tv New Day CNN February 17, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PST
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gave us a lot to discuss and fact check. >> questions about russia continues although president trump tried to dismiss those as a ruse. this as we learned the choice to replace michael flynn >> let's begin our coverage live on capitol hill. >> good morning to you allison. this was a press conference originally meant for donald trump to announce his labor secretary pick but quickly evolved into bringing out vintage donald trump from the campaign trail. a white house aid tells cnn this is something the president was itching to do. amid all the headlines that the white house is in a state of chaos and it could all be a warm up act as trump hits the road tomorrow to host his first white house campaign style rally in
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florida. >> the press is out of control. the level of dishonesty is out of control. >> i turn on the tv and open the units and see photos of chaos. yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine tuned machine. >> blaming others instead of himself for a rocky four weeks in the white house. >> to be honest, i inherited a mess. >> the president defending michael flynn who he fired this week for like about discussing sanctions with a russian ambassador. >> i fired him because of what he said to mike pence, very simple. mike was doing his job i would have directed him to do it if i thought he wasn't doing it. >> lashing out at the
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intelligence community. >> what he did wasn't wrong but what was wrong is the way you and others in this room were given the information. that's the real problem. >> sparring with the press about reporting on leaks. >> the leaks are real. the news is fake. >> if information is real then how is it fake. >> the reporting is fake. the whole russian thing is a ruiz. >> defending his posture on russia. >> i have nothing to do with russia. haven't made a phone call to russia in years. not that i wouldn't, i just have nobody to speak to. >> even joking about his response to recent russian
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provocations. >> the greatest thing i could do is shoot that ship right out of the water. everyone is going to say oh it's so great. that's not great. that's not great. i would love to be able to get along with russia. >> on the travel ban would you accept that's a example of the smooth running of government. >> i know who you are. just wait. >> insisting that it went smoothing and blasting federal judges again. >> the only problem we had is we had a bad court. the roll out was perfect. >> also touting again a false claim about his electoral win margin. >> we got 206 because people voted like they have never seen before. that's the way it goes. it was the biggest electoral college win since ronald reagan. >> president trump raising eyebrows for asking a reporter to set up a meeting for him with
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the congressional black caucus. >> do you want to set up the meet something are they friends of yours? set up a meeting. i'd love to meet with the black caucus. >> failing to condemn a rise in antisemetic tacks happening across the u.s. >> we are concerned about it. we haven't heard it being addressed and how is the government responding to take care of it. >> i am the least anti-semitic person you have ever seen in your entire life. number two, racism, the least racist person. we did well relative to other people running as a republican. >> reaction to that press conference came pouring in here on capitol hill including from one republican senator that told john king he should do that with a therapist and not on live television. and despite saying he does have a good replacement potentially
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lined up to replace michael flynn hours after he made that statement, he turned down trump's offer to take that position but sources also telling cnn he was reluctant to accept such a position with a white house in this state of chaos. now meantime the white house is readying to appoint a new communications director as early as today to take some heat off press secretary sean spicer. >> thank you. quite, quite, quite said the president. but he can't control the facts. let's get to it. it is good to have you all here
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julie, let's start with you and play your exchange in part with the president yesterday. >> can you say you were aware that anyone that advised your campaign had contacts with russia during the course of the election. >> general flynn was dealing. he was dealing as he should have then. >> during the election? >> nobody that i know. >> you're not aware of my contacts during the course of the election. >> how many times do i have to answer this question? russia is a ruiz i have nothing to do with russia. to the best of my knowledge no person that i deal with does. >> the president used the word there, that's something that's artificial. that's something that's fake. what is r the facts that back up the need for you to ask what he knows. >> it's important to know i was the fourth reporter trying to get a simple yes or no answer to this question about whether he
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knew about the contact with russia and he said nobody that i'm aware of. that's an important statement to get from the president. you do have this reporting that intelligence officials are aware there were multiple contacts from different people that were both on the campaign and advising the campaign from the outside. >> david, beyond the spectacle, we can talk about the style of the press conference and the spectacle that it was but in terms of the substance, he made a lot of news. he gave a date for when there would be a replacement for obamacare he talked about tax reform and infrastructure. >> he will submit an obamacare repeal and replacement plan.
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we know that the hill is working on one. the question we're trying to sort out now is does that mean the white house is going to submit something different or not? but knowing that that was going to come before tax reform for budgetary reasons that put a time line together and the other big piece of substance was the executive order he is going to issue that will be more in accordance with what the courts will approve of. >> i want to play something else from the president yesterday that goes not to his style but the substance of what he was trying to relay yesterday. >> we had a very smooth roll out of the travel ban but we had a bad court. a bad decision. we had a court overturned, maybe wrong but 80% of the time. we had a bad decision.
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we're going to keep going with that decision. we're going to put in a new executive order next week you had delta with a passive problem with their computer systems at the airport. some people put out at various locations. the roll out was perfect. >> you caughted me not to get caught up in judging the president's style. deal what he says it came afterwards. you had the homeland security secretary kelly say that the roll out was a mistake. it was a consensus of opinion of those in the white house and those involved in it.
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there should be a honeymoon period and intel of citing falsehoods like this that becomes the conversation instead of a focused news conference he had a new labor secretary. we haven't spoken about that yet. that was a quick replacement. who is this person the president is going to roll out another order and other things. presidents use news conferences early on to tee up their team and priorities so that is what people are talking about.
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he's hurting hichls now and in the longer run by having this distracted narrative about all of the falsehoods and vendettas against others. >> we've seen a couple of high profile cases over the past week of women who have been here in the country for years, decades, who have children here and who have been deported so he talked again about the dreamers brought here as children through no choice of their own and what his policy will be toward the program. >> it's a very difficult subject for me. you have these incredible kids, in many cases, not in all cases. in some of the cases they're gang members and drug dealers too but you have some absolutely incredible kids. i would say mostly they were brought here in such a way -- it's a very, very tough subject.
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we are going to deal with it with heart. >> what did you hear there? >> that to me was one of the most fascinating answers in this news conference and it showed just southwest airlines how difficult this issue has been for republicans to deal with. he hasn't clarified how he is going to address this but this is one of the most difficult early issues. it's on his plate.
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this is something he can do to either stick with what president obama put in place or to change that. that's on him right now. >> but, you know what, that's the job it's what you enforce. it is difficult. families are going to be destroyed depending on how you deal with it so at least he was correctly identifying the struggle. that wasn't the case all the way through the press conference. he didn't want to address the reality. he tried to blame it on the reporter and tried to blame it on the other side and ignored the facts. on russia he was trying to deny a reality. let's play it. >> the greatest thing i could do is shoot that ship 30 miles offshore right out of the water. everyone is going to say oh, it's so great. that's not great. i would love to be able to get along with russia. >> objectively david that is not
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the best thing that the president could do however he brought it up because he had said nothing. he said this is the era of strength there's been a chain reaction by his supposed new friend in russia and he ignored it until then. what did you make of his response? >> he said not good so we learned he doesn't think those are good. that sound was one of the most stunning things he said throughout the press conference because imagine you're in the pentagon or you're serving this country in uniform and you just heard the commander and chief say he thinks the best thing he
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could do politically for himself is to launch an attack. that could be unsettling if you're waiting for your instructions from the commander and chief. does that mean he views military action solely through political lenses of what is good and what is not good for his political reputation? i thought it was alarming when he said that and as you said i also think it misreads how the country responds to a president when they take on military action. >> he of all people should know that as he railed against the iraq war when he was campaigning. stick around. we have many more questions for you. >> president trump pretty much launched his most fierce attack on the media yet. ripping into reporters, calling our stories dishonest and out of control. important to note, he had no facts or proof that reporting has been wrong. what is behind the president's war with the media? is it working for him? next.
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the newspapers and i see stories of chaos yet it is the exact opposite this administration is running like a fine tuned machine despite the fact i can't get my cabinet approved. >> during the press conference he intensified his attacks on the media sparring with reporters for 77 minutes. let's bring back our panel to discuss this. frank, let me start with you. he doesn't see it as chaos. people watching or the media might call it a spectacle. they might call it chaos but i think that was sort of insightful. this is his style. he is enjoying it, he said a couple of times. this isn't to him chaos. what did you hear? >> well, i think the president needs to be very careful here because first of all what he says needs to conform with what other people see or he'll have a credibility problem when he
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comes back on something that matters in the middle of a crisis and he says one thing and says another. if that's a fine tuned machine then i need to go back to the shop and figure out how these things get put together there's problems in paradise. george w. bush would have acknowledged that. there would have been no problem to acknowledge that so this is about several things. one it's about how he sees the media and how he sees himself being portrayed. two and more importantly it's about his own credibility. these things matter and he needs to come back to the american public and the united states congress and to the media themselves when it really matters and these details are going to factor in whether people believe him and are able to rally around him so what i
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saw yesterday was a string of unreality tied together by attacks on the media and other institutions whom he blames for this and he's going to need to move off of that. >> when you make it about what is real and what is not real, what you can show as fact and what you can't he is creating a high bar for himself and it's clear that fake to the president of the united states means what he does not like. you saw pete alexander get up and layout obvious math and history to the president about his electoral win and what has happened in history. it was just demon tra bli untrue. he calls that fake. what does that set up as a constant back and forth with the media? >> it creates a situation where
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if he disagrees with the approach of a story not just even the facts of it just the approach of it he will declare it fake news. there is a lot of mistrust in the media and for his supporters the media is a ripe target they be lack him every time he gets out there and back him. >> and there's mistrust of the media if you said he got it wrong. he didn't do that. he didn't do it once yesterday. >> we have a responsibility in the press when we make a mistake to own it and you saw a president going through a rough month by any standards. when you have your major policy roll out get stopped in the courts and lose your national security advisor because they mislead the vice president multiple times that's a rough
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start to the administration and whether the president acknowledges it publicly i don't know if it's a question it's whether he can acknowledge this privately and make the changes he needs. he has not faced a real crisis now and he will and if he can't get the problems fixed it raises questions about how he'll be able to deal with something we can't imagine that will land on his desk as president. >> there was a window into how mr. trump processes these things. he does see critical coverage as fake and he thinks unless it's glowing, if the tone is bad, he had an exchange and a few contentious exchanges. >> you said the leaks are real but the news is fake. it seems there's a disconnect
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there. the information coming from the leaks is real how can the story bs fake. >> the reporting is fake. >> here's the thing. the public, they read newspapers, they see television, they watch, they don't know if it's true or false because they're not involved and i'll tell you what else i see. tone. i see tone. the tone is such hatred. i'm really not a bad person by the way. i do get good ratings. you have to admit that. the tone is such hatred. >> those were telling. >> i'm so torn about this conversation. so much of the press conference has been about his relationship with the media and for a large part the country doesn't care about that. the country doesn't care if he calls us fake news or not. we do care and fact dos matter
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so i get concerned when we get too much talking about ourselves in this but on the other hand if we are doing proper analysis and assessment of this person who is serving as president of the united states of america, it is somebody who is completely obsessed and consumed by media coverage. it's clearly one of his motivating life forces is his own media coverage and so it's hard not to make that a central point because it's so central to his world view. >> clearly this is about popularity and what will give him that respect and like is telling people the truth and getting things done and he's getting it on both of those.
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he spent 11 different instances mentioning hillary clinton and reflecting back on her as some kind of proof of why this was being done to him. it was about her and her failings and now he is being blamed for beating her. where does this get all of us collectively going forward. >> unfocused and that's the problem the president is confronting and in a way a problem the country is confronting. the president ran on jobs and immigration and trade and globalization and big issues and the difficulty that we're having in this conversation and i completely agree with david, this conversation is awkward for us. we shouldn't be talking about the media. we don't like talking about ourselves. the media shouldn't be the story but what should be the story. what should be the story is the people. what should be the story are the issues these folks ran on. what any communications director does or chief of staff does is focus the boss. focus the message of the day. that's where they set the
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agenda. when the agenda is scattered all over like this then the media and the political class and members of the hill are all over the joint. that's what is happening right now. they need focus at the white house. >> panel, thank you very much. >> one of the big situations that has to be resolved is what happened with general mike flynn. it's another piece of evidence that you have to look at. the fbi met with flynn, interviewed him he said well look i don't remember. that's been called misleading. not to the fbi. we're going to get into why they're not pursuing criminal charges and what it means for what we still don know about what lead to this man's resignation. did you know 90% of couples disagree
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law enforcement officials say that the ousted advisor is not expected to face charges unless new info comes to light. pamela brown is live in washington with more. what have you learned pamela? >> well, michael flynn officially told fbi investigators last month that they were not discussed with russias ambassador but fbi agents challenged him asking if he was certain that was his answer and then he said he didn't remember when he was pressed by the fbi. now the fbi does not believe he was intentionally misleading them according to officials and is not expected to pursue any charges against flynn as you point out barring new information that change what is they know law enforcement officials say. u.s. official confirmed last week that flynn and the ambassador did discuss sanctions among other matters during that call and flynn was fired by president trump earlier this week after it was revealed that he withheld information from
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vice president mike pence about his conversations with russia's ambassador to the u.s. then salary yates delayed notifying the white house after he was interviewed but there's still an on going broader fbi review of flynn and russia related dealings and republicans in the house are now appearing to investigate the full scope of the allegations. this as flynn's former position of national security advisor to the president is still open after retired vice admiral turned down the job citing family and financial reasons. >> thank you very much. president trump missing the mark with a claim about his electoral college win. up next, there are lots of instances of this. we're going to separate fact from fiction from the president's news conference. we'll get plenty about how people feel about what happened yesterday. what is true? deal with that next.
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he is a respected reporter and he called the president out on one of his claims. watch what happened. >> he said today you have the biggest electoral margin since ronald reagan. in fact, president obama got 365. and george h.w. bush 426 when he won as president so why should americans trust you. >> i was given that information. i don't know. >> all right. so what is the truth? the truth is the president is wrong. he hasn't had the biggest electoral victory since ronald reagan. you heard there pete point out, george h.w. bush 426 in 1988. is it a big deal that he was wrong? well that's up to you but it certainly isn't fake to call him out on it and there's other issues of this that need to be addressed. it's not about how you feel
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about what is true and what is not. let's keep it real. >> let's bring in john greenburg to tell us what is fact and what isn't. appreciate the quick turn around on this. let's start with an easy one. >> this is a big piece of ammunition for trump supporters certainly against cnn. the claim is that hillary clinton got debate questions from cnn. here's the allegation. >> by the way, nobody mentions. nobody mentions that hillary receives the questions to the debates. >> tell me if i'm wrong. i lived this situation. there were no debate questions given. he is talking about a town hall, not a debate. there was one question given. it was not done by a reporter at cnn. it had nothing to do with a team that works on the special events. they are the highest integrity and brazil paid the price for
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that. what is your take on it. >> we did find that there were two instances where somebody gave her the topic of question one involved the -- whether states should allow the death penalty and the other involved the water crisis in flynn michigan but, you know, the fact of the matter is that as you rightly point out there was enormous coverage of this. donna brazil had to step down from being an associate of cnn as an analyst and the reality is it is two topics that were brought up. not a whole list of questions so this for us was rated mostly false when it came up during the campaign. >> i was even more forgiving. we gave it a not quite. that involves somebody that had nothing to do with cnn at all. i was just sticking to what you
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could put on us even during the realm of possibility. this is what the president makes as an allegation. >> nobody talks about that. i didn't do anything for russia. i've done nothing for russia. hillary clinton gave him 20% of our uranium. >> hillary clinton gave them 20% of the u.s. uranium. a little bit of context as to why this is false is this is a little bit of a discreet point but it goes to not inventory of uranium but capacity of uranium and that's why it's easy to flag this as a false statement. there's a more important reason. the real heart of the allegation the unsupported proof of the accusation is that clinton did this. what is your take on that notion? >> the actual process was that 9 federal agencies needed to sign off on this. essentially what you have a russian state owned company buying a controlling share in a canadian based uranium company
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and because that canadian company had assets in the united states then it was subject to approval but there were nine agencies that needed to sign off and the only person that could actually kill the deal technically was president obama. so it doesn't fit with the way the process plays out to put it all on her. >> last one, again, tricky. the business world. absolutely no question about that. here's what the president said. >> the stock market has hit record numbers as you know there has been a tremendous sunch of optimism in the business world and it means what it used to but now it means that's good for jobs. >> one relative assessment is he inherited a mess here and he turned it around so quickly. to see what the economic
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conditions were when obama took over in that depth of the recession and now this situation looks like a gift. what do you make of the claim that the stock market rise shows this is the trump effect. >> there's a measure of truth in this because the investment community certainly looked at a trump administration as being much more favorable to the things that matter to them in terms of taxes and in terms of regulation so a lot of the people that we talked to said yeah people were much more upbeat and in fact and you are quite right to point out that the economic momentum and throughout the last year of the obama administration and did inherit something going in the right direction. can't take full credit for it but people did respond to his
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victory. >> john greenburg thank you very much. appreciate the help as always. allison as you like to point out this president met with more business leaders than we have seen early on. he has an ambitious tax agenda to make up the gap for a lot of people that haven't shared in the economic prosperity that's come along with the stock market but all the fighting about what is fake and distractions kept his agenda on hold. >> we'll get into all of that because president trump at his explosive news conference is what we'll be talking about next. our media experts are going to take us through the most remarkable moments. for great skin, you don't have to go to a spa... ...just go to bed. new aveeno®... ...positively radiant® overnight facial. get the benefits of a spa facial... ...overnight. aveeno®
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available at cvs, walgreens and riteaid. just a dedicated reporter. he is already ready for all the action on bourbon street. looks like a fun assignment. >> definitely is. it's all quite right now on bourbon street but that will not be the case later tonight. they collide here this weekend. it's a thing to look forward to watching. saturday night you have the three point contest and dunk competition and we had an epic contest last year. well, gordon is back again this year and i have been told he has some dunks that are going to blow our minds. that's something to look for tomorrow night. big game sunday all eyes are going to be on the western conference squad because kevin durant and russell westbrook
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will be on the same team for the first time since durant left the thunder for the warriors. they don't speak anymore. they had a few heated exchanges so far this season. so definitely fun to watch them in the game on sunday and you can catch all the all star weekend action on tnt. state farm all star saturday night at 8:00 eastern and then sunday the nba all-star game and cnn tomorrow afternoon all access and bleacher reports. that will be at 2:30 eastern. golden state warriors have four all stars this year. he is going to play all four of his guys and it will be very interesting if the one player is russell westbrook. >> thank you very much. i enjoy this and i look forward to your coverage this weekend my
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friend. >> what a job. >> all right. so president trump was lighting up some verbal fireworks. he had the machine in full effect, his first solo news conference directed at reporters. what if anything was game? we talk substance over style, next. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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include one of his favorite topics, blasting media coverage. >> i turn on the tv and open the newspapers and i see stories of chaos. yet it is the exact opposite. wall street journal did a story today that was almost as disgraceful as the failing new york times. >> they read newspapers and see television and they watch -- they don't know if it's true or false. >> so we're here for that. >> let's bring in cnn senior media correspondent and cnn legal analyst, good to see both of you. let me start with the wildest show on earth.
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and i don't know it's so funny. you keep hearing people shocked, shocked that he's returned to the rhetoric of the campaign trail. what's happening. did he ever veer away from the rhetoric of the campaign trail. when are people going to stop being shocked by what he says. >> do you know any men that get a fancy new job and change their ways. it's the one we saw on the campaign trail and the one we saw on the apprentice. people should not expect any pivots. he loved this format. he was comfortable. he enjoys the tug of war. he wants to continue to try this campaign style. under the heading of what we can show, nobody is as good an advocate for donald trump as he is. nobody is better when tested. one of the arguments about why to come on the show is you don't
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want to pass. you'll be at your best. he said the people don't know what was true. it was distraction and deception without truth. not one thing he called fake but that's what works with the base. they want to believe him. they don't know otherwise. show him what is true and untrue. do you think that's a better use of our time. >> of course if we can -- that's our job anyway is to present the facts. style is a temptation. >> he kept saying you guys hate me. you hate me. is it because you're saying he's not the greatest thing. everything isn't right. everything isn't correct.
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he doesn't like to be challenged. everything is wrong for me. everybody hates me. i inherited a mess. he comes across as a bully. >> they feel demoralized by the news conference. i think your insight is really interesting about the sense of the president he is watching this. he is struggling with some of the coverage. he has a hard time watching all the news coverage of his white house and he doesn't think it reflects his reality. >> the president sets the tone for the country. >> look at the tone of that thing yesterday. people would get up and he would insult them and he no respect for them. he tried to say something nice about him and he slapped the guy down. >> we have that. let's see if we could play this moment. he wanted to ask a question and somehow president trump turned it against himself.
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>> are you a friendly reporter? watch how friendly he is. go ahead. >> do you see yourself or anyone on your staff being anti-semitic. what we haven't heard addressed is how is that taken care of. >> he said he was going to ask a simple easy question and it's not. not a simple question. not a fair question. sit down. i understand the rest of your question. so here's the story folks, number one, i am the least anti-semitic person you have ever seen in your entire life. number two, racism. the least racist person. we did really well relative to other people whanchts the question was was what are you
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going to do about it. >> all the anti-semitic attacks. the bomb threats and he turned it to being an attack on him. that's not what the reporter asked. >> no. >> the guy cleared that. >> trump says he reached out more to the orthodox community than we have seen recently from presidents and he wasn't there as an enemy and by the way that's completely irrelevant. the idea of wanting a friendly reporter is oxymoronic but he doesn't cry anti-semitism, white nationalism, i can't prove to you why it happens. but i can prove to you that when given a layup, i don't want anything to do with david duke. i don't want you in my camp. i'm coming out and i'm going to find you. that's not who we are. i'm from queens. they're my friends. they're my family.
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i'm coming for you. he doesn't take the layup, why? >> this is going to haunt him. for journalists they have to think can we look back years from thousand and be proud of the way we covered this administration? the same thing is true for president trump. is he going to look back? is he going to be proud of what he said? >> he will. but on these issues of antisemitism. >> go there brian. >> he never tweeted once on this. he never tweeted once. he stays away from that. he doesn't want his followers to hear him say it. >> it's only four weeks. he could address this any day of the week. >> there's no better place to be to understand who donald trump is and the people that know him best. he does not consider himself any of these things. his friends will say he has a pattern of being magnanimous.
4:00 am
international viewers. appreciate you being with us. cnn newsroom is next for you. for our u.s. viewers we're about to get after it. new day continues right now. >> russia is a ru serse. i have nothing to do with russia. >> turning down the job of national security adviser. >> we want to save the transcript the american public deserves to get the answer. >> you would probably only know if you were in his inner circle. >> at home and abroad. >> it's one thing. >> this is new day with chris cuomo. >> welcome to your new day. presidt
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