tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 15, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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topping this hour of 360, we have breaking news in the fallout of michael flynn's departure and reportedly constant contact between trump advisers and russian contacts. the what do you know, jim? >> for the time being, barring new information, the fbi has decided they're not going to charge michael flynn for those calls. mr. flynn has been forthcoming and truthful in his conversations with the fbi, we're told, and why he may not be able to remember all the details they don't believe he was being infinancialtensionall
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misleading and that has led them not to file charges against him. >> his clearance hassan about take takeen away, correct? >> it's suspended. en' told that th i'm told that standard when questions are raised. so it could be reinstated at a later time, but it does show the seriousness with which the intelligence community is treating these remaining questions here. i'm toad th i'm told this by an official in the defense intelligence community, it's the dia, the department he used to head. now having his access to classified information suspended for the time being. administration source telling us he's focussed on getting to the bottom of how he was misled.
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a source also saying he wants to know which advisers made the decision to tell the president that flynn had lied but not the vice president. the source telling us there's no falling out between the president and vice president. as for the take on it, here's what he had to say. >> general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media, as i call it, the fake media, in many cases. and i think it's really a sad thing that he was treated so badly. >> we should point out, it was the reporting of that media which led the president to fire general flynn for reasons which he has not himself yet explained. that's virtually all he said along with attacking leakers this morning on twitter. let's bring in retired general mark hurtling. and steven hall. juliette, i don't quite get it.
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how do you go from one day asking for someone's resignation because they had illegal conversations with russia or at least because they lied about it to the vice president and ors in the white house to the very next day saying he's a wonderful man and it as basically the dishonest media which is treating him terribly? >> yeah, it was sort of a jaw dropper this morning during that press conference, because i thought the white house had the story straight. they had gone back and forth about whether flynn had retired or whether he resigned. so when trump started to defend him this morning, it's either it that he did not remember that that was the noirtiarrative or because investigations are still ongoing, that trump is bringing his team close. because we really don't know at this stage where all these investigations end, in particular because of the "new york times" reporting regarding thata that there's continuing investigation about the ongoing,
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year-long conversations between trump's team and russian intelligence. >> well, and the third explanation is he wants to keep general flynn relatively close or at least on his team because, in case general flynn is testifying or general flynn has information that the president actually doesn't want other people to know. general hertling, this argument that the president was brought down by leaks, it misses the forests for the trees. flynn wasn't brought down by leaks, he was brought down by lying. >> leadership is hard. i've had to practice leadership a lot through my military career, you have to make a lot of hard calls when you're a leader. and sometimes one of the hard calls you make is relieving people. and sometimes it's for integrity violations, but, when you do that, you don't blame others. that's the example of a toxic leader. are leaks bad? certainly, they are. but the leaks didn't cause mike
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flynn to have an integrity violation. mike flynn had an integrity violation. he lost trust with many people, and therefore he was relieved. so for trump to cam back and om say he was a great guy -- peggy noonan wrote a book called "when character was king", about the reagan administration. character determines leadership. we've got some flawed character currently in the president of the united states. >> the president claiming that these leaks are coming from people trying to cover up for clinton's loss. i'm sure you know people leak for obviously, a lot of different reasons, and sometimes it's certainly political, but other times it's simply to alert the public that something untoward is going on. >> i have to say, anderson, in my time in the intelligence community, the leaking, it's
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more political sport. i think there might be a unique situation here whereby when you begin your work with the agency, you take an oath of office to protect the country against enemies domestic and abroad. and that's a moral obligation. and of course you have legal obligations as well, and i can imagine there might be people in the intelligence community who have such serious questions about the administration's connections to russia, to a bunch of other troubling issues that they might find themselves in a difficult position and say to themselves, i may have to act on high morals my morals. and be prepared to bear the legal consequences if i get caught. >> as someone who knows russia well, what do you make or what are the questions you would like answered about the communications or reports of the communications between the trump campaign and russia?
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>> well, obviously, it would be great to see the transcripts of what have collection has happened, because in my mind, it's difficult for me to imagine why, and, again, i'm talking about the connections between the trump campaign and russian intelligence officers last year. it's difficult to man why any member of any campaign would have wanted to be in touch with intelligence officers, especially of an add vversary nation like russia. >> it's not clear if they were in touch with intelligence officers, but russians who were known to u.s. officials or u.s. intelligence. there's gray area there. >> yeah, i've sort of seen both sides of it. there might be some shorthand there when you say russians known to the. >> translator: intelligence community. >> general hertling, what do you make of that sort of part of this and the investigation into
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that? >> i think right now you're seeing mr. putin and the entire russian government push themselves. we're seeing that in various activity, not only in europe, but with events off of our shores. so i think, yeah, there's some problems there, anderson, when i traveled in europe as the command are thercommand are the there were areas we didn't take computers or communications in because we didn't know. >> julia? >> i would totally agree with this. the mar-a-lago is a perfect example. they're not treating intelligence and classified information in the way that we just should demand of them at
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this stage. they are in charge, he's our president. there's a reason why we have things like scifs, why we keep information classified. what kind of advice was going on between flynn and trump's teams so that vice president pence would not know? vice president pence, as you just reported, is clearly interested in, who, why didn't he know this information about flynn? and so a lot of focus in my circles in the legal and national security community is now on someone we don't talk a lot about, the white house counsel. what sort of advice was going on there, so i anticipate you're going to hear a lot more about-in the daabout in the days to come. >> plenty more ahead tonight, including more breaking news on the congressional investigation, a bipartisan step forward. also the unpredictable nature of investigations, those that stand with land deals and burglaries that turn into
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stories for the ages. we talk to someone who lived through the impeachment of one president and the resignation of another. and too much for one south american government to take. the story venezuela does not want its own people to see, ahead on 360. . it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can.
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more breaking news tonight. the top republican on the senate judiciary committee taking a step to investigate michael flynn's resignation and the events leading up to it. director comey being asked to send documents and brief them on the case. it was said about many investigations that began one place andnded ended up worlds . >> i felt it was my duty to persevere. >> reporter: it spell the end of a pressidency. and it all started with a burglary, portrayed here in "all
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the president's men." bob woodward and carl bernstein followed a money trail from the democratic headquarters break in to the committee to reelect president nixon, prompting congress to investigate and unexpectedly discover nixon taped conversations in the oval office. the sproupreme court compelled release, revealing nixon helped with a coverup six days after the watergate burglary. >> we were assigned the difficult job. >> reporter: ken starr, a staunch republican eventually headed up this investigation, and during hayes investigatiois linda tripp decided to give her conversations with monica lewinski. >> if i want to ever have an
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affair with a married man, especially, if he's a president, please shoot me. >> reporter: and a case brought by paula jones. >> this is the room number. >> reporter: he lied under oath, denying sexual contact with lewinski. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. ms. lewinski. >> reporter: the jones case was ultimately dismissed. the quiwhitewater probe yielded nothing, but congress impeached bill clinton for lying under oath and obstructing justice, though he was acquitted. and more recently -- >> what difference at this point does it make? >> reporter: and an investigation into secretary of state hillary clinton's role in the benghazi attack led to a troubling discovery that arguably helped derail her bid for the white house. she had used a personal e-mail account. >> the server will remain private.
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>> reporter: the fbi launched an investigation and took possession of the server, which had been wiped. >>, like, with a cloth or something? well, no. >> reporter: lawsuits led to the release of clinton's e-mails as voters doubted her trustworthiness. in summer 2016, fbi director james comey announced he would not recommend criminal charges but chastised clinton and her team. >> there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very classified information. >> reporter: comey reopened the kaets briefly before the election after e-mails between clinton and her top aide abedin were found in the custody of anthony weiner. the case was quickly closed again, but many democrats and campaign aides argue it was responsible for clinton's loss, anderson. >> the panel's back this hour. also joining us is jeffrey toobin. criminal investigations,
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congressional investigations, very different things. >> they are very different things. but one thing to keep in mind is that when nixon was forced out of office, when clinton was impeached, congress, the house of representatives was in control of the opposition party. and here republicans are in charge, and they are not inclined to investigate donald trump, and you see that throughout these tumultuous three weeks we have seen, and that's a major distinction that will help trump a great deal. >> it sounds like the senate's more willing to look into it than house republicans. >> not to be too xenical cynica uncynical, there's a lot too look into here. the russians may have attempted to control the outcome of this election with the involvement of the trump campaign. that's a pretty big deal. i think there's some patriots in the senate of both parties who think this is worth looking into, and that's what they're doing. >> the president is focussing on
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leaks. are all leaks illegal? >> no, it is illegal to leak classified information. it's illegal to leak grand jury material, that's before a grand jury. but most of what reporters get is confidential in an employment setting but like who's up and who's down in the white house and who likes whom, that, you can get fired for. that's a violation of confidence, you know, confidence, but it is not illegal at all. >> all right, carl bernstein, we saw you in brianna keilar's speech. >> my bar mitzvah picture. >> but as you said in the last hour, you were wary about comparing this, obviously to watergate. there's so much we don't know. but in terms of a congressional investigation, watergate is a clear example of congress deeming it important enough to a separate committee. >> not only was it a select committee of both parties, but the american system worked in watergate, and republicans ought
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to welcome a real investigation of what happened in the campaign involving the russians. if there is an innocent explanation for all of this, what did the president know and when did he know it, as was said during the watergate investigation, they should welcome such an investigation, because we need to find out what happened. and the great thing that occurred in watergate was this bipartisanship, the key votes for impeachment came from, in the house judiciary committee, came from republicans, courageous republicans. it was barry gold water, the nominee of his party, the republican party to be president in 1964, who marched to the white house and told president nixon he had to resign. all i'm suggesting here is ha we need republicans to be as jeff said, patriots. find out what happened. if all is in order, that's great for everybody, but we need to find out, and we need
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republicans to join with democrats and say, "we want the truth." >> i think it's possible to hold two ideas in your head at the same time, which is to be very concerned about what went down in the campaign and also to be concerned about the deep state of the intelligence community feeling emboldened to make what looks like a fairly coordinated leak campaign against the white house. those are two things that you can be worried about at the same time, and i am, and i would love to get to the bottom of this. what concerns me is it if you do the investigation and so much of this information is classified, does it actually become illuminating to the public? or do we just see continued leaks from that investigation from either side trying to figure out what's going on? i'm concerned that this did not become illuminating in the end, even though it needs to be investigated. >> i think a lot of people are trying to have that conversation about should we be concerned about what the intelligence community is doing here, and i think under normal circumstances i would say yes. the only thing that makes this a little different is what is their motivation.
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and they are under attack by the president of the united states, i think in a pretty serious way, so they do have an interest, i think, in preserving something they think is very important. they see themselves as presenting the united states, and so that's not a terrible motivation, and they also see that the president did know about this, and he wasn't going to do anything about it. >> i'm not sure -- >> only because it was leaked to the media. >> i'm not sure that the leaking campaign actually shores up with the american people the idea that they're doing the job that they should be doing. i think that might be a miscalculation. >> leaks come from a lot of different places, not just the intelligence community, the white house, a lot of those folks around the president, i imagine -- >> the fought occurs that somebody is in essence, tapping the president's phone or, you know, using perhaps american intelligence to eavesdrop on their own president. and -- >> wait, where do we see that? >> what? >> where did that happen? >> say what?
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>> a former nsa guy today suggesting that that was a possible. >> is that legal? >> so i'm not saying, i'm not saying that it has happened. but i'm just saying that this whole business of, as you refer to it, the deep state, that is very concerning, because it doesn't make any difference who's the president of the united states, you can't have a government in open rebellion. >> are you karened about leaks or russia's involvement in hacking. >> i am concerned about leaks. i am concerned that the intelligence community and other parts of the bureaucracy that have nothing to do with intelligence are in various stages of open rebellion. >> so leaks from the intelligence community is a beggar iss bigger issue than leaks from russia? i do think so. it concerns me that we would have part of the american government in rebellion against the head of the american government. >> is it hypocritical for donald
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trump to embrace wikileaks during the campaign and say he loves wikileaks and now be complaining about leaks? >> maybe you got me there. but seriously, this is an institutional problem for the presidency. and they've got to resolve it. >> but the problem that he created, though. >> jeffrey, as one who's been involved in the reporting, just let me say that you've got a very circumscribe of how this story has developed and who sources are. yes, we also need to look at peep in t people in the white house who know things about this, we need to lack at people ook at people states, private investigators, there's all kinds of people and campaign aides. don't think this is some kind of coup by the intelligence community, and anything that simplistic. >> a good note to end on. if the president thought the issue of his tax returns would
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go away, not happening, it's become a bigger question mark in the idea of ties to russia. he's clearly not releasing his taxes. congress could force the issue. we'll look at that next. fun in art class. come close, come close. i like that. [ all sounds come to a crashing halt ] ah. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this. for minor arthritis pain, only aleve is fda approved to work for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. thank you.
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with the revelation that high-level advisers close to president trump were in contact with russians, the president's tax returns become more crucial. the tax returns could answer a lot of questions about that, as you know, he's not releasing them, however, congress could actually make it happen. phil mattingly explains how. >> the only one who cares about my tax returns are the reporters. >> reporter: donald trump's tax returns aren't going to be released anytime soon. >> let me make this clear. most americans are very focussed on what their tax returns will look like while president trump is in office, not what hess hook like. >> reporte his look like. but even as they particular to the line, there is a way they
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could become public. >> all i'm trying to do in the congress what the president couldn't do for himself, and that is give us his tax returns. >> reporter: two committees have jurisdiction over tax returns. the chair men have the ability to obtain any american's tax returns, including donald trump, and they have the power to reveal that tax information for any american. including donald trump. it's been done before. when it was decided for the public good that lawmakers would vote to release a staff report about then president richard nixon's confidential tax return information. and that, according to congressman bill pascrell is the same reason he believes the committee should pursue releasing drum's taxes now. donald trump's taxes now.
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>> they deserve to know if their president is dealing in the foreign affairs of other countries, and whether other countries are dealing in our foreign affairs, and if you don't think i'm talking about russia, you're wrong. >> reporter: but at least for the moment, it's unlikely to happen. here's were. it's democrats who are clamoring to use this power. and democrats don't control anything on capitol hill. >> that law directs us to look at tax administration. that is clearly not the case here. kevin brady chairs the house ways and means committee and has pushed back hard that this lines up with the intent of the law at all. >> if you let congress begin rummaging around for political purposes in the tax returns of the president, what stops them from doing it to every day americans. that would be an abuse of power. >> reporter: brady's point, despite trump breaking nearly 40
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years of precedent on candidates releasing tax returns, there is no specific administrative reason that would force the committee to act. until that arises, don't expect congress to provide any more insight than trump has up to this point. >> it's none of your business. >> the question is, what happens next if republicans aren't willing to go along with that. he said there's an expansion of plan a. he's in this for the long term, the long gam, and he believes every time a new revelation comes out related to donald trump and his relationship with russia or other foreign countries that that could help build support for this. he's talking to members on both sides of the aisle. it's worth noting the senate committee also has the power to do this. he recognizes, it is a long path forward. kevin brady makes very clear he does not believe this lines up with the intent of the law. until that changes, it's very unlikely, at least on the house
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side of things it's going to change anytime soon. joining me is former labor secretary of state, robert reich, and with us, trump supporter, jeffrey lord. what do you make of this, is this the step that congress should take, trying to obtain the president's tax returns? >> i do think it is a very important step the congress should take. and in terms of it being an administrative matter, i can't imagine a more important straightive matter than making sure that our president has not been engaged with a foreign power, in this case, russia, in basically loading the election and turning the election to his favor. now i'm not saying that he's done that, but a lot of evidence is accumulating, anderson, and every day that goes by the distrust of the public rose. and i think one important stem that donald trump has to make is to disclose his taxes. in 2008, for example, donald
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trump jr. told a real estate conference that russia, russian money is pouring into the trump organization. and that a disproportionate cross section of their assets come from russia. presumably, he was talking about russian tycoons and oligarchs. that's important. that would show up in the tax returns, because you can see in terms of interest on loans, e exactly who trump owes money to. i can't imagine a more important set of issues. >> my understanding he was talking about a rich russian guy bought a manse from the trumps in florida. we don't know for sure. because we don't know the extent of any business dealings. >> and we need to do. if this were just an idle kind of question, about oh, wouldn't it be nice to have tax returns, it's too bad donald trump
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violated and broke the tra significance for 40 years, that would be one thing, but we are in the midst of a constitutional crisis. there's possibly treasonous behavior, in terms of staff members or donald trump himself working with russia and russian operatives to interfere in the united states 2016 election on behalf of donald trump. >> jeffrey, you don't seem concerned. >> no. there's two words for this, anderson. it's called fishing expedition. the reason to release his taxes as far as his opponents are concerned and the immediate what is concerned is so they can plow through them and say look at this, look at this, look at this. maybe we should have an investigation here, maybe we should have an investigation here, maybe we should have an investigation here. as i have said all along. he should never release his taxes. we've ha plenhad plenty of presidents who never released their taxes and the country
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survived just fine. they have a right to privacy, leave them alone. >> given all the questions about russia, even with that? >> if you want to investigate the russian thing, then let's do it. let's investigate the intelligence community, the leaks, the whole nine yards. let's go in that direction, but i just think that his taxes. >> why wouldn't you have an investigation -- if you want to -- go ahead. >> i think it is very, very difficult right now for the american public to rely on the senate intelligence committee, which is dominated by republicans, or even rely, necessarily, on the fbi, which reports to the new attorney general, jeff sessions, who was a key player in donald trump's election and campaign. what you need to do is have a bipartisan investigation, part of that investigation has got to be to look at donald trump's taxes. >> jeff lord? >> i don't think that this is very productive, and this sets a horrible precedent. why should we be going into
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anybody's taxes? if you want to look attacks -- >> what could be more productive than to make sure that our system of elections in 2016, our presidential election. >> repealing and replacing obamacare, lowering taxes, getting the economy on gear, i mean, i think all of those things. earlier, we played clips of various people, including president trump saying that people didn't care. the only people who seem to care about that, i think, the president's right, is the media and his opponents, but the people who voted -- >> wait a minute. this makes no sense at all. if you say, first of all, the assertion that the people don't seem to care is just an assertion. and right now -- >> he's elected. he's president of the united states. >> if the people are getting more and more information that donald trump's aides and people who are in his campaign were in continuous contact with russian operatives in a time when we know russia was intervening in the election on trump's behalf. >> we don't have any evidence to that. >> i'm sorry, americans have an
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interest in the tax returns in what was going on. there's nothing more sacred than our election and our democratic process. >> jeffrey lord, couldn't donald trump alleviate all of this by saying, you know what? here's all the contacts people in my campaign had, here are the phone conversations, here are the russians that -- >> the yes, ma'amly cati -- impn is that he was conspiring with russians. >> we don't know what the implication. >>. >> why not come forward and say here's the contacts. >> i don't it's that big a deal. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. first of all, you know. >> let's investigate it, let's. >> we have, some of us actually, some of us actually remember richard nixon and a three-bit, two-bit burglary and the watergate complex, the coverup, the coverup was almost worse than the crime. >> i'm grad you mentioned that.
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president trump's pick for labor secretary has withdrawn his nomination, andrew puzder came under scrutiny for everything from hiring an undocumented person to abusing his wife. >> he has the background to do that. i respect his decision, hough, i understand it. >> reporter: andrew puzder's liabilities began to pile up with criticism over his record running a fast food empire, but baggage from the past, like hiring of an undocumented imgrant as a housekeeper and a newly unearthed decades-old tape from the oprah winfrey show where his wife alleges she was physically abused while they were married. it shows lisa fearstein in
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disguise >> once i made it public, remember, my ex-husband was a public figure. everyone knew him and knew what he was doing. once i made that public, he vowed revenge. he said i will see you in the gutter. this will never be over. you will pay for this. >> senators privately reviewed the tape and some were alarmed. >> i think it's very troubling. >> reporter: but fearstein came to his defense, noting that she long ago dropped the allegations, and later told cnn that andy is not abusive or violent and he is a good, loving, kind man. she said she only appeared on the oprah show to get a, quote, free trip to chicago. one woman who appeared on the show had a different take. >> i don't think the reason she was on the oprah show was just to get a free ship to chicago, because you literally go in, stay in a hotel, go to the
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studio and leave. so i just, i don't believe that at all. >> reporter: but republicans believe that the bigger problem was his hiring of an undocumented immigrant. >> here's a guy who ran a business that had tens of thousands of employees while was running it, and apparently no problem there, but one employee that gets paid to help you at the house and you don't ask the right question and suddenly, you have the same problem that other people have had. >> reporter: now anderson, the real problem for andy puzder was the math. in the senate, there 52 republican senators, but there were concerns up to 12 could vote know. other resistance from others, scott pruitt, to head the epa, susan collins announcing she would vote against him, and mick mulvaney will face opposition
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from john mccain. it could mean another donald trump nominee going down. >> thanks. the cnn story that venezuela doesn't want its people to see. advil liqui - gels work so fast you'll ask what bad back? what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people
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reportedly ties to terrorism. today venezuelan channel ordered taking cnn espanol off the air immediately. what led them to do this? >> brewing since sunday since the president said he wanted the network out of the country. and today the foreign minister in our piece accused cnn in espanol performing what she called imperialist media -- in our country. and later the national telecommunications company told cable companies to put the signal immediately. accusing the network of slander saying it threatened the peace and democratic stability of the venezuelan people. >> is this the first time it's happened? >> government has threatened cnn in espanol in the past but first
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time ordered network kicked off the air. year-long investigation must have struck a nerve. not only passports issued to people with ties to terrorism but allegedly sold out of the venezuelan embassy out of iraq and u.s. lawmakers known about this for more than a decade. >> what has been the response? >> cnn espanol put out a statement standing by all your reporting and commitment to truth and transparency. will continue to fulfill its responsibility to the venezuelan public by offering live signal on youtube free of charge and links on cnn so people have access to information. our story is accurate. officials didn't offer any facts to dispute it, instead just
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yanked it off the air. >> we welcome anyone to come on and defend it. coming up, spending night in church after getting news she was regretting. fighting deportation for eight years, battle came to head this morning. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, premises got to go. >> demonstrators outside the immigration office in colorado supporting mother of four scheduled to check in with i.c.e. unlike other meetings, entered without her. >> going to talk to immigration, back in a second. >> it's bad. >> chose not to show up, taking refuge inside a church where she received the bad news by phone. >> they denied her stay. >> her request for a temporary stay denied despite six previous
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stays that were granted. first speechless, then in tears. her nightmare coming true. talked with her prior to check-in about her fear. >> it's difficult. my kids, my life. my family is my life. is my country, is my house. is the house that my kids. is the country of my kids. >> so this is your home this country? >> this is my home. living more years here than my country. >> came to the u.s. in 1997. has three children ages six, ten and 12, citizens born in the united states. oldest tanya is 26 with three children of her own. has legal status through daca,
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obama administration policy that protects immigrant youth from deportation. >> backbone of our family. without her, kidswon't know grandma anymore. >> future in limbo since 2009 when arrested after a traffic stop. had a fake social security number on paper in her car. fighting deportation ever since. >> did they give you specific reasons? >> when you have blanket deportation policy, don't need specific reasons. just say no. that's what they did. >> the local i.c.e. office provided following response. has two misdemeanor convictions. in 2011, a federal immigration judge originally ined her final orders of deportation to mexico. based on these factors, is a
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priority. the news triggering a protest in d.c. and colorado congressman gary polis filed a private bill in house of representatives trying to plead her case. for now moved into church basement, where immigration officials have not yet dared to go. addressed through a translator this afternoon. >> translator: i know that my fight will continue even though i'm inside these walls. there's much that i can do to continue organizing and support my community. by my community don't just mean mexican immigrant community, south american, there are people from all over the world in the exact same situation as i am. >> how long are you prepared to stay here? >> i don't know. it's possible days, months or years. >> anna cabrera, cnn denver.
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>> we'll be back. today, unlimited gets the network it deserves. verizon. (mic thuds) uh, sorry. it's unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. (thud) uh... sorry, last thing. it's just $45 per line. forty... five. (cheering and applause) and that is all the microphones that i have. (vo) not just unlimited. verizon unlimited. here you go.picking up for kyle. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve.
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so captivated his imagination. saw what you just saw, kept coming back and got married and taking pictures here for decades. "cnn tonight" and don lemon starts now. breaking news, fbi not expected to pursue charges against former national security advisor michael flynn over the phone call with russia's ambassador. law enforcement telling cnn they don't believe flynn intentionally misleading them and president ignoring questions from cnn's reporters today about the news that high level advisers, flynn and paul manafort among them in constant communication with russiaens known by u.s. intelligence. andic
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