and the news for the commentary about the news. sometimes folks try to confuse the two and say we're attacking them when the news reporting on this has been solid t. stories about the leaks. they're playing out truth and pacts and not just leaks. this is hard news. >> thank you very much. thanks to our international viewers for watching. new day continues right now.
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>> good morning, we following break news for you and there's another bombshell for the trump white house. multiple sources tell cnn that several high level advise sors to the president repeatedly make contact during the presidential campaign. the pressing secretary said he knew of nothing that would make this true. among the discussions is paul manifort that also says this is untrue and now michael flynn that's never claimed he has done anything wrong. all this as the cloud of russia hangs over the trump administration. this is the 27th day of the presidency. let's begin our coverage with jim live in washington. you're on


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