tv Smerconish CNN February 18, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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disaster known as the trans-pacific partnership. tpp, we have just terminated our relationship to it. we're going to have tremendous trade deals all over the world, but they're going to be bilateral or as we would say, one-on-one. none of these deals where we get caught in quick sand. get mired in and we can't do anything about it. by the way, nafta and so many others. my administration has begun plans to crack down on foreign cheating and currency manipulation which is killing our companies and really, really hurting our workers. we're going to end it. within a few days of taking the oath of office, i've taken steps
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to begin the construction of the keystone and the dakota access pipelines. anywhere from 30-40,000 jobs. and very importantly, as i was about to sign it, i said who makes the pipe? who makes the pipe? something this audience understands very well; right? simple question. the lawyers put this very complex document in front. i said, who makes the pipe? they said, sir, it can be made anywhere. i said not anymore. i put a little clause in the bottom. the pipe has to be made in the united states of america if we're going to have pine line. we believe in two simple rules. i can tell you everybody in this
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massive this sl a massive hanger. for the big planes. and by the way, do you think that one media group back there, one network will show this crowd. not one. not one. they won't show the crowd. you know, coming in on the plane, and that plane represented so much. and just so you know, they were close to signing a $4.2 billion deal to have a new air force one. can you believe this. i said no way. i said i refuse to fly in a $4.2 billion airplane. i refuse. so i got boeing and it is actually -- a lot of people don't know. the air force one project is actually two planes. why they need to planes, we'll
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have to talk about that, but they have two planes, but we've got that price down over a billion dollars and i probably have it spoken to be honest with you for honest probably an more than an hour on the project. i got the generals in who are fantastic. i got boeing in. i told boeing it's not good enough. we're still not going to do it. the price is still too high. on the fighter jet. we were hundreds of billions of dollars overbudget. seven years late, great plane. a great plane. so think of it. they're seven years laet. hundreds of billions of dollars overbudget. other than that by the way the project is going extremely well. and i got the folks in from lock heed marten who are terrific people and a terrific product by the way. i also got boeing in. i said do me a favor, give mae
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competing offer. and now they're competing and fighting and we've gotten hundreds of millions of dollars off the price of a plane that was going to be ordered, in other words, if my opponent got in, there would have been no calls made to them. they would have signed contracts. so they're going to make plenty of money, but it's going to be a lot less than they would have made without trump. that i can tell you. you might as well know about it. nobody talks. by the way, that's for fighter jets. one of the biggest orders in the history of aviation. the order for the f 35. you've been reading about it because it was a disaster. under the last administration. a disaster. and now we have it running beautifully. in fact, when the prime minster of japan, prime minster abe, was great. great guy. when he came over, he said, thank you. i said for what.
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you saved us many, many millions of dollars on the f 35 fighter jet. because when i negotiated, i took our allies into the same negotiation. so the first thing he did was thanked med for saving them money and that's good. okay. that's good. i know the media will never thank me so at least japan is thanking me, right? but we believe in two simple rules. by american and hire american. we believe it. we've just issued ale new order which requires that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. and by the way, a new director was just approved. can you imagine the length of time it's taken to democrats and i actually think it's an
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embarrassment to them, but this is getting in to be record setting terre tore. incredible people. scott pruitt was just approved, just now approved for the environmental protection agency. he'll do so good. he won't have projects going ten and 12 years and getting rejected. they may be rejected, but they'll be rejected quickly. for the most part, they're going to be accepted. they're going to be environmentally friendly and he is going to be a great secretary. he will be amazing. we're very happy. that took place yesterday. that's going to be a big difference because they were clogging up the veins of our country with the environmental impact statements and all of the rules and regulations. it was impossible to navigate for companies. and what did it really mean? forget about the companies?
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. what did it mean. it meant no jobs. it meant companies leaving our country and going to foreign countries to do things they would rather do here. so we're going to have a whole big situation. we are going to unfreeze all of those companies. they are going to be -- they're going have freedom. be able to build what they want to build. it will be environmentally friendly and we're going to start producing jobs like you've never seen before. that's going to happen. that was a big thing. we're standing up for the incredible men and women always of law enforcement. we're standing up. and i can tell you, the military and law enforcement they stood up. i don't say for me. i'm the messenger folks. i'm to messenger. they stood up for us in this last election. we got numbers that nobody believed were possible from law
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enforcement and from military. basically people they wear uniforms like us. isn't that nice. i saw this man on tvlgs just now, you. i just saw him on television. he said i love trump. let trump do what he has to do. that's my guy right there. come leer. come here. no, i just. i'm coming in. that's okay. let him up. i'm not worried about him. i'm only worried he's going to give me a kiss. i'm not worried about anything else. this guy is so great. he was one of many people. they're interviewing people in the line. and i have to say, there was a tiny group of protesters out there and they were given as much publicity as this massive room packed with people, but they interviewed this man. come on up here. come on up. guy was great. hop over the fence. come on. he can do it.
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he's in good shape. look at him. look at this guy. come on. this guy is great. don't worry about him. no, no. come here. they're going to -- come on up. come here. [ cheers ] >> this guy. so he's been all over television saying the best things and i see him standing and didn't you get here at like 4 in the morning. >> i did sir. >> say a couple of words to this crowd. >> mr. president, thank you so, sir. we the people, our movement is the reason why our president of the united states is standing here in front of us today.
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when president trump during the election, promised all these things that he was going to do for us, i knew he was going to do this for us. thank you so much, sir. >> a star is born. >> a star is born. that's fine. [ crowd chanting usa, usa ] >> i wouldn't say that secret service was thrilled with that, but we know our people, right? we know our people. great guy. and so many others. i see some others. being interviewed.
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i see them over here. they started. they came at 4 in the morning. the media will give them no credit. the media, as i told you, won't show this crowd. all the way outside of this -- this is a big a hanger as you get. all the way outside. way back to the fences. amazing. i want to thank you, but i want to thank everybody. i've directed the department of justice to take a firm, firm stance to protect our cops, sheriffs and police from crimes of violence against them. we will work with our police not against our police, our police do a great job and they've never been troubled like they're troubled now. it's very unfair what's happening. so we want to cherish our law enforcement. we will always protect those who
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protect us. we've directed the creation of a task force for reducing violent crime in america, including our inner cities. we're going to make our inner cities safe again. look at what's going on. look at what's happening in chicago. hundreds of shootings, hundreds of deaths. i'll tell you what's happening in chicago and many other places. safety is a civil right. and we will fight to make america totally safe again. [ applause ] i've ordered the department of homeland security and the department of justice to coordinate on a plan to destroy transnational criminal cartels which are all over the united states and we are going to stop
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the drugs from pours into your country, into your community, into your cities and poisoning our youth. we're stopping it. we're stopping it. we've taken historic action to secure the southern border and i've ordered the construction of a great border wall, which will start very shortly. and i've taken decisive action to keep radical islamic terrorist the hell out of our country.
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so you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. and so we signed an order a couple of weeks ago, and it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a -- [ cloud booing ] >> yes, it's very sad. the reason is for protection and safety. so the statute is so plain and so clear. i said last week, i was speaking to a great group of sheriffs, the sheriffs group in washington, and i said if you have a college education, you can understand its. if you have a high school education, you can understand it. if you were a bad student in high school, you can understand it. i was told. i'll check, but i found it hard
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to believe. over 30 page decision by the appellate court. three judges. and you could tell by the way they were reacting because it was broadcast on television. everything we do gets a lot of people watching. so you could tell by the way that phone call went, wasn't looking good. when they wrote their decision, as i understand it. maybe i'm wrong. they didn't write the statute they were making the decision about because every word of the statute is a total kill for the other side. so i thought i would read it. and here's what it says. this is what it says. whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the united states -- okay. so essentially. whenever somebody comes into the
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united states. right. if it would be detrimental to the interest of the united states -- okay. now you know the country's we're talking about and these were countries picked by obama. they weren't even picked. they were picked by obama. he may, so the president may, by p proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary -- now, because it should have said he or she, right. they were not politically correct when they drew this. in fact, that's the only thing that was actually wrong with it. he or she. i don't think the women care too much about that. right? i don't think so. by the way, we did very well with women. [ applause ] >> you know, my wife said when some of these phony polls were
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put out, the cnn poll was so far off, the phony polls. when some of these, she said, what's wrong with you and women. we did very nicely with women. we did nicely with a lot of groups they didn't think we were going to do so nicely with. i guess we had to. that's why we're all here tonight. right? so and it goes for such as he shall seem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on aliens any restriction he may deem to be appropriate. so basically it says the president has the right to keep people out if he feels it's not in the best interest of our country. right? unbelievable.
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unbelievable. and i listened to these judges talk and talk and talk. so unfair. so we'll be doing something over the next couple of days. we don't give up. we never give up. we had a court that i disagree with. i disagree with big league -- and by the way, whether you read it or whether you watch it on television when other lawyers come on, many of them can't even understand. they're saying how do you come up with that decision. it cannot be more simple. so they're ruling on what i just read you and they don't even quote it in their ruling because you can't because it's too obvious. so we will do something next week. i think you'll be impressed. let's see what happens. here's the bottom line. we've got to keep our country safe. you look at what's happening. we've got to keep our country safe.
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you look at what's happening in germany, you look at what's happening last night in sweden. sweden, who would believe this. sweden. they took in large numbers. they're having problems like they never thought possible. you look at what's happening in brussels. you look at what's happening all over the world. take a look at nice. take a look at paris. we've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. there was no documentation. there was no nothing. so we're going to keep our country safe. and we all have heart. by the way. and what i want to do is build safe zones if syria and other
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places so they can stay there and live safely until their cities and their country, that mess that i was left by obama and everybody else -- folks, we were left a mess like you wouldn't believe, but we're going to build safe zones. we're going to have those safe zones. we do owe $20 trillion. okay. so we're going to have the gulf states pay for those safe zones. they've got nothing, but money. we're going to do it that way instead of taking massive numbers. tens the of thousands of people into our country and we don't know anything about those people. we want people to come into our country, but we want people that love us. we want people that can cherish us and the traditions of our country. we want people that are going to be great for our country. we don't want people with bad, bad ideas.
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we don't want that. i've also directed the defense community headed by general now -- you know, he said it. he said it. and now secretary mad dog mattis, to develop a plan to totally destroy isis. i have ordered the department of defense to begin plans for the great rebuilding of the united states military. we will pursue peace through strength. our military is badly depleted. you have planes in the military. where the father flew them and now the son is flying them. their so old. we make the best equipment anywhere in the world. we're going to start using our
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best and most modern equipment. and we're going to make sure or veterans have the care they need when they come home. we love our veterans. we're going to do a great job for our veterans. our veterans have been very, very sadly treated. these are our great great people. we owe them so much. our veterans are going to be taken care of for once and for all. our system and our country has led down our veterans. we are not going to let that go on any further. you wait and you see what we're going to be doing for our great veterans. thank you veterans. who is here? who is a veteran? we're going to take care of our veterans. we're going to downsize the bloed e
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bloated bureaucracy which make the government lien and accountable. we're going to drain the swamp in washington, d.c. [ crowd chanting ] i've already imposed a five year lobbying ban on the executive branch officials and lifetime ban on lobbying for a foreign government. and there's another major promise i have kept to the american people. i've nominated a fantastic
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justice to replace the late great justice scalia. his name is judge neil gorsuch. r he comes from my list of 20 very, very highly qualified judges. he's incredible and has an incredible resume. he's respected by all. his education is as good as it can get. his writings are truly amazing. he will be a true defender of our constitution. so let's tell the senate democrats to support his nomination for the good of the country because what's happening with the democrats -- no wonder they're doing so badly. no wonder they're doing so badly. you take a look, race after
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race, i just want the tell you, in case you didn't read it, of course you're reading the fake news, but the democrats were supposed to win the presidency. that didn't happen. they were supposed to take over the senate. that didn't happen. and they were supposed to take over potentially even the house. it was going to be four weeks out the greatest defeat in the modern history of american politics. and it was, but it was for the democrats, not for the republicans. [ cheers ] so we have to tell the democrats because they're doing the wrong thing for the american people to stop their tactics of delay and obstruction and destruction. they got to get on with it. my administration is also pushing ahead strongly with very
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historic tax reform. we are working to lower tax rates in the middle class to reduce tax rates big league on businesses and to make our tax code more fair and very simple for all americans so it's understandable by everyone. senate democrats should work with us to lower taxes and bring back our jobs, but the democrats want to increase your taxes very, very substantially. we're not going let that happen. also time for the senate democrats to take responsibility for obamacare and to work with us to replace it with new reforms that reverse this nation-wide health care tragedy. it's a tragedy. you look at some states,
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arizona, up 116%. your deductibles have gone so high you can never use it. obamacare doesn't work. it's become totally unaffordable. remember they said the health care, it's unaffordable. it doesn't work. and i said to the republicans, i said you want to do something great politically: don't do anything. sit back for two years, let it explode. the democrats will come and beg for us to do something, but we can't do that to the american people. we have to fix it. and we will. we need members of both parties to join hands and work with us to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure plan to build new roads and bridges and airports and tunnels and highways and railways all across our great
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nation. you're all part of this incredible movement. this movement that we talk about so much. that's been written about on the cover of every magazine all over the world. it's a movement that is just sweeping. it's sweeping across our country. it's sweeping frankly across the globe. look at brexit. look at brexit. much smaller example, but it's still something you can look at. people want to take back control of their countries and they want to take back control of their lives and the lives of their family. the nation state remains the best model for human happiness and the american nation remains the greatest symbol of liberty, of freedom and justice on the face of god's earth.
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and now we have spirit like we've never had before. it's now that we have our sacred duty and we have no choice and we want this choice to defend our country, to protect its values and to serve its great, great citizens. erasing national borders does not make people safer. it undermines democracy and trade prosperity. we're giving it away. the so-called global elite have done well for themselves, but left working families with shrinking wages. really they are shrinking. 18 years although many of you in this room made more money working one job than you're making right now working two and
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three jobs. instead of peace, we've seen wars that never end and conflicts that never seem to go away. we don't fight to win. we fight politically correct wars. we don't win anymore. we don't win at trade. we don't win in any capacity. we don't win anymore. we're going to start winning again. believe me. and we have the chance now working together to deliver change for the ages. this will be change for the ages. change like never before. to pursue real peace, real stability, and real prosperity. we want to secure our borders and protect our workers. to rebuild our military and our infrastructure. to fix our schools and restore
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safety to our neighborhoods. to bring hope and opportunity to our inner cities. to ensure a level playing field for all women in the workforce. to reform our tax code and remove the regulations that undermine growth and innovation. and to replace chce chaz distru with community and cooperation. the tired echoes of yesterday's fights. we're fighting battles that no longer help us. we're fighting battles that other people aren't treating us fairly in the fight. i'm a nato fan, but many of the countries in nato, many of the countries that we protect, many of these countries are very rich
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countries. they're not paying their bills. they're not paying their bills. they have to help us. no longer are we chained down by the discredited approaches of the past. no longer must we listen to those who have nothing to brag about, but failure. new circumstances demand new solutions. americans have fought and won wars together. our heros have shed their blood together and lost their lives. our citizens have raised their children together, fought for justice together, and shared common hopes and dreams from one generation to the next. stretching back to the first day of our american independence. this is our legacy. it belongs to all of you. and it belongs to every man,
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woman, and child in our nation. now is the time to call upon these deep ties in the name of bold acts. let us move past the differences party and find a new loyalty rooted deeply in our country. we are all brothers and all sisters. we share one home. one destiny and one glorious american flag. we are united together by history and by providence. we will make america strong again. i promise. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. # and we will make america great
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again. greater than ever before, may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america! thank you. thank you. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> there you heard president trump giving what sounded very much like a campaign speech in this hanger in florida. we talked about what he wants to accomplish and talked about what he views as accomplishments since he's been in theintroduce melania and read the lords prayer. we haven't heard from melania much since she became first lady. announced her husband there today. large panel joining us to discuss what we just heard from president trump and what was dubbed as a campaign speech.
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political commentators, joining us now and jeffrey, i want to go to you on the heels of -- i'm sorry. stuart, i want to go to you because we're waiting for jeffery to join us. alice, no surprise, he began his speech going after the media as he has done time and time again. and calling the media fake and saying that he wanted to go speak to the american people directly. and, you know, get through the filter of the news media. here's what he said. >> the dishonest media, which has published one false story after another, with not sources, even though they pretend they have them. they make them up in many cases. they just don't want to report
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the truth and they've been calling us wrong now for two years. they don't get it, but they're starting to get it. i can tell you that. they've become a big part of the problem. they are part of the corruption system. thomas jefferson, andrew jackson, and abraham lincoln, many of our greatest presidents, fought with the media and called them out oftentimes on their lies. when the media lies to people, i will never, ever let them get away with it. i will do whatever i can that they don't get away with it. they have their own agenda. >> there you heard president trump and he referred to thomas jefferson there, alice, when you go back and look at what thomas jefferson actually said about the media, he said were it left
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to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, i should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. that's one of many statements he made. basically in favor of the media. he was a founding father. freedom of the press is in the first amendment. what do you make of donald trump's comment there is. >> it's important in the comment he says no government should be without sensors. >> and i think it's important that we do have the media and those in journalism to be the fourth estate and keep check and balance on what happens in government. clearly donald trump doesn't see it that way. he feels a broad brush across the board the media report lies and nothing, but lies and up to him to call attention to it. certain instances where he may have a case, but i believe from a communication standpoint, it's not a good idea to have a blanket comment and complete overall statement that all media
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and all reports are lies because i don't think it's true, but clearly that's the way he believes. that's what he feels and that's why he mentioned it right off the top. he feels time and time again he has to bypass the media and speak directly to the people. that's why he has rallies and tweets. because he wants to bypass the media. set the stage for the reason for him being there for the most part right out of the gate. then he rattled off the key points he wanted to make. his commitment to safe streets, securing the border. repealing replacing obamacare. fighting terrorism and those were the key points he wanted to make, but clearly his condemnation on the media something that is not going to go away. >> just for perspective, we have jeffery lord here finally, and, i believe, i saw julian earlier. i don't know where he has gone.
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who is he speaking to today. what was the purpose? do you think it was for him or the people in the airport hanger or both? >> both. i think. if you recall here, he called somebody up and recognized from television from giving an interview and had the guy come up there. >> yes. >> and talk. that's who he's talking to. i mean in the literal and metaphorical sense. that's exactly who he's talking to. when we had this, when he had this press conference the other day. there was such a disconnect. i know my friends in the media and the political world were kind of rolling their eyes and oh this is awful, et cetera, et
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cetera. i knew on the spot and i heard from people how much they loved it. how much they appreciated it. et cetera. there is a disconnect here. i for one would like to see a way -- i mean, differences and divides in a political sense are not always bad. they're good in the sense you get to clarify ideas about, you know, what we should do going forward, but it is helpful here to understand -- for instance, let me give you an example involving cnn. he talked about not showing the crowds. well, i'm sitting here at home and eventually i see sneen showing the crowds. good, that's all. >> thank you for pointing that out jeffrey lord, we did. >> that's an easy thing to do. i saw a number of crowd shots. that that's good. where the problem comes in this for example this whole business with the reporter and anti-semitism thing and the notion he somehow dodged a question. well, he didn't dodge. i think he feels very strongly
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about anti-semitism. his family is jewish. one of his senior aides is his son-in-law who is a jew. the prime minster of israel has known him for years and is pleased to be dealing with him. it's those things that need context, contest all the time. that's in essence the complaint and i think that overtime, he could be to the press and media. this has been going on for 50 years in the television age. i think he could be nixon goes to china moment here and work with the press. the press should not be the president's copy boy. they should be independent, but they need to be fair and that's all he's saying. people like that guy that he got up there, that's what they're saying. live among the folks all the time. they stop me all the time. >> he's saying more than we need to be fair. he's saying we are fake. everything we turn out is fake. then you argue that is
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undermining democracy. >> i think he's into a debate. >> fair enough. he has every right to say whatever he wants to say. this was very much vintage donald trump. as watching this, i was reminded how he was on the campaign trail before the election. this was very similar in terms of how he was and what he said. what do you think? do you this this is a message that is resinating beyond just his base, his supporters that put him in the white house? >> lit was no different than mot of his campaign speeches. moers of the policy positions are consistent with what he was talking about last year. talking about the wall, talking about tax reforms. talking about other issues. then a pretty serious defense of both the competence of white house and organization of the white house which was really come under scrutiny for being
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chaotic and off to a bad start. the white house is actually going to rescind it. you saw him sort of cherry pick from it will government's arguments in that case and scratch his head about how the justices could not have agreed with him, but as we know, he's actually going to sort of abandon that executive order. talking about some things that i think will be interesting up on the hill. reiterated his idea for a 35% tariff for countries that leave the united states. that's an idea that is extremely controversial among many republican republicans. then on foreign policy very interesting he sent a very different signal to european allies than even his vice president did this week. he talked about -- i forget the exact word. he said i'm a nato fan, but. there's always a, but. nato countries having to pay
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their fair sorry. wasn't a full throated defense of the western alliance as a lot of allies are looking for. >> which is interesting because mie mike pence just did a full throated. >> jefferson complained about the press. especially after he was president. most presidents complain about the press. that's not new. to use thomas jefferson who was pretty big fan of the first amendment if i'm remembering correctly as a way to attack the american media is just not stand up to scrutiny. remember, jefferson may have criticized the media, but he did not see the media as an enemy of the american people. he never talked about it in those terms, although he did clearly attack the partisan press of his day. >> well, it's a good thing -- hold on. i want to actually bring in presidential historian here. julian, professor at princeton
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university to put it into context. was there accuracy to what president trump said about the presidents he named including thomas jefferson and relationships with media. >> what's true is often the media is at odds with presidents. that's when they're serving their function. they're supposed to be a watchdog and many presidents have complained about how they're treated by the press or even complained about certain parts of the press. i do think though that president trump has opened up a much more aggressive frontal assault on the media as a total institution. not just complaining about unfair treatment, but actually questioning the validity of the facts and figures that come out of the news. like with everything else, scale and scope. you can find pieces of what he's done before, but i think this is a different level in terms of how he's doing it. >> all right. i want to bring in mark lamont hill. i want to get his point of view.
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he hasn't had ha chance to speak yet. you had a clear vision of what you wanted to hear from donald trump today. did you hear it. >> i had a clear vision what i wanted to hear. i had a clear expectation of what we would here. i think my expectations were met. i said this would be like a home and it certainly was. played to the audience that got him here. talked about accomplishments that may not speak to real fiscal responsibility, but resinate be people. i saved you a billion. joe smith will say that's a great thing. sit, but in the grand scheme of things it's a relative drop in the bucket. those let him appear he's coming out of the gate going everything he promised to do. came out and really rallied the crowd. talked about vision long-term. didn't see the type of specificity that i would have liked to hear from any president. doubling down on the attacks on media. not surprising at all.
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called everyone fang neke news. that's a dangerous position to take. he has an opportunity to reinforce what vice president pence said today which is that they are firmly aligned with our nato allies. to shore things up. instead he did the i'm attached to you, but pay your fair share. we're going be tough on you all. it raises anxiety among people in the neighboring countries. i think donald trump again did interesting things here to shore up the base, but until he reaches across so the people across the street or across the political aisle are seeing some sense of progress, what we're going to find is approval numbers are going to drop. some point, those dropping numbers are going to matter. you cannot governor through executive order. at some point, you need actual legislation. at some point you need to reach across the aisle. at some point you can't alienate the various branches of government and the media.
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you can't do that and advance any substantive long standing politics 6789. that's a concern from the critics of donald trump and nothing today happened that made me feel any better about that. >> jeffrey lord, what do you have to say to his concerns. >> i want to call attention to one thing here since we're talking about presidents in the media. franklin roosevelt, experimented with this when he was governor of new york. invented fire side chat. took the medium of radio and began addressing people on a regular basis. sometimes went to rallies and i believe the rallies were broadcast over the radio. did it for a political reason. did it to get over the heads in the day being no television. he did it to get over the heads of republican newspaper accomplishe accompli publishers around the country. what you just saw is the 21st century of frankly roosevelt's
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fire side chats. president trump is not the first to do this. president obama on february 9 of 2009 had his -- had a town hall televised meeting in elk heart indiana because he was pushing stimulus. nothing new about this. the trump version of the fdr fire side chat. fireside chats were legend. very effective and these are going to be a very >> it's not untrue this is a method to communicate directly, just as fdr did, but fdr addressed issues such as the banking crisis and tried to create calm nationally, not just with democrats, but also with republicans over the press or doing it so that people felt as if he was talking directly to them. literally to create calm, as people were worrying about the bottom falling out. >> he attacked -- >> so far, the way that president trump does this, it's still much more of a direct
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partisan tool, aimed at people who are loyal to him. so there's a difference in the way that he imagines to his audiences. >> let's hold that thought. jeffrey lord, that's a great tease for -- great tease for coming up after this break. and marc lamont hill, i know you want to say something too. everyone, stand by. we have a lot more to discuss. we will be back right after this quick break. stick around. whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses. or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control
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but everybody gets dry skin. feel moisturized without feeling your moisturizer with lubriderm. absorbs in seconds. moisturizes for hours. lubriderm. every body care. say a couple of words to this crowd. [ cheers and applause ] >> mr. president! thank you, sir. we the people, our movement is the reason why our president of the united states is standing here in front of us today. when president trump, during the
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election, promised all these things he was going to do for us, i knew he was going to do this for us. thank you so much, sir. >> a star is born. a star is born. >> thank you, man! thank you. >> all right. and we have gene huber joining us now, the president trump supporter who was there, speaking on stage, in what appeared to be an impromptu invitation to the stage. and as donald trump, the president pointed out, the secret service didn't seem to happy, but nonetheless, gene, you got up there, you shook the president's hand, and you said some words. what was that moment like for you? >> i want to tell you something, it was a moment of my life. i will never, ever forget what just happened to me. i've been with mr. president trump for over two years, fighting battles in and out, in and out of lies and terrible
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things, always said about him. but we stuck together and it is just an amazing feeling, where i'm at right now. it's just, unbelievable. >> so i have to ask you, there was a moment there where he sort of whispered something into your ear. what did he say? >> um, you know -- oh, he said, "you're great" is what he told me. if i'm not mistaken, he said, "you are great." because he saw me -- because i was the first one on line. i got here at 4:00 in the morning. so i got a lot of interviews from news people. so president trump must have seen me on tv. so, and i told the reporter that i love president trump and president trump heard me say that. and he told me that on stage. he goes -- you know, he said that he loves me. and i do, with all my heart. because he fights for us. each and every second. he didn't have to do this for us. you know?
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he's 70 years old and a billionaire, beautiful family, and this man comes out and works harder than anyone i've ever seen in my life. and that's why he's a winner. >> so, it's clear he saw you on television, giving interviews. if he is watching right now, which he very well may, what would you want to say to him? >> what was that now? i did not hear that, i'm sorry. >> what would you want to say to him if he's watching right now. clearly he saw you earlier when you were giving interviews. what do you want to say to him right now? >> to president trump? i want to say, president trump, thank you so much for giving this opportunity to come on stage like that. mr. president, i've been with you for two years. you probably heard this. every single second, every day, i'm with you. i got a 6-foot cardboard box of president trump in my house. and i salute that every single day. and i pray and tell him, mr. president, i pray for your safety today. and i'm not lying.
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i do that every single day to the president, that is cardboard. >> let me ask you, you say you've been with him from the very beginning. what is it about his message that has resonated with you, gene? >> you know, it's just, it's just the way he speaks, that truth. you know, it comes from the heart. that's the most important thing. it comes from his heart. and he speaks the truth. that's what we believe and us -- our movement believes. i mean, just look how -- look at what just started. look at it! look what president trump says. there's never been a movement like this ever, ever! i've never been into politics in my life! up until president trump came down the elevator. and he taught me everything. he taught me everything. >> so he has been in office, he's been president for nearly a month, what's your take so far? on how he's done? >> um, he's doing fantastic!
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there's no words to describe what this man is doing. he promised to do this. he promised to do that. you know, you have a lot of those voters out there, and i have family members and they say to me, they voted for president trump. i hope he does this. i hope he can do this. you know what i say? he will do this! that's why i love this man, because he's smart, he gets it, and he's going to change the world. he's going to change the world, folks. >> gene huber, clearly, you are a big supporter of president trump and like you said, this is a moment today that you will never forget, being invited on stage by the president, to say a few words. >> unbelievable. >> thank you very much, gene, for coming on and talking to us. we do appreciate it. >> and can i just say one quick thing? >> quickly. >> ma'am? yeah, very quick. i appreciate the interview. let's just be a little, little nicer to our president. thank you so much. >> i was waiting for a comment
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like that from a trump supporter, considering he calls us fake news. thank you so much, gene huber. the next hour of "newsroom" starts now. top of the hour now. you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm pamela brown in washington on this saturday. well, he's been in office for less than a month, but president donald trump is already back on the campaign trail. he just wrapped up a rally in florida just moments ago. and from the very beginning, he made it absolutely clear rile he was there >> i'm here because i want to be among hi friends and among the people. i also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake new news. >> all right, yesterday, the trump tweeted, the press was the enemy of the american people. while he didn't use such strong words today, he
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