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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  March 1, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> this is inside politics. i'm john king. thanks for sharing your day with us. there was a big campaign stam like economics and border security in the president's address last night. >> by finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars and make our communities safer for everyone. we want all americans to
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succeed, but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. we must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders. >> tough talk on immigration there, but we were reminded more than once he is very different, and his agenda has some very un-republican ideas. >> my administration wants to work with members of both parties to make child care accessible and affordable, to help insure new parents that they have paid family leave. to invest in women's health. >> and forget for a moment your party and forget what you might think of him. >> we are blessed to be joined tonight by corrine owens, the widow of u.s. naval special operator senior chief william ryan owens. ryan died as he lived, a warrior
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and a hero, battling against terrorism and securing our nation. [ applause ] >> very powerful moment there. we'll get back to it in a moment. with us to share the reporting and their its sign maggie haberman of the "new york times", new yorker's ryan, mary katherine of the federalist and -- a lot to assess. we should mention the president at this hour having lunch with republican congressional leaders. we might get a glimpse of that meeting. we'll bring it to you. we have the morning after reaction. let's begin with two examples from last night of how the scripted and unscripted president trump can be very different men, and what are we to make of that on this morning after? first, at a pre-speech lunch with news anchors yesterday, the president signalled a dramatic shift. he told the reporters he was prepared now to sign legislation granting legal status to millions of undocumented workers. that's a big shift from the trump campaign. in the speech, though, he was more careful.
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>> i believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible. if we are guided by the well-being of american citizens, then i believe republicans and democrats can work together to achieve an outcome that has eluded our country for decades. >> so what are we to believe on this morning after? what the president told the erikerik anchors at lunch, which is a huge shift for him, the more cautious words, the vice president on some morning shows this morning saying border security first. we'll talk about that later. where are we? >> i tend to go with what the vice president said as the baseline for where we are. you have to remember, and i think everyone here does, that donald trump is very critical of mitt romney in 2012 when mitt romney talked about self-deportation. he described it as a mean-spirited way of going about immigration reform. if you hear, you know, talk of what happened at the anchors meeting -- you come away with the presentation that he doesn't
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entirely know where he is. he knows the top line. he knows the rhetoric, and he knows the campaign language. he doesn't quite understand the details. you also can't rule out that this was done intentionally as some kind of a little news drop to drum up excitement ahead of the speech, which one person at the white house indicated to me that is indeed what it was. we are not going to know until he moves ahead, but real immigration reform is also a phrase that we've heard from jeff sessions, the ag, he thinks of it as something very different than, say, legalizing a lot of undocumented workers. this is going to come down to what he actually does as it often does. >> the timing is interesting. you mentioned he is trying to gin up interest in the speech, and also trying to get republicans to cast tough votes on obama care replacements, tough votes to pay for his wall, tough votes for tax reform. as we know, many much the tea party members, conservatives whose votes he needs, view any legal status at amnesty. his base thinks that is amnesty. i found it fascinating last night. listen to mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, he came on cnn right after the speech. he was pressed on this issue.
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are you prepared to help the president pass legislation against legal status for the undocumented? >> we're very much open to an immigration proposal from the administration. i'm anxious to take a look at what the president would recommend. we're certainly open to see what the president recommends. >> i think he said it one more time there. in other words, please know not now. right? >> that was -- go ahead. >> just put this -- put this in trump's mouth. i think that's part of it. he has a unique ability to speak to his own supporters, and in many cases, they will change their minds about fundamental policy when he changes his mind. mcconnell is, like, i'm not the one to carry this message. you're going to carry that message. >> if you are going to do this, it better be on trump stationery with your signature, and you better hand-deliver it and walk around the country with it where. >> i think that members of congress on the hill and trump's own legislative aides have urged that congress cannot metabolize
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more than one thing at a time. we a there were aides on the hill who walked out of that briefing with sean spicer ahead of the speech yesterday that were basically saying the sense we got is that if we deliver something up in denying to the president's desk, we should sign it. i'm not guessing a lot of the republicans in congress right now are itching to scramble what the -- >> they lived the quick sand on that issue the past decade, i think. >> he had a fundamental change of view about this that he might be the person that can finally fix the immigration system in a nixon to china way. you could think of the dramatic proposal. you let me build my wall, and i will actually come up with a pathway to citizenship for some of the 11 million. it is interesting. he has gone from the most extreme vision on immigration in the campaign, which was everyone here illegally has to get out of the country. he is no longer there, right? despite some very, very aggressive executive orders.
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on daca he seems to have pulled back. he is flirting suddenly with this language that scares the hell out of a lot of republicans. i think you don't know where he is going to end up on this issue. he could go back to the most hard line view. >> on a number of issues. we know where he was in the campaign. he is in a lot of gray area on some of these issues now, and we don't know where the debates are heading. to your point about processing one thing at a time the leadership is saying we have enough on our plate right now. this is a president who in this news conference not long ago said that he believes some of the bomb threats and other anti-semitic activities, the bomb threats against jewish community centers, some were stirred up by political opponents. he said in a luncheon with state attorneys general that left him confused, but then at the top of the speech last night, a presidential moment. >> recent threats targeting jewish community centers and vandalism of jewish cemeteries as well as last week's shooting in kansas city remind us that
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while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. >> amen. amen to that from any president of the united states, given what's happening in the country in recent days and weeks, right off the top of his speech, when he has, we assume, maximum attention of the country, but compare and contrast that with what we have heard from the unscripted president trump in the past week or two. >> what you just said is a critical point, and kudos to him for saying that. this is the first time that we have heard the president invoke the shootings in kansas, which were really, really devastating, which have not gotten anywhere near as much attention as other types of crimes have, hate crimes have. we are essentially -- the president should get his due for the speech last night. it was a really strong speech for him especially at air key moment, and he is a real knack for kind of rescuing himself right out of the jaws of defeat over and over again, but what he said last night about the
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community center threats and about the kansas shootings was also the bare minimum of what we would expect a president to do, and i think that it's good that he did it, and it's significant, and, again, he should be praised for that, but it really depends on what he does going forward, as it does with almost everything about this speech. i don't know what tone he plans to set on this. this is the kind of message that in this climate a president needs to say over and over and over, not just once in a speech. >> i would say he gave incredible promise by saying it. it's more than just the bare minimum. i agree he is with -- >> i'm saying the words themselves. >> the actual doing something. it was also sort of obviously morally right and a wise bit of jiu-jitsu where out of the gate he said you must denounce hate, and then they say i hate that you're denouncing hate. i saw that all over the place. he puts his adversaries back on their heels in an odd way, which he always does where. >> i think this speech did that. we'll talk about that throughout the hour. did it in any number of ways.
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>> the president of the united states doesn't get participation trophies. condemning anti-semitism, nobody -- no president should be praised for that. that is a standard thing that a president does. it's good that he did that after the press conference where he seemed to be very defensive about it. >> you make an interesting point. the expectation of certain topics are so low, that he is getting these reviews today. some deserved and some may be grading on a scale, i guess. >> i think there's a little bit of a grading on the curve with this speech because of what's come. >> i do think tonight he is going -- it's not just that he can't be graded on a curve on this. he can't just sort of clear the bar. he has to leap over it over and over againing because of the tone we heard from him from the campaign because we have seen white supremacist groups backing him, because there were many questions about things he said that -- and did and things his campaign did that people believe were playing to that audience. it was not okay. >> bringing up the kansas shooting -- bringing up the kansas shooting in particular,
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which is something i am sure naturally he would get very kbrensive about and something that hasn't gotten a lot of attention i think was really important. >> we'll see. we consider last night a good step. we'll see if there's the follow-through. that's the presidential moment. does he follow through? we'll see what happens. there was also this moment, again, set your party aside. all of this is done in theater. there's politics to this despite the sensitive subject matter. of course, there's politics to this. but this. >> i just spoke to our great general mattis just now, who reconfirmed that -- and i quote -- ryan was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that would lead to many more victories in the future against our enemy. ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. thank you. >> you just can't overstate the
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drama and the emotion of that moment, and, again, there's a conversation in town about how was the raid authorized, was the intelligence taken from it really as dramatic and as significant as the pentagon says? but for a commander in chief in his first setting, first time in this setting, presidents in the past going back to reagan, have done this, bringing special guests. you cannot dispute the power of that. >> it was an extremely impactful moment. your heart has to break for this poor woman who was standing there while this is happening. it was indeed a strong moment, i think, for the president. i thought that he handled it effectively. you are correct. there are a lot of questions about the efficay of thcy of th. the seal's father essentially said leave my son alone, and i would like an investigation, and we haven't heard anything about that. as i understand, it's being said in a briefing right now at the white house that his widow was agreed to being referenced in the speech, and wanted to participate in that.
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that is her choice, and that is how she wanted to honor her husband. >> yeah. i don't think you can dispute that. there are people particularly in washington who will call it a political ploy. there are even people who are taking offense to sort of when he, you know, cracked a joke at the end of the applause about how ryan was setting a record for the length of the applause. to me this was such a genuine moment from the president to honor someone who gave his life in a tour of duty and whose widow agreed to participate in what was obviously a very difficult thing for her to do, to put herself out there, to be crying like that on national television, to know what a heartbreaking moment it is. for me it almost seemed so human when trump kind of cracked that joke at the end of the applause like the way you would, you know, if your girlfriend is sobbing because she just got dumped by, like, what a jerk he was. let's give you a moment of reprieve so you can pull it together and we can move on. i just felt like that was an excellent moment for him. >> it was a very strong moment. i agree. >> sit tight. up next, america first. a big speech included a big
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focus on signature campaign promises. yes, the wall came up, as did big changes in trade policy. it's nice to remove artificial ingredients. kind never had to. we've used real ingredients, whole nuts, and natural flavors from the very beginning. give kind a try. companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at
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welcome back. the white house had planned to release take two of its controversial travel ban today, but that announcement was put on hold last night. look for it later in the week. put on hold because of the president's big speech. in that speech the president did make the case for the ban. part of an america first security focus that echoed his big campaign theme. >> it is not compassion, but reckless to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting can not occur. those given the high honor of admission to the united states should support this country and love its people and its values. we cannot allow a beach head of terrorists to form inside america. we cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for
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extremists. >> he also promised to quickly build a border wall and quickly deport anyone in the united states illegally who breaks the law. there were some boos from some democrats when the president said this. >> i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims. the office is called, voice, victims of immigration crime engageme engagement. we are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. >> there is -- there was some outreach in the speech. there was some effort to engage democrats in conversation, but make no mistake, on this central promise of his campaign, especially on the border security, america first, security, he stuck -- i call fidelity to the campaign promises. right? >> yeah. you heard the boos from the democrats because this is probably the most controversial proposal that came out of that speech. he is actually creating an office that will essentially highlight crime from
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undocumented immigrants. we've stated this fact ad nauseum. native-born americans actually commit crimes at a higher rate than immigrant population in this country, so a lot of people are concerned of why is the government, why is the president using his powers to specifically target one group of people and highlight their crimes? i think this is going to get a lot of congressional review. i don't think democrats are going to be -- they're going to be pretty worked up about it. >> trump voters, as he said in his speech, i'm keeping my promises. >> when you begin this speech by appropriately condemning acts of hate, but you would then later on in the speech focus very singularly on the crimes of one group of people. they're not -- there's not a clear line between them, but it is how you -- when you are watching trump, that sometimes he puts on brass knuckles, and sometimes he uses the glove. it's got a little more padding. i would say the speech was more of that variety, but at the end of the day there wasn't much new
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in this speech, to your point. this is stuff we've heard him say over and over again, and on issues like that he is not going to get a whole lot of democratic buy-in, but to your point, with his base and with his supporters, this works very, very well, and i think the white house has reached a conclusion that at least for now he is not going to be able to grow his popularity that much. i do think some of this focus on his approval rating is probably a mistake because he had pretty low approval ratings. he still got elected. i think we're in a pretty charged atmosphere. what's going to matter is what he actually gets done, and for his supporters, if he is able to accomplish things like that, that will have value. >> challenge one, when you start around 44%, let's keep what you got because you can't afford to lose it, and if he degrees it, and we'll get to the polling details, he will get a bounce out of this. how big? we'll see. how sustainable a bounce? we'll see. >> the tone of last night's speech and the way it was delivered seemed like a victory
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for the reince ring of the white house versus the bannon ring. maybe part of this holding off means something about how that order will be rolled out or how they might proceed in the future, and there may be a lesson leadershrned there. >> they are really are undermining their own argument. >> that not on lasts two days. >> the undermine this as an imperative national security by delaying the order. saying that we want to enjoy a victory lap a little bit. >> we now waited two weeks. >> this is the defining question. was last night a new trump? will he see the good reviews and say i'm going to be different, or is this like the campaign where he had his moments where he was on prompter, when he was on the cliff, he would always recover and recalibrate for a certain period of time, which it varies. sometimes weeks. sometimes hours. >> if he is watching all of this coverage that says he is a new trump, at some point that will annoy him. >> i just wholly reject the idea that he is a new trump. i think he is doing a different type of selling. if you look at him as someone who is always selling, you recognize he needed to make a different sales pitch.
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>> another thing he was selling -- this one is a little more difficult than a republican congress because the traditions of the republican party, free market, open trade, not this president. >> i believe strongly in free trade, but it also has to be fair trade. it's been a long time since we had fair trade. the first republican president, abraham lincoln, warned that the abandonment of the protected policy by the american government will produce want and ruin among our people. lincoln was right. it's time we heeded his advice and his words. >> this was i think the immigration stuff, the new office and the justice department at that part there. the steve bannon part of the speech. there was some ivanka in other places, but this was the steve bannon part. >> usually lincoln is used by republicans to talk about civil rights. our greatest president, of course. this is the fifrst time i can
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remember a republican citing lincoln for protectionism, to attack free trade, and if you noticed, another part of the speech, paul ryan did not applaud when trump talked about ripping up tpp, which, of course, was paul ryan's baby. >> he sat there quite stoically at that moment. everybody sit time. up next, republican congressional leaders like paul ryan asked the president for help settling internal party feuds on health care and tax reform. so did the president deliver? i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity.
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zbloinchts a peek there. the dow up 324 points. above 21,100. this the day after the president's speech. there's been a rally since election day. we'll keep an eye on that as it goes up 300 at the noon hour. that was one of the president's goals last night, to keep economic optimism going. other one was for the president
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to sell a divided country on the need to repeal and replace obama care and on the need for sweeping tax reform. those are big goals the presses shares with the republican congressional leaders. goals aren't laws, and to get legislation passed, republican leaders need some help from the president settling some big internal republican disagreements. >> first, we should insure that americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage and that we have a stable transition for americans currently enrolled in the health care exchanges. secondly, we should help americans purchase their own coverage through the use of tax credits and expanded health savings accounts, but it must be the plan they want. not the plan forced on them by our government. so the leadership wanted help advancing the cause. did he help? when he says tax credits there, a lot of the tea party members in the house don't like those tax credits. they think it's another -- it's another fancy way of having the government guarantee your health
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care, and a government entitlement. >> i don't think that this speech papers over the divisions in the house on that issue. one can interpret tax credits in different ways. but you could see paul ryan there. that was probably where he lit up the most, and i know the ryan team today is sort of saying -- pointing that that excerpt and saying he is on board with our plan, but the fact that this plan -- >> that's their read. >> that's their read. >> other people are saying, well, you asked him to be really specific, and he wasn't all that specific. is he not on board with your plan? >> the house is a -- this is the one that trump should have nailed down. he should be focussing on those democrats in the senate. the fact this they don't have the republicans in the house on board with this plan is a really bad sign. >> i think he sounded better than usual and more sort of schooled than usual on this subject. i am doing a low bar thing at the moment. i think there was a bit of a missed opportunity outside of the legislative minuta of
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bringing to life people who have suffered because of obama care, because these are real stories and republicans are notoriously terrible about highlighting those kinds of things. he brought human moments to other parts of the speech. not to this. this nbc bowl showed 4% think it should stay. it's working as is. there's plenty of room to work there, and find folks to highlight, and i think that might have been a missed opportunity. >> i think that is the key. we know the president is hitting the road later this week. he is getting itchy in the white house, and he wants to be traveling. how does he capitalize on that? do we see him out on the campaign trail bringing people like this on stage with him, telling them -- telling their stories and really selling the idea that the existing health care system is broken and that we have a plan to replace it, and that people need to get moving? that is what, you know, when really we have the people in paul ryan's office tap dancing, we saw the president fully lean into this and not just mention a specific here and there, but become the salesman because he does still have a big base of support, and that does offer a big cross-section with a lot of these conservatives. >> he also in his campaign
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statements and post-campaign statements saying if you have coverage under obama care, you won't lose it, and the current republican plan, as it stands, does not guarantee that. there's a lot to be worked out here, a, within the republican family, and, b, to see will the president actually sign it if he has to look the american people in the eye and say i can't give you exactly what i promised you in the campaign. that's one issue. there's a debate about did he help or just essentially continue the cause. did he help? the other issue is tax reform where the speaker is trying to pass in the house a controversial proposal. that gets them the money they need to cut taxes elsewhere. the president did talk about trade in a way that you could imply he was kind of embracing that proposal, but he different do it specifically again. when he talks about tax reform, he was more general. >> my economic team is developing historic tax reform that will will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. >> it will be a big, big cut. at the same time we will provide
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massive tax relief for the middle class. >> no specificity. did he help the republican cause? there's a different way to argue this. some -- the house and the senate disagree on that. leader mcconnell is not on board with the border adjustment tax. maybe the president will want to pick sides at this moment. the debate is still going on. there's one argument that he needed to be more specific on a couple of issues to nudge republicans along. the other argument is give a good speech, have your numbers go up a little bit, and that gives you the power you really need with the american people to say, you know, eventually then you twist arms and inc. bbang h. >> i'm of the mind that that's what we're seeing. you've seen the white house privately confirm that they are trying to get congress to lead on a number of issues. seeming not to i that a side is a great idea. if you are trump, this is his natural resting state, right, which is i'm going to say something that is sort of baseline and different people are going to come away thinking what they want. he did that throughout the campaign. he was very non-specific on a number of ieshsz. in order to pin him down as a
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reporter, you would have to offer a menu of options to choose from and know what he was saying, and so in this speech -- no, but to his credit, he did a pretty decent dance. if the goal was to not be specific. i think it was what it was. >> he was more specific in mentioning the magnificent motorcycles and carrier deals, and that's the kind of thing that public relations-wise, gives him room to do more of that nuts and bolts under the radar. >> you can't do both of these things at once. you can't do health care. you can't do tax reform at the same time. the last thing republicans on the hill, especially in the house want, is to get hammered one about bhoobama care from th senate and the house, and get hammered, two, on the border adjustment tax, especially from the senate. they don't necessarily need the president right now out there advocating for whether he wants a tariff or whether he wants the border adjustment tax because that just means that senators are going to be up in arms on the hill about it all day long. >> you are right there's no record to prove this town can walk and chew gum at the same time. however, people watching at home
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say, wait a minute, i had to get up this morning and make breakfast for the kids. i had to go to work. i'm trying to grab all my paperwork to figure out my taxes. i'm dealing with school enrollment for next year. i have issues too. people say, what do you mean? there's 535 of you. why can't you do more than one thing at a time? that's a fair question. another thing, the president had some unrepublican ideas here. he talked about ivanka trump's proposal to subsidyize child care, paid leave, child care. he talked about $1 trillion in infrastructure spending. not all that public money. he wants to do a public-private partnership. after the speech, speaker ryan was walking out and called it a home run wash he was happy charlie dent said it was more uneventful in a good way. they were happy -- some republicans, look, the bar was low even for them. they're not sure what they're going to get out of this president. he read a pretty conventional speech, and he read it well. it was a good speech. listen to the speaker, though. he says nice things about the president's speech overall and then jeff zellaney said he had a long list of things that cost a lot of money.
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how are you going to pay for them? >> i think he did a fantastic job on health care. he articulated kpexactly the response that we all believe we need to repeal and replace obama care. >> did he answer questions how he would pay for things tonight? >> could this -- silence is golden. >> what was he talking about in ermz it of how much is trump driving the train here and how much is congress? trump -- the non-traditional parts of the trump agenda, if trump doesn't drive those through congress, doesn't hit them every day, talk about them, get republicans in congress to back them, they will disappear, and you will go -- you will get the rooirn -- the preexisting ryan agenda that was around before trump came on board. i think trump is figuring out that balance. >> as a conservative, every single state of the union type speech i watch has a bunch of stuff that people want to spend way more money on than i want to, and it doesn't matter. this is a -- he is not a conservative idealogical creature. we all know that. so much of this sounded like, well, the new hotness is dead,
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and the old and busted is talking about how the debt matters, which is discouraging to me. it seemed at times that he was daring both senate democrats and paul ryan behind him to sit on their hands for exact opposite reasons. it was -- this is our party now. >> he is different. he is different. all right. sit tight. next, a closer look at what democrats thought of the big speech and what they will do if the president they love to mock is a loose canon sticks to that disciplined script. sir! there's been a breach. we need your password so we can lock down the system. my password?
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welcome back. a quick source of the president's twitter feed will unearth early morning gems about inauguration crowd size, about meryl streep being overraid, and president trump has repeatedly called chuck schumer a clown,
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and just yesterday morning was on television calling nancy pelosi incompetent, but then the clock struck 9:00. >> the time for small thinking is over. the time for trivial fights is behind us. we just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts, the bravery to express the hopes that steel our souls and the confidence to turn those hopes and those dreams into action. >> democrats insist twitter trump and unscripted trump is the true trump. >> what's the problem for this president is not his speeches. his speeches have a shelf life. they go away. it's his actions. his actions have favored the hard, hard right. not where america is. not even where the republican party is, and that's why he has had such trouble governing over the last 40 days, and he is going to have trouble ever since.
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>> what is the morning after take for the democrats? that's not the president you're used to, what they saw last night, and it's not the president most of their political strategy is designed to combat. they want to say he is divisive and a loose canon. they want to say he is going to pop up, and he is not up to the job, that he is not presidential, and last night runs counter to what the democrats have been telling us for 40 days. >> it was a speech, and it was a good speech, and we now have to see what happens tomorrow when he, you know, goes on his sort of post-speech lap, which many presidents do. he would not be the first one to do that. we have to see what he does on twitter. we have to see how long this holds. i do think that -- you could hear the laughter in the room, tittering when he said that line about the tiny thinking is behind us. he likes dabbling in controversy and in conflict no matter how big or how small. i don't think it's going to change. it's worked for him. i think he derails himself as much as anything and gives his
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opponents material to hit him with. we don't know yet what the ratings are or how many people watch this speech, but a lot of people are familiar with his twitter fights and the things that he says. >> among the people that did watch, and it's a very important distinction. among the people who watch -- not among america writ large -- among those who watched and, of course, it's a republican president, so you assume the audience tilts republican, but 57% had a positive reaction. 21% a somewhat positive reaction. only 21% a negative reaction. that's a big deal. trump's policies will move the country in the right direction. 72% said yes on the economy. 70% on terrorism. 61% on health care. 64% on taxes. you're right. this is one speech, and it's one day after, but for a president who started at 44% in a divided country, that's a win. >> i think another lesson here is that the unscripted trump i think bothers the american people in general less than it bothers many people in washington or who write and comment on this every day.
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when they tune in and see that, that might actually be more heartening to them because they have been at peace with him for longer than the press has. this is an ongoing problem for democrats. also, his popularity numbers are less important to him than they are to other politicians. >> oh, i don't know. i don't know about that. >> not to him personally. they're obviously very important for -- >> to his success. >> to whether he can _#win. >> he was in the tairng, ank, a won. >> the one thing about the numbers, that should put all democrats at their peril if they don't learn how to combat this trump. we saw this trump repeatedly throughout the campaign. he knows when to pivot. he knows when to behave. this is him on the brink of wanting to do a lot of big things legislatively and want to lay the ground work for governing. if you are a democrat, you need to know how to deal with bomb bombastic, crazy twitter trump, and then you need to say he may have said this, but he is pushing this policy that allows him to deport anyone who is here
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illegally. you need to have good anecdotes to back that up, and democrats should not be learning how to do this now. we just went through it -- >> the democratic base is screaming say no on everything. say no on everything. if want president wants to take a left turn, say no. if he wants eggs for breakfast, say no. last night or at least at the anchor lunch the president says he is open to signing a piece of legislation that will give legal status, right? in the speech he was a little more general. listen to nancy pelosi this morning, the house democratic leader. we have an option here. call his bluff, or say no way? >> if it's something that forbids citizenship, no, i couldn't sign one for that. if we want to talk about -- i think there are plenty of ways we can work in a bipartisan way on immigration. in fact, we have to. this is the lifeblood of our country. the constant reinvigoration of america, all those hopes and dreams, which are meritorious. >> it's the first part. if it's something that forbids citizenship, no. why not say, sure, give us
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status, and we'll elect the democratic president and come down -- why not call the republican bluff and have them split up like we've seen them in the past and go deep into the quick sand? their base is telling them to always say no. >> you saw that first shot. he came into the room last night. it's just to start, and most democrats were not even standing up and applauapplauding. if trump is being drawn into the legislative process now and being drawn into a process where he needs democratic support, that actually might be politically a beneficial place. it's not like they've had so much success countering outrageous trump. if this is a new trump, which we're skeptical that it is, this might actually be where democrats -- a playing field that they're a little bit more comfortable on. >> we'll deal with that question. maybe in april or may, june or july, we'll see if that exists, but right now if they stick their hand out, their base goes boom. sit tight. our reporters share from their notebooks, including how the trump inner circle plans an important mission. keeping the boss in good spirits.
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welcome back. let's close as we always do. hecht around the table and ask our reporters to share from the tables. maggie haberman? >> sara noted earlier they're looking on how to keep the president from feeling boxed in in d.c. he was very happy with the press conference a few days ago at this point. they're looking to do a press conference every other week and a rally every other week. they know these visuals of him with the ons work really well as we see on tv but he feels a bit
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stifled. he loves feeding off the crowds and he actually loved the press conference. for all the criticism he received, for him it was cathartic. >> his version. >> ahead of the freedom caucus said that they did not support paul ryan's tax credits in the obama care repeal plan. they mention tax credits. the freedom caucus is if the next couple of days. the entire freedom caucus is coming out with a joint statement opposing that part of the ryan plan. so it's not just the chairman. the caucus will have a vote on this and put together a formal statement. that will be a significant hurdle for the president. >> one of the benefits of winning, you have more people at the table. one of the downsigns you have more people at the table. >> i don't know mrs. owens but i
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was bothered by the suggestion that she was only a political prop. i know she and her family know the price of freedom more than i ever will. i have two young children. she was there. she made a decision and she very well may have been there because she knew she would stand up and her husband, a hero, would get a hero's standing ovation that the entire nation would know his name, that the president would be honoring him and the entire congress and years from now she can show that to her children as it should be, and so i don't want to take that away from her when we discuss this. yes, it's a washington event, but let ourselves have that moment, let yourself have that moment because it was really human, whether or not there were politicians involved. it was beautiful. >> amen, amen. >> i'm pretty mad you make me follow that but let's change gears entirely and talk about the bait and switch that the
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president pulled when it camed to immigration yesterday. he had this meeting with the past illegal status. basically they sped up things they thought the anchors would like. a senior administration official admitted it was a misdirection plate and you will note when the president was actually out there speaking to the american public, he didn't talk about illegal status. he talk about reforming the immigration system so it's merit-based. so that means fewer people coming on family ties but high-skilled sri sass. that's still closer to a steven miller, stephen bannon freedom of the world, the men who pushed the immigration reform. >> a twist. you're not supposed to wonder. maybe we shouldn't believe what they say. all right. yeah. i'll save mine for another day. thanks for joining us for
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"inside politics." we'll see you tomorrow. wolf blitzer in the chair after a quick break. fun in art class. come close, come close. i like that. [ all sounds come to a crashing halt ] ah. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this. for minor arthritis pain, only aleve is fda approved to work for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. thank you. come on everybody. aleve. live whole. not part.
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hello. i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. here, 9:00 p.m. in moscow. up first, a more presidential trump. he's getting high marks after his first major address to congress. he's meeting with republican leaders right now following last night's speech. here's some video just fed in of that meeting moments ago. watch this. >> so thank you very much, we're just here to start the process. it begins as of now, and we think we're going to have tremendous success. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> the reporters were asked to leave. his speech last night marked a


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