tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 5, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST
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according to one source that i spoke to, quote, nobody has seen him that upset, end quote. >> the u.s. president furious over the controversy surrounding his attorney general and russia. he sent out this tweet accusing former president barack obama of wiretapping him during the election. but provides no proof. plus, symptoms of a chemical attack. children treated by doctors in iraq as the battle for western mosul intensifies. why the red cross is worried about the use of chemical weapons. the national people's congress holds the ceremony this morning. on the agenda is china's slowing economy. live from london, welcome to our
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viewers here in europe, the united states and around the world. i'm hannah vaughan jones. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. the trump white house has yet to provide any evidence to back up explosive allegations he made against his predecessor, barack obama. mr. trump accused the obama administration of tapping his phones in trump tower last year. a spokesman for the former president barack obama dismissed the allegation as quote simply false. a former u.s. intelligence official called it quote, nonsense. well, the president apparently blindsided his own staff when he charged quote, how low has president obama gone to tap my phones during the sacred election process. this is the nixon/watergate.
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bad or sick guy. >> reporter: along with my colleagues have been asking the white house officials to provide evidence to back up the unsubstantiated allegations that the president made. but my colleague, a senior white house correspondent, did speak with a senior administration official in washington. that official says that the white house colleagues only learned about the president's tweet storm after he began tweeting early this morning. he wakes up and begins tweeting early in the morning, not in any way running the tweets by any of his staffers. this morning he began the tweets at around 6:30 a.m. now, this official pointed to a story on the conservative website breitbart news that has been circulating around the west wing which followed up on comments made by radio talk show mark levin. that claimed the president,
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president obama, was trying to undermine trump's presidential campaign and his campaign on russia and possible ties between russians and trump associates and these stories -- that story in particular angered the president according to this senior administration official. and just a couple of hours ago, the president's social media director and adviser tweeted out a link to that very same breitbart news story which could be the basis for the tweets from the president, but as you mentioned the president obama has strenuously denied this through a spokesperson. let's read it from kevin lewis. a cardinal rule of the obama administration is that no white house official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice. neither president obama or any white house official ever ordered surveillance on any u.s. citizen. any suggestion otherwise is
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simply false. so a very vigorous denial there. we have already had other former senior officials in the obama administration point out that a president doesn't order wiretaps. other officials have said this is nonsense it didn't happen. >> some republicans on capitol hill are also weighing in on the president's accusatory tweets. ben sasse said, quote, we are in the midst of a civilization warping crisis of public trust and the president's allegations today demand the dispassionate attention of serious patriots. a quest for full truth rather than knee jerk partisanship must be our good if we are going to rebuild civic trust and health. well, it came after controversy over jeff sessions and his meetings last year with russia's ambassador to united states.
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he recused himself from any investigation related to president's presidential campaign after his meetings with the ambassador kislyak came to light. former and current officials say that the fbi was aware of the meetings because the ambassador kislyak was under surveillance. but late on saturday, jeff sessions went to mr. trump's florida resort to meet with his boss. jim acosta explains that the president is angry that sessions' recusal upstaged his address to congress. >> reporter: we can tell you that he was very frustrated on friday morning with his communications team before he departed for mar-a-lago. according to one source that i spoke to, quote, nobody has seen him that upset, end quote. feeling being inside the oval office and we had a camera there that was rolling where you can see officials having a heated
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conversation with one another. the feeling inside the oval office according to sources we're talking to is that the communications team, the press team at the white house had allowed the news of jeff sessions recusing himself from the trump campaign russian investigation has overtaken the narrative of the week. they were feeling enthusiastic after the president's joint session to congress and we're hearing that the president is very upset that jeff sessions had recused himself from the case. he thought it was hasty and overkill and he was hot over that because he felt they were basically giving their adversaries up on capitol hill more ammunition by having jeff sessions recuse himself. >> okay. let's go to moscow and matthew chance. donald trump is being described as being frustrated, being angry. i'm wondering is it angry -- is
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an angry u.s. president the kind of man that the kremlin can work with? >> reporter: i'm -- well, i guess not. in the sense that, you know, these revelations that are constantly bombarding the white house and the -- and that the toxic nature of the issue of russia when it comes to american politics means that from a russian point of view, there's a lot of concern about what the effect that's going to have on the policy of the white house. remember, they believed -- russian officials believed that donald trump was going to be a president of the united states. he was going to be relatively pro russian. he had spoken during his campaign about criticizing nato, about recognizing crimea as part of russia and cooperating with russia, but because of the way the political situation in the united states has developed there is -- there has been a gradual realization in moscow that that's probably not going to happen. now, the kremlin always said it
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didn't view the presidency of trump with rose tinted spectacles but they were looking forward to a new period of warm relations between washington and moscow. that's now completely disappeared from the russian media which is of course largely state controlled and the kremlin is speaking and russian officials are talking in terms of a witch-hunt in the united states. and propaganda aimed at soiling the image of russia. so the idea of a close relationship has now vanished. >> some speculation about the meetings that took place with the russian ambassador to the u.s. sergey kislyak. is there concern in russia there are more revelations to come and that this particular individual is going to undergo even more of a character assassination than he's already had? >> reporter: well, i think there must be. obviously, there are a lot more meetings between russian
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officials including sergey kislyak the russian ambassador to washington, and trump officials than we earlier understood. i mean, it's emerging almost by the day that there were more contacts that weren't previously disclosed. and the russians of course say this is just a normal part of diplomatic activity. that their ambassador to washington as their other diplomats are -- they have the job of making contacts with prominent people from the united states. particularly people from the incoming -- what was the incoming trump administration. and they say they're doing nothing wrong and that this is just a witch-hunt to manipulate the perception of those contacts. but yes, look, this going to be very difficult. obviously this issue of russia is a problem for donald trump that does not seem to be going away. >> certainly doesn't. matthew chance, thank you. now, people gathered in support of president trump in at least 28 states on saturday, most of the rallies were
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peaceful. but inside minnesota state capitol, six anti-trump protesters were arrested after clashing with the supporters. ten people were also arrested at a rally in berkeley, california. police there confiscated a number of weapons as well. protesters argued with each other at many of the rallies while mild fighting was reported at some. we have a professor and a director of the united states center who joins me in the studio. thank you. president trump has been described by many after these wiretapping allegation as an angry man, a frustrated man. i'm wondering which president wins through though? is it the angry erratic or the calm contrived trump who is deliberately putting this information out there? >> well, i think that trump demonstrated again yesterday that he can be as his own worst enemy. i mean, if the purpose of the series of tweets was to take the story about jeff sessions and particularly the attorney
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general's decision to recuse himself off the front page, off the top of the fold, i think trump succeeded in doing that, but only by making himself the story. by charging former president obama with watergate style crimes, what trump has actually done is raised the question of whether the fbi got court approval to investigate people that were part of the trump campaign. >> right. that would be illegal -- >> that would be illegal wiretap so this comes back at donald trump. that's why republicans were running for cover yesterday. >> yeah. talking about jeff sessions as well, as much as donald trump may by trying to divert away from the russian story it's not going away. is there now a bigger call than ever before for a special prosecutor, an independent prosecutor to come in and look
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at this? >> yeah. i mean, we have already heard that yesterday. that drum beat is going to continue. this has legs, it's not going away. it seems to me that trump's efforts here, while they may work in a kind of tactical from a day to day standpoint by changing the story, what it does is it reminds americans that there's an issue there. i mean, polls are showing that americans -- even americans who support him wonder about what the heck is going on with the russians. >> yeah. it's a prevailing theme of dishonesty. even if you're a trump supporter, the theme of dishonesty and distrust coming throughout the white house and even with mike pence being implicated with his e-mails and the use of a private e-mail server for state information and state -- >> right. we need to separate that from the russia story, but i mean, i suppose if you're vice president pence today, you can thank your lucky stars that the president -- your boss is taking up all the oxygen with the russian story. because i mean, you can see why pence's critics are charging him
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with hypocrisy. he hammered hillary clinton during the campaign for her use of a private server and private e-mails and while it's not exactly the same thing, his use of aol, it's pretty damn close and most americans are not going to draw that kind of distinction. that's splitting hairs with an ax. i think the bottom line, you live in a glass house you don't throw stones. >> it's sunday, everyone is hunkered down in mar-a-lago in the winter white house as it's been dubbed at the moment. donald trump, the president is there. jeff sessions i believe is there as well. steve bannon. what's the tactic looking ahead to monday? >> i think there's two possible stories that all occupy tomorrow and tuesday. i mean, a lot of people are talking about the revised travel ban being announced as early as tomorrow. the particulars are not known there, but the administration now has every incentive in a
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tactical sense to change the story by putting that out. tuesday, they're supposed to unveil the roll back of epa regulations and that's going to light up things, you know? that's going to generate tremendous attention by the media. and at state and local levels as well. >> okay. plenty more to come. not going away. peter, thank you for coming in this morning. now coming up on "cnn newsroom," the red cross said it's deeply alarmed by the suspected chemical attack in mosul. what it means for those fleeing ahead. plus the deepening mystery of why trump's administration met with the russian official but never said anything until now. more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll
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welcome back. in somalia, at least 110 people have starved to death in just 48 hour as a full blown famine looms. that is according to the somali prime minister who is now pleading for international help. millions of people, more than half the country's population, are on the brink of starvation. a severe drought has gripped the country for three years in a row. causing a food and water crisis. >> translator: we are deeply suffering. we are thirsty, we are hungry. we did not grow any crops on our
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farms for nearly two years. some of the families here have not cooked anything since they arrived here. we have nothing to survive on. >> somalis are not alone in the devastating situation. more than 20 million people in several african countries are in usual gent need of food, they include kenya and ethiopia and south sudan declared a famine last month. we turn to iraq and the red cross is deeply alarmed after doctors in iraq treated a dozen people suffering from the signs of the chemical attack including five children. for more on this, ben wedeman joins me live now in irbil in northern iraq. tell us the circumstances of the attack and indeed who the victims are. >> reporter: well, this attack took place midweek in eastern mosul and of course eastern mosul has been liberated by the
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iraqi army. so this projectile we believe it's a rocket was fired from the western part of the city still occupied by isis toward the east over the tigris river and isis is believed to be behind it and not surprisingly the victims are civilians. 11-year-old yasa lies unconscious in dead. a rocket lifted outside of his home and liberated east mosul leaving him with a concussion and symptoms that point to a chemical attack. >> shortness of breath. sick. >> reporter: hospital director has no doubt about what happened. >> in this patient it's chemical gas. >> reporter: 12 people including a month old baby have been treated for exposure to chemical
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agents. in the first such attack by isis since the start of the mosul offensive lastctober. rasheed was in his house when the rocket went off outside. >> translator: there was a rotten smell he recalls. there was something like burnt oil, gas. no one can breathe in the whole area. we left the house and the civil defense sealed it up. >> reporter: the u.s. defense department has warned that isis has developed a primitive capacity to produce chemical weapons and has used such weapons in both syria and iraq. the worry now is that with isis desperate and surrounded in western mosul it won't hesitate to use everything in its arsenal. the red cross is setting up these tents in the event there are more chemical attacks. now, in a statement related to this incident, the red cross stressed that the use of chemical weapons is a war crime. not that that makes any difference to isis. indifferent to the suffering of
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the victims. now precisely what chemical agent was used in the attack is not clear but the doctors at that hospital told us they were informed by american medics near the front line in mosul that it was mustard gas. hannah? >> and ben, just bring us to speed with the latest on the offensive, the ongoing attempts to reclaim the city of mosul from isis. >> reporter: yes, hannah, over the last two days we have had rainy weather so the offensive took a pause so to speak. but it's renewed this morning with iraqi forces pushing into the dawasan neighborhood north of the old city and that's where isis is going to make the last stand. it's an area with very narrow streets and alleys and very different to enter into the area
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with the heavy machinery, their tanks and armored personnel carriers and this is all going on at a time when we're seeing massive numbers of people fleeing the city. thursday as many as 14,000 people left. the total who fled the city since the beginning of the offensive is approaching 50,000. the u.n. of course is worried that the total number that might flee the city is 250,000 out of a total population of around 800,000. hannah? >> i'm wondering about the historical use of chemical weapons in iraq. it's obviously been quite prominent in the press as well. is there much evidence in recent years at least of chemical weapons use across the country? >> reporter: well, certainly we see evidence from both syria and iraq that isis has used crude chemical weapons, for example,
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chlorine which is what you'd use in a swimming pool and it's not a deadly weapon, but it's debilitating. of course going back to 1988, saddam hussein in the town near the iranian border did use chemical weapons there. killing thousands of people. but the u.s. military as i mentioned in that report before is concerned that for instance isis has picked up chemical agents in syria when they took over facilities of the syrian government. and may be using some of those chemical agents here in iraq as well. and the fact of the matter is that isis certainly would never hesitate to use a weapon that of course is banned under the geneva convention. hannah? >> ben, we appreciate your analysis of this situation -- ongoing situation on the battle for mosul and across the country. ben wedeman, thank you. now, meteorologist pedram
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javaheri is following two stories, a cyclone which is strengthening near madagascar, and the iditarod race is getting under way in alaska. over to you. >> start off with the idid rot race, it's been displaced some 300 miles north around fairbanks because of the lack of snow in place and this is a race that continues for over a thousand miles. there's some snow expected around the starting point there come monday afternoon. but i want to show you the ceremonial footage from anchorage on saturday. the snow being brought into the city there. of course you can see the mushers, the dogs themselves. 2,000 dogs from around the world at the ceremonial position for anchorage, alaska. i want to show you the perspective. not much snow is needed out to fairbanks where the start of the race is. an even landscape. about six inches is enough for the sled and the dogs themselves
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to navigate through, but once you get up towards the higher terrain, up into the alaskan range, you have border and large scale rocks that will make it challenging. again, you need three feet of snow. we're getting a couple of feet, work your way into other spots and that's the challenge left in place across this region over the next several days with additional snow expected to come down in the next several days. the other story we're following is what's happening across madagascar. we know that the forecast has been insettled in the -- unsettled in the last couple of days. the storm system itself sits there as a category 1 equivalent hurricane as it sits there off the coast of madagascar. it will begin too strengthen over the next 24 hours. it can get up to the category 3 strength, landfall around the northern fringe of the island, monday night into tuesday. they have not seen this magnitude, so a big story across madagascar.
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a major concern when its comes to how much water this storm has the potential to bring down. talking about upwards of half a meter on the northern fringe of this. the island is the fourth largest in the world, hannah. its population is about 22 million people. a lot of people stand to be impacted. when we look at the risk associated with such storms, with tropical cyclone, any fatalities associated with them, a large chunk of it, about 80% is related to water and not the wind element of the storms. that's a major issue with so much water of the storm coming in in the next couple of days. >> pedram, thank you. still to come on "cnn newsroom," this hour the growing controversy over those meetings between trump advisers and russia's ambassador pictured there. it now threatens to overshadow the new administration's agenda. plus, the father of this murdered teenager explains his personal fight against illegal immigration. if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with...
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welcome back to our viewers here with me in london and also in the united states and of course around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm hannah vaughan jones with the headlines this hour. somalia's leaders is asking the world for help. there's fears of a full blown famine after 100 people starved to death in two days and somalia has declared a national disaster due to the severe drought. malaysia is set to expel north korea's ambassador. the estranged half brother of the leader died in kuala lumpur.
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malaysian police say kim jong nam was killed with a vx nerve agent. the u.s. president is planning to sign a new travel ban possibly as soon as monday. a trump administration official told cnn the executive order would ban travel from certain middle eastern and african countries. two sources say they expect mr. trump to revoke the original ban. a spokesman for u.s. president barack obama says there's no truth to allegations that the obama administration spied on trump during the campaign. mr. trump unleashed a barrage of tweets accusing his predecessor of tapping his phones in trump tower. mr. trump provided no evidence to back up the allegation. his staff was apparently blindsided when he sent out the tweets early on saturday morning including this one. quote, how low has president obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process?
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this is nixon/watergate. bad or sick guy. now the president's tweets coincide with a deepening mystery over why senior trump aides met last year with russia's ambassador to the united states and among them is jeff sessions. he's the u.s. attorney general. mr. sessions went to florida on saturday to meet with mr. trump who is said to be upset that the russia story is overshadowing his presidency. we get more now from our randi kaye. >> i have nothing to do with russia. to the best of my knowledge no person that i deal with. >> reporter: that was president trump last month, brushing off any connection to russia but since he made that statement it's become clear that five of his advisers did indeed have contact with a russian. this man, the russian ambassador, u.s. intelligence officials consider a top level spy. attorney general sessions met with ambassador sergey kislyak in july and september and is now having to explain why he didn't
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share that during his confirmation hearings. >> in retrospect, i should have slowed down and said, but i did meet one russian official a couple of times. that would be the ambassador. >> reporter: on the heels of that, more undisclosed meetings. this time at trump tower. that's where donald trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, jared kushner, met with the russian ambassador in december. also in on the meeting the former head of the nsa, michael flynn, who was fired for mission leading the administration -- misleading the administration about his conversations with the ambassador. a senior official says that kushner's meeting lasted about ten minutes and characterized it as an introductory meeting. an inconsequential hello. why does any of this matter? because at least some of those meetings with the russian ambassador occurred while the trump administration's relationship with russia was under close scrutiny and despite push back from the white house there are still some questions about whether or not russia
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influenced the u.s. presidential election. >> i think that russia's involvement in activity has been investigated up and down. so the question becomes at some point if there's nothing to further investigate what are asking you people to investigate? >> how many times do i have to ask this question? russia is a ruse. russia is a ruse, i have nothing to do with russia. >> reporter: what about that growing list of private meetings with the russian ambassador? j.d. gordon has disclosed that he too met with kislyak at the republican national convention in july. he emphasized there wasn't any inappropriate chatter with the russians to help the trump campaign and there's more. two other national security advisers were also part of that meeting. more meetings and more denials. only leads to more questions.
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>> if putin likes donald trump, i consider that an asset not a liability. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn, norfolk, virginia. okay. well we have the assistant head of the program here at chatham house who is joining me here on the set. thank you very much. we need to talk about russia of course just following up from randy's report here. but i want to quickly mention the wiretapping allegations. this is quite unprecedented isn't it to have a sitting president accuse a former president of crime. >> if president bush had accused clinton this would be a massive break, but it's sort of in keeping with trump's tradition that he's established. he's willing to sort of throw out the wild outlandish allegations to either not provide proof or to promise to provide proof and then quietly just sort of -- and then to move on. so this is kind of how things work now. sort of in keeping with that. >> he's hoping to get away from the russia story.
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jeff sessions has recused himself from the investigation, but there are other people as we heard from randy's report who may now come out and say they did indeed have the meetings with russians. one of them perhaps being the president's son-in-law as well. >> and in sessions' case the interesting thing there's nothing inherently wrong with a member of the senate armed services committee meeting with the russian ambassador. you know, the united states senators meet with foreign ambassadors it's a perfectly normal part of practice, especially those on the foreign relations committee, dealing was foreign affairs and deployments and so on and so forth, but the problem is that sessions said things that were untrue about it in his hearing. he went out of his way to deny from questions from al franken and that's the problem. it's the denials, not the acknowledgment that conversations were had. >> that would be the difference then between jared kushner, he never had to go through a
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confirmation hearing he never had an opportunity to lie or tell the truth under oath. >> right. most people in the west wing are not confirmed by the senate. they are appointed by the president. they are subjected to a political security clearance process and put in their jobs. >> and the travel ban which was much lauded by president trump a couple of weeks ago and has been held up in the courts and the like, it's been delayed quite a lot. although the president had said that it was an urgent requirement to keep the american people safe, what was the latest in it? might we see some development this week even? >> the story is that it will come out this week, possibly as soon as monday. last week the story was it would come out in the middle of the week, then it was pushed back apparently this is based on reporting in politico, apparently because they didn't want to interrupts the news cycle around the joint address to congress. if this is undergoing legal review, they want to make sure it's more legally secure than its predecessor that's one thing. but to say that they're pushing it back because they want to
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have a news cycle of its own slightly undermines the case that it's an urgent, critical national security critical requirement. >> there's a concern among democrats and others criticizing the administration about the sources of information that the president is using. some allegations that this wiretapping story first came about through breitbart. now, of course steve bannon is the chief strategist, he used to be the head of breitbart as well. what do you make of who donald trump is turning to get to his information right night you? -- right now? >> the things that were mentioned, in particular segments on "morning joe" on "fox & friends" have led to the presidential tweets. how that goes into policy making is a little bit more opaque and it should be opaque. the president should have a little bit of privacy to determine any president -- any party should have privacy to absorb information.
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but it's a little bit concerning the link between steve bannon who is until the trump campaign the head of breitbart and the fact that breitbart has unprecedented access into the white house. the diversity of sources is another question there. how broad of a range of opinion is the president taking? >> another example is the sweden story. that coming from "fox & friends", from the previous day as well. very interesting. thank you very much for joining us this sunday morning. and a new u.s. immigration crackdown is raising emotions on both sides of the issue. some call the trump administration's efforts cruel, but the man you're about to meet supporters deporting undocumented immigrants. he lost his teenage son to murder at the hands of one of them. >> reporter: donald trump made jamiel shaw sr. a promise. has mr. trump as president kept his promise? >> yes, he told me my is only's
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life would not in vain. >> reporter: president trump said he'd do whatever he could to prevent other families from experiencing what the shaws did. how did you find out that your son had been shot? >> i heard it, i heard the gunshot. i just knew. i remember saying damn. >> reporter: in 2008 his eldest son was shot to death execution style by 19-year-old pedro espinosa who had been released from jail a day earlier on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon but the city did not hand him over to immigration authorities then. who do you blame besides the actual person who killed your son for the death of the son? >> anybody who supports sanctuary city. he was leaving the country in the gang database. do your damn job. get him out of here.
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>> reporter: jamiel sr. has been trying to get the law passed and fast forward to 2015 and he got a chance to hand his proposal to then candidate donald trump. then in president trump's joint address to congress he recognized shaw and offered this. >> i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims. the office is called voice -- victims of immigration crime engagement. >> reporter: some democrats groaned and booed the new office. >> that's an insult. why would that not be a good idea to have a department set up for those people? obama was using the same money for the daca program. >> reporter: what do you mean of the dreamer program? >> my son was murdered, he drew up to be 19, and he murdered somebody. so you can't say blanket that
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all dreamers are good people. >> reporter: but critics of trump's immigration stance says his focus is misplaced pointing to several studies listed by the cato institute all showing immigrants are less crime prone than those who are native born. >> with that statistic, my son is in a cemetery. i'm not saying all illegals are doing that but we have enough trouble trying -- with americans. and you're going to import more? >> reporter: one of the studies looking at census data showed that immigrants as a whole have incarceration rates that are one-fifth those of native born americans but mr. shaw says statistics wouldn't matter to you if it was your child who was killed. the man who killed his child was sentenced to death and is serving time in san quinton prison here in california. coming up this hour, china's national people's congress has opened in beijing. what china's officials are saying about the future of its economy ahead.
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plus, life in what could be the world's greenest building. we'll show you what it's like living in the tower they call the tree. [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh-- wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] ♪ dramatic opera music swells from radio ♪ [howling continues]
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for the year and made priority cutting companies' debt burdens. well, editor jeff defterios has more and he reports that china is forecasting slower growth in 2017. >> reporter: in the heart of beijing an annual political gathering like no other. some 3,000 delegates at the national people's congress brought under one roof in the great hall of the people. but this year, a more sobering message as the premier laid down the groundwork for slower growth. >> the difficulties we face are not to be underestimated. but we must remain confident that they will be overcome. >> reporter: the economic engine that not long ago cranked out double digit growth will ease down further, to the slowest rate in three decades. >> the leadership wanted to manage expectations stressing the need for stability, quality growth and reducing poverty especially in the rural areas. in the major urban centers the
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government wants to create 11 million new jobs while raising wages for the average chinese. delegates know these are turbulent times with tensions around the south china sea, a u.s. president who's active on the regional security front and challenging beijing on its huge trade surplus with the states. so the man at the top, president ping and the premier are stressing they have their hands on the tiller to manage uncertainty. >> in the face of profound changes in the international political and economic landscape, china will always stand on the side of peace and stability, oppose protectionism in the different forms and become more involved in global governance. >> reporter: at this annual meeting of the party faithful that means no bold pronouncements to take home to the provinces, even in the more prosperous east. even 6.5% is still amongst the fastest growth in the world and i believe in the sustainable
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model of the chinese economy. >> reporter: enough that the leadership hopes to appease those at home and foreign investors who have taken major stakes in china. john defterios, cnn money. we turn to mexico now with a fireworks explosion killed four people and injured six more on saturday. it happened in a town just north of mexico city that's the same place where a series of explosions at a fireworks market killed more than 35 people back in december of last year. mexican authorities say saturday's explosion happened in a house where fireworks were being made. at least two of the dead are children who were just 6 and 11 years old. all right. stay with us here on "cnn newsroom." a modern take on an ancient construction material. take a tour of the world's tallest building made of wood. before you set out, you plan to capture every moment. ♪
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the tallest in norway. cnn's jonathan mann has the story. >> reporter: residents at this high rise in norway are taking green living to new heights. literally. at 14 stories and just under 53 meters high, they have taken up residence in what for the moment is the tallest wooden building in the world. >> when you're in the apartment you don't realize it's a big wood -- wooden building. >> reporter: dubbed the treet by builders it's a growing number of so called ply-scrapers. built in 2015 almost entirely of sustainable timber proponents say it's just as strong as concrete or steel and more environmentally friendly. >> it will never totally displace concrete and steel but it's definitely a part of the solution on our struggle towards the co 2 neutral society. >> reporter: to protect against rain, metal and glass cover the
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exterior. with dual internal decks and a rooftop made from concrete. >> it was necessary to add weight to the wooden building. >> reporter: architects insist the specially treated wood is not a fire hazard. >> these columns and these cmt panels they don't burn. they're so thick they don't burn. so actually this is the safest house in bergen regarding fire. >> reporter: the tree won't hold the tall title for long with even bigger ply-scrapers under destruction in vancouver, vienna and in london. it would seem that the timber structure is taking root. jonathan mann, cnn. my freedom day is coming up in less than two weeks. here on cnn we're teaming up with young people around the globe for a unique student led day of action against modern day slavery. that's coming up on march the 14th. we've got celebrities to tell us what freedom means to them. take a listen. >> freedom to me means the
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freedom to think, to say what i want. and to be critical of the government of the day if i want to be. it means the rule of law. >> i think we should be allowed to do anything we want to do as long as we aren't hurting another human being or hurting their property. >> freedom means to me the right to make your own happiness. >> what are you going to do on march 14th, my young friends? what are you waiting for? join with me to end modern day slavery. we will do it together. >> well, we want to hear what freedom means to you too. do post a photo or a video and use the #myfreedomday. this wraps up this hour of "cnn newsroom." in the u.s., "new day" is coming
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3:00 am
the president is accusing his predecessor, barack obamas, of tapping the phones at the trump tower. >> he has made the allegation. he better have the evidence to back that up. >> president trump is very frustrated with his senior staff. nobody has seen him as that upset. i am the attorney general of the whole united states. i got to meet the president and everything. >> thi
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