tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 23, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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topping this hour, of "360," two stories. the white house pushed the fbi to knock down reports some of which cnn broke on contact between trump campaign advisors and russians known to u.s. intelligence and another exclusive, insight into white house efforts to provide justification for the upcoming rewritten travel ban. we've learned which agency is spear heading it and who are worried they are being asked to cook intelligence to fit administration policy. we begin with the fbi story the white house wanted and how the burro responded. cnn's jim shand evan perez join us. >> cnn told the fbi rejected a white house request to publicly knock down media reports about communications during the 2016 presidential campaign between donald trump's associates and advisors and russians that are known to u.s. intelligence.
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multiple u.s. officials tell cnn the white house sought the help not only of the burro but other agencies investigating the russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been in contacts, these officials said you may recall that cnn and "the new york times" first reported on this over a week ago. so far there is no white house comment on the record. >> and evan, this is not a typical request. how did it start? >> that's right, anderson. you saw law enforcement official said this began with the, if bi deputy director andrew mccave and reince priebus on the sidelines on the day after the stories were published. now a white house official says mccabe told priebus the u.s. times story vastly over stated what the fbi knows about the russian contacts. but an official tells us that he didn't actually discuss aspects of the case and we don't know what he told priebus. the white house official says priebus reached out to them
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asking for the fbi to at least talk to reporters on background to dispute these stories. the fbi refused and i should add the fbi declined to comment for this story, anderson. >> jim, white house chief of staff reince priebus denied that story. this is what he said a week ago on fox news sunday. >> "the new york times" last week put out an article with no direct source that said the trump campaign had constant contacts with russian spies. basically, you know, treason-type accusations, we have all kinds of people looking into this. i can assure you and i've been approved to say this, the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that that story is not only inaccurate but grossly over stated and wrong and there is nothing to it. >> but jim, i mean, the investigation is going on and i should point out, priebus is focussing on "the new york times" reporting talking about
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russiaen spies, the cnn reporting said russians known to u.s. intelligence. so there is potentially difference there. >> that's right. couple points here. first of all, if reince priebus is saying there is nothing to reports of communications between trump advisors and russians known to u.s. intelligence during the campaign, that's not accurate. we know that the fbi is still investigating these alleged communications. several members of the house and senate intelligence committees say congress is still investigating those alleged contacts. that investigation has just begun and starting to collect documents, records, et cetera and will call people to testify. the difference between "the new york times" and cnn reporting on this, our reporting is multiple repeated contacts between advisors to the trump campaign during the campaign and russian officials and other russians known to u.s. intelligence. the times said with russian intelligence operatives, i think the russian spies that reince priebus might have been
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referring to there, that is a difference. what it doesn't deny, though, there are contacts between trump campaign advisors and russian officials known to u.s. intelligence and that's still significant enough by itself, anderson for not only fbi but senate and house intelligence committees to continue to investigate. >> and evan, this is is not a typical back and forth between the white house and fbi, right? >> that's right, anderson. this communication between the white house because of a decade hold restriction on contacts. the request from the white house would appear to violate procedures that limit these communications with the fbi on pending investigations. now the white house official says that the white house only did this because mccabe initiated the conversation. in other words, it was only after he brought it up. asking the fbi to help stories runs contrary to the justice department procedure memos issued in 2007 and 2009 that
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they are supposed to limit direct communications on pending invest gages between the white house and fbi. >> appreciate it. jim schutto, as well. the second exclusive concerns the travel ban redrafted as you know to pass judicial muster. we have now reporting on efforts to provide a basis for and learning about the push back from some in the intelligence community given the job of evaluating the evidence. pamela braown has the reporting on this tonight. pam, what are you learning? >> anderson, according to sources that spoke to jake tapper and i, they made the request to bolster the case for why the seven countries listed should remain after it was blocked by the courts. as senior white house official tells cnn the department of homeland security and justice department quote are working on an intelligence report that will demonstrate the security threat for the seven countries is substantial and the seven
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countries have been exporters of terrorism into the united states. the situation has gotten more dangerous in recent years and more broadly, the refugee program is an incubator for terrorism. this report was requested in the ninth circuit court of appeals that the trump administration saying in that ruling pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order perpetrated a terrorist attack in the united states. cnn learned that some current intelligence officials within the department of homeland security and elsewhere are concerned about this assignment. >> concerned in what way? >> so we've learned from our sources that some disagree with the trump white house position on the seven countries, sources tell cnn that the department of homeland security in house intelligence agency, the office of intelligence and analysis, otherwise known as ina filed a report disagreeing with the white house view that blocking immigration from all seven countries, even temporarily is
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justified. they disagree with that assessment and some dhs officials do not think nationality is the best indicator of potential terrorism. a spokeswoman for the department of homeland security, press secretary confirmed to cnn while dhs was asked to draft a comprehensive report, the document you're referencing was commentary from a single intelligence source versus an official robust document with thorough inner agency vetting and in fact, the department of homeland security disparaged its own intelligence report saying the ina report does not include data from other intelligence community sources and dhs spokeswoman telling cnn it is incomplete, pointed internal discussions about the merits and whether they have sufficient supporting data from the broader intelligence community is a part of developing any official dhs intelligence assessment. >> so i understand there is also concern among some within the intelligence community that the white house is kind of going
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about this the wrong way. >> that's right. the notion of the trump white house seeking an intelligence report to fit the policy instead of the other way around is an issue for many in the int intelligence community, according to people we have spoken with. sources say that there are those within the department of homeland security, with concerns that intelligence at the department itself might be politicized, particularly by the new head of ina who initially objected to his division's assessment that was at odds with the white house assessment according to the sources though the department call that acquisition absurd and not fa factually accurate. a white house official says the white house intends to bolster the case pointing to non-lethal and failed terrorist attacks and investigations and convictions of individuals attempting to join or support terrorist groups. the white house says the new travel ban executive order will be signed next week. anderson? >> pam, thanks very much for the
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update. >> thanks. all right. just ahead tonight, he wants in his words to deconstruct what he calls administrative state in washington and also the president's top political advisor and rarely speaks in public. hear what steve bannon has in mind. some call it dangerous. how embattled lawmakers are handling the town hall from constituents just ahead on "360."
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we got a chance to see donald trump's strategy. he made the first appearance since trump took office speaking at the cpac. it was more than a rare occurrence but administration and country. we got a few of the key moments starting with an attack from the press. >> if you look at the opposition party and how they portrayed the campaign and transition and now they are portraying administration, it's always wrong. the center core of when we believe that we're a nation with an economy, not an economy in some global marketplace with open borders but a nation with a culture and a -- and a reason for being and i think that's what unites us and i think that is what is going to unite this movement going forward. we're the top of the first inning of this and it's going to take just as much fight, just as much focus and just as much determination and the one thing i'd like to leave you guys today with is that we want you to have our back. if you think they are going to
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give you your country back without a fight, you're sadly mistaken. every day, every day it is going to be a fight. >> cnn's phil mattingly is there for us. what more did bannon talk about? >> we expected the broadside directed at the press. that's the course for administration and certainly steve bannon but one of the most interesting elements, we haven't heard publicly from steve bannon since he stepped foot in the white house. one of the last people donald trump speaks to, president trump speaks to before he makes decisions. stand as few feet away from the oval office. the world view he laid out in three pillars. economic, or national soverei sovereign sovereignty, economic national li is and deconstruction of the administrative state. a jarring comment. and steve bannon tried to elaborate saying the cabinet officials brought on for the trump administration were essentially put into place to
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kind of take a part how these agencies actually work, how the regulatory structure actually works. this is something that steve bannon spoke on at looenength be he joined the white house and campaign before he was editor and chief before breitbart news, making clear his views haven't changed and those views have kind of fueled trump's policy police throughout the campaign and as steve bannon stated repeatedly, anderson, wasn't just campaign talk. this is exactly what the president wants to deliver on in the weeks and months ahead. >> and the vice president also spoke tonight. >> yeah, that's right. what you heard from mike pence can be encapsulated, let's get to work. the message was two of the individuals here at this conference about cpac and what it means, it's the conservative movements. the conservatives, many of whom identify with the republican party. this is the grass roots and energy and energizing aspect of
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that party and there is a recognition while they dismiss it publicly, what they are seeing around the country now at town halls and congressional districts and states with senators that might be up for reelection in 2018, they need to get to work in matching that head on as quickly as possible. the individuals that attend cpac, those are the individuals they are relying on. that's the vice president's message today. it's time to activate and get to work because if they don't, we're not just talking about their majority being threatened in 2018 or 2020 but -- ambitious agenda to get through that could be threatened and if they can't accomplish and they promised with everything they said, everybody in the administration knows that is a serious, serious problem, anderson. >> phil mattingly, fascinating day, thank you from cpac tonight. plenty to talk about with the panel.
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paul band dana bash. dana, so interesting to see steve bannon and reince priebus side by side. so much talk about division in the white house, chaos in the white house, what did you make of what you saw? >> they were trying very hard to tamp down on that but coming out. the symbolism of just the -- whacked us by a 2 x 4 on the head. doesn't take a lot to read into that. we get along. got it. they called each other partner a lot. i know this is not new, the concept of the two of them trying to say they work well together, and for example, steve bannon told me last week that he was livid that his former publication breitbart did really big hit job, splashing front of the website on reince priebus saying that he was done. now, that very well could be that he needs reince priebus as a partner, not that they truly have a lot of love for one another ideally.
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this is kind of an arranged marriage. reince priebus has the trains running on time and bannon made very clear he sees himself and is the foundation for the trump brand. >> what is so interesting about that foundation is that it's not traditionally conservative or, i mean, he's addressing cpac and an audience of conservatives and talking about populism and nationalism, things that are not traditionally conservative. >> not at all. one year ago they were attacking donald trump for saying he was gutless for not showing up. he was there two year s ago. this is his party. the takeover is complete and you saw today. the dominant partner is clearly bannon. priebus sponsored this autopsy for the republican party. we have to reach out to women to
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better minorities and back off. all that is over. this is steve bannon's movement and trump's republican party and it's a remarkable thing for me to watch because it means, i'm going to beat jeffrey to the regan reference. the reagan republican party is dead. ronald reagan created had quite a career but his presidential ambitions were launched many decades ago. he stood for free trade. bannon shut the door and stood for open immigration and signed amnesty and bannon shut the door on that. he went to criticize globalest, chapelest corporations. ronald reagan worked for ge. >> globalest, capitalist media. >> apparently so. for party, ronald reagan was the intellectual god father. bannon bragged about rolling back the chance pacific partnership and is dead. this is a new republican party
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and revolution. >> he branded it. >> jeffrey, when you hear bannon say we're a nation with a culture and a reason for being, what did that mean to you? >> well, when you listen to ronald reagan and his first inaugural address, he says we are americans. that's what he's saying here. that's how i interpret it. i read breitbart every day and see this notion of breitbart as some white separatists or nationalist. this is balonga. in terms of free trade, if you go back to abraham lincoln and mckinley and those folks, republican presidents all were protectionest protectionests. >> your going far back there. >> this is in the republican genes here, that we may have forgotten it and -- >> regan. it has to break your heart to see his movement dead.
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>> one thing he was good about is realizing the world moves on. i mean, the things that ronald reagan did in his presidency, i mean, the amnesty for example. you can make more than a reasonable case that the american people feel it didn't work. >> do you agree this is no longer the party of ronald reagan? >> i think you have to say that every president, the party belongs to them. the clinton party gave way to the obama party and the regan party somewhat uncomfortably for me gave way to the bush party and the bush party has given way to the trump party. >> speaking of the party, it is two months ago that reince priebus who is the white house chief of staff was the chair of the republican party and yes, he was trying to be brokered between the trump nomination all of these different candidates but the party he started out as chairing, looked to your point looked nothing -- nothing like, very, very different from the
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one that he's working for now and the president that he's working for now. and it is reince priebus and those in the republican party that moved, not steve bannon. >> one of the things that in terms of the white house and you were talking about the presence of these two guys there together, donald trump has a style that's not as an operating officer, not unlike franklin roosevelt that liked chaos and competing power centers. ronald reagan liked this. he had jim maker and ed miese. there was tension in the region white house but good tension. >> the difference is they came to the office with a fully formed world view and this president doesn't. he didn't. he was -- he was like the largest donor to chuck schumer a couple years ago. now he's the -- >> he's always said sort of the same things like this. >> no, he was very progay and pro-choice. >> on the social issues he's changed but economic issues,
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he's anti free trade and more populous and that's where you're right -- >> was able to find cause with him. i was really struck in the world view steve bannon has. it's all black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, and that's not how the american government works. ronald reagan was the master -- >> steve bannon came on board late in this. steve bannon had a radio show with breitbart and interviewing then candidate trump and he's the one who is relatively of all the people close to donald trump, it's steve bannon is relatively late and yet, clearly has the president's ear and is able to shape an awful lot of his agenda. >> absolutely. this is the bannon presidency. >> this is definitely the trump presidency. >> paul wants to repeat that as much as possible. >> bannon is movement and priebus is a campaign guy. know what they didn't talk about that really pricked my ears up? the 2018 midterms. i went back and read president regan's speech to cpac, he was
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already teeing up the midterm elections because that's how politicians think. nancy pelosi was happy with that appearance because republicans are in big trouble, bannon doesn't care. i'll ramp through as much as i can for as long as i can. that's bad politics. >> we'll leave it there. appreciate it. >> thanks. tense town halls as emotions boil over. we'll look at one repub clican congressman strategy and speak with another in the hot seat this week.
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republican lawmakers have been facing tough questions and in some cases angry crowns at town halls across the country. some have chosen to not face constituents at all and others are coming up with strategies for hearing the voices in their district without letting things get out of hand. jason carroll reports. >> thank you for calling the office -- >> reporter: the phones at congressman matt gates' office in pensacola have been ringing nonstop. >> yes, sir, one second, sir. >> reporter: many callers are threatening to disrupt his town hall but those threats have not stopped congressman gates, nor has some of the advice he has
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received. >> i have spoken with many of my colleagues who have said, maybe town hall meetings where you invite everybody that's angry with you isn't the best way to make your first impression. >> reporter: gates has seen the anger at other town halls so he and his staff have been holding meetings to strategize how best to deal with it. >> slow on the trigger. if people throw water on me, i won't melt. i'm not the wicked witch. i'm fine. i don't want a circumstance someone taps me on the shoulder and we're in the middle of an aggravated assault. >> reporter: the republican freshman congressman is expected to face fire for a number of his positions. he supports eliminating the department of education, repealing obamacare and he introduced a bill to abolish the environmental protection agency. if gates is met with opposition and unable to get his message across, his staff has a backup
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plan. >> we've had some ideas of, you know, a non-verbal town hall with signs that relay the message he wants to get across. >> reporter: a non-verbal town hall? >> we have a speech the congressman would deliver and we put it on boards, like foam boards and he'll literally hold it up, read, move to the next one. >> reporter: his staff hopes it won't come to that. he won't shy away prom florida's panhandle, one which he describes as deeply republican. and he calls open gates day. >> congressman, welcome. >> reporter: this morning words of encouragement on local radio. >> i appreciate that you're not allowing yourself to be intimidated by those who try to shut down the dialogue. >> reporter: then an afternoon stop at a middle school followed by a lunch town hall at a barbecue where outside, he got a taste of what could come later. >> you're getting out there and
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engaging. what would you say to some of those ducking and hiding, frankly? >> we as republicans have the best argument. we have to be courageous enough to make it. i just think that part of public service is letting folks show up and tell you what they think of you, good, bad or otherwise. i didn't take that advice and we'll see how it turns out. >> jason carroll joins me now. this is solidly republican territory. doesn't seem like he got a very positive reception. how did it go? >> he really didn't. at one point, though, he did receive a positive perception, anderson and that was probably the only point and it was when he was asked a question about whether or not the president should release his tax returns, at that point congressman gates stood up and addressed the crowd and said yes, i do believe this president should in fact, release his tax returns. this is someone who was an early supporter of donald trump so surprising for some here to actually hear him admit something like that. he was received by a great deal of applause but that was really
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the only point when he started talking about wanting to apologize accompli apologiabolish the epa, he was overwhelmingly met with boos in this crowd. a number of people came from as far away as tallahassee and panama, panama city coming here wanting to voice their anger, voice their opinions. you heard the congressman say look, this is what i was prepared for. he doesn't believe that other republicans should try to shun town halls like this one even if they are met with protesters like the ones standing behind me. he says operating in an echo chamber is not something republic republicans should do. >> did he have to use his signs and non-verbal speech? >> not yet. the night is still young. >> thanks very much. one texas lawmaker who is not having in personal town halls is congressman louie gohmert and he says because of safety and what
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happened to gabby gifford. he says quote violent strains at the ideology, some being paid are preying on town halls and since giffords was shot, there is danger us to civilians. giffords was shot in 2011 at an event. ed today in a response, gifford said she was shot saturday morning and her offices were open monday morning and urges politicians to have courage and hold town halls. virginia republican congressman scott taylor has not avoided town hall meetings. listen. >> let's not engage in that, please. i do work for you. look, i think it's legitimate concern. i think it's a legitimate concern about the cost of security and the travel of the president and his family. it's a legitimate concern, absolutely. just like it was at the last administration, too.
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thank you, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> he held three event, not so contentious. thanks for being with us. some republicans have suggested that some of the angry crowds are paid protist tors, which frankly is the same argument democrats made against tea party protesters in 2009. is that what you're seeing or to you is the anger real? are these folks from your district from the area who have real concerns? >> thanks for having me tonight, appreciate it. i have no evidence of paid protesters in my area for sure. there are folks, i think, there is a couple different groups of people. there are people with legitimate concerns and folks who are organic and never been to town halls before that wanted to show up and voice concerns and i think that's a good thing, whether they agree or not, that's a good thing to have folks engaged. we had a couple folks there that were agitators that literally were trying to get the crowd going as you very well know, it doesn't take much in a room like that to get emotions going. calm is contagious and the
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opposite is true. we try to remain calm. i want people in my district to know everyone has a voice and everybody has a seat at the table no matter what side of the isle you're on. >> you're a former navy seal and you've obviously dealt with enormously difficult circumstances. how do you handle these events, the give and take? you're not running from this. you scheduled three of them. >> absolutely. we did facebook live and did three and we'll have plenty more and we know going into this that the most of the folks that would show up are against you. that's just the nature of the beast. we signed up for this. there are certainly security concerns. i've had members who had security concerns and i have a similar background as i do. we certainly took precautions, security precautions not just from my staff but also just for the people in general who would show up, some visible, some not visible. you sort of, you know, emotions can run really high and really quickly and i've watched some members who have tried to talk over the crowds that are
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yelling, that doesn't happen. you let it simmer down. if there is someone you know that is agitating not there really to engage but just to try to drive the crowd, you isolate them and you have the crowd help you isolate them to control that emotion. because the reality is, the goal and my goal is i want to hear. i want to hear the concerns and address the questions and i want them to know where i stand and everyone has a seat at the table in this disvicttrict. >> i talked to democrats that said anger is one thing and mobilization is one thing but there has to be a cohaerent message to turn this into legislative action for democrats. i'm wondering what the main issues you're hearing about? obviously, i assume obamacare is probably top of the list. >> obamacare is a huge issue, of course, for the pokfolks i hear and you mentioned we had three. the first one was contentious and last night was completely fine and everything was great and progressively got calmer, if you will.
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that's an issue. russia medaling into the election is an issue. sure, there are folks who are not supportive of course out president and anything that surrounds that, whether it's travel that you played a clip there or whether it's his potential russian ties or not. those things, some of the things i think, i believe are valid concerns and some are over blown and not really substantiated yet or not. but like i said, there are valid concerns but those are big issues. obamacare, russian medaliade metaling. >> appreciate your time. thank you. >> any time, thank you for having me. i appreciate it. >> congressman taylor, thanks. making nice in mexico, secretary of state rex tillerson and john kelly trying to reassure mexican counter parts about president trump's policy and it was a tall order. take a look if they were able to deliver. 't.
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u.s. and mexico, the levels not seen in decades. the u.s. envoys arrived, mexico's foreign minister signalled the country is prepared to fight the policy vigorously, that was the backdrop. michelle kaczynski reports. >> reporter: the white house trying to smooth out the rocky relationship between the u.s. and mexico but mexico didn't hide its frustrations during secretary of state rex tillerson and homeland security john kelly's trip. >> translator: we do not agree on the different measures that recently were stated by the government of the united states that affect mexico. we have expressed our concern about the increase in deportations. >> reporter: tillerson and kelly tried to publicly reassure the mexican counter parts about new u.s. policy. >> let me be very, very clear, there will be no repeat, no mass deportations. all deportations will be according to our legal justice system, which is extensive and
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includes multiple appeals. >> reporter: insisting deportations will focus on criminals. >> there is no mistaking that the rule of law matters along both sides of our border. >> reporter: and acknowledgement that the u.s. also has work to do. >> we under score the importance of stopping the illegal firearms and bulk cash that's originating in the united states and flowing into mexico. >> reporter: but today, president trump painted a different picture. >> i said that's going to be a tough trip. we see what is happening to the border. we are getting gang members out and bad dudes out of this country at a rate. >> reporter: donald trump kicked off his campaign about mexico. >> they are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists. >> reporter: the white house is trying to put the best face on
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things. >> it's phenomenal now. >> reporter: but mexico is still insisting they will not pay for a border wall, which no one mentioned publicly today and they can't be forced to accept depoor tees who are not mexican. >> what would be most important are the facts. >> reporter: the americans on this trip did a lot of listening one official said, forced to acknowledge the relationship at the border is the responsibility of both sides as is accountability. >> michelle kaczynski joins us from the state department. this this pretty remarkable. >> another weird day in foreign policy. the president at home using phrases like bad dudes and sounding like and bending over backwards to tell the mexican government saying that the u.s. has problems that flow south. not something you hear every day and then you have the mexicans
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not sounding happy emphasizing human rights for immigrants within the united states and saying they need facts before they can move beyond negative feelings. also, you know for all of the controversy there has been over this, the one word that you heard absolutely nowhere today in any of these public statements was wall. anderson? >> also, interesting to hear the president say more people are getting kicked out than ever before, they are moving more and yet you have from ice these raids and the obama administration and conflicting facts there. michelle kaczynski, thank you so much. sean spicer said when the president talked about the of oc operation, he was using the term as an adjective. i talked to jorge ramos. john kelly made clear there will be no mass deportations and they
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will be focussing in on what he called the criminal element in the united states. do you believe him? >> of obviously, we have to believe him. this contradicts the deportation will be a military operation. maybe he misspoke but if general kelly is telling the truth and that will be no mass deportations and no military force will be used, then how do you explain the memos. how do you explain 15,000 new ice i geagents to do what? watch movies? no. there is fear. >> he meant military as an adjective and kelly says no military personnel but as you and i have talked about before, you know, there are many who believe that the definition of criminality is now under these new orders is so broad that it really can affect just about
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anybody and there is huge discretion on the part of law enforcement more than there was before about who they want to deport. >> i agree with you and that's precisely the problem. their new definition of criminal is anyone who cross illegally the border from mexico to the united states we have 11 million criminals in this country and that is not true. i think the problem is that donald trump is criminalizing the immigrant population. let me just give you an example. since 1990, the undocumented population grew from 3.5 million to about 11 million, which is the number that we have right now. at that exact time according to the fbi, the crime increase 48%, in other words, the more immigrants that you have, the less crime that you have. i know this goes against what donald trump is saying but that's the truth. those are the numbers. >> in the shadow, the expansion, the trump administration, they are leaving in place the protections they say were put in place for dreamers and undocumented parents of u.s. citizens.
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what do you make of that decision? do you think that is permanent? does that calm some fears? >> i hope so. i been listening to donald trump for a year and a half and he's been saying that he has a big heart. i hope that he shows that big heart with the dreamers, we're talking about 750,000 dreamers, he hasn't done anything against them right now but he can do much better. he can legalize them if he wants to and go beyond that. right now president trump has control of the chamber of commerce and legalization with one signature and he simply doesn't want to do that. >> jorge ramos, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> president trump said he had an open door policy. does that hold true he has the oval office? that's next. anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation.
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in his book "art of the deal" then businessman donald trump said his door was always open and didn't like a looft structure. president trump may be bringing that to the white house with tweaks. after all it is the white house. >> most exclusive address in america, 1600 pennsylvania avenue, making space near the oval office prime real estate. >> i have little thing called war room. he has a fireplace, nice sofas.
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>> it's not just near to the president but having walk-in privileges that sets staffers apart. vice president mike pence does, ivanka trump and president jared kushner, one of the president's closest advisers, entrusted to negotiate everything from meeting this morning with manufacturers, thank jared kushner so involved with this. to peace in the middle east. president's time and attention perhaps most important resources and managing who gets to occupy that space is key. >> as you can imagine, many things hitting president's ear and desk every day. >> in the obama white house assists posted just outside the oval office, outer oval, acted as gate keepers and key aides could get time to check in but never pop in without warning.
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one goal of such gate keeping was make sure not having multiple conversations on the same topic with different staffers. >> we have a great team, all-stars. >> a long albeit informal list of aides has walk-in privileges. steve bannon, reince priebus, sean spicer and hope hicks and counselor kellyanne conway. but even the term walk-in privileges is misnomer, explained we're asked to come in or request to see him. after all just popping into any president's office without warning to disrupt important meeting or phone call already in progress. better way to measure influence in the white house according to president george w. bush's
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former press secretary is who is included in structured meetings. those are the people president wants to see. drop-ins are the people who want to see the president. trump has long prided himself with open door approach in business. and telling tech manufactures. >> we'll be here. no formal chain of command around here. >> we'll be right back. what ever happened to the "handling"? i do all the handling. can you handle this laptop before we ship it, nick? there's free shipping, and handling on everything at ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
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7:00 pm
that's it for us. thanks for watching. see you again tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. to understand humanity is to understand the sweet, lovely, wonderful foolishness of the human condition. >> the best comedy comes from your living experience. >> every comic sees the world through a prism that the average person doesn't see through. >> all we do is point out the obvious really and then twist it somewhere. >> i just can't believe the way people are, what is it with humanity, what kind of world do we live in? >> you're not alone ultimately. that's what comic is saying. >> reality is fodder for comedy. that's what we have, where else find comedy as opposed to real life. >> as opposed to what? fake
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